HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-08-08, Page 9e
THURSDAY, SD11`iP', AUGUST Gth, 1954
AUDURN, 'Aug. 5.---:MeNall—Me-
Carthya -- Holy Trinity Anglican
(Church, Weiland, was the scene of
a pretty weddin _ at 3 p.m., July
27, 1957, when the rector of that
church, Rev. Harold t agnall, of=
Related at the marriage of Wel-
lington T. McNall and Miss Frances
G. McOarthy. Mr. McNall is the
ytpunge t son of Mrs. Mary McNall,
of We »and, and the ljate Mir.
Thomas l Nall, formerly o f
Auburn, and the bride is the daugh-
ter of Mrs. Susan McCarthy, of.
Welland, and the late Mr. Owen
M,eCarthy, formerly of Nova Scotia.
The bride, who entered the church
on the arm of her brother, Owen
McCarthy, of Toronto, looked
charming in her floor -length gown
of nylon tulle lace over white satin
Which extended into a train. The
low-meoked dress was enhanced by
seed pearls and sequin trim with
long sleeves and wore a headdress
of seeded pearls which helld her
fingertip veil. She carried a white
Cement Work
Phone 9418 Goderich
prayer book covered with r site
and pink carnations with ribbon
streamers holding tiny carnations.
She was attended by her sister
Mrs. Laurie Forsey, as matron of
'honor. The bridesmaid was Mrs.
Stanley McNeil. The pretty little
(flower girl was Miss Linda McNall,
niece of the groom, The groom
was attended by his brother,
Robert 'Cir. McNeil, of Welland. The
ushers were Mr. Laurie Forsey and
Mr. Gordon 'Colquhoun. Wedding
music was played by the organist,
.Harry Cawthorne, who also ac-
oompiuied the soloist, Mrs. Alfred
Drake. A reception was held at
5 p.m. at the Casa Dante Lodge
Hall i,q Welland where the bride's
mother received the guests. She
was assisted by the groom's mo-
ther. For a wedding trip to North-
ern Ontario and U,S. points, the
bride donned a gown of pink linen
sheath with lace duster coat, p`nk
and white accessories and matching
rose corsage. Q'n their return they
will reside -at Welland., Guests
were present from Blyth, Auburn,
Goderich, Toronto and St. Cath-
Bailey—Messer.--A pretty wed-
ding was solemnized at the Pres-
byterian' manse, Luckuow, by Rev.
Wallace MoClean on Saturday,
August 3, 1957, .at 4 o'clock when
Margaret Jane Messer, of Goderich,
daughter of the late Archibald Mes-
ser and Betsy McAllister Messer
became the bride of Mr. Thomas
Edward Bailey, son of Mr. Russel
Bailey and the late Mrs. Bailey, of
Oaklake, Manitoba. The bride who
was given in marriage by her
uncle, David McAIIisIler, looked
lovely in a gown of .pink crystal-
lette in street -length, with pink ac -
McKee Shredder
Kinsmen Trade Fair
August 14-17
McKee Bros. Limited
hon' fricz s to view' hem trauseeau
on display at the home .af her
aunt, Mr,. William Reid.
Taylor-eCeok Weenie sl United
Church was the sent seene of a pretty
double-rigg ceremony on ;aturdtay,
July 20, W.57, uniting a arrxze
Violet Pearl, daughter of Mrs. Fred
V, Cook and the late 1Jr. Cook, and
Wilbert 'Ronald Taylor, son of Mr.
and Mrs. `:ert Taylor, of Auburn.
The Rev. C. E. Taylor, of Mel-
bourne, uncle of the groom, of-
ficiated, assisted by Rev. . S.
