The Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-06-20, Page 6THE GODERIOHr SIGNAL -STAR
'H , Jeune V.—George S. St. Mark'° Anglican Guild.—The meditation on the Bible readings.
SliWilie.^ �neor'ge S. Smylie died June meeting of St. Mark's An- A solo ryas surd; by Mr,. Dutican
al no 10, 1957, at Tisdale Hospital. glican Guild was held at the horse MacKay, accompanied by Mrs John
had lived in. Star City. Sask 4•of Mrs. George Schneider on June Houston. The minutes of the pre -
Ater a shot illness, following a 112 with 15 memb-ers and four visit- vious meeting were read by the
A.arMytic, stroke, he passed away eus present. Mrs. Schneider had secretary, Mrs. Alwin Leatherland,
tit the age of 1$9 years. He was a charge of the rued ing. Prayers and treasurer's report given by-
ySop. of the late Mr. and Mrs David were given by Mrs. Clifford Brown Mrs. Fred Ross,, Some arran ge-
la ylie and was born in ‘Vest and the Scripture lesson taken by menti were made for the Presby-
\Vawanosh Township and attended 1 Mrs. Thomas 1laggitt. The study terial W.M.S. meeting which will
public school at Nile. Sixty imus book was given by Mrs. Ed- Davit's be held here on Thursday, Septerli-
ycar i:d(r ':: j: a.'' _ Mrs G. Schneider, gave the topic ber 19. The roll call was answered
farmed Lir ' :any ye,.. T is on an antidote to worry. An ac by 22 members and four visitor's
a member of the united Church cordial' solo was played by Mrs. by naming 0 child mentioned in
and the L.O.L. v .ving besides Gordon R. Taylor_ A Biblical can the Old Testament. A report of
his wife are o:l. :1 and three test was enjoyed and Mrs. Sehnei- the Pre-.byterial executive held rc-
daughters: Vf'i:i:.:,i• Star City, der presented each lady with c•ently at Clinton ,was given by
Alice and M` F:i. f Regina, Mrs. papers which contained helps for Mrs Fred Russ Mrs Ed Davies
Gey. Horsef:. of \\ inn.p'g. Ont' Daily 13 1)1e Reading. The press- ga' e a reading. 'Title study book
sOn, David, n: ed •r•ea,ed him. Also dent, Mrs. John Daer, had charge chapter was given by Mrs. John
surviving are. seven grandchildren of the business. Mrs. Daer thank- Houston. The dedicatory prayer
and two sisters, Mrs. William ed all the ladies who had assisted was given by Mrs Hensch. A lunch
Dodds, sr., r:. 1 Mrs. John Clark I in cleaning the church recently. was served by Mrs_ Haines, assist -
Of this v:ll::g , .:nd three brothers, The roll call was answered by mann- ed by Mrs. Hensrh.
William and 'Jack, Star City, and ing 0 Book in the Old- Testament. Heat Postpones Meet.—Owing to
Joseph, Prince Albert, Sark. Inter- The ladies made amaze. e'nent.s to the extreme heat wave, the public
anent took place in See. ('''y ceme set%e lunch after tlaa cor.,'l..oation meeting called for \I-urday even
tery on Friday. ,June 14 on July 3rd The rector's Ing to nam' an executive for the
William Sclater. — Mr,. Edgar wire. \ir•• :le \'i it' thanked the new hall was c•alle(1 ler Jure 27
Lawson received word recently of ladies far the surprise gift recently ;it 9 pen
the death of her -brother, W'iiiam, presented to thein A successful Mr. and Mrs Ed Dav .es visited
in Regina_ 111' vi -.'ed here was held 1l,'s. Schneider, last week with relat!ve- 10 London
his sister several month_; last sum assisted by her neighbors, Mrs Almy people of this distract at
mer. He was .born in Seaforth,
k yon of the late Mr. and Mrs Wil
Liam Sclater, and was :n h:, 78th
year. He went West on 190(1 and
conducted a grocery business in
Regina for many years. His wife,
the former Marian Cumming,. of
Seaforth. died in 1953. Surviving
are one son, \lurray, of Regina,
and two daughters. Mrs. A. J.
Vancise, Grand Coollie, Sask . and 1
Mrs. Richard Tayl rr, of Chid ham:
also d ne sister, Mrs. Edgar I .,v.,on,
of Auburn.''
No, she's not a siren angler fishing perch off Goderieh har-
bor's south -breakwater. It's Joyce Hahn, of CBC's tel,e-
vision Variety Show, fishing on the banks of the Humber
River, near Toronto.
choirs under the direction of Mrs.
