HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-05-30, Page 6Imox sari SEVEN BROTHERS, SIX BRIDES MARK SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY A `rWe' tkitieevn local family, the rkerS, fast Saturday celebrated th'w %i t anniversary of their ar- I1'ii1 tin Canada. It was in May, 3,0p that the late Mr. and Mrs. . Remy. Barker arrived in Canada i1;tlzn England. With them, they brought five MIS, and, in the years that lol- lewed, two more sons were born. .All are living, and all but one are , carried. . The only matrimonial hold-out is Ernie, who admits Ire may have given some thought to the 4i.tu- ation on orae or two occasions.' There is this about it, he says. M he advertised for a bride for the seventh brother, it might just be the thing that would swing a trip to New York or Hollywood for the whole family, and that part would be okay. He recalls that ,even brothers 11»ho lig?e not so far t o►n here were taken to New York a while ago to publicize a motion picture en- titled "Seven Brides l''or Seven Brothers." Getting hack to last Saturday, the brothers and their wives held the reunion m the Hotel Clinton, in the town where the family first settled in this country. Tteir guests were Mr and Mrs. W. E. Perdue, and 11r. Perdue's • SEE! • HEAR! ANDY McLEAN Liberal Candidate in uron CKNX - TV WED1 $DAY, JUNE 5 11.20 lI0t p.ni. CKNX RADIO FRIDAY, MAY 31 12.15 - 12.20 p.m. JUNE 4 7.05 - 7.10 a.m. THURSDAY, JUNE 6 6 25 - 6.30 p.m. tPtnt 1I-herl by the 'Huron Liberal Association) 22 sister, Mrs. John Beacom, all of Clinton. It was Mr. Perdue's fath- er, and his sister, who first em- ployed ,Mr. Barker and the two elder sons on their arrival in,, Canada. The • sons are Harry, Fred, Charles, Percy and &nre, of Code - rich, and Albert, of London, and William, of Stratford. 'There are 11 children and eight grandchild- ren. 0--------_--0- ---o Open House Held At Upper Lakes It was open house on Saturday at the gain elevators here of Upper Lakes and St. Lawrence Transportation Company limited. Numerous grain brokers from Tor (unto were present to view the rim bins' and loading facilities. 1''ollr.wing a tour al the lippc Lakes •grain elevators, the grou went to the eltab house of th Maitland Golf Club where a ban yuet was held presided over by fn. M. Menz.e.. Goderich manager o1 Upper Lakcs and St Lawrence l'ran,portatton ('u , Ltd. Present for the OeCaston w a, -Mr_ P. G. K1ngsburgh, vice-president of t'p- per Lakes and St. Lawrence Pian p<,r:a:ion Company. Amon.; the grain broker's present were representatives from the lot - w.:(1,..; Toronto firms: t_'oatsworth and Cooper Ltd.; Draper. Gos,elin Grain Ltd John Jervis (Train Co., Ltd ; ,lames Richardson and Sons Ltd ; Kennedy and \1ae1)unald Ltd : Screatott Grain Co . I.:d. Present al,o was R. G. Sander son. manager of the . Goderich Elevator and Transit' Company. and a representative from the 11aple Leaf Milling Company. r' 0 Week -end vi,:tui s with Mr and Mr•. E. A'ulland. Cambria road. were 11r. Geo. I'eoples'and Robert Collard. both of ', of wc.d 11r.. "1' E. .Adams has been visit :114 at [Ile }l(llle of her brother ill aw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. .lohn Vincent I'ark street. during the -iris week. t' e 1110000u®oocse0000000Noo• BROWNIE'S Drove -In Limited CLINTON THURS., FRI. MAY 30, 31 "ANYTHING GOES" Bing Crosby, Donald O'Connor, Mitzi Gaynor CARTOON SAT., MON. JUNE 1, 3 "JOHNNY CONCHO" • Frank Sinatra, Keenan Wynn, Phyllis Kirk TWO CARTOONS TUES., WED. JUNE 4, 5 "ARTISTS AND MODELS" (Color) Dean Martin and Jerry Lowit CARTOON Box Offjce Opens at 7.30 p.m. First Show at Dusk. ®®ssoimimeesecimom ssos•e ; HARDWARE presents Another BARGAIN DAYS Value LOW Price? COMPACT ►n deslg BIG in value! 