HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-10-9, Page 61 t•,t",,,,1„,v iirgrote, , Ay td.1 d this lake l;when tratel ;Near the Poreupnw River Ogilvie met a tribe who made in such fear of awn& who , Governn t tony :Mountain peuiteittiary, 1.1lanitobe, I, 4 North Country, menced in the spring of 1835 was presented ' I. wholly m'ittra ieted by the next • party e last week, when two of the last of the three ter' age.nt like Ogilvieeas a spy who . • t1rt , • Penetrates Aimee tool does good work in the , , vast and little-kromi countries of the Dark -dad' "eel' sent alto the eouutry to see what repel pneozei • s remaining am teat eventou PrXHiall,A.TION 0-talAD4. late jokers who took great delight in imax-1 The Last Rut One. 1 -- ) ing everyliody, end they sometimes spent 1 - - Twenty Mouths' Witudering In our Great hours in giving him information that wasi Another aet in the drama which come met. They were disposed to lookup= every nt Every eneroetie and intrepid explorer who t -out:nett certaiti to see his value heralded ny n ete doing, into if he found the conn- Mau and Lonisou Ntoorin, Wood Crees, who , • tl • I r. • try de.sirable for Wean or othe • alone 1 the civilezeil world when he rooms ,0 e e, I i h' r PurPeees were u„oer nal sAtene, for ethno conl, i i. _ home., Unfortunately, them are few other • ''''e:''' ' " Ini tted lluring the rebellion. All told, there ) fuUy expeetei 1, rat lie. would 1110.4we A puts of the „mu where egttee merit, te),. teport that would ceuse an undeeirable in - were forty-one prisoners incarcerated US A ; terprise, ail eelf-eaerifice receive 0.17 the . "Xi ex, a‘..euturets• -Nid;ff (;f,the'n 1-,Yre eesidt of the haloes of the lame au oval measure ef age, pert einaree averee to toeing ATI', ailytg., rig unfortnuate affair-twelity- . - r•about their miniueleratious. 'I hey thought ttleiree in4innn aud eighteen liAlfhreetis' Of ' Ito 'dee!' it t° theinsee'res" ' ° t gi vie •da poeeilly before long ream°, mareltingerders , tineut, -where ;omit explowetory work still remeitts to be ;rune\ ieow ma„, reeeere to sift the reel factsel out mining aud other hew ,,,,g. he,ro of mt.. wgeiteen e'egideie of , matters in that region out of a good, many panrdeesje°,ileettlign:heethehreLsk !ineltehepafelieret,Intx4oWetsht," , the Cana:lien Laud Survey? Very likely not - eentra4iete1Y staterneuts iC be coteld Wat,. sere a..+1'id „elle_ ,ea... T was an able lieutenar one in a hundred find yet over a year and a : learn the truth ley peteoual o iservation. , of the fe,,ded,Wcod g Bear, and although old au i half hove elapsed sinee his eeturn to Ottawa. , The ludiens he met were generally a e.ufeebled in the early days of the rebellion. , frein the mast noteworthy. travels that lutve , elan:au:slot to deal with. While ercsing the beceme as spry ae a grasshopper once the , been made in a long time lit North America. mountaine of the Lewes River Ile found the flair of insurrection tetra forth, Dressy • This lacelest teaveler. who deseriles his ad- Titeish tribe, who were in such mortal terror :Mau was sentenced to a life servitude for ventnres rothentest unpretentious languege, • ot the ceast natives that he eould hardly ,Nereen.heged etee,e eetmen. ow. nmmong. is: reeoy "Attlee to lento „motet the best , induce them to assist hi packing Iris goods to to the prevailing idea of the aborigines that, , explorers of the century. He wee absent the region in whieh they ind,glit come in according. to the p.me.aio„g oho. of the abed. front eieieottion neerly two ye„r„, tiering " contetet with their enemies. lei v re, , ill giues fleet, being nisane, she would 'become • whiedi he irrede instrumental and treed; sur.. fact, little more than ' . .'" -ft d'''dttri"ed. a. ceunibal if not -killed before the sun went '0 egys, „wooing ee oistmo, of toeott mires in ky.' iattl. are in corretaut dread of offi a di g them, down, was 4lespetched accordingly to the i for white men unless they pertions Of wirieh it is certain were never were sure a s muong the less civilized tribes. visited by a sterile man hefore. large reward. They generally refusedLouison Mogriu is a fine looking ludian, i Lembo.. front the Paeitie eteanaer at Midi- answer questions about the country, aria he between 40 mid 50 hoot. ,,t, the ,0,-4.,.: of A14,14m, i„ mays 1 ss.... eouid gyr little iufreonetion from the..u. years of age, and was . ' eentenced to, death for the shooting of his exploratory Filln-eYti were puelted for , 14.31 51 the. !ideier uh.