HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-05-02, Page 7n+Ft.,lyOL..� THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, Ia!r! SERV10ES IN GODERICH CHURCHES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH May 5—Second Sunday After Easier. 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHO6L and BIBLE CLkS. 11 a.m. ,HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON« (Junior Cangregetion and Nursery) 7 p.m. EVENSONG AND SERMON. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Cheirmaster. Knox Presbyterian Church REV. ROBERT G. MaeMILLAN, Minister MR. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Director of Praise 9.45 a.m. Intermediate and Senior Sunday School. ' 11. a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. (Nursery and Junior Congregation.), No Evening Service. Monday, May 6-8 p.m. The Presbytery of Huron -Maitland will ordain to the Christian Ministry Peter Walter, B.A., and Brown Milne, B.A. The Public are invited to attend this service. A Friendly Welcome Awaits You COME TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY. GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. The Ordinance of the Lord's Supper -and re- ception of new members. (Junior Congregation and Nursery) 7 p:m. AN HOUR WITH GOD'S WORD. Tuesday -8 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer Hour. Rev. S. H. Findlay, B.A., B.D. Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.C.M. Minister Organist Victoria Street United Church "FELLOWSHIP AWAITS YOU" 10 a.m. Bible School—Beginners to Adults. 11 a.m. Family Service and Primary Congregation. "WINSOME CHRISTIANS." 1.30 p.m. Benmiller Church after Sunday School. 3 p.m. Union Worship after Bible School. MINISTER—REV. STANLEY A. MOOTE, B.A., B.D. MINISTRY OF MUSIC --MR. FRANK, BISSE`1ar BETHEL PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE ELGIN AVE. AT WATERLOO STREET SUNDAY --10 a.m. • Sunday School. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. "The Goderich Evangelistic Centre" - PASTOR R. J. GREEN 1 souvenir Booklets 125th ANNIVERSARY North Street United Church Members of North Street Young lreaple's Union will make a house-to-house call on Saturday afternoon to sell copies. • Additional copies will be on sale at Carl Anderson's Book Store and Henderson's Book Store. Have You Renewed Your Subscription to the Signal -Star? THE GODERICII SIGNAL -Mit Additional Classified A 2L'tuskless Notice 4 ALL 1144Stililic-NCE O VEDA 'E Whether it is AUTO LIABILITY TELEVISION PROPERY,k .FLOATER ROSPITAUZATION Or ACCIDENT and SICKNESS at Lowest Rates Call HAROLD W. SHORE 38 Hamilton St. Phone , 766 (anytime) CARI NTRY , BUILDING, KZ MODELLING, dealer in Epps pumps, water softeners, bathroom fixtures, plumbing of all kinds, steel roofing. PRANK McMICHAEL, phone Carlow ups. 10-13x RID BULLEN'S REPAIR SHOP for custom cabinet making, furniture repair and kitchen cup- boards. Sharpening of all types of saws and other .cutting applian- ces. 184 Gibbons street, phone 1234. 45x FU]EimuRE REPAIR —' RE MODELLING — RE •FINISHING —RE-UPHOLSTERING — FANCY CABINET WORK. M. BLOK, PHONE 1200 OR 892. -ltf SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL; septic tanks, cess pools, etc., pumped and cleane•d•with sanitary equipment. Fee estimates. LOUIS BLA1 E, phone 42 r 6, Brussels. R.R. 2. 6-32x S '+ iropstat, C, ;L AQE. `EP. a—gJE BEY. 4818 GeiarFntitee t radio service. WAN- REINHART ELECTRIC, 04Miiton 6treet, phone 406. -I2 R E ID S UPlH[OLS ' 4 ING, e,8 Haanil,,,, street Thirby years experience. We have 'eoveringai of all kinds and colons to suit your furniture. Chesterfield, sefaa, chairs,Wetc., correctly done. Pon AUTO GLASS INSTA'LLED, Windshields aid Doors. Also glass supplied for table, desk, dresser tops, refrigerator trays, etc. !Mirrors cut to size. ' We co-operate with garages. BLEYERS AUTO & BICYCLE SUPPLY, West street, Goderich. Phone 295. -6 SHARPENING— LAWNMOWERS, saws and cutlery. C. H. HOOM.t, Huron road, opposite store. •I849x HAVING PURCHASED T fI E trucking ibusiuess from Gordan Nivins, will fbe going to open market ane day each week and also to packers one ,day each week. I would .appreciate your patronage. HERB