HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-10-23, Page 1THE TIME8 FRONT NOW UNTILd'.AN' ` 1891 0 Cents AND HURON ;IDDLESEX GAZETTE. THE TJMEi.' TRIAL TRIP WORTH ACCEPTING VOL. XVIII. NO; 8. "REW TO Tlh1 LINE, LET THE ORIPS FALL WHERE TREY MAY.' EXFT R, OINTTARIQ, 'Tru rRSDAY MORNING, OOTOB33 R 28, L$'&O i 11.O LO#tSGN, Barrister, Boll - vital or Supreme seourt, Notary ublic, aionveyancer, Oemalaaissforter, ay. Moue.? to Goan. °ewein i;auson'sBlock. ICsever• �t i , GOu.iNS, Barrister, 1411CitQl'. Conveyance? , aite,, Iexrrrlt. • ON`!' Oelee Semwell'e Mutt. hales old °Mee- VILLIOT J LLIOT, 'tars Notaries Yublie Barristers, Sllllcl t Qonvoyaarcertt Sia, tea. tar" Loney to Roan at T,awent ratoa of 1m11ereHt, °FF1C17, • UAW • STREET, RICETRB. n. 4. zeetOT. J, t:T.t:loT.. ENTAL. Xt. BILLINGS. OFF1OE Over O'Noid's Bnelk. Nit rotteOxide Gas ter Peleatee Extraction. l 1NS t1A i,DF NTIST.1,t.D. • s. amtursfell,'s meek, Maln•st, Exeter, F.atracte Teeth without Pato. Away at lit ifialtr. °vitt ren ley; Craig,eccSnd i *x fourth Tnestltmy: otel Zuoreni on fico last Thule, limy of cacti mnoutti. AIR /CA ( W. BROWNING I. D., M. G P1 P. ti. tireelento Victoria University: Office and roaidonee, 1)om:Pion Lettere- tory. Butter. DR. RYND»ittN, coroner far the A.� Comity of Huron. Omeo, opposite Carling need. stern.1;i:oter. DR. J . A.. ROLLINS, M. O.1.), L. 0. Oaten. Main 8t. Butter. Ont. Bosteetco, ti.tnee recently oeeupted by P. :tial' talt]pa, Eaq I�. CUT'l"I N, 11, D., 0. M., • tl:atiuetn Trinity University, Tor- onto Fol. Trio. Med. school. Toronto : flrnd, Am Auat..Crauloloi e; Member N„ 1. Acad. Anthropology; elember Col. P. S., Ont - office, Dashwood. tint. DR. WOODRUFF \ ntaeases of the En, EAlt, NOSE Alen THROAT 1:'e lasses and Spoetae1es furnished for both leceraud Distant Vision. Always at home, except oe Fridays. No. 185 Queen's Avenue, Lonaon, Ontario. A.IJO1'IONEEfS. BOSSET4111MRYr, General Li• • censed Anationeer Sates conducted fn allparts, Satiefactionguaranteod. Charges moderate. Uensall le 0, Out. -IENHY EILBi R Licensed Auo- tioneor for flay. Stephen, ander*. t111ivrap Townships. Wes 'conducted at modoreteretos. O,lice, at Post-o8'iee, Cred- iton Ont. TWIN GILL, A.notioneer far the Townships of Stephen, &ay and ileborne anatile Village of Exeter. Sales promntiy attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Salem arranaedatthis aloe. H. PORTER, GENERAL D. Au ctioneerandLandValuator. careers sent by mail to my a d 3rbss, Bayfield P. 0., will receive prompt attention. 'Termsmoder- ate. D. H. PoBTFR, Auctioneer, VETERINARY. Tennent& Tennent VETERINARY - SURGEONS 7v.xerEI1, weer. Graduates of the Ontario Vetnrinar3 Ool- lege. OFFmn : One poor South of Town Hall, IMIONEY TO LOAN. itONEI TO LOAN AT 6 AND K. percent, $25,000 Private Wends. Beat Lott niug Companies represented. L. H DICIiSON, Barrister. Exeter, INSU.SANCE THE LONDON MUTUAL J FIRM INSURANOE COMPANY 01+ CAN ADA. klead Office, London, Ont. After 31 years of successful business, still continues to offer the owners of farm property and private residences, either on buildings or oontents,tbe most favorable protection in case of loss or damage by fireorlightninLe at rates upon such liberal terms. that no other respect- ableoompany can afford to wrtte. 42,875 poli 'cies in forceistJan ,1890. Assets $378,428,00 in cash in bank. Government delimit, Deben- tures and Premium Notes. Jesus Gamer, President; D. C. dfaitoNALD,Manager• Devon Jujus, Agent for Exeter andvieanity. 1+'li WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANOEOO. _Established in 186:1. HEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, QNT. This comeany has been over Eighteen years in successful operation in Western Onitrio, and oonttnuea to insure against Joss or earnagebv Fire, Buildings Merchan- dise,. Manufactoriee, and all other desorip. tioua of insurable property, 'intending insurers have the option of, Insuring on the Premium Note or OashSystom. During the past ten years this Com- pany ham, issued 57,09e Policies, coveriog property to the amount of $40,872,039; and paid in losses alone .