HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-10-16, Page 6Established 1877.
E. 6.. OmzIZ,.
Transacts areueralbanking business.
Receives the accounts of uxerol]ants and
others on favorable terws,
Offers Every accommodation consistent with
Five per eeut interest allowed on deposits.
Oraftsissuedpayableat any office of the
Nl arcbants Bank.
Tent viarro.
TI3rRSDAS", OCTOBER 16th, 1890.
The Buffalo cattle dealers are
squealing over the loss of their
�Irk+;.;:ive s by the McKinley ball.
They :;e just a'.:e:enitng to the
fact that their very peeing trade in
Cat: as i.m cattle has div; apg°eare ,1
all toe ..,.I:cc , tee their n72.P.L. and
:aa .r° e 0ii t'#' tt t.ala:R t the i
tree :tei pitons me:tstera+
La ;S•:=,. ,.. ra:. r a:a l'�^:iL ot g�.3.. :3t
io: . (2,:4t 11:'',itl cattle tlea'.e}s hall
tilt:' k -,1w--1' Yz,atii. are net distuibe
t.3 ... .... ' t ..* , end tat>eeal not be <t1
they have the L r-itish
i,.,.rfe ,., ,^j'wft to them
410,1, tdrta-t,
A CLt to detain a of e
ce et la.:ata; c: rate for letters has
cee etartiel in the f.t:iite:i
At will areallably e remembered
.1 g � t „CCaa r�tc�.lae...11bef ren'{l
t^..,. .:ill' ec :t gas-. Cage wee a. plank
Baa 1:s(,:°• :an pletfetna cat ze5.S
tht the strna te'r-
tha.=ner al. Mr. \\'annarnaker, will
r x.v-li✓1 rel the reg f twition in his
Liee;w tee ::t and bring it before
t a
teem e cit December. S?,saa ld It
a"..;,.ptcI, the difference now ex
trret.ri United States and
Ida veldt] be doubled and
!eel t a complications.
mu cents to one for the same
Fe ,
^'t � to t,�_
t t . 1,00 s,rcat odds
.:. c thee ;;ince Si: Mai Mac -
1, r; .:.:,t the (;eaverniuc•tttwould
1 ee.e av: the export duty on logs on
t:. iti: -oe that the t.'tliteal States
Ceeeeese t. ais v • dutyeft ,
t Cana'
I.:..t L ;;ate i•t,anle.,r. The.: Mcliiuley
2b'l I i3.:.l�e
eiveli pine lumber
tree, ;it:u now they expect the ex-
pert r'.:'o- removed i 'gym Canadian
.. 33., i or It itiuy not be
wise to remove export duty in re-
turn f•+r the removal of the duty - on
pine loather, but the neighbors are
not entitled to any such concession.
They have only partially complet-
ed their end of the bargain, but
they, along with the Liberal party,
will expect Sir John's end to be
completed to the' Ietter. If the
total abolition of the export duty
be a disadvantage to Canada, the
Government is under no obligation
to take it off. The U. S. states-
men take oft or put on these duties
to suit themselves, just when and
to what extent they think best,- and
there is no good reason why we
should be guided in our legislation
by their exigencies or necessities.
to the exact figure at which they
think they can hold the market to
the exclusion of Canadian lumber.
At any rale, our lumberman have
only to restrain their anxiety to
gain access to the Ametican mar-
ket tor time. and the business will
come to them again as a matter ot
economical necessity, and probably
with increased volume.
There are 100,000 children with im-
pediments of speech in the merman
schools. The defectiveness of speech
in vilest cases becomes first perceptible
in the second school year.
Sixty car loads of stoue to be used
in the mason work on the approach to
the St Clair tunnel have arrived at
Sarnia. It is said It will take about
1,000 cars to draw the stone necessary
in the building of the approach.
Joseph ;Robinson, of Sti iarton, Ont,
set a gun one night last week. baiting
it with a patridge. M daylight be
sound a huge bear, shot; dead. It
xveighed between 3110 and 4U0 pounds.
he tear had killed ;t sheep the night
Can Wednesday atternoon,as Darold,
sofa of !dr Willi int Johnson. Coradoo
stteot, Stratbrcy, was playing with
come companions at the Colborne St
Sehcrel,he unfortunately fell and broke
his right atm near the elbow. Dr
set the injured member, and he
to well as could be expected.
