HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-10-16, Page 1THE TIMES
JAN'Y 1891 ,
20 Oeilte
L1. DIO.KSON Di,rrister, Soli.
. alto) of Supreme Court. Notary
Public, Conveyancer, Commissioner, &o.
Money to (Joan.
..„Oftice .Feateen'eltiook. Exeter.
coLuisr s,
rrister, Salter, Conveyancer, ritc,
()Mee Samwell'a Block. Hairs old
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries ?Olio
Conveyancers •tC6o, &o.
sw•uoney to Loan at ',lowest Itittee' of
OFFICE Over O'Neil's Ban .
flitron s Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
. s.
tiamwelPs Week, Main-st. Exeter,
Extraets Teeth withont
pIU, Away et Heileman on
nrat FrPlay: Craig, second
and fourth Tueeday; mad
Zuareir outhe last Thurs.
day ot eaoliutouth.
As P. S, 4 441,11nte Victoria ttnitersityt
()nice and residence. Dommlon Labors-
%ory. Exeter.
RYND1111,1.4.,00rowir for the
County of Huron. °Mee, opposite
Carling Bros. stormItzeter•
LF O. 011ie°, Main St. Exeter, Ont.
Residence, tionae reeently occupied by P.
klePhttlipit, Rag.
F. CUTTEN. M. D., 0. M.,
* °retinae Trinity ITnivorsitr. Tor-
onto Feb Trin. Med. school. Toronto ,• Grad.
Am Inst.. emulates/ ; MemberN. Y. Acad.
Anthropology: &Umber Col. P. S., Ont—
,Eolserisee of the
Eye glasses anti Spectacles furnished for
both Nearand Distant Vision.
Always at home. except on Fridays.
.t No. 185 Queen's Avenue,
_ LomIon, OntarIo.
111111111111111111111=11 mainunleimems
BOSSE14.13ERRY, General Li
. cleansed Auctioneer Sales conducted
in allps.rts. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges
moderato. Bonsai' r �, Ont.
[ENRY EILBER Licensed Auc-
tioneer for Flay, Stephen. and Me-
011ivray Townships Selea conducted at
moderaterttes. °nice at Post-of:nee. Ored-
iton Out.
We know you usually read our
add and to make it profitable as
well as interesting we like to in.
numerate, but space will not permit;
so call and it -reared tour Winterise
Goat Skin and 11L=on Robes; Fur Coats -
Persian Lamb, Heaver and Aatricart Caps
Ladies' fur sets in Ashican, Anetralian,
Opessum, Prairie Wolf, Kengaroo, Lynx,
South ace imat, eke at prima that are
bound to sell them. Just what you want.
A good wheel cap for Oh boys only Ziets.
Joh lines of bed spreade flifie upwards.
Miasea' and Children'a hoods 2rre p60a ;
Lediee Scarfs 60e, worth 81.25; Mbeee
end Children% all -wool time—a.hi hesket
to picric from—12e for your eltoiee. We
knock everything endways in Dr eem Goode
A few new pee a mat to bend, 15e, worth
3de. Eetre quelity Weelt to be eloeed
t 230, worth far more money.
A pair of good English nianufac-
turecl slippers 25c, something you
ever saw before. Come it only
out of curiosity to see the beat and
most comical slipper in town.
(Sole Agents)
•,ToaN GILL, Auctioneer for the
tl Townships of Stephen. Hay and Daborne
and the Village ot Exeter. Sales promptly
attended., and satisfaction guaranteed..
Salsa arrauged tthie *Mc e
AnctioneerandLandValuator. orders
sent by Irian to roy a diress, Bityneld P 0.,
will receive prompt attention. Terms moder-
ate. D. U. PORTER, Auctioneer.
Tennent& Tennent
Graduatesof the Ontario Veterinary Col-
opines : One door South of Town Hall.
-1V-L. percent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best
LOB, ning Companies represented.
Barrister, Exeter,
CANADA. Head Office, London, Ont.
After 31 years of successful business, still
continues to otror the owners of farm property.
andprivate residences, either on buildings or
contents 313 o most favorabl e protection in ease
of loss or damage by fire orlightning, at rates
upon such liberal terms. that no other respect,-
ablecompany eau afford to write. 42,375 petit
cies in force lstJan 0.890. Assets $378,428.00
in cash in bank. Government denost. Deben-
tures And Premium Notes. jinn GRA NT,
President; D. C. Mo UONALD, Manager. DAVID
.Tiletis,Agent for Exeter and vicinity.
• r111:111 ATATERLOO r. MUTUAL
Established in 1863.