$709,752,60. Assets, $176,100.00, consisting of dash inBank, Government Deposit and the an - snowed Premium Notes on hand and in force. J W WALDEN M. D, Prestdel t 0 . M. Teseos Secretary. J. ,fit . Hooves, fu - vector 0A8. 1 SNEL•L, Agent it r Ts, km. and ',goings., JOION WHITE ,ax SON Publi+enteraand Proprietor WE LE.&1. . Hoods well bought are half sold as an old maxim, and we find it so. Our stock In the first place was bought at a big reduction, and this fall we have been attending the markets and wherever ready cash would secure bargains we have i ;Avesta, t t1 C N cl, I.a leS vests 'tt Ladies' SlS f -t1 . l styles son to SI ; extra long fik'fs stitched edged 2 for Se ; good linen do. ,or 25e. Ladies' Cashmere MOWS. good, 15e ; extra quality lity 25c. SHAWLS -down } go again : Come a and sea; what we will give yon for sr, same as is sold far $r.So. Latices fine Saxony 11iqs 25c. Imitation iamb gloves - regular price $La$. A good counterpane 50�; braces 25c worth ; Gents' Ties, the best value in town. Fascinators. Fiatues, Bunds, Wool Caps, Childs' Jades, Taut O'Shar.tore, Cloucds, etc, A big st+ick and mat he sold before WO more. The best "u44 ai- med ed shirt in the country. »A roost fur at ,t10. Bays" vhoel caps «.ic. 4 peer of these world-renowned Devon- shire Slippers 25c at Bf UMPTOti BROS The Molsons Bank CCUARTE1i1;,3 BY PA fW %MENTeelle) Paidnpr"rpite1 ... ... eoleneS0 2 t'et1 and ... ., .,, 1.000,GC IieadOilice, Montreal, P. ll'OLPERSTAN T110MAfi,Fnrt., limiageeMetetox 20 bran eltMetes intn.rrominion, Agenete in theltuminion,I1.S.A.and Europe. Exeter Brandt, Open every lawful day, Iron 10a.In. to 8pan SATI'RDATS.10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 41'er(`aut.peraunum allowadformoney on Deposit Receipts R. x. ,&RCIiER, Mane„er. CONDENSED NEWS J. rolri Various Sourees Through out tilt I.»striet, St. Marys is to buccal #8,000 town hall. The beet stock of tweeds and overaontinits ever shown In Zurich, at Appel 4 Zellers. An eridemie of holds resembling influenza in oharaoter, prevails at Owen Sound. A. M. Macrae, the St Catharines default- er, is supposed to have gone to Mexico, The receipts of the St. Marys Methodist S. S. Anniversaay betted the snm of $105. On Saturday, Mr Thema Govenlook, McKillop, shipped over 100 steers. They were all fed ou his own farmsee It is said that.ir Geo Windsor, of Me- Gillivray, bas pnrohased ldr J. Brewster's general store, Clandeboye, Mr C. M. Wilson, of Greenway, exhibited at the Parkhill fair several stalks of corn which measured 11 feet and 0 inches, A ]sage brown bear is at present roaming about Stepben township. His bearship bas been seen by several persons of late. An effort is going to be made to resusci- tate the old Oddfellows' lodge in Mitchell which practically died out some deer seven years ago. The Clinton people, at their fair this year, adopted tha one judge system all through, and they found it to work very satisfactorily. Joseph Corbett, of Downie, line a two year old heifer milkina that never bad a calf. She is giving four pounds per day now, and is gaining in her milk every day. On Sunilay, ]2th inst, there died at the residence of Mr John Arnold, of Parkhill, Mr Jacob 0 Hagen, aged 47 years, The deceased was formerly a resident of Listo- wel. It has been decided to locate the Band of the 28th Battalion In Stratford instead of in St, Marys as at present, and the members, twenty-four in number, will be sworn in next Monday night. Miss Nora Clench intends to make Buf- falo her home, and she will leave for that city in a few weeks. A string quartette Las been organized there, and Mise Clenoh will lead it. Last week, Mre David Sproat, of Tucker-- smith, ucker-smith, died. Mrs Sproat bad been suffering the effects of the removal of a cancer for some lime. She was 52 years and 6 montLs Of ago. A young woman