HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-10-9, Page 5XPECII[ITIES Any Dawn in Priya. Common Sense, Bed Star, Blue Ribbo Flax, Binding twines. OI W ERS T4 KEN NOW Having secured apracticai ttnsmith we are now prepared to take work: in eavetmughingi furnace, ,rooting or repairs. 1) `t vvroaStand Milk Cans, and miliwal e of every desoription, Palsy - Cliurns, Barbed Wire, ittbbon and Annealed Wires, Nils, Locks, Hinges, Paints and Oils. Orders now taken for Chestnut blacksmith and stove coals, for early delivery, C I QCERIESStock corn plebe. Produce taken ifs exchange. W. L, Mum Jas. L. Tiowar& . 'Manager, Proprietor, NEWS NOES The New York custom house isaa kept open until 12 o'clock Saturday night lar the benefit of huportera who vranted to enter goods at the old ratea of duty. A young man named 0. W. 1llaaoil, Of Prescott, who ler the past year hag been employed as bartender at the Bradleydouse, committed suicide liionday afternoon, by taking a dose of laudanum. Following is a return of trailio earn- ings of the Canadian Paoifio Railway from September 21 to September 30:— X8130 $499,000 ; 1 S6t0, $406,060, lnareaao for 1800, 531.,000. Earnings of the Now Brunswick Railway included in both years. Geo McKay, of East Nissouri, has a mare that recently gave birth to a colt possessing five legs. Veterinary stir geona removed the surplus log and thetaninittt gives promise of loading a useful career, notwithstanding the operation. A young Pariaiaan misted Lams Bis. sant, who arrived in New York about a week ago with about $15,0u0, has lost nearly every cent of itis honey, by the wiles of a young woman, whose atislneantance he made in Loudon, and wha has skipped to San Francisco. W Markham, Mk0,-P•'1'1icm;ts sots, who recently skipped from this place, had been deputeereeve or Mark- ham township for a number a f years and reeve for a short tnne and was for a long period president of the Last York Conservative Association. The forgeries he committed that have come to light will figure up to nearly $10,- 000. The McKinley law, which went into force in the United States elonday,con- tains an important stipulation regard- ing the free entry of cattle for breed- ing purposes. In future, such cattle will only be admitted into the United States free of duty on production of a certificate of registry. Mr. Donald McAethur wholived near the jog on the 2nd side road, 12th con of East Nissouri, left his house to drive the cattle down to the creek at Mc- Cure"s bridge to water on Thursd.ty and was found a short tune after lying on his face on the middle of the road quite dead. Heart disease the cause ot death. • Maxville, Ont., Oot. 6.—The large stone house, situated nix miles from here, owned by D. McNaughton; was destroyed by fire last night. Mrs. McNaughton; sen., together with young Mrs. McNaughton and a baby escaped, but her husband, James, and a little girl about eight years old per- ished in the flames. Tne Methodist General Conference at its sessions et Montreal adopted an amendment report of the Committee on the use of tobacco, recommending that members and ofhoials of the church abstain from the use of the weed, and the Dominion Parliament prof Provincial Legislature be petitioned oto enact a law prohibiting the sale of tobacco and cigare to persona under 16' years of age. Canada consumes nearly twenty- seven million bushels of wheat and about two million bushels are requir- ed for seed. Last year we only pro- duced 27,600,00p bushels; eo it was necessary to import into this agricul- tural country 1,500,000 bushels. This year the conditions are more favorable. It is estimated that we have grown 40, 800, 000 busbels and that asa conse- quence we shall have 10,325,000 bush- els to export. The Manitoba Governmentwill open an emigrationoffice ea England.: A Leamington widow of 70 years recently cut three new teeth.' The iWoodatoek correspondent of the Azad asserts that Birdsall has not made any confession, Iron, Lawrence Clarke,chief factor