This cotur.any has been over Eighteen
years in successful operation in Western
(M '
ario and continues to insure against
loss or llamagebv !Piro Buildings Morahan..
dise, Manufactories, and all other descrip.
tions of insurable property. Intending
insurers have the option of insurine on
tb e Premium Note or cash System.
During the past ten years this Com-
pany ties issued 57,000 Policies, covering
ProllertY to the auout of 810,379,033; and
paid in losses alone 2709,752,00.
Assets, 8.1.76,100.o0, cousistin a Cash
inBank, Government Der ciptt and the un-
assessed Premium Notos cr Land and in
force. J 7 WAMDEN 1.t. D. Preside! t 0.
M. TesLort Secretary,. F. B H aerie s, In-
pector ORAS. SNELT.i, A pent, f prT,1 xdtav
&cd r'cin;tr.
e Molsons Bank
AitTEDED 831PA T,11£5.5)
upCapital .„ $Z,000.r0
Uend ()Mee. Uontreal.
20 branelioffleesintnetNrainion. AgonOle
in the Dorairdomii.S.A.and Europe.
Exeter Brancla,
Open every lawful day • from 10
SATISEDAYS,10 son • to l p.m.
Porrent.por annum al loweartir meow o
Deposit Receipts
• •
The Kirktrin Fmr-
no mental fair of the Blantilaird
Seciety woo neld Kiralon on Thursday
mid Friday leak The fair was a success in
every roalaeet,, end ilea not the morning
threatened rain, would Inkee been the moat
successful exhibition ever 'held In Eirkton.
The exhibita in every department were
good excepting fruit which watiAleargrO,
Boots and vegetables were exceptionally
good and would have done credit to a Pro.
Villein' Fair. In the alum rings there were
some splendid stook, especially in tee
draught liaise classes. In two sear olds
the indgeshmul it dilfionit to meritoriously
award prizes. On the whole the fair wee a
gratifying eumess, as the gate receipts 0210
will show. Following is the list of success-
ful prize winners i—
IIORSES—leronren =eve enettone.—
Span horsed, Robt Roy; brood mare, Thos
Werry, R G Radcliffe; two year old, Jos
White, Jno McCollougli; one year old, Jno
MeCollough, Thos Worry; foal, 11 G Bad -
Thos 'Worry.
CARAD/AN HEAVY ertaxonr—Span,
Hanson, J & 0 .Flooper brood mare, 8
Campbell, Wan Cornish, J 0 Hazelwood;
two year old, W Corniah. Chas Wnson, H
Norris; foal. 'Teo Duncan'Al Switzer.
Anineuertinee—Span, Jae Scott, sr, R G
Radcliffe; brood mare, Win Brock, Johnson
Stewart, juo Duncan; two year old, D
Nethercott, Wm Hodge, D Nethetcott; one
-t.r old. $ Campbell, R Kemp; foal, Thos
Rundle, Wm Brock, Johnson Stewart.
GENERAL PunmSR—Leonard Hunter, A
E Doupe, D Creighton; brood mare, Jas
Breoks, Robt Oreery, Wm Yule; two yr old,
a A Robinson, Thos Bern, jr, Jas 8X0Dre;
one yr old, Wm Hodge, G W, Gill, David
Doa; foal R dreary, T Werry, W Yule.
Boansrans—Spen,Reid Brae; brood mare
Chas Crooks, A Dawson; two yr old, Thos
Greenwood, Jones; one yr old, W C
Francis, J G Jones; foal, Chas Brooks, W
C Francis; single horse, Sas Beatty, J & 1)
Wood; saddle horse. Ino Dunbar, Wm
CARRIAGE—Span, Jno McCurdy; brood
mare, Leonard Hunter, Chas Wilson; two
yr old, T M Kay, .A. Gunning; one year old,
F Gibson; foal, Chas Wilson, A Rae.
Green trot. Jets Horton, Jae Beatty, D W
Dalmage. (The other special attractions
did not take place.)
JUDGES—LIGHT —E Christie, Exeter;
jno Delbriclge, Winchelsea; Joe Stafford,
St Marys. HEAV17-3 W Woodley, Fuller-
ton; Jas Handford Centralia; aim Vipond;
CATTLE —euntratit—Mileh cow, J. & 0
Hooper, lst and 2nd, W E Gill; two year
old, 11 & T McCullough, Wm Switzer; year-
ling heifer, G W Gill, 3 & 0 Hooper; brill
calf, 11 & T McCullough, Geo Bentley;
heifer calf, R & T McCullough, W H
Jnesess—alow, Jno McCurdy,
Horamrs--Mileb cow,_Jas Hazelwood.
