HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-06-06, Page 5TIEJADAY, NNE 6113, 1957 NEWS OF AUBURN AUBURN, PB+UR1V, JUne 3.—The W.A. o‘4‘ Knox United Church met last Tue8- day evening 'with 50 ladies pre- sent. Mrs. ;: ' rt Craig presided for the devotionaleriod with Mrs. Kenneth McDougal at the piano. Miss Margaret R. Jackson read the Scripture and a poem. ffrs. Charles Straughan led in prayer. Mrs. Bert Craig introduced the guest speaker, Rev. Mr. Watson, of Blyth, who gave a talk and showed color- ed slides of a trip he had taken to Europe last year. Mrs. (Harry Arthur expressed thanks on be- half of the ladies present, Mrs. George Wilkin sang a solo, accom- panied by her sister, Mrs. Harry Worsell, of Goderich. Reports .of Huron Presbytery W.A. meeting at Londesboro were given by Mrs. Ted East and Mrs. Fred Plaetzer. The offering was received by Mrs. William Straughan and Mrs. Her - h rt 10 id e. M. Maurice Dean, took charge of the busi- ness period. The benediction was ,pronounced by Mrs. Been. Lunch was served by the Royal Hearts Group and a social time enjoyed. Lyon—Easom. —Six tall white standards containing white spirea, mauve iris and yellow tulips and mauve and white lilacs along with two large lighted candelabra form- ed a lovely setting for the wedding of Joanne Pearl, elder daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. 'Roy Easom, and Al- bert Joseph Lyon, 'son of Mrs. Joseph Lyon and the late Mr. Lyon, (bf Hullett Township. The wedding took place at Knox United Church, Auburn, on June 1st: Rev. R. S. Hiltz performed the double ring ceremony. Traditional wedding rmusie was played by 'Mrs. Harry Lear, of Londesboro,' who also ac- companied her husband, who was There's scarcely a food item you buy which doesn't make a perfect partner for one or more of Canada's fine dairy pr®ducts — think of bread and you think of butter — think of cake and you think of ice cream. That's why, during June — Dairy month, you are reminded of— Ask for them at your neig ibourhood dealer's. You can DEPEND ON GETTING THE BEST WHEN YOU BUY. THE PRODUCTS OF GODERICII SIGNAL -STAR Z:AG/C TIM and axlioladed to tOy' i1e oom, and a toast tc the ddCiids by Murray Lyon. A telegram of on- grataation3 was read from Xr. and Airs. Stanley Cwf'ord. Par a guest soloist. Before -the service wed ng o Niagara ra Falls, 1 Urn - he -sags "The Lord's Prayer" and ited States and the Thousand LI - during the signing of the register, lands the ode wore a two,Piece "0 Perfect Love," The bride, who duster suit dress • in maypole blue was given in marriage by her f gured terylene with a nubby father, looked charming in a strap. weave linen coat, white accersor'ies less white gown of nylon net and and an orchid corsage. The ! 'roomaa t3 ehantally ` lace with fattedbodice, gift. to the t ride was a lovely a full sweep Skirt over tiers olr cedar client, while the bride gave net ruffles and a ibolerO jacket a Gladstone bag to the groom, who with long lily -point sleeves with gave •his attendants 'billfolds. Mr. seed pearl -trim. Her elbow -length Harvey Wightmnan, of Waterloo, veil was held in place by a sweet- was the photographer. Guests heart nylon -pleated halo, also with were present from Palmerston, Seed pearl trim. She cried a Goderich, Holrnesville, Shelve - white Bible which was topped with speare, Sarnia, Stratford and other a mauve orchid and streamers of points. On their return, Mr. and, small white carnations and brocad- Mrs. Lyon will reside on the ed satin ribbon tails. Miss QViarlene groom's (arm in Hullett Township. Easom, sister of the bride, was The bride is a graduate of the maid of honor and chose a strap- Wingham Hospital and has been