HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-08-29, Page 7SUAY, AUCHIST 29t14, 1957 PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT, Aug. 21.—Mrs. t► avid Martin entertained at a mis- cellaneous shower at the Anglican Church Parish Hall on Friday evening in honor orf Isabel Ti ;ert • bride -elect. After an evening o games and contests, the bride-tobe was presented with many beauti£u1 its for which she expressed her thanks. An enjoyable lunch was served by the hostess and helpers. Previous o o this, it's. Ed, Tigan entertained at a Nurpyise slnowec' at her . home iia Goderaehs Two children were baptized •at the. Anglican Church cab Sunday, Larry Donald,- son of Nfr.'end Mas. Don, t: ow:W. ,4nd Kelly brine, daughter of IVIr. and Mrs. Ronald Catlin. Mrs. Earl Teske and` o child- ren, of Detaboru andMr, ,,1 e ,Hoy and fiance, o Montreal, are .guests at the home Of Mr. nand Mrs, Clarence Hoy, sr. SUNDAY SERVICES IN GODERICH CHURCHES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Sept. 1 -11th Sunday after Trinity. 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 11 a.m. IIOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON. (Junior Congregation and Nursery) No Evening Service during Sunimer. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A1, D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPRENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster. The United Church of Canada North St. Church and Victoria St. Church UNION SERVICES IN NORTJ /STREET 10 a.m. The Sunday Schools (separaf(y). 11 a.m. Family Service; Primary -Beginner Congregation. "Labor Until the Evening." Preacher—REV. S. A. MOOTE, B.A., B.D. Organist—MRS. J. A. SNIDER. 10 a.m. BENMILLER CHURCH. 3 p.m. UNION CHURCH. Knox Presbyterian Church REV. ROBERT G. MacMILLAN, Minister MR. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Director of Praise 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. The Sacrament of Infant Baptism. ., (Nursery and Junior Congregation.) THE SERVICE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY THE MINISTER., No Evening Service. A Friendly Welcome Awaits You COME TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY. 11111 GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, 10 a.m. 'Sunday School. 11 a.m. THE MINISTER WILL PREACH, (Junior Congregation and Nursery). 7 p.m. CAMP HERMOSA NIGHT. Tuesday 8 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Hour. Rev. S. H. Findlay, B.A., B.D., Minister. Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.C.M., Organist. erneTaylor'sC r TAYLOR'S CORNER, Aug, Wok -- Mr. and Mfrs. Carl Canaburn,' of Lansing, Michigan, spent the week- end eekend with Mr. and Mrs. Win.,Seiyder. Sunday visitors with Mara swd Mxs. Len Collyer were Mr. and s, Harold Wise, of Clinton, Mr. and ,Mrs. as. Sinclair and family, of London,° Mrs. Mabel Holmes and Mrs. Calvert, o£ Goderich. ,Mrs, Wog, A.Snyder and Mrs. Geo. Ginn attended a trousseau tea at Listowel on Saturday night. Mr. Lorne Bodges visited last week with his brothers Orville Rodges; at Toronto. Tommy and Bobby Gina, child- ren of Mr. and Mrs. -Dob Ginn; of Kitchener, spent several days last week with •their cousin, Jon Ginn. Mr. and Mrs. Le�oo O'Donnell and Douglas, of Oshawa, are visitors this week with Mr. and Mrs, Gerry Ginn and family. Gerald, Barbara, Marilyn and Dianne Rodges spent a vacation with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Fitzgerald, at Selkirk. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Gage and Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller, of Kalamazoo, Michigan, called on Mr. and Mrs. Len Collyer on Monday. 0 0- 0 BREW ON SALE While the controversy rages on ,the legality of near beer, reports have come in that a light malt beverage is being offered for We in Bayfield and Blyth. It i,s under- stood that no charges have been laid under the Canada Temperance Act so far. The import of light beer has been banned by the pro- vihce, so some authorities hope the controversy will be ended when the present stock runs out. How- ever, it is reported that a grocers' association in Toronto has brought in more light beer in defiance of the ban. FREE METHODIST CHURCH Friday, "Aug. 30-8 p.m: Gospel Preaching. Sunday, Sept. 1-10 a.m. Sunday School. Sunday, Sept. 1-11 a.m. Worship Service and Sac- rament of Lord's Supper. 