GRADE—Mileh cow, Wm Roger, J & C
Hooper • two yr old, J & C Hooper, lt G
Radcliffe; yearling heifer, Jno Hazelwood,
Wm Pridinim; heifer •calf, Wm Pridham,
Jas Moore; steer calf, BG Radcliffe, Noble
Johnsona' 2 yr old steer, I and C Hooper;
1 vr old steer, R G Radoliffe% 3 and C
He'oper; fat eow, Tees Scott litt and 2nd;
Id t ox, Thos Scott 1st and 2.a. •
auDGES —3) Walkes, Anderson;. Jas
Wallis, Granton. •
S SEEP—xenon STIOR—Rana 2 yew s old,
Ourrelley ez Son ; one year old ram, Carrel -
ley re Son Time Worry; rem lamb Currelley
do Sou,let and 2nd; pair. breeding ewes,
Currelley at Son, lst and 2ncl; Fhearling
ewes Ourrelley e4 Son, Thos Worry; ewe
lsmbe, Currelley te Son, 1st and 2nd. ,
Coaiswoma —Ram lamb, 3. W. Stacey,
Sueopsinne —Ram, Sarrel Doupe; one
roar old ram, FL A. Switzer; ram lamb,
Sane" Doupe, Lit and 2nd; ewes, II A.
Switzer, Sarna Doupe; shoreline en'OF,
Sam'l Doupe, 10 A, Switzer; ewe lambs,
Basel Doupe, H. A, Switzer,
Gn.anz—Swes, J. W. Copeland, P. A.
SPorSuat shearling eses, Alex Kirk; pair
ewe lambs, Thos Greenwood, Carrelley
Soul fat sheep, Currelley 4t Son, Thos,
SWINE—menosneeee—Aged boar. jno.
Dunbar, Geo. Gill; boar pig. Geo Anderson;
young sow, am Anderson, John Hazlewood,
Semen exteme--Aged hoer, John Dunbar,
R. Delbridge; breeding sow, R. Delbraage;
Bear pig, Juo Dunbar, R. Delbridge- sow
under 040 year, O. Deihridge, fat and 2nd.
JUDOBB—Yno, Kerslake, Antiereout
Jno. lkkwell, Rim Thee Scott, Gromarte.
POULTRY—Itight teatimes, Wm Kirk;
blaek spsnish fowls Geo Bentley, trarn't
Ford; hotulans, deo Bentley; leeherns,
Geo Bentley; ;Wanda, Geo Beutley 14 and
20d; barnyard fowls, Get) Bentley; turkey',
Geo Bentley, Geo Andante% geese, Thee
Greenwood, lee and 2nd; duds, Whoa
Greenwood, Geo Andereen; dark leghorn
Wirt Kirk.
JUDGE—Thoa MeClartlilin„ Farquhar;
INIPLEMENTS—Donhla open carrisee,
Roadhouse & Brown; single top buggy, Jae
Dawe, Gothruz 4; liugliy; single open
buggy. Juo Dame, Roadtionse and Brown;
portland 'Gutter, (iothniz and Rushy;
paino box cutter, Roadhouse and Brown Jet
and 2nd; iron beam plow, A Brethour let
and 24d; iron harrows, Sung Ford, dint
Callender; gang plow. A Brethren; set
hone ahem from the bainreer, Jam Cal.
lender, Bich Horn; Toad ger", Boarlitoule
Brown; heavy sleigh, R00101160 tti
Brown; spade harrow, 1) Brown.
JUDGES -0 Bailey, St Marys; A Beth.,
well, Fullerton.
SPECIALS—Drape, la Haminou; Dani-
a net quilt, Maggie Creighton; ehlidae
dress, Mra 3 Li Graham; 'borne wool work,
Ella Creighton; paper flowers, Mrs Wm
Atkinson; silk ernh Mrs ID Grahetu;mitte
Jon Shier; novelty, Mille Hutton.
GRAIN—Fell wheat, (white) Jno. Dun.
her,Ely Switzer; fall wheat, (red) A Shier,
II A Marshall; spring wheat. Wm Hake
wood, 0 Brettiour; 6 rowed barley,Hodgert
Bros, 0 Brown; 2 rowed herley,Dprethourt
Urge oata, Wm Dodge, Hy Switzer; com-
mon oats (white) D Blethour, Nicholee
Shier; common oats, (black) Brethour,
Nicholas Shier; lar,tet PQM Wm gage. Jas
Balkeoll; smell peas, Jas Earth, Jail Clarke;
Rex iced, Brethour, Wtu 'lodge; flax in
straw, D Brethour, Miehael Brethour;
timothy seed, 1t1 Brothour, 1no Donee;
engUsh field berms, Reuben Switzer; white
warden beans, 10 Blithour, les Marshall;
indieu corn, Reubeu Switzer, Wm Haan'.
