HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-05-30, Page 2.a 1AGE.T} ��.^/.�--EE WO2P• • �. ruse • • . 4r41 Published b) Sigual-Star Publishing Limited • Subscription Rates -Canada and Great Britain. $3.00 a year. to United ! • States. $4.00. Strictly in advance. Advertising Rates c►^ request Telephone 41. - Authorized u second-class mail. Post Office Department; Otltawa. Out -of -Town Representative: C. W ti A 237 Foy Bldg.. 34 Front St. W. -Toronto. Over 3,000 -Largest circulation of any newspaper published in Huron Count) --Over *ember of Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. Member of Ontario Weekly Association, Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation GEO. L. ELLIS, Editor and Publisher. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR i� (nbrrtd? fi•igital-i§tar o,�" : . HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST. WEEKLY /1 f1 ln� • Established 1848. In its itOth year of publication. 3,000 Newspapers THURSDAY, .MAY 30th. 1957 PREDICTIONS AND THE FUTURE It vbaN 1>fca-,elle 1u l,•• a--11r••-ii ( U. lI(we ill lis- :t hire-. ilei•• east v+• ---k tea' (iodt•rit.•h wol►.'ri. fie, a :•••• Lily. • reflex SraWay. "i•c'1:'Ilt Ir"111 uetiv;ty on tee- (ir'-itt oak•-, a- al. port- 1'.114 ern', r•.• Wry - }v,p ±. ;i .l:►:•u. .,f I •i� rd: Miniel 'r of Tr:i•le ised l •••111!11•'. - N .1; .har •l by tho, more -l.r•e•ti\" r•-p•'ii-ii'.- ler 111\ fut'lr:' j..'rowti, !i.•'h the pert 111 ht , 3Il elipee.e...e.t\ t', Tli:tii dtl' •il• \►!. Lu., .:. isle.? t l:• i..;.. \t ... 1,. r...,414,' ; .n,•• •1•• i\•-• •iri • r• •t,v.-• '.1 - d _ , ►+t . 1-,t \t �,.1; t ,\ a:. a •n:.i. • _n. p' rt -ire 1 .. _::t • ,!: , - in. tri' ,i ..1 .i• 1 • ,•1• 1' -. ,f 1 ee •-'0 I,,i; : •n, - -,-,. tile ext - r•!: r . t_.. `Ve-o• Irl i cher . :. -',r eii _--1.••r,-a-.:.' v,eeni•'• Twenty , .ir _ •. (t 11.r,•1!11::.- \\--,4-71. ('d1•4114 111"a III •1•-,t. .l,:i. '1' :.. H sive: the dal wrrti;'l • '•1!1 ' \1 !1--!i fee: feree-re. in We—tern (Ontario '•'• ee'el 1 :t .._' ;►wr: ere:n het '-'1 '1 e•-1,••..•1 L _: a:!, ,_ r , ee in Western: ('anit,1.1 a. treed Their e--,,eii Anene- wily, , 1eeht. :!silt veil ti` •,1.'vi,o not iii•:r!,r ftl'tt!:''•1 -::' 1i•1 -'" 'h•- air •e'':' ;•f ��••' .:,err ('attd'i,i reecho: "'he.l. •e eietI1►•••1 G(,d••riehlay f,•!" feed:llc� "n ramie- throir•.rh•'ut \V..1vrll ( ►star', I►Tlr''!L• t'1•' r!ayL1;tt 'l!-�`�-•Jn n 1111 al (f more 'i,ia!: 4RN) l;u,ll• :, .,►f grain was brought duwu from the L k.e}lean to grain elevator, i11 Goderich. N'ow. aldug comes another prediction. Tee ,euree t.'f this _ late et !trophesy inaiiitaine teat (intdre''•, future will, eee a vast industrial area stretching from Windsor through to leuid•rn. IIA111:1tUn, t ►akviile. Toronto, Oshawa :.:.•i easterly. It kill include. too. the Niagara ,•. t:.!l-ula_ alread•y bring transformed from a fa -n:: n'_ into anintlu-trial arra. This huge get l -t nets area will Lave matey hundreds of !.•• ,-:t!,.1- el '11t1t1-tr.12l t1'•rli r-, who will. r .\ • 11-'.1111•. the pre- • 1 i'l'ea,,, \1 1 l.e.'•'!1 ?lie feele:ne Huron license commissioners, the \< < nee -.� _:'. .;jlri :: the I vest,. -k to feed license for the Bet:Ash Exchange ::.,ill;, .11,)[1.(t -d1 the snore hotel es as transferred from E: R. ► Swart- to James Reynolds. The • -r ..0 .•i l. -d..,•. a elt_ I," to license of the Huron House was •!!.• ,•f ina1tp•.wer theee Tenn, transferred freer' Mr. Reynolds to • r! 