for the Hutton Bay Company at Prince Albert, is dead Mir. and \tri, A. A. Adair and taturly, formerly, of Stratford, Kaye left toe their new hent° in California;, An English syndicate has purchased a phosphate property in Templeton township, Ottawa county, for $13,000, H.'1'. Richter, of Montreal, and his 12 -year-old boy are missing, and -it is feared the lather killed, his child and himself. John Card, of Napaneo, while hent ally unbalanced, slashed his throat with a razor on Sunday night, and is Very near death, Henry Barnard, butcher, while hay- ing a wrestle with George Depeel, at Tilaonburg, broke his right leg near the ankle. Arthur Hoyt Day was arraigned at. Welland Monday on the charge of murdering bis wite by throwing her over the cliff near Niagara Falls, and sentenced to be flanged On NOV, 18. The popuiatmii of Indiana le 2,19; 030. an increase inten years of 210,729 or 1041 per gent" , of Michigan 2,089e 792, increase 4Z 2,8 , or 27.66 per cent. ; of New lilexico 144,S82.tncrease' `..5,297; or 21,16 per cent, ; of California 1404,002, increase 339,805, or 39.24 per cent, Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 2,—Last week's flour output WAS 170,259 barrels, There .fa very little life to the flour market., and unities the demand soon; improves more or less shutting down will occur, Prices are generally }ewer and considerable effort has to be made to WI, What may result in a painful and sad affletion to a promising bay, occur, red rtt \1r, . olby Stewart's,11th con., Barndford, en Sunday, .Iia wast attaok ed by a dog, and before he could be rescued, the upper lei or his lett eye wan considerably lacerated and he had received other wounds about the face. England has demanded or the Port. uguese Government an immediate settlement of its claim for indentrrity for the seizure of the Britiah-African Lake Company's steamer James Ste• venaon, winch was ineptly captured by Lieut. Azevedo-Vantttni a few months ago. 1PIz'AItE .f''F ItlPOUTS .. Wheat , . SSo, to 90e, per bush, UV I 4,1NG.Xr11[Gi!i4. Flour, Strong Baker's, $2 75 per 100 do Best Family 2 60 t. do Low Grade , « 1 50 t Ctlaxt70e. Middlings ,". . , 90c. Screening . , 900. Chop , , .., 01 15 tol. 25 Bran per ton, - - 1;12 Middlings 7` - - 16 Chop atone running every day. FiaTERMS CASH, TUE EXETCR, AIT[t1.,INGr Coy. cc cc cc ,a A11 Men 4 young, old, or middle-aged, who End them selves nervous, weak and exhausted. who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of thafoflowingsymetoma !dental depreeaion, premature old age, teas of vitality, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack 0f energy, pain in the kid- neys, headache, pimples ,on the face or boo, itchiul?a orpecnler remeation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, sparks before the eyes, twitohlug of the muselea, eye lids and eleewhero, laaaltfut. ness,,lepotaita in the urine, loss of wilt power tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and f abbe muscles, demo to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, lettuce] al hearing, loss of vofee, desire for solitude, excitability of temper,snukeo two surround. ed with leaden circle, oily looking Akio, eta., are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to marmite' and death tiniest] oared. Tho spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in•consegnence Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address for bock on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M.V. i,uhon, aQ Front St. la,. Toronto, Ont, Books sent free sealed, Heart disease, the symptoms} of which are feint spells, purple lips, numb nese, palpitation, shin beats. hot aaelies,. rush of blood to tate head, dull pain in the heart with beats reroute tepid and irregnlar, the amend heart beat quicker than the drat. pain about the breast ,:ane, eta„ can posi- tively be cured, \o euro, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. Lwio.l, 60 Ftont Street East. Toronto, Out. Excitement, more intense than ever. before experienced among mining'tnen in Northern Ontarla, bas been caused by the discovery of three large veins of quartz, carrying gold in paying quant titles, in the township of Creighton. Experienced mining men say that the surface intimations are more favorable than the Glob finds in Mexico and California. The Premier says there wall not be an electron this year or next. 