hebron, Auderson, Alex Roy; white ele-
phant, Seoul Doupe no Foster; rose pot.
atom, late, Jno Delbridge, Wm Dolma;
roue potatoes early, W A Far.
long, 13retlionr; burbank needling, Jam
Delbridge; collection, Jag Marshall, Jno
Delbridge; sweedieh turnips, J D Hazel-
wood, W field wrote, P O'Brien,
Mrs Wm Kirk; garden carrots, 0 It Money,
A Shier; mangelwurzel; red, Wm Boger,
Noble Johnson; maned wurzel, yellow
globe, Alex Roy, Nicholas Sider; onions,
G L Money, li, 3 Roadhouee; blood beets,
Thee Darling, 1) Brethoar; cabbage, Robt
Robinson, (het Paisey; tomatoes, A Shier,
Roadhouse ck Brown; cauliflower, Capt
Paisey, B Roadhouse; celery, Capt Plas-
m P O'Brien; citron, round, Wm Leigh,
Thos Darling; citron long, Wm Hazelwood
A Bretbour; purapkin, I D Hazelwood,
Brethour; water melon, E Hamilton, Kate
Doupe; muse melon,D Brethour; parsnips,
Capt Paisey, F 13 Switzer; Gourde, Miss
Anderion; 20 ez apple, Saran Glenn; Blen-
heim pippin, Maggie Jamieson.
JUDGES—Wm Beatty, 131enshard; Thos
Scott, Cromarty.
FRUIT—Northeit spy apples, J W
Copeland; taiman sweets, Wm Boger; bald -
N Shier; snow apples, E Hamilton;
rhodeisle.nd greening, Wm Hanson; king
of tompkins, Robt MoCollough; alexander,
Wtn Tule; golden russet, Jno Callender,
ribson meat, N Shier; epitzburge, D
Anderson; yellow jellflower, Mary McCal-
lum; sweet pear apples, P d Sperling;
pomme grease, A Shier, collection of apples,
Wm Hanson; crab apples, Miss Anderson,
A Brathour; open air grapes, °apt Paisey,
P13 Switzer; pinms, Sam'l Ford; fall pears,
Nlary MoCallura. Jas Marshall; winter
pears. Thos Scott, Alex Kirk.
D 1,IRY PRODUCE—Keg better, Kate
Donee, S Shier; table butter, Thos Here,
Mrs Win Kirk; dairy made cheese, Wm
Yule; factory butter, .Tno Hannah.
MISCELLANEOUS—Maple sugar, Miss
Gourley, Thos Smith; home made bread.
P O'Brien, Mrs Wm Kirk; home made
shirting, D Brethour, A Shier; plaid. all
wool, ladies' wear, Mrs Hannam, blanket;
all wool, Mits 3D Graham, Ells Creighton;
union. blankets, Jonathan Shier; Maggie
Creighton; oanedian tweed, F '7:Long, 1st
and 2nd; honey in sections, Geo Bentley;
jar strained honey, Miss Il titk•itzer; Geo
Bentley; extracted honey, Geo Bentley, D
Doa; canned plums, Jou Shier, Maegie
Jamieson; canned pears, Mary McCallum,
Mrs Robt Creery; canned cherriee, Mrs J
D Graham; canned gooseberries,P O'Brien,
13 firstborn- canned stiawberries, Maggie
Jamieson; Mrs ,T D Graham; canned rasp
berries, D Brethour, R G Radcliffe; canned
tomatoes, Mrs 5 A Shier,. Wm Hanson;
jelly, Aun DaW9011, Wm Glenn; 'oil dome,
GL Money, 1.mt and 2n5; pencil' drawing,
Emily Steele, 1st and 2nd; portrait on can.
vase, amateur, E Cameron; single Pet car-
riage harness, W A Furlong; sewing mach
ine, G Vickers; specimen miu�ral, Wm
Switzer: home rn ado snap, Jonathan
JUDCkES2--R W Pornercy, Fullerton;
A Mehl -din, Woo them; 0 C Moore,
LADIES' W0RK--13est machine sewing
Mrs 8 A Scott; hand RAWM g, D Brown. Mrs
Scott; Men'ti t hand made, Mies Hyde,
Kate Doupe; shirt, menat, machine made,
Mrs J 0 Ce, ahrunetlies E Shier; shirtanon's
flannel hand made, Kate Doupe, Ann Daw-
son; darning on stack in g.alre J. D Graham,
Kale Doupe;counten pone crocbeted, Maggie
Creighton, Mies Tr. Switzer; counterpane,
knitted, Maggie Creighton, Maggie Jamie-
son; oat patchwork, calico M S Cornisb,
Thos Scott; quilt patchwork, cloth, Maggie
Jamieson , Son Shier; guilt parchwork, sills,
Mary McCallum, Mrs Hannam; quilt, white
quilted, Kate Doupe, quilt, log cabin, S
Childr4.,., Nel
Cornieb, Efannam; crazy patehwork,
Afro R Rained), Edith Sanders; gloves,
coarse, hand made, Miss Hyde; gloves no.
