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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-08-22, Page 6
THE GOJM RI SIGH T . ffriTtMa l4+i4.+y0 A' 1911 S .22 44, 1�tiAcaN 5 .lir= --e ........,.. /...9iF.w MAKE ANDERSON'S GODERICH ONT. NEW :iINDEES, NEW COLORS $4.25 $9.95 SEE OURS BEFORE Y()1' 131'1' ; EFILLS — SCRIBBLERS — NOTE xaODKS — etc., etc. ON'T WAIT — SHOP EARLY! is sending my school wardrobe here for a coo- iimmummom pete rejuvenating. will profit by doing the same. Bring them ,,as early as possible. GODERICH ISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE GODERICH PUBLIC SCHOOL Schools Get Set For Re -Opening.- Tuesday, Sept. 3 School re -opening time is just around the corner. The Goderich District Collegiate Institute, the Goderich Public School and St. Peter's Separate School are being put in shape to be ready for the influx of students an Tuesday, September 3. /There will be a total of eight mixed grades when classes are re- sumed .at the Goderich Public School. When this school closed far the academic season last spring there was an attendance of 790 and it is expected that attendance on opening day, September 3, will be approximately this number. There will be 24 teachers on staff during the corning year instead of 26 as there were last year. There will be four class rooms in the old collegiate building, one less than was used last year. The gymnasium in the old collegiate building has been re -decorated for the benefit of the pupils. Three new teachers on the staff will be Mrs. K. McAllister, Mrs. Douglas Hesk and Mrs. R. Klink, all of Goderich. Attendance at the Goderich Dis- trict Collegiate Institute is expect- ed to run about the same. as last year, although nothing is certain until final registration is complet- ed during opening week of school. There will be six new teachers on the Collegiate staff when school opens. St. Peter's Separate School has been entirely repainted inside and is all set for school opening. Last year the registration was 128 pupils andtthe number is expected to " �be slightly more during the coining academic year. •••••••••••••N• ••••••e s••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • i, , ftSTSTOPtSROSS SHOE SH•O.P TH-EN-OFFTO•• ••- SCHOOL IN SMART 'N' STURDY SHOES!• •• • • • •• '�'`''-��'�.� Remember, we have shoes ALL the Tamil ! • • • • • Lilo 3,0. 1 ROSS SHOE SHOP ON THE SQUARE •• • • • • 33, 34 • • ••••C••••••••••••••••••e•••••••••••••••rnme•••••NNNN••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••: Rmodern cleaning process will please you —just Eke new material! We' Invite You . TO SEE OUR FINE ASSORTMENT OF SHEAFFER PENS and PENCILS 51.95 up CARTRIDGE PENS $2.95 REG. BELL ON THE SQUARE JEWELLER GODERICH COLLEGE REQUIREMENTS RY CLEANERS Phone 85 FOR FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY WEST STREET GODERICH •e•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••se••••••••••e••••••a•eee�►•ieee•e*es•••••••••e l►e • 15 STEDMAN • check Your Needs • Cheek These Values • 6 �a 0 PEEL-6LS, CRAYONSr;'"SCRIBBLERS, Etc. E BENDERS O 5c to $1.00 STORES LUNCH BOXES • `1 BOYS' FLANNEL SHIRTS • o • Li BOYS' and GIRLS' JEANS • GODERICH • o El o © SCHOOL SUPPLIES 12 for 39- - 4, $2.95 up 45c '• ea. 98c • • ea. 98c- -• BINDERS, REFIILLS. Etc. PENS, INKS, MUCILAGE, Etc. LUNCH BOXES, THERMOS "FLASKS. READY-TO-WEAR FOR BOYS. READY-TO-WEAR FOR GIRLS. '-; READY-TO-WEAR FOR TEENERS. Make this your headquarters for ®t0••®•@®A®®••••••®•••••oe•e rt f©r the Scher ©Uri Jeri y, 'I . rnpa, Florida. carne 6n Friday y to :pend a few days with JI r. and Mr-, .f. E. Bovey. Mr- and Mrs. B. Aust and family, L.ndon, are N acationing at the 1.it'le Inn- - Mr. and Mrs Wm. Moran, Lon - d -,,n, are spcnf ng a few day.; at their cottage. - Mr. and Mrs. James Auld and fam.ly. Si, Catharines, are holiday- ing at Bayfield Highlands. Mrs. George King returned to her home in the village after spend mg the winter months in Toruito. 