from Seaforth attempt. ed to drown herself in the lake at Godeiich, but was rescued , She bad beoome donne - ed, in consequence of having been swiudled out of soma money at Seaforth. Mr Richard Delbritige, of Winchelsea, has been very sueoeestul at the exbibitions this season with his Berkshires, having won 27 first prizes, and 24 second prizes. In. four years has rondo 160 entries and won 83 &r'et and 50 second prizes, Messrs V. Rate, reeve of Stephen town- ship and R. (look, of Dashwood, recently purchased a saw mill hi the wilds of Mus- koka, paying therefor $12,000. and are now negotiating fora $40,000 limit. We wish them success in their heavy undertaking. "A young girl: by the name of Trailer, living near Dawn Mills, was oboe eross•eyed, but one day when reading very: attentively something from within gave way with 'a snap, and as once her eyes name gtraight, but now she can scarcely read at all, and experts in Detroit fail to give any relief." On Wednesday Herold, son of Mr. Wm. Johnston, of Stratbroy, about 9 years old,. was playing what the boys call'. bleak man" with a -number of his school mates, . when one of them jumped on his back, throwing him to the ground with snob force as to rupture a blood vessel. Order your mita and overcoats at Appel sic Zeller's, Zurich. Liatoweles rate of taxation for 1890 is twenty mine. 3Ir D. D. Wilson, of Seatorth /Anyone to England to attend au extenswo sale of short horned cattle. Merlin's rale of taxation -11f mills - ie the loweat of any town of the trine ,aiaa in the procinee. lir Tipling, of Hullott, bad a colt stolen from his farnt reeen.ly, and no trace of the auiotal can be found. Mr George E. Jaoksnn, of Egwondkilie, ma recovering from the injuries he reeeutly received by falling front a tree, Mr T. Baliantyua, M. 1, P., for South Perth, will receive 81,:10 as tate Speaker's salary besides the regular aesaional allow. anal of $S09, Me Jolla Stafford, of Mc1'aillop, grew a ehampion cauliflower, which weigbod 15 pounds with the teases, and 123 pounds dresseiled, 'WhSalm Carter, Westfield, was riding a emote sae Intro front the field reeeutly, without a bridle. he was ahrowt off au a one pill., breakiug hit arm, Ona day last week Meseta Stewart, Sparks. and Cutletiore preasee on the farm of Mr. Ilelaert Tllomnp ton six torts of bay in the short space of four hours. Tbia le good mrorl:. Those unhappy peraans who miter from nervousness and dyed'epsia should use Car- ters Little T*rer Pill, which are made ex. pressly for aleepleee, noroout, dyspeptic suflferere. Price 23 cent%. Mr Mer Scott, jr.. got the tope taken ofT the two first flna;ers of his right baud on Wednesday. Ile was .attending a planer in Broa.lfoot's faotory, Seaforth.aud allowed ha( band to coma too close to the ltnises. Mr Neiman, of the Grand Z cion, Clin, ton, has disposed of his effects to Mr Chas Spooner, who takes paeseasion in a day or two; wo understand that Mr Heiman will go batik to the auetioneering business in Berlin. The aununl tweeting of the Zurich Bible Society was bele on Tuesday evening last, when the following officers were cleated for the current year : Fred. Hags, President; B. J. Hardy. elecretary ; H. Well, Trees - mew ; D 8, Fatist, Depositor. Alex McLaren, Esq., of Hibbert, the worthy reeve, hat pnrohased a Leiesater ram lamb from Air John Smith, of Rostock, weighing 160 pounds. A spring lamb weighing, 100 pounds at the beginninit of October is a thing not to be picked up every day. Tho faker known as Mexican Charley, visited Brussels a fear days ago, and sue.. seeded in c'gulliug" tome of the bays, who followed him to the hotel and raisod a row The fakir drew his revolver and advised rho crowd not to fool with Lim. In the morn- ing he paid the sum of $25:25 to the mag istrate for his fun. The barn on the farm of George Temple, west of e lot 17, Sed eon, S. E. E., War- wick, was burnt down on Wednesday night. The fire was caused by the bottom falling eat of the lantern and