HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-05-02, Page 10Excerpts From Town AUDITOR'S REPORT March S. 1957 The, 343r0r, Meembers of Council and Ratepayers Tli0'athnn of the Town of Goderich, Gtideri�e i, Ontario. Dear Sirs: Z have audited the accounts and. records of the Town of >Cir'c ;er'tebl for the year ended December 31, 1956, and have pre - Pared therefrom the Statements listed in the Index accompanying this Re t. aiafce Shce% Allbank balances have been reconciled with amounts con- limed on- h i 1 directly to me by your bankers. - Securities and trust deposits were either verified by exam- ination or by letter received directly from the depository. Revenue Fend alanco Shoot Caish on hand and in bank $6,941.11 The above balance is made up of the following: Cash on hand Change fund -general Change fund -tax collector Petty fund -Police Cash in bank General account Debenture debt account Tax Collector's account MacKay Hall account 25.00 50.00 25.00 100.00 1,096.29 3,465.32 1,449.34 830.16 6,841.11 6,941.11 Dane from Province of Ontario -$7,320.51 The undernoted subsidies applicable to 1956 but paid in 1957 make up this balance. Roads Relief ' 7,075.59 244.92 7,320.51 Taxes Receivable -$5&,796.94 Negative tax verifications were mailed to all taxpayers who hada not paid their 1956 taxes or who were in arrears as at October 31, 1956. No replies indicating differences were received which mere nott satisfactorily dealt with. Presented below is a table showing the taxes receivable as at December 31, for the past five years. 1956 . 56,796.94 1955 57,050.53 1954 . 56,524.13 1953 .. 55,651.69 1952 46,015.39 Revenue and Expenditure Account The operations for 1956 resulted in a surplus of $1,264.99 compared with a surplus of $3,972.12 for 1966. The 1955 surplus is after providing for the 1954 deficit of $15,691.46. Presented below is a condensed comparative Statement of Revenue and Expenditure for the three years ended December 31, 1956, 1956 and 1951, Year ended December 31 Revenue 195-6 1955 1954 Taxation 379,825.76 331,201.08 3(16,142.45 Debenture debt charges recover- able ........ �, Contributions, grants & subsidies .County _of Huron -rebates Licenses and ,permits Interest and tax penalties _Other revenue Mist ellaneeus Surplus prior year, taken into revenue t; • Expenditures General government Protection to person.s and property Public works, roads. nand streets Sanitation and waste removal Conservation of health Relief assistance Education ' Recreation and community service Debenture debt charges ce iscount for taxes Taxes written off by Court ' bf Revision County rates Miscellaneous Capital expenditure out of Current Revenue Prior year's deficit 42,401.30 43,250.33 49,587.08 41,311.98 58,742.05 30,134.03 10,492.84 9.757.81 5,490.43 2,250.25 2,224.00 2,350.00 3,259.03 3,326.31 3,261.70 10,718.96 . 10 ,406.06 9,750.55 3;457.20 ' 2;9.18 ,9•18737' -2,643738- 7,487.00 493,717.32 .461,826.01 41.6,846,62 29,659.34 27,530.44 30,659.00 42,42428 42,918.14 39,724.09 52,713.19 63,882.24 46;'812.39 11,475.99 9,837.49 11,085.76 4,603.96 4,080.39 5,054.62 2,820.13 2,282.24 2,495.69 148,046.17 123 ,182.9.4 121, 07 8.92 57,'828.54 '42,537.16 44,180.93 72,386.16 63,442.96 70,108.61 • 2;157.22 1,936.06 1,645.40 464.04 • 852.28 1,902.95 65,716.05 55,374.05 48,267.55 51.05 306.77 2,151.26 4,255.001 9,215.40 492,452.33 442,162.43 432,538.08 1,264.99 19,663.58 15, 691.46 15,691.46 Surplus or deficit for year 1,264.99 3,972.12 151.46 The results of the operations of the other Boards and Com- missions Tari g 5 Were aa. llOWS. Public. Utilities Commission Water Supply . System -deficit Hydro -surplus Goderich District Collegiate