HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-08-01, Page 5• THK.W.SDAY, ituq_usfrAtst, 1957 e.. SEAFORTH• LASS SELECTED AS COUNTY'S "DAIRY PRINCESS" Winner of the title of 'Dairy Princess" of (Huron County is Betty Storey, R.R. 2, t eaforth. She will represent Huron ta the •On- tario Dairy Queen competition at the Canadian National EX'hibition. Miss Storey won the title Tues- daynight in a milking competition held at the Huron County Thome, Clinton. Runner-up in the com- petition was, Marilyn Marshall, of Kirkton. She will be the alternate and understudy to Miss Storey, , Other competitors were: poreen Howatt, Belgrave; Margaret Mee Cann, Fordwich; Pat Marshall, Kirkton. The competition was carried out at the regular evening milking time, with a panel of four judges watching each girl while she went through theestep-by-step routine of cleaning and sterilizing the milk- ing equipment, attaching the milk- ing machine, watching while the cow was machine -milked, then .tripping the caw, and straining and cooling the milk. Five cows for the competition were selected from the county's VIM -bred herd by Harvey John- eton, farm manager and superin- tendent at the Huren County Home. The caws were, matched as closely as possible for milking qualities, stage of Jactation, and milk flow. 'Cash prizes were presented to each of the eontestants by ;Aural dairy farmer organizations, with Harry GoVedY, reeve of Howiek and Warden of Huron, making the pre- sentations. Elston Cardiff, Brua- seas, MP for Huron, performed the ceremony of putting on Miss Storey the.. red sash marking her as the winner. o • o LEAVE FOR CAMP Thirteen members of Maitland Air Cadet Squadron, accompanied by F1/Lt. Max Cult atid F/O Har- old Hibbert, left at 2 a.m. Saturday' for London. From thtere, they went by train to Greenwood, N.$., where they will be io camp for about two weeks. 0-- 0-----„o Mrs. W. A. MacLai‘eta is spend- ing a month visiting in Vancouver and -aree. FREE LIVING ROOM RUG ° ex9OR9x12 with' EVERY Chesterfield OR Bedroom Suite PURCHASED SEVEN COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM LODGE FURNITURE WEST ST GODERICH SUNDAY SERVICES' GODERICH CHURCHES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH August 4 -7th Sunday after Trinity. 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 11 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON. (Junior Congregation and Nursery) No Evening Service during Summer., Tuesday, August 6—Transfiguration., 10-a.m. Holy ComMunion in 'Chapel. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster. Knox Presbyterian Church REV. ROBERT G. MaeMILLAN, Minister MR. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Director of Praise 111 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. (Nursery and Junior Congregation.) rINIE SERVICE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY THE MINISTER. No Evening Service. A Friendly. Welcome Awaits You COME TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY. The United Church ,of Canada It a.m. North. Sf. Church and Victoria St. Church UNION SERVICES In NORTH STREET The Sundey Schools (separately). 11 a.m. Family Service; Primary -Beginner Congregation. Preacher—REV. S. A. MOOTE, B.A., BD. I110 a.m. 8ENMILLER CHURCH. 3 p.m. UNION CHURCH. BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE ELGIN AVE.oAT WATERLOO STREET SUNDAY -10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. "The Goderich Evangelistic Centre" PASTOR R. J. GREEN • _ GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH SUN'AY, 10 o.m. Sunday School. 111 e.m. FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE. (Junior Congregation and Nursery). REV. IAN HIND, L. 7 p.m. REV. IAN KIND, le.D. Rev. S. H. Findlay,-B.A., BO., Minister. Mrs. E. eonaldson, A.L.C.M., Organist. • GODERICH SIGNAIrSTAII, • t ..., •:. Ae, ' ''. ,,.,,-.. / •• . • e,i, 4' 40 The last Capadian soldier from Korea will leave for Canada this month. For the Korean veteran, the campaign is ended. But the memories of fighting through mountains and riee paddy fields is embedded in their memories. The first Canadian unit to fight in Korea', 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's 'Can- adian Light Infantry, moved into the front line (1) on -march through small ruined villages Pte. John Hoskin (2) of New Westminster, B.C., a member of the PPCLI, remembers those a-Avantes North. Pte. Heath Matthews (4) -of 'Montreal, who served with the Royal Canadian Regimenl. won't forget the exhaus- tion that followed a night patrol in enemy territory. And the South Koreans (3) will not forget the Canadians who fought in their land as they tend with care the graves of those that will always be a part of Korea. PORT ALBERT PORT ALBERT, July 29. --Mr. and_ Mrs. David Martin received word of -the death of Mr. Martin's sister, Mrs. Margaret Wrick, of Kalamazoo, Michigan. Mr. Martin is the only surviving member of a family of seven. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tigert, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Tigert, of Gode- rich, spent Sunday at Port Franks as guests of Mr. and Mrs_ W. L. McBride." Mr. Fred Dickson, of London, is spending his holidays at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lednor. ,Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Black op the birth of a sou. Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Sheeter, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bow- den mid son, of • London, visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Martin. We are happy to report that Tommy Dickson is improving in Goderich hospital aftef -his ac- cident. Mr. John Tigert, sr., motored to Lcndon on Friday where he went by plane to Cleveland, Ohio, to spend a week with his daughter, Mrs. Marion MeAtee. Visitors at tht home of Mr. and Mrs. William Tigert on Sunday were: Mrs. Tigert's mother, Mrs. Kaufman, of Kincardine; ,aid her brother, Mr. Lloyd Kaufnian, of Peace River District, in Northern Alberta. 0.--. SH EPPARDTON SHIIPPARDTON,July 30—Mrs. John Foster, of Goderich, spent the> week -end with Mrs. Agnes. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bogie left Monday of last week for a trip through the western provinces and will visit with their son and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bogie, Trail, B.C. We are pleased to reportMrs. Gordon Dougherty is home from the Goderich hospital after an appendectomy and we wish her .a speedy recovery. Brian Pollock is spending a few egMEMMINIMMIMININIMINIOMI Salvation Army Goderich Corps SUNDAY MEETINGS 11 a.m. Holiness Meeting. 2.30 p.m, Directory Class. 3 p.m. Company Meeting (Sunday School) 7 p.m. Salvation Meeting( Bright Singing, Testimonies and Gospel messages. EVERYONE IS WELCOME AT THE ARMY. Capt. Rota Matchett Lieut. Pauline Howell 23tf p. days holidays with his cousin, Barry Kilpatrick, near Dungannon. Misses "Ethel and Ann Fielder, Additional , of Blair, spent the week -end with • • Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brown and family. Classified Ads . -43 0 21. Business Notice Attorney -General AIRGYLE REPAIR SHOP (NEXT to Victoria School) will look 4' after mechanical of household re - Wins Appeai pairs which you may find hard to get done. Remember, when in a jam, call Sam. -25 In County Court. A magistrate's ruling that a traffic 'charge was not valid, be- cause it was laid en. Sunday, was reversed by Judge Frank Fingland here. As a result, William Harold Johnston was fined $10 and costs for. failing to yield one-half the road., A vehicle driven by Mr. .Johnston was in_ collision, with a Nehieje- driven by Robert Mabrii" in Goderich several weeks ago. When the case was first brought to court here, it was dismissed by. Magistrate D. E. Holmes on the grounds that the inforniation,, which formed the basis of the- chaige, was laid on Sunday. It was said that the law holds that judicial acts cannot be performed on _Sunday. The decision, which could have had far-reaching effects, was ap- ‘eANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL; septic tanks, cess pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with sanitary equipment. Free estimates. LOUIS BLAKE, phone 42 r 6, Brussels, R.R. 2. '6-32x QED BeTLLEN'S REPAIR SHOP for custom cabinet making, furniture repair and kitchen cup- boards. Sharpening of all types of saws and other cutting applian- ces. 184 Gibbons street, phone 1234., 45x 22. Lost land Found 1;ROWN LEATIEER WALLET last near A & P Store. Keep- sake. Finder please retuin to GAIL PENTLAND, R.R. 1, Gode- rich. 30x STRAYED FROM PASTURE LOT pealed by the Ontario early in July, two Holstein Attoiney- h. Genepal, represented by Crown At heifers, ear tags in both ears torney It. Glenn Hays. Reward for information leading to In giving judgment threcovery. BISSET BROS., phone on e ap- -30 peal, Judge Fingland held that the 