:, .iia., 0313 -Clayton Lily, ;t
r, years of age, Saturday
poisoned his wife and children with 1
rat Foisotn. '.lite Ieutson was cooked,
alae lilt children partook of it, three
of thelia tailing dead at the table. 'firs G
i Lily died in a few hours. The baby
breathed its last yesterday morning.
Lily was captured and is now in j all.
the :kion Col Cody, dais Buffalo
til, is in a towerang rage over the new
order just issued by Secretary Noble
of the American Indian Agency tor-
l bidding the red men koala Resisting
lir any Stand of Wild. West show. Ball
tales this as a deliberate insult to
I; himself and is now after the political
scalp of Congressmen Dorsey, his
representative, for peraattting such an
Iorder to be issued. His cablegram to
Dorsey breathes war. If you spoil my
business, which is Injuria, I'll spoil
t. yours, which is polities, Dorsey would
be foolish after this not to intrenoh
himself in asolid manner in his Wit -
Teal citadel. Bill means action and in-
tends to have tic a➢lies hia red inen,
who are enamoured with their royal
welcome in Europe and the monev
they are making and have no desire
to be deprived of so profitable a mon
nor of layh g. 0f course ilikl'e Indian
contingent can refuse to return if they
choose, but that will not satisfy the In
suit to the honor of the great Indian
SHotJLD the new United States
tariff curtail the export of Canadian
lumber, the loss to this country
will not be much in reality. In-
, there are those who believe
a check to the reckless destruction.
of our pineries will be a benefit to
the country on the whole. Those
Iumbetmen who have banked the
once beautiful and healthy Ottawa
and other sta earls with malarious
saw dust may grumble,but a whole-
some curb to the wastefulness in
which they have indulged for many
years in their eagerness to make
money is by no means a national
calamity. rile proposition to re-
move the export duty on logs would
mean the immediate transfer ot a
large business from Canada to the
border States, and would lead to
still more wastful forest denudation.
Already the pine areas in the
United States have become so con-
tracted that an early date is fixed
for their total clearance. Logs
from Canada are, therefore, a
necessity to our neighbors, who i
will have to pay the tax in any
case. From the day the McKinley.
Bill went into operation the. Ameri-
can lumbermen raised their prices
Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly.
iy,it . Nu'.LH1fi:t, 1. i
a, 4.
A splendidly illustrated paper on Henry
M Stanley, his Carver and Achievements,
by.rets to L Hurlbut,
t ]i,art Secretary h rc .tr t
1v of the
iitnericau lx`cirgral+liicul Society, makes
Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for Nev-
etutr'r an eeeeptiurtit ly interesting number.
For a graphic review of Stanley's eventiuI
career, and the Bolin relief expedition in
11rtitular, from au American standpoint,
flurlbnrt's article surpasses anything
that has as yet appeared ou this fascinating
topic of the day. In the same number
Felin Oldboy propounds and answers the
gustation. Who was Charlotte Templet'
bringing forward some hypotheses and rev-
elations which will startle the thousands of
romance -lovers who have strewn flowers on
the mysterious grave in the Trininy Church
yard in New York arty. There are 111ss-
trated articles on Buenos A31 es, by John
Stanley; Coca hunting in South Carolina,
by H M Howard; Great Pahcbulakah, the
Western Niagara, by W H Lyman; Some
Copts in Old Cairo, (second paper) by A L
Rawson; The Empress Theoloro, by A C
Townsend ; A Vermont Island and its In.
habitants, by Nellie Hart Woodworth; and
a History of Human Habitations, by Marc
F Vallette. The half dozen short stories
are varied and interesting, and the peoms
fit, though few_ Among the art illustra-
tions is a beautiful portrait of Dorothy Ten-
nant, the English biide of Henry M Stan-
Blanchard Council.
The Mnnioipal Council met on Monday
last. All present. Minutes of previous
meeting read and confirmed. The names
of the bondsmen, the collector and the
were .a
treasurer w
e submitted mrtted to the
board, and
on motion of Sinclair 'and Johnson hey
were accepted. On motion of Berry and
Johnson, Bylaw No 166, relating to the
levying of certain rates in the township of
13lansnard, fnr county and township pur-
poses was, read and passed, signed by
reeve and clerk and -seal of corporation at-
tached thereto. On motion duly made
and seconded tho• following orders were
granted:. Wm Rundle, gravel, $24 60;
Wm Rundle, gravelling M road, $97 67;
George Milner, building culvert 0 S road
and repairing culverts on 4th con and
Lower Side road,$13 15; Thomas Pearson.