•41..vie,w!" vonst.nlitlY Mounted POUC(10;ta COMM at Fort Pitt, ill linurireds of milts down the Lewes--Yeoll wing switetrinag tnat eeenete the suspicions the outbreak of the rebellion, while that . RivetO then u i the Tat•onelete Pereit ine ' a the"ntrxes' n"'I he w'netimeshndi trnuble brave man was -eki t / h th 1 a preelatitni. ese, :titer toeley, only one remains ---a they had a. very d'oo: thluo and they want - This is pirtieulary true of our own eon- -e • o oe youtio Indian mined Beighteyes, who may wild ewe teroore eueede„rea comory, some , The natives a little inland rondo oonothing inoetr„ laws the, ;me eau Sow eNisting Tonst aiel Peel tie ete teilieMehhoPtrei; On the Louison woe°, goml faeml to the MeLe„n in establielting. friendly relations. SC 1 M reae e Baolia, alone the great system of lakes and !'ini'lien4e erh n hen be Picked uP a tele- family, who were in captivity with WI Bear - A. LIFE SAVED. T IMMO) not be doing- iosttee to the ametea eithACICI Statement, a ine eNpn-ienee vite. Jaundice, and how 1 NV55 completely cured by nein.. Northrop et lonneods Venetabie Inscovern. No one can tell what autfercel for eiee weets.ClIg• third of uddele I was comen..-11 to my bed, \rah the best ligdir41,SL'in 1 cOuld obWe't *be city tryeve to iremoin my ethic/goo, ime witticut eveu Ovi5e. me temporary rellet, Ny boily vats sa sera that it was Ir.infta tOr tO 'KIRA I Mdc,1 'MI tor my clothes Vglit Around ate, my bowels only op:meted:when tak- teg homed:ye inrelnea, nay app:lite Ivas gene, oethingewould reA141.1 es StlY Stenr.e11, and my eyes wad body were as XP:1011r As a tr.:441(a, When Yea, Ws:donee street I was stared at or turned:ram whh a repulsive tehinoly the 1)=er-by- Thadceterssald there aaS no care kr roe I enete me meet to du, eo teen nee teseeee cuerers, Oe Alt). fried ca:I=d to see me 5113 nallS•4 "Me to try NarthrOP 4 I.,- hes "Vegetable Dircorcry. theuzIrt it tho 11% eters could nc,t ckl re meow:hat is ibe tee a trritra the DIscovery, but after deliberating for 4 axe 1. eon. ,e73,741:4 to Ore /tit triel, so I pzocured a bottle and commenced taking it th.-ee times A O.,ty. .11,-po or • 5v.r.ps4„sx at te e.T.vir4t2Qa tha ge--4 day to reel ray appetite, eeturninge heepeir gavel:eve to Wee-, ned, paraeiened he following the direerfons and fgt. faaw 1%1. ..1114 two er three times a week lima tad med tlieleth berne, I then bad PO farther need for the medicIne that had rArria Alr earn- that hoe re- etered me to booth -as Leas raditony cured. "r:w natural color hod replaced the -dingy yellow, I could sat thrte;nnAIS A day, in feet the trouble was to get enough to eat. When I .MIDI4e11M1 teldera the- Ns- ecrery weieht, woe erste tm les, ween Created tie Seith .bettle jt was 11M Itt% ,er 44 increase et shout beta pound perdee. awl 1 rawer teit better In me lire. No. enemata! hew *heated I ene tor atattlea wonderful' nieekkohee deve ter me. It: bee meted aicrurosstatisriortmeri: tte4 aitt :he tpto, and they are largely ipj ebtea IE il 1'5I. Tl('-) 1 till 15121.155 155flCIIn1ej\ .0 -Inn -or their Byes. It having heera as- Orwe wheat they 11041C011 ShOtgUll Valg at eerteineo thot Lenoteem et -as tog the aortal 7 tit,t,2:4;1;itnnittirtri::;r:i%last ? was dean' time bethre they eneeented to be commuted to imprisonment for life. Mr. tetet t, t ay retreated to a distance, and it murderer of 00watt, his death Selttellitwas V ewes te Liken. frterelly. Wirier he was getting an .observ- aaud Mrs, MeLeart feelnign debt of gratitude o; -information. with reard te --------- early evening, the 'adieus were their family, set to work and by ont,,,x4og wati4ete.1 was ilerivril from the agents Of The sun had 5,„t set, mei gohl way tee that the imptisonmi man was being un justly , thin onee for azimuth, anti WaSliWknig for a to Loulson for their lives mut tbe lives of the ?earet regious. thraegh whieh tvie , very lona, awed as he pointed. nut. the star. worts, cone -weed, tee Depertmetee of Justice tire liadeeri lleV ddruillatheh Nall° 4.'''Ph)re'l :, Illdliala Said they ,Iill not care to tare auy- dealt with, and they have eneeeeded ut tile iiver,:md er,.sseil mountain te,gions, es- ' thing to 134 With samysterimis a MAIL The having bim relearoo, tehliehri''e- here arid there tembrig plls‘ts, : mestenteetegipeet iteth.es he met were mot :Airs. McLean hall the lieppy opportunity •. WhilV T livy might imy the fare eelleetol '1 the Lewee-Yirlitol. between the Te` -lin -t" tin) OthE'r &V 01 infOrnting Lontson of 1115 ..,4114r,11,2 with diV *241* 4' Vie 2,1ce UV% tht) , his party could understand allyibillg Itis greatest thankfulnees, aud Mr. hieLean had L'"I'''' IL 1:1v 141."