HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-10-16, Page 7F1 GURE$ Stoves, Tinware, ardware, Groceries TELL Mica axle Grease 2 for... 25 0 Senslene Stove Polish, Mx " boraces for'25 Shoe Blackleg, 6boxes for 25 Steel Nails, 3 to 6 in., keg 2 90 4 galleue Coat Qi1. - 70 4 gals do., ( aVater'vhiite). < 1 00 Asneeled wire, per 100 lbs 3 90 feerh wire "' "* v 50 Plam strap wite ;i " 5 50 Fire clay t' '' 1 00 0 Common iron " ,. 2 75 H ee Horseshoe nails, C, per box 2 75 ; 1 Vbesnut Coal per ton t'�1 :tiro. t coal " Blacksmiths" Coal per ton, r Brilliant 1.'ennennsular cook Fenioue Wood Sitzve.... ' two. much, attention should not be de - Voted. to the sense, especially where f there is a large attendance of smaller pupils, 1'he discussion was further continued by Messrs, if. L Strang, R. E. Brown, M. Looked, Robert Park and othere. It was resolved on motion of G. W. Holman, seconded by S. J, I,itta. that teachers entitled to receive promotion papers receive the same before return- ing to their homes- .Association then adjourned to net at 9 30 a. M. ora Friday, 6 00 15 00 r 16 00 as,' ' ee these 'Stoves and other .Heating & +final Stores '.f before buying,- 'w.C o,'J lin Boiler far ,, 2 no No. 2 palsy Churn 4 50 reit ce. 3 Daisy Churo 59 11 H GROCERIES, SUGARS, TEAS• Tot'et Soapes-fell line•-Ele.'trp•,, Ra, oida, x onaott. Ilingnum. --Dried Ap;tles, SheepSlt;ns, Meese- 4 Egg%etc•, taken in Exchange. Exeter Roller Flour on hand at $2 00 per owl. JAS. N. HOWARD, Proprietor W. R. NOM, Manger NfiNUTES OF WET $URON TEMAI1 RS' ASSCat;I'A.TION. flow XV Gciantl aft It ON TOR keit esti ;fru or anent% The West Union Teachers' .l,5efaells lion met in the UMW School, purse. aut to the call of the Eicecutwve Vane - mitten, The President, Mr Thomas .14urch, occupied the chair, and con- ducted devotional exercises, The minutes of the last session at .Exeter were read and adopted. The following committees wars then appointed, vizi Rosiness Committee, Messrs Geo Sheppard, W li Johnson, J W Bogart!, Misses Sharman ard Gregory; Resolution (oenmittee, M`esara Eobt. Parke, ll. 1. Strang, G. ,'VL Kitty, Inspeotor Tom, Misses IC. Watson and Ci Vesper. Auditors, Messrs J. A. Dempsey and L. 4. Odle. land. It was agreed onmotion ot George Sheppard, seconded by 1V.UI.Johnaon, to 'appoint a committee to collect. material at this ineeting'tor discussion at the next assaeiatioti meeting at Exeter. The .president appointed Mr. IL Beacham, J. Grant, S. J. Latta, a committee to act in accordance with the above reso:ution. The Association adjourned to meet at•l,$rl p. m. AFT1:r:TOox alts51010. The AReoeiatton met as per adjourn. )neat. The minutes of morning yea. Mori 'were read and approved. It was agreed to' take up the first subject on the program. The Secre- tary, G. W, Holman, Hien proceeded to address the Association on the fm. portance of teaseling History and Geography together so far as necessary to give the pupils a thorough know- ledge of the subject. Chronology should lora an important factor in history lessons, Inspector Tom then took up reading for Part II. dealing mostly with word making. This proved a very interest - tog lesson. The class was well• con- ducted and the children showed great skill to analyzing the words and syl- lables, The discussion on this sub. jest was ' further continued by the 'President and air. R. E, Brown The Inspector then read. the report of the School Committee of the County Council agreeing to. pay the coat of printing the. examination papers re- quired for promotion from 5th to 6th classes, and also to provide suitable diplomas for those who succeed in passing such examination. On motion of G. W. IIolman,second- ed by J. A. Dempsey, the report was referred to the resolution committee to report as soon as possible. The President appointed Messrs. R. E. Brown and M.Loekart as additional members of the resolution; committee. On motion it was decided to elect five members of this assootation to as- sist tb a e Inspector cto r ro preparing papers foie promotion examinations, by ballot at the same time other officers are elected, ' J. W.Hogarth