HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-10-9, Page 4Established 1877,. 73. ,. RXX, BANKER, EXETER, ONT. Transacts ageneralbankingbusiuess. ethce+rs on favorable terns, of merchants and Offers every accommodation consistent with afeendoonservativebankin gprincipies, Floe per cent interest allowed on deposits.. Draftsissue,lpayabteet any office of the Merchants Bank. NOTES DISCOUNTED, tt MONEY TO LOAN ON NOTES AND MORTGAGES THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1590. \VIio first imposed duties as against Canadian products ? The Untied States, Who abrogated the recipe ocity treaty ? The United States. Who gave notice of the termina- tion of the Washington treaty ? The United States. ZW'iio during the contfnuauce of the treaty, which admitted fish free of duty into the United States, en acted a duty on the cans, in which certain kinds offish were salt in ? The United Staten, Who first enacted whecltrug laws, debarring, Canadians from going iuto American waters to help ves- sels in distress ? The Uulted States. Who made the regulation pre- �eilting Canadian vessels from carrying American produce in transit on the Great Lakes ? The United States. Who passed an alien law which debars Canadians from working in frontier American cities, while re- siding on Canadian soil ? The United States. S ho has had a resolution before them for the past twelve years de- claring the desire of Canadians and the Canadian Government tor re- ciprocity m its natural products? The United States. WO knowingn this, is now pas- siug s- siug abill positively prohibitory of many Canadian products? The United States. .. And who, with nil these facts as plait, bcfr.re them as daylight, dare toll the Canadian Government and the Canadian people that they arc wrong and the United `states right? Our Canadian Commercial Union- iit=. THE BBOT ON TIIE OTHER LEG, Before the McKinley tariff went' into operation great activity was displayed in rushing Canadian stores of bailey, peas, beans, eggs, etc., over the border, and a section of the Reforin press tried to make it appear that all this anxiety was on the part of the Canadian farm- ers, to get rid of their surplus pro- duce in the fear that there would be no chance to sell it in the mar- kets of sixty millions after the Act should be enforced. But according to a despatch from Washington to the Toronto Globe, the boot was mainly on the other leg. It was the American dealers who were specially anxious, because it is they who would have to pay the duty in any case on these import- ed commodities. The despatch says: "The 1 big seed houses in Jefferson County have been doing their best to act in this season's crop of peas and beans before the- new tariff wiped out the larger part of the profit of the busi- ness. For these concerns Canadian peas and beans are a necessity, because the varieties that they cultivate and handle cannot be grown to adythntage in New York State. The soil and ciim• ate on this side of the St Lawrence are not right for the successful growing of the crops that the seeclmen desire to put into their storehouses. The quantity of seed peas and beans grown in Northern New York this year is so small that it is scarcely worth mentioning. The wet weather has spoiled the crops in most localties, and they are put down as almost a total failure. The farmers feel poor, but they are not foolish enough to think that their condition is going to be bettered by the high tariff on Canadian products. In an emerg- ency like this Canadian potatoes should be a great boon to people here if they could get them without paying a duty of 250 o per bushel. The Canadian farriers,' having the advantage of a gravelly previous soil, have not had their crops ruined by wet weather, and avere it not for the exorbitant tariff duties Northern New Yorkers might get their supply from the other Side 'of the St Lawrence •River at reasonable prices, and this without detrimentto the home producer. For several days past Cananian grown potatoes have beau coming across the river at Ogdens- burg, Morristown and Cape Vincent for 4441111111101•12P ‘....MOMMOMMIP use here. The price paid, fur thein by the consumer is from 70c to 80c per bushel. Within a week it is predicted. by the