Hiltz. The church was beautifully
decorated with ferns, hydrangeas
and blue delphiniums with lighted
candelabra. The wedding music
was played by Mrs. Elaine Mc-
Dowell who also accompanied the
soloist, Mr. William Bush, of Tel --
cute- The bride, given in marriage
by her brother, Arnold, wore a
floor -length gown of antique silk
taffeta, fashioned with chantilly
lace yoke, sprinkled with irrides-
cent sequins and featuring lily -
point. sleeves. The waistline pleat-
ed in the bouffant skirt which was
accented by lace insets f-uished
with deep chantilly lace scalloped
hemline. Her 'finger-tip veil was
held by a coronet encrusted with
seed pearls and sequins. She car-
ried a bouquet of white carnations
and sweetheart roses. Mrs. Jim
Hoak was her sister's matron of
honor and Misses RuthCook and
Lorna Buchman were bridesmaids.
The little flower .girl • was Miss
Ramona `Hanna, niece of the groom.
Master Donnie Boak, nephew of
the bride, was ring -bearer. The
groom was attended 'by his cousin,
Donald Stonehouse, of Guelph.
The ushers were Jim ,.Boalc of
Crewe, and William Taylor, of East
Wawanosh. A recepticii followed
in the church parlors where the
bride's mother received the guests
assisted by the groom's mother.
The church parlors were tastefully
decorated in pink and blue with
Stanley McNall, Linda and John, the bride's table centred with a
of Welland and attended the Mc- beautiful three -tiered wedding
Nall -McCarthy wedding. cake. For a wedding trip to the
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig are on Haliburton Highlands District, the
a tri t4 W _ _ bride..edone d_ -a
I� �h-'ton. �_ _,.,._- _ ....... .- _,1�':ckPleee. ��,eter
Mrs. Pearl Paton, of Vancouver, suit of .beige linen with British
and Miss Rose Aitken, of Goderich, tan accessories 411.d corsage of
visited on Sunday with Miss Marg- tawny gold roses and sCeeihanotis.
aret R. Jackson. ' The groom's gift to the bride was
Guests with •Mrs. Stanley John- wedding pearls and matching ear-
ston over the week -end were Mr. rings. The bride was employed
and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston and fam- by the National Employment Of-
ily end Mr. and Mrs. Roy Perdue flee at Goderich and the groom is
and Larry, of London„ and Mrs. an Electronic Engineer at the
Donald Campbell and family, of Northers Electric Co., at Belle'tille.
Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Taylor will
The Auburn Orange Hall was reside at Belleville. Guests were
beautifully decorated last Thurs- present from Cochrane, Hamilton,
nd rein Toronto Goderich, Doszchester
eessories and a corsage of roses
and carried b brocaded purse. At-
tending the bride was Mrs. Glen
Snell, of Wroxeter. The grooms-'
man was Mr. Glen Snell, of Wrox-
father, Mr. Albert Campbell.
ML s lama Mutele ie gnjoyiaa a+
twaeek vacation with friends to
Mr, and Mrs: Donald- Xing of
Strathroy, visited over the holiday
with her , erents, Mr. and 11rs. I .
an, of rearlor:a, and his father,
Mr. Russel King,, ,and Mrs. Icing, '
Mr. and Mks. Alvin Plunkett
were repent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. `Robert Dayman and family,
at St. Catharines.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington McNeil,
of 'Welland, visited friends and
relatives here last week.
Misses Joan and Sheila Doerr, of
Niagara Falls, were week -end visit-
ors with their uncle, Gordon Charrl-
ney, Mrs. Chamney, Larry, Paul
and Lorraine.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart, of
Mitchell, were visitors recently
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Taylor.
Mrs. Ed. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs.
Ron Ryan, Kathy rod David, visited
last Friday with Mrs. 'Cl> arles
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Turner,
Debbie and Penny, and Miss Shir-
ley Turner, of Strabhroy, were holi-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Turner, Barrie anct Lynn.
Mr. and Mrs. Alen Wiley and
family, of London, visited over the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
ence Daer. Masters Paul and Jim
Doer returned to London for a
Mr. and Mrs. James Aitchescn, of
Seaforth, were recent visitors with
their daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Scott,
Mr. Scott,"Keith, Wayne and Eric.
