HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-10-9, Page 8suneniessetentsteraneaseseeeens--------tre mess
RN EST ill141410 AGENT FOR
LAY of 'Reroute; also for the PIRENIK
FIREC.NSUP.ANCE COMR.11117, es Loinion.
gland, e rtoyaa,iia.N.1.11IAN. of Mon-
treal. ard. the Qat() LTA!. Lim
. . INCL. 00 r o Vi aterloo stabll:,aed
as7a.„ Asseraniesintorea.eintaneee. Pe:mies
every year after Srd year.
—.Exeter Fair Monday and Tuesday
—Our Fancy Goods Fair nal be held on
the same do.see.
—We would like every boy and girl to
vislt r stern on these days..
--The first intim:41,w of coming Christ.
=is Steck wi'l In vibe on our "Ueeful
--Every L'ase i I IN?ftflei uith zti:e
and useful gs en tio„se
—Our Staa lc 511 do their hest to make
visitors feel at bonze arid w171 . be pl'eased
tht.,7n throa-44 the esto,'k for nu
expresaicre cpiteiou,o to itS merit cont.
ears with4.tVseseree,
--We slpen; to open eeeeial ceases of
Nen toaus tbis week statieh will he then
cu. s aatanon.
;, „tee.. r d‘ what we ean
tO en -re gm atteaoti resort.
is 1. r nery ; o pieaesraly
speut and se eel.' Oohed tip if required at
,lit.latC' plats.
Ali Attractive Stock
of New SpringTweeds
"Worsteds coad.
iugs. now beizag showi
WU. Mlle (3-,
If there is any one line we
pride ourselves in doing right
it is Black •Dress Goods.
We claim to be well up in
Dress Goods We ask for
your opinion Perhaps there
are some men in Exeter, who
will say they are —The Dress
Goods Kings," Where avr
they get their ideas ? We
claim to be first you judge
for yourself; you ask how
are we to do so, why just
take a strole through the
(Efferent shops and see where
it is the people buy the fine
Black Goods, that you so
much admire ou the streets.
Our Black Goods for this
season are far ahead of any-
thing we have ever haa in
the past. Qualities are high
and prices low. Conn and
3. A. $TEWART,
Bankrupt Stock Dealer, Exeter
ENttfT gilrftg.
_THURSDAY, OCTOTIER 9th, !..890.
An interesting Work.
The sample pages of a very choice new
volume published under the auspices of
the International Missionary Society from
their branch office at Toronto, have been
placed on our table for examination. The
book is a nicely illustrated octavo of
upwards of six hundred pages. Its able
corps of contributing authors give to us
a noble arrangement of actual Bible—
clear, pointed and forcible, enabling the
reader at any moment to ascertain what
the bible says on the various religious
questions which take up the attention of
every Bible student. Themes that inter-
est the public to clay receive special
atteution. The illustrations are excellent
each one a study in itself. The book as a
whole is well calculated to increase a
love for the study of the best of books, and
to give valuable assistance in the present-
ations of each study, a work worthy of
commendation and encouragement.
Pickard Estate Sale.
The sale of the balance of the Pickard
'estate including ten paroles of village
property, and 18 shares in the Exeter
Salt Works Co., also two farms in Mani-
toba, took plane at the Central Hotel
on Tuesday last. The property was all
bought in with the exception of two
brick stores and vacant lot to south,
which were sold to Gordan, McKay
srs- Co., of Toronto, for $5000; one acre
on Edward street to E. Christie, for
$120 320 acres and 160 acres in South-
ern blauitoba, being east half of lob 9,
township 2, range 11, and S. W. one
fourth of lot 23, township 3, range 3,
respectively, to J. Greene, of Hamilton,
for $975 and $100 ; 18 $100 shaves in
the Ineeter salt works CO. excepting
dividend about to be declared for 40 eta
on the dollar, to G. C. Gibbons, Q. C.
of London. Mr. John Gill wielded the
hammer quite acceptably.
50e Japan tea for 2:5c at the Big Bank-
rupt Store,
While coon hunting on Tuesday in corn•
pany with several others, Mr, A. J. Snell
tripped over a stump, and falling on an
axe which he held in his hand, cut the
thumb of his right hand severely.
