HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-08-08, Page 3flitl-EURSDAY, 11UGU P t a; 1957. TIGER DUNLOP WI HOLDS PICNIC AT HARBOR PARK Tiger Dunlop Women's Institute picnic was held at Harbor Park when there was a good attend-. ance. Mrs. Hardy and her 'assistants, Mrs. Brindley, Mrs. B. Chisholm, Miss Helen Fulford ford and Mrs. Ross conducted the games. Mrs. Mit- chell obtained the highest score and Mrs. Hussey was high in games played. , Mrs. G. Ross guessed nearest the number of beans in a jar. There was a ,peanut"scrarnble for children. A delicious picnic supper conclud- ed a pleasant afternoon. • z Miss Ella Beck, of Torofizto, is visiting with the Misses Farrow. THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR ore Patrols On Food Weddings 'Month's Take $2 260 Seen Crimeeerre DAM LOOTEN ERO �.>� Mayor J. H. Graham, a persist- ent critic of the local police de- partment, has a theory that there would he fe•*er crimes attempted in iGoderich if `brass buttons" were seen more a'ften in the heart of tine town. "My iwpres.sicie is that we're having too much cruiser work done and not enough on foot," complain- ed the mayor. "Instead of the police running the 'Council, I think we eho'u1d run the police," stated the mayor. MEMORIAL_SERVICE COLBORNE CEMETERY AUGUST 11, .i.30 p.m. IN CASE OF RAIN SAY IT WITH FLOWERS, , gem••••••••••N••••••••••�r••••••••••••••••• 4,3 • • • • • • • • • • • "Heaven Knows Mr. Allison • • a••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••w•••••••••••••••s AT TRE AIR-CONDITIONED PARK GODERICH PHONE 1150 Now Playing—Glenn Ford and Jeanne "THE FASTEST GUN ALIVE." Crain, In Mon., Tues. and Wed., Aug. 12-13-14 SPENCER TRACY, KATHRYN HEPBURN nad JOAN BLONDELL Present William Merchant's popular story of an efficient net- work executive and cher romantic brush with a forth- right industrial engineer. "The DESK SET" In Cinemascope and Color. Thurs., Fri, and Sat., Aug, 15-16-17. 99 — In Cinemascope and Color. — On a desert island, in the South Pacific, a marine' ie east away with a nun. High -rated entertainment. DEBORAH KERR and ROBERT MITCHUM Coming—Judy Holiday and.Richard Conte, In "Full Qf Life." LADIES THISIS IT THE FINAL CUT ON SUMMER DRESSES • WE HAVE GROUPED THE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK o IN THREE GROUPS FOR QUICK SELLING. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 $(x.00 REG. TO $10..95 REG. TO $14.95 s6.00 s8.00 REG. ;o $19.50 slO.00 -E8.00 $10.00 No exchanges, no refunds, tall sales final. - Geo.W. Schaefer &Ts5 PHONE' 56 ° Councillor (Walk Waikon sug- gested that, since the mayor is chairman of the pnoliee committee, he should pass his comments along to the police direetly rather than looking to Counciil to do it. While the police department now has five then, one officer is on holidays, aid Councillor Wal- kom. An o:►l cer 'could hot be patrolling the Square on foot and answer the telephone in the - office . at the same time, he said, Mayor Graham contended that more crimes would be discouraged if police 'officers "showed their buttons and colors" around the Square more often. Councillor Walkom commented that the police committee had re- eently instructed the police to check traffic violations more Close- ly and "the fact that they, had 16 up for speeding (in Jtily) shows that They're not asleep altogether." Preventive Effect The mayor felt that the. presence of policemen on feet on the maid comers could do much to discour- age violations and would therefore be more effective than "laying in wait"euntil an offence is committed anthen charging the offender. Councillor C. M. Robertson agreed, "A policeman strnding on the corner sometimes has a won- derful effect on the people." He commented that he 'believed there had 'been a noticeable improvement recently in the conduct of traffic or the Square. The mayor's complaint was