part salary as caretaker, $3; David Pother..
ham, for plank and repairing bridge; upper
side road, $3 92; Charles Bobineon, repair-
ing culvert, townline B and F, 310; John
Statton, gravelling 3rd line, $11 40; P
Hardy,Fieh Creek bridge inspection,$42 50;
Samuel Brown, for building abutments of
Fish Creek bridge, $200; John Chittrok,
stone, Fish Creek baidge, $25; Thomas
Crozier, gravel on townline B and D„$2 20;
Robt Moir, repairing, culvert, 13th con, $2;
Robt Moir, gravelling on 15th eon, $12;
James .611liott, stone for bridge,M road,$35;
Samuel Radcliffe. stone, Fish Creek bridge,
$2'57; Samuel Radcliffe, repairing bridge,
townline B, $7 75; ieorge Lindsay, gravel
$5 56 Council adjourned to meet on the
first Monday in November, at the hour of
10 o'clock in the forenoon,-J.H. JAMESCN,
Froin Various. Sources Through
out the DistriQt..
St. M'arya collector of taxes receives a
salary of $175.
Ur. Tames Barr, of Mitchell, died geldden.
lv in Toronto last week of typhoid fever.
He was 23 years of age,
The Ball Electric Light Company have
decided to put in the etectrio system in.
Brussels, and will commense operations( at
Mr. John Greenwood, son of Mr. Wm.
Greenwood, of Logan, had the ends of a
coneleof fingers cut off by a fanning mill
on Friday last.
Mr, Thos. Statism, of Mitchell, died on
Monday night quite suddenly. He was in
his usual good health, but before morning
died of stomach .compl tint. tie was 67
yeare of ase.
Mr W. 13,11arrison, forrnerly of the Ars.:s
is in St Marys, Be has relinquished
journalism for the more lucrative calling
of organizer for the Independent: Order of
Arr. A. R. Welker,of the Huron Road,
near Mitehell,lost a valuable brood mare on
Wednesday morning by getting down 1n
the stall,: ar.d injuring herself so that site
had to be despatched.
Aylmer Turner and Alfred Oliver, el
Lucent, were up for trial at London, via
Tuesday, on tbe charge of stealioe a soave
from Mr John Mitsui of the tint cert.
Biadulph, and were acquitted.
If eielt heednche is mieery. what are
tatter's Little liver Pills it they will pssitire-
u cure it:? People who have used theul
speak frankly of their wetth, They ate
small and take.
The eutrenee exurain ie n +1e , •-n,ra
at relto a i
to Bigg Sehneels and Catllegiette lend:et:es
mill be 11,4.1 at (loderielt, Exeter, Pun,;-
nnnon, Clintoat, 15eaforth. Witatiharn, Brus-
sels and Wroxeter, on Annie; Tueeaay
and Wevincaday, thio 22n,l, 23rd and :Nth
of December ratume'nciul at 9 a n' ou
At the Godericb AQsizas last
Richard Nesbit and Wm .1 iae+lotaszall for
jail breakieg. pleaded gniltti. Hie Lordship
,lnstic :1Iaereahon ente ra:, at ne k spall
to two years in peutttnti:ay, onei, Nesbit
toeighteen mouths in the Central pi Wu.
the teutences to follow the terra which the
tile piaouers are et 1?reseut serving to the
put ntiary. They seb=elueutly tied to
break Put of Lail,, but ',cera caught it the
111NeiNo :Senses -In the are, sometimes
a roaring buzzing sound are c:tust'd l+y
catarrh, that exceedingly diiaa8ma111e ttltri
very.counnen disease. Lasa of smell or
Bearing also remit front catarrh. HotJ,'r
Sarsaparilla, the greet blood purifier, is
peculiarly saecessral remedy lur this disease
which it cures by purifying the blued. It
you suffer from catarrh, try klou1's Sarsa-
parilla, the peculiar medicine..
As the Huron Assizes held at Gederieh
last week there was an indictment against
Thos. Elliott, of the to. of Stanlay,near
Bayfield, for assaulting Minnie Nichole, a
s otin3 girl br n ht
outfrom the Old
by the Guthrie Home, of London. After
the prosecutiou had proceeded for same
time the cont discovered a teehuieal irrel;n.
larity in the indictment, and sumularily
cloaca further proceedince. The prosecution
will bo concluded at the next general
Bev O. ii, Bridgeman, pastor of St.Ptutl's
Church, Hensall,bne resigned his pastorate.