Institute Board -surplus Goderich Public School Board -deficit Goderich Separate School Board -surplus Maitland Cemetery Board -surplus Goderich Recreation and Arena Committee -surplus Gederich Public Library Board --deficit 3,656.75 48,652.65 454.89 3,711.85 1,333.33 1,818.74 9,508.39 1,740.05 General Section 51 of The Assessment Act has not been complied With in so far as payments to the County of Huron, Goderich District Collegiate Institute Board, Goderich Public School Board ,and Goderich Separate School Board for their portion of the taxes raised thereunder. Respectfully submitted; A. M. HARPER. Chartered Accountant. ° B - REVENUE FUND BALANdE SHEET December 1, 1956 Assets Cash on Band Cash in bamk Accounts Receivable Sundry . Total Less Reserve (Sehedule 8) Due from Province of Ontario Due from other funds Capital and loan funds Taxes 'Receivable (Sehedule 5) Leas Reserve for uncollectible and uncol- lected Taxes, Interest and Penalties (Schedule 8) Other Assets -MacKay Hall Total Assets Liabilities Temporary Loans (Schedule 6) Acca is Payable .. lbees and Coupons Sue Principal ... Interest Due toother Municipalities Due to, Soheols . Other Liabilities Deferred incorue (Schedule 0) Sttt- lr1s (Poftlt Tata! L hi1ities end Stn"p!1u! C RE•V.ENU'E IUND SURPLUS ACCOUNT 1 eceinbel~ 31, 10M llalanctl at beginniing cf year Stw p1tt9 for, the year (Form lig ','otats of ,rmb t and Cr'c4it e9lt.mi l5 .... .. Balance cif CurpluD at year cud tF'i':till ) 100.00 6,841.11 316.20 316.20 3,408.10 56,796.94 3,900.00 6 THE GODERIOI SIGNAL STAR v # UI & AY RIAY 2tt 3, .1957 Of Goderich, Auditor's Report, Year Ending - REVENUE AND EXPENDIT RE STATEMENT For the year ended December 31, 1055 Revenue Total Revenue from Taxation (Schedule 3) Adjustment re Deferred be me (Schedule 3) Debenture Debt Charges Recoverable (Sehe- dule 12) : _ _ ........ ................. ..... '. Contrrhutions, Grants a:a�d Subsidies. Governments: Canada - Ontario - Subsidies Children's Protection Direct Relief . Homes for the Aged . `ire and Polices Highway Improvement . Unconditional Per Capita Grants Recreation .......... Grants in lieu of Municipal taxes .. .. Other Municipalities ---County of Huron :;License and Permits (include dog tax) Interest, Tax Penalties, etc. ... Other Revenues - Rents, Concessions and Franchises Fines Service charges Recreation and ('ommunity Services Miscellaneous- Ifydro--Electric Power Commission, street light refund Share of Housing Project profit Discount on County rates Gross Total Revenue Total Revenue Section Expenditure General Government Executive and Legislative Administrative Other Protection to Persons and Property Fire Pol4ce Street Lighting Other Public Works -roads, highways and streets, etc. Sanitation and Waste Removal Conservation of Health. Social Welfare (Schedule",10) Relief Assistance Welfare Administration Education, including debt charges (Schedule 9) Recreation and Community Services Debt Charges Debenture debt charges (Schedule 11) Less own share of school debt charges Interest and other charges Discount for Taxes Taxes written off by Court of Revision' Capital Expenditures out of Revenue (Sche- e iiV e• ,.1.3) Joint or Special Expenditures County Rates "S01711111-711 Rate`s Gross Total Expenditure Surplus for the 'year Total Expenditure Section • Actual 330,700,12 s~ 4.30 379,825.76 42,401.30 619.60 1,544.35 2,07.2.15 17045 23,5+68.66 9,940.25 2,9.01 474.01 10,492. ' 3,026.44 1,336.66 1,847.71 4,508.15 41,311. 