HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-09-19, Page 9i THURSDAY, sam lath, 1957 �k * GET TV WE ARE NOW LOCATED AT 38 EAST STREET (APPOSITE FIRE HALL) and having acquired the authorized dealership for RcA VICTQR F' OFFER AN OPENINGSPECIAL OF THE Southbridge 21" Console for $359 REGULAR PRICE $389 Other RCA Victor Televisions Priced From $189 LES. CHAPMAN TV rma ma Imm am ma am ma am ma ma Missing programmes'I because you lige in a problem TV area? 'I law — — u tint .... kin Ens imr .1 .M .M - am . M — M — J. 0 TRADE NOW ICOR THIS EXTRA-. POWERFUL Hew 1958 SCA VICTOR TV I only $359 MM+ r `RlrQ ERi }I 4SIGrA r'7� .14+q. .+.7.."�". PAGE, NIM: AT WORLD SERIES *Look over ads on this page and takes --- Be the first to own new • New slender cabinets save up fo 61 inches! ' • New "Mirror -Sharp" picture - pdilver-boosted for sharpness 1 LOOK INTO IT NOW AT The Southbridge 11 (21TC284) Extra -powerful 21 -inch console, Walnut, mahogany, limed oak. lean, clean, mirror -sharp TV! • New transformer -powered chassis - better reception - longer tube life I • New easier tuning - push-button on/off control! LES. CHAPMAN TV 38 EAST ST. PHONE 154 BAYFIELD BAXFIELD, Sept. 16.—Mrs. Geo. Heideman and Isabel, Toronto, spent the week -end at their cot- tage. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bruudon and two children arrived home on Sat- urday after spending the summer at Golden Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McConkey, Toronto, were at their home over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Varty cud family, London, spent the week- end at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Duggand and Pat, Stratford, spent the week -end ,,at their home. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Petet•s and Mary, Stratford, were at their cot- tage for the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Munroe, Lon- don, spent the week -end at their home. Mrs. W. Cairncross and Sally, London, spent the week -end :,r the village. Miss Donna Leckie, •Lendon, spent the week -end in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Dunn, Juice and Alyce, London, spent the week -end at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Hendrick; Birmingham, Mich., were at their cottage for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Little return- ed home on Saturday after spend- ing a few days at St. Catharines, Cpl. L. W. Westlake, Kitchener, spent the week -end with his Wife and family. Mr. rind Mrs. Ford Steadman and children, London, spent the week- end at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. CreeCook left on Saturday for their home in Clinton after being at their cottage during the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Scott, Lr i rd'on, acre spending a few days at their cottage. Mr. Eric Earl and daughter, Btjty Ann, Landon, spent last week a thoir cottage. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Featherston and Mr. and Mrs. R. Larson spent last week on a trip to United States, Niagara Falls and Toronto. Mr. Wm. H. Johnston left last week to spend two weeks at North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Charlton and three daughters, Stratford, spent from Friday until Sunday at the 11/etealf cottage. Mr. and Mr.s. Gordon Pfoff and family, Windsor, were at 'their home over the week -end. . Mr. and Mrs. J. D. M. Fisher and'Sutsarr, Kitchener, were at their cottage for the week -end. Mrs. R. Cox and - Ronald Castle, Calgary, Alberta, who arrived home on Friday to attend the fi.neral of their brother,George Castle, will spend some time with their mother, Mrs. Tom 'Castle who is ill at her home.. Rev. and Mrs. H. B. Scudamore, Hope, B.C., are visiting with Mrs. H. F. Gairdner. isses Rhea and Margaret Kruke, Dearborn, Mich., spent -the week- end at their home on Main street. Mr. and Mrs. 'VtnrnCraig and two sr ns, Clinton, spetit the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Castle. Mr. and Mrs. •FEd.tui=,geon spent the week -end in London. Dr. end Mrs. A. C. Chapman re- turned to their cottage after spend• ing a weekin DVtroit. Mr. G1c\nth rgeon, London. spent the week -end at his home. Mr. and Mrs. C. Utter are spend- ing two weeks on a tt•ip through out Northern Ontario:- - Mr. George Telford, Stratford. spent the week -end with his par ents, •Mr. and Mrs. Fred Telford. Mr. and. Mrs. E. C. Fitzgerald left on Mmday to spend a few days in Kitchener. 0 r) ' n Taylor's Corner TAYXI.AR''S OO(RNiER, 'Sept. 17. --- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fisher, of Ben - miller, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMillan and .family took in the Western Fair at 'London on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Oke attended the Western Fait-, London, on Saturday and on Saturday evening went to Cru.mlin airport where they met Ronald Gould, of Montreal, who will attend Taylor's Corner school this year. Kingsbridge KINGSBRIDGE, Sept. 16. --Mrs. A. Keane, of New .Brunswick (form- erly Priscilla Dalton of this parish) and her son, Charles Keane, of Timmins, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Austin durlrg the past week, and also visited with other relatives in this neighborhood. