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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-06-06, Page 8
1 "MI a 'Pox: Diefeataker +Enver ent° i SUPPORT ELSTON CARDIFF On Monday, June 10 Phone 204 FO l.: l'RANSP TATION TO THE LOLLS For Convenience of Goderich and District Electors, rogressive Conservative !: eadquarters are located a 27 WEST STREET Inserted by (the former Textile Shop) uron PC Association, Federal Riding FA OD : A RICH I ' SST News Kingsbridge .TG&R GE, Jaane a--Oo n- graklot' in s to Mr. and -Mrs. Gerald Gam t tua' (nee Aires° Millar) whom marriage took place on Saturday, June 1st, at St.- t onift- ee Chump, Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Halloran and three children, of Buffalo, spent the week -end with the Ed: Gilmour family after attending her bro- ther's wedding. Miss Catherine Kinney anxI Miss Elizabeth O'Keefe, of Detroit, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. Frank Dalton. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lambertus, Mrs. Edwin Meyer and Mrs. Dennis ,f alton attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Jos. Lamhertus, at Walk- erton, during the past ween. 'Mr. and Mrs. Don Frayne, Peter and Margaret are spending a few days with relatives in St. Cath- arines. Mr. and Mrs. Art Ritter and Mr .and Mrs. Peter Vogt, of De- troit, visited at the Frank Sullivan home' over the 'week -end. We are pleased - to •, have the Seminarians at Huronia Summer School back amongst us again, for the summer months, accompanied by Brother Pat. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garvey and son, Michael, of Toronto, spent the week -end at their home here. Mrs. R. Miltenberg and children motored to Sudbury recently to visit with her sister there. Mrs. Walter Clare is spending a Brt v7esti(,s ute your future in ©v it2tOccurB today A special RCAF (..freer Counsellor is in tow'il right now to explain new car(t•r opportunities in our growing Air )force. Corne in and tai.i it over. GODE$,I TWN HALL Thine; 3 F.M.— P.M.P� WE ., JUNE 12 • a • a a� a • •• a few days with ;Ae Ryan family zrt Gateslley. Mr. and Mrs. Len'Woodley axtd Darlene, of Toronto, and Mr. and 'Mrs. Ambrose Hartman and Shir- ley, hinley, of Kitehener, were week -end guests at the home of lMr•. and Mrs. Glifto Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Jaek ritZgemla and family, of Stratford, and Joseph ,Mailrpity, of Gravenhurs.t, visited. at the home of Mrs. P. Murphy. Mr. WalterKelly and Gerald Las - saline, of London, 'were visitors at the Joan Kelly home. t'Riisss Mary Sheridan, of Toronto, visited at the home of Mrs. M. Sheridan and lMr. Arnold MarSinan, of London, at the R. Miltenberg home. Congratulations to Mr. and Dirs. Gerald Walters on the birth of a -son, Paul Joseph, recently in Wing - ham hospital. Rev. Cyril O'Keefe, S.J., of Tor- onto, visited with bis mother, Mrs. Con. O'Keefe, and the Jos. O'Keefe family over the week -end. Miss Margaret Foley, of Strath- roy, spent the week -end withrela- tives here. Rev. H. Van Vynckt, Mrs. M. Lierman, Peter and Diane attended the opening pilgrimage of the 1957 season at Grotto of Lourdes in Langton parish on Sunday, June 2nd, and preached at the lenth anniversary services. Over 20,000 people have visited this Shrine since its erection by Father Van Vynckt. during his pastorate in Langton. The guest book register shows many corning from all parts of Canada, and many from New York State and other parts of the United States. o -.-----o- - 0 Good Response Goderich stores participat- ing in the staging of bargain days last Thursday, Friday and Saturday report a good re- spansc. Thursday saw more people in town than usual and there was a large crowd Friday night. Rain on Saturdey cut down on the expecte:i number (f shoppers for this day. By strange coincidence, it rained � . on the. last day of bat �atn days last spring, too. Last spring, bargain days were on April 26. 