HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-10-9, Page 17'HE TIME8
J•AN'Y 1891
20 Gents
ub1ielaers and Proprietors
L4l:I, DIOKSON, Barrister, Soli-
r alto; of Supreme Court, Notary
?ublic, Conveyancer, Commissioner, kc.
ouev to Groan.
3trlceii FansonsBiocc,Exeter . ri
R. 13. COLLINS, 81
iarrl er 4alicit , Conveyancer, Tits.,
• , '.aid.......
ek Hairs 2 .
e #
fficeSA,mw 1#b� ,
A h
FILI,IOT $4 .' IQT, b
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, p
Conveyancers &c, e4o.
!Money to Loan at Lowest Bates of F
Interest, C
n, v. til•.LTOT. s. Ela,roT. S
OFFIQF • Over O'Neil's Bank. sl
liitronsOxire Gas for Painless Extraction. rj
Satnwell's IlIock, Main -at.
1•;httracta Teeth witbant
train, by giving Vegetable
'A, Vapor. elotdFllingea uelall
,, ee ettterdeUtat work the treat
kw aantcu
ueeible. goes re teat Tlturadap inoath
month: P
W. BROWNING' M. D., bi. C
ty • P. 8, Graduate Victoria University:
Office dud reeklenci`. Dom=i' on Labors- it
tory, Exeter.
T' 1.L RYNDMAN, coroner for the 0
L. county of Huron. Office, opposite
Carling Brea. atone, Exeter.
DR. J.A. ROLLINS , M. 0. 2, S. ,
0, owe, Male Bt. Exeter, Out.
Residence, house recently occupied by P.
AlePhhltips, Eaq,
T 1 I� . CUTTEN, I t. D., 0. M.,
.#_ 1 • 0militato Trinity University, Tor-
onto Fal. Trin. Med. Formai: Toronto ; Grad,
Am lied.. Grauiology ; Member N. Y. Acad.
Aetaropoiogy; Member Col. P. S., ont.—
s mD sttwood.t)nt. (
Dry• AV001) F TT FF
1)tseases of the Et
Eye glasses and Speetaoles furnished for �
both Near and Distant Vision,
l lwa;:s at home, except on Fridays. 1
\ .No. 1,83 (gluten's Avenue,
. Louclon, Ontario.
T1 HOSSEN13 �'RRY, General Li•
`` .4 • cousod Auctioneer Salop conducted
in allparts. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges
moderate. Hansen P 0, Out.
tNRYeionoer forEILI3ER tiny. Stepheneensea, anAMc-
llELid c-
Gllivray Townsbips. Sales oonduotcd at
moderaterates. OIIIce, a t Post-o1lice, °rod.
iton Ont.
TORN GILL; Auctioneer for the
el Townthins of Stephen, Hay and 'Osborne
and the Village of Exeter. Sales promptly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed.
Sahli) arranged at this office.
D. AuctioneerandLandValuator. Orders
sent by mail to my address, BeyfleldP.C).,
will receive prompt attention. Terms moder-
ate. D. 71. PORTER, Auctioneer.
Tennent & Tennent
G radnates of the Ontario Veterinary Col-
lege. .
OFFICE : One door South of Town Hal].
percent, $25.000 Private Funds, Best
Loaning Companies represented.
Barrister, Exeter,
' I
CANADA. Head Omco, London, Ont.
After 31 years of successful business, still
continuos to offer the owners of farm property
and private residences, either on buildings or
centents,tbe most favorable protection in case
of loss cr damage by fire orlightnin7, at rates
u on such liberal terms. that no other respect-
nblecompany oanafford to.write. 42,375 poli:
cies inforce 7stJan ,1890. Assets $378,428.00
in cash in bank. Government dopost. Deben-
tures arid Premium Notes. JAMES GRANT,
President; D. C.MoDONALD, Manager. DAVID
.T eons, Agent for Exeter and vicinity.:
Established in 1863.
This oomr.any has been over Eighteen'
years in successful operation in Western
+Onario,° and continues to insure against
'toss or flemagebv Vire Buildings Merchan-
dise, Manufactories, and all other descrip.
tions of insurable property. Intending
insurers have the option of insuring on,
the Premium Note or Oath System.
During the past ten years this Com -
pan yhas issued 57,096 Policies. covering
;property to the amount of $40.872,033; and.
paid in lossesalone x700,752,00.
