HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-09-26, Page 3T c A , S' r]J:'. 2611x,111 57 Driver Of $70 Coupe Fined On Three Counts "The days of running along with girl friends on the running board are away past," Magistrate D. E. Holmes reminded Barry Fisher, of Kitchener and Bayfield, when, the youth appeared in court here. Such auto antics might have dbeen all right in the "gay twenties" when cars didn't go so fast, said the magistrate, but he made it clear that he frowns on them in this day and age. After Constable George Little, of Bayfield, gave a vivid descrip- tion of the actions of a 1931 model A coupe driven by Fisher, the youth was convicted on three count. ,He was fined twice for careless a driving and once for driving .a ear that was in unsafe condition for the road. On each charge, he was fined $10 and costs, mals iris a total of $30 and costs. The court was told that Fisher worked in Kitchener but spent considerable time In Bayfield where his family owns a summer re, §idenee. John Stewart, a crown wdness, said he saw the old car, with two girls standing on each side on the running , boards, drive through Pioneer Park where there was no road. There were many adults and children in the park at the time, he said, Constable Little said he heard the car and heard girds laughing or ;screaming. He gave chase and stopped it to find that Fisher was the driver. Coupe Overcrowded This first offence occurred on August 21 and the other charges were laid as a result of another incident 11,0 days later. On the second occasion, the car was "bucking, snorting, backfiring and shimmying," according to Con- stable Little. "if didn't have to look twice to know Gairhose car it Zira ," he said. This time there were two boys and two girls in ,the 40 -inch seat of the coupe, so Flatter was charg- ed with careless driving' because the vehicle ;vag overcrowded. Speed of the ear an this occasion was estimated at only lave miles per hour. Walter Westlake, garage oper- ator, Who examined the vehicle at the request of police, found it to be in "very poor" condition. :Among the defects, "the court was informed that the ear's muffler was split open, there was no tail- pipe, the steering was in danger- ous condition; there was no emerg- ency brake and the foot brakes were poor. Fisher, who said he paid $70 for the ear when he bought it some weeks ago, pleaded guilty to -operating a car in unfit condition, but he pleaded got guilty to both chargees of carels driving. During the hearing; defence Counsel James Donnelly protested that much of the testimony that was being given was irrelevant. He felt that tbo much attention was being devoted to the car's condition instead of to facts • bear- ing directly on whether his client had driven carelessly or not. 0 JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES PROTEST RESTRICTIONS The Goderich congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses met last Fri- day night to approve a petition asking the Dominican Republic to lift its ban of last July 25 restrict- ing the religious activity of the movement there. The Jehovah's Witnesses claim that in one sector whole families were taken to pri- son and male members of the fam- ily beaten senseless before their wives and children. 100•••••••••••••••••N•••••••••N•••••••••••••••••• AT THE AtR'CONDfTIONYED - •R GODER-ICH PHONE 1150 • • • • • Now Playing--"ODONGO"-African adverflure in Cinemascope • •• "FEAR STRIKES OUT" ••• • • • with Rhonda Fleming and MacDonald Carey. Mon., Tues. and Wed. -.-The Pierall story. The- true -life story of Boston Red Sox outfielder Jimmy Piers - all, who left a mental institution to become a greater star than ever. ivith ANTHONY PERKINS, Karl Malden and Norma Moore. Thurs., Fri. and Sat. -- Anita Ekberg, Michael Wilding and Victor Mature. • • • • • n Northern India a bandit, a British agent and a holy Mullah • •• • • wage an adventurous conflict. "ZAR." Cinemascope and Color. • • • 0 Coming -"Teahouse of the August Moon" -with Marlon Brando. i•••+•••••••••••••••••i•••••••o0••••11••••••••••4 INGO LEGION HALL GODERICH Saturday, Sept. 28 JACKPOT OF $70.00 FOR FULL HOUSE IN 54 CALLS. FIRST GAME STARTS AT 8.30 P.M. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SUNSET Drove -7n Theatre 1t14 MILES EAST OF GODERICH ON NO. 8 HIGHWAY THURSDAY, PRtDAY SEPTEMBER 26-27 "SHAKE, 1A1TLE AND ROCK TOUCH CONNORS, LiSA GAYE, FATS DOMINO AND ON THE SAME PROGRAM 66 UNAWAY DAUGHTERS" (ADULT) MARLA ENGLISH, ANNA STEN, JOHN LITEt. 99 SATURDAY, MONDAY, SAPTEMBER 29-30 "3 OUTLAWS" NEVILLE BRAND, ALLAN HALE AND - "DRAGSTRIP GIRL" FAY SPAiN, STEVE TERRE.LL TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY "CITAA ION" KiRK DOUGLAS, MARILYN MAXWELL AND OCTOBER 1-2 "HOME OF THE BRAYE FRANK LOVEJOY, LLOYD BRIDGES 99 TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY OX PLA YGROUND FORST SHOW AT DUSK SPICE OPENS 7.30. REFRESiHMENTS 0000 •1t•i.**00060410lA••061110/1,06•011186•d•••••u00ee Trip To Englarici Subject Of Talk There was a god attendance at the W.M.S. Meeting of Knox Church, and a fine program w✓as arranged by Hire. W. G. Macihwari and Mrs. C. Saunders:. - Mrs. Schaefer presided for the business session, and plans were made to attend the fall rally of Huron Presbyterial at Auburn on Seinber 19. t was announced that the thanli- offfering meeting will las held in October with Mrs. Macdonald, of Hensall, A guest 2 .s�pespeaker, and it was decias gu sded to invite the Hensall ladies to be present at the meeting. The secretary stated that used - Christmas cards will still be ap- preciated in Formosa and Nigeria, -and Mrs. J. White will be in charge of mailing. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. W. G. MacEwan, and prayer was offered by Mrs. Neil MacKay. Mrs. A. Taylor gave an interest- ing account of her recent visit to England, and a social half hour was enjoyed at the close of the meeting. 0 0 0 W.C.T.U. Honors One Of Members The September meeting of the WCTU was held at the home of Mrs. Jewell, Britannia road, with a fair attendance. Mrs. Jewell had charge of the devotional and read the Scripture. Mrs. Johnston offered prayer. Mrs. Raithby read a poem. Mrs. Cranston had charge of the busi- ness and read the Scripture. Miss McMichael offered prayer. The roll call on harvest was answered by the, members. The guest speaker, Rev. Mr. Findlay, gave an impressive talk. A pleas- ing part of the progfam was the presentation of a lovely bouquet of flowers to Mrs. Johnston on the eve of her 50th wedding annivers- ary. Mrs. Johnston replied fitting- ly. There were 263 calls reported, three .bouquets and 75c in- gifts to sick and shut-ins. TEESWATER FALL FAIR Wednesday, Oct. 2 Celebrating 100 Years Service. HORSE SHOW HARNESS RACES • 4-H CLUB SHOW CENTENNIAL FLOATS • • PARADE AT 12.30 P.M. $.30 P.M. - CIRCLE 8 RANCH with supporting artists DANCING AT 10 P.M. -Ail Times, Daylight Saving. J. C. Thompson Melvin Rome President Secretary -38 •••0•••••••000••••••e•e0t THE GODTRiO U SIGNAL -STAR MR. GEO. JOHNSTON A well-known and highly respect- ed Goderich couple, Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston celebrated their 50th wedding i:universary at their home on Stanley street on Satur- day. Over 50 years ago Mr. Johnston went from Goderich to visit rela- tives at Inverness, Quebec, about 40 miles from Quebec City. While there he met Bertha Mahn Mooney, whose uncle also happened to be his uncle. The ensuing acquaint- anceship resulted in their marriage in 1907 at Inverness. Mr..Johnston is 85 years of age and Mrs. John- ston is 73. The couple have lived in Goderich ever since their mar- riage a'id Mr. Johnston is a life- long resident of Goderich. For many years, Mr. Johnston was in the furniture and under- taking business on the Square in the store now occupied by the Music Shop. Later he operated a garage wild was a car dealer in their building on Kingston street now occupied by the Goderich Fruit