Dr. Weir is a guest- this week
of his son, John, Mrs, Weir, Joan
and Bobby, at London`
Mr. Jack Beadle is visiting his
brother, George Beadle, and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott and
Mr. and Mrs. Wes..Bradnock were
guests recently of Mr. and Mrs.
eters A reception was held at
Tiger Dunlop man where the bride's
aunt, Miss Josephine McAllister,
received the guests. She was as-
sisted 'by the groom's aunt, Mrs.
`Richard Finnegan, of Goderich:
For a wedding trip to Southern
Ontario paints the bride donned
a beige suit with brown trim and
brown accessories and wore a pink
rose corsage. They will reside at
Oakland, Manitoba. A trousseau
tea was held at the apartment . of
the ,bride, Miss Margaret Messer,
Newgate street, ,Goderich, on July
29. Assisting the bride receiving
the guests was her aunt, Miss
Josephine McAllister. Displaying
the trousseau. and gifts were Miss
Pearl Finnegan .Goderich and Mrs.
Olive Culbert, of Goderich. Mrs.
Margaret McNevfn was in charge
of the tea room. Mrs. Richard Fin-
nigan, Misses Myrtle and Christine
Finnegan entertained Miss Messer
recently when friends and relatives
gave her a miscellaneous shower.
Mrs. Olive Culbert presided for the
program. Those taking part were:
Mrs. Roy Finnigan, Miss Sandra
Finnigan, Miss Pearl Finnigan, Mrs.
Herbert Finnigan, Mrs. Robert J.
Phillips. An address of congratul-
aticus and good wishes was read
by Mrs. John Finnigan, off Wing -
ham, and a basket of gifts were
carried in by Miss Ruth Howatt,
Belgrave and Miss Sandra Finni-
gan, of Auburn. The bride thank-
ed everyone for their gifts and
lunch was served.
Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Maitland Allen were Mr. and Mrs.
W. H: Coates, Flint, Mich., Mrs,
Grace Nesbitt, of Toronto, Mr.
Robert Nesbitt, Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old J. Allen; of -Goderich-,- ,in -d --Mr
Peter Brown, of Windsor.
Mr. `Clarence Cox is visit'ng at
Jackson, Mich., with his brother,
Ralph Cox,'and Mrs. Cox.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Roberton, De-
troit, Mrs. Bert Mills, Goderich,
and Miss ITelen Merrill, of Toronto,
visited last Friday with Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Mogridge.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hanna, of Tor-
onto, visited last week with Miss
Margaret R. Jackson.
Miss Gail Miller visited last: week
with her aunt, Mrs. Gordcn `Mohr-
ing, Mr.. Mohring, Douglas, Shirley
and Jimmy.
Mrs. Harold .,'Nicholson, Karen
and Gary, of Seaforth, and Mrs.
ITugh 'Bennett, John, Jill and Jim, a quartette by Misses Mary -and
of 'Bort Albert, . visited with Mr. Margaret Clark and Lorraine and
and Mrs. Wes. Bradnock last Tue--
day. .
Mr. and Mrs. John Houston and
day evening when friends a ,
tives of Miss Marlene..�rof eka..e .-di.�=1 Metbaurne, Guelph, Belgrave,
ered to hcnor her (miler approach- Crewe, Auburn and Westfield.
ing marriage. Mrs. Kenneth Scott •Mrs. Peter Brown.—Many friends
presided for the following program: in this community were saddened
last Friday when it was learned
that Mrs. 'Peter Brown, the former
Ida May Stalker, of East Wawanosh
Township, had passed away at
Hotel Dieu 'Hospital, Windser, in
her 54th year, Mrs. Brown was the
daughter of the late Richard -and
Jennie Laidlaw Stalker and was
born at the Stalker homestead n
East Wawanosh. She was a school
teacher and taught several years
before she was married to Mr.