WANTS:D.—Servant girl to do general
housework, Apply at Bissett Bros'Hard-
Tremendous values in men's and boy's
oyereoets, at the Big Bankrupt Store.
Ex -Conductor Bailey of the L. IL B.
has been appointed station agent at
On ordered clothing the Big BantsFup
• Store is away ahead, try their n3 fo'0
pouts to order.
Greet stock of Sealettee and Mantlings
at the Big Bankrupt Store. All =title
cut free of charge.
Some very special lanes in Black Dress
Goods at shutting priees. See us before
nuying any black goods.
At a recent tneetiug of the Pertain
council lin D. H. Cameron was tiepoint-
ed colleinor at a *Mary of
• Cclleetors of autumn leaves ate having
vecy busy seam. and they are as betted
ful as ever—leaves and ladiee.
A smart boy to learn the printing,
15 yeare of age. Apply at this office.
Board 0 Ttade.,
A meeting was held on Wednesday
t evg last Besides the routine business
several eew members were accepted,
anothe horse and cattle fair decided
8 upon, (28th Oct.) and the waterworks
question fully discussed.. Several Mu.
munications relative to a cheap system
were read, and although same of the
communications appeared quite feasible
to Exeter's case, no definite action as
to watersvotke woe taken.
Ahead or like County
The Exeter fair was the mostelleCeSs,
1 local fair held, in this section this
The Central hotel stables have been re-
fitted inteinaRly. and new present a corn
fortal2e appearance.
The Exeter Walling Co. this week ship.
ped two car lea is of their superior our
to the Old Ossuary.
A =est*: of people of Exeter attended
the Luean fair ou 1 uesilay, Owing to the
wet weather this year's fair was noe a
laisk. Rutter and eggs were brought PI
Thc market on Saturday was wousualle
in Serge quantities, n bile other awall pro-
duce Wit* pletediul.
' etas:nen Suell Ill. tin eta re intine the large
nritsis Imimgpnrchaeed of the Pickard
• estate, with a view to ceavertieg the alone
into a pethp.seking how.
The Brann estate, inclueine factory/
store and residence' was put up et alletioa
the other day. butwithdrawn owing to
there tieing an iintiffieieut.1,14.
While _ptekieg apple* on Merely.
Raymatal Vaneen fell trete the tree and
(Relocate] his left ahoulder. He now
carries his arm in a slieg.
The West Huron Tetehtere Aesoeiation
will bole its eetniatunual Meeting in the
Central School, Goderich. on Thursday
an -I Friday, the 9th and 10th inst.
On Wednesday Mr, Jeff Finery.. of
Centralle, while engaged in liftieg a pelt.
Ina fore honer caught in the upper pert of
the jeek anti severely mangled it.
Mr. Wm. McKay, of Ailsa Cede, has
left for Toronto, where he will eater upen
a eouree of studies at Knox College for the
;ministry mane Presbyterian Clnch,
year, Mitehell, St Marys, and Seaford',
r included. Would. not the Expositor
liked to have had the county fair in
connection with the Stephen &
Ls -
borne fair dile year? With, our large
gate receipts the County Society would
have reaped a profitable thing ; while
as it ;was, cur show coming one fitly
ahead el the county, injured the
touney's maces* materially. It now
1 generally conceded that Exeter is the
best point in the county at which to
hold a tam assured of eueenee. The
seeiety, besides being able to meet their
payable indebtedness will have a nice
earldom on hand.
Na Kermit), Chieago, is the guest
of Mo. B. S. O'Ne11.--W, J. White, of
the Sun, Brandon, is in rown, Mr W.
who has not visited Exeter for sore
years, says that a marked improvement
bas taken Place town.—Mr. and Mrs.
'1'. A. bleConell, of Landon, apent San.
day the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 101-
laiel.—Ur. B. W. Grigg spent the fore-
part of the week in town, looking after
the gale of the Pichard estate. —
Mr. and Mra, Reginald Mot. of
Toronto. agent Sunday last in town, the
guest* of theirparenta.----Mr.
who hie been in Exeter for some days
left en Monday froToronto to pursue
his dental atuiliea,—Mr. tleo. Weir
will hold an auction SAO III the 15th
st, Ile exqteets to buy a Ism iu the
cow*ty of Kent.—
while tearing dawn an old verandah in
front of Cowen s stere. the other day, Mr.