igniting the straw, The entire contents. including all thein- plements, 600 bushele of grain, eto, were destroyed. The building and contents were insured for 81.250. Alr 13, Cameron. of Granton, arrived home on Wednesday evening greatly improved by his trip to thoNorthwest. In fact only for the length of his beard it would be bard to recognise in the healthful and hearty look- ing gentleman the leugnid and sickly in- dividual who left here only 4 short months ago. Mr Cameron speaks in such glowing terms of the Northwest. As Mr Taylor, of Grey, was driving from Seaforth on Wednesday evening last be was overtaken by some parties who under- took to pass him. This frightened hie horse and rendered it unmanageable and it got away from the driver and in a short time deposited parts of the buggy here and there along the road until it freed itself from it entirely. Luckily no injury was done Mr Taylor. A young man by the name of i'ohnston had a very close call no Friday from a shocking accident. Se was attending to a threshing machine, which was in opperation on Air Wm Laidlaw's farm, 14th concession of Westminister. Young Tohnston went to ail the cylinder when the machine was in motion, and some of his clothing came in contact with the shaft of the cylendor, when his arm was pulled between a belt and a pulley. Fortunately the belt broke, relieving the arm. Mr W. Carter, of the 7th concession Mc- Gillivray, lost his barn by Are the other eveuing. He had just returned from the Northern Fair. Two animals were turned loose in the field and Mr 0. was in the house when the fire was noticed. Hurrying to the barn be found the two animals there instead of the field, where be had a few minutes before planed them. He suc- ceeded in getting them gut of the burning building but was unable to says much else,' Thefire was the work of an inoendiery. On Friday of last week a very amusing. scene occurred in Varna. Mr Wiggins, who was fined $t0 and costs at the recent trial. kava, was unable to pay the money at the required time. Constable Proudfout was therefore instructed to place biro behind the bars at Goderich ; but just as the constable was about to proceed on hi''s official trip with his victim, Lawyer Manning, Clinton, suddenly made his appearance and so changed the mind of onr J. P., that Mr. Wiggins is still in enjoyment' of heed= much to the cbagrirt of some of bus friendly neighbors. A St Marys exchange says: When Mr. W. Andrews closed his Jewelry store the other evening, the :large regulator, hanging on the emit wail of the establishment was intact. Next morning a 'portion of the dial about tbe size of the.vnlm of a man's heed was, minus. Particles of elle enamel were found scattered in the ease of th3 regulator but the glass door and the movements were uninjured. Au expert connected with a watch.faotory, has made athorou h inves- tigation, visitors have advauoed all g kinds of theories, but the cause of the mishap is 1 still shrouded in mystery. Authorities claim that the above is without a preeedent I in the history of time to spars. 1 If you want your money's worth„ gill On Appel & Zeller Zurich. '''o•day (Thursday} Mr W. Dnuseith, of St. Marys. males his first Wei:tent of eggs to the Old Country. A man named l ewcome, of Illytl.A, was fined $50 and costs the outer day for selling liquor without a lieense, Air A. Tit11n has been engaged to teaeh ht S. 8. No. 3. Hay. at a guoil talc°y, and Mr Alex Downey, will teoolt in Drys - dale's school,ewr s SttapStanley flit . P 11 Tot; are tired tatting tate largo ofd fasltioneil gripiug pills, sty Garter's. Kittle Liver Pills aid take sante enrufnrt. A man can't steed everything. Otto Pill a dose* Try them. The death oceurred in Mitchell Saturday morning. in hie 34th ,year, of Edwin Geo. IcReaon, manager of the Merchants" ilauk in Mitchell, and second lou of Mr G. W. Lawrence, Treasurer of Stratton]. ;dr James Mauro, of Parkhill, has in his possessieu a relic of olden times in the shape of