HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-05-30, Page 9` d Dt Yi gm( 3oth, 195/7 0.041444410110.41.0004110000,114144.1110404404)414411414.0011.11,0040410,414.0.9/ NOW AT ':-YOUR 5ERVICE eakseasaasseesse .0, + The Newly Renovated and Modernized + CITIES SERVICE STATION (on West 'Street Next to A&P Store) UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF W. R. PIERSON — Come In and Get Acquainted >1N0110N1111N0111oN01110N4111110Y41/111i410NN0011s410e00•1110 0M•••••N•••••i•o••s•e••0•i Taylor's Corner TAYLOR'S ,CORNER, May 28:— Mr. and Mrs. Don Scott and Allan, of Windsor, visited , during .the week -end with IMr. and (Mrs. Geo. Ginn. Mr.- Len Collyer had the fortune to fall about 16 feet .repairing the side of Robert (Lodges' barn last Thursday. The June Ladies' Aid meeting has been postponed until the sec- ond Wednesday of the month at the home of Mrs. Duff Sturdy since Rev. Mr. Renner will be attending conference.. Mr. and Mrs. Len Collyer had Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tettet, of Lon- don, visit with them on Friday: On Sunday, other guests1 were :Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Manning and June, of 'Londesiboro, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lear, of Blyth, and Mr. aid Mrs. Jack Collinson and girls, of Kintail. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sinclair, of London, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. L. Collyer, Mrs. Sinclair remained for a longer visit. The pupils of Taylor's Corner school are participating in a music festival being held at Holmesville school this 'Friday evening. The festival is under the leadership of s. 'Emmerson Rodger and all s ools in the township 'will be competing. .Everyone is invited to attend. 0— o -n A classified ad in the Signal - Star brings quick results. NILE NILE,, May 27.—The Nile Church was betrutifully decorated last Sun- day for the annual Sunday School service in the afternoon. In the evening, the WJM.S, held a special service. Much credit is due to those ladies who gave of their time to help -with' the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Doug McNeil at- tended the wedding of their nephew, Mr. Robert Gardner, in Goderich last Saturday. a Mr. Jack. Clements is busy build- ing an addition to the barn on its property. Miss Ruth Rutledge broke a fing- er while playing baseball last week. q TIM GO RICH SIG AL STA N! AUBURN, iMay Z7.----.Buehaa* a - Owin . w: t,ding trim tab Mlantreal followed the carriage of 'Dolores Lillian Doan and James Harvey uellanan in tha St. Rose de Lima Church, Riverside. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Lillian Doan sand the late Mr. Doan, Riverside, and the :groom is the son of Mr. John Buchanan and the late Mrs. Buchanan, of East Wawanosh. The Rev. Father L. Pare o i,. dated for the double ring ceremony. The bride was attended by Miss Anne Denelko, . of Windsor, as maid of honor. Her ,bridesmaid was Miss Lorna Buchanan, of London, sister off the groom. The groom was at- tended by his (brother, John Buch- anan, of East Wawanosh, and his cousin, Eldon Cook, of Belgrave. The ushers were William Buchan an, of East Wawanosh, (brother of the groom), and Douglas F'owlet- of Windsor. .After the ceremony a wedding. breakfast was served' at the Thomas Inn for the families of the bride and groom. The re- ception eception was held in the evening at the Teutonia Club for 176 'guests. The couple will live at Janisse drive, Riverside where both are engaged -in the teaching profession. Many friends from this community were guests at the reception. Reception.— Over 60 neighbors and friends gathered last Saturday evening at the home of Mr. John Buchanan, to honor his son, James, and Mrs. Buchanan, newlyweds. The evening was spent in games under the convenership of Mr. Gerald and Miss Gwen McDowell. Mr. Lloyd Walden read an address of congratulations and Mr. Norman Wightman presented them with a purse of money. Mrs. Roy Easom entertained at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, Joanne, bride -elect, on Saturday. Mrs. R. Easom and Mrs. Joseph Lyon received the 200 guests who called in the afternoon and evening. A miscellaneous shower was held 'last Tuesday evening in the Sab- bath School room of Knox United Church in honor of Miss Joanne Easom. Mrs. Harold McClinchey presided for the program