HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-10-2, Page 9HEROIC SAVAGES. Beautiful Snow. some Decclrs (,Neave 'Senses in tine Dark The earliest known publication of the Continent, poem wasin farper'8 Weekly on Nor+ember Col. Arehinard, the French commander in S'' 1S;i8. Its text is as fallonvs: the Soadau, publishes in the Paris Papers= extraordivary story of the heroism acme of the tribes which he was obliged to fight. Quosebougou is a citadel situated in the I%aarta• It is the place which enabled King Amadoni to keep up his communications be- tween' Moro and the kingdom of Segon. In fact it wasthe key to the latter kingdom, and, falling into the hands of the French, it secur- ed for them the possession of that territory and won over to them the Bambaras tribes who were oppressed by Amadon, With 27 Europeans including officers, 205Turcos, two mountabt guns of SO, and a number of 13aam- bares, Col, Arohivard marched 'upon Onose- bougou. This queer -named place is an im- mense village in the centre of a sandy country. Its wallsare well fortified with bat- tlements and numerous bastions and outside the gates there are two redoubts. When the column arrived in front of it the black heads of the defenders appeared upon the walls, while tlres�tabala or war call sounded continu- ously, Oro was opened by the two guns, and in about four hours a breach was made; but the defenders seemed to care very little about that breach, and many of them came coolly to examine it, after which they shout- ed defiantly at the invaders. At last the Bambaras made a, dash upon the wells, which were situated at about 200 metres from the village. It was absolutely neces- sary to get water for the troops were suffer• big greatly from thirst. The defenders seem- ed to reserve their cartridges for this good opportunity, when they opened a fierce and rapid fire. Several of the Bambaras were shot down, but the others continued to drink at the wells while the bullets whistled all around them. At 4 o'clock the defenders were massed near the breach, and notwith- standing the continuous fire of musketry and artillery which thinned their ranks permp. tibly, they seemed fully determined to con. bines the struggle. The Colonelave the order to charge upon the breach. The two guns were worked with increased activity, and ceased firingonlywhen the column was within 100 metres of tate trench, Lieut,. Levasseur, with his Turcos, was the first to enteisthe breach. Then the fusillade be- came intense, The Turcos rushed into the village, but soon their advance was checked. Levasseur was wounded, FourTurcas took him to the rear, and in doing so two of them were killed. Two others immediately took their places and carried the Lieutenant to the ambulance. Capt. Man in took Le. Oh 1 the snow, the beautiful snow, Tilling the sky and earth below ; Over the housetops, over the street, Over the heads of the people you. meet, Deeming, Flirting, Skimming along, Beautiful snow, it can do no wrong 1 Flying to kiss a fair lady's cheek. Clinging to lips in a frolicsome freak. Beautiful snow, from the Heaven above, Pure as au angel, gently as love 1 Oh 1 the snow, the beautifulsnow, How the flakes gather and laugh as they go, Whirling about in its maddening fun; It plays in its glee with every one 1 Chasing, Laughing, Harrying by. It lights on the face and it sparkles the eye,. And even the dogs, with a laugh, and a bound, Snap at the crystals that eddy around; The town is alive and its heart is aglow To welcome the coming of beautiful snow 1 How wild the crowd goes swaying along, Railing each other with humor and song 1 How the gay sledges, like meteors, flash by, Bright for the moment, then lost to the eye; Ringing, Swinging, Dashing they go, Over the crust of the beautiful snow ; Snow so pure when it falls from the sky:; To be trampled in rnud by the crowds rush. Mg by ; To be trampled and tracked by the thou. sands of feet, Till it blends with the filth in the horrible street 1 Once I was Inure as the snow, bat I fell 1 Fell lime the snow -flakes from heaven to boll; Fell to be trampled as filth of the street; Polito be scoffed, to be spat on and .beat; Pleading, Cursing, Dreading to die, Selling my soul to whoever would buy, Dealing in shame for a morsel of bread, Hating the living and fearing the dead. Merciful God 1 have 1 fallen so low? And yet