• Assets, W1'76,100.00, consisting of 0 ash =Bank, Govern•mentDeposit and the un-
assessed Premium Notes en band and in
'i?orce. a W EN M. D. PYeeider:1 0..
M. TAxx,on Secretary. J.'B.Rta>rits, In -
rector CFTAS. SNELL. 400ntfrr•it:sotor
d for $6,000,00
he two three-storey brick
ores to a firm in Toronto.
Who will be the first to
av egood black ieigi ed and
rocade Dress Goods at 25o
er yard
Ali•wool Shawls $z.00 to $1,25 ;
a6cittatars goc each ; Misses and
hildren Hoods, 25cts, upwards;
Tack Cashmere Gloves, 15c ; Bed
preads, 5oc—a bonanza ; all•wool
lisses hose, T2C. The best sec
ll•tvrol. shirt in the market.
Persian lamb Caps and Muffs,
nate sea seal Caps and Muffs,
eaver and Astrican Caps, Goat
cin and Bison Robes,
Us Spot for Cheap Drees Goods
he Molsons Bank
Nuatvr?E3ten BY Pa. 81r1.WFNT.18rt51
*id up Capital ., ,,. eeseeeeee
entrant( .., ... .. ],OOe,CC
Bead Calm) , Montreal,
20 branch officer; intro) rronhintent . Amelia
{ the Dominion ,U,S.Amaid Europe.
Exeter Branch,
pen every lawful doy, from I0 a. m, to 3 p.m
SAT111tDAY8.10 min to ] p.m.
4PerCent. eramu;rn allowedfor money On
The Granton Fair.
Tno annual fall fair of the Biddaiph
igr'1 Society was held in the village of
»rauton, on Friday last, and was the most
naceesful in the history of the society.
Phe attendence. wan large, the gate reaeipte
amounting tit $1 u'; while the exhibits for
he moat pert were above the standard.
Phe special attractions such as horse raa-
ng, ete, were appreciated and added muoh
o the success of the fair. Following is the
rize list :
VEGETABLES—Potatoes, early rose,
E J Brooke, ter3 Thomson; Potatoes, lata
rose, Jas Weatman, Frank Morley; potatoes
white elephant, Jae Westman, J B Bryan;
potatnel+, burbank seedling, Geo Dinsmore.
Jacob Foster; potatoes, any kind, Rich
Eedy, A Gibson; cabbage, Jacob Foster,
11 Brethour; cabbage, red, Tbos Brian,
Bobt Robi.neon; cenliflower, Thos Bunn,
Robt Robinson pumpkins, Robe Bilyea,Riolr
Horn; field squashes, It Robinson.Rich
Horn; squashes, any other Bind, Frank
Morley; citrons, nutmeg, I Westman, le
Braniol;; citrons, celifornie, M Brethour;
bleed beets, J B Bryan, F 3 Brooks;
turnip beets, A° Gibson r1 Greening; Par,
snips, W. Hyde, Ill Malloberte; Turnips,
.Edgar Hodgins, J Line; long mangolds,
R Hodgins, Frank Morley; globe mangolds,
J B Bryan, la Ilodgies; onions, red, Wm
Swibert, \\liReii'r; onions yellow,W Smibert
Jas Eames; onions, white, Thos Bann, Jas
Eawcs; aomateea, C M Webb, 2nd Janne
Eames; field carrots, Wm Amos, M Bre-
thour; garden Garrote, Mug, M 13rethoer,
Diibt Robinson; garden Garrote. short, 3aa
Madame, J B Bryan; Gobe field corn, Bobl
Bilyea, Jae Weidman; oobe sweet corn,
Jas Eames Jno Morley; heads celery. white
or yells v, Robt Robinson, A Beataont au-
cumbera, Albert Gunning lot and 2nd;
nutmeg melons, W G Thompson, Al Guns
ping; vegetable orange, Robt Robinson,
FRUIT—APrr+Ea--baldwin,Satn'l Molten.
zie, I Westman; northern spy, Wm Reith,
I Westman; rhoda island, P Brooke, Noah
Wass; ,greeniugs I Westman Jacob Foster;
ro:baro ruseetts, Wm Keith Thee Bunn;
g.lden rumens, P Brooke, Geo Densmore;
king al tompkina, Jas Westman, Noah
\Vass; snow, Geo Janson, J Lane; duch-
See of oldenburg, Gao Janson, Ii D Stanley;
winter, any kind T Weatmou, J Westman;
fall any kind. 3 Lane, ',rhos Bunn; Grab,
W J Dinsmore, ltd 13rnthour. Winter
pears, A Gibson, J Jermyn; tall pears,
.1 Jermyn, P Brooks; plums blue, I West.