less gown of mauve chantilly lace employed for some months at the over matching nylon net, pleated Clinton Hospital. nylon 'bodice styled on diagonal Seek New (p Ii —A meeting of lines with satin bow trim and a widespread interest was held last matching sleeveless bolero with Thursday evening in the Orange stand-up collar. She wore a nylon Hall. Mr. Ralph Munro,, cha.ilrman braided mauve 'iaalo with sequin of the village trustees, called the trim as a headdress and carried meeting to order and the secretary a bouquet of yellow chrysanthe- was Donald Fowler, clerk of the mums. The bridesmaids were village. He explained that several MargueriteLyon, sister of the interested people had expressed groom, Wo wore a gown of pale the desire to see a hall built in the green chantilly lace and nylon village. Mr. William L. Craig was net and matching headdress and elected chairman of the meeting. carried a bouquet of yellow mums, Mr. Harry Sturdy, of Clinton, pre - and Miss Shirley -Hamilton, of Lon- sident of that organization about desboro, who -chase a gown of pale 10 years ago, announced that the yellow and carried mauve mums. old hall board had disbanded and Both gowns were -styled the same as soon as the new officers were as that of the maid of honor. The elected, he would resign. Several attendants all wore white Cora ear- speeches were given by members rings and necklaces,* the gift of of the old hall board and Mrs. the bride. The little flowergirl, Gordon R. Taylor gave the financial Miss Darlene Hanley, of Clinton, report. Mr. Charles Asquith was cousin of the bride, looked lovely named honorary president. A nom - in a yellow nylon net gown with inating committee of Ralph D. lace trim and a headdress of yel- Munro, Dr. B. C. Weir, Harry low roses and carried a nosegay of Sturdy and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor mauve mums and wore a sterling were appointed to select names silver bracelet the gift of the bride. for the site, building and finance She was accompanied by Master committees. These are to be brought Bill Beacom, of Blyth, cousin of to the meeting called for June 17. the groom, who carried the rings This new building 'will be called an • a white satin cushion. The the "Auburn Memorial Community groom was attended by his brother, Hall." It is hoped that a ,,good Murray Lyon, and the ushers were representation of the surrounding Kenneth Ashton, of Blyth, cousin townships will be present on June of the bride, and Douglas ,Hesk, 17 in the Orange Hall when the Londesboro, cousin of the groom. executive of this new project will A reception followed in the church be chosen. dining hall,wiiere the bride's mo- Walkerburn Club.—The Walker - tiler, gowned in a dress of powder burn Club met last Tuesday at the blue lace over nylon taffeta with home of Mrs. Percy Vincent with white accessories and : a cor- 13 members and two visitors pre- sage of pink carnations, received sent. Mrs. James McDougall, pre - the 65 guests. She was assisted sident, was in charge of the pro - by the groom's mother who wore a gown of grey figured terylene and a corsage of -pink and white car- nations The dining hall was-,bea•u- gram. A presentation was made to Mrs. Bob McDougall. The draw was won by Mrs. William Honking. The members quilted a quilt dur- tifully decorated with white be77. ??Iritis..-ineetiag. The next meet - and mauve and white holleySutkleisvg will be held at the home of The luncheon was served by six' Mrs. George Schneider when the girl friends of the bride, Misses! election of officers will 'take place. Rena lVlcClinchey, Christena Cun- ! The hostesses, Mrs. William ningbam, Lila Baer, all of Auburn;1 Hunking, -Mrs. Harvey Hun -king, Miss Violet Cook, Belgrave; Miss Mrs. Lorne Hunking and Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnp, Mary and Eileen Wright, Londesboro, and , Henry Hunking served a delicious Diane. Mrs. Lois Snell, of London. The 1 lunch. Mrs. Alex Krel.e returned last kitchen convener was Mrs. Stewart 1 The A.A.A.