I was onceliko the beautiful snow: Once I was fair asthe beautiful snow. With an eye like its crystal, a heart like its glow • vasseur's place, and he too fell mortally I Once I WAS loved for my innocent grace, wounded. The attacking party remained flattered and sought for the charms of my ata standstill. Not. another inch could they . face? gain upon the defenders. This condition of loather, affairs became embarrassing; so the Colonel I threw all his reserves into the attack. The allies then became discouraged and ran. The Purees maintained their position, but were unable to advance. Some of the fugitives were induced to return, mud the Colonel gave orders to the regulars to hold at all hazards the carried positrons, Capt. Bardot received an order totako urn a, position near the breach and to fire shells into the vintage and there - doubt all through the night, in order to pre- pare the road for the movement in the morn - mg. M.Maclemba, a political agent of the French, and one of the most useful, was shot dead, The fire of the inhabitants continued with violence, while that of theinvaders was -slackened in order to spare the ammunition. At 4 in thqq�moruing a terrific war cry was heard, LAMINA fire of the defenders became more furious. They were advancing and at Dying alone, short range they made a desperate charge Too wicked for prayer, too weak for a groan upon the captured positions, It was a gal- To bo heard in the streets of the crazy lent sortie, bat it was repulsed. At 3 o'clock town or a little after another similar charge was One mad in tbo joy of the snow coming made with the same result. At last the day down, broke. The situation was critical. The To lie and to die in my terrible woe troops were exhausted and many of With a bed and a shroud of the beautiful the officere were wounded. However, snow ! the advance. was made. Tho Bembaaras were determined to fight hard this time. They marched coolly to the attack and soon raptured the redoubt. The wounded among thein often returned to the fight, after getting I new supply of cartridges, at their own re - guest. The son of one of the native chiefs re- tetved two ballets in his arm. It was shat- tered. When it was bandaged hercterned to the combat. At this point in thestruggle the resistance was as stubborn as it was in the be - tinning; but it was the last convulsion of the aeroic village. The defenders of the redoubt here surrounded, but they fought on des- perately, while they shouted insults atthe in- raders. Their resistance was hopeless, but they still kept it up. And here comes the most extraordinary .portion of the story. The chief of the Onose- 'ougous, Bandiougou Diara, realizing bis position, gathered his remaining troops over she magazine, and rather than surrender blew himself and them to atoms. It was then only that the Cabala ceased. But the resist- ance was still kept up in the village by the stragglers. Even the women took part in it, Incl` some of the brave barbarians, •avlien about to be made prisoners, shot thern- aelves. nether than be taken alive. They fought to the last man. ' If among the African tribes there are many more warriors like the Ouosebougous there will be some tough fighting in the Dark Con tinent before long. Any way, Bandiougou Mara was a hero. Mother, Sisters, all, Clad, and myself I have lost by my fall; The veriest wretch that goes shivering by Will take a wide sweep lest I wander too nigh ; For of all that is on or above me I know There is nothing that's purees the beautiful snow 1 How strange it should be that this beautiful snow Should fall on a sinner with nowhere to go ; How strange it should be, when the night comes again, If the snow and the ice struck my desperate brain, fainting, Freezing A Township of One House. L -The township of Skiddaw, Cumberland, in all probability stances unique in the Unit ed Kingdom as a township of one house, and the solitary male adult inhabitant is depriv- ed of his vote because of the fact that there • are no overseers to make out a voters' list, and no church or public building on which to publish one, if made. On several oc- casions ccasions unsuccessful claims have been made for an occupier's vote before • the revising barrister at Keswick,• and this year one of the registration agents served a notice •of claim ZAIn the assistant overseer of the adjoinownship