-'s 1::n.yr" f" inSt4113"'' ' People said. Tiles mad not sPe4th: au.1.- hrtt* a similar task of informieg Dress,y Man that 11'142'44 /A" th" Pelt" 1"1131Stb(111.311 6trdn'r gnage but their own, He tried ley signs to he, too, wool soon be free, Drees.). Mau i i Ea' Yokel% we ,-ee PA 0;14.'1014 of the , get information about the river they were, was visibly affe„to. 1.1, plaeeo ins butes etreaen wide:. is coiled hake Leberge. , fishing, on, but failed. He also tried to on his heart. and in his oatiee holorase i ea,: Ciii, e When -ante Compene- to explore hint. Their only anxiety WAS ta bONV the I feel thunefui to yoo all. Ile said he a reute thr,,agi• 1117:telt I.:104104a :Kul Atisltat streefiere 4101511* ae ewer as tiossible, and as wallte4 to get i5,101; to his family, front whom .1e.r tle tetrieoe of et7itteing a telegtrapb lit'W moiling was to he made oot of them, thtir 140 had himi so term separated, • -1,4 7 tie.. .; tatiut-it and aertioelleliring Strait „ -- e , . t4''ts ar'" 4114 stewnrt rlvFP'• Nnlw tIn• in'lidnt" e4rly release, for which lie expressed 1110 11 .10.1,4 erie.r.c,i fOr :MAW Laleirge, leern to there were other Indians in ow Fla 4,1 thank 4104 and all tile gent oneu 'Lan. !SW:. CV4Z, S41t est* neighborhoad, leet they did not understand for their Modeles% They were good to me. Bal Begiuninz in Heligoland, 1,11 1'4e A:141lik Cahn) leao ken are vete' likely are -timed that they eoulti In Heligoland. whiek is saw full of Ger. , not he hula •edl to rtvturtny the irtulnuer. Pr- •I'''',11;2:,F 1.4i41 .114.1 the eomienay had there- ,; .1-1, , ,,, ' , , „„„ 4 , _ c .., , Mall visitors, there has been A eelebrati011 Of C44414441(4 his eelzeime The cm:tap:my z41107..;:4'. a:ttet.L'S :4'4'111 .311.1 !,„41,411 VZ i'L'''. )1111,2, the anitiversary of Sedan. .Aeecirdingto a Vil• theeezipeu iv oreet haste matt for Labarge ,, 4 051 * "}: " """'"*. 'I'Z'2414; In." .,4:"'" port with+ bas rearliedaeorrespalident, the ,..a.l as. ,.,,,i;.1, ;040,ati to revall them frien .' 4,'"144` u "W114,t s c4: the je" I'w I meg° health of the Emperor was drunk hi the us. their reetdoretiene. ., tom moot' °hi 1U"n 41"1"g "lent hi° Imurli „ nal mariner, and congratulatory telegraur-, when they were boys. They said their gent to him ow a oe speakers then On Pellv lit;vvr Mr, fontol tiAV IVVro l'ollttlibitir, who slept OR the ask,,qt the eueets to arink -am 11100 ‘1,110 14;; 'amphe11 over 40 pore ago, wizen lre food tow. Net the eliollteet knowledge has i • . • 44 YIP' '1,41444 1.41At snow elusion the Aretic winter mutate their Hkad conteituted most to 10 the foundation of , . • • ta oieeileeree that. the Pelle. lover wiee Werth. , beim genteel ef any PrilleP 0'011 remOtetY,,. u.kroo of Prince Diimarek. The toast wag • with the Yukon, ond built tite past from ' answering the iliscription given by these much cheered, hot who, some 0110 preronit whieh he Vice, tilaily driven 1.1- Out -tile Ile ' timid Intlians. the nrobabilite" is that !proposed 105.0541to the ex,(`Imateellor a. tele. Tile poreupiur. Dell. and severaltin 51.0 tiare simpy dm lvietime of false rumors gram, voices were heard reitesilug, ir No, 412554 lwar or nerth of the Aretie eirele rind originating, meny eeare ago. tide won't do. ',lido would take» cultism in lie I. ouether fenome agent of the Hudson seernig themeelvee with a llagablia story. Ition to the Emperor," Asa matter of feet Ito so Tong ago were ton 4-ei.entiftv'exPlornion$4 sblerable P0Plliathol anYwhere• though small tel tee tIcree, and the festivity en led ut yritt tool it was the took ef Ogilvie to make the tribesor families were scattered here arol t • , maps as ac,mrate postable of all the re- there throughout the eutire Seerie of Ida 1°2141 t Wivie Ivt're' 'an" ikV generathm "I' tw" they l"Ixe l'eca high quarters. This would seein to heoppoei- Baterompeny; tett tluee :,liseoverics made Of ceurse. ,11,1 not nod anY eon- telegann was Bent o�'. Theeontroversy lettere between whieli he traveled. Hewer- wanderings, tamed, the ctititoles of ivsand ountainsInhon thn R'What the WidowSaid.rerm, mnngreginoeYukover1 h traeed the direetion tit WIN and mountaio 0g,ilv1e found only oue firm doing inlAnest "We marry them," I said odffint why? rairtJs,. ()Sheets of the Roekies, and made 051441410 of gold minima They are the Mow& Is it became their husbands die Nome dieveveries that have never ap- Harper & MeQuestion, and It is evident that And we areal& of life? Or can A widom hypnotivea net»? peered on any map. He found for there is some opportunity form -eatable coin- • instance, a kue11e.n1ing trent tiileWider ' rhilliorit