Be preached his farewell sermon to a
crowded church on
Sunday a evening kst. ;<ir
Bridgeman has had ebargo of the church
for over our years, during which time
muchprosperity r s crit n,
h9cn to'
P mo]tBy
p yhis
earnest cb 'st' o
n mn character, h Hofer, h1._ ability in
preseutiug the words of everlasting life, his
nutiring zeal in his labors, and above all
the harmony between Ms lite and profession
has rendered ore ,
Inumb h
beloved, t'lo ed not only
3 -
by his own congregation, but by the entire
villa4e. He leaves immediately for Eng.
land to visit his parents Wherever in
future his lot may be east, he will have the
beet wishes of the people of Hensel],
The fiat of convictions made by the Mid-
dlesex magistrates for tbe quarter ending.
August 21, 18%, number 210, of these 103
were made by Mr E. Jonee Parke, of Lon-
don; 21. by Mr. James Noble, Strathroy;
14 by Mr E. P Jarvis; London; and one by
Mr Wm Wells, Parkhill. There was one
$50 fine imposed; two $40 fines; twenty-one
$20 fines; eight $10 fines; thirty-five $5
fines; seven $4fines; one $3 fine; thirty-
four $2 fines; fifty-seven $1 fines, and four
500 fine,:, the last being imposed by P. M.
Noble,of Stratbroy, for breach of by-laws.
The number of commitments to goal was
46; to Central Prison, 3; Mercer Institution
1; to Reformatory for boyo, 1; Suspended
sentences, 9. The total amount of fines
paid in during the quarter was 45972 32.
Mr. T. Freshly, of West Nissouri, writes
thus to the St. Marys Journal :—"I Brave a
small apace in your v,.luabl'e paper to ap.
prise the general public of the groes injus-
tice and partiality shown by some of the
judges at the late South Perth Agricultural
Show. I showed a beautiful sample of
English two -rowed barley, weighing 53 lba
to the bushel, and for which I have been
receiving $1 per bushel from purchasers
who come to my barn after k at that price.
The one sided political judges, who
had the
jRin this oftUrs department, awarded the
prize to barley not weighing over 40 lbs. to
the buabsl, and worth about from 35 to 40
cents per bushel. The fact of the two rowed
barley being introduced into this country
by the Dominion Government was enough
to damn it in the eyes of snob men as those
appointed to judge that department."
BRIEFS—Jerry Stapleton has purehaeed
the McLoughlin farm, containing 100 aures,
for $3,700, -Thomas Matthews, while
threshing at Thomas Kale's, con 2, fell from
a hay stack and broke three ribs. -James
Campbell, of con 12, has rented his farm of
100 acres to Mr. Templeton, for a term of
five years, for $275 a year.
BRIEFS -Mr Donald Patterson has closed
his blaokemith shop at Grand Bend and
left for Michigan on Saturday last, where
he intends working by the month as tie has
had the offer of two different situations. at
$40 and $60 per month.. -While putting on
the ceiling of H Love's house, Mr John
Ford had the misfortune to fall from the
scaffold hurting his back, fortunately no
• bones were broken and under the ' care of
medical attendance is doing as well as could
be expected.
Even the poor dead frog is taxed by
the McKinley tariff. The. Treasury
department have decided that frogs' l
legs must pay ten per cent. ad valorem
euty under section 2613 as raw unmanu-'
factored articles.
Mallory,' of Mallorytown, Ont,, says :
daughter suffered for years from 'a most
distressing and annoying' catarrh. Her
case was under the treatment cf eminent
physic tans In the Unified States and Canada.
Two months use of Nasal Balm has had
more beneficial effects than all former
treatments( combined.
ENrour--At Ilderton, on the 14th, the wife
of Geo w,. Enight, agent, G. T. B. a
lticKAy--At Rodgerville, an the 10th fust,.
the wife of William McKay, a daughter,
HEywooe-In Exeter, on the 12th inst,the
wife of Jotrn Heywood, ason,
LENonxxR-In Greditou, on the 141h Inst,
wife of Charles Leeohman, a daughter..