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service. Wed., Sept., 4-8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Friday and -Sunday Services conducted by Conference Supt., Rev. J. at., Robb, London, Ont. Pastor—Verlyn Snell. Salvation Army Goderich Corps SUNDAY' MEETINGS 11 a.m. Holiness Meeting. 2.30 p.m. Directory Class. 3 p.m. Company Meeting (Sunday School) 7 p.m. Salvation Meeting. Bright Singing, Testimonies and Gospel messages. EVERYONE IS WELCOME AT THE ARMY. Capt. Reta Matchett Lieut. Pauline Howell 23tf — BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE [�Gix qvE 4T WAifRL00 SiRFFT SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st "OPENING SERVICES IN NEW CHURCH 90 10 A.M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY—OPEN SESSION. 11 A.M.—MORNING WORSHIP—Speaker, Rev. H. Underhill. (Mr. Underhill was firstMinister at Bethel) 2.30 p.m.—DEDICATION SERVICE ❑ REV, W. E. McALISTER, General Superintendent. ❑ Soloist, Kenneth James of Detroit, Mich. 0 Members of 'Goderich Clergy attending. 4 i .30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE --Rev. ,.McAlister. . .. SOUND BIBLE TEACHING. . , . . LIVELYCONGREGATIONAL SINGING. .... "SPE'CIAL VOCAL NUMBERS. .... LOWR,EY ORGAN. 11 MONDAY, SEPTEIVIBER 2nd 2.45 pp.m. DIISTBCT FELLOWiSHIP SE RVICE. Speaker—Rev. Harold Underhill. 7.45 p.m. --GREAT AREA RALLY, Speaker—Rev. Wm. Fitch, ,Windsor, Ont. SEPTEMBER 3rd to 15th REVIVAL SERVICES WITH WELSH EVANGELIST. Rev. David Owen e•eoesesee•••,tr•••a•••• • EVANGELISTIC • PRAYER FOR THE SIOK • SPECIAL .MUSIC * LO WREY OI GAN ALL SE " VIDES IN BEAUTIFUL NEW BETHE'1, TABERNACLE South Wales s••••N••••i•sN••!• Mr. Owen was known as the cycling preacher in {art. Britain, having tra- veled 10,000 miles by bi- cycle on one preaching tour. He is one of most interesting evangelists ev- er to visit Goderich. A CHRISTIAN •WELCOME AWAITS YOU PHONE 132.6 REV. R. 3. GREEN, (Minister). mummummummummimi Ti ADEItICFi SIGNAL -STAR PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. lI and Neal and family, of St. Mare, visited at too weekend with 'Mu'. and Mrs. rd:o. McManus. Visitors with Mrs. R. 3. liargier were John Harmer dud children, 1`largar t and Bobby; Mrs. Jinn 31ake . and Mrs. Will Seam and daughter, ', Cale. Sir. "T:Donal4 Mine, sof Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. 3. Alex. Burne o Ottawa, are guests with their sister,. Miss Esther wane Britannia road. Mary Jane McManus is holiday- ing this week in St. Marys with Janie Heath, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Heath. Dr. and Mrs. Erie Eisenhower, of Regina, aro iguests, this week o the latter's cousin, NZrs. W. Frank Saunders, and Mr. Saunders., After a week's vacation, visiting relatives in Toronto, Mrs. I. Jewell returned home ae000npanied by Mr. and Mrs. R. Barrie, Miss'Carol Southgate, anti Master George Southgate, all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sully have returned from a holiday at Honey Harbor. Guests this week with Miss Mary Buchanan were Mrs. Marguerite Trousdell, and her nieces, Misses Winnifred and Marie Trousdell, of Dresden. Miss Joyce Sowerby, of London, sp€nt the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sowerby. Sgt. Eric and Mrs. McAllister and family, of Camp Borden, visit- ed last week witIt3-ieelatives in Goderich and Goderich Township. Mr. Cecil Colclough, of Niagara Falls, Ont., visited last week with his parentsf,' Mr. and Mrs. N. Col- clough, Lighthouse street. Mrs. John A. Brennan, of Kala- mazoo, Mich., rid Mrs. Ross E. Martin, of Portage la Prairie, Man., formerly Dora and Nellie Phelan respectively, are renewing ac- quaintances in ,Goderich. Week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Scott Young, Cambria road, were: Miss Delores Hurst, Selden Kansas; Miss Dcmothy Koerner, Albuquerque, New - Mexico; Miss hirley Young, Grosse Po?nte Farms, Michigan, Ind Miss Jen- eane Young, London. Miss Ann Linfield, of Deet' Cove, B.C., spent the past two weeks with her brother, AlLsi Linfield, Mrs. Linfield and family. Postmaster A. M. Homuuth, Mrs. Homuth and family have returned from holidays spent at Ossassane Beach near Midland. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B. Garrick and Kathy, of Sandwich, visited over the week -end with Mr. Garrick's mother, Mrs. Pat Scrimgeour and Mr. Scrimgeour and brother, Bob. OBITUARY MRS. MARY SHEi B AN Mrs. Mary Veryal Sheridan, KEN WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA widow of Patrick Sheridan, was 51) THE T NT C1' (By IOW Smith) • Well, , it is now the_. eek.:. 1Bru eedir g the *aim Day week -end. So far as the teenagers are con- cerned, the subject that is least discussed is school.. Col.ilegiate opens next Tuesday, While Teachers' College starts on. the' tend of Sep- tember. T' is is ltigldy annoy'41a to the students, most of -Whom have just gotten into folie routine of the su •ui• mer holidays. Howevor, educa- tion is important inthis day and age. Without a satisfactory educa- tion, a teenager Cannot% hope to secure a worthwhile position. One cannot expect something for noth- ing, so unless he or she has ob- tained sufficient education, one should not expect to land a high- ranking job right off the bat. But enough of this talk. Now I shall attempt to explain the func- tion of this column. It has been instigated with the emphasis being on that odd sort of species, the "teenager." What he affects and what affects him will be recorded in this column. A great many of the kids have been away for holidays. Some have not travelled very far while others have covered a lot of ter- ritory. One name that I can re- call offhand is that of John "Doc" Graham, who went out to British Columbia for a month to see and work in that particular part of Canada. The beach has been a meeting place for the kids since school was dismissed in June. Not a summer day passes by but what some of the crowd is seen congregating down there. The juke -box at the beach has been kept quite actiyc. Just ask Donald Bert MacAdam! Somebody always has a dime or a quarter to keep it rocking and rolling. While it is playing, there is room where a great many take the advantage offered, to dance. During the summer, Johnny Brent, the well-known disc jockey from OKNX, has been appearing every Friday night at the Goderich Pavilion_ _._These -dances have -been well attended by the teenagers of ; Goderich and surrounding district. However, this Friday is the last scheduled for the summer at the Pay. I think it is safe to assume though, that the high siooI and the Goderich Teen -Town will re-, commence their Friday night dances in September. What records have the record collecting fans been ,,buying this week at the local reeord stores? It seems that a song calle8 "Diana" d emi•••••••••••Ne•N••N LAKEFRONT DANCING Bayfield Pavilion found dead in her home at Kings- bridge Friday.Ever . Friday Night She is survived by two sans, Rev. Patrick Sheridan, Louvain, B 001114111,111410,4110414.111111116•111.11100.* gium, ' and Rev. Kevin Sherida Hamilton; one daughter, Mary, of Toronto; two sisters, Miss Norma Miller, Hamilton, and Mrs. Rex Hume, Burlington. The funeral ,was held Tuesday morning from the P. X. Dermody funeral home, South Hamilton, to St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, for solemn requiem mass at 10 a.m. interment was in Holy Sepulchre cemetery. WILLIAM H. CHUBB The funeral of William H. Chubb was held here Tuesday with inter- ment in Maitland cemetery. Rev. R. F. Joop, of Hillcrest t''iit- ed Brethren •Church,'offrciatei. Ile was born at Bere Afton, Devonshire, England, in 1880, and served .12 years with the British' Navy and four years with the Bri- tish 4Army in. World War 1. In 1917, he was married to Louisa Coleridge, of England. Mr. Chubb died at his home in Detroit cni August 24 from a cerebral hemor- rhage. He is survived by his wife and three sons, William J. Chubb, Roy Chubb and Thos. Charles, all of Detroit. One brother, CharTes, re- sides in Sydney, Australia. There are nine grandchildren. Those from a distance attending the fun- eral were Mr. and Mrs. James T. Videan, Mr. Ralph Vick and Mrs. Edna Paynter, of Detroit. MRS. E. J. FOREST The death occurred at Sher- brooke, Quebec, on Sunday, August 25, of Mrs. Edward J. Forest, form- erly Louise Haley, af` Goderich. Mrs. Forest was ..