a ftvo shilling note issued by the Stateef i'enuselvauie iu alto year 1773. when that tato was yet a part of the British empire. Johm Armstroua, of eon 0, I'i'owiek, was moving the borse.pawer of a threshing machine #hoother day when the horses. took fright and filo utan wits terribly in - twee. Ho died after throe days of intense augeriug, To cure a felon, mix equal parte of strong ammonia and water, and bold your linger in it for fifteen minutes. ,Alter that with. draw it and tie a piece of teeth completely saturated with the mixture around it and keep i t there till dry, If this treatment is adopted when the elimont is et first res. lint!, the pains wilt cone at once. Detective,SVesley Webb. agent for the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, rho acme a traveling concert known as the ',Canadian Specific Mediere Co," at Orangeville on Saturday, and bad one of the petty, named Tones, alias Lee, arreated ou the abarge of Mee pretn'tdiug to be a pltvsician. Webb is bard welkin for "Quacks. "' The death is announced of Mrs. Carr, wife of 'Mr W. Carr, Treasurer of the town - tide of E. Wawhuash. Deceased had been in delicate health for a considerable length of Woe, and bet death was not entirely looked for. She had been leirly well until the recent illness of her brother, Mr W. Tyndall, of Colborne, and it is supposed that in waiting upon him Aho became worse, as elm gradually sank after Ise bad passed await. She was aged 03 years A fatal accident oaaarred to George, a nineteen year old eon of John Potorfield, of the 13th eouocasion of Ilowick, a few days ago. Ile and several other bays were in the mow Oohing pane to the threabing manhino, and by some meant the fork in the haaka of one of the other hogs struck young Porterfield, One of the prongs en• tered the neck just bank of the ear, and apparently only penetrated the akin, when he suddenly dropped, and expired. The editor of the Clinton New Bra gives its rural readers a little advicoon road mak- ing. It says; -,"Go in almost any direction ',out of town, and a pile of grave! will be "'mad in the middle of the road, not even "spread out. It would not be ranch extra work to have the gravel spread when put eon, and batter roads at a (mason of the year ""when they are particularly desirable, would ""ba the result. Our confrere's advice, we fear, would not improve the roads, If the gravel were spread oyer the road it would be invisible by fall. but when itis placed in the center, bas time to settle. and when the muddy roads come about, It serves as a solid and dry foundation for heavy teaming. It don't hurt the sides of the road to drive there ; on the contrary it serves fol grading purposes, causing the crntr•e to beoome higher and more suitable for the off -threw of water. A reader writes: -Having been upon a rambling excursion throughout the County, I thoagbt it would not be out of place to furnish the readers of the Texas with an ao: ount of the aoreage sown with fall wheat, and the prospects of an abundant crop iu 1891 if the winter proves favorable. I find on the whole a muph larger acreage sown this fallthan any of the five previousyears. and by all appearances the farmers are beginning to realize what is a fact, that they will have to pay more attention to under- draming and a better method of farming to insure a success in growing and raising good and remunerative crops. The cereal, as a whole, looks splendid, and by all ap- pearances time orop was got in in a good time and the laud properly prepared; in fact I might say tbat I have travelled a good deal the last five years, and I never saw a better show of fall wheat and as large an acreage sown as there is at the present time. LooMe, Bnisrs-Charlie; son of Mr P. Longue - way, who had the ill luck to break his leg recently, will be all right ag'in thorny, - Mr James Watson, a prominent farmer of the 1415 concession , died very suddenly on T uesiay marring from the effects of a p aralylicstroke.. Deocasedrwas