Inlet V) tie- navigalde p.ortion of. the Lewes.Yulton River. along winch it will ; ectuparatively easy to build a wagon road (11 11 reiliva,y, thusconnecting the upper naters of tlw greet Yukon directly with the see. On his journey to the McKenzie River lie tilde:ewe:I a great stream, uetmarked ony map, fryer SOO miles long, which has been naniell the Ogilvie River. This stream Odle over 3,000 teet in a disteuve of 180 miles, and the result is that the river is Mil of eanyons, falls, and rapids, and can- not be 1,1SCrl for navigation. It is said that logs entering lents of the eleannel eruerge below almost shivered into splinters by their confliet with the rocks and raging torrents. e One of the most interesting features of Ogilvie's work is his determination of the pleee where the Yukon River crosses the international boundary, On one side of the river he blazed the letter A "on trees, and 011 the trees of the other side theletter " to denote that they were respeetively in the territories of Alaska and Canada. There is reason to believe that this boundary line is° practically accurate, bat it will be interest. ing to leant if our own expedition, which is now sarveyingthe boundary, will find that it crosses the river at the place where Ogil- vie blitzed the trees. This discovery of Ogilvie places the boundary some distance further west than it appears on *thy map. The result is that he declares the goldemm- ing territory along the Yukon to be on Brit- ish soil, which was n great surprise to the miners, as they supposed they were in American territory. They knew all about the raining laws of the United States, but nothing of the regulations controlling min- ing in the Dominion, and they were there- fore very anxious to learn from the explor- er something about the Canadian mining lams. the fact that this boundery has never be- fore been determined has led to a number of interest:peg bituelets ams.zi,^ ;71,ic:, may be mentioned Fort Yukon, the post which the Hudson Bay Company established on what they supposed to be Canadian soil. But when the United States Governinent discovered in 1869 that the company was occupying our own. territory, the British -trading enterprise was promptly invited th evacuate the post. The most of Ogilvie's explorations were carried out in two basswood canoes, built. extra sti on, and weighing about 140 pounds each, so that twomen coma carry them without much difficulty. They 'carried. Ogilvie and his heavy outfit over 2,500 miles, going through . son* terrible rapids, -which more than once threatened their destruction. Each canoe could hold two men and 1,400 pounds of goods. When the explorer left them at Fort Chipewyan they were- still in very . good condition, and, with a little painting, be says, they could have made the samejourney aver again. This speaks well for the value of basswood in canoe building, for among dangers the party encountered were ice jams during the journeys of early spring, which several ti2nes nearly crushed the boats. Some of the whites and Indians whom the explorer met -were not inclined to give him a great doel of assistante. It was erery dif- ficult to eet even approximately exact state- ments ircen the mmers along the Yukon. Many of them Ogilvie found to be inveter meree in that Week and almost uninhabited Why is it 1 Can you tefl me? Try." region, from the fact that their business is said to amount in sales alone to Silfie,000 ;‘, year., They buy all sorts of furs from the Indians. who eome long distances to their store. They supply the natives with many barter goods, and import the large variety Of articles used by the miners ou the Yukon. Very Val'.'. 1140 furs are foiled all through this region, mid north of the Aretie circle Ogilvie found beaver, fox, lynx, ptarmigan, and other beasts of prey, and birds. Numbedess earibon wander over the mossy slopes, liv. ing on a, moss which they find under the snow, Xnd.inns depot appear to have limit- ed in the region northeast of the Yukon for many years, and the country is therefore comparatieely rich ha game. Ogilvie's work WAS only a little more than half done when he reached the Mackenzie River. To Young Shooters. Sir Ralph Payne Gallwey; hart., still con - "Of, course," she mid, "we please the eye.' "Ale yes, madam, but semetimes shy Young girls great eonqueste, too, eau plan - We marry them," "True," tbe replied, "I don't deny Thatobservation. I reply o what you said when you began. 