HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-10-2, Page 717.411.D177,411,M ilwayDownin Price. Common Sense, Red Ster,.Blue Ribbon Flax, Binding twines, / Fiord Plymouth reeks, c W l i.eo ciJ Hord; any ver'y 000hins,€-W McLeod. J !1er 11 Hod; Langshans, W McLeod J Hord;xo &ller Miili1 colored dorkings, W McLeod; any va- f riety of dorkings, J Hord; black breast, ed game, Al Bissett 1st and 2nd; any Jas ATAA KEW ItEPQItTS, in- Wheat ;88e, to 90e, per bush, en n; MT IR fiJCLLIIVe PitICES, W Flour, Strong Baker's, $2 75 per 100 d; do Best Family 2 00 „ 1; 3, do Low Gads .. 1 50 " 70e, d Middling " ` ,,, s .. 00,e, t. r- !Screening . , 90e, « ea Chop .. .., a1 1b to 1 2:i . NV Bran per ten, - - $12 other variety of game, W McLeod, Gilebrist, Mensal!; silver spangled ha burg, Alex McPherson, J !ford; gold penciled hamburgs, Alex Mci'herso black hareburgs, Alex DlePbersou, McLeod; W C B polands, E dower any variety of Polands, MeLeo white 1Pghorns, Al Bissett, Jas eeeee brown Leghorns, A .Bissett, W 1tleLeo black spaaisle .Tne Evans, A DlcPhe son; blackminoreas, Jno fiord, (7 Etherington; wyandottes. W Mae° Al Bissett; any variety of turkeys, Dealing 1st and 2nd ; any variety O' DE" T A SEN NOW geese, Jno fiord; Pekin ducks, W M Leod, :mos Broek; rouen ducks, If Switzer, Trio Hord; ayleabury duck A Switzer; any other variety ducks, 'Thos !;rock, .Jas Bell, IiIPLEYiENTS—double top carria Fred `less, Zurich; top buggy F lies?: I tiancltori; open buggy, Fred Uess, Ilandforel; Portland cutter, J Dignan; piano,bor- cutter, I Handford 1 and 20; b Set heavy bosleighs, W Treble ; iron beam plow, Verity & Sons 1st and 2.1; wooden plow, Verity & Sons; subsoil plow, Verity to Sons tat and 2nd; hate shoes, I Mulford, Jno Irwin, Zurich; sulky plow, Verity k Sona let an(120d; two -Horse cultivator, Varity 4:(1 Sons Gang plow, Verity Ft Sons ; pair iron harrows, Fred !less; Roller, Verity dr Sous ; fanning mai, A ,tloMerchie horse fork, J w Proven; pea iherveater, S Buckingham; beat pump, Jno Moore w'1'rovetheok, i EXTRAS Read Cart, W 11 easel; teething machine, Ideal fltfg Co, Jno Abbott; dishwasher, J Abbott, afrihlgea', Jno Abbott. ri:KIES-..uesvy horses. Ale/climes; (Hinton; B. Pilo, Parkhill. Light horses, James :Bell, London ; John S. Lappin, Mitchell. Cattle, R, S. Robson, bier ton Wm Roger, Rirkton, Sheep and pigs, Jas Petty, Remail; AIex31cLeren Cromarty. Poultry, 0, A, Watle,Sarrtia; Thos. AloCloeklin,Farquhar; S. Sanders, of liddlrngs t, 16 - flay fig secured apractical tinsmith, we e now prepared to take work An eavetraugiring,fnrnace, rooting or repairs. 2stowoultand T lk Cans, and. Tinware of every description. P Paisy Churus, Barbed Wire, Ribbon and Annealed Wires, Naito, Logics, NIngea,Paints and Oils. Orders now taken for Oheatnut bleokamitb and stove coals, for early delivery. GROCERIES—Stock com- plete. Produce taken in exollaz ge. W. H. Monogr, Jas, N. Howard, -Manager, Proprietor, etweseesseemesetsses The Exeter Fair, A Chop stole running every day. s, 'TERMS CASH. of TRE' EXETER MILLING Coy,so a, I Exeter. [Note -.'Wherever narnea appear with-. out the place of residence, save where the feaster i;nr n else* stereezetirsT,) sante name eppeera several tiunes,s:.id per - Seater; feel, Jno Bowman, I Armstrong, sons reside ie Exeter.] Wood Bros, Bodgorvi➢le; 3 years old, Thoa Resoles of xi#e row, Boating, Urinaley; W Uatadford, Centralia; The absence of fakir's and suet like Jno Bowatan ; 3 Years old, Ed 13oasen was a noticeable feature ire this be T. orgy, u Kay, Farquhar; Hy