with Miss Rena McClinchey at the piano for the sing -sang. Miss (Margo Grange. splayed a piano solo. A floral wed- ding contest conducted by Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey was won by Misses Mango Grange and Marg- aret Wright. A musical reading was' sung by the Auburnettes. Misses Joanne and Marlene were seated -in decorated chairs. Miss Elva Gross read an address of congratulations to Joanne and Miss Gladys MeClinchey and Mrs. Lloyd MeClinchey carried in the many gifts. C.G.1 T. =- The Golden Links C.G.I.T. of Knox United Church met on Monday evening. The leader, Mrs. R. S. Hiltz was in charge of the opening devotional service vvli'th Margo Grange at the piano. A letter from an Indian missionary wasbead. Preparation was made to entertain the mothers at the //faller and Dautater b -- ad quet on June 21st.Shirle r° i n r, secretary. The May meeting of the Auburn Women's Institnte was held last Tuesday in 'the Orange Sli[afll. T president, Mrs. George Malian, was in charge and the .pianist was Mrs. .Robert J. Phalli. The installation. ceremony was in charge oaf, the ,l past president, Mrs. W. radnoch, who installed the new offieers. The delegates to the district annual, were appointed, Mrs. Thomas Hag- gitt and Mrs. Robert Chamney. A committee iittee to attend the 'meeting concerning the new hall is Mrs. George Millian, Mrs. Thomas Heg- gitt, Mrs. Ed. Davies, • Mira. Fred Ross and Mrs. W. Bradnoek. was decided not to 'participate in the rug -making project this Falk The guest speaker, Mrs, Arthur Grange, gave a talk on ornamental and 'flowering shrubs. Mrs. Thomas Haggitt moved a vote of thanks for the address. Mrs. Betty Willii.n sang a solo. Mrs. Ed. Davies gave the motto. A piano solo was play- ed ,by Miss Elva Gross. A reading was given by Mrs. Robert Chamney. Mrs. William J. 'Craig, convener of layette committee, gave her re- port. A successful white elephant sale was held. Hostesses were Mrs. Oliver Anderson, Mrs. 'Gordon Chamney and Mrs. Herbert Govier. The June meeting will be in charge of the health convener, Mrs. Wil- liam J. Craig. Miss Winnie Thompson and Mrs. Wilmer Wallace, of Clinton, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Charles Straughan. Mrs. Bert Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Knechtel, of Petersburg, visited over the week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Herbert Mog- ridge. Mrs. Betty Wilkin was guest solo- ist at the Lions Club Charter and Ladies' night at Blyth last week. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Harry Worsell, of Goderich. Kenneth Patterson, who is play- ing intermediate baseball with Clinton, helped pitch their opening win over Hensall last w k-erid. Mrs. Kerns, mother of Mrs. Mel Steep, and Mrs. Orval McPhee, re- turned last week to Randon, Eng- land, after a nine months' visit in Canada. Mr. Gordon Ball and daughter, Mary, of Sault Ste. Marie, called on his aunt, Mrs. James Raithby, and Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert J. Phil- lips and another aunt, Mrs. George Sturdy at Clinton. He and his wife and daughter had attended the graduation ceremony for his eldest daughter, Catherine, at Vic- toria Hospital, London, last week. Mr. and (Mrs. Robert Davis and baby daughter, of St: Thomas, visit- ed on Sunday with her mother, Mrs. John Arthur. We are sorry to report that Miss Caroline Craig, of 'Merton, had the misfortune tobreak her ankle on the way to school. Several boys of this community enjoyed a bus trip. with the Blyth Boy 'Scouts and Cubs (with which club they belong) to Chatsworth, Collingwood and Meaford on the recent holiday. Mr. and Mrs. William J: Craig, Mr. and tMr. .11arr,y Warsell and "ori""�sifor§�with retail - - Mrs. John Graham is visiting friends in Detroit,, -Mich., this week. &lye FOPO-qo47IdfrFv.r a Fairlano J00 Town Victoria A /ts Nodh Americas fcst�/ se/%r! Right from the statt, Ford has set the 1957 sales pace. Since the new cars were first introduced Ford has consistently outsold every other car in North America. Sales figures quoted in leading automotive newspapers and journals give conclusive evidence of Ford's leadership. No wonder the new kind of Ford is setting new records. Ford leads in styling— the kind of styling that's designed to l9st, because its long, low, "sculptured look" expresses elegance and good taste. Even standing