'Why don't num many widows 1' 31tut Thy don't 2 Hear me --I testify; We marry them 1" Rad Better Been Left Unsaid. Will -Have you never noticed bow fro quently 1± happens that sons are exactly the opposite of thew fathers? George -Certainly, there are a great trimly families in which this is the ease. Were you acquainted with my father No, I never knew him personally, but hare always tindedettiod that he was a very' finites his letters to young shouters in the intelligent gengemate . Mid (Euglend). One of,thehnore r.cent is on the respective merits of the choke -bore and cylinder gun. He evidently favors the Young man (with young laely on his arm) latter, and clauns that in the hands of a fair- -"Can you tell me the way to.Mapie street, ly good shot it is the Most killing gull tense doe for all-round shooting at gedinary game at sporting ranges, and that a full choke -bore ted ..,"Young lady--"And-please, sir, will you us the longest way, around, because we is the most unsuitable weapon for thispur- pose. He says that in his experiments at are in no hurry at all, sit" the target the full choke guns are more The Bradford. coroner investigated the variable in their performances than cylin- circumstances attending the death of Jarnes ders, and are liatile mew and then, perhaps Gaskell, 80 years old, who had beet an in - once M twenty shots, to shoot patchy, as mate of the workhouse. Gaskell was found well as to put the bulk of the shot in a hanging dead from the knob of door by cluster to the right or left, and then, how- his neckerthief. At first' the. ease was sup. ever correct the aim, such irregularity may posed to be one of suicide, but the evidence cause what appears an unaccountable miss tended to show that the deceased had been at an easy bird. "For example, if a full endeavouring th open the door and slipped choke shows as -the result of fifty shots (I down. His neckerchief, being loosely tied, never fire less to strike an average) that its the loop had caught on the door -knob, with pattern is 210, this averaue will be made up the result that the old man, unable to re of shots that vary from 240 to as low as 120, lease himself, w strangled to death. An eud an cleasional lef.). If the panic number open verdict wee returne 4-e of shote ere fired erorn a cylinder or a therlittm choke, and the average of the former is 150, A Lather sail& on timid the 113 awl O. the extremes willrespeetively not vary more than -cylinder, 120 to 135 -medium choke, 135 to 160." Another disadvantage in the full choke is its tendency to mutilate small game. A railway official gives information that last season two • gunners entered the baggage car of a trait, On a railway near this town, with. between twenty -f* thirty quail. Of this nuniber eight or- ten were se badly torn-with:Shot as to he value - lose, and were consequently thrown out of the car dcior by the gunners. .0111.11111041 The Right Spirit. 411 see," he observed, walking into the sanctum, " that you need the services of leader writer on your editorial column '?" " That position has been filled, sir," was the reply. He sighed. "1 notice alms!' he went on, "that you advertise for a person to address envelopes. Is that position still open 1" "It is, sir." "Then I'll take ib." Sorrow is knowledge ; they that know the most must mourn the deepest o'er the fatal truth ; the teee of knowledge is uot the tree of life. Company's steamer Peniusnlar, when ap- proaching Aden from Boinbay, hada remark- able adventure. He fell overboard from the forward lighthouse. Three life buoys were thrown, and a boat. was promptly lowered. The native was not rescued for about &quar- ter of an hour, when he was found clinging to a life buoy; and it was seen' that two, large sharks had -grabbed the othezetwo life bueys. _ The Middlesex House' of 'Detention at Clerltenwell is at last in actual process of demolition. -- The. eite has-been devoted to prison purposes fire .nearly km centuries, the first Clerkenwell Bridewell haying been erected in 1625, as an "ease" to Newgate In -1679 the prison was burned down,, being set oh fire .byan, incendiary. priest, lint was. shortly afterwards rebuilt. In 1774' the prison was again rebuilt, and in 1780 the Gordon rioters broke open, the gates and let the prisoners loose. let 1818 it was once more rebuilt on a larger ecale, but in 1845 it was taken down, aud the Middlesex House of Detention oreeted. The most notable public event, perho:ps, which occurred "to the structure now in course of demolition was the abortive Fenian attempt, in 1867, to release some confederates of that body. The London School Board will teke part of the site, the whole of which covers, an