E. tall MI through three large panes of
RUM try the adeer accidentally slipping.
The gieatest assortment of Dress 'loads
evertkown ti,Western Ontario tie now on
view at the INg Bankrupt Store. You
ean't milord to miss the great bargains they
are giviug.
A reprn.entiehe of the Ball Mettle
Lighting Co. la in town, and as =urea
a number of aulnerilera It is possible
that the 0(115y:item will be used by many
el the storm
The peas n who taok the parasol by
mistahe from the Trivitt latemorial dwelt
on evg, of Exeter fair, will Veen' return
it to U. A. Ilynintan's smeary, where
their oWil eau be loath
Read Measles, Meat Bros.', Brumpton
Broe.', Ceding Woe:, Partner Brae .%
Patted's, Alerphy'a (London.) Pickard's,
and the Big Bankrupt :store Owego of
zulvts, in this issue.
The Boatel of Trade have decided to
hold another horse and cattle fair in the
course of three weeks. Persene having
stock to dispose of will do well to prepare
the same for this sale
Verity ce Sons' foundry is to ho /IOW
by electrzeity; it is reported that en the
market corner will be erected an are light
of extra brilliancy tor the convenience of
the people *f that neighborhood.
At tbe London Exbibition, air Thos
Russell, of 'Osborne, pt second for yearling
Durham bull; We've Smith Brothers, Hey,
got third fur yearling Durham bull end
second for yearling Dual= heifer,
Mr, Dan. Munro, of Parkhill, while
drawing flax to the mill the other day met
with a serious accident by the load upon
which he was riding upsetting. He had
one rib broken, and was otherwise injur-
Mr, W. J. Clark has sold his residence
on Huron sueet, to Mr. Sweet of the Lake
Road, and with his family will leave in a
few weeks to reside in London. Mr.
Clark a many friends will regret his leav-
ing Exeter.
An interesting lecture of London Eng-
land, accompanied by.Lime light views, in
Town Hall Tuesday night, Oct 14tb, by
D. W. Campbell, Brampton, in aid of
Caven church. Admission adults 15 as.
children 5 cts.
On Thursday morning while working
around the threshing machine in operation
on Mr. John Willis's farm, Stephen, Mr.
Harry Parsons had the tips of bit second
and third fingers taken off by the cogs
of the crank shaft.
As will be seen in our marriage notices,
Miss May, youngest daughter of Mr. J. W.
Broderick, a former resident of Exeter
and well known hese, was last week
married to a young barrister of London.
We join Miss Broderick's many friends
in extending congratulations.
The present is the most picturesque
season in Canada. Throughout this
portion the trees and shrubs are rap-
idly changing color under the influence
of frosts at night. The variegated ap-
pearance of the country is remarkably
interesting and beautiful.
Mr. Jas. Colter, of con. 10, of Morris
sold his fine draft team to Mr. R. Craig, of
London, in Clinton, for the handsome sum
of 0300. One of the animals tipped the
scale at 1,500 pounds, and the other at
1,600. and they were considered the hest
draft: team in the county.
If you have lost an animal or if any have
strayed onto your preinises, advertise in
the Traits and you will recover yonr beast
or learn of an owner for the one in your
possession. In the case of harbouring a
strayed animal without giving due notice,
you are liable to a heavy fin.
On Sunday evg next Rev: Mr. Wilson
of the Main St, Meth church will preach a
special sermon on " The pleasure dance."
During the recent conference in Montreal,
this subject was considerably dismissed
and as there are so many persons of dif-
ferent opinions, as to tbe propriety of
dancing, Mr Wilton's discourse will prove
The adjourned cases �f trespass, assault,
etc. came up before Squire Snell on Fri-
day.Efis worship, imposed, a fine of $1 and
costs upon John and Edward Hicks, for
trespass, while the actions for assault,
damages, eta, were settled among the
parties themselves. Jno Hicks in default
of paying the $l fine, was sent to Goderieh
ail for 16 days.