resumed the adjourn- ived discussion on History and read an able and interesting paper on Soo iology as a branch of this subject. Further discussion on the subject was postponed, It was decided on motion ot W. IL Johnston, seconded by R. E. Brown, to supply members of the • Association With a choice of any two periodicals on the clubbing list at one half the club rates. Mr. W. H. Johnson, who. intro- dueed the discussion' on the next topic, viz; " Filth Class in Public Schools," favored the maintenance' of the class in the public schools, as it would aid both teachers and.pupiis in pursuing the higher studies prescribed for Ruch a class. Mr. Geo. Sheppard pleaded also for the fifth class to be retained; as it would confer n great boon on children who for various reasons could not at- tend higher places of learning. Mr. Thos. G. Allen also favored the retention of the class, but urged that 111ld, en- Cry for Pitcher's Castoria E''ENINg 8ESS14N. In the evening a very large attend- ance of teachers and oilier* sasel✓ableel in the Opera house, where a splendid. programme was carried out. l'he fea- ture of the evening's entertainment was three well rendered recitations by Misses Mc:afordie, Williams and Rush, each of which young ladies acquitted herself very creditably and deservedly wod the plaudits of the audience, Rev. W. A. Young, B. A., was then introduced and for an hour held the audience, sante he vividly pictured the lake, prairie feud mountain scenery enjoyed by they rev gentleman in a tnp to tile Paeifio through c;anadtan territory, Ur, Young spoke very hopefully and encouragingly of the future prospects of our great North- west. rthwest. But: it was when the speaker portrayed the beautiful scenery of the Pocky aiountatae, and the diilioulties of mountain travel, that the climax of the address was reached. The lecture was very instructive and interesting and was highly anpreoieted, Several youoglathes, many of when) were teachers, gave a aplentiid exhih Won of club -swinging under the di. reetinn`of :prof. Bundy, This pert of the program was greatly enjoyed by all present. Duch exereieea cannot he too highly commended. Ale. Brandy liimaelt gave a splendid exhibition of club -swinging. Mr. if. 1. Strang, 11. A., gave a very amusing -reading, which Ma loudly ap- plauded, A very pleasing part of the entertain. anent war: the excellent ntteie turnrah. eil by the orchestra, under the dircc. rion of S. k' Mills, B. A. On the whole the en;ertauuuent was ie of the beat ever held under theaus- picea of the Teachers' Aasoeiatton,snd too much cannot be said nn prniso ot the committee, vir4 .fesare. Halls, Park, Beacham and Misses Aikenllesof and Addison, who hart the arrange. menta nn hand: Inspector Torn briefly couve. ed the thanks of the Association to alt who anted in carrying aut such a successful program. God Savo the Queen. SECOND DAY. Ooderich, Oct. 10. 1890.--A.ssocia. tion met in the Abdel School at time fixed at adjournment. Atter routine business rho following resolution, which had been prepared by rho resolution committees was pre- sented, and very fully dtacussed by a large number of the teachers present.. On motion el George Sheppard, sec- onded by U. H. Tom the motion was adopted. Tim resolution is as follows :--.'Glial an examination be held for the ,county for fifth fore) pupils, the litnit of work to be batwveen the II. S. Entr,nee Ex- aminntiona and the Primary. that a committee be appoin e.l to act in un. ion with acommittee from East Huron to prepare a definite selieme for aucb exernenntton and to conduct the first examination as they tray agree, (:l) Tint examination shall embrace the fallowing; subjects : Rending -.Ii. S. Reader. Writing, -.Seine as Entrance Exam. ination I)rawving--Anv two books. Arithmatio•-Entrance 'work, - dis- count, stocks, partnership, square and cube root. Allegra -Elementary rules, elemen- tary work in I!. 0, F.. L. 0.1I4 factor- ing, fractions, simple equations. Euclid -.Book 1, 1-26, easy deduc- tions. Bookkeeping - MoLeaos book- keeping,. t0 page to cover work ot a set of Double