27 and 28, earlier than they were this year.. a (> Miss Josie Saunders returned at the week -end from a visit with relative, end friends in Toronto. rai • ;rpt•.1�''' trr.yr7�F,;r.%~tetfi,rs�;rr, .fiMfi r; MONAR LUCERNE CONVERTIBLES 3R®pRilE�A.r 11 ORD SJJNLINER CONVERTIBLES 1st PRIZES. Ford Skyliner "Hide -Away" Hard- top—most exciting new car on earth! All the snug protection of a hardtop plus the sun -loving fun of convertible. Another automotive first from Ford. CONTEST RULES 1. All entries must he submitted on official "Sales Jamboree" entry forms. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. "Sales Jamboree" entry forma are ob- tainable only from your local Ford - Monarch Dealer. Complete this statement in 50 words or Tess: 1 would like to own and drive the new kind of Ford because— —,---- —" To be eligible, your "Sales Jamboree" entry must be signed by your Ford - Monarch Dealer or one of his salesmen. Entries must he deposited in the official "Sales Jamboree" contest entry box at your Ford -Monarch Dealer's. Any person resident in Canada and pos- sessing a current driver's license is eli- gible, with the exception of employees of Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, its dealers, its advertising agencies and their families. See your FORD -MONARCH DEALER ENTER THIS SENSATIONAL CONTEST! There's nothing to buy! 15 glamor- ous prizes will be awarded during the big. Ford -Monarch "Sales Jam- boree" June 10th -August 17th. At the end of every second week a winner will be selected from each of these areas: The fdur Western Provinces and Lakehead area— Ontario—Quebec, Maritimes and Newfoundland! For ten wonderful weeks we're.holdingc,, a big "Sales Jamboree". At the end of every second week we'll be awarding. three fabulous prizes-- a Ford Skyliner "Hide -Away" Hardtop, a Monarch Lucerne Convertibly and a Ford Sun - liner Convertible! Just think of it, there are 15 glamorous new cars wait- ing to be won—and you could be a winner! Get the full details from your Ford -Monarch dealer. The glamorous Skyliner is a mile- stone in automotive design—the top car in the Ford line—but every Ford model from Thunderbird to Station Wagon and from Custom to Fairlane 500 is just as outstanding in its field. Monarch too, is the success car in its field. Fired with the spirit of the future, the all-new Monarch is 'way up in size and, with its imaginative styling, is the surprise car of the year. If you want to own the leaders ... in performance and preference ... in style and stamina ... in sheer glamour and newness ...go Ford or Monarch! a Phr 2nd PRIZES Montirch Lucerne Convertible ---fired with the tvpirit of the future. Surprise, car of the year --success car in Its held! 3rd PRIZES Ford Sunliner Convertible— this sculptured -in -steel beauty is long, low, and loaded with GO! Volt get ;the greatest deals in town during the FORD -MONARCH SALES JAMBOREE! c:CCERICH MOTORS LTD. 3 PORD4VIONA , l 04144ES AND SERVICE South Street Hunt Named Heac�SAFE1 If FOR ALL scHooLs LTERATUR@ ON WATER Literature on the Red Gross ,Of aOf Deanery er WA StWrcha stythServices was td us- aouonaTuesdea ofd by John Ander- son of the Red rsaLondon A Spring (meeting of the Dean- ery Chapter and the Woman's Aux- iliary was held in. St. George's "Anglican Church on Wednesday of last week, -with representatives pre- sent from the branches in Huron Deanery. During the morning session the speakers were Oars. A. C. Calder, diocesan. president, and Mrs. R. M. 1 yeekes, convener of deaneries. Luncheon