dealers the price will go up to $1 per bushel and perhaps higher People lu'the city of Ogdensburg, and other border towns have been largely depen- dont on their neighbors acrossthe river for certain products used on their tables because the farmers in their own neigh- borhood did not have thein to sell, Canadian eggshave of late years found a ready market, and now that a. duty of fiveceuts per doz is put on them, the consumers are that much out without the slightest benefit to New York pro- ducers, The consumers feel that the McKinley tariff is a little less than rob- bery." So that it is the American con- sumer who is to pay the increased duty on these commodities, 9n his own admrssicn, and not the Canad- ian producer, as Sir Richard Cart- wright and the Globe have been proclaiming. The TIMES has pointed out that if the McKinley Act does not raise the price of the products levied upon in the home market, it can be of no earthly use to the home producer. And, if it does raise the price, and the con- sumer pays the increase, the Can- adian farmer is no worse off than before. It will We found that all the talk of ruin to Canada as the outcome of the new tariff is a mere bugaboo. EDITORIAL NOTES,. The net debt of Canada on Sep tember 3oth was $234, 689, 326—a decrease for that month of $I,87o- 603. At the close ot the fiscal year 1889 the net debt was $237, 530,042, or $2,84o,tess than on the 3oth ult.. The Globe on Monday bad a six column review of the Birchall case, purporting to be statements made to his keepers as to his guilt or innocence. No names were mentioned, and as Birchall has denied every word of it, we must infer that the Globe manu- factured the article as a fake, for the purpose of securiug au increas- ed sale for the paper. The people were badly deceived and censure the Globe severely.. ON Jlonday last the :McKinley Bill went into force. Tire malster of the United States in view of the high duty placed on Canadian bar- ley, which they are forced to use, have been buying and rushing over the border as much of the article as they could secure. Over 7,000,000 bu,llels are reported as haying been shipped across during the past few days. Some 50,000 d zea of eggs were sent from the two cities of Berlin and Guelph, alone in one day. In fact the railways and steamboats bad all they could do to meet the demands of shippers for transport. Canadian eggs in a short tune will be as expensive a luxury to the American as a can- vas -backed duck, and McKinley will receive impolite praise for making the "fruit" a luxury. The barley so far bought for exportation represents about one-third of the entire Canadian crop. THE graziers in Great Britian have never looked with a kindly eye upon the American cattle trade as the effect of it upon their busi- ness has not been beneficial to them ; but, despite their opposition the better sense of the authorities has prevailed, and under a strict quarantine Canadian cattle are admitted on the hoot, while United States cattle, owing to the preval• ence of disease in the American herds, are slaughtered at the port ot entry. The. Americans have striven stror.g l y `'to have this imbar- go removed but without success, and so careful is the British depart- ment of agriculture to guard the native cattle from contamination, that Canadian oattle have been on the point of being excluded also. Twice has Sir Charles Tupper pre- vented this. A few days ago a re- port came from Dundee that a cargo ot Canadian cattle landed there was infected with pleuro- pneumonia, although it is well known to those in authority that the disease does not exist in Can- ada. But at the first hint of such a thing it is natural that the British .Department of Agriculture should take alarm and sef about a speedy. investigation. The result has been that the report is pronounced un- true. There was no disease what- ever discovered in the shipment It would be a great loss to the Dominion's cattle bade if Canadian cattle were excluded from the Brit- ish market. At the first sign of disease in them they will be shut out. Therefore it behooves the Canadian authorities to exercise the utmost vigilance in excluding front Canada the infected cattle of American herds. Any relaxation o£ aigilance' now dtiserve d` would be disastrous to a great and grow- ing industry. REVENUE AND E PENDT- TUBE• l A BIIRPLIIB or 1•MAIMY $4;000,000—Ds- casAsE iN 'YES NATIONAL h:EDT, Ottawa, Qet. 5. -,.The returns of revenue and expenditure on account of the Dom- inion consolidated fund for the first quarter of the fiscal year are of a most satisfactory character, The figures were made up by the officials of the l+•inance Department. yesterday, and are as follows ; REVENUE. Customs ,.. • , ..,...... . ...,.