an adherent of the Presbyterian church. He leaves a wife and grownup family. -Mr Robt James, reeve of Logan, returned this week from a pleasant and profitable business visit to England. - rDLLArtTON, Bnigts-Mr James Russel had one of hie lingers talon off a day or two ago . in tying a colt. -lir and Mrs F. $eat returned troth their western bridal tour last week and. are now settled down in their comfortable hare' for a life of happiness and prosperity. -Mr R, H. Pomoroy has bought the store and property at present occupied by him from Mr W. H. Gill, and will nest month remove the building: from the present site to one on the corner that he reee>,tt iy pur- chased. ONra P nor -Is worth a column of rhetoric, said an Amerioanstatesmaa. Is it a filet, established by the testimony of thoasaud, of people, that Hood's Sarsaparilla does cure scrofula, salt 'rheum, and other diseases or uffeetione• arising from' laapnre state or ow condition of the blood It also over- comes that tired festive, orestae a good sepntite, on,l yivoe strength to tent part of he ,,yatoss. Try it. Heusal BatsFs-...Mr. Wm. H. Waugh. has sold bits residence known as "Ple]n Cottage" to 5tr. Wm. Bell, London Rand, for the sum of $3.000. Mr; Hall will retire from farm' ing end Leave into the 'allege, Ur. Waugh retaine possession f'r three months.. -..l, new butch• r aliop has b'en °peeled iu town ; tins wakes a third loam of aupply. Ilanies-We unalerstaml that Mr. W. Ball, of the firm of ale Aetiter and Ball, has rented the house at present occupied by Mr. John Stacey, Titin leaks as if "Billy" meant bttsinees.--•.31r. Pobt. ?stereos! hag we believe purchased a lot on Richmond street And will iininrdietety erect a rend- encu. Guess he tenet mean busineat. Mr. Dive Niehot is enlarging, lila refeeleuce. fie must have somewhat the earno thoughte as "Billy" and "Bob ".....1 meeting of the Y. P. M. I. tasceletion watt held we Tues- day evening, at whish the Election of oliioers for the ensuing term took place awl resulted as follows ;.-President, Mr, P.. A. Buchauan ; Vice Presi'lent, Mra. J. 0. Stoneman ; Secretary, Mr' L. Uerole Treasurer, Miss .1 I4rnmie ; Cri!ic, G. J. $uthertttad ; Committee, C. Brown, (f, Switzer, V. 8.. lira R'eudereen...-Mr. Pope, tailor, awl Mr. Weseloh,elioemaker, bare e:.Leh got a line uewsiau, "' Small profitsan� quick returns." that is aur tnntto. Appel d Zhller, Zurich. J3asdrwooci. 411444.+0444 BUMS -Rev. Airs. Yaeger is on the aiek list -A number of Daabwood attend- ed the speeitl meetings held iu tine Ryan, gelieal church in Zurieh.-Lust Friday There was a promotion examination held in the nubile ecboal, -iifr. Sacks has sold hie farm, on the Gamlen to Mn. Hartman for the aum of $I ,G00. .lir. sacks iutends to retire from farming. Senont Herm--The following aro the names of those pupils who were promoted at the recent promotion exarninatlon.-To 1V marks obtainable 800; tVm. Beau, 470 ; Dumiet Weber, 413 -To III 000 marks ; Annie Kraft, 398 ; Fd Thou, 379 ; Louis Walpor. 445. --Ta II ar 575 marks ; Melinda Willert, 337 •; Laura Weber. 326 ; John Nadigcr, 310,. -..To 1I r No 2 Darnel Eckstein, Bertha Miller, saac liettsehen. To Ii jr Katie Rather - mal, hid \Valpor, Sus Rader -To pt II sr Lizzie `eltioader, Henry Kraft, Henry Rhoda. --To pt Il jr Tilly Ruby, lemma Walper, John Scbttmaker,Milfurd Faust, Wesley Miller, Clarence Dellerman. Ed Willem, Sam Witzel, August Miller Conrad Miller To pt I ar William trilled. Herman Tidt, Ida Weber, of Kloinetiver, Sarah Ball, Clara Miller. SASL'r. M. HAuc:tl, l T,eaehere Mass N. Fui,To�, f ltemonnbem tbat Appel aS Zeller, Zurich, always pay you the vary highest price for produce. •-t51-. Zurieh NOTICE--OurPall and 'Winter Stook is now complete, and the public will find it interesting to call and examine goods and compare prices. All winter goods of liappaI & Clegborn will be sold below regular prices. Highest prices paid at all times for butter and eggs. APPEL.5 