Robert ,J. Phillips. Rev. Harold
Snell, Exeter, president of the Lon-
don Conference of the United
Church, will be the guest speaker.
1:1 io1 1 a r� and \Ins. Percy "ln tended the funer:ll ser‘ ices for the l'he original grounds for the ceme-
i tory were purchased from the late
cent and her daughte rs: ,coved a late Mrs Gd; tiCdf Dimehcrty at William Br#1L First interment was
delic-.-us lunch 111\'b recently
W,iV1.S. Meets.—'The W \I ` ! Mr. Purdy .'& (lark is a patient in
Knox Pre-hvtcrran. Church met last Gi-deric•tr ho.p:tal.
Thur°day at the limn.' of Mr-.. Centennial Service.—The c•d-ntcn-
Dnnall Haines The president. nial •tr ice of the fd undel:a et
Mrs_ Wes. Brrdmrk. :ive 11" all Ball, eernetd''v will be held on the
to worship. The Grad 't`Hings .trounds on ,lune 30. 1957 at 7 p rn.
Prayer was given by Mr* F'r'ank The service wall tic in charge iii the
bi:iithby_ The devnt.unal wa• taken four uburn churches with Bev.
by Mrs. William Ilensch and part R S Ililt/ In charoc. Special music
of the Scripture read by Mrs. Wil- ' will by the 'Westfield
Fred Sanderson. Mrs. Hensel] gave Male Quartette and the e,'inbined
For ,Frying, R. sting ®r
21 to 11 ay. - Githts e wed
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11 15 -oz tins 1.00
7 15 -oz tins 10oo
6 boxes 1.00
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UNTIL 9:00 P.M. -
Pi"ut,:fb Effective
Until Coftdrrcloy,
Ju ,2gead, VW.
111-1 GUM ATtANtflt it PA
that of the late Mrs. James Rapson
on September 16, 1857.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. George Lawlor were .Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Park, Mr. and Mrs.
William Park -and \Valerie Joy, of
Mn's. Minnie Lyon, Goderieh,
visited last week at the home of
Mr. and -Mrs. .Jamas Raithby.
Miss Helen Marsh, R.N., of New
York, was a recent ,, visitor with
her 'grandparents, iMr. and Mrs.
Herbert Mogridge.
Mrs. Lillian Sellers and her two
daughters, of Ethel, visited with
Mrs. Fred Ross.
Miss Laura Wagner, R.N., of
Syracuse, N.Y., Miss Ella Wagner,
R.N., of Wayne, Mich., and Mrs.
Rase Herman, of Stratford, are
visiting their sister, Miss Minnie
Wagner, and brothers, Walter and
W lliam.
Mr. John Youngblut returned
last week from Wingham hospital
where he was confined for a few
Mr. William Campbell is a pat-
ient in Clinton hospital.
Mrs. Nelson Hill, ole _'ecterieti;
visited • last- - week -end with -her
:i -:ter, Miss Sadie carter, and faro-
tltel•, .1oscph Carter.
The Sacrament of Holy ('om-
munien ,a'as observed recently ir!
Kn:rx Presbyterian Church. Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Stewart were IT-
ceiVe,1 into the church.
The pupils of S . 0 9, Ilullett
with their teacher, Mrs. Ilu•1h l3en-
nc;t. and some of their parent; en tiij
jotted a bus trip to 'Toronto..-..on,Pis
\its. Peter Patterson. of CarLrary,
and Mr'-. William Anderson, of
(1.:lerich, this week -end
o i'.h Mn'- and Mrs. Oliver Andersen
and family 'and Mr. and \Ins_ Gor-
d.'n \Ic('linncey and family.
Mr_ Donald Ito�s of 0'11( Ole.
vis.ted over the week -end with his
mother, Airs_ Fred Ross.
Mrs. John Graham• returnees
hong' last week from it visit with
relatives In Del roil. She •ivas guc,t
:0 the (-'lark-Ross wedding what'
she was in that city. -
\Irs.' Stanley Johnston is visiting
in London with her danrgh;en, .\Iris.
thy Perdue, Mr. Perdue and •L,irry
and her son, Lloyd Johnston, '1rs-
111110ton :and family.
Mr. Bill Gib<on, of Palmerton.
visited on Sunday with - Mr. and
vire. Rosy- Finnigan and ,'MI- ; 4114a
Mrs. Donald Fowler.
and Mrs. Art Lawlor, Wingham,
Mr. Barrie and Miss Betty Young-
blut and Miss Margaret Daly -
rumple, of -Goderieh.
.KLN•GSB'RIIDGE, June 17. — Mr.
and Mrs. Cyril Austin spent the
week -end with relatives in Detroit.