Entry. [listory-Canadian, same as Entrance British, 1683 to present tune. Geography -North America and British Empire. Grammar -= Public School Gram- mar. . , Literature -Ten lessons selected from Primary Examination Work. Composition -Same as Entrance with easy themes, Agriculture - Public School Text Book, or Botany, or Temperance and Hygene, Model School Work. Mensuration - Practical work on surfaces and rectangular solids. The Executive Uommittee was on motion, appointed to act in accord ance with this resolution. The entertainment committee re- ported a balance of $3.45 on hand after paying all expenses. Report on motion adopted. The election of officers was then on• motion proceeded withand was in progress when the hour . of adjourn- ment arrived. AFTERNOON •SESSIOX- Aftnrnoon routine, Mr. H. I. Strang, took up composition for Entrance Ex- aminations, pointing out some of the commonest errors made by pupils in this work and suggeating•remedees for same. This subject was further dis- cussed by Mr. Robert Park. The election of officers was then proceeded with and resulted as fol- lows: President, G. W. Kilty, Vice Presi- dent, U. Vos •er, Sec. 'frees , C;F, W. Holman; Executive Committee,Messrs W . H. Johnson, D. 0. Dorrance, R. E. Brown, Misses Burrows and Blair. • On motion of A. .T, Moore, seconded by Inspector Tom, the President was authorized to appoint a Promotion .ExaminaLion Committee, The President then appointed ' Messrs G. Baird, J. R. Balfour,Geo,Sheppard, W. H. Baker, W. S. Lawrence as Pro- motion Examination Committee. The Auditor's' report was received and adopted on mnion 1. Strang seconded by S. J. Latta. The questions deposited in the clues. :Dior Roller lolls, 13 4,II ET 11,EPQ1$'i'S.. Wheat. . , 88e to We. per bush. °CU S.0L>F.+l`•Nf,I.L ULCUS, Flour, Strong Baker's, $2 70 per 1.00 do Best Family 2 00 do Low Grade e , . 1 50 " Bran .. .., .,. 70e. Ailddlillgs 90c. Screening „ 90c. Chap . , ,.. $1 15 to 1 25 .Bran per ton, - - $1 Middlings "" - 16 tt t, Ohop stone renatug everyday. 'TERMS GASa. `l'it3i+ :Xiw`tG"bla'MILLING Coy bon drawer were then answered by Miss Charles, B. A., of theteoderic4 high School, Robert Park, of the God. erieh ModelSchooi, and J..R..Balfour, cif Varna. ;. Tire neuat votes of thouks to retir- ng officers were passed. A. hearty vote of thanks vias tender- ed the trustees for the use of the Mod- el School building for Association meeting, on motion of 11-1. Str;wnh. Geo, W. Ifewitx. Sao, Trees &11 Men young, old, or uaiddle.eg od, who And West relvee nervous, weal; anti exbausted, who are brolaen flown from excess or overwork. resulting in many of the following sywptoms Meut:d depression, premature oid age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad dream, illuineas of sight, palpitation of the heart, emis.ious, lack of energy. pain in the iud- uey', headed*, pirnplee an the face or body, itching or retinae sexsation about the scrotum. wasting of the organs, dizzinese, swags before the eyee, twitching of the muscles. eye tide and elsewhere. bashful. ness.depo.itain the urine,loss at will power tenderness of the ac lip and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to bleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing. lase of voice, desire for solitude. exeitnbility of teroper.suuktu eseasurrcund. K.l wtiitn leaden circle. oily loaning akin, ere„ am nil symptoms of nervous debility ibat lea,) to insanity aaa death unless cured, rite sparing or vital force beving hot its tensile' every function wanes in eonaequenee Those who through abuse committed. in ignorance may b:+ permanently cured. Send your address for bxllz on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. Lubon, 50 1:'rout St. E., Toronto. Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are Islet spells, purple lips, numb ue5s. palpitation, akin heats, hot flashes, rilsla of demi to the head, dell pain In the beast with beats atrocg, iapid and irregular, the wend. heart beet quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can, poli. tively sea cured. ,;4o caro, no pay. Send for book. Address M. t', Lunen, 50 Front Street Befit. Torcnte, Ont, News In A Nutshell . Begonia Italia, col ,nett, bus been ap. polutad to n elorkship in 'Windsor pont. ofliee. • irati'rw Sarsaparilla is a r urely vegetable prat ttratiyn, bt•fug free from injurious in- grediouts. It is peculiar in its curative power, Every ptraae who subair:bed for the Epi•e.rpal ring promoted to Bishop O'Cau. ner at Sandwich, on 'lltntsday wus a Pro- testant. 1 I)13stiw, tr+asnrer of an Thiele Tofu's Cabin ea, is rrpte ted to have been robbed of $500, in Newmarket on Wednesday night. ltch. Mange and $eratchos ot every kind, on human or animals,cured in 30 minutes oy Wooaford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. As an evidence of how tho grape crop in Essex turned out it may be mentioned that Eugene Lel'iouel, of Windsor, sold $1,000 worth of the fruit, the product of 30 acres. MIMEO News -Mining reports note that cholera never attack the bowels of the earth, but humanity in general and it necessary to use Dr. Fowler's Extraot of Wild Strawberry for bowel complaints, dysentery, diarrhoea, ere. It is a sure eure. More fatalities seem to have occurred since the bora of thee%) Clair tunnel was completed than previously. • A few days Wm Kirby fell into the shaft on bis aide, a distance of 75 feet,and died from the effects. On Wednesday John Egan fell from a car and received serious injuries. . • English Spavin Liniment removes al hard, soft orcalloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Cougqs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the. most wonderful Blemish Cure ever knotvn. Sohl- by C.; Lutz, Druggist. Stephen Lewis, of Sylvania, Ge, died ap- Parently at noon •Tuesday. His son came to attend the funeral on Thursday, detect- ed a quiver in his father's eyelid, and asked him if he "wanted water; -"the supposed corpse nodded his head. Physicians were called in and restored the man to conscious - THE XIGOPiX's onscious- THE',PlloPLE's bllsr.pxs-People make a sad mistalieofi'eihwith sericite results when they negleot a constipated condition of the bowels. Knowing that Btardoos Blood: Bitters is aueffectual cure at`any stage of oonstipatton, does not warrant' us rn neg- lecting to use it at the tight time. Cie it now. • WsAT Is A DAY'S LABOR P -One days work for a healthy liver is to secrete three and a half pounds of bile If the bile aeeretioo be deficient, oadstipation,ensues ; if .profnse , biliousness and jeundiee arise, 13urdook Blood Bitters is the Arost perfect liver regulator known in.wediciue for pre- venting and curing all liver trophies.' EQUAL Excites -All nave equol rights in life and liberty and the pursuit of bappi- nese, lint many are handicapped in the race of dyspepsia, biliousness, lack of energy nervous debility, weakness constipation, etc., by completely removing )nese own - plaints Burdock Blood Bitters touters un. told benefits on all sufferers. 10 NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. If you will send us. your address,: we will mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr'. Dye's Cel.brated Electro-Voltaio Belt and A ppliances, and theircharinfngeffects upon the nervous debilitated system, and 'how they will quickly restore you to'vigor :and man- hood. Pamphlet free. If you are thus afflicted , trwoi& will send yon melt .and Appliances on a - VOLTAIC BELT Co., Marshall,Mioh. 1 M4R$ET REPORTS, altsTalt Iced Wheat , ... Sprlug Wues.t,.. Oarley Oats Clover bled .. 'timothy " P0881OGPVD ., .« 85 to 00 86 00 0 00 86 • 3s to ea 40 ”. 00001o3755 a• 180co200 ;• 04aco ta BuEQar • 171o 17 18 l�laurperbb1 .. ▪ , Go 8 lle'. Potatoes,perbnihel 7eto0 76 4pples,per os.g -, ... 1 CO to 1 00 prledApplespr b .,. 0 44°050 (Seaga per lh.. 0 CO to 0 07Turkey perlb .., 0 05 to 10 Ducks per lb 0 06 to 0 07 Ohickonspern!' - ... 0 25 to 0 30 Ffeeesirossedperl(0 .. 4 50 toS 00 -.. 4.00 toys • .,. 200to250 • .. 350to390 • ... 060 to 2" ... 050to0a ... aAStoei21 Onioneverbusir ▪ 0 5n to 0 C5 woodeereerie .,, ... 2 50 to 300 aVra.tasa Fall Wheat.....,...... ...... 0 Ai 0 S6' Spring Wheat ..... ........ ........,.....