ZELLER. ENrzenamvltnnr. - The entertainment whioh was bell in Peine's hall on Monday evg. was a very good. one, Prof Wild and his companion deligbted the audience with a pantonine show, comic dialogues, instru. mental music, langhatie sayings, etc. The entertainment was closed by the acting of a farce entitled "The Haunted Hotel." This was acted in good style and delighted the audience very much. Mugge-The council met on Saturday. The report may be seen in another part of the paper, --Ane of our young gentlemen while taking a pleasant drive on Sunday evening, had the misfortune to break the buggy reach. No person injured, however, -The Promotion Examinations were held in the Publio school on Friday last. - Mr W Utley, who has been confined to his bed for a number of weeks, owing to a severe injury which he received, was remove 1 from hie bed for a few minutes on Sunday. He is very weak on account of lying in the same position for so long a time. When he was removed he fell into a faint, from which he soon recovered. Ile is gettioe better, but, very slowly. -lir R R Ross, of Blake, paid our village a flying visit on Tuesday evening. -We are pleased to seo Mr Brown in town again. He is engaged with Mr Appel, tailor. (From ano.her source.) We had a fine rain on Saturday -Some complaints have been beard from the 14th von, about having no water. Surely they can complain no more as tiro rain fell in torrents. --Mr Fred Signor had his anvil tempered last Tuesday, and as usual a crowd of boys gathered around to watch the performance. eve hope they are all satire fled, one fellow in partionlar, will, no doubt, be able to follow the profession hereafter, but we hope he will meet with no more "chin" aceidente, Mise Kumpf has left us, and Mica Fee has started dress making in the former's old stand. -Mrs J K Wing, from Dundee, is here visiting Mende and relationae-lir, Mrs and Mies Grabel, from Dashwood; were in the village on Sunday, guests of Mr Dennis, Dersteine.- Mr Moyer,of Milverton, formerly of Zurich; is st the Huron visiting his daughter Mrs Ohas'Grob. His many friends will be glad to see him. Mr J l aeroher is home from Dakota visiting' relatives and friends.-11rD 5 Fanat bas returned from his trip to Michigan, looking wail: -Mies Elsie Pried, from Parkhill, and Miss Hattie Mitchel, from Dashwood, have been visiting friends in the village -Revival meetings have commenced iu the M n tthrroh here, and we hope . good may result from them. The offers a Canadian flag twelve feet long, to a school house in each county whose pupils send in the Lest essay before the eeth of November on The patriotic influence of hoisting: flags on schools." The competition will be open to public and separate schools, and the essays are not to exceed six hundred words in length. Ohne, et, L.f: 5Q! i' lCi,t.. 4 tkIzt0l.'. TIME IS MONEY. And many have testitled that time spent visiting oar *��� .�+� t �y 44it .1.0 ,IF,ar`I .7� ErDO and examining our pri"es was truly money very easily made. We don't sell below cost, but our values surpass those who claim to do business in that way ; ,jar ex - peens being 15.5t sre aro satisiiad nit° vary small margins. Cali and examine our Men's good worsted Oeerec ats at SS 25, worth 512 ; Men's goal tweed Overcoats at ,10, worth N. Men's Suits ready made £rant e,; ftp; and re. member we sell Boys' readymado Clothing proportionately cheap. Our Biot & Shoe stork is eumpl':te, and aur reputation is already established In this line. Oct a sample of our 1Sc tea and be eor.- rtnred that this lathe proper p'a:•e to limy your tele. Remember it is no troulde for us to show goods. ltlarket Store Exeter.. d P. RC SS Greenway: Timers -Mr. TheoVhelu9 Whiteside, re- eeived his $56 oil punting as a mend= with the advertiser it le a life size picture of himself and shove clearly the skill of the artist. Alex Aitken has rented Air. George Glanville's 100 acre farm for a terra of five years, he is moving there this week. Mr. Glanville is goitt;r to Dresden. -Air. Henry Wicket, er., and her son Frank started for Pillion Michigan lust week. on a vi'sit.