10,492.84 2,250.25 3,259.03 10,718.96 1,285.98 859.29 1,311.93 3,457.20 493,717.32 403,717.32 493,717.32 Actual 2,528.75 18,151.45 8,979.14 29,659.34 10,816.40 18,730.17 12,640.14 237.57 42,424.28 2,826.13 115,909.05 44,308.70 71,600.35 785.81 52,713.19 11,475.99 4,603.96 2,826.13 148,046.17 57,828.54 • 72,386.16 2,157.22 464.04 2,151.26 65,716.05 65,716:05 492,452.33 492,452.33 1,264.99 - 493,717.32 F - TRUST AND SPECIAL RESERVE FUNDS BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1956 Assets Cash Investments Dom. of Canada Bonds Provincial Bonds Municipal Bonds (own) Total Investments Total Assets Trust Fund Balance Total Liabilities Cemetery Perpetuity 974.37 25,500.00 2,000.00 15,286.21 43,760.58 Robert Robert Charles MacKay MacKay Blake Cemetery Band Park 1,079.33 40.21 925.50 2.000.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 3,079.33 1,040.21 3,425.50 43,760.58 3,079.33 1,040.21 2,425.50 Liabilities 43,760.58 3,079:33 1,040.21 3,425.50 43,760.58 3.079.33 1,040.21 3,425.50 _ m 1 - DEBENTURE at foot of statement in Date of Final Interest Maturity Note: -Include su•rrmmary' of amounts ByLaw No. 1047 19-48 21-50 21-55 24-55 6,941•:11 13-51 22-40 2A-49 27-49 316.20 3�° 7,320,51 r-5.51,3' 32-53 3.408.10 13-54 l 4-54 26-54 27-55 28-55 56,79(';4 3,900.00 45-49 37-51 78,962.0C 17 53 17,000.00 1,€'96.46 1,000.00 2,4.22 3,464.22 1,102.13 3302.40 1,270.01 1,102,13 50,638.55 78,502,86 x °Yedlt 0alenee 49,3731.66 1,204.99 50,6"x.55 10-51 39-55 Purpose of Issue Hospital Arena Fire Equipment Paving Square Town Clock - TRUSTS AND SPECIAL RESERVE FUND REVENUE AND EXPENITURE STATEMENT Interest on: (a) Bank eposits (b) Investments - less accrued' a;+,terest on Investments Pur- chased .. +1,315.,0 60.00 Revenue Robert MacKay Cemetery Cemetery Perpetual 5.50 11.52 Total Income 1,381.42 71.62 Expenditure Contributions to Other Funds: Gaderich Blue Water Band Transferred to Wait - land Cemetery Board 1,300.00 Premium on bond pur- chased 3.75 Total Expenditures Increase m ' eserve Total PU 1,303.75 77.67 71.52 Robert Charles MacKay ,:&lake Band Pik .64 9.70 30.06 75.00 30.64 30.00 30.00 .64 1,381.42 71.52 • 30.64 84.70 84.70 84.70 LOC UTILITIES COMMISSION - WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM P-1 - PUBLIC UTILITY BALANCE SHEET December 31,, 1956 Current Cash Accounts Receivable Less Reserv,. Inventories Assets Total Current Assets Capital Plant and Equipment Transmission and Distribution System Other 12,853.81 484.24 484.24 7,730.25 329,579.95 59:501,83 3,470.22 392,552.00 21,068.30 Less Reserves for Depreciation ' 90,931.71 301,620.29 Total Assets.. Liabilities Current Accounts ,Payable -+PUC Hydro Accounts Payable -other Total Current Liabilities Capital Debenture Debt Due to Capital and Loan Fund (General Section) Net .... Stmrplus Capital -,Debentures redeemed 219,082.17 Earned 12,731.56 231,81'3.73 322,688.69 3,252.21 122.65 3,37186' 87,500.00 Total Liabilities and Surplus .. .. ...... 322,688,59 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM P-3 - REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT ---For-the-year' ended December 31;-1956- Sale 1;'1956__. Sale of Water: -Residehtial 39,497.59 Hydrant Rental 6,42.6.54 44,924.13 Miscellaneous Income. Installation and Miscellaneous Income 1,495.16 .1,495.1.6 Total Income Deficit for the' year Total, Income Section Expenditure Administration and General ...._. . Customers' Billing and Collections Power and Pumping Maintenance Operation Purification Maintenance 46,419.29 3,656.75 50,076.04 8,067.08 • 754.37 939.49 15,518.80 16,458.29 912.36 912.36 Transmission and Distribution Maintenance ' 7,151.72 7,151.72 Other Depreciation Provision Debenture Debt Charges (Schedule P -3A) Total 'Expenditure DE lit aeco rdance with Debt c v, l4 o •-• H A 1947 11 2 1949 20 1 1950 7 1 1955 6 1 1965 11 1 Goderich Collegiate 1951 20 1 Public 'School 1949 20 1 Local Improvement" ft 1949 20 1 1949 10 1 1950 20 1 1951 10 1 1951 15 1 • 1953 15 1953 10 1954 10 • 1934 15 1954 20 1095 15 1945 10 Peolxlie Utilities,;---Wet&r Supply . 