hand made, Maggie Orelebtont 'witted
etookinga, hand made, Time Hyde, M 5
Cornish; knitted socks, wool. hand made,
Ion Shier, Mrs Ilannane; stocking, fancy
cotton, Maggie Jamieson, Miss Hyde; but-
ton holes, Mrs J D Graham, Thee Sect%
darned net, alias Hutton, Meggie Creigh-
ton; • lanthrequien Ella Creighton;
underclothing, nutehlue made, Maggie
Jainievon, Mrs Shier; ladies undeeelothiuge
hold made, Maggie Jamieson, 0 W Deb
mage; point InCe, Mrs J0 Grethen), Miers
Ilottout Itoultere Nee, Ifiaet Britton, Ella
Creighton; applique work on Win. Mra S
A Shier; applique work ou plush. 0 Uretit-
our; applique work on Cloth, afro Shier;
ermine work, Mrs HRINIAM,Agtle8 Gowan;
gentlemen's onuoking •erg; tare tinnuam,
Ann Demon; embroidery in lace atitelme,
Mrs flarmarn; embroidered elippera, re J
D Graham, Mra Shier; dowel enthroiderv,
Mra Henn n, E Hamilton; 'mediate QM-
brolelery, Maggie Creighton, Mrs Ilannent;
chenille work, Wm transom Mralienosim
ream work. Elia Creighton. 1311e0 HAN
crooluit work in cotton, Atm 3 0 Graham,
Mary 151cCafem; °rootlet work in wool,
Mra Graham, Ella Creighton; crochet work
iu silk. Mise Hutton; koneingteu embroid-
ery, Mra Heimann Ella Creighton; jewel
ease and pincushion combined, Edith Surd.
era. Mrs A Shier; 'sofa pillow, Mile Hut.
ton, Mrs liCannriaa; toilet set of any kind,
aired' 0 Graham, Elle Creighton; coverlet
benae made, Mrs Muumuu Ella Creighton;
obild'e &gas, hand made, Maggie Creigh-
tom 31ise Tiede; elaild'a drees, ruttehlue
made, Niro 5 A Shier, Mary NteCtilluult
heilin wool work, Mrs Graham, tagnes Go-
wan, rag mat, Wm Iledee, Mrs Wm Eiriv;
home made carpet, Ann 'Dawson, Mrs 30
Graham; cellectioo paper Rowell', Agnes;
Gowan, 0 Brethour; tee orisey, Aun Daw-
son; bead. work. Ansa Hutton, Ells Creigh.
ton; drawn work Mrs Hutton, 'Mrs
Grelmin; table enarf, Miss Hutton, Mrs J
O Oralutui; skeleton lea,res,Urs 5 A Shier;
ribbon work, 3 W Copolaad, Wm Hunan;
shell work, A Shier, afro 5 A. Shier; hat,
minutiae Orem, Meru Shier, NI Bradman
pillow phone, Maggio Jamieeon,Nfisa Hyde;
beat and leitgest oolleotion of Isaias' wok,
Hate Doupe, Aun Dawson; collection 11010ae 1
plaute, 1.1 Money, Wni Atkinson, Juo
[The Treasurer to be in Eirkton on the
let day of November to pay the prizes.]
Bums -41r Geo Stacey, who has beau id
South Africa for some Terns, will together
vith hie wife, return to Kirkton to reside
2tet3'eta 4,470400ior, taste and. *re an
nected here alieirnae Voloonae
Stacey book to Eirktou.—Mr Geo Vickers
hes purehaaeri a ream:lea in Mitchell and.