$2.211,746 Excise • •., ,,, 529.493 Post office 169.000 Public works, including railways 323.048 Miscellaneous ,.-.., .. , „•73,213 $3,302,502 Revehlue to31st.August _,,._., ., 0.520.691 Total for three months 50.823193 Expenditure for September 1,697,952 Expenditure for 31st August 4274,434. Total for three months-- „„ •.....95.972,046 Surplus , .. . , „ . 3 e56,C97 The revenue for the corresponding period last year was $9,909,691, and the expenditure $5,545,086. The pet debt of Canada on Sept 30 was $234,590,326, a decrease in the month of $1,870,603. The expenditure on capital aeeeunt for the three mouths was $1,061, 536. SALE REGISTER. Saturday, Oct 11, Earns, Farm Sto*K, the property of Mrs Wad)tn, lot 11, con 4, Us - borne. H. Brown, auctioneer: Tuesday, 00.14 --Farm, farru stook and implements, on lot 27, eon, G, township of Hay. EL Brown Allot. Monday, Oct, 13, -Farm stack and im- plemeuts, the property of 11'y, Collins, Lot 2, Con. 2, Hay t'p, Sale at 1 o'clock. 11'y Exanitn, Anot, FRIDAY, OCT. 17 -Farm stock, iinple- ,lueets, etc., the property at Thos, Taylor, lot 26, S. B. Stephen, Sale at one o'aloelc H Ilber Auc, Friday Oct, 10th---k'arm, farm stock, implements, oto„ the property of john Pedlar and Tobias Wertz, lot 4, con 11, McGillivray. Sale at one o'clock. Henry Either, Auctioneer. Wednesday 00.15, farm stook, imple- ments, etc., the property of Geo, Weir, lot 11; con 1, Osborne. Sale at one o'clock, U. Either Anet. RLNnLE-ln Exeter, on the 29th ult, the wife of Mr Jno Renate, a son. 'MARRIED. HS4sLIP--,WRITE--In St Marys. on tUo let inet, by the Bev M P Campboll, llfar y L White, of St Marys, to Win Heaslip, of Seoloy's Bay, both Salvationists. COLLINS--uius-In Parkhill, on Sept. 24, by Bev. Mr. Matins, Mr, Stephen Colline, of Strathruy, to Ceporona, daughter of Abraham Gray, of Parkhill. AnnAv HoxLEx-On Oct tat, at the resi- dence of the late L E Shipley, by the Rev R Wilson, Albert Abray, ot Denfield. to Mies Mettle Restos, of Lobo. MCPnirara-Coolc--On the 1st inst, at St Peter's Cathedral, by the Rev M J Tier. man, P P, William Alol'hilips, formerly of Exeter, to Jonnle, daughter of Philip Coo];, Esq, both of London. FLOcii-BnoDzniclt---On 30th Sept., by the Rev. Lo Boy Hooker, at the Metropolitan church, in Torouto,Edward W. M. Flock, of Laudon, barrister -at -law, to May. youngest daughter of John W, Broderick, Esq , of Toronto. HARTER-FLEMING-At the residence of filo bride's areutsbytile Rev J Edge, R P on Sept 5th, Mr Nicholas Harper, of Clinton, to Mise Minnie Fleming, daugh- ter of Thos Fleiniug, of Goderieb town- ship DIED. BEnrE.r-Tu Hibbert, on the let inst, Jane Bearden, aged 25 years, 7 months and 13 days-. MoDEL..i D.—In Tuciceramith,on Thursday, ta Sept. 25th, 1890, Martha Trneman, wife of John •lfodeland, aged 05 years, and 5 months. Wilson's Wild Cherry has been prepared by Archdale Wilson & Co Wholesale Druggists, of Hamilton, for nearly twenty years, for the cure of Coughs. Colts, Croup. etc. 1 t has no equal. Take no substitute but get the genuine with white wrappers. THE BALTIMOne POST OffioE-I dont care who is appointed to the Baltimore post office, said General Johns•in to the Presi- dent but I do insist that my cook use Imperiel Cream Tartar Baking Powder. I am done with powder containing alum and ammonia. Mr Wm. Hence, owner of the lake and swamp, better known as the Benwell swamp has posted notice this week forbidding any trespassing on the premises in the way of hunting or trapping. The Dominion Government has just refunded about $1,000 to persons from whom registered lettere were stolen about a Year ago by the mail clerks of Ottawa dis- trict. Frank Wilkinson, grain buyer at Hamilton; says : "1 used several medicines and found no relief until I tried Wilson's Compound Syrup, Wild Cherry." Less than one bottle cured him of a long standing and.