still, the new kind of Ford looks as though it's going places in a hurry. And while we're talking about GO, we'd ra' monnRcw like to remind you that Ford set 458 speed and endurance records at Bonneville Flats—a classic demonstration, unequalled in automotive history. Indeed, Ford leads in the kind of performance (SIX or V-8) that takes nothin' from nobody and the kind of ride (Even -Keel Ride) that makes every road feel airstrip smooth? You owe it to yourself to take ten exciting minutes to experience the sheer fun of driving the car that's new all the way through ... the car that's the undisputed leader in style -in performance—in motorists' preference... the things Canadian motorists want most ... the winner ... the new kind of Ford. Come in, drive a wiener... moo, and qOL/Z' /9ke nothin frotn nobody! ss�/af'to (r -z uctr l.d a F:,vo art •S 4, a*d' q rapt p�a eylfcnol al rr7ro ea:1 ea �rtsn � VISIT OR PHONE YOUR FORD—MONARCH DEALER TODAY' Rack the ATTACK against TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS G s DERICH MOTORS LTD. Phone 83 ;'ORD-MONAIOR SALES ANtr. SE VIDE South Street •Msa. ' Uf- r . Ja'e'k5sa returned. tot hip home at W % Ait4-a after viaiting hid aunt, Miss Marga diet? llL. Jaeeaonr, ' fads un ie James Jae1on,, Mss. Jackson and' Mi s Margaret.. L`,. pnblie Meeting for the purpo ae of re-ope,r ing a now hall board for the Village of Anham will be held: ' oat ThsarsdaY. The rural' enumerators for this distriet have completed their duties. Mr. Thomas McPhee had the West Wawanosh divisioaa, Oliver Anderson th4 ,1st Wawa. nosh division, and William Wagner the one at No. 7 Hullett. O O O KINGSBRIDGE KINOSBRI'DGtE, Way '1.—Mrs. Dan Doyle, of Detroit, spent the past week with relatives here. Mrs. Edward Foley, her mother, who had been on the sick list, is much improved. Der. and Mrs. Ray Austin, Carol Ann and Marlene, of Toronto, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Austin, where Mrs. Austin is convalescing from a fractured collarbone and injuries received in a recent mishap. Mr. and .lis. John Van Osch sailed on *ay 25th from Montreal on the Dutch liner S.S. Groot Beer. for a two -months' visit with rela- tives in Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Perry and grandson, Jimmy White, of De- troit, visited with the Earl Drennan family last week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Austin, of South Porcupine, on the birth of a daughter, Sharon Patricia, in the- South Porcupine General Hospital on May 10th. Mrs. Desmond O'Donnell has re- turned to her home here, after a minor operation- in Gaderich hos- pital last week. Desmond O'Don- nell, who has been sailing on the Great Lakes, is having a two weeks' vacation at his home here. Mrs. John Kelly spent last week with relatives in Sarnia. Her daughter, Mrs. (Eileen) Walsh, Mr. Walsh and family accompanied her home for a week -end visit here. Mrs. Violet Sutter and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. King, of Detroit, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Austin. Mrs. Gilbert Frayne spent last week with relatives in Muskoka, Orillia and Toronto. Miss. Theresa Martin, of Hamil- ton, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Blaise Martin and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Frayne and family, visited with relatives in Hesson last .week. Mrs. Peter Vogt, of Detroit, is spending a couple of,weeks at the home of her brother, Frank Sul- _ livan. Mr. H. La2n,bertus received word of the death of ,his sister ill law, 1VIrs. Jos. Lamibertus, of Walkerton, who died on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Minard and two sons, of Belleville, are spend- ing this week at the Clifton Austin home. Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur Dalton, of Hamilton, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dalton. The Pilgrimage.