HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-08-29, Page 8NEWS OF AUBURN , ILIRN„ Aug 243 --Recent visit -0 Or t)'With Mr. and Mrs. George Wasik' Were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Park M. and Mrs. Bill Park and -' "--Vr teri;e.. JDy of Dunganneiir, .acrd Ond Mrs. Clay ton Ladd, of Ulyth. Cgratulations to Mr and Mrs. -Gerald McKay twee Ferne Lawlor) On the birth of a son at Gal, -Itospital, Saturday, Aueuat 24. . Mies Betty Postcll, of Clinton, and Mr. aid Mrs. Alvarlly Garrett and grandson, Gordon, visited last week with .Mr. and Mrs. George Lawlor. ''.eeent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawstu were: Miss c'Elsarrjett Murray, of Seaforth; Miss Vere Sclater, St. Marys; Mrs. Rich- aril Taylor, Chatham; Mr. and Mrs. Robert McAllister, Dungannon, and are now located, next door to the Mrs. James McKenzie, of Waterloo. Canadian Bank Of Commerce on Mr. Ralph Munro is spending a the Suare. IOW days visiting friends in Tor- ionto. The Woman's Institute met on, from the Book of Job. Mr. Tuesday afternoon in the Orange i Stanley Sibthorpe, of Pieter', sang Hall; when members of the Bylth ' the solo, "In the Garden," and Mr, Institute were guests. The press- ! Harvey McGee, of North Bay, sang ' dent, Mrs. George Millian, presid - "Building for Eternity," aecom- ed•. After the opening exercises, a panied on the piano by rs. Robert sing -song was enjoyeu with Mrs. J. Phillips. Mr. Charles Scott, Sun - R. J. Phillips at the piano. The ! day School superintendent, wel- subject of the meet.Lg was, "Hoare j comed all to the evening service Economics" by Mr -s. Ed. Davies, after the usual opening. Rev. A. who is the leader of the 4-H Watson, of Blyth, and Rev. Wil• Auburn Annettes Garden Flub. A ' liam Taylor also assisted. Special skit entitled, "Let's Toss a Salad"! music was supplied by Mr. Harvey McGee who sang "Beyond the Sun set" and a duet, "Jesus I Come," was sung by Mr. Stanley Sibthorpe, of Picton, and Mr. Maitland Henry, of Blyth. Rev. F:rrgland based his evening sermon on "Cherishing our best dreams," centering his thoughts on Daniel's dream in the ()Id 'Testament. Ile recalled many pioneers of this district who had dreams and had made this a great Christi:.0 community in which to live. apman, ►. J.-Alexander- Form ..AlexanderForm Partnership Two well-known insurancd' agtn- cies in Goderich have farms+ a partnership '19.ich becomes els ec- tive September lst. Mr. C. F. Chapman, who has con- ducted an insurance agency in Goderich for more than 12 years, slid A. J. (:: ert) Alexander, who took over the Harry Ford Agency about two years ago, are forming a partnership. Their place of busi- ness will be the one in which they was presented by Misses Margaret and Carol Clark,. Loraine and,' Norma Hensch, who are 441 mem- bera. Readings were given by Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeour :.ud Mrs Pette, both of Blyth. The motto. "Feed , your family what they require, not what they desire," was given ' by Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor. A trio, ' Misses Margaret Clark, Loraine' and Norma Hensch, entertained. ' After the closing exercises, lunch was served. The lucky cup was held by Mrs. Cockerline; of Blyth. 0 0 0 Mrs. Ken Taylor thanked theexertuu for their Lhal:ty and KINGSBRIDGE it ited them -NO attenndd their meet- ing at the Dime of Mrs. ('4ayt•in Ladd on September 5. hostesses KINGSBRIDGE, Aug. 26.