was served y the Mem- bers of St. George's W.A., Annual reports were given and the new slate of oncers presented. Rev. K. E. Taylor installed the'new executive as follows: honorary presidents, llirs. H. Thompson, Clinton, and Mrs. R. H.F. Gairdner, Bayfield; president, ,1Mrs. F.' Hunt,. Goderich; 1st vice-preside/It, Mrs. F. E. Jewell, Brussels; 2nd vice- president, (Mrs. Wm. Middleton, Exeter; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. J. B. Higgins, Bayfield; Dorcas secre- tary, Mrs. E. Armitage, Wingham; educational secretary, Mrs. Frank Russell, Corrie; girls' secretary, - Mrs. D. Wilson, Goderich; juniors' secretary, Mrs. R. N. Knox, Exeter; Little Helpers' secretary, Mrs. W. Middleton, Exeter; life menvbers' secretary, Miss J. Woodcock, Blyth; prayer partner convener, Mrs. C. S. Inder, Clinton; candidates' sec- retary, Miss D, Parke, Seaforth; social service secretary, Mrs. D. J. Allan, Goderich. The special speaker of the day, Rev. Canon A. H. Davis, of Toronto, field .secretary of the M.S.C.C., gave are illustrated address on his re- DUNGANNON DUNGANNON, June 4. — Miss Sandra, Finnigan, who was ill at Goderich hospital, has improved considerably and was able to be removed to her home for conval- escence. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Pentland, Pamela and Robert, of Detroit, spent the week -end at their farm home on the 6th concession of Ashfield. Visiting with them were iMrs. Pentland's parents, Rev. W. Taylor, and Mrs. Taylor, of Dor- chester. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Pocock and two little sons, of Holmesville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glenn on Sunday. Mrs. Donald Glenn is spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Gordon Watson, Oakville, where a little girl, Suzanne, has arrived in their home. Speaks At Convention. — Jim Reed, top winner in the Inter -Pro- vincial Oratorical Contest for boys, was invited to repeat his winning speech, "Hungary and Her Chal- lenge," given at Gravenhurst some weeks ago. His repeat perform- ance was given at the Lions Club's ' Ontario Convention at Peter- . borough. The girl winner,. .1-deif.b 1. Little, of Schumacher, also -`e her address. The speeches were repeated later at- Memorial Centre far the Men's Business session and ton Tuesday for the ladies' lunch - on. Attending with Jim were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Reed, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blake. Mr. Blake was a delegate from the Lucknow Lions Club. While at Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Blake dropped --in for a sherteaaisili Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McArthur, Lindsay, former Dupgannonites, whO had a hardware store and undertaking business a few years ago. It is interesting to know their family are Valerie, 19; Bruce, 17; Karen and Sandra, 9. The W.I.—The Dunganno-n Wo- men's Institute meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Lorne Hasty on Thursday evening with 30 mem- bers, five visitors and one child present. Mrs. Errington opened the meeting. One minute's silence was observed in memory of a de- ceased member. The roll call was to name a -flower by the first initial of your first name. Mrs. Raymond Finnigan was elected press reporter to fill vacancy owing to the death of Mrs. Stotherse; -Re- ports were given by [Mrs. Otto Popp on the secretaries' conference held at Guelph, and a report of the dis- trict annual held at Benmiller was given by Mrs. Lorne Ivers. The county project, rug making, was voted down. A very well -given topic on "Flowers was delivered by Mrs. Wilbur Brown, with cern- plimentary remarksfrom Mrs. Er- rington. The Queen and lunch brought the meeting to a close.. r; C ONE HAND' CONTROL with new MERCURY MARK 10 10 peps One- havtO Control Speed -r - Troll Lever Throttle and shift are on the tiller' Spo d -r - Troll Lever lets you range from super slow (rolling to cruising speeds (;1 ide- Angie de- sign is truly weedless. M1 RCURY offers widest choice of power on° the water! — SEE YOUR DEALER — W. MacDonald electric Co. Ltd. 133 Ori*annie Rd. W. Phone? 