HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-09-05, Page 4FOU Spotlight Grandnxof hers h GODERIOR IGNAL Lob�rDay t ers Harness Meet Gives Full Value To Fans At un annon eet DUNGAMON, Sept. i. --Dun gamma Women's tastttnte held their Grendmoth.er's Meeting on Thursday of last *eek at Din sIgau non United Church with an attend- ance of 62. Of these 27 were grandrnothers. The girls' garden club and their mothers were also present.. The girls displayed their vegetables a1,k/P prestuted their skit "Let's Toss a Salad." The roll call was answered with grandmothers' cures. mea It, or Reed favored with a violin solo, accompanied by her mother. Prizes for the grandmother with the most granddaughters and the most grandsons were won by Mrs. Alex Pentland, of Toronto, having 12 granddaughters and seven grandsons. Mrs. T. Park got the prize for the lucky draw and Mrs. Popp for having the most buttons on her dress. Motto vas given by Mrs. Jones, "In youth we learn, in old age we understand." The highlight of the meeting was the guest speaker, Mrs. Joynt, of Lucknow, who thrilled the audience with her talk on their trip to Britain and the continent. Some items of business was the lady from the extensict service who comes to Dungannyn W.I. an October 8, to speak an "Medicines, Yesterday and Today." The Insti- tute accepted the booth privileges j at Dungannon Fair to be held October 4. It was decided to put ! cr. exhibit in the booth being spon- I sored by Kintail Institute at the Lucknow Fair. It was also an- nounced that Dungannon W.I. had won first prize in the London area for the layette they made, Sing- ing of the Queen and lunch con- eluded the meeting. Special thanks 35 was given to the committee in with keentken% Amazing Raw Mystery -Ear • this s ALL there ise'.. .. this is ALL you weal 0 NO RECEIVERS! a NO TUBES! 0 NO WIRES! 0 NO MOLDS! NOTHING IN EITHER EAR Aco. sticon's Amazing New "q•' Ys'ery-•Ear" Ke€'ps Your E e,. a.. Perfect for moderate hearing loss - astonishing for those with conductive loss. A. W G. Hazd ACOUSTICON FREE 225a N. Front St. Sarnia, Ont. (Continued from, page 1) the fastest mile was won by ' ill Gardner, of Gederich, who brought :Royal &meet home in 2.12 2/5 in the (first heat of the 2.24-2.26 elassi- Aed'even t. Royal Greuct is owned ,by Lisle Woed'laa>irn, of- Parkhill. The prize was donated 'by H. O. Jerry Hardware.' The wrist watch donatednby Reg. Bell to the holder of the lucky number score card was won by a Mr. Rush from Waterloo. A halter and shank were pre- sented to the driver of the horse standing best in the summary in each race. The `halters and sneaks were donated by the following: Goderich Bottling Works, Wilson's Delivery Service, Reg. McGee &• Sons, Blue Water Service Station, Allaire Transport ' and W. Rath - burn, Goderich Warehousing & Transport Ltd: The McDonnell mobile start:n gate was used, and Bill McDonnell, of Hamilton, actefi as announcer. Official timers, were P. Johnston and D. Gardner. Presiding judge was A. M. Knight, of Clinton, and associate judges were J. Shelton; of Kincardine, and Dr. G. S. Elliott, of Clinton. H. O. Jerry is president of Gode- rich Trotting and Agricultural As- sociation, while Reg. McGee is sec- retary and J. W. Sheardown is treasurer. 2.24-2.26 Classified, Purse $400 Royal Granet (Lisle Wood- burn, Parkhill) 1 2 Thunder Bay (Wilson Oke, Seaforth) _ 2 Easter Sunday Bars (Dr. C. A. Houze, Mitchell) 3 Village Queen (Clair Haney, Seaforth) Lucky Star {,Norman Wil- liamson, Walton) 's Kni ht All 5 6 charge. Stewart g ( an Rose, Port Elgin) ..... 7 Times -2.12 2/5; 2.14 4/5. 2.20-2.23 Classified, Purse $400 Dianna Direct aaHugli Mc- Lean, Port Elgin) 3 1 Wanda Hal (J. W. Parkins, St. Thomas) 55 2 Romany (KenMcDonald, London) 4 3 Rays' Abbe W. (Jim McLel- lan, Lawrence Station) 6 x Pearl G. Grattan (Grant Jackson, Wallenstein) 8 5 Ginger Chips (Isabelle Gor- don, Milton) ........ .. 2 dnf Valuable Jerry Lee (Reg. Mc- Gee & Sons, Goderich) 1 dnf Times -2.14; 2.17. 2.28-2.30 Classified, Purse' $300 Governor G. (Feagan and Houze) 1 1 Governor Baldwin (Clark Mc- Kinnon, Tiverton) 5 2 The G Boy (Mac Pollard,, Keecardine) ...... ..... 2 6 Patsy Grattan A. (Lisle Woodburn, Parkhill) 3 4 Master Volo (Barry Mc- Manus, Stratford) 7 3 Bud Castleton (Elliott and Little, Clinton) _. 4 7 Nancy Vole (Jack Morrisey, Crediton) 6 5 Captain C. Lee (Herb Cran- ston, London) - . 8 8 Times -2.18; 2.19. STOP. GAMBLING ! Now that school children are travelling the streets again, it's essential to have complete control of your car at all times. A. few simple precautions taken now may prevent injury, or even save a life later. You can make driving safer, more pleasant and avoid excessive tire wear by having the front wheels of your car checked on our new VISUALINER. We have the latest Electronic Wheel ' alancing Equipment. DAVIDSON VISUALINING 8 COLLISION SERVICE oad and Maple St. Phone 320 1 3 6 5 7 NEW BRANCH OFFICE OF JAMES RICHARDSON & SONS LTD. NOW OPEN AT GODERICH TO SERVE WESTERN ONTARIO FEED DEALERS Classified Race, Purse $300 p Ray Grattan Up (Harold i••erry, St. Marys)- 1 1 Toronto Fund Linda Herbert (1'' . M. manias, Goderich) 2 2 R O Bachelor Patch (HughMlc- � � Helps FamiliesLean, Port Elgin) .. Miss elaair (Joe Burns, Sea - forth) 5` -4 i Left Fatherless Loraine Riddell (Mitchell Reilly, New Hamburg) 0 7 Sandy I,toy (Mac Pollard, Kincardine) ..... 8 6 Belwin Direct (A. Smith, Underwood) 7 8 Times -2.12 2/5; 2.12 2/5. Three -Year -Old Class,a Purse $500 Shirley Harvester (Shamblow & Smith, Woodham) 1 1 H. Bomb Second (Carl Hem- mingway, Brussels) 2 2 Lindy �tHal (W. L. Fraser,For) 3 4 Laddy Lee Bars (C. and G Fisher, Goderich) 5 3 Aunt Maria (Max Emery, Fingal) 4 5 Times --2.14; 2.14. Free -For -All, Purse $400 Lois E. Lee (Elmer Cunning- ham, Ingersoll) 1 1 Murray Brooke (Ken McDon- ald, Landon) _ . . 2 2 Widower Pat Can (Dominion Motors, Owen Sound) 3 3 June Volo G. (W. A. Fraser, Forest) 5 4 Direct Scott (Mac Pollard, 4 5 Kincardine) Doctor John M. (Steve Medd, Ilderton) Times --2.14; 2.14. 0 0 6 6 Building Projects (Continued from page 1) shingles, $225. .. George Stokes, Cambria• , road,. building garage, $2250. Bruce Ryan, Brock street, oar port and breezeway, $300. Harold Allin, Nelson street, re - shingling roof with asphalt (By Bill Smith) ahsrgles, $200. Here it is again time for our Reg. Williamson, Keays street, weekly column designed for the excavating and enlarging cellar, teenager. etc., $500. Labor Day is now past and gone Jack Cook, addition size 26' by and the summer season ended. 30', to auto body repair shop on Tuesday was the first day of the Picton street, $1,5041. school term. The kids who were Mrs. Murdoch, excavate and en- fortunate enough to pass will be large cellar of dwelling on West in a mad clamor for the next street, $200. - .. i week buying, begging or borrow - Mrs. C. Sanderson, Newgat$ ing their text books. The failures street, reesh:.czgfe roof of dwelling,do not have any worries there, as $200. j they can use last year's books. Alex Kneeshaw, Waterloo street, , The closing dance for the season install asphalt shingles on rear on Friday night was packed and portion of house, $70. 