Peter 'Brown, of,Hullett Township,
sixteen years ago. Ten years ago
Norma Hensch; reading, Mrs. Roy
re.rzni;gan; piano solo, Mrs- Robert
J. Philips; reading, Mrs. Ed.
daughters were -Niagara visitors Davies; accordion solo, Miss Lar -
recently when they attended a re- rune Hensch. Mrs. Ronald Rath -
union. well read an address conveying
Mrs. .Gordon Miller and Gail, good wishes, to Marlene and pre -
Mrs. Keith Machan, Mrs. Gordon
McDougall and Mrs. Johnny Maize
were London visitors last Tuesday.
Mrs. Stanley Abel and family,
dented her with many lovely gifts.
Mrs. Kenneth Scott and Mrs. Elmer
8+proul assisted the bride in open-
ing her gifts. Marlene thanked
of St. Thomas, are -visiting her everyone for their gifts and invited
fi*A t ' ; Aug. __''(Q, , ,ani
Mrs. Allan Spading left on `i'riday
to reside at Windsor. e
Mies Mary Widcomnbe, Windsor,
is spending a few days it the
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Fry and fam-
ily, 'Wallaceburg, spcaat the waaek-
end at Silver Bird, Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Reinkelueres
left on Saturday for London after
spending a vacation at Herb Kalb-
feisch's cottage.
George Telford, Stratford, spc,aat
the week -end at his home.
Mrs. Helen Cobb left on Satur-
day to spend ten days at Ferris.
Mr. and Mrs. :� on Matthews,
London, spent the week -end with
the latter's mother, Mrs. A. M.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Shackma re-
turned to 'Oak Park, Mich oii
Thursday after spending a aca-
°ttion in the village.
Dr. and Mrs. J. B. C. Robinson
and family left on Wednesdayfor
London after spending a month
at the Parker cottage.
Mrs. Wm. Queck and Lenorere-
turned to Toronto after ,a vacation
at their cottage.
Bishop and Mrs. Wnr. Townshend
and family, London, are holidaying
at their cottage.
Mr, ,arid, Mrs. Hugh Fergusonnd
Ken left last week for Port Huron,
Mich., after spending a month at
Trail Blazer's camping grounds.
Miss Helen McLeod, London,
spent the week -end with he mo-
ther, Mrs. M. MciLeod.
Mrs. Torn Arkell and two child-
ren, Hamilton, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Arkell.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pfaffuid
family, Windsor, spent the eek -
end at their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watson have
moved into their new home hick
they recently purchased from Wm.
Miss Bonnie Parker, Trenton, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Fred Wes-
ton —
The Lions Club held their runual
carnival on Wednesday evening at
the community park with an at-
tendance of about 2,000 people.
The evening started with a ball
game with Belgrave winning 5-4
from Belmore. Draws were also
node from many prizes including
three gate prizes and a penny sale.
The ladie's of the Presbyterian
Church held a successful bake sale
on Friday afternoon on the lawn.
of Mrs. Joe Richardson.
Dmana -Nu s'.ayr, ` a ' "a tri', da
(visiting her aster, re's. W. J. Mc-
Mies Lob Elliott, Detroit, is visit,
-ing her brother, Leslie Elliott.
Mr. band Mrs. Keith Donald=
and family, Renfrew, are spending
the, month of August at Mrs. 'Frank
Martin's cottage.
-Mrs. R. Bricker, Waterloo as
with her parents, ev. pad Mrs.
H. Langford.
Miss Mary Wyatt returned to
Emeryville after spending a vaca-
tion In the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold King
Sarnia, are visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Featherston.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Sturgeon, Pres -
ten, spent the weeks end with Mr..
and Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W.;.Oddleifson,
London; are at their home on
Main street.
Miss Ethel ::lair, 'London, spent
the week -end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. liobt. Blair.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker End
Gwen, London, are spending two
weeks at their cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Dell and son,
Washington, are occupying Mrs.
Len Talbot's house.