1950 15 152 20 1953 15 1 a 2 2 ,2 � to 7 1958 3 8 1969 3 12 1957 3 11 1966 41/1 11 1966 41/2 a Q A A A 8 19'71 4 A 8 1969 31, A 8 8 12 12 12 12 12 1969 31/i 1959 3 4970 31/2 1981 31/2 1966 31/2 1968 5 0-1963 5 8 1964 5 8 1969• 5 8 . 1974 3% 1 10 1970 4112 1 10 1965 41/ 1 1 1 6 1965 33/4 2 1972 5 8 1968 5 Public Utilities C©annaissioon Iydro 1951 20 1 7 housing 1955 5 31 3 Totals ��a��a�a���a a • octsf 0 co NC C NC C NC C Ng C NC C d 6 • 1 IAC C I NC NC NC C NC C I NC C -I NC C I NC C I NC C I NC C I NC C I NC C I SNC C' I fl Classification set out on Capital Balance Sheet. 1956 Debt Chargee 12,000.00 75,000.00 7,000.00 20,000.00 6,600.00 kl 74 g tl, b fs'� ig 4,000.00 1,000.00 54,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 16,000.00 4,000.00 6,000.00 600.00 150.00 1,710.00 60.00 900,00 297.00 6,284.72 10,447.50 50.076.04 Debt Chargenss Watured and Unpaid December 31, 1956 1,150.00 4,710.00 1,060.00 4,900.00 897.00 120,600.00 81,000.00 9,600.00 3,117.00 12,717.00 620,006.00 507,000.00 24,500.00 21,260.00 45,760.00 A NC A 1VC A NC C C I C I 1,000.00 '22,500.00 13,500.00 • 1,702.50 21,202.50 16,936.35 12,277.36 736:18 455.47 1,191.65 5,000.001 ', 1,650.00 500.00 64.50 564.50 0,748,00 8,258:55 451.39 804.85 756.24 4,312.03 2,341.01 421.78 96.70 518.48 3,589.00 2,591.55 213.45 98:17 311.62 9,318.65 7,900.00 500.00 420.00 920.00 2,954.30 2,200.00 300.00 125.00- 425.00 4,125.00 3,452.69 344.35 189.85 534.20 5,249.26 4,75057 ' 255.43 250.30 505.73 68,375.00 64,000.00 .2,375.00 2,489.06 4,864.06 5,474.70 5,211.29 263.41 246.36 509.77 5,578.00 5,124.07 453.93 251.01 704.94 141,660.29 119,757.09 6,814.92 4,991.27 11,806:19 60,000.00 39,500.00 3,500.00 1,397.50 4,897.50 18,000.00 14,900.00 1,000.00 750.00 1,750.00 40,000.00 34,000.00 2,000.00 11,800.00 3,800.00 118,000.00 87,500.00 6,600.00 3,947.50 10,447.60 1971 4 A NC C I 125,00(100 102,600.00 5,000.00 4,300.00 9,300.00 1. .9 1,000.00 1960 41/,' A NCC C I 17,512.55 14,010.04 3,502.51 1,173.35 4:675.86 1,453v772.04 1,135,267.130 69,417.43 46,491.62 115,909.05 1,000.00 2 -- DEBENTURE DE Name of ByLaw AS5uminl No. lut'dici ality ,93.1051 '1?oWn hips of: Aahfleld Colborne Goderich lfullett Assumed BT ASSUMED BY OTHER, MUNICIPALITIES December 31, 1056 1956 [Debt Charges Unmatured Principal 1 Assumed Principal Interest 'total 11.2569 07 5/,11/2.40 T2,751.95 16.1646 01,054.52 3,960.33 8.6943 43, x23.89 2,108.04 11,347.68 540.35 12,100.32 599.42 44,507.10 2,154.60 (Included In Schedule 1) 2.2282 -East W'awa29S11 .. " 2.4474 West Wovvarlbsh €17942 Total Per Ealanceraeet 2"50,999310 2,39322 5,151.17 3,43 6.60 7,396.93 1,029.27 3,931.31 476.84 1,024.19 520.32 1;110.94 1,069.66 • 4,024.26 32,653.60 State Basis on which % of As- sumption Deterinined,ar1d Source of Information. Equalized assessment of County of Huron Clerk's Statement of Debenture Debt. 44, STATISTICS Population Served (a) InFl4 37etaaieigality . (h) Outside Municipality Amount of Surplus Paid over in year to Muni- cipality iaa accordance with See. 35, Public Utilities Act Source of Supply, River, Lake, Springs, Sur - Rice Well,lDeep Well, or Purchased Method of Supply, Gravity or Force Miles of Mains - !d Number of Hydrants within Municipality Method of Purification, Chloripation, Filtra- tion, Other Productions, of Water (Thousands of Imperial Gals.) Consumption of Water (Thousands of Imper- ial Gals.) Number of Consumers (Commeiial, finders trial, Residential, Other) Number of Metered Services Storage Capacity imperial Gallons . . Metered Rates Residential N/A Commercial, 22c per thousand gals: for lst 50,000;, 18c per 1,000 for next 100,000; balance at 14e per 1,009 gallons Flat Rates Toilet, no bath .... ..