'era -ii rtr'1'.11 V fl•'1tt,' Alex Robinson. r _.-,2i:11 • lan•1- a!1.1 \;!11 rel\- ,„Irk- A 'score of Goderich Boy Scouts took the morning train to McGaw, ('d 11 /1,1;1 :'ra:l1 ? r ,rv,l iji• it l -v:•- :hen marched to Benmiller. where tile troop was drawn up and Ernest Lee was sworn in as a tenderfoot. Badges were presented by Scout - Morris Svv Bruce Noble and Allen Sinclair. . 25 Years Ago ' A few days after Town Council passed a motion instructing police : to, put a stop to parking in Court House Park. a summons was served on the county sheriff. He was to ' appear in police court to answer a charge of violating the civic parking by-law. In order to keep pace with the growing demand for salt, it was expected that the Godericfi Salt Co. would soon let the contract for the sinking of a flew well''on its,pro- perty' The -company employed - 75 Down Mernoryts Lane 45 Years Ago It. R. (Bob) Sloan. a director of the Ontario Fruit Growers' Associ- ation; predicted a great future for fruit -growing in Huron County. He himself owned a fruit farm two miles below Porter's Hill and an- iother at Blyth. The anniversary and dedication Iservices in the Baptist Church on Sunday marked the beginning of a new era in the life of that con- ! gregation, reported The Signal. After working energetically for i several months, the different or - 1 ganizations of the congregation raised sufficient funds to cover the cost of „new church pews, seats for , the choir and other furnishings. ` The pastor was Rev: J. Pollock - It was reported that County Council would be asked to consider a publicity campaign for Huron County si-riilar to a campaign car- ; tied on very successfully by Lamb- : ton County. - i At a meeting of the -Centre i • - lr- it:: add,- t,:' the feet••: 1: -t• re Canadat!raZU than ever ,eine _ from the Lakehea•1 to (;o�1.-rlt-lt -'•I!.-11? ••- theee farms ill (.ilitari'-'. Is"•� i,r•-,1_ :•.e. -•f • -sur-••. lint whoi. there t', say a' .. - r(•11 CiCalrlt : 'I i1• filter,- alway. rema-ins an unknown 1'tlt with lvii1.-.prea•1 +levNic'1,r11rnt l_ �t ••li 4 )nwithtario :n the next 25 years or ►;•••1• r: .•h ran rl(t help but -liter into the t'. 1: :rl 11:r're ways than elle. It i (Illy t•' fr'rr•=.r-' an aieeel•�-rifted rate of _ . •_•- f ,r the port of Goderieh and the krep.tn�t w :t}i (►ntario': :,• /..� •. all,i''n ;Turing the year. that • master Hayden to anson, 1 :': i ,- persons. The Goderich Homing Pigeon Club staged a week -end flight from' WEDDINGS. • LITTLE -SMITH ' edged in pearls. and she carried a':white-•--Bible -topped with - p.nk r osebtids and white stephanotis T'S "bride:'rnaids. Valerie Car ter. of Toronto. a cousi.'•, of the bride. and Patrice Sarn:s. of London, wore Iden:xei styled waltz - length dres,r-, of cur nitower blue taffeta. w.th matching headdresses. The flower eerie Nancy Kress. cousin ee.•gee_.yrr,re a Kate Green- s~ „iv' dress of w-h.:F eyelet ern- broidery over cornflower blue taf- feta A. basket of pink roses was ca-r:ed by each of the bride's at- tendante. The groomsman was David Fvan ', Montreel. and ushers were Beta Ha; - of Gceier :ch. and Jim Reed. of ur geua. Receiving gIuest= at'the recep- tion et the Little Inn. Bayfield. the br:des rrio'he-r ware a dre-s of duty 'rose w.th retching acces- eer.e.- She was assee.ed by the ,°,reerr •i mother .who chose a beige ere -amble. For a wedding .: ip to Northern ' (!