'There- fore the gentlemen who aro now the proud poseessers of seats can rest eon - tent. There willbe no occasion to Inti nob with the voters this yonr, no met tsion tar a wide range of friendly calla and ,trofessions of eternal friend. ship. All that niay 110 reserved until next year, when the campaigner will trite, his speech to a ,teen edge and go forth to conquer. r A large number of the prominent business hien of Windsor, on being interviewed; express the opinion that the McKinley Bill will do much injury Essex to thetown andt nt c L, cele ecu y, as thousands of dollars' worthof the county found a market In Detroit under the recent tariff; whereas, it will now be kept out and have to find a market in Eastern Canadian cities. Asked as to what the probable result of the Bill would bt., they replied it would be the means of bringing in reciprocity. The Catholic Congress held at Liege, Belguim, adopted a resolution whioh mat have a direct influence on future emigration from Catholic countries to Canada This resolution states that while the Congress is not anxious to foster emigration, it recommends strongly to those wishing to emigrate to go to countries where they can pre- serve their faith and the practice of their religion. The Sovereign Pon- tiff is aleo thanked for having allowed that when possible these emigrants are to be accompanied by clergymen of their own nationality. lhomas Ballantyne, M. P. P. for South Perth, who recently returned from a visit to Bratain, was warmly greeted by his Western Ontario friends on Saturday at the London cheese market. Heels looking the picture of vigorous health, and enjoyed the trip wonderfully. Referring to the Canad- ian cheese business he remarked that the export up to a recent date showed an increase of some 200,000 boxes over last year, indicating the oontinued growth of this great industry. The consuming public of Btaare more than everparticular on the point of quality. Dry, hard cheese is not wanted at all. Times are good in the mother country, in fact, never seemed better. News In A Nutshell. Alice Somers, of St, George, bad ter angers badly smasbed mobilo operating a nlachiuo at Ponwan'a mill, Parisi .itch, Mange and Scratches ot every kind, on human or animals, cured in 80 minutes ay Woodfor4'a Sanitary Lotion, This never fails. Solis by C. Lutz, Pruogiet. sits Jatnee Rushton lies sold 60 nods off Ilia fares, fudge road, three mitts west of Ridgetown, to James Cooper for $i,000, Emma Moms --AU have equal rights in, 1110 and liberty and the nitrate! of happiu. Wig, but many are haniienppod in the race of dyspepsia, billoueneaa, lack of energy; nr•rvtius debility, wealcuees, eaustipation, etc., by et.ulriet,•ly removing thee() com- plaint, Derd,wk Blood Bitters couferstuutold hemlite ou all sufierere (Fri Maiden'. farm 'r, uear 1'oaaon'iy, the ether day, pith the help of his son, cut and shocked fourteen acres of bate iu seven hours. Iurz'rtr. F.nn:utvl,,N--Wili present an nppottunity to extend, the fame of Dr. Fowlet',i 11 tract of Wila Strawberry the unfailing remedy for cholera, cholera mor- bus, eelie, crumple, diarrhoea, dyaeutely, and all mine r corn' lninte, to .overy part of the Etnpire, Wild Strawberry never fails. Seventy-two vessels passed a 09011 Point in Windsor in half au hour Wednesday: As the close of navigation approaches the pities are brecminn spasv . .English Spavin Liniment removes al hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Couggs, etc. Save $50 by use of mac bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. Every day goes to prove the necee- ' sity and importance of