man, grapes black, B J Brooke, grapes red
F J Brooke,
HORTICULTURE—Collection of bones
Odds, Jas lames, Miss Langford; foaobias,
Clark & Bernard; foliage J E Murray;
hagnet of flowers, Wu, Blatchford, Jas
—Keg batter, Jon Shier, Maggio Creighton;
roll butter, Edgar IIudgius, 111 Croipltton ;
honey extracted, Albert Lsngford. G Cnr.
ter; honey in comb, marketable, Al Long-
ford; maple sugar, M Brethour; home mode
bread. Arthur Gibson, J E Murray; maple
evrtsp, Wm Amos, el Brethonr; peaches
canned, Jas Eames; pears canned, J T
Murray, Collection of canned fruits, 3 E
airway, J T Shipley.
LADIES WORK—Embroidery in silk,
G W Webb, Miss Banes ; embroidery in cot.
ton, Miss 1) Creighton, Miss Banes ; Ara -
sone work,Miss Cameron,C M Webb; ribbo.
sene,lllhss M Creighton Mise Cameron;crazy
patchwork, Miss Eedy, Frank Morley
oroohot in cotton, Mies la Creighton, Eliza
Cook; crochet in wool Miss E Creighton, W
1) Hyde; borltn wool work, Miss E Creigh.
ton, Miss 291 Creighton; macrame work, M
Brelhour,Jon Shier; braiding, Mise E
Creighton, Frank Morley; sofa pillow, 0 M
Webb; pillow shams, Miss ITledy, Miss
el Creighton; knitted mitts, woolen, Miss
M Creighton, Jas Eames; knitted seeks.
woolen, Win Hydo,'Jon Shier; darned net,
E Creighton, 111 Creighton; lace work, Wm
Hyde, Miss E (reighton; quilt patchwork,
cotton, Wm Hyde, Mrs Wm Begg: quilt
patchwork, silk, Peter Murray; quilt, log
cabin, 'Wm Hyde. Miss Banes quilt, knitted,
M Creighton, Wm Hyde; quilt knotted,
Jon Shier, T A Langford; tatting, MBanes,
tidy, any kind, E Creighton, M Creighton;
panel, wersed, Miss V Eedy, J E
hurray, etching on cotton S Coxon, J E
Murray ; table drape, Mise Cameron, E
Creighton, shirt, band made, M Banes,;E J
Brooks; drawn work, Miss Lady, Miss
M McGowan; flannel• home made, M
Creighton, E Creighton ; pair home made
blankets, E Creighton, Jon Shier; rag
carpet. 14I Bretbour, D D Stanley; rag mat
hooked, Miss Jermyn E Creighton; knitted
gloves woolen, Miss Eedy.
SPECIALS—Ring work, Mrs Win Begg;
Crochet quilt, Mrs James Eames; wool
motto, Mrs James Murray; crochet tidy
cotton, Mrs W Begg; tinsel work, Miss
Brethour; wollen yarn, home made, Mrs J
Shier: paper flowers, Miss Baynes; hand
sewing cotton, Miss Baynes; coverlid, Miss
M Creighton.
Manufactures—Pair of mens' boots, Wm
Lawton; single harness, W B Stewart, set
stove furniture, J G Edey; bedroom set,
W H Hodson;
FINE ART—hand painting on velvet,
Miss McGowan; hand painting on satin,
Issue Westman, Miss McGowan; oil paint-
ing, landscape, 8 Coxon, Miss McGowan;
water with, landscape, Miss McGowan;
, pencil drawing, Jas Eames; keneington
painting, Miss McGowan, D N MoBob•
GRA IN—barlev Geo Wilkin, Jno Rowell;
white fail wheat. Edgar Hedging, Aurthur
Gibson; red fall wheat, Edgar Hodgins,
Jno Rowell; spring wheat,Arthar Gnnning,
M Brethour; white oat., Edgar Hodgins,
Arthur Gibson; block oats, M Brethour;
peas, W E Lawton.