mildewed Assuelatlen
The Ministerial Assc elation ef South
Huron, met in Carmel Church, Ilensall,
en Monday, ilth inst. There was s
good attendance of members, although
the day was very wet. After routine
business bad been arranged and mem-
bete appointed for the work of next
meeting, Rev. Mr. Martin read a paper
on the "Proper use of Other Men's
Thoughte," which took the ground that
when others' thoughta are used, they
ebould be thoroughly mastered and
built into an original plan stud construe -
hon. There was a good deal of diss
eussion as to the lino between plagiarism
and the proper use. Rev. Mr. Bridge-
man read a paper on "Faith cure (a- the
Lord 4 Healing," This paper argued
in favor of the theory, hirgely froin the
fact that Christ healed when on earth,
and He is the ',Same yesterday, today
and mreverns This paper also gave
rise to a good discussion. 1%1ost mem-
• bers, however, taking the ground that
only when we use proper and well
known remedies, have we the right to
ask God to heal. The meeting adjourn-
ed to meet in Main St. Church, Exeter,
oe the 3rd Nov, when the Rev Mr.
Henderson is to read a paper on "Evid-
ences in nature as to a futuro state,"
and the Rev. Mr. Casson deliver 4 ser-
Dancing And °stabling.
Atathe Methodist General Conference
just closed at Montreal Rev. Dr. Stafford
introduced a notice of amendment to this
discipline wide+ provoked considerabledis-
mission. In bringing it before the Confer-
ence he expressed the hope that the mem-
bers would net jump at the conclusion
that it was wholly bad. It was eulunitted
as the result of long experience. Tie pro-
posed that clause 85 of tbo discipline be
repealed and the following inserted in its
place. "Methodists bave alwaye inter-
preted their rules as an earnest warning
against all donbtful and dangerous amuse-
ments. There never was greater need of
this warning than now, and the members
of the Church are therefore admonished,
in harmony with the spirit of their rules,
to abstain from any participation in or en-
couragement of dancing, as practiced in
fashionable sobiety, and gambling in any
form, whether indulgence in attunes of
chance or by their pi esenee at races or
contests of any kind, upou the issue of
which it is customary to hazard money, or
the value thereof. The whole subjeet is
solemnly commended to the godly consid-
eration of members of the Church, and
they are enjoined by their wisdom and
piety to maintain the high spiritual
standard characteristic of Methodism in
every age and place." Clause 85, which
it is proposed to repeal, is as follows :
"The general rules are to be understood
as forbidding neglect of duty of any kind,
imprudent conduct, indulging in sinful
teropers.or words; the buying, selling or
using intoxicating liquors as a beverage;
dancing, playing at games of chance, en-
couraging lotteries; . attending theatres,
horse races, circuses, dancing parties; pat-
ronizing dancing schools, taking such
other amusements as are obviously of a
misleading or questionable moral tendency
and all acts of disobedience to the order
or discipline of the Church."
Dr. Amos was married at 'Throttle
yesterday to Miss Laura Manning of that
James Allen, of Ellice, was found guilty
of stealing $65 from Edward Taylor, and
has been sentenced to six months in jail by
Judge Woods.
Persons wishing to huy first class buggies
or cutters, will consult their interests by
examiningthe stack of the estate of John
atattice. Can be seen on application to J.
P. Ross, market store.
Sarnia, Oct. 4.—Wm Kerby, about
50 years of age, fell down a shaft at the
tunnel yesterday morning at 4 o'clock,
and died in an hour afterwards. The
fall was 60 feet.
Ground was broken yesterday for
the construction of the Niagara, tunnel.
The projecters expect to revolulionlze
water power and make Niagara Falls
the principal city in western New
Qur stook is faow complete and consists of all the most fashionable things
of the season. 1.4; e would call special attention to our new line of
da0linietite0 at 50 Oetit0 *pet'. yd
all wool and one yd and a quarter wide, in all the leading shades.
In black we are
import all our Dress
at prices which tlic
showing an endless variety in Plain and Brocades. As we
Goods direct from the Old Country, we are selling them
ordinary dealer has to pay for them.
Call and inspect our stock.
Xo troable to show goods,
We make a specialty of
finest; class of Tewelez7.
The rapidly rising value of (lift -
Blonds make them a most desirable
investment. With every diamond
sold we give a guarantee to repot'.
chase same at any tune—les4 five
per cent, off price paid. We carry
the la mist stock west of 'Montreal,
as ou r diamond business extends
to all parts of the United States
aid Caned*,
e Goods sent on approbation by
xpress or mail to responsible
A. MORI:1-117 & CO.,
Car. Rielenoud end Dundas She,
Loudon. Out.