Market. Later, in the same building he operated an artificial ice making plant. He retired from business about ten years ago. An active worker in the 'croderich Bap- tist Church, he has been a deacon for many years. Mrs. Johnston has been for many year's an active worker at the Bap- tist Church and has headed many organizations there. She was on of the first women to serve on the Goderich Public School Board in which capacity she served for some 12 years. Mrs. Jbi-ilston has also been interested in the Huron Coun- ty Children's Aid Society and is a director of it. Messages of congratulations were received from the premiers of Canada and of Ontario, Mr. Elston Cardiff, M.P., John Henna, MPP., and many others. There were also many flowers from friends and relatives. Preceding the reception on Sat- urday' was a family dinner held at the Tiger Dunlop Inn end attended by about 22. Presiding at the tea table on Saturday were Mrs. Douglas Mooney, of Goderich, and Mr.s. MEMBER 1q m _' f A P 2 YOUR AGENT OF PERSONAL r= O V. r4., , C.N Assn MacEwan Insurance Agency SERVICE EST ST. PHONE 230 AN INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT • Goderich Lions Club STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE WELFi'RE ACCOUNT for the year ended June 30, 1957 REVENUE Donations Robert Andrews Estate Town of Goderich Team donations -Young Canadian Legion Net proceeds from: Lions O.P.P. Hockey Game Easter Seals Campaign Raffle Auction Sale Peanut Drive Bingo Bond interest .. 504L0Q 350.00 Canada Week 114.00 35.00 EXPENDiTUiiE Health and Welfare Donations to hospitals Medical Dental Food 515.68 493.44 426.59 408.56 298.97 132.92 45.00 600.00 189.90 28.00 62.72 880.62 Boys and Girls Sports 776.26 Scouts and Guides • 221.90 Halloween Party 160.07 1,158.23 Civic Ir 1provernents Trash Cans Sight Conservation Glasses - Donations Hungarian Relief Fund St. John's Ambulance Goderich Film Council Royal Life Saving Society Sundry Excess of revenue over expenditure 100.00 15.00 10,00 2q'.50 9.00 135.00 45.30 3,319.16 136.50 2,355.05 9.53.51 Photo by MaeLarens MRS JOHNSTON Paul Mooney, of Midland. Presid- ing in the evening were Mrs. Wil- liam Cochrane, of Torcuto, and Miss Marion MacDonald, of Lon- don. A granddaughter, Miss Becky Johnston, of Goderich, was -an charge of the signing of the regis- ter while Mrs. Archie Johnston in- vited the guests into the dining room. Assisting in the dining room were Mrs. Douglas Johnston, of London, and Mrs. William John- ston, of Goderich. - - GuesYts were leresent from Tor- onto, Meaford, Loridcii, Aylmer, Luean, St. Thomas, Wingham and Detroit as well as from Goderich and district. Among them was a cousin, Alice Clement, who is mayor of Meaford. Present also were Mrs. James McQuay, of Bur- bank, California, a sister of Mrs. Johnston and a brother, George R. Mooney, of Chilliwack, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston have three sons, Archie and William, of Goderich, and Douglas, of Landon. Another son,Kelso, was a Captain :it the Canadian Army and was killed in Holland during World War IL Mr. Johnston's grandparents cele- brated their 50th wedding anniver- sary at Inverness, Quebee, in 1903 and Mrs. Jelai ton's grandparents celebrated their 50th w,edding an- niversary.at the same place in 1905. o - 0 0 Pot Luck Supper At North St. WMS The 'W.M.S. Evening Auxiliary of North Street United Church* held their September meeting in the church hall in the form of a I pot luck supper-. The worship was lead by Mrs. Glen Gardiner, assisted by Miss Maude Beacom and Miss Grace Robertson. 