Mr. Walter Kelly and friend, Miss
White, of London, visited with Mr.
BAYI4TIELD, June 17.—Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Arkell and family, Ham-
ilton, spent the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. F. Arkell.
John MacLeod, Port Stanley, is
spending a few days with his par-
ents, Mr. and (Mrs. L. H. MacLeod.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J, .Luck and
three sons, Detroit, are spending
two weeks at their cottage. •
Mr. and Mrs. '1'. M. Leckie and
,Donna, London, were at their cot-
tage over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pfoff and
family, Windsor, spent the week-
end. at their home, �r
Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Hunter and
family, Toronto, °spent the week-
end at their home.
Mrs. Chas. Rogers, Toronto; came
on Friday to spend a month at her
Miss Lillian Morley, Highland
Park, Mich., is spending a month
at -her cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bauer, Waterloo,
are spending a few days at their
Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Cooper and
family, Birmingham, Mich., were
at their cottage for the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Churchward,
London, are spending a few weeks
in the village.
Miss Cathy MacLeod, Byron, is
visiting her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. H. MacLeod.
The June meeting of Trinity
Church Guild was held at the
home of Mrs. E. A. h'eatherston on
and Mrs. John Kelly for a few Tuesday evening. • 'tlr.s. P. Weston,
days the president, presided. The sec
Miss Frances Gilmore and the i retary's report was read by Mrs.
newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Gilmore, of London, were week-
end guests at _the Ed. Gilmore
'Mrs. Martha O'Neil visited in
Detroit last week and attended the
graduation exercises of her grand-
daughter, Miss Ann Moore. She
was accompanied home by Gene
Moore and his sister, Mary Martha,
who are vacationing here.
Mr. a'nd Mrs. Clifton Austin are
visiting with their daughters in
Kilchener and. Toronto for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dalton, Mrs.
Earl Drennan and her mother, Mrs.
Edward Foley,.visited in- London PORTER'S HILL, June 17.—The
during the past week. June meeting of the W.A. of Grace
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Doyle 'and Church was held Thursday after -
three children, of Detroit, are visit- noon •of last week in the basement
ing at the home of '.Michael Foley. of the church.,The president, Mrs.
Miss Margaret Foley, of Strathroy, Arlie Lockhartook charge of the
also spent the week -end at her i meeting: Mrs. G. Manning lead
/moue here. lin prayer. The Scripture reading
Mr. Norman-O'C'onnor, Mr. Hank was taken -by Mr. •Renner. The
Captein and friend, and Mr. and roll call was "Name the Minister
Mr's. -Mark Dalton attended the
B ` who performed your marriage-
olland-Garvey wedding in Toronto ceremony." It • was answered by
on Saturday. i all. The presidyt-r-t, thanked the
Miss Patricia Drennan and Miss) ladies who helped in any way with
Diane Lierman are already enjoy-' the -bake sale held Mast month.
int; their holidays. having received l In.stead of having another lbake sale
1• tai's pi:rolcigkiiya,at Goderieh ' in July. as had been planned, the
-41,1ege, c ,Ig tioa ,,,avriting ladies decided to each give $2.00.
It was decided to ,have the w: ids
M. Merner and the treasurer's by
dMrs. Frets Weston. Plans were
made for a bake sale to be held
in July. The Rev. E. J. Harrison
closed the meeting with prayer and
lunch was served by the hostess.
Miss Shirley Brandon, who has
beeen in Toronto the past two
weeks, returned to her horse on
Mr. and Mrs. E. Oddleifson, Lon-
don, are spending a few days at
their home.
around the church sprayed.' Mss.
Ernie Townshend and, Mrs. Allen
ettles were in charge of the pro-
gram which eons/Med Of two huln-
orous readings. J uring the after-
noon, a crib quilt was quilted.
The July meeting will be held in
the church.
An enjoyable evening was spent
last Friday evening in Bayfield
church in honor of Rev. and Mrs.
Renner prior to their departure
to their new appointment at Tees -
water. The three charges, Ba --
field, Taylor's Corner and Porter's
1I'ill presented them wits a tele-
vision set. A program onsisting
of readings, skits and musical num-
bers was enjoyed by all. Mr. and
Mrs. Renner were then asked to
come forward and an address was
read -by Mr. Colin Campbell. Mr.
Wilmer Harrison and Chester
Sturdy made the presentation. Mr.
Renner thanked all and a bount-
eous lunch was served by the
PORT ALBERT, June 17• ---Spec-
ial evening services will be held
a tSt. Andrew's United Church,
Port Albert, ol'l4 June 23, at 7.30
p.m. ft is the farewell service fol
Rev. Mr. Watt.