British rule in India. Were the different races in the Indian Empire left to govern themselves we should hear of nothing but interminable strife and bloodshed among them. Recently the British troops stationed et Dehli and other large cities in northern India have had to intervene between two rival Mohammedan sects, the Sunis and the Shuts. It appears that the cause et the dangerous and exciting dispute was whether at the °Lose ot their wor- ship the 'amen' should be softly breathed out, or the mosque made to ring with a triumphant shout. Alter much trouble the British authorities managed to calm down their excit- ability and get them to compromise, but for a time, according to advices, the trouble looked serious. We are afraid that parallel cases are not rare; even in the records of the Christian oh aroh. A sad accident happened at Henry Fitzpatrick's on the 10th con, Sand- wich est, on Wednesday, resulting in the death of one of his children, aged 16 months. in company • with his elder aster the child was playing in the barn, and the elder one went up into the mow bo throw down some hay, when the:fork slipped, and going down tine first, struck the little one on the hetet,' one of the tines penetrating the skull. • _il Cry for Pitcher's : Castorip 10 NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. If you will send us your address, we will mail you ourillustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr Dye's Calibrated Electro -Voltaic Belt and Appliances. and their charming effects upon the nervous debilitated system. and how they will quickly restore route vigor and man- hood. Pamphlet free. If you aro thus afflicted, we will send you aBelt and Appliances on a trial. VOLTAIO BELT Co.. Marsball,Mich• CONSUMPTION CURED: An old physioian, retired from practice, hay ing had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Consumption. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections. also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases. has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Antuated by this motive, and a desire to reloive human suffering,I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, the recipe in German. French or English, with full directions fnr preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp. naming this paper. W. A. NOYES, 820. Powers, Block, Rochester, N. Y. I>tt;Q.RBZT REPORT$,. nituxcIi lied Wheat , Spripg Wheat'„ Barley .,. „ ,, Oats .. Clover S )ed ... ••, Timothy .,. Pease i••• (lore -.. Eggs .-- Stettin Flourpsrbbl ,•" Potato.es,per bushel -, Apples,per bag DriedApplespr b (Mese per lb. Turkey per lb Ducks per lb Chiekensperpr fioestiressedperlf0' Beef Flidesrough, " dressed . , Speeppikina each ,,, Oath/kips Wool per lb ,... Hayperton Oniontperbneb Woodper aorta '00 31 MOO 90 86 •,. 38 to 00Q0 45 34 to 30 -•• 3OOto375 150 to 200 55 to 57 040 to 1 17Go 17 i3so014 0040510 70 to 0 76 1COto1CO 11 4to06O 096 to 00, 008 to 10 0Oeto007 025 to so, 4 59 to 00 400 boa 26 209 to $ 50 ". 350 to 349 • 4 60 to 20 • 000 to05G ,1 18 to 0 21 ,,, G CO to 0 060to0CA • 26010Soo 4.0 sT eftiixs $ Rall Wheat .., 0 90 0 90 Spring Wheat .......,• , 0 910 91 OBa... , , , , ., 1 034 0 36 Glover Seed„ . 1601 75 Timothy ,•, . , ....... ,150 200 Peas , . 053054 Better «.« 12 013 Potatoes per hag .. ...- TO 90 Apples Per bush.. ,.« ,.50 Wool per lb , .,,, , ,., , 20 020 Hay porton . , , 559559 Bran per ton.„.,—.14 00 1400 Shorts "' " 20 00 20 60 oatmeal verbal, .,, ,,,, ii 00 700 Wheat,��414 to Ole iter bas. We, 'ase to ller..At'iit ag•45pto Moo« e to baa. Per bus. Peed. 40e trete) par bus Cora. Gila to fTe Per, huahel, TORONTO, 14Torolato. Oct S.—Wbeat Spring -No. 2. 90e to 02 per bus: red wtnter.No.3.93e to:lloper bus genitalia No.1 hard, l 30 to 132 N0 2.1 24 to I so to 43a per PEAS FLOUR.t to tile nextre, ae•20 to er bus• ,54 le P' qe per bole straight roller- -acre to X4,75; strong biikers.3f,00 to $4.50, It RTLBY, tee 2. 6'a'to 67e; No 3 extra„ 0,3v to D c No 3, 43e i0 4La. WHAT Is 4 D.v'a fainoito,.