-bainful cough, .with. tightness of chest and, short breath, Sold by all druggists. If the "pictures"of witnesses, lawyers,&o, published by the Globe during the Birchall trial looked anything like the parties whose names appear under them, the jury bhould have hanged more than one mac. Ttie cots must have been ripped out with a buzz saw or hooked out with a curry comb. The orignale might be profitably placed in some chamber of horrors. THE OLD RELIABLE—In these days of humbug it is a relief to hear of something that can be depended upon. Wilson's Wild Cherry has., been tested se a remedy for the cure of all diseases,of the throat, Chest and Lungs, for nearly twenty years, with such success as to earn for itself the title of the Old Reliable ours for coughs. colds, croup, Asthma, Bronchitis and other affections of the respiratory system. See that you get thegonuine, in white wrappers. Sold by Al druggists. Richard Nesbit, of Peitb e'ouuty, who was sent to Gederich tor trial by Alexander Bunter, of Brussels,ou a charge of larceny, and was convicted on September 18th, was sentenced by Judge Tome to five' years in the Provincial penitentiary at Kingston. Wm McDougall, of Hallett, who was also convicted of larceny at the same time, re- ceived the same sentence.' Chief Gill, of Exeter, accompany the prisoners to King ston to -day,. will positively Dare sick headache and prevent its return. Carter's Little Liver , Pills. This is not talk, but truth., One pill a dose. See advertisement. Small pill ` small dose, small price. THE G. T. R. .4xND 0. P. R. A COMDINATION ON' INTJIESSTS BETWEEN Tirsia* TWO eaEttr LINES ROSSIBLE, Montreal, Clot 3, 1890; -From time to time rumors have gone forth that negota- tions were on foot between the Grand. Trunk and Canadiau Pacific Railways looking to a union of those two great trunk. lines -or, if not a union, at least to closer relations, and perhaps, a pooling of re- r,'ipts, Is there anything in it? is the question an interested public has asked. Thus far there apparently has not, but ouce more the attention of the nubile is conspicuously drawn to these roads, and the knowing ones assert that this time some united move is contemplated. The prolouged visit of Sir Joseph Tyler; his visit to the Northwest, and the proposed hostile legislation threatened by the United States towards those two gi eat roads, give rise to various rumors, and the question is again asked, " What will be the result? Will they oontiuue to protect their mutual interests?" Time will tell; but in the. meantime, there is one natter upon which those connected with these great railways unanimously agree, timely, tbat Nasal Balm is the only comedy for the effectual cure of cold in the head and eatarra 1, in all forms and stages. The following testimony from two well known omoials of these lines, bear out this assertiop. Are J D Kennedy, G T R agent at Brockville ,says: A. shod reatment with Niisal balm radically re.. moved all tracee of my catarrh, The pre. peration is pleasant and easy to use, and gives immediate and permanent relief. Ur Gordon Starr, 0 P li mut at Brook- ville, Bay*: For Roma years I was troubled with a severe oase of catarrh, and was sel- dom free from catarrhal headache, I tried many reniodies, but without avail, I pro- cured a bottle of Nasal Balm, and in less than a week my headaches had dissappoar- ed, together with all other symptoms of catarrh, I believe teasel Balm is a boon to all sufir ring from this terrible malady. Every sufferer from cold in the bead or catarrh should at once procure n bottle of Nasal Balm. No other remedy can possibly take its piece. For sale by all dealers, or seat postpaid, on receipt of price (50a, small size, and $1 large size bottlee)by ad- dressiug Fuaroen c$ co, Brock vide, Out. Tau Paori.e's "IsraRE--People make a sad mistake often with serious results when they uegleot a constipated condition of the bowels. Knowing that Burdock Blood Bitters is an effectual cute at any stage of constipation, does not wanton, us Ill neg. ?eating to use it at the right time. Ueo it now. STnevem,--On or about the 20th of .August last, from the premises of the undersigned, Lot 17, Concession 