=The c1as,s of '34 conducted the pilgrimage to Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, Mt. St. Joseph, London, Sunday, May 26. The wayside shrines were blessed by Rev. H. Van Vynckt, of Kings- bridge, ,who went ahead of the procession. Following was a color party formed by the Girl Guides. Prayers were led by Rev. Joe Finn. Father J. Hennessy was cele- brant. Deacon was Col. L. Ritza, who also preached the sermon. Sub -deacon was Fr. Fergus Laverty. Individual blessings were given to the sick and infirm. Rt. Aev. o2rsignor Roney, Vicar General, distr>,buted awards to the Girl Guides after the pilgrimage. About 60 parishioners of St. Joseph's, Kingsbridge, took part in the pil- grimage. The following members of St. Joseph's subdivision, ('WL, Kings- bridge, attended the 37th annual diocesan convention held at St. Thomas: the spiritual director,'Fr. If. Van Vynckt; president, Mrs. Ray Dalton; officers and members, Mrs. Walter Clare, Mrs. Ed. Myers, Mrs. Leo Courtney, Mrs. Joe O'Keefe, ,Miss Yo Van Osch, Mrs. Mary l.ierman and Mrs. Mark Dal- ton. "o— --- -0 _ 0 PORTER'S HILL PORTER'S HILL, May 27.—This Sunday will be Sunday School an- niversary. Service will be at 9.45 a.m. The children are preparing special music and guest speaker will be Dale Bergey, Listowel.- An istowel.An evening was spent in the schoolhouse last Wednesday' in honor of the newlyweds, Mr. and M r s. Gordon Dougherty (nee Yvonne Harris) and .qr. and Mrs Arthur Rogers (nee Phyllis Mc- Dougall). The first part of the evening was spent playing euchre. Prizes were wan by: ladies' -high, Mrs. Allen Betties; ladies' low, Mrs. Bert Harris; gents' high, Wil- mer Harrison; gents' low, Ed. Sowerby. The two 4coupsles were asked to come forward and ad- dresses were read by Mrs. Tom Sowerby and 'Mrs. Bill Townshend. Each were presented with coffee tables. Both Gordon and Arthur thanked all and a lovely. lunch was served. The Sunday School picnic will be held June 7, at 6.30 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Harrison. 0-� n _.0 CARLOW CA,RT,OW, May 27. ----Mr. and Mrs. Percy McBride are on a trip to the West. Mt. Elwyn Sillib is looking ..+fter their farm while they are away. ,Mrs. Edith Brindley visited in Seafortl ,ae-e+ntly, renewing ao qualn noes with old friends, in• eludi '1 Mr. A., Y: McLean, eandi- r'ate for parliament. I, Mrs. Reg. Anderson and Miss June firintlley visited with their mother en Sunday last. Mr and Mrs. Stanlev McGrattcn ' motored to Lond n last Tuesday. ter. 1M/eeGr'atten has not +been too '-ell of late. Pcy MG* tate THE- IS YOUR GUARANTEE OF QUALITY CUT BREAD COSTS. t CARRY rr iiom AND SLICED WHITE. II=CHMILLO 111EAD ONTARIO — Nor. I CQLOWt D MILD Cf ESE ENJOY FRESHLY GROUND SAVE 24-QZ. LOAF POUND RICIIMEMO COITEE ADD ZEST .TO ANY MEAL ! PURE TOMATO Bim. !NM _ ETC IUP 107 490 950 SPEC, . I B TLE 230 JUST HEAT AND SERVE! IN TOMATO SAUCE .— COOKED SPAGIEETWI HEINZ — CONDENSED SPECIAL 1 TOME143. SOUP 3 HEINZ PREPARED HEINZ—WHITE Ea/SUMO 2 JAltzs 210 VINEGAR SERVE A DIFFERENT DESSERT ! OAKLEAF — CHOICE l • /AM* PLV'MS SPECIAL t ENS T330aNs fl0-Oz. TINS SPIRIT 101/2-0Z. BOTTLE 350 16¢ SPECIAL ! 2 TINS- 290 BORDEN'S INSTANT MALTED CANNED PORK LOAF MARGARINE—REGULAR EgARGE . PKG. SHORTENING DO IES 'IC WELW!;,` S 'RAPE JUCICE I -LB. PICC, 24 -OZ. BOTTLE 550 390 330 390 K A M flew' 510 McLAR,EN'S — Manztinill Stuffed OLIVES tAR' 350 9 FLAVOURS FRESHIES 5 PxGs. 290 BEEHIVE OR CROWN CORN SYRUP an' 130 FREE COLOURED SPONGE COASTER WITH. EACH TIN MAPLE LEAF LIQUID 2-Ooz43p '0 ��� ����� is-.��-83p IN REGULAR MARGARINE PICNIC SWEET MIXED MONARCH PKG. 29t PICKLES flame' 250 RICHMELLO SALAD DRESSING 35> ALL PURPOSE FIVE `ROSES FLOUR 25LO. AG$1 a6 SMALL SIZE MEATY mss PRUNES gK�; 39O9 D.S.L. T BAGS PKG. OF 19fl 'SAGS NAPRITE—ASSORTED COLOURS Serviettes 2 Por 310 GULL DESIGN—COLD DRINKS PAPER CUPS -- PKG. OF 28 .2eur2DDITCHEiS PICNIC SETS SET 250 STONE'S STRAINS 2 OF 10 290 SIX DELICIOUS FLAVOURS -- RICHMELLO ICE' CREAM BR CK 25c GAL oN 89c. BURNS BEEF BOLOGNA . By the piece lb. 29c BURNS TASTY HEADCHEESE By the piece lb. 3gc -- BONUS 'ITEMS ROYAL ASSORTED INSTANT PUDDINGS PARTY TREAT COCOANUT MALLOWS SAVING: AT TIME OF PURCH-ASE' WHITE OR BLUE BREEZE DETERGENT 2 230 4 OZ PKGS , CELLO BAG 1 -LB. 370 5c OFF PACK LARGE 370 ER. LIStr VEGETABLES_ NEW CROP CALIFORNIA VALENCIA —.SIZE SUNKIST ORANGES iiEN11111 CESABBNAGE, --"91 Values Effective in GODERICH 138's 39c 29c doz. 14 oz. cello Duda Closinq Time Saturday, June lel MINION DOMINION STORES LIMITED Have You Renewed Your Subscription to the Signal -Star Here's the quick, easy way to bor- row the extra money you need. Simply pick _ up your phone pnd arrange for a loan from Trans Canada Credit. Loans from $150. to $2,500. Up to 30 months to repay. Call us today —by telephone. UICK CASH LOANS THE ALL -CANADIAN ir LOAN COMPANY 148 The Square, Goderich Phone 797