-One day's work for a healthy liver is to secrete three and a hell pounds of bile, It the bile accretion be deGcseat, constipation, eneuee ; if profuse. biliousness and jaundice arise, liurdoak 111'lod Bitters to the moat ycrfect firer regulator lumen iu iuediciue for pre- venting and curing all liver troubles. Aimee-e0tovnsaua.-•4rtl ou dtsttiroedat niglrtand broken of your reit try wink (Mild suaertu and crying with pain of Quttinv. Teethe it eo sond at onco and get a bottle of"'atrs,Winelow's Soothing !ie rup"for Chil- dren Teething, Its value tit inoaleulable, 11 willralleve the peer 11Itle sufferer im. medtetelt amend upon it. mothers : there is r,.,mle#aka about it, Itcuree Dyeeatery and Dtarncoa.,regguletew the Stomach and liowets,curaa Wind Colla, *often' Ino rams. reducesluOammation, and gives fano and energytothowhole aystem , Sirs.Winelow'a Soothng Syrup" for children teething is pioasautto the taste and is the proscription of ono or the oldest and best termite physicians and nurses in the United. Suttee. and t for sale by all druggtete throughout the world, Prion twenty ave croute a b3ttto. Ile Sure and ask for 'Stns Wrtcar.ows SooTnitx. Srnt,,e"and til;o uo �thar. British Grain Trade. Loudon, Oct 6.—Tho Mark Imo Ex - mese, in ite wectily review el the British grain trade, Pave;—The fine weather favors threshinga. The form niarkete are well supplied, Millers aro baying Stelliab wheat steadily. ite,l it quoted at 31s to 334, and the finest white at gS t91 to 39.. The sake of vnt:lish wheat during the week ttetr` 162, i:17 gilarters, at 31a 2.1 per quarter, at;niust t t],.iUL quarters at $.ls 3.1 dnriug Hitt rureepou.liug week last year Owing to government chances in the inetbods of callettie,n, ono Zenith must lin addetl to quautitiee of previous years in 7 , i• i t • with rt• t1r:18 n t �to .111n i9 l � It t r r m ,uo t 1sc 1 3 3 t f present yea,. Foreign wheat was Oe ]ower; the detere8sion was largely owing to the extremely lowfreigtlt', liuglish grind- ing barleys and oats wore 8d lower. Im- parts of barley were heavy. Tho Spanish oat crop is heavy. Maize was 6d lower; the enquiry was poor. Beans and peas i a ,Fere stendy, To any the minicab was les depressed. English wheat was steadier; holders of the foreign were firmer. The inquiry for flour was slightly improved. Trade in barley was increasing. ,Maize was firmer; fiat was quoted at 23s per quarter; naw Argentine was offered at les ltd. Oats were fairly steady. Beans, peas and rice were dull. Do yon suffer with catarrh ? Yon can be cured if you take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. Sold by all druggists. The population of Cleveland, Ohio, is 261.546. Increase, 101,400; per cent., 63.32. The well known strengthening properties' of Iran, combineu with other tonics and a most perfect nervine, are found in Carter•'.s Iron Pills, which strengthen the nerves and body. and improve the blood and eons - From the beginning of the season up to Sept. 30 there wets shipped from the port, of Montreal 38,623 cattle and 37,375 sheep, on whicli $1,134,896 was paid in freight. • 'Tim etre \I-PEON—Great andtimely wisdom is shown by keeping Dr. Fowler's 'Extract of Wild Stra(vberry on hand. It has nn equal for cholera, cholera morbus, diarrhoea, disentery, collo, cramps, and all summer complaints or looseness of the btwele. A Russo -Persian trading company hes been formed, with a capital of 55,000,000. The company will also establish various man Outcries in Persia, under special con- cessions froth the Shah: bllxrl o Naws—kfning experts note that cholera never attacks the bowels of the earth, but humanity iu general find it necessary to use Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for bowel complaints, dysentery, diarrhoea, ate, 1t is a sure cure. The assessors placeBrantford's population at 14 363; property, X5,902,260. Fiso'c Remedy for Catarrh Is the Beat, Easiest to Use and Cheapest. 