HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-10-16, Page 4INSURANChl
•PAD1X. of Toronto: also for eliePH(ENIK
•FIRE IleetettAriOF CoMIee.laY, of London;
England, the ROYAL a:A19,D1AD:, of Mon-
tre,al, and Che weer ,ea° a,r'eteef. LIFE
ASSY :ANCE, COY of waterloo eetabiished
.b70,4-, Asaurar,:esiutome, sl>,1,,,eee. Demises
,every year after 3rd year.
--Exeter Fair dlonday and. Tuesday
--origF' n y'eenelsPairstilllegeldon
:u4 same days.
-Wweld liee every bey rune girl to
visit our store on those days.
-Yue first nti n igen of eemiieg Christ•
pias Stock wilt he visil•le San our+`i.'eeful
+Counters '
--;tit t e, a -•e s a: l .• filled with choice
*'nd nee fe6 r, oIa en ikiLise
-c r,.r e ee wit! ,to the., test to make
eisiters feel ut Nettie mai swill l?e pleased
t ze^ to f tho tot" an
474it C&S r. (f ep t en, ee to its merit eon'.
'peel with city eteres.
seeee t p el .it leveret cases of
New thiweek :chitttwill he then
n„ a ,c,• .., riled we can
t Y t Rat i tt aunt V l'ttSPtt
[ : c t -..+E a c, r'te;tsantly
1 n .•. r. ,t. I,i _P,e+l rip if required at
• rate lair
.8 RfArefe, 88,
Golden October.
All Hallowe'en.
The ice season is over.
The season for quail shooting opened on
the 15th inst,
The Messrs Walter will leave this week
for England where they will eernaiu,
Special values in Ladies" and Children's
underwear at the Big Bankrupt Store.
The Sehoo1Boaxd are calling for tenders
to hate the school hall celled and repaired
The new officers of the Salvation Army
are progressing quite well with their work
Mr 1). Walker, ex --reeve of Tucker
smith, is seriously 01 Be is not expected
to recover.
Considerable grain is being marketed at
present end prices are fairly good. See
market reports.
On Wednesday Alr. John Pedlar sold
100 acres.' lot 4 eon 11, McGilliv say, to
Wm. Dauneey, for ,$',4,310.
Rare value in black satin mere at the
Big Bankrupt Store. We guarantee to
sieve you from 25 to 40c ore every yard -
The trees have delivered their beautiful
folia re, and now the country presents au
aetumn appearance, nigh unto muter.
During the season up to Sept 30, A. Q.
Bobier, egg; merchant, of Exeter, has ship
est from Exeter to different puts 214.t'uei
Ordeals u' 1s that last year sold for $1,0r0
in a lump remould and were blazoned all over
the Province by fruit peddlers, may ibis
year turn out a0 barrels,
19ae necessary machinery for the dee.
trio light for the Verity foundry bas ar-
rived, and it is expected the system will be
in operation in a fete ,lays.
An Attractive Stock The largest and best assortment of
of New Spr°ingTweeds
Worsteds nc1 Trous-
? rtc.,w being showti
Sealettes au western. Ontario at the Big
Bankrupt Store ; a beautiful line at $5 «'0.
Only a few jackets of thin special line left.
We understand drat Mr. W. Audrews
hue purchased the property of the Urawn
estate. at private sa'e, itecusista of stere,
residence, factory and machinery,
A species of influenza, is very prevalent
in town just now, t1 cold ,a the head..
W I , (R1o x , ; with a splittingheadache are its chief
features Manz s it is a second edition
Exeter 1 of "L" tlrippe,'°s '
Mr. Wm. Walker, of Stephen,
i bitterly
atwahb� cutting
If repeated lr. Welker will make the
EXETER.I young nen suffer.