Collins;Callhns1 ; exhibition. year's; a y ar old, 'Wood Brew, itedgerviilc; lair car-. nom borers, J Tl,' Shipley* Bonfield; Sin. The ii'ig1i to nhastedon attracted a fileearriego horse, Jas Clark, tt;iueltelsea; large crowd, and tate owners relent a Snell Bros, Sep Uogartb. vastly increased exchequer. Iteatlseges--Brood mare, John Dauneoy, The Trivitt :t1emaral Church was ono I Armstrong, Thea Oke; Foal, A Hankin, . of the attractions for hundreds of the Farquhar, d Jae Gilchrist 11011raail Tilos C'oOnrun Bros visitors, The voluntary offertory totall- Imam; d W Shipley; 2 year old Writ Suiten, ad a neat aum, Maguire; A Cosworth, Mensal! ; Sain'1 Tho proceedings of the two days were Sanders; 1 year old, 'Mos Oke, C,tnrseY onlivt"ll el by two bands of music,—the Bros, Sinai ,amino ; Team of roadsters, Exeter, and one which accompanied the B0ial 13r, s, Foliation; saddles horse, Francis ncis nhtaterla.,ll stile show, Oliver, ititelstrll; lady driver, lira Jae Rehr- lar. ; Sweet's display ,l ton, etre Chesney :;eaforth ; W ssagnire ; ' 1 , t' t of Indian relics i t driver, •tri i f llt.atut t! 1 t o Os a .ta Mir 11 ,, ! single dtise,r, (I Baskerville, tivi., lilted one oiled of Oentrill, ; le O'Neil, Luau; Simon Hunter tlru Egli, and rtra wall worthy oi' the I3rueetl<id ; sa11llo Ilorso rode by hay, prairies heaped upon them. Fanuc Bawden; :tingle roadster, speed,xtyle At the exhiirition, in Cleveland, Mr. and value emeettlered, Jas Morton, Ed Dos ]ohn h,ssery exhibited a general ;iur- senberry, lflen4all. poses c>tnllbIn winch swept evorytbing.in CAT l •,,—nnyt/Ant eo r, 0 3ask.arvill', the prize rill,,*. At all _ in:trieaar hare 11 & W Smith 2 and 3; heifer, 2 years ol,l, Canadian horses take the lead. Eland W Smith 1 and 2,1; heifer 1 year obi li & W Winiitlt, J aroAlIister Hills Green; T Mr. A. Allen's display ttf garden veg- cC; Ce !holier, metropolitan ; heifer calf, LI & etahles could not be excelled anywhere W Smith; lees Mussel 2,1 and 3,1 ; bull calf in Canada; the number of prizes :award - 1l & W Smith Lit and 23, Fred Baker, ed testifies this. Air. Allen is to he Dash wood; hard, 11 & 4V Smith. complimented, Omen—Cow, 3 & C I3onperl et and 3rd, In the ladies' department, Miss Jami- Jas Bell Hensel], 2a id heifer t,rfor, 2 years old ., , ,, , . 3 & 0 Beeper, D meleiron, Ilibbert• B gnu, !lies ieivl tlte,ti, Airs \ott, 1llrs. Higgins; heifer 1 year all Tbos Shapton, J 'ron1, Mrs. (,. Emery and Miss Sand- Higgins; U Hooper 2d and 3d; heifer calf, 'Thos ers were prominent exhibitors, and Shapton 1st and 3rd, D eroLaren, 2d; steer carried of} a great many prizes. 2 years old, 3 & 0 Hooper, Jno Willis, There were 20 brood mares in the Wood Bros, Exeter; steer I year old, Thos agr'1 class at the Exeter fair, on Tues- ltnsscl, J & C Hooper, Thos Shapton; fat day. As may be iinagieed the judges ox or steer, Tbos 'Scott, Cromarty let and 2; experienced some difficult awarding Wood Bros; fa, cow or heifer, Thos Scott t y in a 2 and 3d; herd, Wood Bros 1 and 2n1. prizes. Has there been a fair in the Jearnz—Jersey cow, Geo Sa„ ntvell. county to equal the Exeter fair Z SHEEP—m:10E8TE% ram aged, Currelley A gentleman was heard to remark & Sou Fullerton; Geo Penhale T Shapton; within hearing of our reporter on Mon - ram shearling, Currelley & Son lat and 3d; day that the fruit exhibit at tho Exeter Thea Shapton 2nd; ram lamb, Geo Penhale, fair, apples especially, far excelled the Currelley & Son 2nd and 3rd; pair awes, fruit shown at London fair this year. Geo Penhale let and 