27, Davy Crockett LN(1 ICS - 1©25 ea. s Deluxe 2 -tone CH KITS OTHER L`§_ NCH KITS - Complete with Thermos Bottle, are available in the following colorful designs: Annie Oakley, Space Cadet, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. S E OUR DISPLAYS OF TRICYCLES and WAGONS —COP)LETE LINE OF TOYS ON SECOND. FLOOR - HARDWARE PHONE 135 PLUMBING - HE c TING - GIFTS - TOYS DR. HALL, MRS., WHEELER' WIN CRAIGIE LAWN BOWLING TROPHY One of the largest number of entries in years took part in the mixed doubles tournamentfor the 1 Craigie Trophy at the Goderich Lawn Bowling Club on Monday , evening. Winners were Dr. H. R. Hall ft d Mrs. J. R. Wheeler, who registered three wins and a plus of 20 for en aggregate of 45. Placing second were Clayton I4ivins and Mrs. E. Sale with three wins and a plus of 11 for an aggregate. of 41. Others plaeing in the prize list were: 3rd, A. Kitlton and Mrs. W. Maeliar ell with three wins and a pltn of 10; 4th, S. 'McLean and Mrs: E. !Farris with two wins and a %lttf3 Of 18 for an aggregate of 3G; DM, L: Webb and Mrs. W. Rath - born, two wins and a plus of 14 for an aggrevate of 34; 6th, S. !tabincon cnd ItX ri . II. Sttrin'rgeoUrr, two Wi> La Carl a phis of 12. Mgt tounrnaftnettat is on Wednes- (lay, AtiG st 25 • t*Teen there will 1)0 RIM'S doubles Beat for the Parity bloc" T t telly. 0- 0 ST. AUGUSTINE RULED INK EXERCISE BOOKS 4 for 29c • ORLON CARDIGANS and PULLOVERS. : $2.98 • GIRLS' STRETCH BOBBY SOX 49c • • IT TAKES MONEY TO SEND 'EM THERE ! Plan NOW to give your children the benefits of higher educatiofl. Ask EBB ROSS about the only SURE way of accumulating that money. Phone 37, Old' LIFE. - • - 33 It will pay you ' to see our big stock, 33 • Boys' SUITS • .PANTS • CAPS ••••••••e•�••eoe•••••••••••••e••••••••a••o•••••ea••••••e••I.••o•••••N• • SWEATERS • HOSIERY •��•-�-- :., . .-� ..,� . ;��' �•d-•....,.�-;•. ,,ks'.T: i�F -• � • COWBOY . JEANS GODERICIi BUSIgESS REGISTRATION WEEK ST. AUGUSTINE, Aug. 19.—Mr. and Mrs Miles St. Marie motored to Kitchener last week to visit Mrs. James St. Marie who, we are glad to report, is recovering from her recent illness. Mr. Gordon Kennedy and Rita, of Seafarth, visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Kinahan. Gordon leaves this month for Toronto where he will join the Order of the Basilian Fathers there. We wish Gordon every success in his chosen career. Mr. and Mrs. George Nerett and family, of London, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Boyle over the week-ond, Mrs. Ray Leddy, Monica, Berna- dette and Kathleen attended a shower for Miss Aileen Deitner which was sponsored by the girls employed in the Bank of Com- merce, Bruns cls. Aileen received many useful and lovely gifts. Dr. J. and Mrs. Kasper and Mrs. Urusla Hebert visited friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Devereaux, Eugene. Joan .lid Betty, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carroll, Kitchener, on Sunday. BAYFIELD BAY'FIELD, Aug. 20. — Mrs. Ethel Burwell ]eft on Monday for her home at London after spend ing a week at the Little Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Len. Smith, London, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Larson. Mrs. J. Pasman, London, is visit- ing her parents, Pastor and Mrs. I. Bodenham. Mr. and Mrs. Crordon Pfaff and family returned to Windsor after spending a week at their home. Mrs. Frank Anderson, Science Hill, spent Monday with her par- ents, Mr. awed Mrs. Ed, Sturgeon.