of Unclerskiddaw ; but that oeclinec have 1 declined to anything rel to do with: it on the round that he ouldg not saddle his township with the duty and exs. penses of,ianother. The tenant of the houses is the shepherd,of Skiddaw Forest—a forest without a tree: It is understood that the house and land are rateable to the Cocker- ' nioutfi Union, and that the rates are paid by Lord Leeonfield's agent at Cockermouth, according to the calls of the Board of • Guardians. . . Containing 'Only Eight Letters, The To- ronto Truth." • Tho' to her tent thou turn thro' thorn, . To Truth in honor tune; ' Hunt thou her throne tho' torture -torn; Her throne eterne to rune.. honor thou the Truth. Tho' error hurt thee; tho' terror turn Thee, return thou tote the Trnth Then there troth honor to her throne eteree. . Utter no rune to error or her thorn, E'en the born on her throne, run thee thro'. Rune not to her rue. New York. A. RAiTSAY. A•Temperance Illustration. A gentleman while walking along the street met a man whom he recognized as hav- ing once been a notorious drunkard. "\\'hy, how aro you ?" he asked. "First rate." "1 should judge so by your appcarauce. The last time I saw you, some three years ago, I think, you were ragged and suffering from the effect of drink. Now you look like a millionaire. What have you been do - o" m "Well, sir, I stopper. drinking, saved up a few hundred .dollars and went into business. Since then I Have made money." The gentleman seized his hand. "My dear sir," said he, "I am on my way to at. tend a temperance. meeting. Would you mind going with me and relating your exper- ience?' Remember that you are in a position to speak an effective word of encouragment to hopeless strugglers." "1'11 go with you." "All right ; I am to lecture and at the proper time I will cation you." The house was crowded. The lecturer, after exhibiting -his stock of pictures illust- rative of the horrors of intemperance, called upon the prosperous.nlan. The fellow got up and without any embar- rassment said : "Ladies and gentlemen, I ani here to -day to talk to you in a practical manner of the poverty side of the whisky habit. Three years ago I was ragged and desolate, with a raging appetite for drink, and a disregard for all human and divine law. My wife was wretched and my child- ren were hungry. I had tried many times to reform, but had failed,but this did not keep inc from trying again. I tried and suc- ceeded. I went to work, and, although the struggle was severe, I stuck to any resolve. I succeeded in saving about three hundred dollars and then went into business for my- self. That was. two years ago: What is my condition now ? I live in a fine house, my wife dresses handsomely and my children are happy. I_" "What sort of :businessdid you go in ?" some one asked. - "I started a saloon." If there were any man present that felt a disposition to applaud he wisely restrained himself.--[-4rkctansaio Traveller. The Bottle Dungeon.. The most interesting feature of the old, and ruinous castle of St. Andrews is the bot- tle dungeon,which has been hewn out of the solid rock on which the north-west tower stands. It is exactlythe shape of a gigantic bottle. And enormous its site most certain- ly is, for the "neck" is eight fest deep and seven feet across, while the diameter of the "body" is seventeen feet at the bottom, and its depth is sixteen feet. The total depth of the bottle is thus twenty-four feet. Fearful was, the lot of the unhappy man confined Within these walls, where light of day never penetrated and whence escape was impossi- ble: mpossi-ble1 , And yet famous nen Bare been im- prisoned in this dismal cell.. The Duke of Rothesay was detained heroby his cruel uncle before being removed to Falkland Pal- ace, where he was starved to death (1.402) ; and George Wishart wed Patrick Hamilton, the moble martyrs, were thrown into this dungeon. Fortune Telling at Hong Kong. According to the Hong Kong• Telegraph, a curious tale of credulity has been unfolded at the Police . Court there. An elderly lady told (rapt. Ramsey, the noting magistrate, that the other day, when she was unwell, she was passing a fortune-teller'sshop, and a man asked her to go inside. She did so, and he inveigled her into stating her symp- toms. Wheu she had got through he care. fully informed her that what she 'vas suffer- ing from was an