1 WITH GT SIZE OVEN A real buy for the budget -mind- ed family. Only 22" wide but with large oven 1 R" wide by 20" deep, that will look after the largest family dinner. Fast S eedmaster elements controll- by. 1 Heat switches. Beauti- fully designed yet inexpensive to c 'y— BARGAIN DAPI SPECIAL PRICE Reg. $209.50 49so 44 IT WILL PAY ?OU t coma in and look around our big, bright ctore during cg BARGA'tN AVS, MUMMAY, • PRIDAY mull SATURDAY. -$.feoes of iewsOl1? ble /lads are alearinff at big reductions in heves U THE GODERICII SIGNAL-STAy, Vote as You Like BL(t VOTE! DEEP CUT SPEC/ALS! Don't divide youth` time between figuring out how to add to -mealtime pleasure and how to subtract from your total food bill I A&P's wide selection of quality -famous foods Rose Brand Reg. Prico Ib. 31c—SAVE So ARGARINE 1 -Ib pkgs 9 Baumert Rog. Price 23c—SAVE 2c C EAM CHEESE York HOLE DILLS. c 4 -or pkg 21c '3st's 24 -oz jar 29 , Reg. Price pkg 27o—SAVE 6c Sugar Cri28h1zPk9s49cSp� BAKERY SPECIALS! ane Parker PLE PIE 'ano Parker Spanish• R tAKE lane Parker Reg. Price 59c—SAVE 6c each 5 3, Reg. Price 43c—SAVE 4c each 3 9c SPECIAL! air DONUTS 2 Jane Parker Sugar or C,nnamor Reg. Price pkg 27c.—SAVE be NuTs .._ c pkgs of 12 c FROZEN FOOD FEA TURES! York. Strawberries 3 BrQder's 15 -oz pkgs 95c PEAS t�. at savings -wise prices easily soles both problems! Come see . you'll have money left over'for extras when you shop A&P every time I SUPER-RItiHT OUALITY MEATS! Choice Quality Ib short cut shank LAMB FRONTs� LAMB CHOS LAMB CHOPS Oven Ready DIJCS PERCH FILLETS MfAT PIES Full Cut Ib Rib Loin lb39, Centre Loin, 16 Grade A 4 to 5-I6 Aver. Ib Wheatley Brand, Cooked Swifl.4 Frozen, Turkey, Chicken or Beef 3 12 -oz pkgs .49c c(6 FR ITS and VEGETA BLES: GOLDEN RIPE No 1 GRADE The Always Delectable Trop:ca! Fruit Ib texas New ,Spring Crop, Hand Selected Quality, No. 1 Grade 2.alifornia Valencia, Fresh Juicy, Fancy Grade RANG celic pkg 5 -Ib bag McIntosh Red, Full Flavour'ed, Atmosphere Controlled, Fancy Grade APPLES 3 -Ib cello bag Sweet Yellow, Fresh New Crop, Tender, Large Full Cobs, Fancy Grade CO N California, Large Bunches, Fresh Green Tops, No. 1 Grade CAR RQT ., ,22buncbes1. Clover Valley CREAM CHEESE PLAIN, PIMENTO, PINEAPPLE, RELISH 8 -ea pkg 9, 2 SPRINGVALE TOILET TISSUE 2 .:, 21 Down Aguin! New Low Price on Famous ABP Coffees -Mw b 4, Mild and Mellow — Custom Ground 8 ®'Clock lb 8 3, 3 -lb bag 2.43 Vigorous and Wiroy — Custom Ground , Bokar Ib 9 3c 3 -Ib bag 2.73 Rich and Full Bodied — Custom Ground Red Circle lb 8 9c GHERKIN PICKLES Reg.York DOG FOOD SAVE 6c .�o Dr. Ballard's 3 Varieties 4 Reg. Price 2 tins 27o SAVE 9c 15 -oz tins 45c 16-ozjar 33c SUPERMAN COOKIE; Dare's Reg, Price 390 SUPERMILK Reg.aSAVE Price 39c ash �ck each GINGER 'ALE WOMA hl S DAY pkg35c Yukon Club (Contents Only) 2 30 -oz btls 25 c Cocktail Lawn Tables Portable Barbecue Brazier 2 -Tray Hostess (arts Prices Effective Until Saturday, June 1st, 1957. White Swan TOILET TISSUE 2 roils c Dare's Family Pack Assorted BISCUITS aeaekfl ��� June Issue Now On Salo each, C green or red $2.39 Reg. value $6.95 - SPECIAL $4.19 $3.59 THE OttEAT ATLANTIS s PAct rc TEA COMPANY IITtl, OPEN FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9.00 P.M. CLOSED SATURDAY.;...EVENING AT 6.00 P.M. WOODBURY'S Harry FiomesDouble Cream FACIAL SOAP CUSTARD Icako „...3 9,