The Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-08-01, Page 6- THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR • fl o • . 4.1 . kr, .Xi • • "1'4 . ' - AUQU•ST bst, 1967 lend Garden arijAI St. George's '17he Rectivy of tit (.3c -urge Clailich-was--the-setting tor a SUC- CeSSfUl .garden ,party under 'the auspices of St. George J 0171e n ' Guild. Mrs. K. Taylor, wife 01 The rector, and Mrs. B. It Munday welcomed the guests. Mrs. 3. D. Patterson v; !rya. urer and Mrs. H. VItitial .11(1 Mr, T. Legg were COrl% !Supper. It was an ideal if... j d the event:was -very succe.s.sful fai- ancially. The Evening (;u;lci member, aerved afternoon tea from prettily decorated tables ,n the shade of the many beautiful tree,. 'rhe sales tables were well patrtiuted In charge of the '.arum- table, were: fancy work, Mrs R Ilarri.,on, Mr .s_ IL Bridle, Mrs J. Munson, candy, Mrs 11. !odd, Mrs. Glaz- ier, Mrs. Ilugill. Mr- .1 Home baking wa., convened by members of the fi% enin L' Guild. Mrs W Bradley: \Iv- It •; ihairt and Mr.. Kolohun flwtv4t.rt. lyy Mrs. L Riley Flower c•. 0 • • sellers were MISli S. Carroll, Miss J. carroll and Masters C. Witerbaek 1 and C. Simpson. Surprise pack- ages were sold by Mrs. W. Lawr- (lice and Miss M. Wilsonand prov- kd a popular spot with the child- ren Salads were prepared by Mrs E. Volland, Mrs. F. Kiley, Mrs. A Knetshaw, Mrs. G. Mumby and Miss Murray. Tea was made by Mrs. M. J. Martin. Plates were arranged by Mrs. H. Videan, Mrs. Craig. Mrs. Mellwatn. Ice cream and cake was served by Mrs. .A. Shore and Mrs. T Legg. The setting of the tables was con - %Tried by Mrs. 11. Tichborne. The waitresse,s were Mrs, C. Bannister, Mr, 11. Carroll, Mrs. Sitter, Mrs. Koloht n. Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. R. Smith. Mrs Morns, Mrs. Lockrey, Mrs. lirown arid Mrs. Sleeman. Mciny kind words of apjlreciation were t•xpressed by many satisfied gut. -1- The rector. Dr. K. Taylor, -nook hands with many of the guest,a they were leaving the , ground, News of Dungannon i• ktka,„- SUPER -RIGHT QUALITY MEATS • Grade "A" Oven -Ready DUNGANNON. July 31) -- Mr. Mr. and Mrs Will Begley, Learn - :Jib(' Mr Frank C`11)0( dIn.m gton. ,pt a le w days -with her lour (Janmotor trpto Parr\ i.ster, Mrs. Mason McAllister, and ' i. i! Sound. Sudbury North Jt ( M 'al• Mr. Murray Wilson is enj!:.-ing" Jander and (Ywen Sound a vacation with ho, grandparents.1 Mr. and Mrs. B. Comfo-: Si. Mr. and Mr.-. John Crawford. at Catharines. returned home after Kenora, spulding three weeks a:r their _Miss Marylin Andersm and cou- ranch home in A,htield. Their sm, Robert Sherwood. spent a zanr,, now a: the la:m on week with their aunt, .Mrs. Alfred ' vacation. nabel. Port Colborne. .CirI atteridin the (;,iderich Master Boh_Eedy visited a week Surnmer School Camp and who w.th 11,, aunt. Mrs. C. Van Horne,' returned home on Sunday. were London. Jewel Reed, Karen Daws4-.1, Lynda Mr. Allan Reed, who underwent Blake. Joanne Crozier. an operativi at Victoria Hospital,: aMr. and Mr-. Lionel Langevai London, is doing line and expected nd daughter. Lorne, returned home on Thursday. home to St. Patrice. Quebec.. ititer Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dahmer, fortnight with her mother. 