H.u.noitAx--ALr.EN.-la Trivitt . Momorial
church, Exator, on Qct 14, by rector, Rev,
S J' Robinson, Thomas Halloran to Miss
Lucy Jane Allen all of Wingharn,
AfCPNEE-Ip Stephen, on Oct- 8the 1890,
Mary McPhee aged 68 )rears,.
i%1`etx.Ea-Iu Hibbert, on tbe 7th hut ,
Harriett Ann Murphy, beloved, wife of
Mr- A. Walker, aged 36 yeara and two
Tr rspar, 04 2lst-Farm stook and ha -
;dements, the property of Won Bentley,
Lot I8, S. E. Boundary i eborue, Harry
1Jrewn, acct.
Frtn< r rs
# , O 1:-I:urm stock, iatnpte-
menta, ete., the property et Thos, Taylor,
lot ?6, S, B. Stephen. Sate at one o'clock
H Fatter Ante
Tiitirslay, Oct 71-I?xeecutora' gale of
valuable farm in the tp of Ilan i'roperty
of thc' late Hoary V. Pitsbe tat, Salo to
eTtt,nnereeat 2' o'.leek, at P.'ine'a• dote]
Zati ii. T:.l. l;•ess •nnerry Auet,
1'it Z,teeda-v, ()et ]2 -Farm etetet; end
rm]a er.i0:ate. the Free +rte of 11'an Stnitlters,
It t con 17, tr tr1 MletliUivrey Beene Willa
noath of Olt Citron.* at 1 o'el clr, Heeitr
Eir.oam, :keen
!l#r.aatt-leteeraUf u.earts lied air.
I' i4-•nole germs ariable from low, ninreliy
land, eir from iiecaeiun vegetable matter,
are breathed iota the Image, taken up by
the Wool, end uuless the vital t1uid is
ttnritltYl by the uss of a geed medicine like
Hood's Sarsaparilla, the nnfortt:nate victim
is seen overpowered. Even in the more
advan4 el casee, where the terrible fever
prevails. this successfal wediciue has
etieeta 11,211411ZablO Calteie Th°,.0 who are
expose=cl to ntalariul or caller yta•i.:otss slafiulct
evert*, hL'o l pare by t :';int Hood's Sin. -
Tito t,;aeen's 1•ast "'free trip to Europe” haw -
fna•. .
fr excited such universal. intcrcat, the ,peb.
bshers of that Piapulartuaaazieo otter another
and e2+.'9 erctr t tar cspensrs, to tine pe--
emidfng them the largest list 0f English words
cow:eructed from letters emit taincdin tee three
wards "British Northt Silver " Additional
prizes c seeisting of Sliver Tea SeI6. ('bins
11 inner:seta,t.o1.1Watelatet,l reuelt 3ltariellexcs
Voyles() Curtains. Silk Itressee. Mantel Clocks,
many ether a elut and vniureble arneteR
will also be awarded in order of merit. .
special prize or
n ,Scat :kin Jacket nettle lady,
and a1t n l,oua abo ts(rte rimytu
t* r o•
it nrb
ldoliyered free fa t`nnatta ur Ignited 5tatcsl
scnatnfitbeLtritert liatat, ]ircrcona sen'lilag n
Het of net less than twenty words wiilrreeivo a
present Send tour tie ata ne i fur complete
rules. illustrated car:tb,pne,ef i^rize', ands ena-
plo n;imber ut `I he • :t, a u. .Stierce, .ii,t: bsN t-
nru tn. Es:s,Toronto,Canaan
)11,1NOIPAL WANT1t,I)_..1''OP,
EXE rl•:It P1-1+I,IG SCItOt)1. Inc'Mi.
Six Pepartments. Standing not les than
ee anel A. Married. Protestant ehureit member
preferred. Apply
wtatt or by
letter with
photo up to the e, tb tut. to
J. r,nit,tl
Exeter. oet.1ri.'91, :icy 1' $.B,
p1IClr: -- ., fit. l . ]
C,Ala.l .1 rl.a .S\I
1 '
wpm makers' eta lel fernaloorto rent,
situated ht the village of t'rgmarty owned by
the late W. 1'. Joiutst• n. being a shop aunt
house erne to
rbiued ,.,
, The h,. be rrn c wr
t l tb or
without the house,
nlhnfi one ]elfiro
laud to be routed it the huuse is, or the elem.
house, and one quarter of an nue of laud to
be sold, also a tinnntity of ask and other kinds
of lumber end wagon makers alae!: and tools,
mod several colonies of bora to be (Remised of.
