HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-06-06, Page 6Fe4.,r,,se •i• • •,•• -ne • ONLY 122495 and your old stove The thrift -wise 30" range value that offers many exclusive features found in larger, more expensive models . . . Built-in Clock and Automatic Timer control oven and appliance outlet— automatically • . . 24" Miracle Sealed Oven assure's perfect baking results in any rack pOsition . Full -Circle Controls are simple to read — to operate — to clean . . . Full -width Storage Drawer keeps all your pots and pans in handy reach . . . Fluorescent Platform Light floods control panel so that all the numbers are easily read. DONNYBROOK DONNYBROOK, June 4. -• Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chamney, of Bel - grave, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson and family. • Mrs. Mina Sherridan, of Osilawa, was a week -end guest with her •-eter, Mrs. J. R. Thompson, Mr. Thompson, and Howard. Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney and Mr. and Mrs. S. Chamney and girls were Sunday visitors with Mr. and MTS. Elwin Chamney and daugh- stars. Wingham. « ems Minister Returns AS/201WD, June 3. — A firmer minister of Ashfield and Ripley Presbyterian Churches came back to visit his old charges on Sunday and brought with him a special choir for the occa.sion. Now of Roseville, Michigan, Rev. J. It. MacDonald, preached ser- mons at both of his former Ontario charges. The 18 -voice choir from his Roseville church., provided the music at both Ashfield and Ripley and sang the cantata, "Pardon and Peace." 0— Teaching Staffs Now Complete The teaching staff of Goderich District Collegiate Institute has been brought up to full strength for the 1957-58 school year. Ap- pointment of --Carl Dorland, of Windsor, as teacher of physical education and _social studies was confirmed yesterday. Mr. porlend, who holds a B.Sc. degree from McGill University, has been assistant recreational director at Windsor. The deadline for teacher resig- nations has now passed and all local schools are "set" for next September. There will be no fur- ther ehange.s at Goderich Public School, other than those announced a few weeks ago. At Goderich Separate School, Miss Veronica Terpstra will replace Miss Marilyn Medd when the fall term rolls a round. Opportunity Shop In New Location The Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E., June meeting was held at the home of Miss K. Whateley, Nelson street. Mrs. A. M. Harper, educational secretary, reported that books were sent to the Chapter's adopted school at Lion's Head and outlined her work for the coming year. The Opportunity Shop, which is to be moved in June to the former location of Mr. Reg Bell, East street, was reported by Mrs. R. G. Sanderson. Mrs. H. Bettger told of the help given by the Chapter to another Hungarian family. The second half of the article on Presi- dent Nehru- of. India was read -by= Mrs. J. Hindmarsh, Empire and World Affairs convener. A new menbber, Mrs. J. W. Coates, took t her Affirmation and it was decided to .change the date -of -the eptem- .ber meeting to September 10. 0 0 —o THE G .ER101-I SIGNAL -STAR Personal Mention Elect London • Conference Head Mr. and Mrs. H. Wesley arriSen, jr., and little daughter, Margaret, oif Detroit, visited at the week -end with the former's mother, Mrs. 1.1. Wesley Harrison, sr., and his aunt, ,Mrs. Belle Durfee, at their summer home on Lighthouse street. Dr. and Mrs. John See, of Malton, were guests the past -week with Miss Marjorie Maclie, Victoria street. Mrs. Albert Leitch attended the graduation exercises of the Uni- verstty of Toronto on May 30 when her daughter, Shirley May was a member -in the General Arts Course. Mrs. Harold Brennan is in Ot- tawa and. Montreal this week visit- ing relatives. • Mrs. Florence MacDonald has re- turned after a visit in Detroit with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Hazel Ross, and while there attended the wed- ding of her niece, Florence Ross, to John Harris, all of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. VerneGledhill, Benmiller, were- in Toronto last week to attend the graduation of their niece, Miss Ann Bowden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bowden, of Orillia, from the School of Physical and 'Occupational Ther- apy, University of Toronto. Miss Bowden is leaving for Vancouver where she has obtained a position at the Workmen's Compensation Rahaibilitation Centre. Martin Straughan and