IMPLEMENTS—lumber waggon, Dan'l
McLarly, W H Wyatt; double buggy, Dan'l
MoLarty; W Moyes; single buggy, Wm
Moves, Dan'l McLarty, single cutter, Dan'l
McLarty, W el Wyatt; set hand made
horse shoes, R Horn; set iron barrows,
Clark ee Bernard; washing machine, Wm
Abbott; wringer. Jno ahbott,
nent's (Local)) "Big Fellow;" 13 Bryan's
(Woodham). Farmers rale: Z Tennent's
(Lucan) "Minnie T"; Z Lenuett's " Big
Fellow;" S McKenzie's "Shywash." Two-
vear•olcl trot, W Blatchford, (Fish Creek)
W McGuire; (Luoan) "Molly;" W German,
tOMaxoombe.' Bicycle race, Robt Clark,
Granter!). Robt Heudereon, London t'p.
Lady driving Mrs Florn, Miss Coolr.
SPECIAL PRIZES—Roadster foal, , Wm
Amos; greet trot, Z Tennent; darned socks,
Miss Cameron 3 Year old roadster, Albert
Wilson; whisk holder, J E'Murray; general
purpose mare and foal; Wm Amos; grapes
gown within 5 mis of Granton, H Cameron
rope silk work, Miss Cameron; 5 the butter
in pound rolls, Edgar Hodgins; bushel
spring wheat, Arthur Gunning; 20 lbs but-
ter, W E Lawton; •roadster, oolt any age,
W Brock, Bust tnh Mit ter, Jon Shier; sreoi-
men of ean,lwritiug, E J t3:ooks; pencil
HORSES —DMIltilITs—Span in isarness,
& C Hooper; brood mare, 13 J Haskett;
iVen Cornish; 2 year old filly,\Vin Cornish,
0 J Baskett; 1 ycnr old filly, Cicero Wal -
is, D Tierman; foal of 1890, B J Has-
kett, Jno Duncan.
AORICULTuaAL—brood mare, Jno Duncan
!T. Creighton; 3 year old filly, Wm Biook;
2 year old filly, or gelding R B Mowbray;
J C Hooper,1 year old filly or gelding, Noah
4Vass, 1,1 Brethour; foal Wm Brooke, Wm
GENERAL PuitrosE—Shan• in harness,
R Bilyea, brood mare, Jas Brooke, Jas
sVeir; 2 year old filly, Wm Smibert; C Wal
lis,1 year old fiily,R Hobbs,WmDykea; foal
Peter Murray, Jae Brooks; mare and foal,
Jas Brooks, (special).
ROADSTERS—Span in harness, 'Dr Lang,
W McGuire; single driver, Jno Stewart,Alf
Troneide; brood mare, Wm Amos, Jos
Grant; 3 year old filly, Jas O'Neil, Sam'l
Langford; 2 year old filly, Jas O'Neil, Wm
Parkinson; 1 year old filly, Sam'l McKen-
zie. Cleo Duffield;, foal, Wm Amos, Jos
CARnIAOE—Span in harness, L J W
Shipley; brood mare, Wm Wood; 3 year
old filly, J H Patrick, Wm Brock; 2 year
old filly or gelding, R Hobbs, A Gun-
ning; 1 year old filly or gelding, A. Gibson;
P Brooks. foal, Wm Wood, saddle horse,
P Bowery, Jno Laekiu.
Milch cow, J & 0 Hooper, Win Reith; one
year old heifer, Jno Forrest, J&C Hooper;
heifer calf, Wm Reith, Jno Forrest; bull
caif,W m Reith, eat and 2nd; cow valving
in 1890, J&C Hooper lst & 2nd; 2 year
old heifer, J & C Hooper lst and 2nd; 1
year old heifer, J & 0 Hooper, 1st and 2nd.
ram; Wm Oliver; shouting ram, N Wass;
ram lamb, Woe Oliver, Wm Reith; pair
breeding ewes, Wm Olive' 1st and 2nd;
pair ehearling ewes, W m Oliver 1st and 2nd;
pair es/dial:she, Wm Oliver, J Rowell.
LEICESTER--ehearling ram, Jae Brooks;
ram lamb, Jno Abbott; pair breeding ewes,
Jno Abbott, Wm Reith; pair shearling ewes,
Jaa Brooks, Jno Abbott; ewe lamb, Jno
Abbott, Wm Beith.
-Saone wool—Aped rami Sam'l Doupe;
shearlinp ram, H A Switzer; ram lamb, 8
Dnupe let and 2nd; pair breeding ewes, H
A Switzer let and 2nd; pair shearling ewes,
S Doupe, H A Switzer; ewe lambs, Si.