with his family will move thither about let
November.—At the fair several fakirs were
ignonaininusly °looted from the grounds,
MeLnamar ys Coormt—This was au
action hied before Ur Justice MoNtahon
without a jury et the recent assizea at God-
erich. The parties reside in the township
of Stanley. The action was brought by the
plaintiff for Images for a trespass to re-
move a fence and recover possession of an
acre of land, After the greater part of a
day was occupied in taking evidence, his
Lordship suegested settlenient on this
basia: The dere:rodent to remove his fence
two rods encloshert half indee& of the
whole aore, the plaintiff to execute to the
defendant a deect of the half acre, and each
party to pay their own costs. Counsels for
the parties, after consulting their respective
clients adopted the saggestion and his Lord
ship directed judgment to be entered ac-
cordingly. Thus a long standing dispute
has been finally settled, Messrs Darrow mid
Proudfoot for plff and NIr R H. Collins for
BRIEFS—Mr 13 McIntyre has sold the
Hansen House to Mr H. Reese, who will
not take possession for soma time.—The
Commercial House narrowly escaped des-
• truction by fire on Saturday evg. As the
bar tender was about to look up, a large
lamp which nag over tbe bar fell to the
floor and etploded. It was with difficulty
that the flames - were smothered.—Messrs
Sutherland & White deserve credit for
their enterprise in causing our beautiful
village to be lighted by kerosene, the lamps
for which having been erected.—The Hen-
sel' croquet players are anxiously await-
ing their Exeter brethren, in body to play
• the loug anticipated game. individual
players from Exeter have been beaten sev-
eral times by home players.—Mr john
Spooner, of Clinton, has located in our
village,—Apple packers 'are busily en-
gaged in this locality. The fruit return
is greater than expected.-- ere (Capt)
Giheore of Goderich, is, the guest of Mrs
Wm Moir.
(Mande boye.
PROVERLY REJEGTED —An ,epplicetion
was made before judge .Eiliott to close
certain streets in the village of Clandeboye.
The Royal Standard Loan Co.. ivere the
applicants, being interested in certain'
property which formerly belonged to Mr.
William Flanagan, and the existence et
these etreets ie an obstacle in the way of
selling this property ati farm land: The
towmaip council of .Bhldulph and various
persons opposed the application. After
heaeing Mr. Shoff and other statements
the judge held that evenif the parties
owning the property on the streets pro-
posed to be closed were willing, he could
not in the face of this opposition accede to
this application.The lets comprising the
villa,gehaving hem purchased on the
streneth of the original registered plan,
all the purchasers and. those persons claim-
ing from the purchasers hal e claim to
the free use of those streets according to
the original plan. He therefore refused
tbe application
There is no one aftiole in tho live of
medieinea that gives so large a return for
the money as a good porous strengthening
Illes'er, nolo et Carteret Smart Weed and
Belau:tuna Backache Platter.
lionen TiiiAzioriti—A couple of our yew's
441torsefauoiere hare been tryiug their
hendeet breaking in co/he, that too with a
deal of success, but everybody is liable to
he eentethieg like Birched' said "in
treek of bad leek" ae our two trainers
were this wee., the colt got loose arail
enjoyed from run down one of the princi•
pet etreetee Better leek next time loys
—Brarree•-•Irespector Tom paid our school
an 4404 visit in Tuesday laet —Our
ttetdier aftendei the teeehers convention
'Thuraday and Fritlay.—Quite e num-
ber of oar villegere attended the Deerfield
fair on Thursday lost. —The new :Nun
Hall le rapidly nestriog completion. It is
thought thet it will he done lay the let of
Septeratter.--1.7ehorm promotion Q3404113 -
Von, teftea phew in the public school no
Friday neXt --Council meeting on Satur-
day. Oret Itith—Speeial meetings are being
bent in thremangelicel ehurell this week,
quite attownber of ministers from other
Welds, ars present.—It is ruosored that the
uxol will hold their ni1111141 ent-er-
' soon,
. Biddulpla.
Butitea—bir Thos 0 Carleton. of the 511*
con, Iliddulph, haa mid his farm te his
brother jolin,—Geo Grant, of own, bap
leaned Joie MeMahen'a farm ou the lot con.
—Mr At G Shoifite, of Metereavfile, has pur-
chased s 160 -acre term in the vicinity of
None is Prairie, Man, payiug therefor the
SUM Ot $R000. -Ur IV fi Hoagies and fatally
of the Atli con. have left Mr rale, Mich,
where they will resale for the feture,—Mr
John Leonard, of Bei Axe, Mieh, lost week
1il1te41 Ulaatalph tewnehip, end purclaseed
from Me John Courses, a bear; draught
team for WO; As also the Cleile eitellion,
MATS from Coureey di Stewart for 01,50A
The Church of England ermgregation woe-
altipping in l".it ltatrork'a church, Iluidulph,
observed their thanks.giving anniversary
n Sunday last. Lith lust, Although the
weather was very nnpropituons, there W39
a large atten.lonee of devout worahippers
meet. when prayers were offered and
03011 sung appropriate to the ottemion.
e ehencel, prayer desk and pulpit were
ry tastetully decorated liy the young
Ipeople of the !Anna, with flowers, grain,
eatill other fients of the earth. Miss Jean.
ole Davis presided at the organ, and was
assiattil by a full choir in rendering suit.