1 i everyone- appeared to be having Kenneth Bell, Wolfe street, re- a real ball. Most of the special shingling roof of dwelling, $11.50. I dances were won by kids from D. C. Aberhart, Britannia road, I out-of-town, which usually hap - alterations to back porch to con- i pens. vert into bathroom, $800. I For the benefit of those who Harold Bettger, West street, re- i are not familiar with the special shingling rear portion of roof and , dances I will explain briefly the rebuilding chimney, $150. It Is reported that about 250" was raised via a fund sta an Toronto for the families of two Goderich New Canadians wdied in a train -car smash at Craighurst, near Barrie, on July 6. It is understood that the money has been divided among Mrs. ,Katalin Gazdag and Mrs. Maria Baranyai and their children. The -fund was organized by Rev. Eugene Boday, of St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church, Toronto. An enquiry about the fund was re- ceived recently in Goderich from the Craighurst Women's Institute. The W.I. indicated in the letter that the members wished to donate to the fund. Mrs. Gazdag, widow of Lajos Gazdeg, hes four children, and Mrs. Baranyai, widow of Gyorgy Baranyai, 'has two children. Mrs. Baranyai's daughter, Maria Betty, was born a few weeks after the accident in which Mr. Baranyai was killed. Istvan Furstenzeller, who also died in the crossing crash, was not married. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Willows, (of Orillia, were week -end guests with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mallough. Mrs. Hattie Foster and the Misses Marion and Margaret Foster, of Kitchener, spent the week -end with Mrs. John Foster. O 0 U Talk Of The Teens Thomas CaldwellJonstreet I way they are run. In G five -room frame dwelling, es elling, 24' by there are two dances more or less standard odez ich, that are name'1 36', $6,000. 'the spot dance and tilelimination Robert A. 'Williams, Regent dance. In a spot dance, everyone street, remove front porch and in- stall cement slab, cover house with I who is participating has a chance insul brick, $300. ` to win. Some person who is not Eldest Dixon,Cameron street I dancing chooses some spot, for coiruct garage24' by 24', $1,000' instance a light, a door or some Mrs. R. R dfern, Victoria street, particular spot on the dance floor. close in front porch, $500. At the conclusion of the record, Thomas Chambers, West street, the couple nearest to this 'parti- install two windows and cover cular spot is the winner. In an house with insul brick, $700. elimination dance, the record is 0 0 0 faded out at regular intervals and some article of clothing or a date SA Alarmed is called. Anyone wearing this article of clothing or having a birthday on that 'date, means this couple is eliminated. This is eon, tinued until there is one couple left on the floor, who are the Iwinners. , The girls who are entering I trairlling in London for nursing left Tuesday to start on the final !lap of their career. Sylvia Chis- holm, Linda Breckenridge. Mar- garet Currell, Pauline Hill and Kathleen McDiarmid are some -of be laid upon "preventative" work. the girls who are going in train - While there will be no cut-back in ing this fall. rehabilitation efforts more stress Teachers' College starts next will be placed upon curbing the Tuesday. I am happy to state various forms of delinquency be- that Goderich is contributing more fore they happen. teachers to the country. Jean A - Salvation Army spokesman Synder, Auleen Fisher and Bill said today that the Movement still Worsell are among them. believes that "the surest way to What's selling this week, eh? insure good citizenship is to lead There is a new popular song in then to God." 'First expressidn of (;oderich this week -"Honeycomb" this new 'Salvation Army emphasis, by Jimmy Rodgers is the real said the spokesman, will be a favourite afong with "Diana" and nation-wide evangelistic crusade "Tammy" which were tops last designed to link up non church- week. going people ' and get them "from It appears that there will not the pavement into the pews." be any teenage dances of any sort o- n--- n in Goderichthis Friday night u- -CYCLIST SHAKEN UP less something develops between John Lodge, five-year-old son of now and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lodge, suffered . I hope there are some people bruises and was shaken . up when 'who will read this story and see the bicycle he was riding was in the humour in it as it actually collision with a car Tuesday even- happened at a dance last Friday ing. Police said the -accident ac- I night. A fellow walked up to a curred as the boy rode out of the I certain girl and asked her quite driveway of his home. Investiga- seriously, "Would you like to tion indicated that the car driver, I dance?" She rolled her big brown Fred Fritzley, had no chance to ' eyes and replied blandly, "Can avoid the mishap, said police. .t you dance? By Trends Salvation Army officials, alarm- ed by continually increasing .calls upon their services in prisons, alcoholic rehabilitation centres, un- married motheesh homes and weI- fare centres, announced today that a new and strong emphasis must Ontario Hog Producers To Plan New Strategy TORONTO, Aug. 29. -The second' ' ith the support of hog marketing annual meeting of the Ontario Hog regulations which, we believe, can Producers Co-operative to be held be enforced. Hog producers feel' 10 in the KingEdward that this legislation will halt under- Septemberthe-table payments which under - Hotel, Toronto, was announced mine their bargaining position." . today by Mr. C. W. McInnis, presi- "Another important issue to be dent of the Ontario Hog Producers discussed," Mr. McInnis said, "Is Co-operative. the two -rate system ,in trucking Lattizner,, a former hogs to thassembly point or pack-. ; professor at MacDonald College, ing plant which has resulted in a Ste. Anne %le Bellevue, Quebec, kkk-back to truckers. This is very will be' the headline speaker. In detrimental to our 'whole program 1050, Dr. Lattimer carried out an of open -market competition." important study of the hog indus- "The producers, have been work - try in Ontario for the hog produc- lag for 17 years to get thbir pre- er organization. sent position and ' we expect a The hog producer president a.aid, large attendance at this meeting "This is an important meeting as with representatives from all hog hog producers throughout the pro- l producing areas of Ontario," Mr. video launch a directional program t McInnis cdaeludcd. Tiger Dunlop WI Hears Address Of Goderich Teacher The Tiger Dannlap Women's In- stitute met iu Carlow Hall on Wed- nesday evencng of last week. Due to the busy harvest season, attend- ance was only fair. 'Miss G. George of the teaehing staff of the Gederich aRublfc School, gave, an interesting talk og her work and displayed articles of handi- craft made by herself, goodly number, she explained, were used in her work as teacher, She also told of the Stetber's Foundation and brought her books in connec- tion with this worthy cause. Mrs. Tait Clark thanked the speaker. The annual banquet was discuss- ed with the majority wishing to visit the TV Statign at Wingham, followed by dinner at the Bruns- wick Hotel. Anyone in the community inter- ested in the rug making course be- ginning in November are to con- tact ars. W. Hardy or Mrs. G. Ross. Mrs. Frank Pilin was in charge of a penny sale. The • hostesses, Mrs. W. Hardy end Mrs. F. Allan, served tea and cake. 0 0 0 Cadets Resume Training Tuesday Officers of Maitland Air Cadet Squadron expect that about 30 new cadets will be enrolled in the squadron this fall, bringing total strength. up to about 80. Training resumes next Tuesday, September 10, when a bus will leave the Town Hall at 7 p.m. Fl/Lt. J. M. Cutt is the corn- manding officer. Other officers are: squadron adjutant, William Ander- son; supply officer, Harold Hibbert; chief instructor, Dennis A. Faith - ere -padres Fl/Lt.-.