The Municipal Act it amended by giving
po»er to councils in towns and cities for
prohitritfou wholly or in part of barbed
wire, or any other barbed material, along
streets or public places.
rho Departmeat .of ,Agriculture will
extend the time for receiving applications
from intending exhibitors at Jamaica, to
the 20th inst. The date originally fixed
wail the 30th of September.
Next Suuday the Presbyterian and
`lain st church congregations
at a
will hold Union services; to the morning
in the Preahyterien church; in the etg. in
the Methodist church, to be conducted by
Rev. Mr, Wilson.
113e Drees toe ;;tis for kilt:
a deals far 10e.
: fire ee t:., suis far 14ae.
1 Pe se tree nils for We.
tit. , lists d;orris for me.
Zee Prete Gaels for Me.
2t'e• Mese 4;Duds tier 12,1e.
2re. press Geo le Feer 1°;e
:37e Dress tlecei i for 23e.
Te l)sets 4roods for `.� •.•,
ee Dress t;tlods for
.Ge lnre'33 tae:+psis or Wu.
0aa.: ,louble width Dress Goods for ;,Oe.
fele double wiith Dress Goods for 30e.
r1 a 4olul4e width Dress Goods for 30e.
double width press Goods for 30e.
::•.'.t Meek Cashmere for 20e.
+ l;lank `:rslunere for 200.
ere Black Ca:it:in-re for 211x.
its e
Meek k Ca shnrere for 20e.
are Block ('teianese for 30,,
ilete Black C.eslrmero for 39e.
50e Black Cashmere for 30c.
aril„ Black Cashmere for 30o.
51 Black L'ashinero for 500.
75c Track f itshmere for 30c.
73e Black Cashmere for 30e.
71e Black Cashmere for 50c.
Bankrupt Stock Dealer. Exeter
111 1 1eDA1:, ocTOBER.10th, 1890.
On The Sink List.
At the present time there are several
of the more prominent citizens of Exeter
end vicinity lying 111, among whom we
:night mention the names of :-Mr.
Benjamin Case, Loudon road, an attack
of inflammation; Mr. Wm. Drew, par-
e:yeas; Mrs. Wm. Rollins, London road,
paralysis; Mr. Thos. Trivitt; congestion
of the lungs. We understand that in
each case, recovery from the illness is
arowTo Sweep AStore
Au American merchant gives'hewiews
as to the proper way of sweeping a store,
which we commend to the attention of
march rnts hereabout : We dont use a
creaky old sprinkling pot to sop the floor
.all over in puddles when we sweep.
.No, sir : We have wet sawdust, and I
put a row of it across one end ref the
store and sweep that right along to the
•other end, just like a regiment marching
.across a ten acre lot. It catches all the
dirt. and carries it along. If it gets a
little dry, I add soma more. Some folks
':scatter sawdust all over the floor, but
,that's no good ; the • reason for using
sawdust is to avoid wetting the floor all
.over and to • have something that will
Absorb the dust.
-Pickard vs eamweU.
This action brought by Mr. Robert
• Pickard against Mr. George Samwel],
•.assignee of the estate of James Pickard,
to establish a claim for services rendered
•.•amounting to $15,903, was set down
/or trial before justice Street at the last
,:spring assizes at Goderich, and when
.called was referred ,to Mr; S. Malcomson
to dispose of. Dar. Malcoanson attended
'Exeter last June and took all: the evid-
, trace. The• case was then argued in
S.;oderich in July, and judgment was
reserved. Judgment was, as we under-
stand, given some days • ago adversely
to the plaintiff, and, of course, in favor
of the defendant. The result of this
.action will ' still further increase the
dividend that Mr. Pickard's estate will
pay.. Mr. Collins for assignee, Mr.
;Dickson for Mr.. Pickard,
Monthly School Report.
The following is the honor roll for
the four highest rooms of Exeter Palle
School for the mouth of September, the
names occurring in order of merit:
Palls: u's Roost -Sixth Class -
Alfa Esssery, Rennie, Kinsman Sen.