11'., !Waterloo, !••isited her sister, -Mrs.' L. Stingy!, and Angu,. Robert McAllister, uti'Saturday and ! Mr. and Mrs Robert Stothers picked up their daughter, Jeannie, ! ;ind Mr. id Mrs. Durnm :who trikr.been visiting ber cousin, ,pent the week -end at -W..hnita Mary Lou McAllister. The Dahmer Lodge- on "Sturgeon Lake, •...fainily were go)ig to spend a Mr. and Mrs Will Smith, of , holiday at Wasaga Beach. Coderich, and Mr. and Mr.- Vi,itors with Mr, M. Shackleton Glenn and Geneen. of Luckmiv.-.were Mrs. Robt. -Reed and Mrs. visited 41.1 Sunday with Mr and John McWhinney, Port Elgin, and Mrs. Frank Glenn. ! Mr. and Mr,. ShaeHeton, Mrs. Wmn,e Widcombe. ot W;ntl-!rDetrod. ,or, ,pencl,ng a vacation \V :th Eren Shackleton spent a tier parent-. Mr. and W II., few day- with her on, Elmer. and McClure fam,ly. at .4 Cottage at Grand Dr. _If A. 5 Voice,. Toronto, MI- walter Stafford who with 'Tent last ,w.eek at their -1.1111111ef h., wife is spending part of the !Brine • whe..-e 1. Vak:.s -pend-unoner with her mother. Mrs. J. ng the ,urnmer. Harry Hamilton, had a nasty fall off a Chinu-e friend, i, 11th 1:01;ler. while buildmg a sunparch :he irt< aryl 'renovation. . the home. But he is now quite! Mr. and Mrs ('he -ter Durnin, ' improved. -Irwin-, Pa..- is- visiting his parer:,' - Mr and Mr!--. Victor Erringter ' Mr. and Mrs. R. Durn 11 and ;ire cook, for the summer at Code , wpending two week, in a cottage rich Summer School, it Kintail Beach. Mis, Elizabeth Pentland Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc1.4,041. of pleyed at Andrew', Dairy Bar for Detroit, visited last week with Mr,. the summer.. Minnie Jones and Mel Miss Margaret Black. who was Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hunter: of marr:cd on Saturday to ,,Ir. Ray. , Zion. were ree(!it visitors W,th Mr St.oiley. wa, feted with miscellan ; Herbert Stothers. cous shower., by Mrs. Ross Eedy Mr- Jack Irwin and Nancy. el at her. home and also at the Parish ,Belfast, v. ited Mrs. ['vine 11-nry. Hall. Many frierplb gathered there Mr,. Jas Thorne returned home' to present Margaret with gift.s. i.fter several months around Van Thibel Killough. of By'rnn.: (-mixer. B.C., where. their on is ‘1.-oted for a few days with Miss !ecup: af!_er a servo"- wallace.- -.n the early spring. • Mr, Helen Baxter nrrl • chddscn. , Bud (Henn enjoyed a visit from of (.h -rich. v.sited la,,t week with f-ur friends from Forest_ her father, Mr. Herbert S. Stother- Mr. Mr,.. Gordon Kidd. of NV and \Tr I,. Gray. o` Islington. -pent a few days with Belleville. visited hi, siter., Mrs, -ier mother Mrs J Ryan 1,1;!1-0-w Shackleton last wc!'k KINGSBRIDGE .Mr liovvIer, of Tor- ! „Mr. and Mr,. Len Woodley ..r. )•1 Toron..,, 71r Albin 1‘.1.N.G.•%-111t:1)4.1. July 29!- .11r r-,.•,Ifin „nd1l1iri.Det„„1... ...rid Mrs. Fred Courtnev and child and Nirs •.Jos.. MeNtillan. of '277n, id DetroiL V,‘,11111g "•`11 .1.10 1,s- Theresa Perry ;.) . das. Brinker,. of I•etroit: Mr. and Mr, Cyril Ai -.n ,Ehr,riof Tor - Mrs. Jerry ii'Connor v, -.ted NI; ;,r-pf datives; in Wingliorn duriry_- l'ast wt ek • •1, miehm'i Fon-, 1, , Mr. and Mi- Walter Clarf at' .r,.. at la.