Doupe, 11 A Switzer; pair fat ewes, or wethe
era, Jas Brooke, ,;,-
SWINE -Berkshire boar, Albert Lang-
ford, Jas Foster; Berkshire sow, Albert
Langford, Jaa Foster; boar of 1890, Albert
Langford, Jaa Foster; sow, Albert Langford
Jas Foster;
POULTRY—Light brahmau, Wm Mc-
Leod, Fred Eedy: buff couhms, Wm Mo.
Leod 1st and 2nd; plymouth rocks, Win
McLeod; colored'dorkins, Wm 3loLeod eat
and 2nd: games, any kind, Wm McLeod lst
and 2nd; minoroas black,, Thos i13ann, J
Westman; guinea fowl, Jas Brooks, Geo
Wilkin; Hamburgs, Jas Brooks, Wm Mc-
Leod; brown leghornl, Thos Bunn Wm
McLeod; black leghorns T A Langford,
Jcs Lane; Polands, Win McLeod; bantams,
Win McLeod, Jas Brooks; Turkeys, any
variety, T A Langford I; Westman; geese,
toulouce, Robt Bilyea; geese, any;variety,
H A Swit .er, Jas Brooks; daoks any var-
iety, Wm McLeod, 11 A Switzer; collection
of pigeons, Mrs Beag, collection of sine_
ing birds, Robt Robinson, T A'Langford;
wyandottes, Robt Robinson, T A Lang
Ghild•re;, Gry for P t' ti t4 L«stori:
sketch, J Brooks; h handpainted , E o ,] palet .d fire
screan in oils; W J Dunsmore; animal
painting in oil, W J Densmore; pencil
drawing, E J Brooks.
Cattle. Sheep and Swine—S Langford,
Granton; P Brooke, Whalen; •Teo Bowell,
Maple Grove.
Heavy Horses—Dr J H Wilson, London;
Wm Baker, Hawley; John
Light Horses—llfatthew 11ersba1l, Rirr;
Chas Lakey, Loudon; Them I_ipsett, Lon.
Grain, Boot; and k`rnits---Robt Beatty,
Maters; John Barisal, Merton; Richard
Jermyn, Granton.
Implements, etc-.-Je,lin German, Wel-
burn; Thos Bunn, Maple Grove,
Witte work, Fine Arts, eta --•Mrs Dr Ir.,
ving, Kirkton;Mrs Iaeae Langford, London;
plias Hackett, Ilderton,
Poultry—T A Langford, J G Eedit, Geo
The following is the report of S. S. No,
2, Hay, The September report for this
school is as follows. The names aro m
order of merit:
Fifth --Router Reseed', Alfred McTaggart'
Jas, Campbell.
Fourth --David Smith, Chan Blaaktvell,
Cecil Boss.
Third --ate Chapntae, Aggie Sbirray,
Fred Eacrett,
Sen Second --Alice Gould, Nellie O'Brien,
Ralph Chapman.
Jan Second—Nellie Gould, Nellie North,
Gott, Joseph Northcott.
Second Part—Louis Swith, Beekia North.
cott, John Todd.
First part Milton Ruescll, Carrie Gould,
Melvin Gould.
W. H, JOHNSTON, Teacher,
Ba1EFs- Mrs A. M. Wilson's Sabbath
School class uumberiug over fifty, assembled
at her residence last Saturday and had
their ps+•tures taken by err Phippen, of
Farkhilt, Dir and Mrs Wilson have arrang-
ed to go east to Athena where he Intends to
attend college. --.Dir Archey MoLachlia, of
Bay Ctty, Mich., visited his parents for a
few dbys last week.— Mr J. E. Tont, P. S. I.
visited echoed No 10 and speaks very highly
of the progress of the pupide and the im.
pr.'tvemente to the school lwuseand grounds,
—Mr C. II, Willson, received N tlrst and 4
scooted prizes on his stock at the McGi liv-
ray fair,—A large number of our citizens
attended the Presbyteriaft harvest home at
Corbett last weed: and were highly pleased
with the dinner and intellectual treat, —Ur
A.nges 7oelntash is borne on a visit. ---W. J.
Wilson rented the 25 twee joining his tot
$8 south boundary owned by Mr A. x•
Wilson for a term of five years. -.1f r Geiger
& Wing put down a well for Mr Louie
Luther and auoceedod in getting water at
the depth of 120 feet, the water rose within.
20 feet of the top.—Mr A. Hall is having a
well put down this week,—Mr Geo. Webb
sold hie three year old thoroughbred buil a
short time age, he turned the scales at
1800 lbs ; he has bought another extra well
bred Durham two years old.