(Rev.) R. -G.1 Mac- Milian;» n rectors: 'William. Craven (fly -lag tr des), F. M. Wood (en- -gines), Will Reinhart (radio), Bud Meath (range instructor) and Douglas Sizer (Morse ctode)., Sgt. Larry Jeffrey will be . in tchargeion. of most of the drill-nstruc- 0 0 r 1. RICHARDSON GRAIN OFFICE OPENED HERE A new branch oMee of James Riehardscn and Sons, Limited, grain" merchants, to serve Western -Ontario feet- dealers opened on Tuesday on- the site at the Harbor formerly occupied by Shell Oil Company. Manager of the office is Ken Hubley, formerly of Win- nipPurpose of the Office here is to service Western Ontario feed deal- ers, saving themhaving to phone to the Toronto office to arrange for a grain pick-up at Goderich. The James Richardson company will have stocks of grain in both the elevators of the Upper Lakes and . St. Lawrence Transportation Company here and the Goderich Elevator and Transit Company. Established at Kingston in 1857 -ten years before Confederation - this years marks the 100th an- niversary of the founding of James Richardson and Sons Limited. Their head office is at Winnipeg and they have export and domestic offices at Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Associated companies are Pioneer Grain Company with 437 country. elevators in Western Canada and The Eastern Terminal Elevator Company Limited with 5oo, million bushel capacity at Port Arthur, Ontario. CREWE Sei+t, 3. - Week -egad visitors in this community were: 7 Mr. ,Ilouglas Reid, of Sarnia, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Reid and Jack; Mrs. Crozier and Lorena, of London, with Mr. and Mrs C. Ct'cizier and f ainiil; Nir. and Mrs. Crop. M!i. Finnigan, of Tor- onto, with his brother, Raymond F:aznigan, and family; Zit'. and Mrs. Bill Du i'Le, of Hamilton, with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Culbert. Mrs. Isaac Gauley, . of F rgua, and son, Alex, of Toronto, were Sunday visitors in the vicinity. Mrs. R. Finnigan, Mr. and Mrs. C. Finnigan and David, attended the Copeland-1Robinscn wedding on Saturday in 13riek United Church. Mr. ani! Mrs. CueWisit eln read sonss,, of Owen Selma, visited with Mr. and Mia. Mark Berger. School re.opei•ed this week with Joanne Crozier, Dorothy Mae, and Mary Curran attending L1eow High School. u ----o_.- .-...0 SCHOOL DRAW WINNERS Three cash prizes were awarded in a school draw held at ,Ander- sea's Book Centre on East street. The first prize of $1O was won by Miss. Gail McAdanl, Of 'East street, Second prise' of $5 went to Diane Redmond, of Ra 5, Goderich, and third prize of $2 was awarded to Ed. Lamthwaite, of R.R. 1, Crode. rich. The draws were made by five-year-old Miriam Weyand, of Renmilier. r•••••••••••••••••••••••••ime e SUNSET Drive-in Theatre 1Y4 MILES EAST OF GODERICH ON NO. 8 HIGHWAY THURSDAY, FRIDAY ' SEPT. 5, 6 "TO THE SHORES OF TRIPOLI" JOHN WAYNE, MAUREEN O'I4ARA • COMEDY CARTOON aP SATURDAY, MONDAY SEPT. 7, 9 "THE FIGHTING KENTUCKIAN" JOHN WAYNE, VERA_ROLSTON ,COMEDY CARTOON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY SEPT. 10, 11 "IT'S A 'WONDERFUL E" JAS. STEWART, DONNA REED 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY FIRST SHOW AT DUSK • CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE. N•.•.•.•'•N•••••.•.••001101l••r••N•• ••N••••M- for the BOWLING �G ... .. • The. another With leagues practice THE LITTLE ALLEy announces their RE-OPEN1NG . . FRIDAy_ r .SEPTEMBER 6 alleys have all been refinished and readied seasoz, of play. the organization meetings now under way, will soon commence play. Let's get some games under way now. -' BOWL REGULARLY FOR HEALTH -HELP OTHERS LESS FORTUNATE THAN YOURSELF. ••••••••••••••O•N•- Contribute generously to the September campaign being conducted in Huron County by the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. •••••••••••••••••••- rota for Huron, Middlesex and Perth Counties is $12,800 a Space contributed in the service of the community by John Labatt Limited. iT'S CRYSTAL LAGER BREWERY LIMITED