•.. Bath and toilet ....... . Lawn Service, no bath, no toilet 5,888 . rill . Lake Force 24,414 93 Chlorination 237,590 237,590 2,177 - 59 208,000 12.66 14.66 4.00 8.00 P-1 - PUBLIC -UTILITIES COMMISSION-HYDR BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1956 Assets Current Cash ...... Investments 83,024.32 36,000.00 Accounts Receivable 4,163.70 Less Reserve 514.86 3,648.84 1. Duefrom Other Funds Public Utilities Water Supply, System 3,252.21 Inventories Other Current Assets Reels and drums .............................. .. 385.50 Prepaid insurance . ..... . 308.36 693.86 3,25221 4,210.70 Total Current Assets f.. ... Capital Utility Plant Lands 3,904.07 Buildings .... 78,055.54 Plant and Equipment 75,505.46 Transmission and : Distribu tion System ... 330,408:83 Other .......... _ ..... ... 20,776.89 508,650.79 ,30,829.93 Less Reserves for Depreciation ... ...... 127,864.85 380',785.94 Other Capital Assets -'Equity in Hydro Electric Rawer Commis- sion of Ontario rim.._... , Total Assets Liabi I ities Current - ' Acc ants Payable Customers' Deposits ..... Total Current Liabilities Capital Debenture Debt Due to Capital and Loan Fund (General Section) Net Other Capital Liabilities Reserve for Equity in Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario ... Surplus Capital=Debentures re•deenied Earned Total Liabilities and 5"urplus„ .... .... �...... 381,229:65 381,229.65 1- 892,845.52 1,413,31 8,364.53 9,777.84 , 102,500.00 381,220.65 381,229.65" 118,588.05 280,749.98 34,338.119eee 892,845.52 P-4 - ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE STATEMENT For the year ended December 31, 1956 Revenue Sale of Electrical Energy: Residential Sales 119,340.11 Commercial Sales Power ,c 49,591.94 Lighting, etc 93,778.44 143,370.38 Sale to own Municipality Street 'Lighting 12,471.00 12,471.00 Miscellaneous 'Income: Sales of Merchandise 8,440.12 Other: Interest earned 1,073.36 204.78 9,718.26 Pole rentals . - ..... . Total income ...... _ .........; . .. 284,899.75 Total Income Section 284,899.75 `-, Expenditure 60.00 Administration and General 9,970.77 900.00 Customers' Billing and Collecting' 5,994.69 297.00 Electrical Energy Pursed . . 166,799.73 Transmission 'and ,' ansfonnnation: Maintenance' 2,338.81 2,388.81 Distribution: • Maintenance '- a 11,912.96 Equipment expense 2,260.20 14,173.16 Street Lighting: ' Maintenance 1,812.46 1,912.46 Other --Exclusive of Depreciation and Deben- 304.85 ture Debt Charges: 96.70 Cost of Merchand.i,s'e Sales 8,442.07 98.17 Shop maintenance expense 879.96 420.00 Insurance• and Worl men's Compensation 2,339.45 11,661.48 125.00 Depreciation 14,046.00 Debenture -Debt. -Charges Interest- 4,300.00 Serial Debentures -Principal `instalments .. 5,000.00 Sinking rund'%Deberltures- inking Fund Requirettxents 162.50 2,404.22 Petal Expenditure..............:.... Surplus for Year carried forward to Surplus Account .. , ' .. Total Expenditure Section ....... 9,300.00 236,247.10 48,652.65 284, 9.75 r GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE BOARD 8-1 -- REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET Decener "31, 1056 Asspts Cash in Bank ...... o .. • 4,143.73 Due from own 1Munici al Council,'•. 432.99 Due from other school boards Deficit (Fof-i `S/2) Total Lirabilities Accounts Payable . Superannuation deducted from Teachers' Salaries, January to December .. Due to other School 'Boatels Total 4,143.73 432.99 1,600.00 2,50821 8,685.03 1,270.83 5,164.20 2,250.00 8,685.03 Q