—The Auburn Ath- Sunday to her home at Windsor Ament with Mrs. Bert Deer and I letic Association met on Monday after visiting her uncle, Arthur Miss Viola Thompson. A toast to the i evening in the Auburn Public Lib- Youngblut, for two weeks. bride was given by Rev. R. S. Hiltz ( rary. Mr,.r; .illiata J. Craig was Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Radford and The election of officdrs` Mrs. William Radford, of Clinton, k i '_tv,s,ektieated as follows: presi- visited last Sunday with Mr. and dant, William J. Craig; 1st vice- Mrs. Robert 1- Phillips. president, Duncan MacKay; secre- Sympathy its extended to Mrs. tary-treasurer, Harry Arthur. The Roy Daer on the sudden passing of Custom Spraying association plans to sponsor a pee her brother, Mr. Wilfred Broad - wee hardball team this year. A hagen, of Mitchell, in his 35th year. bee to clean up the ball field on Surviving besides his, wife are four Saturday, June 8, at 1 o'clock is small children. Mr. and Mrs. Daer planned. Everyone is urged to and family attended the funeral help and encourage the boys. Mr. last Tuesday. W. J. Craig and Nelson Patterson Watta Cow! — A cow- frQ , q will be the manager and condi of herd of Nielson PaIterson, gidin; 4fr, and Mrs. Mama, Fowler and Mrs. Olive C ib xti o te- ln, Mr. AlbCamPbell sPekt last week -end an a Thomas Q5 guest a>tff 'hl1iasate�Mrs. �A�jl- d l 31r.. bel and family. (M$•. • Alfred Nesbitt visited last wwveck-end with Mrs. F. C. Nesbitt, of lrindale. Mrs. William Cavalier, of London, is visiting her father, William Campbell, and brother, Albert Campbell this week. Friends Isere of Mrs. William Riddell of Le Rivere, Manitoba, wish her a speedy recovery in Win- nipeg Hospital where she is cop- valescing after surgery. Congratulations to Rev. Brea de Vries, rector of St. Mark's An- glican Church, who was ordained into the priesthood for the iooese of Huron last Thursday. Mr. 'and Mrs. Fordyce Clark, Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt, Mrs. Larry Glasgow, Brus- sels, Mrs. de Vries, Peter de Vries and (Mrs. Vogel, of Blyth, all at- tended the ceremony held in St. Paul's Cathedral, London. Mrs. Maitland Allen was a guest recently at the Tyndall -Wilson wed- ding at Clinton. Miss Ruth Million has completed her studies at Teacher's College, Stratford, and is visiting a few clays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Milian. 'Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacKay, Barbara and Johnny, spent last week --end in London with Mr. and Mrs. John Weir, Joan and Bobby. Mrs. Donald Haines, Mrs. Wil- fred Sanderson and Mrs. Fred Ross attended last Friday the Presbyterial Executive of the W.M.S.- at Clinton. Mr. Roy Finnigan has secured a position at Rouse's garage, Goderich. iMrs. Wes. Bradnock was guest last Friday evening of the C.G.I.T. Mother and Daughter banquet held at Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, where she took part in the -affiliation service, Miss Frances Houston, R.N., of London, visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Houston, last week -end. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Campbell, of Ottawa, visited last week with his father, William Campbell, Mr. Albert Campbell and other friends. Miss Vera Jane Craig, of Ilder- ton, is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where she under- went surgery for removal of ap- pendix. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Craig visited in Ilderton and, Lon- don on Sunday and called on their granddaughter. Master Jeff Craig returned home with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rathwell and Miehael John, . of Dresden,. spent the week -end with herr par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor. Misses Faye and Maryanne Blake, of Brussels, visited last week with their grandparents, Mr. and :Mrs. To Drive Biindfokle Through Local Traffic Do roan thin it is rpowiblc for a man to drive a car around the Square through tra a blindfolded? Dr. Morton Greene, the noted hypnotist,who will appear as the star of HYPNOTIC MARVELS, , the stage show being spotr.sered by the Canadian Legion tranch 109 and being held at the Colicginte Audi- torium on June 7, says. he can do it and will prove it at 7 p.m. on that day. Blindfolded, Dr. Greene will make the trip. around the Square in abrand new 057 Ford product furnished by Goder;eb Motors. The pubbc is invited to witnes,9 this free demonatrataon of mental s .a 1I, The derlinonstration will be u der the supecrvision .of the police department IID. Morton Greene will appear in apemen at 8.50 p.m. after the blindfolded ,lir driving demonstra- tion. In his two-hour show he 18011 prophesy on evtuts to cow sind' give demonstr, ttunP on a twets of hypnotism, The woes** frons 'Hypnotic Mmvelsi will lit used by ih,e Legion to fornialls el roo4 in the new wing of the hospital: d ,dvext semens-_. ) THE HLLPINO HANDS Dquing (the month of Maya s1* parcels were forwarded overwaa, Prod $5,00 donated, to a IA) eause. The devo�tUwii:, wew Jon ohaxge of MHrs. P. Baeedller; Oil; readinggiven by lora. V., , yx and 'Mrs L 3. Jewell, The (monthly gift was presented to Afro. B ler, Mrs. yncb a nning a wee; one. i. social our was else after each meeting. AX POLISH LEANER CARNAUBA WAX SILICONE :BASE )a•00000s011100411104101111110111bab, Weed and Liquid FERTILIZER YOUR CHOICE: BOOM WITH OR WITHOUT OR BROADJE'T SPRAYING ALL CROPS SPRAYED Modern Equipment and Sprays Reasonable Prices Gordon Baxter R.R. 2, GODERICH, ONT. Phone 1546W2 -23x 100000000000®006000®OOOOd � Y ,....�r'✓'.�.v��n''S el,•'�I.�.fi� 5r I'�M�'�'I I r °�, DAIRY' FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street, Toronto Write for a complete set of Marie Fraser's Summer Dairy Food recipe booklets. Free! a rogisitt GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES THE PREMIER TRUST COMPANY 19 Richmond Street West, Toronto Emoire` 3-7043 44 James Street, SL Catharines Mutual S-8489 428 Richmond Street, London, Ontario 4-2716 AVAILABLE FROM HAROLD W. SHORE PHONE 766 38 HAMILTON ST. the pee wees. .Mr. Ezekial Phillips celebrated his 85th birthday last Tuesday _quietly at his home. Despite his years, he is able to enjoy his daily walks down street to visit his older friends who are unable to get out- side. Our heartiest congratula- tions to Mr. Phillips on this oc- casion. Mr. Wililam Gibson has been transferred to Palmerston Bank of Commerce. Bill has been teller of the local branch here for about 18 months. Mr. Gary Bird, of b('ha- tham, came on n Monday to fill the vacancy. Dr. B. C. Weir is visiting friends in New York City. Mrs. Clark is critically ill in Clinton General Hospital. Visitors on' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Finnigan and Mr. and 'Mrs. Donatd Fowler, were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burchill and son James, and Mrs. Robert_ Burchill, of Dub- Wawanosh, has a remarkable re- productive record spread over, the past three years. Mr. Patterson's cow gave birth to triplet calves Iast week. 