The following report of 8.5 N'o 5, Us.
borne, for September, is based upon regula.
rite of attendance, general work and good
conduct. Tho names are arranged in order
of merit:
V—Gertie McCord.
IV—Ella Wcstcott,•CdithWerteott !Lyman
McCord, equal.
II1, ar—Blanche Westcott, Violet Russell.
III, jr—Lila 11IeC'ord, Lily McDonald,
Jennie McDonald, Ellie Riohardaan, Elijah
II, sr—Willie Frayue, Garnet Freyne,
Nelson Prout, Lily Westcott.
If, jr—Emily Wood, Herman McDonald,
Lliza Eiggins. Violet Willis.
II, pt—ainggie Russell, Jessie Richard,
Vincent Wood, Arthur Sanders.
1, pt—John Richard, George Westcott,
Lily M. Rowoliffe, David McCord, Tommy
Higgins, Fred Cornish, Willie Rowoliffe,
Edith McCord. Bennie Bruce,
.T. W. HOOAltTil, Teacher.
Bnr.Eas—Mr Geo Patty has pnrobased
from Messrs G & J Petty the "Yorkshire
Pork Packing House" and premises, and
will at once enlarge the establishment.—
Df essra McDonnell & Waugh have dissolved
partnership, Mr Waugh retiring, As yet
Mr 'Waugh has not decided as to his future
business engagements. --Mr R Morrison,
who has been in business here for some
time has signified his intention of returning
to Bayfield at the expiration of his lease
here, which ocoure some time in February.
Mr el and family will be missed in business
and society circles.--ilfr T Murdock has
made another addition to bis stock, this
time "Brown Billy." one of the beat stal-
lions in Ontario. He is a beautiful horse,
strong and well symmetrised, and is as
rapid as a flash; he is of a beautiful brown
color and stands nearly 17 hands high.—
The marketa are quiet just now; the drop
in tlru prides cf wheat and barley is the
Crede one .
Stephen Council.
Council met Oct 6, 1800. All present
except the reeve, 11 Fibber ocoupled the
Moved by J Sherrit, sec by F'►Culth that
0 Prouty's request for leave of absence for
some weeks be granted.
After passing, the following orders the
council adjourned to mee,t again an Mon-
day, eelth Nov Nov:
Y Layeon 0 It contract Geo 10, 553;
D Buchanan G R sec 9, 59; R Aelatre. 2I51
contract, $15; 0 Ceristie, 56; 0 Walper,
expenditure, N 13 501.50; J Herman,
gravel, 1 C R 519 75; J Querin,, 0 P. work
510; W 13arkwell our half work, Ii Road,
512 80; J M:Rorer,work 5 B, $21'; Wilson
Anderson centrad and rop,$1590; insuring
hall received 57 50; salary $30; J Lawson
repairing bridge, 52 50; Jos Edwards, grad-
ing S R 58; Mr Collies, Iegal eeryii o+$1e;
Trees printiug, 535; 9 Sanders, gravel,$91
30; 11 Barry, contract gravel 500 10; char.
ity, 58; 1) O'Brien S labor refund, 52 ;
Ferrili, S Iabor refund 51; T Follis, gravel,
timber earls, 566 22,
Path masters who have not sent in lists
are required to do so at once
Remember council don't meet again till
November 21. O. Psouer.
BRIEFS—Mr. Meyer, of Znrich, is the
guest of his daughter Mrs Aug. Hill.—Mr
and Mrs Chas Brown, Mr Jacob Feist,
Miss Louisa Feist and Miss Lydia Brown
intend leaving this evening to visit friends
in Michigan.—err August Sweitzer will
leave shortly for Deleware where he will
go into fruit raising,—Mr Jas. Flynn who
has been sick for several years died on
Sunday last, the funeral took place on
Tuesday to St. James cemetery near
Luoan:—Mr Chas. Zwiker went to Toronto
on• Mondey to attend the wedding of Dr
T. A. Amos, formerly of this place to Miss
Laura Manning, of Toronto, the ceremony
took place yesterday, we extend our con-
gratulations.—Council meeting was held
on Monday and owing to the Reeve's
absence, the 1st Deputy, Mr H. Either
occupied the chair.—Rev. Mr Staebler
preached a forcible set mon ou Sunday evg
and especially referred to the Birchall
case.—Several weddings are 'on the tapis
and if reports are true we may expect
three on one day before long.—Mr Jas.