POCOCK, HU -2911i2, Clinton. • 18-20x �R ARTIFICIAL INSEMINA- TION information or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the WATERLOO CATTLE BREED- ING ASSOCIATION at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds avail- able—top quality at low cost, -17t1 MIN OBITUARY ® .n HENRY YOUNG Chronicle and former publisher of the Clinton News -Record. He was born at Owen Sound. During World War II, he served overseas with the Canadian Army. A member of the Lambton Law As- sociation, he was well-known in that county and was also a past president of the Petrolia Liens ,Club. Funeral services were held to- day at-Petrolia. Interment will be in Wiarton cemetery ,on Friday afternoon. A native of Scotland, Henry Young, of Godeaichp died ort April 20 following an operation in Vic- toria Hospital, London. The body was taken to Amherst, N.S., where funeral service was held on April 23. Mr. Young, who was 74 years old, had been a salesman for most of his life. He had made Goderich his headquarters on and off for the past 18 years. While here, he stayed at the residence of Mrs. J. A. Harrison. Mr. Young had been in ill health since last October. His wife pre deceased him, and he is survived by four daughters. OSBORNE`T: - G:"'A'rK.>±, Y The death oc-eurrec'i- on Tuesday at 'Petxolia of Osborne L. G. Atkey, QQ.C., -who haslatearliritising law there for some years. He was in his 47th year. [Suffering ,a coronary thrombosis, his death was sudden. Surviving besides his wife are: one daughter, Jane, attending the University of Toronto; one son, Ronald, at home; his mother, Mrs. Geo. Atkey and a sister, Mrs. R. W. Hughes, of Ooderieh; two brothers, Max, of Cooksville, and Richmond S., publisher of the Arnprior Free Methodist Church SUNDAY, MAY 5 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Morning Service. 7.39 p.m. Sacrament of Lord's Supper, conducted by Rev. J. A. Robb, conference superintendent. 8 p.m. •t Monday. -Rev. J. A. Rabb, Preacher. 8 p:m. Thursday, Prayer -Meeting. ALL ARE WELCOME T. J. McMichael, Pastor. 125th ANNIVERSARY SERVICES NORTH STREET UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, MAY 5 ...,11 A.M. and 7 P.M. Guest Minister: Rev. C. A. Durrant, of London Preaching at -,Morning and Evening Services. 11 A.M. Sermon Topic: "I Caught Myself Wishing" 7 P.M. Sermon Topic:. "it Began A Long Time Ago" Special Mby tAnniversary Choir — The Harbouraires. • Soloist ---Mrs. Bonni Gowman Pianist—Mr. Ed. Stiles . Congregational Gathering WILL BE. HELD FOLLOWING'THE EVENING fERVICE AT WHICH FORME -R MEM- BERS OF THE CONGREGATION ARE ALSO EXPECTED TO BE PRESENT. • Hisforical Anniversary Booklet i has en published and will be available at the Church alid from embers of the North Street You g People's Union. REV. A. E. EHSTAGE, B.A., Mitil5ter. MRS. J. A. SNIDER, Music Director. MRS. NORMAN O'CONNOR Following a lengthy illness, Mrs. Ann O'Connor. 45, wife of Norman O'Connor, died at her home in Ashfield Township Tuesday. ,The body is resting at the ,Lodge funeral—home .in. Goderich until Friday morning. Solemn high mass will be celebrated m St. Joseph's Church, Kingsbridge, at 10 a.m., Friday, .followed by interment in Kingsbridge cemetery. Born in Detroit, the former Ann Sansoterra had resided in Ashfield since her' marriage to Norman O'Connor seven years ago. She was a member of St. Joseph's Church, Kingsbridge, and belonged to the ,CWL and Women's Institute. Surviving, besides her husband, are one daughter, Patricia,'age six; her mother, Mrs. Henrietta San- soterra; two" brothers, Louis and Frank Sansoterra, and two sisters, Angela and Mary San- soterra, all of Detroit. MRS. S. HERBERT STOTHERS Following a brief illness, Mrs. S. Herbert Stothers died early. Sunday mornin4 at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Henry Bradley, in Gode- rich. Mrs. ,Stothers was in her 66th year. Born in Ashfield Township, she was the former Ellen Hackett, third daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hackett. Married in 1916 to S. Herbert &others, she had resided in Dungannon district all her married life. Always interested in-oaati nturii:ty affairs; she ‘..as an active m: liber of Er-' iic