-:.a: . the bride - ,re a =k- blue p r.neer; -lei.:h1 dress w,th navvy a seri c',a' area -ky blue act: �a:ones. The coup:e well re -:de in Lond-,n. «'erir'....; �ve_:� ::,1)71a d:.lance .neiuded Mrs Y - J•.,hr.,tone. of V ancon:r_r B r M• and Mr... Ray B'ar'er and Valer.e and lir - B R Var. Irise r, and A L L`w=-r.�s. all rif..Ta;.a: ``e- fir, and Mr- Mu:,ay NF:iier. ngter.' Of Brampton. and Mr and Mrs •Eric- Fairbairn. of • Del re.Pr,er t-, r' rnar:sae the bride �.- -• hono:(d ul'h gift, from the (see' r and :r.,l ,r, '0! Knox Chuech. the fee/1 Te;ephone <-,,mparo. (•meta shower and t•rt , ml-eel:an- '�r,us showers Mr and •ytr: J. Gardner enter - tamed 'he bridal par'y 'a'. a buffet, lunch following the rehearsal on . Frida 'ev'ening. Mildred Marie Smith became the bride oi--Frank Ernes: Little -in a ceremony conducted by Rev. R. G. ' MacMillan in the chapel of Knox Presbyterian Church here on Sat- urday at 12 coon: The bride is the daughter of •A. Leslie Smith, of coder%cn. and the late Mrs. Smith. • -and the 4.rooin •:s the `on >; and Mr:, Ernest Liu.le. of G.0 a`' White chrysanthemums formed a setting for the wedding. Music a -as provided by W H_ Bishop, orgar..,t The so;o,t. Miss • Jayne Ford. sang -'U Perfect Love.' - Given :n :gar rage' oy her bro- ther. Ja.-nes Smite. the bride were a bauerr_a-;ength gown of nylon at: o.ee shimmering bridal satin with a ::.de ell—around edging of scalloped French iznporteel. hand- cL-pped lace eneancln ; he r e ereg- Gte eftect ,vehk:r:: and ;lora! .aCe appliques scattered on the front and sneer of the skirl Her finger- tip .e ; a- caught to a cap 'd lace ace -Jen ant; ,he carried a white Bs,;e tc,;n, ed wen Arner.car, Beau, TO,' The matron of honor. Mr=. John ?.cess. vw (. o eruh. a cousin of the bride_. was attired :n a gown of pink net over satin. with bouffant skirt tire' tiny cape She wore a matching headdress and carried a bouque• of tinted blue chry-anthe- murn The gr - m's brother. Harry Littre. •,i Goderich, was best 'man. and ushers were Jack Little, also a brother of the -groom, and John Thurlow It Ceiv:ng guests at a receeeeion at Tiger Dunlop Inn. the br.de's st.ster•in law, Mrs. Jame., Smith. wore a figured silk dress with white accessories. and a corsage of yelliew roses The groom's mo- ther chose a navy dress with -matching acce,'or!es and a corsage of pink roses. Fora wedding trip to NoAhern Ontario. the bride wore a navy and white erystalette dress with white accessories, and a corsage of red roses. The couple will re- side in Goderich. Previous to her marriage, the bride was honored with two .'show - ers-a miscellaneous shower held by Mel F. If. Samis and a shower held "by Mrs. John Reis. . o—o---.-- o • • GARDNER-REED iMarriage vows were exchanged by Dorothy Ruth Reed. of Gode- rich, and Robert Adelbert Gardner, of London, in a ceremony in Knox Presbyterian Church here on Sat- urday at 3 p.m. The bride is the daughter of Mrs...W. H. (teed, of Goderich, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gardner, of -London. - Rev. R. G. MacMillan officiated. Wedding music was played by Mrs. Murray Hetherington, of Brampton, and the soloist was Mrs. Duncan MacKay, of Auburn. The. church was , decorated with standards of ,given in marriage by ,her uncle, G. W. Paterson, the bride wore a - gown of ivory brocaded taffeta, with net inserts at the neckline and bouffant -skirt with bustle ef- fect iter waist -length tulle veil was cattght to'a matching headdress - e 5-5 rich Public School Board also ac- cepted the resignation of L L. Knox. secretary -treasurer of the board for many years. The local tag day for the Chinese War Relief Fund netted $307. Joe Mulch and- Vic Harrison, both barbers and dyed-in-the-wool anglers. displayed a fine,catch of speckled trout. includinhalf a dozen fish which averaged close to two pounds each. They caught them "somewhere in North, Huron." 