Fifth Class -Carrie Earl, Melville
Martin, Willie Biownirrg, Maggie Legg.
Jr. Fifth Class --Addie Holland, George
Willis, Frank Shapton, Norman Creech.
Sr Fourth Class-- Eurith Myers, Emily
Gould, Lottie Hicks, Bella Westcott.
Jr.. Fourth Class -Frank Lutz, :Harry
Sanders, IdaJohns, Willie Dignan.
Miss \rosy n's Room -Sr. Class -
Alex Martin, Ella Evans, Mary Ryan,
Robert Treble. ,Jr. Class --Wellington
W estcott,:11'ablo Reny, Charlotte fetter•
son, Grace Wilson.
Mess Gree's Roost -Mary Weis)),
Stella Gregory, Louie Manui,rg, Ettie
A prominent New York physioian says
that the constant chewing of gum has
produced weak minds in fourteen cases of
Young girls now under treatmeut, the
constant movement of the mouth causing
too great a strain on the head .-Ex..
The first snow of last fall fell on the
night of the 5th Oct., in sufficient quantity
to coyer the ground. It was followed by
ebarp frost This year we have had no
suspicion of snow as ;yet, but the frosts
have been sharper and more frequent than
they were last season.
Our contemporary is badly astray in its
report of the Pickard estate sale, held
Inst week. It reports the sale ne being a
failure, and nothing sold save the stores.
It bus surely drawn upon its subtile im-
agination for information, for bona fide
sales of the more valuable parts of the
estate were made, as see last week's
Muss for parttcuhars.
The market on Saturday was as usual,
quite lively, buyers and sellers being
numerous. The price paid for eggs
was 17e per doz, which would not indicate
that the eicKinley l5illehad injured the
industry of Canadian hens materially.
Putter and other small produce btougbt
the usually high prices paid ou the Exeter
market. Farmers who have not as yet
given the market a trial, should do so
The celebrated musical McGibeny family
were announced to appear in Victoria Hall
London, October 20th and 21st. Secre-
tary Sayer, of the Y. M. C. A., received a
letter Tuesday to the effect that owing to
recent customs decisions of the Canadian
Government the combination had to cancel
all their Canadian engagements. Their
engagement in Exeter this fall, will also of
necessity be cancelled.
Unwary persons are beguiled into as
attempt to pick out six figures from a row
of threes, fives, sevens and nines and
make them amount to 21. After the
victim has wasted two or three hours in
vain attempts to solve the problem .it
dawns upon him that it is utterly impossi-.
ble, biasmtich as the numbers are all odd,
and the sum of six of them must inevitably
be an even one. •
Publio Sob.001 Board Minutes,
Oct. 1st, meeting in town ball. all pre-
sent, Items passed .--Minutes of
previous meeting ;Accounts as follows:
per B. Hueston and W. Treble, Dr.
Lutz, horselike e_tc, 42; Davidson Bros,
eareentee work ep '75 ; J, Dignan re"
rat; y 1 50 ; Dr. Browning, stationery 111
SI 25 ; S. Cidlty, washstand etc. 2.2i$;
Inspector's report favorably adopted
excepting clause relative to grading of
departments,action an which was de,
ferred per T. Fitton and W. Hoskin ;
Teachers to be offered reengagenlents at
present salaries per H. U ueston and A.
t4, Dyer ; Miss Spicer to be paid for
substitute services by the Board, per
111. Hueston and T. Fitton ; Nino hun-
dred dollars to be loaned for two months
• t legal interest, per W. Hoskin and W.
Treble , Five dollars to be allowed E.
Folliek for extra Janitor's duties per R.
1Sueston and A. G, Dyer ; E, Follick,
to remove hall ceiling, per W. .kloskrn
and T. Fitton ; A. G. Dyer to dratt
form of ceiling contract, per T. Fitton
and H. HHueston, The following ao
eounta T. Iiartnoll, drainage ete. $185
88, J Beer, flooring etc. M3 13, a Z1.