John Graf returned last week -end from Indianapolis, where they witnessed the annual 500 -mile auto race. Mr. and ,Mrs. Bert Feagen, Diane and Dale, of Toronto, were week- end visitors at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geoege W. lagan, of Benmiller. While there they also attended the Gillmore - Miller wedding in Zurich on Sat- urday. -4 YACHT CLUB ACTIVE Brimming with ambitious pas, members of Goderich Yacht Club have cleaned up Ship Island in the local harbor and have started con- struction of a 100 -foot floating dock. If the Department of Public Works approves, they hope to con- struct a cable suspension bridge 'between the island and the main- land before the summer is out. A smart, modern clubhouse is plan- ned for the island later. o s0 0 A -classified ad in the Signal - Star brings quick results. est. Harold J. Snell, of Exeter, was on Tuesday elected president ef the London 'Conference of the United Church . He succeeds Rev. A. E. Duffield, of Lambeth. A na- tive of Londesboro, Rev. ItIr. Snell graduated intheology from Queen's in 1936. His .first charge in Huron was at Ethel. After six years there he went to Auburn where he was sta- tioned for four years ,before !going to Exeter. Ilis wife is the former Jean Phurbsteel, of Clinton. 0 Mrs. George Atkey is visiting in Cooksville with her son, Mr. Max Atkey, Mrs. Atkey and family. 111.41.1114011,61161/411114401,1111111106* BROWNIE'S Drive -In limited CLINTON THURS., FRI. JUNE 6-7 "THE LEATHER SAINT" (Color) Paul Douglas, John Derek TWO CARTOONS Box Office Opens at 7.30 p.m. First Show at Dusk. 11 •••••••••••0000011011001110 100111116446611161100649061,0111•401 CHAMPIONSHIP Fiddlers' Contest at HENSALL Friday, Julie -14 8 P.M. For the Free Press Trophy. ADMISSION 75c Hensall Chamber of Commerce -23 •••••••io••••••••••••••••4 ELECTRICAL rips FOR THE HOME '`'You Expect to Spend Most of the Summer at Home. . . Hold Reception On Anniversary Several from this vicinit ed the funeral of the late Mrs. George Thornton, at Bluevale, on Wednesday. Susan, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thomp-son, had the mis- fortune to fall and receive a nasty gash in her head which required several stitches. Among those from this vicinity who enjoyed the bus trip, to De- teeiLue&Aeiete.y, were Mrs. Stoar ChamneY-61irDiane, Messrs. W'm. and Roy Hardy,, Misses Louise, Mary and Sharron Jefferson, Mrs. Edw. Robinson, Jim and Bill and Mrs. John Noble, Dorothy, Ken and Steve No Clutc Semi -Automatic Drive! on the STANDARD "TEN" DON'T WORRY ABOUT INCREASED GASOLINE PRICES! YOU'LL ACTUALLY SPEND LESS ON GAS WITH THIS SUPER -ECONOMY CAR! Standrive Semi -Automatic Transmission makes driving effortless and simple—and you just can:t stall the motor! Standtive is now standard equipment on the Standard "Ten", a ' compact but roomy four door sedan with beautiful two-tone interior. It cruises at 50-60 miles per hour, averages 38-45 miles per gallon and gives thousands of milea of trouble-free motoring. PRICE? ASL 110 W AS $1599" INCLUDING STANDRIVE AND FULL EQUIPMENT STANDARD "TEN" 1iAtiOA*0) VitliitOUARO AND ititiuMPii CARS ARS patODUCII OP ?141 StAMOANO MOTO*. 06. (CANADA) VD. We*, hits tad Service from `60�d,,ll.t.t* $t- .14-4"0, NOL $4315 TRACK SALES and SERVICE AZ DAMS ST. GODBE1011 A family reception was held re- cently at_ the home of IMr. and Mrs. Geiji-ge Jeffrey, of Zurich, on the .occasion of their golden wed- ing anniyensary. They were nar- r'• • 50 years ago at St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Zurich, and have resided in the district ever since. Mrs. Jeffrey's maiden name was Matilda iDenomme. Mr. and Mrs Jeffrey have •six -an Char- ette, of Dashwood; Rita, Mrs. John Barratta, of London; Richard Jef- frey, of Zurich, and Stella, Mrs. Frank Gallow; Muriel, Mrs. Reg. Williamson, and Ellis Jeffrey, all of ('roderich. There are 19 grand• children and 16 great-grandchild- ren. 0 0 -o ASIIFIELD - ASHEIELD, June 3. —Word has been received here of the death of Dr. Duncan MacKenzie, of Banff. He was in his 42nd year and death carne suddenly. He was the son of Donald MacKenzie, who former- ly lived on the 12th concession of Ashfield near Amberley. He has visited his relatives here at dif- ferent times. He is survived by. his wife and two children and one sister. ,Mr. and Mrs. Will MacDonald re- turned on Sunday by plane from their overseas visit with their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Stepben Elliott, in