(Itstahillidted 1355),
Present To Our Subseribors.
It is with *adore that we annouire to
our many patron that we have made
arrangements with thatuide awake, illus.
trawl farm magazine, the <1311Mit'AN
PARMElt. published ut Vert Wayne, Ind.,
and read by nearly 500,600 farmers by
Out great pnblicatkn will be mailed
diteet, to the address of any of our sule
eeribera who will come in and pay up all
encamps on subscription and e1 15 in
advance from date, and to any new sub.
scriber who will pay $1 15 one year in
advance. This is a grand opportunity to
obtain a Ora -class farm journal, The
Amentrax Penmen is a large 16 page
k urea], of iiational cueolation, Willel/
mike usnoug the leading Agricultural
papers. It treats the question of economy
itt agrieulture mei the rights and prises
loges of Out vast body of eitizena—Amerie
can Farmers— n hose nulnetry is the basis
of all material and national prosperity.
Its highest purpose is the elevation and
ennobling of Agriculture through the
higher and breeder education of um and
women engag.ed in its pursuits. The
regular subscription price of the AltEltleie..:
RA1131Elt. is .51.00 per year. It costs you
little. From any one number ideas can be
obtained that will be worth thrice the
subscription price to you or members of
your household, elle and see sample
rah Years.
Ansa Craig, Oct. 9th and 10th
Kirkton, Oct. 9th and 10th.
Portland, Ind, Oct, 4.—Great excite-
ment was caused among the 10,000
people who attended the fair here yes-
terday by the report that many per-
sons were dying from the effects of
drinking lemonade at one of the
booths Of a family of eight persons
seven were taken home in an uncon-
scious condition, and fully 30 more
required medical assistance. No
deaths haye yet been reported. The
sickness was caused by the extracts
Halifax,Oct. 7.—Sir John Thompson
arrived at Antigonish to -day, and was
presented with an address. In reply-
ing he spoke of the Riel agitation, •
dual language question and the Jesuits
Estates dispute. Referring to the
trade question, he said the Govern.
ment was opposed to unrestricted
reciprocity, winch would ruin Canadian
manufacturers, Lu t was en favor of
reciprocity in natural products. This,
he said, the United etates would not
accept. The opposition wished the
Government to go to Washington and
say that Canadians would starve with-
out reciprocity. This WAS no way to
make a bargain. The Government
would not do this, but Cartwright,
Wiman, Charlton and Longley had
gone to Washington to beg for reoipro.
city, and within four weeks of their
visit the United States had adopted
the highest tariff they ever had, and
trade relations, between the two coml.
tries were worse than ever. Sir John:
said the Government was finding new
markets in Japan, China nude West
Indies. He stated that during the
past two years, since the West India
line of steamers had been subsidized,
we have sent more farm products to
the West Indies than we had sent to
the States during any two years of the
reciprocity treaty. This showed the
success or the vigorous trade policy.
Sir John said he would offer as a can-
no other constituency than
v L. D. Sawyer make—in good running
order, and a bargain for cash.
• Apply to
JNO. BKURiraTiaSo,n.
V3). rIC3t440101016
We have ou hand a
large quantity of Men's
Overcoats and Suits which
we are prepared to sell
cheaper than auy store in
WM aflThcir Blow
To be convinced of this
fact we solicit a call to
pzove what we say. Re-
member this before going
Big Bargains!
When visiting Exeter do not fail to see the
Boots & Shoes and Clothing
in town.
400 Men' s Suits,
200 'Touths' Suits,
a00 Boys' Suits,
300 Ovoats.
$5,000.00 worth of Boots & Shoes to be sold cheap.
Having bought our stock of Fall and Winter Boots &
Shoes before the recent rise will give our Customers the,
benefit of our early buying. Our stock is now cornplet-,.
• We have about•200 pairs of Lace Curtains that we
intend clearing at less than cost. Now isthe time to buy
your Curtains for theiall house cleaning.
Fanson's Block, Exeter.
Hail! Barber Shop
IA. Hastings, Prop
tairPersona,lattontion given to repairing of
watohes,olooks andjewelry:
Opposite post Office, PARKHILL
Shaving and Hair cutting in the latest
style of the art.
Every attentien paicl to cutting
laaies' andOhildrens Hahn
i3 1