(,,he daughter of Robert and Sarah' Curry Haley ind was born at Owen Sound. Her early life was spent in Goderich where she attended school. For 'many years, she vacationed in Goderich, and as recently as tw, years ago. Tlfe late Elizabeth and Margaret Haley and Mrs. 'Phomas W. Bell, Of Goderich, were her sisters. Surviv'ng are her husband, Ed- ward J. Forest, one ,daughter and two grandchiidreh, Mrs. l'hyllis McMurray and Miss Joan McMur- ray of 409 Newton street, Sher- brooke, Que., and Robert .tcMur- ray attending Sackville University, at Sackville, N.B.; also one brother, John Haley, of Toronto. Several sous -,is, including Mrs. P. J. Cant- elon, Mr. D. J. Curry, Mr. Wm. J. Elliott and Misys Frances Elliott, reside in Goderich. DUNGANNON PAGE SUYI NNYBROCK IDONNYBROOI,Aug, 217.- Tor- onto. and Mrs, Stuart ,Cl'nani rey are Lor - onto. vaaltor$ LbbJ wceII and attend• itlg th N Mr. Waverly $hcrridan, Mr. and hire. Stuart 1farge and family, of Oshawa, were week -end ,guests with Mr. and Mrs. John R. Thompson and Howard. Misses Diane and 'tonna Cham- ney are spending a few days with Mr.. and Mni. Cliff . Henderson at Kippen. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ' . Chauaaney included. Mrs. Olive litlldn, of Clinton Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jackson anddaughters, of Streetsville Mrs. Verna Doerr and !o: onald, of Niagara Falls. by Paul Anka, a 15 -year-old gentle- man ,from, Ottawa, has been the top seller. "Tammy," a smooth bal- lad by Debbie Reynolds, from the movie ,"Tammy and the Bachelor," haf also been a top seller. Goderich has captured every one of the five swimming meets held in the district this summer. "Willy" Gallow wan the gni-id champion- ship for the senior boys, while John 'Morris was grand champion for the intermediate boys. In closing for this week, I shall try to end it in a humorous vein. A boarder rushed up to his land- lady and exclaimed, "Say, there are two rats fighting in my room." She replied quickly, "So what do you expect for four •bucks a week, a bull light?" 1EG$TEt i Thietyriive gfr13, have Te44teiett aln'ratiy for 014 Cade .hr , Gird' T iuipet Ban., w:hit'k i% being rc* or anilzed byg. a committee o cAZa* zeas. A lar o number of '.Former membet's of the hang. 1:► ye, indicat ednt..� .+t they will return when the band holds a practice one week rot11 Yilday in the old eoflegi to huildina. Cris between the ages of Ila - and 10 tyre being registered. 'I`OVII tNG A11 '.*Tib Smit Ifitaing, sou. of Mr. and Mrs. 1'red Harding, **inter rea- dent4 of Goderich, lett To from Haltom•, airport for 'Guiana* -ami TrInirlad.._ ..Di nember of th last Qatiadiau 01, °ympie team, is on a ,goodwiill tour with four- ether Canadian Athletes, They Will be making appearances in track meets; while down there. iIER s�asoN 'i'Jth 5UZ( r HOTS ,OLt3SE8 VOR TUE 1957SEASp>,i QN"TUESDAY, SEPTEVIER 3. WRY NOT HIGHTIEGIM '` I LABOUR DAY WEEKEND' WITH A VISIT TO THE HOTEL FOR A DELICIOUS MEAL? TO ADD TO YOUR HOLIDAY ENJOYMENT THE FILM "STRATFORD ADVENTURE" WILL BE SHOWN IN THE LOUNGE ON SUNDAY EVENING AT 8.30. THE SUNSET HOTEL GODERICH PHONE 6-43 Day SHOP, & SAVE ON FOOD -10 WAGSTAFFE Strawberry Jam 24 oz. jar 47c STOKELEY'S Honey Pod Peas 15 oz. tin 2 for 35c 100 FT. ROLL — SAVE -ALL WAX PAPER 3 1 c BALLET TOILET TISSUE, Colors - 2 rolls 25c CLOVER LEAF FANCY RED Cohoe Sa Imori ,3ti TIN 39c RICE KRISPIES 28c 9M oz. Sunkist California Oranges iarge size 113's' doz. 49c EEDY'S LUCKY DOLLAR Food Store -DUNGANNON, Aug. N. — Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnston, three daughters and a friend, of Landis, Sask., visited. with his sister, Mrs. Esther Rivett and family over the weeleend. Mrs. Herh Pocock and two .o':s, David and Allan, of Holmesville, visited for a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glenn. The ('ook rev.' ..•n w .a s hold Sun- day at Kincardine hoaeh with about attend•ng. ALL -STEEL IRONING BOARD (value $7.95) FREE with every Chrome Set bought during this sale. 7 Chrome Sets from