0 0 0
they moved to Windsor. Besides
her husband she is survived by
one brother,.Mr. James Stalker, of
Blyth, end one sister, Mrs. Grace
Nesbitt, of Toronto. The funeral
service was held at the Tasker
Memorial Chapel, Blyth, and con-
ducted by Rev. Harold Snell, of
Exeter. Interment followed in
Blyth Union cemetery. 'Pallbearers
were formes` pupiLs, Messrs. Jack
Lee, Cliff Saundercock, Bill Little,
Lorne Hunking, Murray Lycn, and
Ted Prest. Floweribearers were
Messrs. Hugh Miller, Milton Little
and Bert Lyon also former pupils.
KINGSBRIDGE, Aug. 5.—Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin Lannon, of Toronto,
and Miss Anne McKinnon, of Wing -
ham, visited at the home of Mrs.
Jerry O'Connor during the past
Dr. and Mrs. Peco, of Chatham,
were Sunday visitors with Father
Van Vynckt at the Rectory.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy and
children and Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Garvey, of Toronto, are holidaying
at the Garvey homestead here.
Dr. and Mrs. Kasper and sons,
of Detroit, are vacationin at a
Albert Port Alt cottage for two weeks.
Mrs. Lyal Lannon and two
friends from London are week -end
finest 5 at the .Edwin Meyer home,
Mr. rind Mrs, Seierist, of St,
atharines,, spent the week -end at
the home of Mr., and Mrs, Wrn, Pn
Mr. and Mrs, Wm Long, of Pea
twit, spent, the week -end here.
Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore, of Washy.
ingtona are vacationing at a Kin -
tail Botta ,e for a couple of weeks,
The Resurrectionist priests at
Uurouta College here will; be is
charge: of thispar.'ish for the next
few week .% while ItWW. II) Van.
Vynckt is on holidays.
Other week -end visitors hero are:
lilr. and Mrs. Leal Woodley, aid
Darlene, Mr. and Mrs. J. McCon.
will, of Toronto;, Mr, and Mrs...
Hartufati and Shirley, of Kitchener;
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Reid, o Toronto,.
and Mrs. Jas. Wallace, of Goderich;
Miss Florence Lambertus and
friend, of Hamilton; Miss Therese
Martin, hilts Loretta Martin, Mrs.
.Bert Martin and children, all of
Hamilton; Mrs. Hill and children,
of Toronto, at the Wm. Lannon
home; Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich and
children, of Kitchener; Mr. and
Mrs. G. Gilmore and Miss Frances
Gilmore, of London; Mr. and `Mrs.
Ray Murphy, Toronto; Mrs. Jas.
Sinnett and Shannon Sinnett of
Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Wanks, of
Sarnia; Mr. Arnold Marsman, of
0 U 0
ST. HELEN'S, Aug. 3.—Miss Isa-
belle MacPherson was home from
London for the week -end.
Mr, and Mrs. G. S. McIntyre, of
Bracebridge, were week -end guests
of Mr. and Mrs. W. L Miller. Don-
ald, who has spent his vacation
here, returned home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Woods and
Donna end Mrs. John Gardner
were recent guests with Tiverton
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Brown spent
the week -end at Tobermory before
returning to Kitchener.
About the only thing that comes
to him who waits is whiskers.
Have You Been
There -:is --s lthnited amount of indoor space
left for exhibits at Goderich Trade Fair,
Aug. 14-17. Outdoor space is also still
If you have not been contacted but are in-
terested in displaying your products or
services at the fair, please contact H. B.
Such at 341 right away.
Ata,nss=11111111111.1111111.11 �..,.,
f # : �FS�"''"4.:•: N"+1� d•f'`'•'a.- }S'.1.:} .-it C ��.. `�: �.:i�l"[?. �.'�:y„? c„9`ae"' � N :e +�••.k�:. i �' '"`eiaeafe w':•: ..�. .; 'l.tY.
• ALSO • ,-
g Fireworks Display
Industry on Display
The largest number of exhibits in
the history of the Trade Fair.
Wednesday„ Evening, August 14b
from Gaodatr Imo Momoria0 Pdl'1c to Aran*