Presbyterian Church. '['here she was organist for a- num- ber of years, served as teacher and superintendent of the Sunday School and as president of the Missionary Society. For the past year and a half, she had acted as a correspondent of . the Sinal Star. Surviving,besides her husband, are two daughters, Lenore, Mrs. Henry Bradley, r nr+ Mrs. Helen N. Baxter, both of Goderich; one son, Atrold, of near Dungannon; eight grandchildren; four sisters, Mrs. George Hunter, Mrs. Wilfred Dren- nan and Mrs. Ewart Taylor, all of the Lucknow district, and Mrs. Jack Bradley, of Amberley; three brothers, Alexander Hackett, of Wingham, and Thomas and Harry, both of Ashfield. A large number of relatives, friends and neighbors attended the funeral service at Erskine Y,-es- byterian Church, Dungannon, on Tuesday following a private service at the home, Rev. Wallace 1de- Clean, of Lucknow, officiated. Mrs. Allan Reed, organist, played hymns and accompanied- the soloist, Mrs. Gertrude Kaitting, of Goderich. Interment was in Dungannon cemetery. Pallbearers were Alvin Sherwood, Allan Reed, Arthur El - PERSONAL ,, Mr. and Mn,sBud Jolctstunand _'eaa, Ddwn and °ta'y, have returned to their theme at Oraansby after caijoyiga' the Easter vacation with. fir. Jcraton's parents,- Ma'. and Mrs,' W. P. Johnston, East street. Mr, and :Mrs. E. E. Wenten have gone to iSaydield f;'r the summer months. Mrs. W. G. MacEwan :has return- ed from -a three months' visit vtith her daughter, Mrs. D. Meson and Mr. Mason, at Houston, Tem. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Waters- and sons have returned from a. holiday in 'Florida. Mr. . L. Walzak of the°Go-de,iieh Branch of Julius Kayser & Co. Limited attended the Knitting Arts Exiabition in Convention Hall, Atlantic ,city, this week, and spent last week -end in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hreckow visited overthe week -end with Mr. and 1Virs. M. C. B+rocldebanic, Dennis and Gayle, of Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. W. Weir, Fred and Joan, were visitors recently with Mrs. F. G. Weir; also visited with Mrs. P. W. Weir at the hos- pital. Miss Beatrice 'Campbell, of Cale- donia, and her mother, Mrs, J. A. Campbell, of Goderich, spent the Easter week -end in Washington, D.C. Visitors with Mrs. Fred Morgan during the 'Easter vacation were her daughters, Mrs. Phil Sturdy and family, of Thorold, and Mrs. lEtic McAllister, and Sgt. McAl- lister and family, of Camp Borden. o ROBINSON VANSTONE w Rev. Dr. K. E. Taylor officiated on Saturday at a wedding in St. George's Anglican ,Church, when Marjorie Bernice Vanstone became the bride of Charles Leonard Rob- inson. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vanstone, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson, all of Goderich. The bride wore a white 'waltz - length gown and her finger-tip veil was held by a matching head- dress trimmed with sequins. She carried a cascade arrangement of red roses. The brie esmai•d, Miss Yvonne Vanstone, sister of thebride, was gowned in pale blue. Mr. David Robinson was grooms- man for his brother. , • For travelling to the United States, the bride chose a • brown sheath dress with beige wool coat, white accessories and a white cor- sage. The couple will ,reside in Gode- rich. A trousseau tea was held on Tuesday night at the home of the groom's sister, Mrs. Kefl Chisholm. • o o 0 Sentences Driver To Reformatory Pleading guilty to driving while disqualified, Earl Cottrell, of R.R. 1, Corunna, was sentenced by Mag- istrate -D. E. Holmes here to six months in Ontario Reformatory, plus six months, indeterminate. The court was informed that this was the fourth time he had been charg- ed with the same type of offence. Crown Attorney H, ,Glenn Hays said that a provincial police officer. had to drive 100 mph in Goderich Township to catch Cottrell. The man. admitted to going 85 mph and was fined $25 and costs or three more weeks in jail for speed. ing. Convicted of impaired driving in Goderich on March 30, William Thomas McKee, of Poim Edward, was fined $100 and costs or two weeks in jail. His license was suspended for three months. William Joseph Garrick, of Code• rich, was fined $50 and costs or three weeks in jail for causirtg a disturbance here. 0 o n DONNYBROOK DONNYBROOK, April `30. --Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Stamper, 1)onig- las and Darlene, of Wroxeter, were recent visitors with the former's aunt, Miss Hazel Stamper, at the home of Messrs. John A. and Don- ald Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. John Noble and Marie attended the wedding of their niece, near Ingersoll on Sat- urday. Little Norman Hanna, who has been a patient in Victoria Hospital, returned home on the week -end. Mr. Stuart Chamney had the mis- fortune to fracture his right arae last week. liott, Harvey Anderson, Frank Pentland and Wallace Wilson. Nephews who acted as flower -bear- ers were' Alvin Hackett, William Hunter, Ronald Treleaven, J. C. Drennan, Eldon Bradley, Eric Hackett, Pharis Ma-thers and Mor gan Johnston. 0 0 0 Ca -n you see, steer and stop your car safely? The Canadian Highway Safety Conference warns "Check Your Car, Cheek Accid- ents," in May SORRY! The Kinsmen Club of Goderich wished t0 give an ex- planation for the cancellation of their papal drive scheduled for yesterday (May 1). The Levis Waste Paper Co., of Toronto, which normally handled our waste paper was burned out a little over a week ago. This made it necesary for us to try to find another buyer. On contacting many other waste paper companies, we found there was no market for waste paper at the preoent time. Their warehouses were full and they wouldn't take the paper even as a gift. Due to lack of storage space and also the great fire hazard, we felt it not ,advisable, to collect and store the paper in town. We hope this cancellation has not caused you too much inconvenience. Also we hopes those persons who save their waste paper continue to do so, as we intend to hold the paper drive in the fall. Kinsmen Club Of Goderich H PPARDT:: SHLPPARDION, April 3Q.Y- Mrs. ,Flank 5IsAvoy and ran, of Wit. ath`aarines, spent last week with her parent% '• Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bogle. ,Mr. and Airs. 3. Moei beck, Betty and,,,,.Johnny, were i°n Kitchener duringdie week -end t4 .see Mrs, > oer'I)e -l's father, Mr. P,sutka, who Underwent ,surgery in, hospital, Mrs. James Ilawl;;ans and ,La visited In tilamilton Suiida�; wi Mr. and Mrs. Allemang, Mrs. �w i � ti 11 . o� adWa° ll? lz and fie attended the `funeral of iaeg grand- mother, 1Ira. BarbaraiNieintywo, of St. Thomas, on Monday. alar. Ralph Foster and dims:.-. A. Fong' motored to Toronto Sunday. roesWIN Foster as' ndi low 0,with x , - �her daughter, a, iv1c►r s . Anderson and Mr- Anderson, Lynda, Barbara and Philip, err retui' lend e4•• l n e with their, - dad g /raster/rasteriirholidays with their undo arni omit, Mr. find irs, E. 'ritebar4, Tfrian 'olloek s slte4 durno Easter week' with lois uncle an aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Q. ICYlpatrick; scar Dungannon, PROGRESSIVE CONS!. RVATI ORGAN1ZATION MEETING • 0 • • • • • • ••• • • • INSERTED BY GODERICH PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION Elston Cardiff — p7 _ MaKAY HALL, GODERICH — ON Wednesday, May a AT 8 P.M. SPEAKER: Elston Cardiff, M.P. WATCH FOR The Major Store 9th ANNIVERSARY SALE The Underalanding heart and the Human Touch Somebody's daughter.. . It couldn't, of course, be YOUR daughter. This girl has no one to care for her and her unborn child. Both face a future dark with shame and bitterness, fruit of folly and betrayal. But not without hope. In the havens, homes and hospitals of The Salvation Army the unwed mother and her babe are given ale, THE SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD AOPEAL compassionate care and the chance to build virtuous and happy lives. Aren't you glad there is a Salvation Army? To all who have fallen lby the wayside from whatever cause, The Salvation Army offers refuge' and hope. To equip its faithful workers for these tails of mercy and restoration, it relies confidently on YOU. • 4••• a e M e s e• et, obey e y• 'a e d e a e e .. it •* 0 b' * 4 ' Go r Bch BlitzQ Cam. i p on ES A EVENUJG, MAY 14. Ob$eetive for Goderich and District, $3,000. "j Et. H. Such, Decal Carr}psian thllirman.. ..,e..,.. e e