4, Stephen, 1 ram, 1 wether, 3 ewes and°l lamb, mark ed. with the letter "T" in red across the hips. Any person giving information which will lead to their recovery will bo suitably rewarded ; and any person or persons found unlawfully harboring them will be proceeded against according to law. CHAS. Box, Sept 22, 1890 Exeter P.O. THE QUEEN PAYS ALL EXPENSES The Queen's last "Free trip to Europe" hav- ing excited such universal interest, tbo pub- lishers of that popular magazine offer another and •200 extra for expenses, to rho person sending them the largest list of English words constructed from letters (metal tied in the three words "British North America." Additional prizes consisting of Silver l.'oa Sets. China Dinner Sets, liold 11'atoll es.,.Fret:eh Music Boxes Portiere Curtains, Silk Dresses, JSautol Clocks, and many other useful and valuable articles will else be awarded in order of merit. A special prize of a Seal Shin Jacket to the lady, and a handsome Shetland Pony to girl or boy eleiivered. free in Cunnda or Lni, ed States) sending the largest lists. Everyoue sending a list of not less than twenty words willreceire a present fond four 3o stamps for complete rules, illustratea catalogue of prizes, and sam- ple number ofTho Queen. Athdresi TEECANA- DIA\ Queue, Toronto, Canada. NA7 ELL DIGGING. -•Mil. TIIOS. SMALE is prepared to dig wells at 50 cents per foot for 15 feet; 25 omits on every additional ten feet, to sixty foot if required -- bricking and baring included. Tilos. SMALE, IsliinvilleP.O. OTIC CARRIAGE AND wagon makers' stand for sale or to rent, situated in the vi nage of Cromarty owned by the late W. F. Johnston. being a shop and house combined, Theshop to be rented with or without the house. including one half acre of land to be rented if the house is. or the shop. house, and one quarter of an acro of land to be sold. also a quantity of oak and other kinds of lumber and wagon makers stock and tools, and several colonies of bees to be disposed of. Particulars will be furnished by the execut- ors on application. Thomas Stacey Esccutora. Donald Park olm .Cromarty, P. 0. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of Robt Bos- well. late of the town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the pro- visions of the revised statutes of Ontario, Chapter 110,sec 36, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of Robert Boswell, late of the town of Goderich , in the County of Huron, deceased: who died on or about the 14th day of April, A, D., 1889, at the said town of Goderich, are hereby tequired to deliver or send by postrepaid, to George Buchanan or to one Robt Johnson, at Zurich, P. 0., Ont. Executors of the said deceased. or to the undersigned ad solici ter for the said d >Jx eeutors, en or before thet firs day of Decemb- er, 1890. their ohristian and surnames ad- dresses and descriptions, the full partioulars of their accounts or claims and tb,e value of the securities (if any) held bythem. And further take notice tat after the said lstday of December, 1809, the Executors of the said deceased, Robert Boswell, will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto,hav- ing regard only to such claims of which they then will have had notice, and that they will not be responsible for the said assets or any person or persons of, whose claim or o'aims they shall not then have had notice. 11. 11 COLLINS, Exeter, Ont. Solicitor for the said Executors. Dated this 9th day of Oot.1890.' N 0.1'ICE TO CREDITORS. the matt r of l In a William Sini psoil and James Simpsondoing business together in partnership, as farmers in the Town- ship of Stephen 1n the County of Huron, Insolvents. Notice is herehy given that the above named wil!ialu Simpson. and James Simspon have made an assignment to me of all their. Estate. and Effects pursuant to R.S.' 0., 1887, Cap. 124. A meeting of creditors will be held at my of- fice Main Street, in the town of Parkhill, in the County of Middlesex on. Saturday, 4th Oc- tober. 