Dennis has moyed into the shop lately
vacated by Mrs Ryan, and will in future
be better able to accommodate his cus-
tomei s.
Alexander McRichie,of Scotland,
Ont., has a single stalk f beans bear-
ing 113 pods.
name at home," won by Hood's Sarsapar-
illa. In Lowell, Mass., where it is prepared
there is more of Hood's Sarsaparilla sold
than of all other medicines, and it has given
the beat of satisfaction slime Reintroduction
ten years ago. This could not be if the
medicine did not . possess merit. If you
suffer from impure blood, try flood's Saran-
rarille and realize its peculiar curative
A boy named Michael Clement, of Sea -
forth, who was driving the Queen's bus met
with an acoident on Wednesday. He got
rip on the hue in the driving_ shed • and,
started the horses, and the s+ace between
the top of the door aid theus was too
small to admit of the risen e f his h,;rl
t g y
thus h li• pp
t it,. hint "averrl'%. Th2+Meek iu •
1. of the seat savu;t hi a life.
Osborne Council.
The council mot on the 4th inet, all the
members being present. The minatoa of
previous meeting were road and ap.
Moved by J Halla seconded by W Lydd,
that a bylaw bo drafted legalizing the levy-
ing of the various rates required for town-
ship, county, sinking fund and sohool pur-
poses. Carried,
Moved by J Shier, sea by T Cameron,
tbat the clerk be hereby instructed to com-
plete the itollector'e roll and to deliver the
same to the collector, on. or before the 15th
Oct, 1890, provided. the collector's bond is
found satisfactory. Carried.
Moved by T Cameron seconded by J Shier
tat a bylaw be drafted in accordance with
revised statutes 1888, chapter 193, sec 5,
sub -see 2, giving the power to municipal
corporations to charge all, who have not
paid their tries by the 14th day of Decem-
ber, 1890, five per cent, in addition to said
unpaid taxes. Carried.
The bylaw giving effect to the above re.
solution was then read a first, second and
third time.
Moved oy J Halls seconded by W Kydd
tnat bylaw No 19-1890, imposing 5 pe
cent additional on all unpaid taxes, after
December 14th, 1890, and repealing bylaw
No 7, 1881, as now read a third time be
passed. Carried.
Moved by J Shier, seconded by J Halls,
that the colleetor's bond be accepted, the
same being considered satisfactory, Car-
Moved by J Shier, seconded by T Cam-
erou, that bylaws No 8 and 9 for 1890 con-
firming the levying of the several rates, as
now real a third time, be passed
Moved by J Halls, seconded by J Shier,
that the following;orders be granted, viz:—
Geo Bell, $6; Iesae Whitlock, 51 25; Sam'l
Skinner, 54 Matthew Samwell, 513; Sam'l
Buckingham, 80 ots; John Allison, 57 50;
Sam'l Stanlake, $57; Usoorre & Hibbert
Ina Co, 63 cts, Oapt Francis, 520 40; John
Pollen, 53 50. Carried.
Moved by :T Jhier soo by T Cameron,
that G Bell be paid 56 for keep of T Bennet,
On motion of T Cameron seoonded by W
Kydd the council adjourned to meet again
on Saturday, Nov let, at 11 o'clock, A M.
Gao. W. Homier% Clerk.
The Parkhill Cheese Co sold their Aug-
ust make for 9a cents.
Will be found an excellent remedy for
sick headache. Carter's Little Liver Pills.
Thousands of lettere from people who have
used them prove this fact. Try them.
Dr. Coleman and wife and Mr. Theo
Coleman, of Seaforth, have returned home
from their European trip. The doctor's
many friends will be pleased to learn that
he is looking exceedingly well having re-
gained lits usual form.
A serious accident happened to Mr. Gao.
E. Jackson, of Edgmondville, on Wednes-
day morning last. He was pulling apples
when he fell from the ladder to the ground
a distance of over 12 feet dislocating his
shoulder, fracturing the collar bone and in-
flicting other injuries. He *vas apparently
in a lifeless condhtiou and for a time de-
prived of the power of speech and bis limbs
were paralyzed. He is improving,
Bargain Depot
Dress Goode, Gents' Furnishings, Ready
made Clothing, Boots ft Shoes, Rats &
Cap; Lest Tweed Suitings ;. in fact any
thing you need. Don't forget to call at
economical buyers' resort, where you get
good value every time without 13AITING,
Remember there is always a sharp hook
inside the luring bait and it is sure to
catch the unwary sooner or later. We
find that meritorious goods aald at a
living profit is our best trade advertis
meat and this is the secret of oar
increasing trade.