area of nearly three acres. F4tglioh Speaking People, The total of the United States census 15 eloee upon 65,0110,01A itiviug, with our own country, upwatele of 70,0,/,000 Speakiug people on dile eon -intent. It is es. thuated that the British censue *11891 will .05017*240. number of Euglishopeakiug pro - pie to 120.000,0K The figures arestartliugi the increase wonderful, - is all itlerellEie t0 51*i2120;*58inee inNi. Is not English the most spoken tongue. Certain It 16 tblit 110 Coutineutal European tongue may ceropete with it -ueither Spanish Her PlalSiari, Wo 11108t epakVIL Seille will have it that more melt sfeak Mandarin than Englieli, Bin they have only oness-work for it, the speakers of Mentlarin never having heert numbered. It has been shown that many of the dialects of the Cilium are practically separate hygnages, whereas English is oire awl the same throughout -at Atenelieeter allrl Melbourne. Chleago and Celeutta. Tie WO sf $449.641 niligaf, at aw; rate is mines- tiortably hughele ,Nlore than a tined ot the whole human raee 18 miller the direct Irian - mice of tile Euglislespeaking prople, whose language Is IlatIVO and dominant brougham alt area of more titan 10,000,0Dosituarc1*221.05 -mare than a fifth of the wirle habitable Oak.. In the United Kingdoui, in the Volt - ill States. in Dritish Amen ...a, in.:Jamaica, and untnerone other 'West ',Ojai -deals, in Singh Africa nearly up to the Z-tinbesi. in Auetral- la. in Tasmania, Ilk NEAV Zealand in the isles of the Pacilie English has become the moth- er trin rue of the millions Ti. 14 • ' entef my' eget= every vestige et the meet typeot eiremeco, doul lideleve there td, a case o J;tumuce;thver conspIaint Dysoclud40. that tt will not care, (Siteeed) w., Ld-A Terentm WHAT IS IT 7 This ezlebreted medicine is A 00rapound ere -meted from the richezt, meek:Mal barks. roots and herbs. It is the prrduetion of many years* Study, reseurale and Investkution. It possesses preportlea purely veo table, chemically and selentitleally combined. It la Nature's kleractly. It is perfectly hariekee and Ire from elle- bed edect npon the system. It ismer. biting and atreagthoninal it acts directly upon the bleed, and every part' Cu -en -haul. the entire body. It lets the nervous eystere ; elves hoed, sweet let? at night, It le a great ranr.era for Our age4 utters end niethcrs, to:Itch-es than strength, cadets tittle newts, and ORS tbein eweet amp, 03 iresbeen proved be many ae, reod jacreon. feistier ,d'reat mood. rartcler. Itts roiAbringif,riledY kp cup chadrea, reams end cum al dievereeot the blood. Give It a fele teal foryour coreplelut, end la Xeat rew to 'our Weeds, neiebbore at remminterweee any it; le hes cured me.'" -WP r,,P ornniskeniakw -tloosgnaran*'.e.l. 61.1441y xxnewses rota. rem, lair mean i et elate, wire laessuellaceteetalues• merrier 0311FlE. Wo commutes whet too advents& Nerda lkfttalleN "IVRCY:4-Tlikikke. Ng rfterymmo. Toronto, Opt. 411I115 soma to rithosto xeter Lumber Yard -The Unlee.tizned wishes to Infortnhe public, in general that he k..teps --vonstatttly is stuck - All Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL DRESSED AR VXDRESSED. A large stock of Hemloc21 always on hand at mill prizes. F141Q11n Sidittg dr ssed:- inch, inchAnd-aoluarter. ineh•antl-a Irtlf and two inch. Sash Door,' 131ou2dings and all Finishing noterill. Lath. SRI:NILES A SPECIALTY.-Vouspetition elmilenged. The hest and the largeststock, and at lowest prices. SliingIes A I. All dressrd lumber thoroughly seasoned and ready for use. .1go shriebae ssured. A eall will hear out the above. TA BUSHED. Jas. WillisiMain St . uthe Period of Esneetation. EV lam 811,4 “1.40•40:4; THE OL the offieeti tongue of Indite oeh4.0 the ;mow: IN hen the foot of the Greek. filst. told ledge of it is daily spreading among the eae afterward of the Roman, nod the streets of MilliOn90 It is the language of internation. Jerusalem, when the *treasures of the He. *41 vomMerve 01 (Una, and Japan, mud the brew books were unlocked to the Gentiiiie uegeage. 4hie, ef the high seas, being spot. world through the Septuagint, then there ° en in every maritime port on earth, It baPPeuells we may .intlly wanly* one of two the greatest literature, and more than a half thing% There WAS. as WC 111)011 storing printed in its Yet in tillIARSPEABlerl time (if the entire world'u newspaper press is Leartrat tielsotillt,teters4515,allflortemtilittiitittotliginetx.