- 0 85 0 fir Betsey y- s' 0 40 0 43 Glover Sited ..... .... .. x 01 75 Timothy ,.,, .».................. 1 00 2 OP Peas.. 0 55 9 06 Butter................ . ...................... se 0 1'a 0 se Potatoes per bag..... ........... -....... ... 75 fa apples per bn .,,.., .....»000 wool per lb 20 0 20 Hay pertoa S 5'16 iia Bran per tog t4 tie I4 fie Shorts '• *• .20052000 oy#nzoe irerltbt................... G 6O 7 99 Wheat. 0)e to Sl., per bus. Oats, Bele to file per bus. Peas. 570 to Gte per hes. IOtr- iey,llultiug.45 to..Oopor bus. Barto-.n Feed, Vs to 1 i, per has Vern. tillu to to per, freshet. exidesrauglz dreesed Ohoepskiz,* sect* Calfskine Wee/ perlb ... EtLYPort074 ,, 3 (0•to6 TOI'.ONTO. Toronto : Oil 15•-•Wbent Ronne -=No, 2. 96c 10 03 per bun red winter• do 2 ufa to00p per bus 3tanttcha No.1 hard, l so to 132 No, ° 1 25 to 1 30: PBSS Os in Lilo per bus. ))APS' 40e ie 4,r per bus FLOUR, extra. $4.20 to 4 23 per bill: atraight teller. ,3t-4.0 to Mee: serene belieree taro to we.1lAl1T,FI, No 2. me to Qv, No 3 extra. e3s to eel; No 3, 43e io 4Go, British Grain Trade. London, Oct. 18. -Tho ;Berl( , Lane Express, in its weekly review of the ltritielt grain trade, eagles :- -English wheat is 5s below August prices and un- detsells the imported wheat. The sales of English ws teat during the week amounted to 9447 6 quarters at 30s and ild per quarter, against 84,552 quar- ters at 29$ 44 for the corresponding week last year. Foreign wheat was selling freely. Californian recovered 94 of the Septeutberdecline and the others 3d. This, in the face of the colossal imparts, indicates the atrungth of the market. Tho large quantity on pas- sage only menaces trade for the next three months. The contracts for later delivery are small, and before the win- ter is over there may be a deficiency rather than excess. liw4 malting bar- ley was quoted at 23s to ;i5s. Grinding was easier, owing to the quantity on passage. Oats were quiet. Maize was talked at 233. To -day tho dense fog interfered greatly with business. Wheat was steadily held; California was Gd oil the week, Maizo was fernier. Barley had a fair sale, Oats was slow, Good barley and lino flour, especially Amer- ican patent and straight, closed dearer. Air tr 11 (iaritt &matt ivaaskimougo in the Bay of (Note, on Thursday which weighed 45 pounds Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia, and too hearty eating, is relieved at ouee by taking one of Carter's LittleLiver Pills immediate- y after Sinn, r. Don't forget this. The Dutninion Government will eel About fifty islands in the vicinity of Pfd- dlor's Elbow, in the Thousand I -lands. 14,000,000 Le Oen Der -Over 14,000,000 bashels of wheat were recently sold in New York city in a single day. What a monu- ment of magnifineut bread this would snake if properly reduced to flour and made into snowy, sweet, palatable loaves with Imper. ial Cream Tartar Baking Powder. It is sold by all Grocera. Twenty.one Chinamen have been sent from Seattle, Wash, back to Victoria, B O. It is stated that steps will bo taken shortly with the object of founding a school of science 10 31038ton. Tierney Wisnoit-(treat and timely wis- dom is shown by keeping Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry on hand. It has no equal for cholera, cholera morbus. diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cramps, and all summer complaints or looseness, of the bowels. Wilson's Wild Cherry bns been prepared by Archdale Wilson& Co , Wholesale Druggists, of Hamilton. for nearly twenty years, for the cure of Coughs. Coils, Croup oto. 1 t has no equal. Take no substitute but at the genuine with white wrappers. Frank Wilkinson, grain buyer at Hamilton, says : 'I nsed several medicines and found no relief until I tried Wilson's Compound Syrup, Wild Cherry."