HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-09-19, Page 3THURSDAY, SEPT. 10th, 1057 DEBATING WHICH .SCRAP PILE FOR S.S. STARUUCK "I crew meMber aboard the '„reighter. Star has informed me that The Signal -Star carried :ea interesting sto;y on this vessel," writes a member of the editorial eta a The Fort William Daily TimeseJournal to The Signal -Star. In writing for a copy of the Signal -Star containing the story to be placed in the Fort Wiliiam paper'e historieal „shipping files, the writer said: "Tee Starbuc4 presently at Port William destined for the sera!) pile. We have con- siderable information. on her and will release a story In The Journal when kfinal decisions as to who is going to scrap her are reached. At the moment Western iron End Metal ,Company here appear to be top prospects." THE GObERIOLI SIGNAL -STAR ecruit Senior Giris• For New Ranger Group,. A group of Rene:ere—a, senior sectien of the Girl Guide move- ment—is being formed, in Gode- rich. A recruiting meeting will be held at the old collegiate building next Monday at 7,30 p.m. Three women who :have had con- siderable experience in. youth work have offered their'serwees as basic leaders. They are Mrs. 0. Lockyer, Mrs. W. Craven and Miss M. Hazel. Tel answer to many requests frem local teen-agers, the district com- missioner of Girl Guides, Miss Una 1VIe1Yenald, has given her peeinis- eion for Rang -ere to be formed here. Rangers is the name for "an exciting, adventurous section of the 'Girl Guide movement, especial- ly adapted for the older teen- agers.' T.A'ke au other sections of this youth movement, it is world- wide. To be eligible to join Rangers, girls must be at least 141/2.,,years old and under 21. Previous mem- bErship in the Girl Guide move- ment is not essential. Rangers are divided into three sections, Land, Sea and Air. Gude- rich is ideally situated to look after cue or all of these sections. Mrs. Lockyer has had consider - Ale experience in youth work in the Old Country, and hex'FaecialitY is the social aection of the pro- gram. Mrs. Craven, a trained Guider, will specialize in organiz- ation, and Miss Hazel, who is also a trained Guider, will look after records and preenrolinent projects. Other adults in town have offer- ed their services, and will be called upon. "las the need arises. Tomato King Jahn. Ciaddock, of R.R. 2, Go-derich, would like to know if anyone can beat the monster tomato which he picked in his garden a few days ago. The specimen measures /1`51/4 inches in eirctunference, he reports. Jut in, ease there should be any Dbubting Thomases, he 'brought the tomato to town with him and set it down on the 'counter at The Signal -Star. The tomato looks large enough to provide a meal in itself. On an income of $10,000 a year. a married Canadian with no depart- ents paid $360 income tax in 1917, $655 in 1939, $1,560 in 1956. ere meeeeeeeeeeeseseeeeeeeeeseeeemeio••••••••••••• AT THE AIR-CONDITIONED ARK PHONEP • GODERICH Now Playing—Spencer Tracy and Robert Young, In "NORTH- WEST PASSAGE"—Color. Mon., Tues. and Wed.—Sept. 23-24-25. June Allyson, Jack Lemmon and Charles Bickford, This musical version of the successful romantic comedy fea- tures June as a madcap daughter in love with a brash , young reporter. nYOU CAN'T RUN. AWAY -- ••••111•. The question of just who is getting whose goat becomes a little muddled here. as Sgt. Russell McKee of Windsor, attempts to com- plete an assignment for a public relations photographer's course at RCAF Station Camp Borden, His subject, who literally bowls him over with his enthusiasm for the project, is Sgt. Billy Marktime, official mascot of a unit on the station. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT . LOW CARRYING CHARGES WRITTEN GUARANTEE 'AUTHORIZED DEPENDABLE SERVICE BACKED BY IMPERIAL OIL (Whether you install an Esso oil furnace or an Esso oil burner, you get maximum heating efficiency—equipment that's engineered to meet the particular heating needs of your lAome. For complete heating satisfaction arrange weather controlled furnace oil deliveries, too, with an Esso "Evergreen Contract". CONSULT THE YELLOW PAGES OF YOUR PHONE DIRECTORY FOR YOUR NEAREST ESSO BURNER DEALER. ,'ALWAYS LOO1( TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST W. MacDonald Electric 64 Britannia Rd. Goderich, Ont. - FROM IT In Cinemascope and Technicolor. '1 • • Thurs., Fri. and Sat.—Sept. 26-27-28. • Rhonda Fleming, MacDonald Carey and JUMA With the African veldt as its locale this adventure story tells of a trapper, a lady veterinarian and a native boy. Fea- turing various wild .animals of the region. • • • • • • Coming—Jimmy Piersal's true story—"Fear Strikes Out", with Anthony Perkins. • • 111410••••••••4110••••••••••00000•111410000•111•04111•411•0•011 "ODONG0" In Cinemascope and Technicolor. 