(pdtvotoar.. Envinyjk wita eonfineo to three longdonts, //1 the East that a great power was to ariee in Judea and to indulne the world. How eame R that so remarkable n eOneep• lion, foreign to the cultivated communities of the Greek and the Italian penintedne, and apparently utenaeing the continuance of the Roman dominion, should have been preen - lento the East? The least had, indeed, at certain epuths supposed ieself entitled to the mastery of the world; hence, the wild expedition of Darius into Scythia, and the repeated con- flicts of Persia with the Greeks. It is not strange that this heritage should be reclaim- ed, for ideas of Ode kind are tenacious of life and emy of revival. But what Diet first sight so strange is the ehoice of the spot from which deliverance was to proceed. It, 'was not from any of the seats of ancient power, the fame of which was still on record, but from among the small, isolated, and un- distinguished people 'who Mhabited Pales- tine, and whose brief appearance On the stage of human affairs as eonquerers in the time of Xing David was so slight ni limit and in duration as to have inscribed no mark upon the page of general. history. It had passed away, like -the old empire of the Hittites ; they were also a people whose manners and Mstitutions repelled rather than attracted the sympathy efethe world. One supposition explanatory of -this re- ,eftereer,oeceee.circoinsterces troy_ eee. markable..expoetatien might be that it had " and spelcen only hy 5,000,000 folk. Perspiring Peet. There is an affection of the feet that is very aggravating, awl that is sweatihg. If there is simply a tendency to peramration, fre. quentbathing and ehanees of foot -wear will, 1* especially netessary. stub eases the addition of a smell quantity of ammonia. to the water will be found beneficial, and there is excessive tenderness-whieh is very apt to be the case -weak alum water may he applied. .An application of cologne, bay ruin or diluted alcohol is also helpful. Pow. &red, chalk and starch are .also recommend- ed, espeeially where there is a tendency to chafe and blister. Where perspiration is attended with an of- fensive odor the problem is more difficult of solution. In addition to the treatment above indicated the use of 0 disinfeetant must be quite often resorted to, and for this purpose either Miracle acid or permanganate of potash should be used. An ounce of the fanner to a quart of water Will give about the right strength, and of the permanganate 20 grains to -the ounce of :water. 01 course only cotton hose shoilln be worn. The feet of these may be dipped in the solution and dried before wearing, changing daily quire ; hut, peehdis, ii, Vette?! ' waY 'is.' livedonprehisterieliines in. feehletees to wear cork insoles which have been and effideority, hut bad come to the front immersed in the liquid and dried, changhig when the Dist felt pressing on it from Rome as °Renew:. necessary:. External cle-inlinees thelearel hand of power, welding it for the is ito relief for chroutc . malodor of the feet, Brit time by aopermanent system info uni- but something May begeined-hyavoiding.th forniity of servitude ,or inferiority, irom. which it panted for deliverance. But it the diet such articles as fish, cheese, onions, and others of a like nature. In connection seems more probable that the Jewish Scrip - with the dietetic treatment The feet should tures, which had for two centuries become be bathed three times a week for an hour in known by translationinto Greek, were them- e decoction of ashes, to which steeped laurel selves the fountain head of this mostremark- leaves and a little turpentine have been add- able antioipation ; and in that ease it pro - ed. In addition to the morning told even. belay proceeded hi an eminent degree from in bath, after the feet have been wiped dry, the _Messianic Psalms, which were of all the rub with a powder composed of a drachm of aeailable evidence the part most in the eye camphor, two ounces of iris powder and and mind of the people. . eight ounces of powdered starch. An appli- - catian of oxide of zing, beginning with a weak , solution and increasing the strength if neck N'ihn k and play. essary, is recommended as a positive cure. . The child is cheerful.. Putting its trust in its father, it is careful for nothing ; being Tie French Armv. y , • ppy always, whether in its play or its dtty. The military maneenvres that have taken Well, that's the great worker's character place M France this year have been watched . , . . . . also. • Taking no thought for the morrow; W1 glee interestne mei my critics a taking thought only for the duty of the day; over Europe. The operations of the 18th trusting somebody else to