Spicer, painting, SIM' 341 ; Bissett eros.
tinwork, et4 $110 32 ; S. Buckingham,
ironwork, $26 2 ; E, Foliick, labor,
$12 97, per W. Treble and T. Fitton ;
To be a committee on unsubmitted ac-
•eounts Dr Lutz and T. Fitton, per II.
Huston and W. Hoskin ; The ehair-
inan and T. Fitton to dispose of stoves,
per W. Hoskin ; To adjourn. -
Oct lath all present ; Items passed,
previous minutes ; Finance committee
report ; Geo. Hanlon, brickwork, $23 ;
Rosa 49:, Taylor, carpenters, $8 ifl ; per
T. Fitton and W. Hoskin; T. Hartnoll,
account for lumber $1 10 ; per II
Hueston and T. Fitton, Roas and Tay-
lor's tender for ceiling ns$
t •
per W.
Hoskinand V. Treble eey. todvertiae
for principal in Mail, TIMER and Advo-
cate ; per T. Fitton to adjourn.
Oh Saturday evg. about 12 o'clock two
persons attempted to effect an entrance
into Mrs. Smith's residence, opposite town
hall, when the old lady, who resides alone,
made her whereabouts known by discharg-
ing the contents of a seven shooter at her
would-be assailants. They made good
their escape by rolling off the roof of a one
story annex at rear. One of the parties
was attired in female garb. 1VIrs. Smith
says she could have shot them, but this
time merelywished to scare. If again
attempted, she says blood will be drawn.
Beware! unprincipled sneaks.
"The Canadian Repertoire Coinpany,
under the leadership of Professor Trevor,
gave a musical entertainment :in the
opera house on Thursday evening of last
week. The Professor was -suffering from
a bad cold and did not appear analis best,
but the singing of the Misses Stevenson
was pf a high orclor. The attendance was
very small, and the boys conducted then
selves in a shameful ' Manner. 'Better
order will have to be maintained, or soon
no one will,attend any show ii the opera
house." -Mitchell Recorder The boys,
possibly understand music, better than the
Recorder man, Bence their interruptions.
The schoolmaster and the preacher are
abroad in Canada, but the 'murderer . is
abroad these days too. The gallows pro-
mises to be kept busy the balance of this
year .of grace. No sooner is one' citizen
sentenced to be hanged' than some other
Our stock is now complete and consists of all the most fashionable things
of the season. NV e would call special attention to our new line of
a,01-irgefite0 at 50 deqt� def ytd
all wool and one yd and a quarter wide, in all the leading shades.
In black we are showing an endless variety in Plain and Brocades. As w
import all. our Dress Goods direct front the Old Country, we are selling thero.
at prices which the ordinary dealer has to pay for them.
Cell and inspect QUc•z' stare, ,N'o trouble to show goods.
A smart boy to Learn the printing,
15 years of age. Apply at this office.
Mr. Thos. Greenway, premier of
Manitoba, and son, were the guests of
Dr. Rollins last week. Mr. Greenway.
left on Monday for the Old Country on
emigration business. -Mr. Will J.
White, of Brandon, with his family who
havo been visiting friends in Exeter for
the past two months left here on Mon-
day for Brandon. -H. B. Elliot, Mail
Clerk, L. H, B. railway, spent Sunday
in town. -Miss Tillie White, of Sarnia,
spent a few days of last week at home,
in Exeter. -Ret', Mr. Renders, of
Luean, occupied the pulpit of the JamesStreet Meth. church Sunday morning
last, and preached an acceptable sermon,
-h. L. Billings will lease Exeter in a
few weeks for Peterboro; where he will
open an office .-Messrs D. Johns, of
Exeter, J. Osborne, London, and H.
Eilber, of Crediton, leave shortly for
Muskoka, on a deer, hunting expedition.