• home le. e -.ince his 1,g ; :ended tly!' Ryan family relinon .0 A „„ ,riiiired by a hay fork v..hich the Ryan horne in chp.,iey la i 1,41 ,..ic di,tar.„.,, p.r reing his l , week -end h... ,leces.,11;itiri,_ f,N,I.:-•111 stitches , Mr. :+111 Mr-. Robert coil ,•:. ;,n,', ,r, „:,rn.. at (;(derich hie.pital. . ! tw.o children, 01 Luc:know, spent . 4, 11 . - 0 ...he week-4.nd with Mr and Mr, Mrs. Van V.ynek1, • f 1oro 7 1 Taylors Corner Keane. at the rec-tory witn Yr Van Vyncle. and the Lierrn;111 'sl_(S NEW .1 uly 30. - nn) Mrs. Che -ter Sturdy and Mr. John--reKar lion. .111.-s Are family locnt last Friday ,at cry,ud McKinnon, Miss MarY-flaine,. John Beacn •-•+' ..nd Angus Sproulan,11rie fel:, Mr- te•inOys has 'been lives from Barrae were vo-itor, tranVvrred " MT(3derich branch the home of Mrs Jerry ()*Corini,:- itt 11010.11.lin ar & Chemical Co / during the past week. i1i;, Ji. ephine ‘Veatherill- and 1 lir and Mrs. Dan KellY. Wilter Mr Bruce Tweddle, of Woodbridge, 1 Kelly i.111 Miss White. of London. 1 ntoyed two weeks' holidays with ! spent the week -end ;11 1 ht. Jo*hn Mr and Nil's'. .1ohn Westbrook and Kelly lime. Miss Cheryl Ame.;, of Atwood. I is visiting with Mr rnd Mrs. Geo. Ginn. ! La'wrence Wilson, who is spend- ing the summer at Camp Ipper- wa..h, visited during the Week -end will hi, parent-, Mr and Mrs. Roy ‘Vilson. A large number of children of the community are att4suling the Porter's II.11 Summer Itibin School being held from July 29'to August 29. Total enrollment..this year is 74. Mrs. Reg Sturdy, Mrs. Roy Wil- son, Mrs. Bugh McCabe, Mrs. Barrie Walter and Mr. Walter Mrs. Don Frayne, Peter and Margaret,...Dr. and Mr, G. Frayne, arid Al. Cogliate viisited with rela- lives in -J 071(1071 last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Garvey, of Toronto, Rev. E. C. Garvey, of Windsor, Mr. i.sid Mrs. Melville !Kelly, of Toronto, were week -end 'wickets at the "Garvey Homestead" which has been remarkably im- proved by a fine new paint all buildings. A miscellaneous shower was held in .the parish hall last TueSday evening for the newly-weds, Mrs. !rein Capte:ii being the guest of honor. -An address of welcome and best wifahes was read by Mrs. 'Hicks, members of Clinton Horti- illaise Martin, to which Mrs. Cap- culture Society enjoyed a bus trip tein fittingly replied, thanking the to the Royal Flotanical Garden.s at ladies for the . lOvely gifts they Hamilton. presented to her. Mr.' Fred Willis and Mr. and Miss Mary Sheridan, a Toronto, Mrs. Dan Willis, of Goderich, are and Rev. Kevin Sheridan of Hain- visit:lig with Mrs. Lula Willis at Mtn, are vacationing at the home her summer home at Elmhurst of their mother, Mrs. Mary Sheri- Reach, Lake Simcoe. Mr. Peter Lierrnan and 'Jimmy Martin are employed In the tobacco distript, at Langton. Plins are being completed for the annual 'garden party on Mon- ., 414 at St. Joseph's Church grounds.. . accrra.:visliers hero. were: Rev. Garsity.,of .A,ssuniption Uni• versify. Windsor; Miss Delores- Dal - Mrs. Joseph Garvey. TOrOntO; Bfiki I orettit Afortin, of 14tamilton;. Mist Frances Gilmore, g'10f,Akindonf,.Mr.:,tind Mrs. Miami