1 T •44- AND ..J. ,.i .A.. —WHERE TO BUY— The Best Goods for the Least Money. We carry the largest stock of STOVES at.d TINWARE in iowri, and we s •il then at ills 1 ,west po.:sib:e prie # for cash. omstemexam In Hall and Library Lamps we are showing an elegant display at right prices. All kinds of Tabic; and lianai Lamps at wholesale prices In CROSS -CUT SAWS we are showing all the latest anal. leading patterns and makes. nye different patterns to choose from. ,A,E—A large stock at ,?rices that defy competition, As usual, a full stock of general Hardware, Paints, Oils and Glass on band;. Agents for the celebrated Raymond Sewing Machine- BtSSETT BROS. Tb POPULAR FURNACE Don't forget the place—Sign of Big Elephant, WILLI FOIrlLAfit'3 CEN TRA.L Drug to _ n A full stook of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Oondition Powd- er the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared. at CentralDrug Store Exeter. Lu'rZ■ Sold by druggists of seat by mall, S0e. E. T. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa., 11. S. A. CARTER'S ITTLE IVER PILLS. URE Sick Headache and rel'eve all the troubles incl. dent to a bilious state of the system, such as DIzziness, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress after eating, Pain in the Bide, dm. While their most remarkable success has been shown in curing SICK Headache, yet CARTER'S LITTLE Llvra PILLS are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured Ache they would be almost pricelenn to those who stiffer from this distressing complaint: but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try theist will And. these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them. But after all sick head E is the bane of so many lives that here Is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER Ficin are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills snake a dose. They are strictly vegetable and 00 not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents; five for 51. Sold everywhere, or sentby mail MUTES MEDICINE CO., Nov Tort. ball Dose, Smaa1 Pica. Cash'For BUTTER and EN'S t, . llttl,11.1: hat ills,' le 1'>lock, t'.ill 1:a:Wee, ti tit pay „it• esl... Pt et.'e IPZ1157ST Cash PRICES sit ;nal. iula:ca fur 1 nttt t tali 1 A. Q,0:�..., :nay 1st, ';lii, 11 a lv' - 1 '...1., a 'ter C Washing Compou nd Loosens and quickly rein:eves all stain, cif grease and dirt without injuring the hands or the Arrest mart.rialr- It kepis flown disease by thoroughly disinfecting and purifiing every- thing. Saves soap, clothes, time and labor. For all domestic purposes it is the hest article ever Placed before the public. For the toile t and the bath it is just splendid, making the skin soft and health, Only 5e. for 3 pkts, All grocers can supply it. COTTAM'SBird Seed. Cottam's Choice. Imported and.Re-cleaned Bird Seed is the finest quality grown, thoroughly M lonoililli M11IN 1 1re-cleaned and mixedaccording to the various seasons in proportions advised by Ornitholo- gists and laird Fanciers. Every one poundpackage contains a piece of cuttlefish bone and full directions "bow to keep a Bird in health and song. Cottam's bus been awarded 1st prizes and diplomas and is very higbly recommended,. If you really want healthy Birds with choice song and beautiful plumage be sure and use Cottam's Bird Seed. All grocers and druggists can supply it. 1'y 0 H z H V h THE BEST YET ! TEE CHEAPEST YET { 1l� e G�od: THE BIGGEST YET 1-1 DO YOU ! WANT TOBUY C FIRST -O ASS 0 FURNITURE t�',,.1 AT LOWER RATES THAIV SHAM CCDS —ARE USUALLY SOLD ----7, —THEN CALL AT— G 13, ' —ONLY FIRST-OLASS— Ov'erooatings at any price, Suit- ings at any price ; Pantings at any price Best Ordered Clothing •produced in Exeter 4"tleme 1 leave your orders Gaily, for with the best staff eel Talton ; the best stock of Pine Trimmings, ant the best Milting in Town, yon are aure of satiefae- tion S I} T L At Prices Lower that so -ca. led Cheap Houses can give Undeztaking in all its Branchos. S. G-IDLEY, (Seecesane to C c@ q. Gidley) OD]) FELLOWS' BLOCK