172. taking of informatien on Sunday is valid because it is a "minister- ial" (clerical) rather than a judicial act. Earlier, lengthy legal briefs had been submitted by the crown at- torney and James Donnelly, de- fence counsel. Mr. Donnelly claim- ed that Parliamoit, in writing the new Criminal Code, had in effect made the laying of information a judicial act. Thus, he contended, it could not be performed on Sun- day. This might not have been Parliament's intention, said Mr. Donnelly, but it was the effect of the new code, he contended. a— COUNTY PICNIC ATTRACTS 175 About 175 persons attended the, annual Huron County picnic held in Harbor Park here on July 18. Mak members of County Council and many county employees and their families were present. In charge of the picnic arrange- ments were A. H. Erskine, clerk - treasurer; J. G. Berry, deputy clerk -treasurer, and Warden Harald Gowdy. There were races, boat rides and refreshments for everyone. ESTATE AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE East half of Lot 10, Concession 10, Eastern Division, Township ofAshfield, 1-enile West of Belfast, on Thursday. August 15th, 1957 at 7.30 p.m. FARM: --The above property, consisting of 100 acres, more or less hay and pasture and hardwood bush will be•offered, subject to reserve bid. Stone cottage, 4 rooms and at- tached kitchen; barn and shed. a TERMS: -10 percent day of sale, balance in 30 days. Wilred R. Hackett, Adminetrator of the estate of John Archibald Campbell. HAYS AND PREST, DONALD D. BLUE, Solicitors. Auctioneer. 30-1 4 23. Used Cars 1,00D USED TRUCK. APPLY SINGER SEWING CENTRE, Goderich. -30 OBITUARY MISS MINA MIDDLE/PON Miss Mina Middleton, Trafalgar street, who died on Monday, was born in Goderich Township end lived in Goderich for the past 30 years. Prior to coming to Gode rich, she lived in Moose Jaw, Sask. for ovet four years. Her parents were John Middleton and Harriet Brittain, of Goderich Township She was a member of St George's Anglican Church. Miss Middleton was a lover of music and taught music the greater part of her life. While/ in Moose Jaw, she was a soloist ih a church there. She wav*an original member of the Goderich Music Club and two years ago was the recipient of an honorarium of a pin from the Huron County Music Festival As- sociation, os a token of her sustain- ed rpterest in the progress of the Festival. Surviving is a brother, Fred, of Goderich Township and two sisters, Agnes, of Goderich end Mrs. Ed- ward Itampeon (Elizabeth), of Tor- onto. Six nephews acted as pall- bearers at the funeral on Wednes- day afternoon: Kenneth Taylor, of Blyth; Stewart Middleton, Goderich Township; Ted Middleton, Strat- ford; Bert Middleton, St. Marys; Ross Middleten, Bayfield; Douglas Middleton, St. Catharines, Rev. Dr. Kenneth E. Taylor officiated at the service at the Lodge funeral home. Interment was made in Bayifielti cemetery, Misses Grace and Olive Robert son have returned from a ten day visit with their sister-in-law. Mrs. Maori Rot)ei t fl. at Sti ;Mind Mils. Edward Ervine, Wellington street, has received ward a the death of her father, Mr John Fee- gan, at Kirkcaldy, Scotland, on July 17th. It is twentyoix yedts since she had visited with her father. • e're Werve'ordered a large quantity of new 1957 Fords. We MUST have room to accommodate the additional trade-ins. Therefore our present stock of Used Cars is going at WHOLESALE PRICES ! No Reasonable Offer Refused on These UIts 1955 DODGE CRUSADER, two -door 1955 FORD CUSTOM Tudor 1954 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1954 METEOR NIAGARA Sedan 1954 METEOR MAINLINE Tudor 1953 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1953 FORD Tudor, like new *1952 CHEVROLET. COACH 1952 MONARCH SEDAN • 1951 MONARCH SEDAN, new motor — 1951 CHEVROLET SEDANS 1951 METEOR Automatic Sedan 1951' PONTIAC, two -door, 1950 FORD TUDOR 1950 MONARCH SEDAN 1-949 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1949 FORD Tudor, really clean 1948 PONTIAC Fleetline Coach 4 automatic, like new 4 Several 1947 Models fro 51 up 4- Sedan Deliveries. 1953 CHEVROLET 1951 PONTIAC 1952 FORD All Completely Reconditiod Special Price 1955 FORD 1/2 -ton EXPRESS SEVERAL USED FARM TRACTORS AND IMPLEMENTS PRICED TO CLEAR PAY -AS -YOU -DRIVE 11ROUGH A TRADERS PAYMENT PLAN. ALL CONTRACTS LQIFE-ONSURED. Phone, Wire,- Holier, Drive, Fly r R n to GO 1 ERICH MOTORS PHONE 83 LTD. RD -MONARCH SALES AND SERVI1C2 SOUTH ST. . a