1890, ctober.1890, at 2 o'clock p m, for the appoint- ment of Inspectors and the giving of directions for the disposal of the Estate. Creditors are required to file their claims against the said Estato with: me duly verified, on or before the clay of such meeting. After the 4th day of Sepolnkier,1890, Isbell Proceed pro to distribute the said Estate having re- gard only to such claims of which I shall have notice and I shall:not be responsible for the assets of said Estate or any pert thereof to any person whose claim shell not be flied- T. L..ROGERS, Assignee• ISENNETII (7{oonnAN, Solicitor for Assignee. Dated atParkhill, this 17th day of September 1891. FARME-Fi BROS. Wholesale and Retail GROCERS WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANTS. STAR GROCERY MAIN-S.T. - EXETER. NEW Mchant Railer 1 MR. J. H. GRIEVE, (Late Cutter for R. Pickard) has opened out a stock of CANADIAN Imported Tweeds, SUITINGS, French::-: Worsted COATINGS, and all the new- est things in PANTINGS, made up in the Latest Style —AND— A good fit Guaranteed or no sale, Special attention given to Ladies' JACKET and MANTLE Making STAND ; Ono doer North of E. Fish's Barber Shop. THE BEST COUGH MEDICINE. , ,M SOLD BY D&UQGISTS EOE27WI EHE. •., .ri•-.. ..r.. SALESME N WANTED Ilaving done business in Canada for the past 30 years,oerrePutation and responsibility is well known. Wo pay salary and expenses from the start, if everything is sati.st,tetury, No previous experience required. Write us for terms, which are very liberal, before engaging with any other firm. References -llrad-treet's or Dun Wiman .h Co's Commercial Agencies, well known to business mei, ; or Standard Bank, Colborne. Ont, CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY, Nunsneesssx, COL130RNE, ONT. EMOVED DAVIDSON BItOS., Builders and Contra° orshavo removed to Swallow's old stand, cor- ner Main and Gidtoy streets and aro prepared to soli. Doors, Sash and Blinds and moulding cheaper than any other firm in town, Build- ings contracted for, Plans. Specifications and Estimattosfurnished if required_ All work done with neatness and despatch and satisfac- ion given. Seasoned Lumber alwayson hand Davidson Bros., WM. DAVIDSON. JOHN DAVIDSON Eyes Tested FREE -�-•� —BY-- A. S 1VIURRAY. Practical Optician, Graduate Optic School N•Y Eyes tested ; defective sight restoredby the aid offine glasses. Large assortment of tin finestglasseson hand. A callsolicited- A 6. MTTRRA'Y, 160 D•II•ND .S -ST London. NOTICE. .fl Fresh amd ,New STOCK OF GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY Jnet arrived at the family Grocery, Also Pure Extracts and Spices. A. beautiful piece of glass— ware given away with one Ib. Mayell's Baking Powder. Dashwood Roller Flour for sale. Call and examine our goods before pur: phasing elsewhere. G. A. HYNDMAN. Yoti - cd( Always buy Cheap at Doupe's Kirkton. sr.♦ 4 Good Cotton 4c. per yard up. Shirtings 7c. 1' s7 Dress Goods 5c. '7 Good Teas 250. per pound. Choice Japan 35c.,,�,' Best English Breakfast 50c. First-class Boots for Men, Women and Children, cheap. Lots 'of new:, goods' for early fall trade; cheaper than ever. Highest price for Butter, and Eggs. g gg DOUPE trz CO. - Kirkton FRED W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En - G ETC„ OSA),iTpstairs,Sanowoll's Block, Exeter, Ont SAJL ESMEt N 'W'ANTmeee. Good Salary and Expenses, or Commission paid to the right men. I want:men 25 to 50. years of ago to sell a full line of test class Nursery Stock. All stook guaranteed. Apply at omen staG L.BOQTIIi3Y r ltoohoster,N, Y Wanted. MEN, local or traveiling,to sell my guar- anteed NURSERY STOCIC Salary or Com- mission, paid weekly Outfit free. Special attention given to biginners. Workers never fail to make good weekly wages. Write me at once for'articulars• E. 0, GRAHAM, NURSERYMEN, (This house Is reliable), Toronto, Ont, COQ. 414.6444. One',oar South, , of Post ()Mee ---HE HAS— It NEM ANP COMPLF`.Cil: •STOCK OF Boots & Shoes, Sewed work a speciality. Repairing protnptlyattended to. GEO. MANSON, INTEROOLON TALL RAILWAY OF CANADA, The directroute between the West and al. paruts on the Lower St. nawrouce and Bate dee Chalour, Province of Quebec ; also for Now Brunewick ,Nova Scotta,Prone e'Ed yard CapeBrotonlsleude, and New0oundean (land 5t. Pierre, Express trains leave Moutreel and Halifax dahly (tlundays excepted) and run through ?iwitbonicoutotemsa between thee° poiutstn 30 . The through oxprose train care of tholn- teroolontal Railway are brilliant] l.chted, bcomot