1Vliss Marlene Lowry, literature secretary, gave a short book review including the study book. Mrs. R. M. Aldis assisted at the piano. Secretary's and treasurer's re- ports were read and Miss Frances ' Armetrcug announced that Mrs. Easter, matron of the Alexandra Hospital would be the .speaker at the Autumn Thankoffering to be held Sunday, October 6. at, the evening service. An offering was taken for :r Kor- ean orphan and Miss Josie Saund- ers read two letters from the child. Correspondence secretary, Mrs. Dick Gcwman, and supply .secre- tary, Mrs. Bill Skinner, gave their reports. A nominating committee was formed of Mrs. Geo. Parsons, Mrs. Ray Hughes ana Mrs. Harold .Bettger. o ----o- 0 IRENE PFR1MMER WADS11* OENMILLIM CoOl . DMMILLER, S ^i` t. 23. The Benmiiler our ,held tbfeir sEeptem- bber nz nting when tho election of o'acers °wan as foliuw y: pi'esit' nt, ]rine Pfrimi ;er; viee-presideiat, Gupta). ta). Straughan; secretary, Eleanor Durst; treasurer, Barbara Durst; telephone secretary, Martha de Groot. The group plans to attend the W.M.S. Thankoffering meet; ig on October 1, at Victoria Street United Church to .her Miss Sybil Cour- tice, a returnedmissionary from China. d. o--- O--_.--__.-- 4-11 CLUB ELEGATE Bert Pepper, R.R. 3, Seaforth, 'has been selected as Ontario's only delegate to the '4-1H Club Congress in Chicago. He will leave for there about Nevemb:er 30 aid re- turn about December 5th. Bert is 20 years of age and farms with his father one and a quarter miles east of Clinton. This year he is a member, of the Bayfield 4-11 Calf Club and the Clinton 4-11 Grain Club. PORTER'S HILL PORTER'S HILL, Sept. 23. -The annirsary at Grace Church will be held next Sunday, September 29, with .services at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Guest speaker in the morning will be Rev. Pitt, Varna, and in -the evening, Bishop W. A. Townsend, Lon,:on. The choir is preparing special music and guest soloist for the• evening will be Harry- Hoffman, Dashwood,, Mr. Glen Pickard, who under - wont' an operation in London a week ago, is maicing a satisfactory recovery. ASH F1ELD ASHFIELD, Sept. 23. -The Sep- tember W.M.S. meeting took place at the church, and the president, yfrs. Hugh MacKenzie opened it. The nianutes were read by Mrs. D. McMurchy and business discuss- ed. A committee was appointed to take care of the lunch for the meeting on September 26, when Rev. Neil Macombie will be in- ducted as the new minister for Ashfield and Ripley congregations. The roll call was i 'rswered by 22 members with "A verse on Love." Mrs. R. Wilson took charge of the devotional part. Her paper on "`tic present help in trouble" was f illoWed with a prayer. A -discus- sion took place on the work of the churches in the Philippines and in South East Asia when Mrs. Wm ManDeitald asked the questions and Mrs. Hector MacLean gave the answers. Mrs. D. A. MaeKeirzie read the chapter of the study book. Mrs. Wm. Ross gave a prayer and a reading was given by Mrs. Stuart MacLennan on "Our Blessings." After the collection was taken and the offertory prayer giver], the Mizpah benediction was pronounc- ed. Lunch was ,served by the committee in charge. Mrs. Andrew B. Johnston and Miss Evelyn Fraser, of Sarnia, have been the .nests of Mrs. John ('raigie, Craigie Rooke. Miss S. Sha,pion, Miss A. Mac- lean and Miss • `. Campbell, all of St. Catharines, were week end guests with Miss 13 Brinnicombe, Brock street. • PERSONALS Mr. and firs. John Miller and scus, of Creemore, were week -end guests with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bisset. Miss Sylvia Chisholm, nurse -in - training at St; Joseph's Hospital, -London, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Chisholm. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wakeley and Mr. Robert Sanderson, of Toronto were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Sanderson, Newgate street. Mrs. Frank Beasley has returned to Toronto after spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. AIlau Mac- Donald, and Mr. MacDonald. ON TEEN FASHION BOARD Miss Leone Hamilton, Mary street, has been elected to Mc - Call's Patterns' Teen Fashion Board for 1957-58. o o o SHF!ELD Campaign For Funds For Blind While li'io dz tttiit elf i d 'aa are settling down to ai,etb.er y*a' at Ontario School fnor the Brand in Brantford, scores of volunteer can- vassers are working