—Mrs. were Mrs. George Millian, Mrs. Ed. Sir:rrett, Mr. and Mrs. Trier - George Hamilton, Mrs, Wm. weiler and children, of Detroit, Straughan, Mrs. Robert Chamney, and Mr. Ed. Kennedy, of Cali - Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt. fornia, were week -end visitors "at Mr. and Mra. Wes. Bradnock, re the home of ',Michael O'Neill. turned last Sunday from a trip Mrs. A. Sutter and daughter, of through the States and '1'e tern Detroit, are visiting with Mr. and Canada. s`tri'kes.• Cyril :Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon iliM:ng s 'Sincere sympathy is extended to of Goderich, visited on Sun;fav with the family of the late Mrs. Mary her parents. Mr and Mr. It:.': \ Sheridan, whose sudden death Beadle. ' carne a; a great :hock to the com- Mrs. Oliver Anflersnn. t1'illi,;,n miinay. Mrs. Sheridan's funeral and Nancy are ,visiting re'a::'.T, ,i will take place on Tuesday morn - Toronto this wee -k. .ng at 10 a.m. at St. Joseph's Flight Lieut- w D. NleF : eel. Church. Hamilton. teacher at Oshawa, who is :,.r:,n'a Rev. E. i' Garvey, of Windsor, the oiliee..s supervis:ng op, c'H1 • Mr. and Mrs. Flynn and fancily, training courses at the RCAF' Sta , al Sault Ste, Marie. Mr. :,rd Mrs. tion, Clinton, has been a t' ata; Jos. (game's and -Michael. Dr. and with his uncle :i d aunt, Mr. ::nd 1I1 ' Macl) nal;) and children, of Mrs. Charles E. Asquith. • Toronto, 1Ir. and Mrs. Eugene Dal - Ruth Moss was a recent London tan and sons. of Detroit, were visitor, ais•o with Mr. and Mrs. R. weekend visitors :;t the Garvey J. ('raig, of Ilderton. homestead. Other visitors were: Mks Vera Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCaffery and Jane ('raig, of Ilderton, with Mics babe, Debra Ann, and Mr. Hugh Betty Moss; Mr. and •Mrs. Hunter, Kraemer spent Sunday with the of Lambeth, with' Mr. and Mrs. l•'ueene Frayne family. Ed. Davies: Bonnie and Harold Other week -end visitors here Jard-t i, of V'ingham. with Hoer were. Mr. and Mrs Jos. :Murphy, grandparents, Mr- and Mr'l, Avii- ; Mr. and Mrs. J. Fitzgerald and liam Straughan ; Mr. and Mrs M. Thomas, of Flint, Michigan. with Mr. and Mrs. IV. T. Robison; 1I;'. John Youngblut, with Mr. and Mr,. :Morley .Johnst„1, of Donn) or',,,IC; Mr. and Mrs. Harald Ilaggartli. (,f Goderich, and Mr. and Mr.._ F:kink Baxter, of London', with Mr and Mrs. R. .1.� Phillips; Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay, Barbara and John MacKay, with Mr. :rid Mro Than and family, Toronto. Mrs. Genre Wilkin. Robert Wit - kin, and Pte. Allen Craig, attended the Toronto Exhibition. Mr. and .1,11,,,,a, W. J. Craig, • Mr. and Mrs. W...574traig, and family visited with Mr. :,id Mrs. Stanley Strasser, of Sault Ste. Marie. Roy Finnigan has accepted a position at the Andrew Dairy in Goderich. C. ERNEST McKENZIE Mr. Cliff Brown, Shirkey and Ron The funeral service far C. Ernest Brown visited at Teoumseh. with j McKenzie took place at Lodge fun - Mr. and Mrs. Beverley French. eral home on Monday last with They were accompanied home by Rev. R. G. MacMillan officiating. Mrs. Brown and Nancy Brown, Interment was in Ball's cemetery, who spent some time with friends Base L rye. The pallbearers were and relatives in Detroit. Lloyd, Delmar and Robert Nichol- son, Otto tiid Murray Popp and Alvin McGee. Deceaes d was born in West Wawanosh, 82 years ago, a son of the late Thomas McKenzie and Mary McIntyre, and