1 , able hymns and anthems, An appropriate
eermon was preached by the incumbent,
Bev II D Steele, from Pa 0X1, 12. The
offertory was very liberal.
}Dam= lielta—Ilte, harvest home
entertainment of the Methodist church.
was held on, alondoar.evg. There was an
unusually large attendance despite the Ind
weather. After A sumptuous dingier pro-
vided liy the ladies of the church in their
enviable style had beau disposed of, the
gathering repaired to the 'church, which
was beautifully and appropriately decor.
ated for the occasion with gram, fruits
and vegetables. where a platform meeting
was held. Addresses were delivered lay
Revs. Allan, Centralia; Russell, Exeter;
Henderson, Clan tempi and the local
clergy. The speeches were interspersed
by singing by Miss Spencer, Ailse, Craig,
an& alias Lupton, Stratford, The af-
fair was a grand success, the proceeds
amounting so about $10. —
BRIEFS—.There died at Mooresville,
on the Oth inst. Mrs Wm Fraser, in
the 30th year of her age. She left two
children the younger but a few months
old.. Mr Fraser hits the sympathy of all
in hie sad bereavement.—Mr iVilliam
Hedging and hie famile of the Santee line,
Biddulph, moved to Michigan on Monday,
13th hist. He woe made a presentation
and adiress, on the eve of his del:whore,
by some of his friends and wellawishers.--
Mr Henry Hoffroies moves off his farm and
takes up his abode in Lucien, among the
114 of retired farmers. Mr T A •.Dobbs
rents the farm. --Miss Sadie McDonald of
London, is at present the guest ot Miss
Clara Miller.—Nliss Whiteford, of Cen-
tralia,is visiting Miss Simpson—Miss E
Hudgins, of &can, has been visiting
friends here for a few days.—Both Luean
and Exeter were well represented on Mon
day evening at the Harvest Home, eeverel
dudes from each place being present; they
seemed to enjoy themselves, at the table
especially, and wereheard to express a
desire that 'Mooresville would hold an
other entertainment in the near future.
BarErs.—Me Colin Smith has been to
Darlington, to see his brother, who is not
expected to live. At the last Meeting
of the Epworth Leagne in Fan.
villa, readings were given by Miss A
Ferguson and Mr W Johnston and an ad-
dress by Mr Oossens, the programme was
• interspersed with music by the choir; at
the next meeting a debate will be held, sub-
ject „Resolved that a Republic is a mote
desirable form of Goverument than a
ited Monarchy," Climbable, Messrs Brown
and Greon supported by W Johnston and R
Ferguson.—Mr E Hagass, who has been
awarded a'Brd class certificate ae the July
examiention. purposes following np bis
studies at the Cliiiton Collegiate. Rev Mr
Coats, of Sexenith, preached in the .Meth-
odist church, a'. Hills Green, ou Sueday
• MR: COLIISS' Six. --The sale of farm
stock and implements of Mr Henry Collins'
rook place On Monday aftommon last.
Despite tue mcleinent weather the attend-
ance was large, From the first 'implement
sold to the -last. head of stook, every
article and anitnal brought good figures
Cattle sold exceptionally well, yearlings
bringing from $18 to $20, while reilch cows
sold for from $10 to $50, stockers realiaing
$35 and $40. Horses sold well, sheep marl
.hogs went off at high prices. •On Alio
whole the sale was a graifyiug success
for the proprietor, and the auctioneer, Mr.
H. Either deserves greet credit, -He
wielded the hammer in a pleasing manner
to buyers, and his superior tact s found ia
few enctioneers. He conducts his sales
rapidly, yet realizes on every article,
Mr. Collins has sold his farm to eir
Hervey, •of Uehorne, and will retire from
fAl'alia fr,r
PUlliitate*t. and Proprietors
Aucl many no" testified that time sperit
isiting our
and examiniog our prieero was truly 'money
'ery easily made. We don't gen, below
hut our values eurp3S4 thaw evha
to do business ie that way; our ex -
peons being light we are statiatied witn
very email margtns.
Call and ermine our Menai good woreted
Overcoats at 58 2a, worth MI hlert's good
tweed Overcoats at $6, worth V.
Suite reedy made front .$5 up; and ree
member we ;ell Rive' reedyrnade Clothing
proportionately cheap.
Oar Beet Oft Stem raterek Fielinplote, end
our reputation is already estabiteed In
this lino.