2d; Shearlinge, Lambs The exhibit of grapes and plums, how - Currency & Son, Geo Penhale, T Shapton; ever fell a httle short. pair ewe lambs, Currelley & Son Geo Pan - and 3rd, Complaints were numerous on Tues- sunor8HIan rowers, ram aged, Sam'! day, as to the conduct of the society, Doupe, Dirkton, ram shearling, Jno People, after paying to see, the indoor Dunkin, Bruoefield, 1st and 2nd, Leo show on Monday evg., seriously object Hunter; ram lamb, Sam'1 Doupe, Wm ed to being crowded out of the door at Cooper, Brucefield; Jno Dunkin; pair 9.30 o'clook, before some had even gone ewes, Jno Dunkin, H Aelwitzer, Wood- to see the exhibits in the second story. ham; Wm Cooper; pair shearlings, Jno It would be profitable to the society, Dunkin 1, 2 and 3rd ; pair ewe lambs, as well as encouraging to the members, 11 & Switzer, Wm Cooper, Sam Doupe. and other exhibitors, were the directors ANY °Tana BREED, pair ewes, Wm to revise the ladies' departments and Dearing, H A Switzer ; pair shearling include some of the modern articles. and ewes, Wm Dearing, 11 A Switzer; pair not year after year present a list almost ewe lambs, Wm Dearing 1st and 2nd; as antiquated as Noah's Ark. pair fat ewes, Geo Penhale, Rd Davis; Poing china, Geo Armstrong. News Irl A Nutshell. PIGS --LARGE OR MEDIUM, aged boar, Another prize herd of cattle at Detriot Jas Bell, Hensall; Jno Hord, Parkhill; is affected with Texas fever. boar littered in 1890, Tail Bell, 3 Hord; aged sow, Jas Bell, Jno Hord; cow lit- L1lxNxxo NEws—Mining exports note that tared in 1890, Jail Bell, Jno Hord. cholera never attacks the bowels of the surFOLxs,—In this class Jno. Leon- nenares, but humanity o r' Extract find it hardt, of Brodhagen, took all prizes. Wild Stary to use Dr. Fowler's complaints, Bee RE.—In this class R Dibrid a Lyse Sy, diarrhoea, e for,a bowel surere. g dysentery, diarrhoea, oto, itis a sure erre. took prizes. 13 z L'RY-Light brahmas, James freshet at Hot Springs, Ark., sesiam- Down, A J Snell; dark brahmas, Jno nq s w • aterspout, has done $75,000 da Down, Parkhill; Plymouth rocks, Well TIMELY QfxsDO1K—Great and timely Clarke, Jno Hord; any variety Cochins wisdom is shown by keeping Dr. Fowler's W McLeod, LuCAn; Jno Hord; Lang- '•Extract of Wild Strawberryon hand: It sbans, Jno Hord, Wm McLeod; colored 'has noequal `for ,cholera, cholera morbus, kin s 'Wm McLeod; g , e' Lod; black breasted diarrhoea,, disentery; collo, cramps, and all red game, W McLeod 1st and 2nd; Any saririner compl'aint's or looseness of the t other variety of game, W McLeod; sit• bowels: vas. spangled'hamburgs, Jno Hord, Al, • Sixty Quebec iiousoboldees, who 'sustain- Bissett; golden pencilled , hamburg*: , ed losses 'by theQiielieo rook elide, )lave Wm Dearing; black hamburgs ' Al B18- sept in olefins to the Go ern"n setts A McPherson hoe ' I ;went. dans, J Hord; Patirick:O Brien, me'mber;of „tbe British W C B Polands. E Howard; any other Borne .el Oennnous,, who was arrested at variety of Polands, W McLeod, ,1no Dablin, is Buffering from gaetrio. oatmeal].Hord; white Leghorna, J Hoard; brown A seances Oi:xrrxorrj—Chai es 'Mehl!!, Leghorns, A L Bissett, Pratt •Fisher; . b k Osnabruslrr One, writes, eadely wife suffered apanish,•Thos Brock, Thos Prier; black .foe five,yearswith th'tt distressing •disease, miiioreas Jno Hord,1 Prier. o , hos P er, Wyan- catarrh. Her naso was,the tvorat kubwn ill ottosWm d town AlBissettrthea® . r s' 9 ,, 1 •, any va pat . .She tried all tee oatairrh riety of turkeys, Jno Hord 'W (Dearing; remedies advertised, but