11140•000011110,•••••••••••0000010•00416000•00000000•0••• SUNSET Drive-in Theatre 114 MILES EAST OF GODERICH ON NO. 8 HIGHWAY THURSDAY,. FRIDAY . "G. 1. JANE" SEPT. 19-20 TOM NEAL, JEAN lORTER AND ON THE SAME PROGRAM "KILLERS OF THE JUNGLE" JOHN BENTLY, ZENA MARSHALL SATURDAY, MONDAY SEPT. 21-23 "ROCK ROCK ROCK" ALLAN FREED, FRANKIE LYNN, LA VERNE BAKER AND 3 CARTOONS TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY SEPT. 24-25 "THE STRANGERS HAND" TREVOR HOWARD, RICHARD BASEHART CARTOONS COMEDY TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY FIRST SHOW AT DUSK BOX OFFICE OPENS 7.30. PLAYGROUND REFRESHMENTS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••01110411•111•••••• • I GET YOUR HOME 1 READY FOR WINTER N VV Order Your— Storm Sash Roof Coating Storm Doors Insulation Weatherstripping CAULK YOUR WINDOWS AND DOORS—DO IT NOW' • 0 SEE JOHN JEFFERY & SON PLANING MILL AND LUMBER SUPPLIES PRONE 752 ELGIN AVE. E. 37 Air Cadet News The first parade of the new sea- son was held on Ttiesd4; Septem- ber 10, at Sky Harbor. Fifty-fitie cadets returned for another year Ind 15 recruits were also in at- tendance, After the opening parade, the new cadets were .spoken to by Fl/Lt. J. M. Cutt on opportunities - offered by the squadron. Ile out- lined special courses, scholarships, summer cam,p, merseas exchange tours, and training subjects for 1957-1958. Thai some of the re- cruits were .interviewed by Fl.,Lt. ile‘t.)R. G.- MacMillan, squadron padre. Two cadets were promoted. Ser- geant L. Jeffery received his flight sergeant's badge and LAC W. Kerr became a corporal. 0-- o Baptist Circle Honors Member The Baptist Senior Mission Circle held their first meeting of the fall at the home of thca president, Mrs. E. Raithby, with a good attenth.nce. Several hymns were sung with Mrs. R. Wilson pianist. Mrs. A. Taylor had charge of the devotions. Mrs. George Joim- ston and Mrs. Findlay offored prayer. A paper on Newfoundland Baptist Missious was given by Mrs. L. Ferguson. • Comment was made on live mem- bers 'having birthdays in Septem- ber. One of them, Mrs. George Johnston, with Mr. Johnston, ex- pect to celebrate their golden wed- ding anniversary this month. To honor Mrs. Johnston, she was given a corsage and basket of golden glads and a 50th annivers- ary cake was cut by her at the tea hour. Best wi.shes were expressed and all signed a card. Mrs, Robt. Wilson gave a humorous read lig about a "wedding gift" at this time. Interesting answers were given to the roll call on "Church Ser- vices" visited on vacation. Mrs. Raithby showed curious and wild flowers collected on a receet visit to Alaska and the Yukon. • A vote was taken to sell Christ- mas cards and church calendars 'again to help the Circle's funds. • o-- 0 Sent To Hospital For 'Observation A Zurich district man, charged with attempting to commit suicide, 'was committed to Ontario Hospital, London, for observation when he appeared before Magistrate D. E. (Holmes here. Two doctors, who gave evidence as to the man's mental state, ex- pressed the opinion that excessive drinking had some bearing on his condition. From police, it was learned that the man had attempted to hang himself, but he ePOAKAAILY gave a yell which attracted the attention of someone who stopped ,him from carrying out the plan. He also waved a knife around for a while but did not cut himself with it, according to police in- fornwtion. This inquiry into the man's mental state was the only case .which went 111 in magistrate's court here last week. 0 0 Miss Nancy Hughes has returned home after a holiday in Al- berta, with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Atkey, of Arnprior. Mr. and Mrs. ,Ralph Almond, of Winnipeg, were guests at the home of Mrs. AInaond's aunts, Mrs. J. W. Newcombe trid Mrs. L. L. Walter Mr. and Mrs. Jae Martin and children, of Oakville, were recent g�et rith Mrs. Martin's Varents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Deer. Town Impresses Cycling Preacher "The name -Christian nation has applied to England, America and Canada for many years but we are rapidly slipping from that standing," said Rev. David Owen, Welsh evangelist, during his clos- ing sermons at Bethel „Pentecostal Tabernacle. Last Veek-enti, Mr. Owen, who is widely known in Great Britain as the "cycling evan- gelist," concluded a two-week series of services at the newly dedicated,church here. Mr. Owen stated, "Because of increased lawlessness and abound- ing sin, we are fast becom:ng Chris- tiin only by a name