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. William Berry upon the birth of a son in Goderich hospital on Sep temher 9th. Mrs. Jas. Garvey received word of the death of her aunt, Mrs. Timothy Sullivan (formerly Ma- tilda O'Loughlin), of this parish. age 86 years. Interment took place an !Chicago, where Mrs. Sullivan has resided for many years. Her husband predeceased her several years ago. Two sisters, Mrs. Jas Foley, of Goderich, and Mrs. P. Ryan, of London, are the only surviving members now of the Pat- rick O'Loughlin family, one of the pioneer families of this cam- riunrty. Sympathy is extended to them. • Mr. aid Mrs. Cees Steltenpool and four children of Belmont. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henk Captein during the past week. Mr. Maurice Dalton returned to his home here last week to resume his studies at Goderich (District Collegiate, after several weeks em- ployment on the lakes. Miss Frances Dalton and Mr. Peter Liermrn are leaving ,here this week to attend Western Uni- versity 'n London, and Michael Dalton will attend Agricultural Col- lege in Guelph. Miss Beatrice Keenan, of Tor- onto, has been visit'ng with Mrs. Martha O'Neill for a few days. Among the week -end visitors here were Mr. Walter Kelly and Miss White, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Jo:s. Murphy, 'of Stratford; Mr. Michael Garvey. and two hay friends from Toronto; Miss Margaret Foley, irf Strathroy; Miss Mary Sheridan and Mr. John O'Nei11, of `1'ortrnto; Mr. and Mrs. Jack McConville, of TO ran to. -Rev. Father Frieburg, Kitchener, was a Sunday guest at your choice of TV sets in- Goderich Place your order EAR -L -Y and BE SURE. • presents Top Quality TV Only PHILCO ELECTROHOME MARCONI and others Save up to $100.00 now and enjoy the ga,*,i,es 1.n your own home. A few good reconditioned sets also in stock. HURON ROAD PHONE 498 You'll Be Amazed when you see our Adm Ira! "Admiral TV for '58 makes the others out of date!" New Sight - New Sound - New Style WE STILL HAVE A FEW '57 MODELS LEFT AT • TERRIFIC REDUCTIONS NOW we bring you complete 5 -WAY SERVICE • SALES • INSTALLATION • RENTAL • SERVICE • TV INSURANCE HURON TOWER & TV PHONE 1344M SOUTH ST. the Rectory, and celebrated the t About 60 -per cent of all post-war 8.30 a.m. mass. ! immigrants to Canada have been Mr. Hillary Minard returned women and children. from a week's.hockey practice with the Detroit Red Wings hockey team -at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. on Sunday. M. and -Mrs. M hard and two sons will,be stationed in Belle- ville for this season's hockey as- signment, after a Short vacation here, at the ;home -of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Austin.1 Mrs. John Austin is now conval- escing at her home here, since her return from hospital in Lon- don. 0 0 0 ST. AUGUSTINE ST. AUGUSTINE, Sept. 18.—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hickie and fam- ily spent ten 'days in Nova Scotia visiting the family of Mr. Hickie. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kinahan are spending a few days at the ho -me of Mr. and Mrs. Will Kinahan. Michael spent the week -end here. Mr. and Mrs. James Phelan, Blyth, spent Sunday with Mr. aid Mrs. Cyril Boyle. Mr. Paul Tehman and Rose Marie Lettner, Toronto, visited the Devereaux family over the week- end. Mr. James St. Marie, sr., and sons, Joe and Raphael, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. St. Marie this week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Kinahan motor- ed to Tortento on Suhday to visit Gordon Kennedy' of the St. Basil's Noviciate there. A reception was given on Friday night in the Dungannon hall in honor of Mt-. fni Mrs. Dennis Leddy. Edward Brophy addressed'. the young couple in a humorous manner, after which Cryil Boyle presented them with a generou; purse. Dennis ,sincerely thanked the crowd for coming and als those that sponsored the do tic, and made it such a success:. Ile spO'lce on behalf of his bride and himself. Lunch was served. 0 Leading world trader on a per capita basis in 1957, Canada's e:c ports in the year aver.i:*,ed 1302 per person, imports .ave.•aged $355 per person. One-fifth of the area of Quebec province is south of the St. Law- rence River. 1 only — '57 PHILIPS 2 only — '57 MOTOROLA N••••••••••••••••NNM See Our 58 = Models Now! See Elliot Rivett DONNYBROOK DONNYBROOK, Sept. 16. --Mrs. Stuart Chamney was hostess for the September mep•ting of the WMS and WA on Tuesday after- noon with Mrs. E. Snowden in charge. Mrs. Chas. Jefferson read the Scripture lesson. A prayer was read by Mrs. R. Chan.ney Mrs. Sam Thompson read an article on 'Our Hungarian Nevcomers" Mrs. R. Chamney read a letter from the press secretary of Christian Stew- ardship. Mrs. H. Woods gave a readi:. on "Worship." Minutes of the August meeting were approved as read and the financial report given. The offering was received by Susan Thompson. Mrs. Wm. Hardy was in charge of the WA meeting. Mrs. Ernest Snowden read a poem. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. H. Jefferson and Mrs. R. Chamney. There were 11 ladies present. Miss Lucy Thompson, of Bronte, sport the week -end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jackson and daughters, of Streetsville. and Mr and Mrs. Kelland McVittie, of Blyth, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney. SEE THE 1958 ESTINGHOUSE TV Enjoy The World Series On A Large 21" Screen 21" Table Sets ONLY $209 21" Console Models s229 Only $10 Down and $10 per month puts A New 21" Set in your home. • FOR TOPS IN TV • SEE ME. WILE REINHART!S Radio & TV Hamilton St. Phone 466 •aloeseesesssseseess•esoseeosssssesseeees•sesrse••ess••s•ee• mommobeilimeseeseimo0.6.4114.4404140400.