re- ferred to the police committee for further consideration. Can recommendation of the police committee, Council approved the purchase of an additional pair of handcuffs for the department. According to Police Chief F. M. Hall's July report, expenses total- led $1,312.72 for the month. Ap- proximately $400 in fines was levied duringethe period. The cruiser travelled 2,304 miles in July. Fifty charges, including 16 of speeding rand nine of careless driving, were laid under the High- way Traffic Act. Fifteen charges were laid under the Criminal Code and six tickets were issued under the local traffic by-law. There were 10, arrests. Othet highlights of the report included 16 thefts reported, 11 ac- cidents reported, six bicycles stolen and five recovered. o— o Verso als Mr. Art Gleeson, of London, is making aerial photos of all 'beaches along the Lake Huron shore. Three Goderich men.. have been in Victoria Hospital,' London, undergoing mnor operations. They are W. J. Baker, W. H. Robertson and Frank Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacDonald and two children, of Vancouver, are visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Davis, West Street. ®••••o••oemeouceeoo••e•i• THE 010 ORDER Modern science has completely changed the scene in a woman's world.. It has completely revo- lutionized the world's standards of the work a woman is sup- posed to do. Freedom, longer life and the increased joy of living, these are the gifts our cleaning service has brought you, and best of all it.costs you no more t enjoy these bene- fits. - — GODS R I CH J�e DRY CLEANERS WEST.. /22 C.R.LOWERY, PtzoP, pees eaeb000s••A••Goseo•• go Iy TRAIN and SAVE RETURN LIMIT -1 DAYS Bargain Fares also apply from points listed to intermediate sta- tions, and from intermediate stations to points slattern. GOOD GOING TUES. & WED. AUGI131h 14th Between GODERICIi �p�AND �t S 1'RATr ORD - KIT©HENER - TORONTO - RETURN FARE. YOU SAVE - $1.80 $1.10 - 2.76i 1.75 - 5.05 3.15 Bargain Fares also apply between AND MONTREAL OTTAWA - TORONTO RETURN FARE YOU SAVE $12.99 $8.15 10.00 6.30 Children under 5 travel free -5 and' under 12, half fare. Regular 150 lb. baggage allowance. Watch for Bargain Coach Fares effective September , 17-18 T-7-46 CANADIAN NATIONAL jAngamn ' � U r . Forger Jaileearsoraglai, snapdragons and white mums, was the scene, 'on Saturday, tt 2.30 p.m., of the marriage of Gerritje Logtenberg and ll?ouwelDarn, loth of Goderich. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Logtenberg, of Kingsbridge, and the groom is the son -of Mr. and Mrs. spun.. Dam, of Simeoe. Rev. Roy Kennedy per- formed the ceremony. "Mrs. Leroy ",Stingel presided at the organ. and Miss Lois Webster was soloist. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor -length gown of white bridal satin featuring a lace Bertha collar studded with sequins, with Peter Poi collar and long lily -pointed sleeves. Her net embroidered veil was caught to a seed pearl, headdress and she car- ried, a bouquet of red gladioli. Maid of honor for her sister, was Miss Reinie Logtenberg, of Kings- bridge, wearing an orchid nylon sheer gown with wreath of white flowers in her hair. Her flowers were yellow gladioli. At the reception at the home of the bride, the bride's mother received the guests in a blue and white nylon sheer dress with matching accessories and a 'corsage of white gladioli. Assisting, the groom's mother chose a gown of smoky blue taffeta with matching accessories and a pink gladioli corsage. Groomsman was Tyme Beurink, of Preston, and Derk Logtcllperg, of R.R. 1, Lucknow, and Martin de Groot, of R.R. 4, Goderich, ushered. They will reside at Benmiller. Guests were present from Simeoe, Guelph, Sarnia, Bradford, Preston, Gilford and Goderich. o— YOUNG QGAULEY Barbara Irene Gauley became the bride of -Gerald Raymond Young in a ceremony in St. Peter's Church on Saturday at 11 a.m. The 'bride is the daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. John Gauley end the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young. Rev. H. Van Vynckt, of Kings- bridge, officiated. Mrs. Anthony Wisser sang "0 Sacred Heart, 0 Love Divine," and "Mother At Thy Feet Is Kneeling." The church was decorated with white chryscnthemums and gladioli for the occasion. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor -length dress of white nylon net with inserts of lace over white. satin. The bodice was fashioned with sweet- heart neckline outlined with opale- scent sequins, raid long lily -point sleeves Her fingertip veil of French illusion •fell from a head- dress of tulle petals studded with opalescent sequins; and she carried a bouquet of red roses and white carnations. As bridesmaid, her sister, Miss Ruth Ann Gauley, wore a ballerina - length• dress of rh:nestore-trimmed powder blue nylon net over satin, and a matching net stole. Her headdress was a 'bandeau of blue flowers and net; and she carried a nosegay of pink roses and white chrystaithernums. Vincent Young, brother of the bridegroom, was best man, and the ushers were Rollert), Gauley and Stance Bedard. A reception was held at the Tiger Dunlop Inn following the cere- mony. The bride's mother receiv- ed wearing an oriental print sheath with navy duster, white accessories, Ston street, Goderich. and a corsage of pink roses. She Guests were present at the wed - was assisted by the bride'groom's cling from Stratford, London, Wind - mother, who wore a dress in mint sor and -Woodstock.. green sheer, trimmed with match- Prior to the wedd ang, a trous- ing Valenciennes lace, with white Beau tea was' held at the home accessories and a corsage of pink of Mrs. Archie Johnston, Pouring roses. tea were the bridegroom's grand - For travelling, the bride chose a mother, Mrs. Thomas Glazier, Clin- Nile green 'chambray dress with ton, and Mrs. J. D. Wilson, great - white accessories and a corsage of aunt of the bride. red roses. On returning from a Among those who gave showers wedding trip to Northern Ontario,. for the bride were Miss Ruth Ann the couple, will reside on Palmer Gauley and Mrs. Gerald Crawford. Using forged cheques, Albert Dow Ibloreash, 34, of London and the Maritimes, obtained $2,4000 in cash and goods in a one-month swing through the towns and vil- lages of Western Ontario. •-= In magistrate's court here last vieek, he was sentenced to two years in prison plus six months indeterminate. Two Ge derieh auto supply stores were among elle numerous firms he victimized in his cheque spree. Describing the man's method of operation, Crown Attorney H. Glenn Hays said, "He was either posing as the head of a work party or as a member of the RCAF, or whatever suited the locale." The crown attorney described the cheques as "crude forgeries." Moreash charged with mitting at was offences com- Blenheim, Durbam, Clzesley, Listowel, Ar'th% ur, Ridgetown, 1tincardine,' Wal- kerton, ldount Forest, Seaforth, Tillsonburg, Wiarton and other places. • When brought to Goderieh to stand trial, he was already serving time in Ontario ..Reformatory. Nearly all the offences occurred between May 1 and June 1. 'Aiken Allan McLean, 18, of Goderich, was given the minimum sentence of seven days in jail when he was convicted of drunk driving. Evidence in the case was given by Constables G. McIntyre, M. Horan and L. Theriault, of the town force. The youth's driving license was suspended for six months, the car was impounded for three months and he was ordered to pay court costs. PERSONALS Captain Jessie Mayo of the staff of the Salvation Army Training College, Toronto, is renewing' ac- quaintances in town this week. Captain and Mrs. Ernest Crocock and two children, Anne Marie and Paul, left on Monday' for their home at Vancouver, after spend- ing two