they' were of n,• use • I final! .' anyaria of geese, rocured` t , v e e no a bo cls of Narita r; J Hord.lst an 3" Y d p r Balm.: Bile has di e& only 2nd; 'n uc s u one `half of. it ski d lr W " p, , m McLeod, Jno Y , Fiord; Aylesbury ducks' 11-A Swr zer antele;tbbrougbly °cued'and now feelslike'a •t. , ,t.. , new er:ou,'•.'I:feel it m Auhto s Woodham; any varietyof ducks,,'Id A, p Y y ay that t Nosal Balm cannot be • too, highly 'recon• Switzer, Jno,. Hord; knee varety ,of ;mended. -for e`aearthal'tro 1' bantams Wna McLeod Jno., o,rd :001- .,. 'troubles end ' toui +. • 'Spider; , • r . ,pleased.to•ha4d' alt such . sulinrers •• now lection of pigeons, D Spider; Wellingtop, throe .: gix its use ° they will reoei've • instant ^ Clarke. relief an care. BIRDBBRED IN 1890.—tight Beahmaa Jae Down 1st and 2nd, dark brahmas,] .a 't•"'"•'t 'arV' for Pitcher's Castarie 411 Men yonug, old, or middle-aged, who find them selves nervous. weak and exhausted who are broken down from excess or overwork. resetting in many of the followingsyruptonia Meatal depression, premature old age, loss of vitality. !ma of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart. enliar,ioue, lack of energy, pain in the kid - nays, headache. pimples on the face or body. itching or peenlar seneatien about the scrotum, wasting of the organa, dizziaeas, spicks before the oyes, twilalhing of the wuseles. eye fide and elsewhere, bashful- eels, depoeita in the urine, lose of will power tenderness of the analp and spine, weak and ilabbr nmsoles, desire to sleep, failure to bo rested by sleep, constipation, dultaeee of Inuring. loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of tetnpor,ennkea eyes surround - ea with leaden circle, oily looliiog akin, Tato., are all symptoms of nervone debility that lewd to insanity and death sakes cured. 'rhe spring or vital force Laving lost eta tension every function wanes in ouaequenon Those who through minae committed in ignorance may ba permanently cured. Send your address for book in all diseases I''r a ut St. B.,Toronto, Ont. Realm sent free aealed. Heart disease, the *symptoms of which are faiut spells, purple tips, numb cess, palpitation, akin beats, hot flashes, rush of blood to the head, 41411 pain in the heart with beats strong. mill and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain aieout the breast bane, etc., can poll- tively be cured. No cure. no pay. Send for book. Addrei55 11. S. Lunen, 50 Front Street Past, Toronto, Out. „tett, Mange and Scratches at every kind, an human or animals, cured in 30 minutes ny Woodford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by O. Lutz, Druggist. heavy retina have damaged the cotton crap m Memphis district 211 per cent, dur- ing the past weak. EMT, BIGHTS—All have equal rights In life and liberty and the pursuit of bappiu. ego, hat many aro bandiaa.pped in the race of dyspepsia, biliousness, Zack of energy: usrv,nns debility, weakness, constipation, dee by completely retuaviug these com- plaints urda k. Blood Bitters confers untold beueffts an ell sufferers. Fred Cueing killed his wife, Theresa, at Iiooiaville, ley, Tuesday night, au.i thein committed sncicifle, They had trouble over money, Mxxo Yorx. Own Brsu r.ss—Those mels always aueeeed beat who mind their own business. The reason is probably neaa i e they meet wttb suck little competition. Imperial Cream Tartar Bald :g Powder is the most suceesr+ful baking powder in the maikrat because it attend,, to its own bust. MSS. It stalls on its own merits, not by