10 Years Ago It was announced that $15,000, representing 30 percent of the o jective, had been raised in the arena campaign to! date. This amount included results from the general and industrial canvass, but did not- include the special names section. Goderich Public School Board received the resignations of Misses Ivy Austin, Jean Yemen, Millie Anderson .and Marg4ret Bettger. Appointed to replace them on the teaching staff were Mrs. Ewan C !toss, Airs. M. Cranston, Miss Rose Itowra and Miss Lorraine Hodgins. . Town Council leased the Park (louse to A. L. Brereton, who was proprietor of the Club Grill on Kingston street. Mr and Mrs. W. J. C. White, an elderly couple from Portsmouth. England. arrived in Goderich to view the grave of their youngest son -in Maitland cemetery. LAC Leonard C. White, of the RAF, contracted a fatal illness •while stationed at Port Albert in 1941. The visit of the parents to their !son's grave was made possible through the Rotary Clubs of Lon- don. Ontario,. and London. England. With more tractors now in use, horses Were becmming hard to sell, said Harold Jackson, auctioneer from Seaforth. He also''noted that cows were in heavy demand, in- dicating a swing toward dairying among Huron County farmers. 1 0 0 0 Sirs. George Connell, of Seaforth, has been visiting relatives and friee l odgric-!hi;palst three gays. She carried a basket of` Montpelier, Mich„ ..-a distance of sweetheart ro=es and mixed shades of tinted carnations. 226 miles from Goderich. The THE winning bird was owned by J. j The gtrpomsman u as Douglas Bowman. Entries of J. W .Mac - of Goderich.Vicar, W. Baker, P. Johnston and RFI 1 TELEPHONE Cruickshank, guests at Tiger Dunlop - C- .,1!'�,tSS',._ 111:111 -al order. -_name in , BEL. Inn. Mrs. ele. Frith, the bride's next. grandmother, wore a periwinkle' Anew• egg titas•ket X:lila -Messrs.-1COMPANY blue silk dress with snatching Gould and Sturm `-as' proprietors. jacket and large black hat and was opened opposite the Town Hall accessories. She wore a corsage. on East street. i of sweetheart roses. The groom's A Goderich food store advertised mother chose an ensemble of P.osa veal chops at 17 cents a pound,' mond brocatelio with navy acces- while a half pound of side bacon .'• ores, and a corsage of talisman '-could be bought for nine cents, Pres facial Constable Lorne; U U -0 FULLER --FRITH AT GODERICH REQUIRES A roses. 15 Years Ago P01.1:1" I ME Leaving on a wedding trip to Niagara Falls. N.Y.. the bride wore a sheath dress in champagne shade • scuiptured silk with matching ac- cessories, and a three-quarter coat of cognac boucle. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller will reside in Goderich. Before -her marr:ege, the bride was honored at showers held by Marion Dales, of Clinton. and Bar- bara Buchanan and Marilyn Lane. of Goderich. She was also honor- ed by the members of Goderich Baptist Church. at the home of Mrs. Donaldson. and there was a pre- sentation by members of Goderich Bu -:neo, College. MUSiC EXAM RESULTS Result: of examinations held by the Western Ontario Conservatory ref Music at St- Joeeph's Convent were as