weeks with Mrs. Crocock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Graff, Nelson street. Mr. Robert Smith, on the staff of Napanee Collegiate Institute for 17 years, arrived at Goderich last week and will be the French teach- er at GDC'I in the fall. Mr. • aid Mrs. Smith •and family have taken up residence in the Whitely house on South street. Mr. Harry Mitchell, of Toronto, son of the lata James Mitchell, of the former Goderich Star pro- prietors, Mitchell and Todd, has been holidaying in Goderich. Mrs. Charles W. Doty, of Tor- onto, widow of one of the former proprietors of Doty Foundries here, is vlsit;Jng in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moody and grandson, Paul, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Taylor have returned from a motor trip to Winnipeg raid Bran/ don. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C'has. Breckow were Mr. and Mrs• M. C. Brocklebank and family, Mrs. Frank Brockle- Residents Objecc Council Suggests New Site To PUC After viewing a petition .signed by '15 residents, Town Council re- scinded a motion granting' the PUC a site for a new _transformer sta- tion on an unused road allowance at the north limits of Wellingtul street. PVC recommended that the r' JC be granted an alternative site. in Harbor Park instead. The petition objected to locating the station on Wellington street. J. K. Sully and ,Cayley Hill attended Friday night's Council meeting to state the case of those who signed the petition. In emphatic terms, Mr. Sully op- posed plans to put the station "on my front lawn." He thought the station would have a detrimental effect on property values in the neighborhood. 4 The new station is to replace the transformer station which is bank, Lethbridge, Alberta, and located beside the pumping station A. Clark, of Dawson Creek, B.C. at the harbor. Mr. and Mrs. James Videan, of Detroit, have returned home after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. D. J. the .former's mother, Mrs. W. P. Patterscn for several days, A -bell. Mr. Jack Abell also visited tor the week -cud. Recent visitors with Mrs. M. W. Howell and Miss Mary B. Howell, St. Vincent street, were Mr. R. A. Misner, of Detroit; .sir. and Mrs. R. M. Dales, of Galt; Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Pick and their three children, Patricia, Rebecca and Robert, of Niagara -on -the -Lake, and Mr. Ted !Howell, of 'Toronto, Lt. Ctimdr. and Mrs- A. D. Taylor and family, of Quebec City, are visit Jig Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Taylor at St. George's Rectory. Rev. and Mrs. S. A. Moote have returned from a trip through Que- bec and the Maritimes, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, George and Ellen, of London, were week- end guests with Mr, and Mrs. Ray Barker. Week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. E. Breckenridge were Mr. -and Mrs, Wilfred Hoclney, of Castle- ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Deiber, of Glen Ellyh, Illinois, Mrs. i)eiber has been visiting her niece, M•ts-: Breckenridge for the past three weeks. Mrs. Ken Richardson and three children, of Chilliwack, B.C., are spend ug the summer with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Buchan- an, Cambria road. Reverend Father Leonard R:,9I- cilio, S.J., of Detroit, chaplain for St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, spent the past week visiting Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Harrison, Lighthouse street. Miss Mary Graham, of Toronto, spent the holiday week -end with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Graham, Nelson street. Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Hughes, Nancy Laid John, are holidaying at Thorel House, Muskoka. Holiday week -end guests wish Mr. Mike Carney, Waterloo street, were his grandson, Petty Officer Ken Kirk, Mrs. Kirk and baby• daughter, of Halifax, NS., and his daughters, Mrs- Casey Reid and Mr. Reid, Smith's Falls, and Mrs. Margaret Neiman, of Toronto. Miss Mary Wilson and Mrs. W. I.awrc nee were guests of Mr. and Mrs_ D. Wolfe and family -a1 Recept guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Needham were Mr- and Mrs. John 'Needham and family, of Scarboro, Mrs, Ruth Mc- Kay. of Arnprior, and Miss Mabel McKay, of North Bay. Mises Jean End' Nadine Venn spent the past week visiting friends at Windsor. Recent visors with Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Venn, Lighthouse street, were Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith,- of .Brisling• ton, Bristol, England. Roy Verii has returned to his post at• Edgar, near Barrie,' after spending a three weeks' leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Venn, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Abell and their daughters, Cathy and Linda, of Toronto, spent their vacation with BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN LIMITED CLINTON, OGITARIO NOW INSTALLED— Largest Wide Screen In Huron County See the First Picture on this Giant Screen— Saturday and Monday --Aug, 1012 IN GLORIOUS COLOUR "PARDNERS°", Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis PLUS: 2 Cartoons TUESDAY and WEDNES AV August 13-14 "The Daly Killers99 Alex Guinness • .Tack Warner (Color) 2 Cartoons TWO SHOWS, NIGHTLY First Show at Dusk THURSDAY and FRIDAY August X-16 "A Lamp Is Heavy D9 Belinda Lee ---- George Raker "5 HE> A& AZII'JG DOLPHIN" 1 Cartoon Box Office Opens 8 pi.m. Children under 12 in cars -Free • Spruce Lodge," Port Elgin, Ont. Holiday guests al the home of Mr. rid Mrs. W. Lawrence and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson were Mr. and Mrs. D. Wolfe, Fred and Kathy; also Miss Mary Campbell, of Strat- ford, Mr. and Mrs. W. Boyce and Judy, and Mr, Phil Pinola, of Toronto. ti PACE TIMEX Huron Ciotinty Form Report BY_. P. .. , Ni p4 ii2n911 A.97 FOP, Last wee% over half of the wheat crop in the Calunty "liras threshed or combined and most fanners re- port a very satisfactory yield al- though sonic of the green is a rather small sample. With con- txnluccl iti4 weather', the pati a li barley eros: qavo rlivenej 'rc1 rt Mily.,' All vvc. ,tnIwo. 7 llateCi'3r1et,�7 oats Lave IwNt'11 '#.uM ..r•i,4i come of the eaylY azits and `rballey have been threshed. Ai 1LT4eral4t1. gcgda Of 1r'c2 c, 5k j' which were cut id Juuue /we made very rapid growth and at pr' 'emit shove a heavy blot ttna. l'fi a t f4 fi,cient number of 'bees r'e able to folinate the clover ither should be a very good erap o clover, ,particularly on the early Bolds. La CHAPMAN Not. Three Months. BUT o ..ONE YEAR WARRANTY eN ALL PARTS. PHONE 154 — 104 ELGIN AVE. E. 23U • MEMBER a Ns " MacEwan Insurance Agency YOUR AGENT OF PERSONAL A5sO SERVICE WEST ST. PHONE 230 AN INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT Biftt pcCkS f�t Pknks' Pack a picnic basket of fresh in tasty baked goods from Culbert's . . . DINNER ROLLS WIENER ROLLS TEA BISCUITS HAMBURG ROLLS DO -NUTS LAYER CAKES TARTS PIES made from fresh frozen doz. 30c doz. 30c doz: 30c doz. 30c doz. 40c 30c, 40c, 60c doz. 50c fruit. ea. 50c SANDWICHES ARE TASTIER WHEN MADE WITH CULBERT's HOME-MADE BREAD. CULBERT'S BAKERY "THE HOME Of TASTY PASTRY" 9x12 or 6 x 9 with the purchase of a CHESTERF'TELSUITE, SOFA BED SUITE or EDRO O IY[ SUITE. CHOICE OF 7 COLORS -- LODG FURNITURE WEST ST. GODERICH P.S.----Watch for our booth at Goderich Trade Fair, Aug. 14-17. .4.0iminglormwrigmarmsamemenzismanomemenunsano31 a. Villaimmosimmummin Wm. MacDonald Electric Co. Ltd. ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION ndustrial, Commercial and Dornestjc 4( GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCE$ - AIL AUTOMATIC - HEATING EQUIPMENT � SENT :'•RITANNIA IW. W. PHONES: Bus. 231, Res. 410