England. They also took an extended trip on the Continent. Miss Mabel MacDonald, of Wind- sor, spent the week -end at her' home. , Mrs. H. T. Edwards, of Goderich, visited with her brother, Roy Mac- Kay, before leaving to take charge of a Red Cross hospital at Burk's DUNGANNON NATIVE Robert,' (Bert) J. Wiggins, re- tired public school -principal, was 'honored at a reception held at Grandview School, Brantford. He originally came from Dungannon and attended Goderich Collegiate. Among those who paid him, tribute was a former pppll, Borden Spears, now city editor of The Toronto Star. o 0 0 ANNOUNCE MINISTER • R. D, Kennedy, who is to be ordained this evening in First Un- ited Church at St. Tholnas, is slat ed to take over the Dungannon - Nile -Port Albert United Church ellAeges, replacing Rev. G.• 1). Watt: The move is effective July 1. Mr. Watt is moving tol'a new charge nt Oalcv111. 0 (Sitting Bill, chief and triedieine man of the Sioux Indians, fled to Canada with about 45,000 members of his tribe tfollowing the massacre of General Custer and his regiment. Five years later a treaty of,sur- render allowed return of the Sioux to the "United States. PLAN PICNIC The June meeting of W.M.S. of Victoria Street LChurch was held at the home of Mrs. Harold Larder, with 14 members present. The president, Mrs. (Frank Wil- son, was in charge of the meeting. Scripture passage was read by Miss Minnie Tubb, and Mrs. Joe Cran- ston offered prayer. The delegates to the Presbyterial in Clinton gave their reports and !Mrs. Harold Lar- der took the chapter in tike study book. It was moved and seconded that the president be sent as a delegate to Alma College. Plans for a picnic for the Baby land and Mission Band were dis,cussed. TIELIRSOAlti, JUNE6th, 1067 VISITOR .FROM Miss Constance Smith, of Rye, England, is visjting her niece, Mrs. Amy Hobbs, and family. Miss Smith Ls at active member of the Women's Institute in her home- land and is keenly interested in the operations of the W.I. in Canada. • r, A large new collection of FORSYT-H SPORT -SHIRTS NECKWEAR Long and short sleeves. A Dozens "to choose from, 3.95 td' 7.95 Gift Dad will appreciate. Priced frpm 1.00 . T00 2.50 FORSYTH and ARROW WHITE SHIRTS Single and cloulA4iii‘i;;;C'sS1 • 5.00 to 7.50 DN/1" think you have to swel- ter', indoors simply because there are no facilities on the porch or terrace for ironing, cooking, eating, seveiliegritaiyIsIg?)me recreation and entertaining. T DO transform the porch or lawn into an outdoor living area by installing handy outlets and cir- cuits for convenient use of ironp. --rocolom-itoble appliances, lamina ,radio, sewing mcichine, etc., THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY GODERICH PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CUFF LINKS and TIE BARS BY FORSYTH A truly handsome gift. Beautifully boxed Cuff Links from STOP ! LO•K! HERE'S THE PERFECT IDEA FOR DAD'S GIFT FOR FATHER'S DAY, JUNE 16 To the farmers k the townships of Giderich, Colborne, Ashfield and West Wawanosh Don't be fooled by Conservative Promises. PLATED FRESH AND SALT WATER LURE $3.00 VALUE ALL THIS FOR ONLY Many other Gifts to choose from including WALLETS, TOBACCO POUCHES, PIPES, L IGHTERS REMINGTON AND SCHICK ELECTRIC SHAVERS AND TIM ALL-NEW "TIMEX" SRLF-WOND WATCHES Goderich - News Stand AND SEE F R YOURSELF They promise "adequate parity". They don't tell you parity means either higher taxation 'for you, inflation with rising ccist of the things you must buy or control of your agricul- ture production. Do you want some Government Inspector to tell you how much grain you may grow or how many cattle,' hogs and hens you may own? They promise you protection. • They don't tell you that Higher tariff, full protection omeank an end to Canadian Trade which under Liberal policy is the highest per capita in the world. You remember what happened in the 30's when under a Conservative Government tariff were raised, conferences wore called. Trode stopped and you couldn't sell products at any price? Do you want to return to conditions as they were then? They promise you tax reduction. But they also promise additional expenditures amounting to more than a billion dollars. You know promises like these mean nothing. You can spend more, you can tax less but you can't do both at the same tine. . Don't be fooled - Don't take a chance. .VOTE LIBERAL In Huron, Elect Andy McLean HAVE A VGIOE ON THE GOVERMENT SIDE. Published by the Huron Liberal Association. 11 u