take care of to - corps in eouth-western France have been, it morrow ; knowing, indeed, what labour is, is said, of a satisfeetory character, but those butnce What sorrow is • and always read f or still in progress in northwestern France, in play- beautiful play -for lovely huamn play which the lst and 2nd army ccrps are tak- is like the play of the sun. There's a worker ing part, are the largest mancetwees that the for you. lie, steady to his time, is set as a Fretich nny has engaged in since it was etrong nnin th run his come% but also he reorganized in 1871. The' two, g'enerals, ene rejoiceth es a stronginau to run his, course. acting as a defender and the otherns ar in- vader of Tiench soil; have -under them in the : n%estahow-he plays m the morning, with 'the below and the clouds above, with 'a ray aggregatetroops. .. here and. ae flash there; and a shower of than 50,000. ' As , with 'the ISth - eerPt, '-' jewel's eVerywhere; thaes the seeds PlaY, 'aria one of the!'ebief pointe to he tested is the great human play is like his -all various- °ffienn?' .of ' t116' tmc'kehdd 1ddwder when all 'lull of light and life, and tender as the used* m earallery and infantry practice. ' ew of tho meenitie. .---rdolin Ruskin. ' The eenditioUS are so elifferent from those . , . e • e --. - Which obtainedApast dityS that it is. held that, unless soldiers are trained to expect . South Aflioan Diamonds. to have quite a number of their comrades Thirty-eighe million carats of diairenicle, 'struck down by, ballets' -which come from weighing over nine tons, have been found some undiscovered quarter, the chances are here. In the rough theire,,,,agregate value w,as that in the battlefield the mystery'eurround- $250,000,000 and after cutting nearly $000,-- ing the use of this smokeless powder may 000,000, which is more than the world's lead to dangerouspanics , Bat, although yield 'during the preceding ,two centuries. smokeless, the powder is not .soundlese, for Of the 'whole production not more than that species of . explosive has yet de be dis- 8. per cent. can be said to be of the first covered, if, indeed, it ever can be, and in water, 12 per cent. of the seeoad water and this way not only, will a warning be given 25 per cent. of the third, while the remain - but seine clew may he obtained Of the pres- ing 45 per cent. is call bort, a substance ence of the foe, which would otherwise be which when crushed to a powder, is of use altooether wanting. theitrtia. en Reasons ortheWonderful Success of Hood's Sarsaparilla, the Most Popular and Most Extenalvely" Sold Medicine in Ameriea. 1 Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses great , Imedicinal merit, which it positively 1 illa only medicine of' which " too demonstrates when fairly tried., et It is most economical, beilrig the l Doses One Dollar" can truly be said. It is prepared by a Combination, 'a Proportion and Process Peculiar to ' Itself, unknown to other preparations, and by which all the medicinal value of i the various ingredients is secured. 4 It effects remarkable cures where ! other medicines have utterly failed to do any goad whatever. • It is a modern medicine, originated d -so by experienced pharmacists, and still carefully prepared under their per- sonal supervision. .6 It is clean, clear and beautiful in eappearaoce, pleasant to take, and 1 always of equal strength. , mg It has proven itself tobe positively I the best remedy for scrofula and all blood disorders, and the best tonic for that tired feeling, loss of appetite and. general debility. O It is unequalled for curing dyspepsia, tgo sick headache, biliousness, catarrh, rheumatism and all diseases of the kid- neys and liver. n It has a good name at home, there being more of Hood's Sarsaparilla sold in Lowell, Mass., where it is made, than of all other sarsaparillas and blood_ purifiers combined. O- Its advertising is enique, 4.P honest, and thoroughly backed up by the medicine itself. A -Point for You. If you want a blood purifier or strengthening medicine, you shoult •et the best. Ask for Hood's Sarsapa; and insist upon having it. Do ns3t let any argument or persuasion influence - you to buy what you clo not want. Be. sure to get the ideal medicine, , clod' s Solil by all druggists. 51; six for 55. Prepared only by 0.1. noon a co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar UMW% Love cries victory when the tests of a woman become the sole defence of her vir- tue. Men's behavior should be like their ap- perel,--not too straight or point device, but Ir.* for exercise or motion. k