---sir Louis Luther is viaittng frfende in Miehigsn this week. -- Rums -The tea meeting of the Shipka li Church is to be he damn the 2811z of thin mouth. It is rather late in the aeasen, but a good time is expected, and all will be made welcolme.--We had a very heavy rain on Saturday night last. Our roads and streets are very muddy at present, but we have had our dry weather, and the time is at band when we must expect the rein to fall and we venture to say that the harvest season this year was the best for years, no rain to hurt from beginning to end, goon Drops in abundance, --A number of the young .men in this neighborhood loft for the lnmbarwoods last week. --lir Rats is at present up north attending to business,- - Mr Smitobar has got a tame snake in his oliice which will 'Brawl all over him and not harm him. Hay Council. The council mot pareuant to adjourn- ment, on Saturday, October 18th. A11 present. Moir-lleyrook-That the collector's bond of Henry Lippert be accepted, and that ail taxes should be paid to sand collect- or on or before the 15th day of December, 1890, -Carried. Schnell -Moir -That the reeve be auth- orized to purohase 150 chairs for the town hall, Paid chairs not to exceed $30 per hundred; and that he also be instructed to have a fence built about the town ball rite, -Cart 'ied Ifoir-Voelker-The following accounts he paid :-J A. Williams & Co, flour for in- digent, $19 25; John Dicher,, repairiug,etc, $6 80; Peter Beaver, bridge, $14 40; John Beaker, rep bridge, $2; Hy Lippert, rep culvert, 81; T Gellman, culvert, 75c; Hy Heyroek, timber and rep bridge, $11 40; John Rey, culvert, 83; Jao Shroeder, rep road, $5; And Smidt, culvert and grading, $0; G Dick, gravelling, $10; Mrs Willfsoil wasbing for Mr Curry, $3 36; James John- son, bridge and (advert, $9 75; Le mod Thomson, midge and culvert, $14 25; Wm Luker, work, 85; Mrs Dougall, bread for Mr Curry, $2; Petty Bros, meat for indi- gent, $8 83; Justus Wagner, work on 8 B, 876 15; James Brethour, eguaiization of S S No 13, $2; John White & Co, part ace, $30; Henry Gies, culvert and work on N 13 $7 75; •1 Scheutler, work on Zurich road, 3126 55; GeorgeReickert, N 13 grant, $10; do eoverin, culvert. 31 25; led Troyer, VI. and VII, $10; Eli Henheffer, making ditoh under award No 2, 1590, 51 50; Abram Geiger; culvert $2; John Hang, two cul- verts, $1 50; F W Farnoombe, part pay- meut of work in the bug marsh, $40; John Schnell, work about the hall, e3 15; Jacob Ooontz, covering ditch, $ 25; Justus Wag- ner. culvert, $6; John fleyrock, on road $15; W T Oldham, cyclostyle, $15 45 Chas Greb, for indigent, 51; T W i?ern- combe, 823; el and J 1{albflaiuot, por ball 3402 50; All accounts should be sent in before the next meeting of the cornice. 'faxes should be paid on or before the 15th of December, to save expense., • Betook -Schnell-That the council ad- journ to meet in the town hall on the 151h of November, at 10 a m.-S&ra'L L J. ATTA, clerk: Appel eta, Zurich, have a full stock o'f 8snuele, skirtings. cottons, tweeds and overooatiugs, eta, which must be sold. a .s. • While returning from a funeral in Ex eter yesterday, dr, Leo. Hunter's team shied at a steam thresher, and ttvisting.the pole off the buggy, ran away. No inns y resulted, ►..'O,41 A Free Horne A cottage worth e71:, -0--;i11 be erected, or its. equivalent in caeb given to the person detect- ing the greatest number of ty+pographinal ere Tors in the December issue of our monthly hjournal entitied " OUR. HOMES." Throe undred and fifty additional cash prizes, amounting to e2,30e, will else be awarded in th'oor erder mentioned in rules teem cern- potition:.' Prises payable at'par in any tart of Canada or the United States. Send 15e in Ntamps, for oomeleto rales and sample 004Y Of Our homes." which will be issued about Nor .Oth. iso<p.Our1Totuc; l'nblisl.ing Co.. Book - Ville C tnal.i