died in Vic- andra Marine tnd.General Nespit- toria Hos). ? London, on Friday, al, Goderich. There will be a skit August 23. He operated farms :n presented, "United Nations and Saskatchewan and Alberta for a Christian Missions." number of years, moving to Gode- Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Osmond, of rich about four years ago where Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. ; he resided on Britannia road. William T. Robison over the week ; Ile is survived by two nieces, Mrs. Otto Popp, of Dungannon. and Mrs. Pearl McEachern, of L(n- don, and two nephews, Lloyd and ch:ldren, of Stratford, Mr. Len Waodley, of 'Toronto, Arnold Mars - man and Dou:;las Fra\>>e, of Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. II. Lambertu.s visit- ed with relatives in Walkerton dur- :ria the past week, and. were ac- companied home by Mr. Lambert - us -. ,iter. ifrs. Seigner. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Lambertu and fam- ily. of Hamilton, also spent the week -and here. Mis, Catherine McCarthy, of De trait, and Louis Dalton, of St. Augustine, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Dalton during the past week. OBITUARY The September Rally of the WMS of Knox United Church will be held in the Sabbath School room on Tuesday, September 3rd. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Dorothy E. 1✓astgr, superintendent of Alex - crud. Mr. and Mrs. henry Ross and daughter Christine and Mrs. (' M. Ross, of Winnipeg, spent a few Delmar Nicholson, of Bright's .days last week with Mrs. Fred' Grove - Ross. Mr. McKenzie was a member' of Sunday visitors with Mr. and Knox Presbyterian Church and of Mrs. Charles Scott were: Rev. An- the Octogenarian Club. drewLaing, Guelph, Rev. Dr. and- Mrs. William F'igland, Niagara EZRA C. FAME, Falls, Mr. and 'Mrs.. Stanley Sib- Ezra ('. Fisher, who was born 'n thorpe, ,Picton, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Colborne Township, 77 years ago, Mills, Walton, Mr.' and Mrs. :Mit- died on Saturday. August 24, at land Henry, 'Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Alexandra Hospital, where he had Roy Noble and Valdean, of Bel- been confined for ,the past several grave, Miss Margaret R. Jackson, weeks. He was a son of the late Mrs. William J. Craig and -Mrs. James Fisher and Elizabeth Weaver Norm€.n Wightman. and farmed in Colborne Township Mrs. William T. Robison attend- before go rig to Toronto where he ed the McCormickeDun&more nup- resided f r some years. He moved tials in Wyoming United Church at to Goderich and took up residence high noon last Saturday. here four years ago. Mrs. Marguerite Chopin and Miss Mr. Fisher was unmarried. He E. Davidson, of Alliston, visited wras a member of Victoria Street last week at BurleigR Falls and United Church and also of the Hamilton.. Canadian Order of Foresters. Horne Comingervice ecial He is survived by a dbrother, services Were 'held last Sunday at ' WMley W. isiiler, of Saltforai and p Knox United Church when Rev. a sister, Misty )Fancy Fisher, Of Dr. ^Vllilliarn Vineland, of Niagara Toronto. Fait, Totalled to his 'Lome church The funeral service was en Mon- where lie began ltig treaL9Ti><y. Large day of einern fr..al Lar?,ve funeral e ngregataoi '. ate pre''tlnt for home with interment in. Colborne both atrviee5. Itisa 3ta°g'ret A. cemetery. Pallbearers were °Ana- 'a+.s-`ozi presided at the Grrl.ti. 