and not ex- perience." Ile mentionc4 visij.ing .thi lLurcyn County Pion.cer Museum and being thrilled with the excellent display t of exhibits. One thing that hel drew attention to was the old metal stitid on which was placed the famiiy Bible. The inscription on the stand sate', "Similar Bible.; were ' to he found in every home for family reading." "Instead of finding the Bible in the foremost -place in the moderr home we find the. new' TV set, or, anything else, while the Bible has been shoved into the backg:ound ;, or never found at all," said Mr. Owen. Mr. Owen had, many favorable umments to pass on the layout of the town, which remOided him In Month; Add Constable During Ango.5t, 440 vehicleS were che cleed y meinb fG era oder c detachment of the Ontario Pro-, vineial Police, according to the monthly traffic report. Constable Donald IS. NVestou founerly attached to the' OPP office' at Bradford, has been transferred to the Goderich detachment. Lite started his new duties here over the week -e d. Constable Weston is married and has two children. The August report of the local. detachment also, shows that 127 warnings were issued to inotoriets and 40 traffic charges were laid. Seven persons were injured in accidents, but there were no traffic deaths. There were 12 accidents where damages exceeded $100 in each case. A. R. SCOTT WINS TROPHY The Harry Butters Challenge Trophy was won by A. R. Scott when 36 local lawn ,bowlers took part in a tournament at the Gode- rich Lawn Bowling Club Monday evening. The trophy was presented to the local club by Harry Butters, of England, as a result of an enjoy- able summer of bowling he spent on the Goderich greens in 195,5. In appreciation he sent back to Goderich a trophy for competition with Harq Vines, ef who waa with hirn. High .(,?L'Ore3 for leads, vica-skip or skips were as follows; High slaps,-,-- Harvey Scrangeour and Roy Sly.irling (the latter having wen the event last year). High. itice-skips ToW0.5-- end and Edith tA455,113. High leads—A. R. 'Scott and J. X. 11-unter. Miss Mary Andrew, of 'London, visited at the week -end with her parents, Mr, and &Vs. Amos An- drew, West street. Miss Linda Breckenridge, nurse- in-trainingat St. Joseph's Hospital, London, visited her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy Breckenridge, at the week -end. ONE HAND TRIPLEX SUPER WINDPROOF IMCO Tke Ueda with 4 Patated Features! your Gloater hasn't yof mad $1.00 to: & 11 PRODUCTS LTD. 1191 UNIVERSITY ST. MCINTRRAL, QUE. Houiewives° favorite fuel. "Silver- Wrap Process"helps_ keep laundry, curtains, furniture CLEAN. MEMBER I iv s4i MacEwan Insurance AS $ Agency YOUR YOUR AGENT OF PERSONAL 0 4. Sz• SERVICE ce WEST ST. MOW 230 AN INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT of Great Britain and its seaside ---- - communities. The town lieople are very friendly, he commented. 0 ,) Prize \ !inners At Gerrard's 7th Anniversary Sae Mrs. James Martin, Tilt stijiet, Goderich, was winner of first prize the lucky oi.aw for prizes held in connection with Gerrard's seventh anniversary sale. The prizes were drawn by Miss Louise MacDonatd, R.R. 2, Luck - now. The other prize winners were as follows :2nd, Art Elliott, Dung_n- non; 3rd, Mrs. Cliff Vanstone, R.R. 4, Goderich; 4th, Lillian Kerr, R.R. 4, Goderich; 5th, Leone Hamilton, Mary street, Goderich; 6th, Mrs. C. MacDonald, Hayfield road, Gode- rich; 7th, Hale.s Dresser. Bayfield; 8th, K. Chapman, East street, Gode- rich; 9th, J." Rumig, Huron road, Goderich; 10th, 1:;leanor Worsell, Goderich; llth, C. E. Young, Vic- toria street,. Goderich, n Since 1951 the cost of operating the CBC • has increa.sed from $9.5 millicns to more than $ip millions. )111' MISrfAitkrr.•:; Alf).91.4. " • RUCE E. , • YAN GENOZAL CONTRACTOR WE PLAN AND BUILD CUSTOM HOMES Also aluminum doors and windows, store fronts, modifi- cations and all types of roofing under guarantee. For free estimates, phone or contact BRUCE RYAN, 175 BROCf STREET. 37 & 39 '1•1011111111D Tries For New York Trip Mrs. Isrnay MriLean 00•041•00004 Mrs. Ismpy McLean Goderich 112.10111 Mrs. Imlay McLean, goo:feria, is your local con- testant in The Stratford Beacon -Herald's contest to win a big week In New York City. The newspaper pays all expenses for three hnron County women who will- bo the winners. You can help Mrs. McLean win this wonderful trip by air by giving her ydiur now or renewal subscriptions to The Stratford Beacon -Herald. Tice Beacon -Herald is still only $10 a year by mail, or 30c per week delivered by carricr. Please telephone Mrs. McLean at 1449, she will appreciate your help. Contest ends October 6th, 1951. Phone Now: Goderich 1449 Or :7