235 23, 25 cent visit to 'India. During a social half hour, lunch was served lay members of the W.A. and the Girls' Auxiliary. o Q 0 Personals Mrs. Duncan :MacDonald and daughter; Diane, of Flint, Mich., spent the week -end -at their cottage at Bogie's Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Macauley, of Toronto," were week -end guests with Mrs. W. Macauley. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. Jenkins, of Londono` spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Breckenridge and attended the Baun-Culbert wedding on, Friday evening. •••••••••••••••••••N••A Lakeview 'Casino GRAND BEND DANCING • SATURDAYS THE NEW BENTLEY-GARDINER ORCHESTRA featuring Trumpets, Oboe, and DALT. WALPOLE on the Hammond Organ. -23-24 •O••••••••N•••••N••••• Pointing out that there were 416 T ' V.JR wW, amw 6th, 11 &ow ings i ir, Ontario in 1956, the literature urges choosing a safe sw nuti i , . and Woo 'tell: boa^r to apply artOleial respiration in ease of drownings. Rural schools who wish the Liter- ature sent to then free of charge aro asked to wurite to John Ander- son, Red Criss, London. '11� 1 • k –11111Ir " Awing =r,11111,-1 Mr 411:1•1/1.:tr i v"'w i/ve +'0M t11. `1. IoM 1 Mt, If►" t / ■ ■ N ► 1 �■�. r_ t L � +t # c ,1nt�'i R 1. line 11\3101.10110 1 a u i. T j � 4 GRADUATE PQe U WEP-/s�iVE IT �iTt / WiLiv AND DSOVtDU 144411T? VOLL S y'll'r SHE p•�Y; 7't7 55Ho APPLIANCE S Branch Agent for CNR Money Orders a L'4otc APPLIANCES 2/.,FRIGI DAtRE .$e41e,c,„ FOR VALES' d SERV/CE GODERICH vwtlw5QUARE ••124o...4586 SAVE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS DURING THESE GREAT June ;:x::: s :::moi%:>ti%>:}:%:•x::;: :r>::: ^.tom: !. •},.%{.}}.-.vim ::..:..::::.:.}• ......~'rr�,;iT{:•.w.• • •j$:.;• . it..:..rn},ir�:fi:;:{:Y:$.;}:•'ti v:v;:..: ti ~til Jam: ily:•tit:: ~ •: {:`:•_ SMY. f . !. V J .. \ �• ::: {. f : V{.till{:_.'... DEEP CUT TOMA 'SOUP CAKE MI CORN K &P PEAS J NE IS Canadian Cheddar Reg. Price 53c—SAVE 6c OLD CHEESE r lb 47c Ontario MILD CHEFS„ . Ib 4,-c � r • Black Diamond, Finest. Matured CHEDDAR CHEESE Ib 67c Jubilee - CHEESE SLICES ELSIE ROLL 8 -oz pkg 27C 8 -oz roll 31C S!ECI ES! Aylmer Reg. Price, 2 tins 25c SAVE 5c ,Pillsbury Orange Reg: Price 35c SAVE 6c Quaker Reg. Price pkg SAVE 5c at A&P i1 -oz tins 5, 17ozpkg29 c 25c 12 -oz pkgs C' Choice Quality Reg. Price 2 tins 31c SAVE 13c 15 -oz tins t Cherry Hill, Old Wine Cured CHEESl WEDGE 12 oz wedge 59c Pasteurized Skim Milk Cheese. IL N LO ROLL 8. -oz rel s 3 7c K raft CHEEZ WHIZ , . 16 -oz jar 6 5c Swiss GRUYERE (iJ[IE 7a- pkg.3 5 c Kraft Plain VELVEETA - SUPERRIGHT QUAL/7Y MEA TS 8 -oz pkg 3 3 c ROASTS BONELESS POINT SIRLOIN ROAST, BONELESS ROUND STEAK ROAST or BONELESS RUMP ROAST Ib, Lean and Meaty Wheatley Brand Cooked Spare Ribs ib49c Smelts PRODUCE SPECIAL' • California No. 1 Grade, New Crop, Long" White. POTATOES 10 -lb bag 39c NEW LOW PRICE! 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE ib 83, 3-Ibbng2.43 10 -oz pkg 27C BAKERY SPECIALS! Jane Parker Reg. Price 49c—SAVE 4c RAISIN PIE oach45c Jane Parker Giant Rog. Price 59c—SAVE 4c JELLY ROLL each 55 Jrane Park:r Reg. Price pkg 290—SAVE 50 SUGAR COOKIES 2 pkgs 53 c Jane Parker Reg. Price loaf 19c—SAVE 3o RAISIN BREAD 216-oY roavea 3 5 c Prices Effective until Saturday, June tlth, 1957. TNT GitEAT AttAHTt.11 PACIFIC tEA COidtAM LTD.