follows: . Grade V, honoree Barbara Ellis; Grade VII, honor,, Judy Naftel: Grade VIII, first class honors, Nancy Hughes.,, Patricia Prevett and honors, Irene'Pfrimmer, Diane Harrison. Donald Rouse: A. Mus.' honors. Dorothy- Erizen=berger. Rev. S. H Findlay officiated ; .when Dianne Catherine Frith and Ronald Fuller exchanged wedding ' vows in a ceremony held i�t-he Goderich Baptist Church pars,nage on Saturday at 2 p.m. The -bride is the daughter of John W. Frith. of Goderich, and the late Mrs. Frith, and the groom is the son of Mr Rutherford, who had been station- ed at Goderich for three years.! was "transferred to Galt. Provincial Constable Spofford, of Kitchener,! was posted to Goderich. . Jackson Jerry, who had been acting turnkey of Huron County Jail, received official notice of his' permanent appointment t� the position, Sidney J. Brown was appointed to replace W. Harvey Bryans as principal of Central 'Public School. Mr Bryans resigned to enter min.; tart' service. With regret, Gode-i Second Class STATIONARY, ENGINEER REQUIRED Medium Sized Plant Subsidiary Large - Organization 42 hr. week, usual.. benefits. Box 607, Aurora, Ont. 22-3 +limemoinwmir FIRST AID RENDERER 71r TO ALL SICK TV'S. iNe carry the largest stock of tubes - for all makes, and a complete stock of parts for Sparton TV. For instant service prone or call B. R. MONDAY 127 Widder St. -TV, Radio, Sound Phone 598 :23tf and airs. Haney L. fuller, of Gode- rich. l WHY THEY COME Gwen in marriage by her father, ! .,,•. the pride wore a gown of white' There is much -loose talk about silk chiffon, fashioned in Empire I why tourists come -to Canada. Just style with .long-sleeved jacket of as foolish is the contention that many stay away because there is Guipure lace, with the finger tip ! not always ready access to a veil of cloud white tulle illusion ; "bracer" when they want it. But ifridescent from a pill box edged with I all tourists ate not users of liquor. iridesuqut sequins. Shen cowled !Indeed a great proportion of them a bouquet of American Beauty , roses set off -by white stephanotis, are children. Hundreds, of happy fern and satin streamers. i families come to fish, to hunt, to rest. to play and to enjoy the The matron of honor, Mrs. Ross1 Eedy, of Dungannon. sister of the i beauties of our. hike districts. groom, chose a bouffant dress with back interest in confection pink Indeed it can lie truly said that the liquor4ree atmosphere of many stiffened tulle 'with tiny matching lace jacket. She carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses. and .`mixed shades of tinted carnations. , The, flower •girl, little ltosemat'y Eedy, r.iece of the groom, was attired In mint green organza over- layed with gold and featuring 's Huron . County Temperance Fed - wide collar with tiny pink • nose- oration. - Pi our beautiful summer resorts is one of their ' greatest charms. Don't •iet the trade have its way. Of course they want more outlets. But they alone stand to profit: This advt. sponsored by The .•9 1 It's no fun .going anywhere when you feel only "half put -together"! Let us renew and smarten up your vacation clothes — old and new — with quality dry cleaning ... keep you ready to "go places" at a moment's notice. . Good ser- vice. -• GODERiCH DRY CLEANERS ‘.......7 WF ST S, rji•..(e„, /22 LS ,._ cz t t•WF av , rno1' Letter to -Editor • Goderich, Opt., - May 27. 