• Miss Florence Stirling, Goderich, is visiting her aunts, Misses Maude and .T•asephine Stirling. George Telford, Stratford, spent the week -end at his home. Mrs. J. 11. Hovey spent Friday lin Toronto. Mr. and Miss. Ted Mack and ASHFIELD One coupon with every $1.00 purchase of School Supplies. lstPRIZE — LEATHER BINDER A FEW HIGHLIGHTS ABOUT OUR BUSINESS SCHOOL Modern equipment is provided including up-to-date office machines and Targe individual oak desks. Our classes are quiet and well organized -with a qualified teacher. - Individual attention is given to each 'student. We suggest you visit and learn about our method of teaching before making a decision. PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION IN ALL COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS Our courses are approved by the Business Educators' Association of Canada: the Diploma, recognized across the Dominion, will give you a nation-wide passport to business. The Association examining j - 4 body sets all final papers and marks them. The three popular 17 •�• month courses are Secretarial, Cleritype, and Stenographic. There a growing demand for higher and better trained personnel. �Iq� . �, ,•. Day School tuition — $18 per month. STUDENTS ARE NOW REGISTERING FOR THE COMING YEAR, • SCI'900L The school office is open daily for interviews from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. ASIrF!I:LD, Aug. 19.—Mr. and Mrs. E. MacKeith, who have been visiting relatives here for some weeks, have returned to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Taylor, of Sault Ste. Marie, are guests of their aunt, Mrs. John Cowan. Ray MacKenzie, of Windsor, was home for the week-oid. Misses Anna and Charlotte Mac- Kenzie spent a few days in Batavia with their sister, ,Mrs. Philip Gour. Mr. Finlay MacDonald, of Chath- am, and Roddy visited with Mr. Dan MacDonald last week. "'Mica Audrey Ross, of London, holidaying with her parents, Mr, i .d• Mrs. Wm. Esq. UNION UNTON, GODL CII TOWN- SHIP, Aug. IA. -=The Union Baby Band Ineeting was held at the hoine of Mrs. Gerald Orr. The motben , WMS members and visit' ENROLL IJOW! For full information Blip arid mail to: GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE, EAST STREET, GODERICH. and asst for NAME ADDRESS GRADE Parent's Name our bulletin of courses—without obligation. ors were favored with accordion selections by Miss Jo Anne John- ston. A story displayed on flannel - graph wap presented to the child- ren and an inspiring message on Baby Rand work was given to the inothers by Mrs. S. Maple. The children were enterta:ned and re- fre:-.hments Were served by the Union GMT girls. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Alex. G. MacVicar and daughter, Sheila, of Toronto, and Mrs. A. Ruggles, of Kitchener, visited wit, Mrs. George MadViear over' the week -end. Miss Soggii Nichol, of Listowel, vent a week's holidays with her FALL :TERM COMMENCES Tuesday, Sept. 3 VALUE $12.75 2nd PRIZE — SHEAFFER PEN 3rd PRIZE - SHEAFFER PENCIL SPECIAL VALUE! Zipper Ring Binders with large 2" rings plus 15c divider Reg. value pf binder alone $4.95 School Special $3.25, • FREE Book Covers with every school purchase over $2.00 • FREE Plastic Pencil Case with' each' binder over $5.00 ebitch1G4 Donald and Sally Leitch. Ivl nd Mrs Carl Walker of Shelbu,rne, have been visiting with Walker was a former staff member of the Goderich Star in 1925. Mr. and Mrs. George Dowker Miss Leslie Boswell, of Toronto, and family, of Toronto, visited with spent last week with Mary Jane the former's father, Mr. G. •N. McManus at the McManus cottage, Dowker, Wellington street. 'Male's Beach. Misses Beq and Donna Stapel- ton, of Delhi, are visiting Miss Nancy Royce, South street, this