Get a sample of our 1Se tea and be eon.
viand that this *lathe prop_er Wave to buy
your teas. Remember it ri no tronble for
to show geode.
Market Store Eveter.
J?. BC S$
isa Sophie Egert srrlet1 home
De it last ru d.ay-Mc John Belling
*1 Inc uheim hat weal: he intende
to epeoul a few weeks visiting friends in
that vieinity.—Mrs 33 Ifollenbeek and
Mm Fluke of Elk Rapids, Mich, arrived
here last Saturday on a visit to their peke
Mrs F Clens,—Married by Rev 3 E Hel-
ms at the residence of the bride's parents.
Miss May Stone to Mr Albert Armstrong,
—Mr A M. Wilson and family left here for
Oreenbush last Tuesday. They will he
missed by many friends in this vicinity.
They have been very MS.:lent workers an
the chart+ and Sabbath school. W T
Men, And R J Ramsey started for Chicago
la.at Tuesday where they intend to speed
the winter.
The Meal assizes opeued here on Tues.
dew, 71h inst, at 2 p• ined Mtge Seeord pre. -
titling. 1st ease—Wiggand -ire Beatty, ticee.
seult and battery; 2nd ease— Beatty es
Wi'"auttettVlillr 110 Watery; ard ease—
Purdy vs Wiggand, using aliusitte lan-
stieste. The first two eileeS were rather
wittier, ineenniteh that both parties we, e
fined, although the evidence went strong.
ly to prove that Wkgaritikminine was the
assaulting party. The evidence in the
third ease conehisively showed that the
defendant hall used most slanderous and
indecent language oncerning the plaintiff.
In am:fathom° with the evidence the Mag-
istrate justly deoided to fine Wiggled ten
dollars and costs as a gentle reminder that
the village of Varna, has still some regard
for decency anti public morals. The
Wiggand's formerly lived in Exeter.
Mr and Mrs Staebler, and Mr and Mrs
Wagenest, of Berlin, Out, are the guests
of Rev C Staebler.—Mr and Mrs John F
Guinther leave today for their new home
in Pelham township, carrying with them
the good wishes of their numerous friends
here.—Messrs Seawell. of St Thomas have
been the geode of their uncle, Mr Chas
Humprey during the past week —A men
ber of our eitizeras are on the siek list, we
hope to see them around shortly.—Miss
Loma Brown will in future net as organ-
ist in the Gelman church, although she is
-young, we think she will make a success of
it.— A pleasing event took place in the
German Church on Sunday morning last.
Just before the close of the ceremony
Rev Mr Staebler presented Mrs Jan 1'
Guinther (formerly aliss Bertha Eilber)
with a beautiful large family bible, in re-
cognition of her services as organist dur-
ing the past —The pathinastere for the
yillage are fixing up our streets in good
style and the grading along the north side
of Victoria street will make a fine job
when finished, and enlinuce the beauty of
our burgh.
The Huron Assizes.
God each, Oct. 9 —The action brought by
Thee N Daney, of Godetich, apainst the G.
T. R., in wbich plaintiff claims datnages
for being wrongfully ejected front a G. T.
R. paasenger train at Grantee, on the 611*
of September last, (dosed ?este' day. Phin.
tiff called witnesses:who corroborated his
evidence in the moan as to what took plaee
after he was put out of the car, and also
called two medical men, who described the
injuries to the plaintiffs arm. The defence
welled the meander, two bratteemen and a
la] ge number of passengers oe the train in
question, who swore that the conductor
id the pleintlff that he must pay the
extra fare between Lucau and Stratford or
get off the train at Grantee and go to
Goderieh via Liman Crossing. Plaintiff re-
fused to pay the • adclitioned 65 cents, and
was expelled. The deleudantst witneeses
all testified that no more violence was u.sed
than was neceserery, and that plaintiff re-
SiSled all he oe d. The jars+ forted that
the couchette had no right to demaucl extra
fare from Lucan to Stratferd; that tieneed-
sary force was ueed in ejecting plaintiff
from the car, • and that such extra force
was used by the Conductor end brakeman.
They assersed the damages at $1000, aid
judgment was watered tor plaintiff tor that
aummat. •
Rev Jim etrahatn, of Ridgetown, . will
preach the anniversary sermons of the
Mak st Methodist church; Exeter, en Fri-
day, 2011 inst.
The lest of a series of leeteres under the
auspiees of the V. lt C. la. S., of James
51 alethodiet eburch, will. be given on
Tuesday evg, 21s1 hist, by Rev: air. Rus-
sel. Subject, •'The' in Nature." Admis-
ni by eou t se tielt et or 10 cents.