t/a•0401fk!..Lortdon; Mr. and Mrs_ .FnnlrO'Connor and family, of De- 7:11triittiMr;•Clarenee Doherty, of Tor- • ' • Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Ginn and family had visiting with them dur- ing the past two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hinton, Dale and Bobbie. of Montreal, and Mrs. Elizabeth Crorrie and Mrs. Sam Morgan, of Toninto. ' Mr. :1 d Mrs. Sim McNall attend- ed the Mcrshill-McCarthy wedding at Welland during the week. Mrs. Chester McNall and child- ren are .visiting her sister in Indiana for a few days. The August meeting of the Ladies' Aid will be in the forrn of. a pknic at Harbor Park on Wednesday, August 7. • ) YOUNG HENS -8 to 14 -Ib average CORN RELISH 15 -oz btl 31c Ann Page SALAD DREReg. Price 33c ---SAVE 4c SSING 16-,,,iar 29c Choice Quality Crean" Style , Reg. Price 2 tins 33--8AVE 7o P CORN 41.26:oz tins 459c AnPage n Reg. Price btl 25c -SAVE Se CHILI SAUCE 2n -02645c PORK SHOULDERS 'BEEF LOGNA % 1 SMOKED COOKED EONELESS SOLID MEAT SLICED 1b69( 1_,,,pkg39,, A FAVORITE FOR PiCNICS and LUNCHES -COOKED HAM: THINLY SLIC!D •, SMOKED FILLETS, SEA SEALED • REAL VALUE MILD & MELLOW - CUSTOM GROUND 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE - - lb 7 c 3 -lb bag 2. 31 wbcdopkp43c 8-nopkg-69t tKtRRy PIE Jane Pa-cker Golden LoAF Jane Parker Sugar or Cinnamon DONurs lb .3 3. c FRESH FRUITS and -VEGETABLES! \ 0 Peaches from.Carolina Large, luscious, No. 1 Grady,- yellow flesh, freestone Elberia • NON FOOD FEATURES ANODIZED FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE FLAT TOOTH LAWN- RAKES IMPORTED TEA POTS i n sta nt $5.95 $2.49 -89c 99c Reg. Price 2 pkgs 23c -SAVE 10o ROYAL PUDDINGS 3 pkg,25c Blue RibbonAssorted Colours. Reg. Price pkg 27c --SAVE 90 PAPER TOWELS 2pkgs45c Makes 4 Quarts of Skim Milk - Costs Less Than 9c A Quart , A&P INSTANT MILK 35f Cantalottpe from California • s55, Vine ripenfid, lurniio size, fresh,No. J Grade, salmon flesh, BANANAS PEARS CARROTS POTATOES - . Golden ripe, No. 1 Grade, the lusclbus tropJcal fnet !argot, -talifornta No. 1 Grade, large, May Tender Sweet, No. 1 Grade, marsh grovin, washed Native grown No. 1 Grade, new crop lb 1 9C fbr 29c 3 -lb coil° bag 1 9c 10ibbag 29c Don't Forget To Buy Extra Jane Parker White Bread For The Holiday 24 -oz loaf 17, MELLOBONDED FOR SUPER STRENGTH WET OR DRY F -ACE- ELLE 'TISSUES. Box of 200 Slagle Tisslies 2 -Ply . CLOVER VALLEY MITCHELL'S CHEEZ APPLE PLEEZ JUICE mi.r5 9c 480,1,29c -NEW LOW PRICE' A 81 P Instant Coffee 2 OZ, JAR • '1. ,1`;'' " 4o. ; 4 5 c • 6 OZ. JAR SPECIAL I PARD DOG 'FOOD 4 tins 45 BuRNs BEEF STEW 15 -oz tin 31, OPEN --THURSDAY and - FRIDAY EVENINGS 111.1, 5 EfPfrit.v. Saturday, Atigust Until . ard, 907. • UNTIL 9 P.M. t?i , i.-,4-..11011 SMIAI AltAMPIC • PACIFIC 'MA COMPAIll, ITO. .. '.'" ,,....,;. '•,.'1'' si, ••••?:,' 1." 7..,4.:..,' " 1;., ,...,,,, e • ....i, , .;,..,r; . r•!, , .•...,..., 414 , . : ,.-..„:. .4, -- f -el ,r 4: ,. I • ",, 4.' • ',,,..,‘ .1. '....4;',4',,., 4,".'.;1:,'''' '','''7` ', • .!..:-- Iv '.,..'''':,,,: "*.' ''', r :.....4.;,.; '...;6ik"i•!t,'7•Vri''''z'"^! 7.; ' •: . .,...,;,-..;..:,;.A.,1;1.,:,#•-•"s„,,,!'-',.*s: 'r - • -..41, r• • 1 .1