abusing other siinihu' preparations. Ca pt Watts, of the patrol boat Keewatin lost on Lake Winnipeg, has arrived at Sel- kirk. Two monuted police were drowned, ono of whom was a son of Mr Morphy, a lawyer of Toronto, Imeenete reeensrxo.r—Will present an opportunity to extend the fame of Dr. Fowler's Estraot of Wild Strawberry the unfailing remedy for cholera, cholera mor- bus, oolio, cramps, diarrhoea, dysentery, and all summer complaints, to every part of the Empire, Wild Strawberry never fails. A Boston telegram says : The footings of the Potter -Lovell liabilities have reached $6,000,000. Tho direct indebtedness in the bank is about $3,000,000. TEE PEOPLE'S MxSTA1rE—People make a sad. mistake often with serious results when they neglect a constipation condition of the bowels. Knowing that Burdock Blood Bitters is an effectual cure at any stage of oonstapation, does not warrant us in neg- lecting to use it sit the right time. Use it now, When Baby was sick, we Frio her Castoria When she was z. Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When alio bad Children, she gave them Castoria, Michael 'Dsvit6 cls ms to know that a trap was laid for Daly and that he is able to prove that a similiar trap was laid for four other dynamite prisoners, and that an agent of Dublin castle purchased the dyna- mite and handed it to the police for the purpose. English Spavin Liniment removes al hard, soft or calloused Lumps andBlemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, ,Sore and Swollen Throat, ,Con cls,: etc. Savo $50 g by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold cl by C. Lutz, Druggist. 10 NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. • If you will Bend' us your address, we will mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr: Dyes Celebrated Electro -Voltaic Belt and Appliances, and their charming effects Upon the nervous debilitated'system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor and man- hood,. Pamphlet free. If you are thus afflicted, we will send you a Belt and Appliances on a. •tried;; ,, r ' VOLTAM BELT Co, Marshall, Mich. CONSUMPTIONOURED: , An old physician retired from vraetiee, hay inghad placed in his hands by an East India `;ttissh',nary']the formulh of a simple vegetable Veniedy forthe speedy and pnr'manentcure for] Consumption, re no1t1 s Catarrh., Asthma an d throat and uiig a ffOctfons, .n1se pesitl0 and tactical d!s 1 cure for #ervonsdebIlity and all nervoiss o¢,P3Pl ai_its, after„having testedits wpndor f cUrativo' ppwers in tabirstinds of, eases, has folt it hi du. y,to-niake it known' to his suffering follows.• Actuated by this inotive, and a,desirle (c releive hnmen,suffernng,I will send free of charge all” ;;desire it, the recipe in C ertt nn,'• Frdpohr„Or Efigliah; with, full directions for proparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. NOYES, 820. Powers, Block. ltoohester, N. y. . TTTB.REET REPORTS. ZxaTgit Red Who st ;1.58 1e00 90 Spring Wnoat... , ,• 0 8S tO (.0•90th erloy 35 to 00 45 Oats ` clover 5 sad P.'• Timothy ” Peas ; Corn ; Ogee 3nttee ^," , F,lonrperbbl Ota P t 9 4 sperbugliel ApP edgpe :me Drieplospr b s 'e' Aerie ▪ , Turkey per lb e, Pucks pet lb Qhiekenaperpr „ lioga,4reaaedporl(Q Beef Bidesrongh, dressed SbeepsTiins ea,e0 Oalfstrins Woolperib .,„ - favnerton ., 300 to 331" to 75. • 150so201 .* 040 to t4 b • a• 3te014 • 00to51O +• 70 to 020 • 1COtolICO 0 4to.Q50 , 006to007 ,.. 