'In than richer, Jelin .r ernighan, 'Virrnt. the 4tiu=kli>t7i f;. wemico, J bv. "Andrew Hill, 1tugh Hill, A. M. St.rauf,ti.on fib , CuelA, (a 'forma. Picr>by- and Sohn Flick. Rev. S. A. Monte tC'i'p3h Ei.ih'Ltci:'fiie1'< a Revofficiated at the funeral service. 'lirH ain Ttliio;r, fardiet:ter, as 0- _- _ n -n r>xtt` i ttl the r i°vle(!. 1)t;'7'inaland Mort 'children will only talm no, hams cernion on the •te xt "Why No, N() for an answer. ' s ° .THE WOE, L 11 SIGNAL -STAR T.AR 1141.11ESDAYA. A C S3' 2igh, 1 0 e o . The last 3 -day week end of summer is an open invitation to open-air eating! But however you celebrate Labour Day, you'll be glad to see A&P's wonderful selection of all the foods you need o o e at prices 'you'll really likel Come see, you'll save at A&P! a E0 _ QUALIJY SUP LIMITED SUPPLY OF OVEN READY GRADE "A" TURKEYS, BROILERS OR HENS, 5-14 LBS. AVERAGE WEIGHT, NOW AVAILABLE AND ATTRACTIVELY PRICED. Grade 'A' OVEN -BEADY 4 to 5 -fib Average SMOKED COOKED No Centre Slices Removed Shank Portion No Centre Slices Removed utt Portion Ib 6 3C lb 69c Super -Right, Rindless E N Peamealed, vac pac Cat Ib Maple Leaf Cooked I -Ib pkg 89, Shoulder ieners 1-Ib cello pkg 1'/2 -Ib tin .39 Mape Leaf Cicken} Trkey, Steak & Kidne3y 79 eat Pies DEEP (UT SPECIALS! Sh i rriff's Reg. 2 INSTANT PURI G4 Croke in 7 Minutes Pkgs. 23c—SAVE 4c 3 pkgs 31c Pkg 31c SAV''2ca 2 pkgs 9c Price 35c—SAVE 2c 16 -oz jar 3 Price 35c—SAVE 4c 16 -oz jar 31c Reg. 2 KRAFT DINNER York Sweet GHE' K0RinipaP PEANUT FBdKfRY SPf/ALS! Reg. Homogenized c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Niagara grown, famous tree -ripened, sweet and juicy, No. 1 (Fide A Real Holiday Trio "V" variety, the finest quality In many years, yellow flesh freestone, excellent for preserving and eating' Jane Parker �7 LEMON PIE Reg. Price 49c—SAVE 4c each,�4 5 e Jane Parker Reg. Price 65e—AVE 6c BLUERRY PIE each 59c Jane Parker Orange Reg. Price 59c—SAVE 10e C1FF:'S'; `'` CAKE each 49c Jane Parker Cinnamon Reg. Pr.-33c—SAVE 4c pkg c Jane Parker Reg. Price Pkg. 29c—SAVE 3c 11 Fresh picked, yellow, sweet tender large cobs, each and every coir fully matured, all our sweet corn Is hydra -cooled to ensure flavor & tenderness, No. 1 Gr, Corn dozen cobs c California, seedless, large clusters, sugar sweet, No. 1 grade 1 FRESH FLAVOURFUL A&P INSTANT COFFEE z'"jar 45c 6ozw,1.15 Lido Milk LUNCH BISCUITS Rog. Price 35c—SAVE 6c Pkg 29c Reg. Prico 75c—SAVE 6c CUCUMBER PICKLES 64 -oz jar 69, Horeford Reg. Price 2 tins -75c--SAVE 6c CORNED BEEF 2 12 -oz tins 69( LEVER'S PRODUCTS NOW IN FOUR PASTEL COLOURS LUX TOILET SOAP PJNK, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE (AS WELL AS WHITE) 3 Regular Cakes 31, n LIFEBUOY SOAP SUNLIGHT SOAP 2 bars 21€ rapes 21bs2 MILD and MELLOW — CUSTOM GROUND EIGHTCLOCKCOFFEE . Ib c 3 -Ib bag2.31 a Faflcy Red Sockeye A&P SALMON • Ann Pago SALAD DRESSING September lesuo Now On Sale! WOMAN'S DAY CLOVER VALLEY CREAM CHEESE aa,>k, 29, V'stin 47c Rog. 33c—SAVE 16 -oz jar 29c each 7( * BURNS WIENERS & BEANS 154'..31c WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE rook c R !S pkgs s 5, NN coo, kiA TuRfs! it Chrome Step Stools Utility Tables Bamboo Hampers 30" high $6.95 $3.494/ 79c BUY EXTRA FOR THE LONG WEEK -END Jame Parker WHITE BREAD SLICED or UNSL�ICED 24 -oz loaf c' THE GREAT Anorr Prices Effective Until Saturday, Audbirt 31:1957 VITAMIN RICH Fancy &Fifty 20 -oz tin 2 f°15( 48 -oz tin 27 •