-Mr. Robert Pickard and family have
moved to London. -Chief constable Gill
has returned from Kingston, whither he
had gone last week in charge of two
subjects for the penitentiary, particulars
of which appeared in last weeks Ttms.
-Mr. C, Prouty clerk of Stephen town-
ship left last week for an extended' trip
east, objective points being Ottawa and
New York, Mr. P. has been clerk of
the township for 33 years and • the pre-
sent has been his only leave 'of absence
in that time. We would say it has been
Big stock and big bargains in Boots and
Shoes at the Big Bankrupt Store.
The Exeter milling Co. • ship this week
five more car loads of flour to the Old
Over 30 different styles of Dress Goods
for 100 per yd at the Big Bankrupt Store.
Come quick or you may miss the best lines
Dr. C. H. Ingram, of Pictou, has pur-
chased the dental practice of Dr Billings,
of Exeter.
The best. 45c wool shirts and drawers to
be found in the trade ale at the Big Bank•
rupt Store.
Mr. G. W. Holman has been re•engaged
to teach Winchelsea school at a largely
increased salary.
The wind storm on Monday evg. broke
several panes of glass in some of tee at fres
in town.
Rev E. Grigg, preached in the main st
methodist church on Sunday morning Last,
and in the Pnesbyte' ian church in the
Mr Geo Weir's sale yesterday ivas a suc-
cess. Stook sold ' well, and Mr Weir had
everything in good condition. H. Eilber
wielded the hammer.
For 'lobby and effective Dress Goods
,just try the i3ig Bankrupt Store.
The Trutees of the ExeterPublic School
are advertising in this issue for a Principal,
the Board haying declined to increase the
present, principal's salary.
Just thirk'of it ! Grey Flannel at 9 cts
per yd, aud;pure all wool grey flannel for
15e at the -Big Bankrupt Store.
The agents for the new book "Scripture
tlannale' mentioned in last week's issue,
report tbat it will have a large chards -
citizen hastens to qualify himself for the : tin in teeter, over 40 subscribers having
noose. Up to elate these fottr are await already been obtained:
ing execution: Some of the citizens of Exeter, appar-
eutlyare not aware that there is a bylaw.
on record, prohibiting cattle running at
large from 7 o'clock p. m, until 6 o'clb„k
a.'mat present. The authorities will be
19, compelled to impound all vagrant cattle.,
Monxx, at Quebec, Oct. 17
MEC.FHALL, at Woodstock, Nov. 14.
ARTHUR Hare i)Ae, at Welland, Deo: 18.
READ: LAriMCNT<ac 1L, at Sherbrooke, Dec.
Wo wake a specialty of
finest, class of 'ewelery.
The rapidly rising value of dia-
monds make them a. most desirable
nvestment. With every diamond
sold wa give a guarantee to re-pur•
chase same at any time --less five
per cent. off price paid. We carry
the largest stock west of Montreal,
ab our diamond business extends
to all parts of the United States
at d Canada.
c Goods sent on approbation by
xpress or mail to responsible
A. MORPH): & 00.,
Cor, Richmond and Dundas Sia.,
London, Ont.
(Established 1835).
.A. Present To Our Subscribers.
It is with pleasure that we announ"o to
our many patrons that we have made
arrangements with that wide awake, ilius.
trated farm magaziue, the Aatrsrte,t
Faxatin. published at Fort Wayne, Ind,,
and read by nearly :100,000 farmers by
which that great publication will be mailed
direct, to the address of any of our sub-
scribers who will cone in and pay up all
arrearagea on subscription and $1 15 in
advance from date, and to any new sub-
scriber who will pay $1 15 one year in
advance. This is a grand opportunity to
obtain a first-class farm journal. The
Aentiuctx rammer. ntr is a large 10 -page
journal, of »ational oareetlation, which
ranks among the leading Agricultural
leap:"s. It treats the question of economy
in agtieulture Mud the rights and prlvi•
loges of that vast hotly of citizens -Ameri-
can farmers-• whose industry is the basis
of all material and national prosperity.