We pay the very top figure, trade or
cash, for farm produce.
We want 3 carloads of good hard wood.
Market Stare Exeter.
On Tuesday of last week, lilt e Charlie
• McMillin, of Water street, St Marys, pm -
abased a pistol and after loafing it with ball
•oprtridgo proceeded ' homewards with the
weapon ou full cock in his panes pocket.
�j'lret, t a�aiuu thr Kennedy hone the t.r 1,11
went t13lo1,;iitgt'iu chute in the
rosin Various Sources Through
out the Uastrict.
McGillivray'I'ownehip Council has pass-
ed the by -lay to levy a tax of 2} mills for
county purposes and 2& mills for township
and school purposes,
Thos. OeHagan, of Ottae a, who, a few
yearn ago, rues au assistant In the Mitchell
Hiph School, hag become editor of the
Northwest witness, a Catholic naper pub-
lished in Duluth Minn.
Mr William Gunning, of Blanshar:1, met
with a painted accident on the 27th nit: Ho
wee in London and while riding down Dm.
dart street in a huckster's wagon tho axle
broke, precipitating the uecnpants of the
rig to the hard pavement of the street. Mr
Gunning was eattaht as -OSS the chest by
some part of the rack and was released with
difficulty. Ho was rendered nncanseiouses
We aro sorry to learn of tho death of Iters
William Cowan, which took place at her
haebaod's resideuce, near Sheldon, Dakota,
on the 11th of September. Mrs Cowan bad
been i11 only about three weeks. Erysipelas
was the cause of death. Mr Cowan was
formerly a resident of Iinliett, and has
lived in Dakota about nine years. Mrs
COwan'e maiden name was Margaret Me-
Miobt el,
A former resident of this town, who has.
been residing in Michigan for several years,
arrived hero last spring, bringing with him
a woman supposed to he his wife together
with several children. He took up house
and to all appearance was living in peace
and contentment. A few daysarto, however,
husband No, 1. showed up on the scene
and Monday's noon train convoyed the
children westward to their former home in
company with their lawful father. Tho
truant wife was allowed to remain with her
paramour.—St. Marys Journal.
On Monday last a young boy aged about
14 years, son of Mr Peter Longueway fell
off a wagan that he was riding on and the
wheel passed over his leg breaking it badly
just above the knee.
On Wednesday the 2lth alt„ two of Mr
Andrew Reid's children set fire to a straw
stack, and ere help arrived tiro barn was
also burning so furiously that nothing
could be removed, and the totol crap and a
number of his implements were reduced to
ethos. The loss is estimated at 52.500 and
the insurance is $1,400.
The people of this township have to
mourn the Loss of one of its first and old-
est settlers in the late Mr Thos. Fell. IMIr
Fell had a fall something over a year ago
whioh seemed to shake no his already fail -
lug system to such a degree that he never
recovered from the effects. With a hope
that the trip might be some benefit to hist
physically, he sailed for this native land,
Eitel md, early in July, His health did
not improve, however, so he Bailed again
for home about the first of September, On
Saturday morning, Sept. 20th he died on
board ship about 24 hours before reaching
Quebec. The deceased was in his 65th
year and had been in this country abont
45 years. He come to Hibbert about 30
veers ago, and made i home for himself
and family ont of e forest.
A tunnel Is to be constructed under
the Detriot`river, as soon as the chart-
er is gaanted,
One of North Easthope's oldest re-
sidents in the person of Robert E.
Paterson, of Shakespeare, is dead.
He has been a resident of the town-
ship since 1838.
A junior foot ball league has been
established in Seaforth and vicinity by
the instrunleu tality, of Mr; J. Crawford,
who has donated a valuable silver cup
for competition.
A convention has been called to
meet at New York for the purpose of
forming a society to protect persons
illegally detained in lunatic asylums.
It is alleged by the promoters of the
movement that there are hundreds of
people imprisoned as insane who have
been so placed by parties with the
object of controlling their property or
for other sinister designs. Miss C. C.
Lathrop, whose long detention in an
insane asylum Is graphically described
in her book, and who was finally releas-
ell by order of: the Supreme Court, has
published' this statement and bas
gathered quite a number of sympathi-
?dee whn anti willing to aid her' in her...
Om Ipino endeavors.,