- Less than one bottle cured him of a tong standing and painful cough, with tightness of chest and short breath, Sold by all druggists. Tis OLD R>titmAULs-In these days of humbug tothin it is a relief hear of something that can be depended upon. Wilson's Wild Cherry has been testedae a remedy for the (sure of all diseases of thethroat, Chest and Lungs, for nearly twenty years, with such success as to Darn for itself the title of the Old Reliable cure for coughs. colds, croup, Asthma, Bronchitis and other affections of the respiratory system. See that you get thegenuinc, in white wrappers. Sold br all druggists. Wbon Baby woe sick, wee };ave her eaetona \Vhon she wad n Chill, she cried for Contorts. When she became .suss. she clung to Castoria, When she bad Children. she gave thew Castoria, A.D4loR ToatoTwEna,-- Mt'yon dtsturoedat uigbtand broken of your rot by a molt ohild suffering and oryieg with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so soud at once and get a bottle of"illrs.Wins low's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable, It will,- lieve the poor ilttie sufferer im mediata3. Jenendupon it, mothers ; there is t .mistake about it. Retires. Dysentery' and Diarrhma, regulates the Stomach end llowers,eures Wind Colic, settees rue (Hams. reduces Iuffammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system, tSrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething 14 plGesell tto (he taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and hoot female physicians and nurses in the United. Fltates, and t for gale by all druggists thy ottgl1n' t the world, Pelee twenty-ftVe annts , bwktle; No sure and ask fm^ •MRO WrNSLnws • SooxaIl G 8Yaup"and take no' ether. -WHERE TO BUY - The U Yom- - The Best Goods for the Least Money. IVe carry the largest s'ock of STOVES and TINWARE in town, and we sell them at the 1,west possib'e pricy for cash. imminumme In Bala and Library Lamps We are showing an elegant display at right prices. All kinds of Table and Hand Lamps at wholesale prices. In CROSS -OUT SAWS we are sliming all the latest an4 leading patterns and makes. Five different patterns to choose from. .4 E --A. large stock at prices that defy competition. As usual, a. full stock of gener4i Hardware, Paints, Oils and Glans on hand. Agents for the c.debrated Raymond Sewing Machine. BISSETT RHOS. Th POPULAR FURNACE Don't forget the place -Sign of Big Elephant. WILL ri 0 la AND, CENTRAL Cash For Drug Store DDITT!R fir: Ems A full stook of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly all hand. Winan's Condition Dowd - era the hest in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter.. C LUT'Zig re -cleaned and mixedaccording tothe variou.,,,, al)li 1y1 and song. �. Q. 1301UII?I'., h.tving i..ased Drevee hloek, will be plenar•d to pay i S H ! i . EST Cash p..' AGES at all tfmt•a for l.utter an.l eggs. .s. Q. 2 /Elt a May 1st,Drew's Mock, Exeter. CST r AM'S Washing Compound Loosens and quickly removes all stains of grease and dirt without injuring the hands or the finest materials. It keeps down disease br thoroughly disinfecting and purifying every- thing. Saves soap. clothes, time and labor. For alT domestic purposts it is the best article over placed before the public. For the toilet and the bath it is just splendid, making the skin soft and healthS. Only So, for 3 ?kis- All grocers can supply it. COTTAM'SBird Seed. Cottam's Choice Imported and,Be-cleaned Bird Seed is tho finest quail ty grown, tb erough ly THE BEST YET! W 0 0 0 Cottam's has been awarded 1st prizes am. diplomas and is very highly recommended. If you really want healthy Birds with choice song and beautiful plumage be sure and use Cottam's Bird Seed. All grocers and druggists can supply it. DO YOU WANT TO BTJY FIRST-CLASS FUR NITURE AT LOWER, RATES. THAA SHAM OCIJS: -ABB USUALLY SOLD--'"' -711EN tfALL AT- GIDLEY' -ONLY FIRST-CLASS- TELE CHEAPEST YET Reliable e Good: THE I3IGC1'EST YET Overooatings at any price ; Si'ut-. At Prices Lo• wer that SO-CM.ings at any price; Pantings led Chea Houses :cart give at any price Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Undoz takinc' in all it to Gentlemen 1 leave your orders early, for with the e beat staff of f9 h a Tailors • the best B ranchMs. stook of Fine Trimmings, and the beats Cutting in Town, yGa are sure of aatisfno-1 tion 41s. •,T. T N B=.nL., S. G ID'IJEY (Snow= to C & Gidlloy), ODD FELL' OWS'"BLOOE