1957. Editor, SignalStar. Sir, -I would like, through the medium of your paper, to express my sincere thanks to the doctors, and the' staff, all down the line, who treated me with such kindness, and courtesy during my recent stay in hospital, when no effort was spared which would contribute to .Aly comfort. I have many times heard people criticize doctors and nurses saying that these people are well paid for their services; no one remembers hew much it costs the doctor or nurse to prepare themselves for their calling; no price is too high to pay for restor- ation to health, and no money can buy kindness, patience, sympathy and cheerfulness, which good things were much in evidence. I may never be in the position to make a large contribution of money to our hospital but any help or testimony • that I can give, I :most willingly give. In closing, -I would also like to make mention of the kindness of the late superintendent, Miss Smith, who freely gave of her ser- vices to be with me through the post operative hours. Thanking you. Yours sincerely, aiRS. A. PALMER i OPERATOR N� Experience Necessary Cail Mrs• Brosche At 700 Goderich FOR A?'POINTMENT -22 ,e« t wd-II,if, eree .F! TiIU9SDAY, MAT 30th, "1857 initiation to be held the first meet - Rebekah Lodge ing in June. Conveners ,and arrangements were also formed for the garden party and bazaar to be held on Mn. A. Shore's lawn . in July. Goderich Rebekah Lodge met Tuesday evening of last week with the N.G., Mrs. E. F ritzley, presid- ing. Plans were completed for the • • Gravel and Trucking Business WITH LARGE TURNOVER FOR SALE IN TOWN OF GODERICH` Equipment Ibcludes : - TRUCKS — GRAVEL LOADERS SCREENING PLANT GOdD GRAVEL PIT — half mile from town STOOK OF GRAVEL, SAND and STONE . LARGE YARD for Stockpiling of Materials in Town OFFICE,rt and GARAGE EQUIPMENT Owing to circumstances, owner must sell reasonable for quick sale. HAYS & PREST PHONE 88 33 MONTREAL -ST. P.O. BOX 547,-GODERICH d JADE BY PEOPLE A COUNTRY is not made by its resources but by its people. Natural resources' were here before there were any people. It is the people of Canada who have made this country by their courage, industry, intelligence, and thrift. Canada can maintain its position in the , world• • only through the continued work and devotion of is ita-citizens. - ri Possession of the most abundant natural resources is not enough to,;ekure,►,r...._..�, :, .1t.. .:._... • THE STEEL COMPANY/10F CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO SPEED in super safety e- with the Triumph T.R.3 • • v i► • r Now fitted with DISC- BRAKES at no eictra cost USILY RETLACIA$t FRICTION -PADS Of ADEQUATE TNfCI(Ntss FOR LONG Uff• IIYtDRAuuC CYlisDtXS;, ' 1N tl toSutATED - RROM NEAT - ArERTURE 111 carp PERNiTS Of INSTANT eCNEtKINO FOR WEAR : ' WITItout ANY DtuIANTUNG, --1311 ROAD do TRACK in their May ,,1957 road test of the Triumph TR -3 say - r "The now brakes are tremtrndous . hard, fast stops from 100 mph.4ihowed no sign oo fade . . . as ,previously, the Triumph is a genuine enthusiast's dual-purpose car, very aasy to drive, safe -hand- ling, -a potent performer. durable and economical. In its price class, it ,has no 'competition, and as a competition fun machine, it has no equal - in -tears of performance per dollar." - ElTrtiUSIASTS--check Car Illustrated April 1857 road tests of the Triumph TR -3 also! it's a TRIU1'JpjI ~ PRODUCT Of THE STANDARD MOTOR CO. (CANADA) LTD. Solos, Pettis sad Service Iwo Ind.r)e, Si. t. St. Ms's, NId. ..% LESand. St. sDavids St. 5-3313 �.