008 to 10 ▪ ,., 0 00 to O 07 • 025top30 -, 450 teeter* 4 00 to 5 es ,-, e00te2 , 5501o390 „ 060to 20 OSOto05G • 018to023 .,, S CO tet lea • osoto0•08 flnionsperbuap` Wood ieroord 2 50 to 3 o0 sT 3r4BYp 5 Fail Wheat.. 0 tr0 0 Spring Wheat . 0 *09 0 Bar.sy ,.. ,,. 0 40 0 Oats.. .., Gtover Seed Trmoshy.,,.,,...... 1 e 1 0639 3 9 Eggs 17 01 Butter.... • .. , 12 0 1 Potatoeq per eit:u. ' AnPlesperbneb..,.., ..,.. - .5 05 Wool per lb 25 0 2 WePPerten 5 Sit 650 90 45 35 75 54 7 3 90 5 0 Brig per ton . .....,,.. 14 00 24 00 Shasta • ' "' :0 40 ea(40 Ostkomelper Plsl.,,., „,.,,,...,,,, a 00700 3Ue pertbee, 44 tPeas.000 to glee per0bus Foliar- ley,Af*!ting,43 to4Seper bus. Barley Feed, 451e toS'Be par bus Corn. Otte to 70es per. bushel. T'QRONTO. Toronto. net 1 •-•Wheat f prins-- lo. d, 990 to 100 per bus• red wintee.n o,2, al tol 01 per bus- Manitoba Le,3 hard.; 31 to 133 No. 2.12& to 1 30: PEAS Wm Ole per bus OATS 4.0e to 43e erhua, PLAUR, extra, 'Ma to 14..t) Per bele straight roller. et -re to •t4 75 strong' b;ikers,84,00 to Wel. BARLEY, No 2, Ext to S7o : No 3 extra, Coo to ' e0 ; :4o 3. 434 to 45o. Advices from the Aretia Ocean say the whaler Winthrop on Aug 19 sighted a large whale, and two boats were sent after it, As soon an the whale was struck by the harpoon it wrecked both boats by etrikiug thele with ita tail Two leen were killed and another heti both toga broken. A memorial bearing ever 4,000 eignatnres ltaa been received by the (zoveruor-General from the Catholics of Manitoba asking that the arta psesed by the Manitoba Legis. !atm abolishing Separate Schools and the duel language in that Province be diaal- lowed. The signatures include Arcbbishcp Tache and leading Senators end members of Parliament. WIi<tT Is A Dee'e LAn31f'--titre tiara work for a :bealtby liver is to seoroto three and a hall pounds of bile. If the bile secretion be deficient, oonatipetiau, mules; if profnmo, biliousness and ]Rundles arise, Burdock 131•.xtd Bitters to the most perfect livor regulator known in medicine for pre- venting and eurinll all liver troubles. On Thursday last 'Mr Jnluh Euler, 13, A , Deputy ;Minister of Education, was married to Bias Kato McCallum, a popular young lady of North Dorchester. The Indy lune a largo number of relatives in the county of Middlesex. Auvice Toltornxna -s reyou ctiature:se et niehtaud broken of your net bye sick chili; angering nue crviugwith pain of Cuttina Teeth? 1f so sone at once and got a bottle of"11rs.Winslow's Soothing .Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It avllle,dfove the poor little aulferer lm. med;atni, .)opoudupou it, mothers ; there Is npruisfako about it. It°urea Dysentery and !Nominee. regulates the: Stomach and Bowe:ties:area win t! Collo, Rattans two (ar,un reduces euileenmutioa, and gives tone and energy tothawholoSys tem , 'mre, Wee:1owre Sootatng Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of ono of tho oldest and best female physicians and nurses In the Milted States and:; for sale by all druggists throughout the world, Price twenty -Ave cents a bottle. Be surd and ask foreares Wnnanows SeeTnnNti Srnm "and take no other. Plso's Remedy for Catarrh Is tho Best, Easiest to UsoundCbeapest. Sold by druggists or scut by mail, sOe. E. T. Hazeltine, Warren, Pa., U. S.A. A. Eyes Tested FREE S MURRA-517, Practical Optician, Graduate Optic School N•Y Eyes tested ; defective sight restorodby the aid of fine glasses. Large assortment of the finestglasses on hand. A eallsolicited- al. S. 1VCvR1=t.a--2-, 1.80 D'ITND-A.S-ST London.. NOTICE. Freshand JVew STOCK OF GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY Just arrived at the family Grocery. Also Pare Extracts and Spines. A beautiful piece of glass— ware given, away with one lb. May(3ll's Baking Powder. Dashwood Boller Flour for sale. Call and examine our goods before pur; chasing elsewhere. G. A. HYND_MAN; oiJ Always buy Cheap at Doupe's gir'kton. r. - ,e - , Good Cottoii 4c. per yard up: Shiitings ' 7c; " • " breis Goods 5c., '" ra Good Teas 25c. ppe r pound. Choice Japan 35c. a gi -Br Besf:En .li h eal fa c' st 50 rirst-class Boots: for Men Women and Children cheap. Lots of new -goods -for 'early fall trade, cHea e"• than `ever. -' Efighest price for.But or a'nd. Eggs.• I)OTTPE . & CO, - Kirkton, ritot r•rt:t14 tt; trait `ta tt:ii'ltl, n» »: it:u st"ll'tl' u tt'D i 1 tt will be to your interest to call on us before buying your1uilding flardware» Shelf hardware, oil, and annealed, galvanized buckthorn barb wire, n'T 871001‹ First-class tinware, o twa and a half years ahelt=rrore goods to eller, ARTISTS' N 1Prip-iarraM Baby Carriages and Wagons. .s. Eavetroughi,x .g a speciality. .gems for the Raymond, .. asolicited. 4T1f Sewing Machines. A call. sclllclted. B ISS TT B O , When in Exeter don't forget to call, and exaraineWILL roLLAND l COOK STOVES, a PARLOR STOVES, (BOTH IN WOOD AND COAL) which he is selling away down. e has a fail ,line of TINWARE, BROOMS, BRUSHES, WRINGERS, CISTERN PUMPS APPLE PEARE RSf etc,, which nre away down in prices. Don't forget the place --Sign of Big Elephant, WILL rozaLtiarkm. CENTRAL Drug Store A full stook of all kinds el Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- er the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter. C LUTZ BRIM and EGGS A. Q. BOWEIW, havin;* !swell Brew's !!lock, will l e pkastd to pay aiitGlilIST Cash PRICES at} all times for Lutter and eggs. 8A.. Q • :.3 0 Ii.'''l.Gti. May let, 'M. Drew's !.lock, Exeter. COTTAM'S Washing Compourid Loosens and quickly removes all stains of grease and dirt without injuring the hands or the finest materials- It keeps down disease by thoroughly disinfecting and purifying every- thing. Saves soap, clothes, time and labor. For all domestic purposes it is the best article ever planed before the public. For the toilet and the bath itis just splendid, making the skin soft and healthit. Only Sc. for 3 pkts. All grocers can supply it, COTTAM'SBird Seed Cottam's Choice Imported and Re -cleaned BirdSeed is the finest quality grown, thoroughly re -cleaned and mixedaccording to the various seas0u8 in proportions advised by Ornitholo- Pa:hinab gists and bird Faciers, Every one pound t ty1: package eontnina a piece of cuttlefish hone and 1 full directions "how to keep n, Bird inhoalth and song.. ri z 0 0 H TEE,,; BEST YET 1 . THE GHEAPEST`YET • THE 713IGgrE ST YET:; Overcoatings at any price Serb- in a at an rice` Pa' >J p P , ntliYgei' • at 5,13,Y price i Best Ordered Clothink, producednE Exeter eter Gentlemenf orders`early,for With the beatstaff of Tailors ; the best. stook of Fine` Trieimizagsa, end, the beet Cutting'its Town, you are sure of'satryfae- tioni • A. 3. SINTICLL. Cottam's has boon awarded 1st prizes and diplomas and is very highly recommended, If you realty want healthy Birds with choice Cottam s beautiful pAll grocers sure can supply it. DO YOU WANTTO BUY FIRST -C LAS S FURNITURE AT LOWER RATES THA l!. SHAM GOODS • —ARE USUALLY S014)—.. —THEN OALL AT-. •: IDL•. ONL'5 FIRST -GLASS- R e At Prices LoW.ei that so-cal- led Chea- ar' D:o afaes cave n Ted r it .y, ! 'an S. GT Y SLE.. ,.. Successor toTi & a. Gidle ODD FELLOWS' BLOCK,