Its highest purpose is the olevatioe and
ennobling of Agriculture through the
higher and broader education of mon and
women engaged in its pursuits. The
regular subscription price of the A:+rsxrCAN
FARMER is $1,00 per year, . It costs you
little. From any one number ideas can be
obtained that will be worth thrice the
subscription price to you or members of
your household. al1C and see sample
A manufacturer's stock of Gents' Ties at
the liig Bankrupt Store Over 700 differ-
ent styles to select from. Now is your -
chance for something nobby !
Posters are out announcing the Horse
and Cattle Fair, to be held in Exeter ou
Oct. 28th '90. l+arnters will do well to
remember this.
Persons wishing to buy first class buggie
or cutters, will consult their interests by
examining the stock of the estate of John
&lattice. , Can be seen on application to J.
P. Ross, •
The es eight of the main belt of the
Trivitt Memorial Church chime, is a few
pounds less than a ton. It has just been
cast and is pronounced one of the finest
toned tenor bells ever male.
The entertainment in the town hall on
Tuesday eyg. by 'Mr. Campbell, subjeot
"London" illustrated by line light views,
was of a very interesting character and
was favored with a crowded house • '
The council met on Tuesday evg, and
granted the 13a11 Electric Light Co the 1
privilege of erecting poles along Main st
for electric lighting purposes. The meet.
ing was adjourned until Tuesday, 21st
inst, at 7.30 p. m.
The Pullman Palace Car Company
furnished 2,050 sleeping and drawing-
room cars to the various railroads in the
United States last year. It operates its
coaches over 126,037 miles of road.
Canada Presbyterian :-"Ministers'
sons came to • the front in the great
criminal trial at Woodstock. Osler is a
son of therRev.,Canan, :Osler,, formerly
of Dundas. Mr. Blaekstook•is the' son
of a retired Methodist minister. Mr.
Hellmuth is a son' of the well-known
Episcopal divineyf'that name. The old
slander that ministers' sons never
amount to anything is not of : Ontario.
It never was true anywhere!' They
left out Bircliall.
Following the shipment of eggs.whish
have been made to England from Mon-
treal during the past week comes the`.
announcement of an exportatitsn of 100
ton of hay -this weekforwhich'McKinley
demands $4 per ton duty on quantities
going into the States, it is expected that
the exportation to British markets will
be groat. The present shipment of 100
tons is sent over.as a sort of test of the
lvJ L. D. Sawyer make -in gGe& canning
order, and a bargain for cash- •
APPly io •
Kirk ton •
We have on hand a
large quantity of Men's
Overcoats and Suits which
we are prepared to sell
cheaper than any one in
With all noir Blow
To be convinced of this
fact we solicit a, call to
prove what we say. Re-
member this before going
argains -!
When visiting Exeter do not fail to see
Bo�ts&Shoes and Clothing
400 fern's Suits,
200 Youths' Suits,
c 00 Boys' Suits,'
300 Over, oats.
- SRR--- :0:
$5,000:00 worth of Boots & Shoes to be sold cheap.
Having bought our stock of Fall and Winter Boots &
Shoes before the recent rise, will give OUT Customers t1a
benefit of our early buying. Our stock' is no* comate.
• ed..�
We have about 200 pairs of Lace Curtains that we
intend clearing at less than cost, ...Now isthe time to:.buy .,
your Curtains for the fall house cleaning.
Jcir,. Jr HAA.
Fanson's Block, Exeter.
G-0 ' o -
ICN ith E11�•.
F' O
t Personalattentiongivento repairing of
watehes,elocks andiewoire:
Opposite Post Office, PARKHILL
A. r�astin' .�, P
Shaving and Hair ontting in the lateee
style of the art. ,
Every attenticnpaid to gutting
Laaies' ancChila'rensHair.