't'wo years • ago the same cow hal twins, follotved by a single last year. Mrs. William Straughan is visit- ing at Wingham with her daughter, Mrs. .Thomas Jardin, iMr. Jardin and family. o — 0 -- a LOOKING FOR DATA Looking for any references to his late father, Peter Smith, who was born at Goderich about 105 years ago, his son from Texas visited the Huron County Museum last week. He said his parents moved to Texas from Goderich when he was 12 years of age. O 0 — o Deepest river in Canada is the Saguenay, in Quebec province. In some places it has a depth of 800 feet. SUNSET Drive-in Theatre iM MILES EAST OF GODERICH ON NO. 8 HIGHWAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY JUNE 6-7 "CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN" CLIFTON WE B, MYRNA LOY 2 CARTOONS' COMEDY FREE COMIC BOOKS FOR ALL CHILDREN ON FRIDAY NIGHT SATURDAY, MONDAY JUNE 8.10 "FIGHTINGi CHANCE ROD CAMERON, JUDY LONDON end on the clime program 99 "CALIFORNIA OUTPOST BILL ELLIOTT, JOHN CARROLL 99 TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY JUNE11-12 "THE MASTER PLAN" V)AYNE MORRIS, NORMAN WOOLANI�� COMEDY CARTOON ON'T FORGET TO PLAY BINGO EVERY WEONES'"AY NIGHT WITH JAYCEES AT THE SUNSET .RIVE -DN TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY `FIRST SHOW AT DUSK CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE 0000000e®es000011100004111Oe0006111000es0e00ORSE000000e00 Big 20 -oz. $2.25 SIZE — ONLY .49 ARMOR -SHEEN LIQUID WAX POLISH -- with "built-in" CLEANER gives "professional" hard-shell, solid wax:.protervhon, without hard rubbing. Easy, one -operation Armor -Sheen -keeps your car looking its !hest — . all season. long. One stroke -saving method puts an Armor -Sheen hard -gloss protective coating on your bar, wipes off dull road film, dead paint and grease. At the, same time Armor -Sheen deposits a porcelain -like glaze of Carnauba -base Wax plus weather -guard silicones that stop colour fade-out and keep the finish rich and alive. Sold only by Canadian Tire. ARMOR -SHEER TSE GUA-RAN f if you do not t �� SH if y agree, after using ARMOR- f �' Silicone -Carnauba -Warr Polish built-in cleaner, that last it is the with amtection that easiest, L applied �A��v�AYour car you have ever applied Portion and we • simply return the unused of anwill give you your choice Y will odvertised polish sell , we Eany to apply - (;Ives the name profens:ei,1 cleaning, waxing protp,ti;0 ,11 new Armor -Sheen I.:yurd relish and Cleaner Money can't buy longer-loshnq, firma l,eauty at any price o WORTH $2.25 .49 8 -oz. can LAMBSWOOL MITT FOR WASHING AND POLISHING CARS AND FINE "" `UUFN?TUBE Thick heavy fleece downy soft to use with salon en any fine flninh Sewn -on -nug hong wrl9t- l•and. Special value while they lent . . Armor -Plate POLISH and CLEANER WHITEWALL TIRE CLEANER rmenl rlr, ro-.rn ,,, •. <Ircrnes. '101111Ir4 (Q W, N1, <14 S rnv•. the clot an,', moires 1. Ir•w,.i1 rt1poimnr7 sr;OW wh,tP 14 .,2 .111 sr'In'er CHROME 'POLISH Restores !uslre removes rust snit larn,sh 10or Moto -Master Liquid Polish and Cleaner �s qidto aPi,,nme;,m�nil`l; Moto -Master PASTE CLEANER LPnve9 your e V ,n c?rth perfectwshapeS1f5r r o Marin Worth 9Sr Moto -Master PASTE WAX POLISH Gives a harder, brighter lustre. Worth ose Seat Cover. and Upholstery Cleaner AasinrlyperiPPrlec}orluphryo6- alafaor. CHAMOIS ror cleaning and polishing cern w, the •tc :iia are, app,.ll3" x 17•• v Spec ul l . a t ., p Cuts car washing eft hale rPgIlt.nrPd filf f)rer. ier Wwaithllboutcastreafl ks- no wiping AUTO SHAMPOO Whitewall TIRE PAINT Mokps ordinorWy.lrweUs'I 0aa c �hko o>cpensivo Black TIRE COATING Renews -Ippenran,,' of tiro and Moor mato is pt. .64 . 98 . 35 . 54 . 64 . 64 . 39 .89 . 29 . 59 . 45