overdose of devils, and re- ferred her to the "devil -exorciser" in the next room. She visited that gentleman, who first took the only dollar she had and sent her home for three more. On her return he annexed that sum also, and then, covering her head with a cloth, told • her to listen at the mouth of a jar. She listened and a voice told her to go hone and fetch 30dols more, and the devils scold be knocked out m one round. Her head being, covered, she did not see that the " devil -dodger" said this through a tube communicating with the jar, and her faith was as a rock. Going home a rain,sle spent the clay in raising the requir- ed sum, together with four jackets, and next day she handed them over, on the miderstantiing that everything was to be returned. When she went for them again, however, the fortune-teller, without actually refusing, advised her to have another listen to the bottle imp, and the same " hanky- panky" as before was gone through, The oracle settled her by telling her that if she took the property back slit would die when she got home, so she waived her claim end went Away in tears. A lodger in her house saw her crying, and when she sobbed out her story he told her not to lie so silly, put the police on the track, and ten miuutes later Inspector Ferry bad the fortune tellers, with their preserved oracle and a lot more paraphernalia, ill the Central Station. Death of Ancient Horoge, Cyrus the Great had his head out off by a woman, who threw it into a vessel filled •aa'ith blood. Miltiades, who commanded the Ath- enians at:\larathon:was condemned to death, but died in prison. Pausauias, who slew 300,000 Persians, was starved to death in the Temple of Minerva. Themistoeles, who I destroyed the fleet of Xerxes, died in (mile. I.paminondas was condemned as a traitor. Philip of Macedon was aasaassinateil. Hie sou, Alexander the Great, was out off in the thirty*secand year of his age, supposed to have been poisoned. Irrhus, one of the greatest egntains, fell by the bands of a Woman. Hannibal poisoned himself Scipio tliell in exile, Mithaidates fell upon his own sword. Antioehus was murdered by his followers. Persius was carried eaptive to Raine, and died in prison. Scipio the Younger was murdered in his own bed. Crone was assassinated by one of his own officers. Marius died through excessive drinking. Crassus was treacherously put to death. Pompey was murdered. Ciesar was assassinated by his most intimate friends. Brutus, Cassius, and Antony fell err their swords. Of the twelve Cmsars, nine suffered a violent death. The Paper of the Future. Referring to the paper of the future, a writer in a Philadelphian magazine says «"That the modern newspaper has come to stay in its present form and spirit is utterly implorable. Ithas already upon it the marks of decaadence,and will break from its own weight and iiltellectuaiweakness. R'hatwill replace it? In the coming newspaper the specialist will take the place of the Vali round' man, and reporting will advance to a higher level. Seth a change would involve a great alteration in the contents of a wspaper. Police news, betthng,amusements, society im- pertinences, scandals, and other offensive fea- tures of the big blanket sheets would shrink out ofprominence and perhaps even of notice. Trivial local news would disappear. In their places the general and permanent interests of mankind would be registered clay by day in an order easily surveyed, and with a con- tinuity of tbinkiug that would give each eventin its relations to the progress of cities, States, and nations, and in the highest style of lucidity and condensation." An Excellent Cement. A cement of tmiversal adaptation, that is readily and pernamently adhesive to any substance, has been a desideratum and to its realization Professor Alex. Winehell appears to have successfully directed his skill as a chemist. His method is to take two ounces of gum -arabic, one and one half ounces of fine starch and one half ounce of white sugar, the gum being then pulver- ized and dissolved in the sante quont-ty of water as is commonly employed in latmdry operations for the quantity of starch indicat- ed, and both starch andsugar are dissolved in the guar solution, the mixture. being now suspended in a vessel in boiling water until the starch .becomes clear, . The cement should be as thick as tar, and remain