on a two wee/5 operating fund campaign for The Canadian National Institute for the Blind. E. P. Wheeler, district fbeld sec- retary for 4'.N.I. . i'Y l� , said one child j' from Huron County, one from Middlesex, one from Perth. and two, children from Elgu County are registered at Brantford, two of them for the first time, All five have had extensive training and other assistance through C.N.I.B. in this area. Canvassers in Huron, Perth and Middlesex Counties are beginning to send in first returns showing a good response to this year's district appeal. St. Thomas and Elgin County makes its contribu- tion to the fund through the ELgin- -ASHIFIELD, Sept. 23. - Mrs. Colin MacGregor attended the golden wedding of an aunt in Windsor on Saturday. She was bridesmaid at the wedding fifty years ago, Dan Rose who has been employ- ed with the Quaker Oats Compisiy at Brockville has returned to the O.A.C. for a three-year course. Leo and Annie Van der Ley 1 spent last week -end with their sister; Mrs. R. Wiersma, ill Oshawa. 0 0 _ 0 HERE IS WHERE TO BUY A SIGNAL -STAR PA* I. TIM= .'Thomas ,tithe WOf re c zcc:� R• This year ' C,N,133. ?equine $64,7* 1, 31 �lirei�dy best frimircci by mumeaplitxks ami h "'thin tly (.',711eits Sil'.i den$;3 1 erth 4114 M2K die wre perilaslivti for tho agta�ata $12$00.. _o 50th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. end Mrs. Robert IL Rutledge, Napier street, celebrated their 1t) t wedding annivirrwaxy on. Wyednen- day, Septe ;ser 25, which day also marked the 74th birthday of Mr. Rutledge. Mrs. Rutledge is 71. They were married at Donny- brook and then' moved on to is farm, at Ebeneezer where they lived until retiring to Goderich 11 years ago. There aim two sons Uoyd, of Ingersoll, ,and Roy, of 1 [itcheltl,, and one daughter, Mrs. Murieil Harrison, of Goderich; also seven grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. t s 20% OFF ALL NEW 1957 � TELEVISIONS FALL SALE • r • "AUTHORIZED DEALER" ir • LES. CHAPMAN 38 EAST ,ST. PHONE 154 0 • w SAVE MONEY AT YOUR - RCA VICTOR -o ti .1.9.m. writes; gives the steadiest, most easily -controlled hear of ow) fuel." Wierlizi# Coal IT'.S SILVER COLORED" • .r OVERHOLT COAL CO. PHONE 1002 GODERiCH For the convenience .or Sig- - nal -Sitar readers who purchase their paper from week to week rather than by a yearly subscription the ough the mail, Signal -Stars are sold at the following stands: GODERICH- A & P Store bowler's Groceries. Craigie's Tobacco Store Dunlop's Drug Store Goderich News Stand Signal -Star °nic'e Auburn -Gordon Taylor's General Store. Benmiller-F. Allin's Store. 'z Dungannon--Eedy's Store Ilolmesville-D. E. Glidden Kingsbridge ---G. F. McKen- zie Store Kintail-\V, J. Macbenald's Store. Nile -Nile General Store Port Albert -- Roy Petrie's Store Saitford-Tiros Morris Gen- eral Store` Sheppardton--F. Rising's Store TRIPLEX SUPER WINDPROOF IMCO The tighter with 4 Patented features! i1 your dealer hasn't U yet send $LCO 10: R !� ti PRODUCTS LTD. 1191 UNIVERSITY 5T. MONTREAL, QUE. 000••00600400111 +••6••••®•c• BROWNIE'S Drive -In Limited CLINTON Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County THURS., iFRi. a' SEPT. 26, 27 "CAS ':1 ON DELIVERY" Shelley Winters, John Gregson TWO CARTOONS SAT., MON. SEPT. 28, 36. "GLORY" (Color--Superscope) Margaret O'Brien, ,Walter Brennan ONE CARTOON TUES., WED. OCT. 1, 2 "GREAT DAY IN THE MORNING" (Color-Superccopo) Robert Stack, Virginia Mayo Ruth Roman ONE CARTOON Sex Office Opens at 7.30 p.m. First ehow at 8 p. m 00000•11400411000•••••••••• t7 LOOK AT THIS! GERRARD'S EE EC SPECIAL PUR(HASE 5 .sseY v a- ar MEN'S :O1RON SHIRTS Famous make. The English broadcloth shirt that. needs absolutely no ironing. Just rinse in mild suds to drip dry - irons itself, es it dries. In white, only. Sizes ere 141,6 to 17. Regular 5.95 WHILE 3.88 THEY LAST LADIES` RE%/ERSIBLE SKIRTS Ail wool reversible plaids;, some stitch down, and others pleated all 'round. Regular to 16.98. SPECIAL 12.88 GERRARD tt