Particulars will be furnished by the exccut.
ors on application.
Thomas Stacoy Executors.
Donald Park
olm — Cromarty, P. 0.
STRAYED. -On oraboutthe 20th of
August last, from the premises of the
undersigned, Lot 17, Concession 4, Stephen,
1 ram, 1 wether, 3 ewes and I lamb, mark
ed with the letter "T" in red across the
bips. Any person giving information
which will lead to their recovery will be
suitably rewarded ; and any person or
persons found unlawfully harboring them
will he proceeded against according to law.
Cites. Box,
Sept 22, ]S00 Exeter P 0.
1890. _ 1890.
Fall asa.d Winter
Stock Complete
in every line.
All bought for cash and will
be sold at reasonable prices.
Tweed and Fur Overcoats
A full range of Flannels, Meltons,
Dress Goods, Gloves, etc.
plete in,eyery fine. A fine range
of Beaver Hats, and Ladies' and
Children's Caps. A. call solicited.
JOHN HALL, Dashwood.
Money Saved 1
Satisfaction assured
to every customer.
Can You Buy Cheaper
All -wool Flannels, 15c yd and up
Dress Goode - 5 r,
Ladies' Slippers, - 25c pr •'
Ladies' Kid Boots, $r.25 pr 'a
Tea - - 8c lb "
Call and see at
Wholesale and Retail
Mcr:hant Tailor 1
(Late Cutter for R. Pickard) has opened
out a stock of
IIL1CItEi1 Tweeds,
su tTI. se
CU AvN{:8,
and all the new-
est things in
made up in the
1 ate,~t Style d
—.0a.— I'
A good alt Guaranteed
or no sale, S pea:fol attention given to
1 Ladies' (140K4T and MANTLE Makin
STAND : One door North of E, I iala's
Bather Shop.
7ELL-IMO .1:1aCr.- ti1I3.THOS.
$31A1.11 is( prepared to dig wells at 51
cents per foot for i:+ fret: ": cet+ts en every
additional ten feet, to t,ixtr feet ff requir.:d--
briokina and boring included.
Tlfttr. t5t:'tLii, llliiavflleP.a.
In the matter of the listato of Rnbt Iles.
well. late of the town et t;gtierieh, in
tbu County of Huron, deceeseel.
Notice is boreby g)ven, pursuant to the pre-
vieeir+ue of the revised mature, or indents,
' eh:apte r!De; re Le,that all eredtta r•andl niters
leaving dams•• neo asst the Estate ot Hubert
h..swvtl. i.t.r r.f t i.e. town of flu;leri, lr. ira thv
County of lluron, deceased who died on or
about the 11th +lay et•, April, A. Ir., l r,t. at
tbeeeid town ul'tloderseh• mre hereby r..iuired
liver Z r eeeel les pest a an t, .
i e
t u
It n , o Role ;,,
rhe an nr t a one Lt t Juhn, a
u rat J tr
t 9t,
1'. that. 1 eeeet. rs +,f ilae s,ial4. ceased or
tutbe undersimted solicitor for tbo said Ex
testators,. fru or let fere the t ret slay of hece
er 1 t their chra tiau :ma surnames nee
dresses tad k t. inee ,flat fullparticulars
of their aecunntn or claims and te lf
tbo securities of ansa held lirtheru.
And. further tate ;wilco tat uftcr the saki
lsttl•ay of ]tecember, h,1:1, the 1;.;e,•utorsat
the said dee•ca+e,l, Robert Boswell. will nra-
ce ltu distribute tlo assets Ill the ,a'dd
eea.ed umoue the parties entitled tbercto,hav-
ing regard only to such claims of which they
then will Imre had notice, and that they will
not he responsible for the said assets or any
person or persons of whose claim or o'aftne
they shall not there have had notice.
11, 11 COLLINS, Exeter. Out.
Dated this t Solicitor f for the Lsccators.
having done business in Canada for the past
30 years, our reputation and responsibility is
well known. We pay settee -and expenses from
the start, if everything is satistactory, No
previous experience required. Write us for
terms, which are very hbarai, before engaging
withany other firm.
OntReferences-Bradstreet's or Dun liftman L.