so, prevention from spoiling being insured by dropping in a lump of 'gum camphor or a little oil of cloves or sassafras. This cement is so very strong and tenacious that it will hold immovably to glazed surfaces, will re- pair broken rocks, minerals and fossils, and has innumerable adaptations in the mechan- ioal and industrial arts. • The Fatal Ring. I was told a singular tale of a ring while on a recent visit to the Paris Morgue. For nearly 100 years a certain family of working people in Paris have ended their lives by sui- cide. From father to son, from mother to, daughter, has been handed a plain gold ring and on the finger of these suicides has teen found this trinket, It has been called the fatal ring, and only last year it made its appearanceonthe finger of ayoung num— the last of the race. The ring was buried with the corpse: The cupidity of not even the most grasping body -finder could be tempted to the possession- of this ominou golden. circlet. Brief Collect for the Day. Almighty God the source of every bene- diction -from whom cometh every good and perfect gift. We bless Thee for all the love that makes this life: so glad and. beautiful. For the tender, deathless love of home, that.. guards our infancy and girds our years, that follows usto the grave and keeps vigil when we are gone. For all love, most of all for Thy love, our God and Father, wepraise and magnify Thee. English syndicate is negotiating for the purchase of the Nova Scotia steel works and if they succeed, they will, it is under- stood, amalgamate the steel works with the New Glasgow Coal and Iron Company and operate the wholeunder one management. It will be the most extensive industry .in Canada. The syndicate offers .;1400,000 cash for the steel works and $200,000 stock. The company paid 10 per cent. to its sharehold- ers last year, and the syndicate offer is equi- valentto 60 per cent. premiumon the stock. The Nova 'Scotia glass works, which have been closed some months, it night here be mentioned, have again started up. JOHN 1.. ABATT'S Indian Pole Ale and, XX Brown Stout Highest awaras ane aietlals for Purity and Excel lence at Centennial Exhibition, Phil adelphia, 1876; Canada, 1876 ; Australia, 1877 ; and Paris, Frame, 1878. TESTIMONIALS SELECTED: i'rof,IT IT Croft, Public Analyst, Toronto, says:—"T find i t to. be perfectly sotiwdoontaiaticg na Impurities or adulter* atio s, and can strongly ree_) E anhmrnd it as perfectly ,pure and a very superi.nr nnalt lignor.' John 13 IwaTits, Professor of Chemistry, Moo ntresl, says; "I And them to be remarkably sawn i ales. brewed from pure omit anit hops itsv, i', J. Pid. Pi.ge.Protossar of Chemistry, Laval Lyn ver BUY. Quebec. says,- T'I have wunlyzarl the leftism Pale 'Ale manufactured b'John Lsb:stt, r - -t•t, i. Otani(, anti base found It a lightale, conaaiaunig but little alcohol, of :< deli- cious flavor, and of a vert agr'eable tzito ,mitt superior quality and c'sn pares with the best imparted elf's. 1 U ,re also analyzed the Porter XXX Stout, of the same brewery, which is of e-ceellout quality; its liavor is very agreeable ; it is a the abere ale. for it is a little richer in alcohol, et than can ern compared advantage- ously with any imported article. ASK YOUR UKOcl it F'OE ET. eintzrnan& Co MANUFACTURERS OF brand, Square Upright PIANOPOETES. The Oldest Manufacturers in the Dominion. .Seven Thousand Pianos Now in Use. The Hetntzman Pianos ikre noted for « Their Full, Rich, Pure Singing Tone, Their Finely Regulated Delicate Touch, Their Perfectly Boren. 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Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO 41 Ann Street New York Past OO;.e Bax 450 4f86 WILL CURE,OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE HEART; ERYSIPELAS, • ACIDITY OF SALT 'RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, .And every species of disease arising from disordered LZYF,E, Tr•rnNE S, SST MA.U,, BOWELS OR BLOOD. T. MILBUi1.L &UO.- ''''''43g11.0NTO. ®AF4Y MAN Who is Weak, Norvous, Debilitated, Ahoinhie Folly and ignorance has Tri- fled away his Vigor of Body, Mind and M'an'hood causing exhausting drains upon tho Fountains of Life. 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Never fail. Relieve pain, INSURE REGULARITY, Pleasant and Effectual. Price. $2. Toronto Medicine Co, Toronto. Ont. A TEE ®F . AL S Ft TIMES. a.