Mrs. Mary Dickson and grand-
son, Brian Johnson, are visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mr .Art Forester is a patient in
Victoria Hospital, London We
wish him a speedy recovery.
Mr. David Martin returned home
after spending a week at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. Ivan Grigg,
in London.
Mr. and Mrs. 1%4e1 Dickson at-
tended the stock car races in Sarnia
on Saturday.
Church services at St. Andrew's
United Church, Port Albert
'be at 9.45 a.m. during June, July
and August.
Mi's. Myrtle Hodges gave her
home for the June meeting of the
Women's Guild of Christ Church,
Port Albert. The afternoon was
spent quilting. The Guild is spon-
soring a demonstration to be held-
eldin the church basement on Thurs.
day evening, this week.
T' t J1t8DA'Y, JUNE 20th, 1,M
Some° Students from this district
are included 'in a list of tho,ie
who have hem sueceSsful in pars-
ing ,their examinations. at the On.
tarso Agricultural College and Mac-
donald lfustitute, Guelph. J. L.
Hawthorne, of Goderich, has sue
eessl4lln cwlapleted the uewnd
year degree , n:d R. 1-1
Clark, doer ,passedathe sec-
ond year degree course at Mac-
donald Institute. Other students
to pass include D. G. Richards, oa
Lucknow, in the OACfirst year
degree course, and A. A Grrunder,
of Glammis, in the college's th.irsi
year degree course.
- — 0
B. O'Brien has succeeded Ron
Levy as manager of the Stedman
Store here. Mr. Levy, who carne
Goderich about a year ago;
has been transferred to the Tor-
onto ;head office of his firm. Mr.
and Mrs. Levy will take a vacation
in the Maritimes ,before he assumes
his nqw duties. Mr. O'Brien was
formerly manager ° .of S(tedn)an's
Kingston road store in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs, C. Trader and Mr.
and Mrs. B. Laren, ,Carol Ann,
Bernadeth and Rochelle visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Win Mubgoral
one day last week.
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All work and material is under
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Anniversary services oT' l ioa:�
1'nite:l Church. Auburn, were held
with I)r. ,Jaynes Semple; of Egrnond-
ville , United Church, as guest
speaker. - -..A. former president of
the Bay of Quinte Conference, and
pastor of Trinity Church, North
Bary, Dr. Semple ifi nnyd in charge
of Huron Presbytery's Mission 10
the Nation, with special preaching
missions in the fall at Clinton, Sea-
eaforth and Exeter. The music was
ably supplied by the Knox United
Church choir under the direction
of Miss Margaret A. Jackson.
Beautiful bouquets of summer flow
ers adorned the church for this
.special event.
Mr. William J. Craig attended
the funeral of his uncle, ,James`
Robinson, at'London, last ,Tttirday.
He died in his 91st year. 'flis bro-
ther, Ernest, of Goderich, and,
sisters, Mrs. Robert Chamney, of
Donnybrook, and Mrs. Olive Allen,
of Clinton, accompanied him: The
late Mr. Robinson had farmed for
many years near St. Augustine be-
fore moving to Wingham, then to
Tpronto and for the last year has
made his home with his daughter
in Lon -den. Surviving are three
daughters, and four sons, also one
brother, Charles, of Wingham, and
one :sister, Mrs. George Naylor, of
East Wawanosh Township.
Silver Wedding.—Silver wedding
anniversary was observed last Sat
urday evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Mc•Larty, Goderieh,
for Mr. and Mrs. Percy Youngblut.
A social time was enjoyed and
the couple was presented with
gifts Trois those present. Lunch
was served along with an annivers
ary eake to the guests. Mr. Percy
Youngblut is the son of Mr. John 1
E. Youngblut and the late Mrs.
Youngblut and Mrs. Youngblut was
formerly Frances Mc'Larty, daugle
ter of Mrs. Nelson CMeLaitty and
the late Mr. McLarty. They were
married at Knox United Church
manse by Rev. Mortimer and lived
in Auburn after their marriage.
For eight years they operated a
store at Oakland, returning to the
village seven years ago when they
moved to Their farm home where
they chow reside. They are both
men'thers of Knox United Church
They have a family of two sons
and one daughter, Douglass, of
Brantford, Barrie, of 131y1h, and
.Betty, at home. Those present
for the celebration were' Mr_ and
Mrs. Russel Ring, Mr. John It
'3loungbluL.., Mina Clara Shultz, Mrs.
liieTon Metnrrty, !qr. and Mrs.
Douglas Vfoung'blut, ,frantford, Mr.
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