Co's Commercial Agencies, well known to
business men; or Standard Bank, Colborne,
DAVIDSON BROS., Builders and Contrast
ors have removed to Swallow's old stand, cor-
ner Main and Gidley streets and are prepared
to sell Boors, Sash and Blinds and Moulding
cheaper than any other farm in town, Build-
ingscontracted for, Plans. Speeificetiens and
Estimates furnished if required. All work
done with neatness and despatch and satisfae-
ion given. Seasoned Lumber always on band
Davidson Eros.,
Eyes Tested
—BY --
Practical Optician,
Graduate Optic School 1 'Y
Eyes tested; defective sight restoredbyth,
aid of fine glasses. Large assortment of th,
finestglassesonhand. Acallsolicited.
A .s- astr"c'RRA- -,
160 a-CTNU,A.S-ST . London.
4 _Fresh -Wad Ai 811)
Just arrived at the family Grocery, Also
Pore Extracts and Spices.
A. beautiful piece of glass-
ware given away with one lb.
Mayell's Baking Powder.
Dashwood Bollet-Flour for sale.
Call and examine our goods before pur:
chasing elsewhere.
Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Rn=
c -xNm:ER,F.,T'C„
Olhce,Upstairs,Satnwall's 131oak. Exeter, Ont
`gltt SMEN
#74 4, T9G"F�D.
Good Salary and Expenses. or 'commission
paid to the right men, I want ,men 25 to 50,
years of age to sell a full line of rest class
Nursory Stock• Alt stock uaranteed. Applar
at once,stattin age and roferonces.
C. L.EOOrHBY, 1.toobester,N,
MEN, Local or travelling, to sell my guar-
anteed NURSERY SfOOII. Salary or Cope -
mission, paid weekly Outfit free. Special
attentioniven to biginners, Workers never
fail to make good weekly wages. Write me at
once for O. GRAHAM, NUBSE1tYDIEi\',
(This house is reliable), Toronto, Ont,
One Door South
of Rust. Q�
• - THE 1143 --..
4- NEW AND QO.II '^W -+.`.f 4
--STOCK 017--
foots &
Sewed work a speciality.
Beiutiritig promptly attended to.
Thedlroct route Cetwecn the Wee t and al.
paints on the lower lit, t,0wrfnee and Itido
dee t°ltaieur, Province of 4uebee a also for
New lima sysei;,Nova Scotia, Prrrle0 Edward
tspelt veto nlslaods, and Newton rid laue'and,
4t. Pierre,
Express treiva'leave None real Halifax
dally ¢Snnnay s excepteeei and re" tbrougb
wltboutvitaunc between these ps,intebt 5(1
bout e„
Tbc tbrougla express train rasa' tho Iu-
tntnolunial ]tnilwas' aro Arilll ntiyl•8htoa
by electricity auahoate'd by swore from'tho
locomotive, thus greatly ineeeto ung the Gout.
fort and safety os travellers,
. o andof
o ant b tJ . r
u ctsloo u
3 i
t and 8 t day
canna through orcPresstraitta.
Canadian -European Mail and
s r.
P.isaengers for Great Britain nr the conti-
nentby leaving Monts eel on l+'ti.la#*]nornfnli
will int n outward until atearuur a t llettfax
on I aturrley,
Tile attention of sidppere is direeted tothe
superior Jttollities r fitted by this rcuteeor
tlto traur+ieort of flour and genorol merchan-
*Rao intended for tine Eastern Provinceo and
' :vowfaundiaud ; e.ho for ehipmenta of greln
andpro due o tuteladed for tee Bnropoaatmar.
net. e
Ttatet smay Ito obtnlne a anti information
about the route ; alao freight and pa er
rates on a tHiratic+n to
le •WEe TllJf1tSTuN,
Wee torn Frei ght&ranemia e Agent
Eio s•3
n Ook
n It 1 Jerk lit.loCC
D PS11Ta!\GTR,
(lhlof' uperfutendent.
Railway (um...1toeeon. v '69.
New Fall Gocds
New Velveteens.
Dress Goods.
Mantle Cloths.
Table Linens.
Cottons. -
Cashmere• Hose.
Cashmere .Gloves
Kid ;Gloves.
Diinin r
Pure Drugs;. Patent Medi-
cines Dye -stuffs,
Perfumery and Toilet
SchoolBooks and
Stati,olfar ;
Photo Frames, Albums,
Purses, etc. '
Cigars Pipes, and Tobacco.
Also a large assortment -
of Toilet and Bath
Sponges always
on hand
Prescriptions carefully re--
pared from
rug thes, purest
Remember the place, Sign,,
Main. St.,J. .