HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-04-11, Page 10• • vel Tender Accepted Colborne Township gravel tender of George F. Elliott Construction, Clinton, • was the one accepted of the three tellers tubmitted Ito Colborne ` Township Council on Tuesday of Iaet week. • .BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTIC HERBERT B. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chiropratic Office Hours: Mon., Thurs.-9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues., Fri. -9 a.m. to 8 p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. & Sat, -9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy Office—Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341. A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant Office House 343J 343W 33 Hamilton St, Goderich ALBERT SHORE — ,Publi Accountant — P.O. Box 797, Goderich, Ont. 38 Hamilton Street. Residence - 39 Victoria St., Phone 975. South. Phone 444. 11-20x A. J. Bert' Alexander GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE — AUTOMOBILE — CASUALTY Got Insured -- Stay Insured Rest Assured. Bank pf Comm. Bldg. Telephone 268. Stiles Ambulance Roomy — Comfortable Anywhere - Anytime PHONE 399' 77 Montreal St., Goderich C. B. CLANCY OPTOMETRIST For appointment phone 33,, The Square, Goderich. • The tenders were as follows: Gegrgit F. Elliott, 67% cents per cubic yard; Laves Contracting Com- pany, Clinton, 73 cents 'per cubic yard; George E. Radford, Blyth, 75 cents per cubic yard. ' The two applications far the position of caretaker of the Town- ship Hall were from E. George Sillib and Harvey Carrick, both of Blyth. Mr. Sillib's application was accepted, 'the agreement to be drawn up for the next meeting. It was pointed out that dog tag licenses +niust be obtained on or before May 3, the limit stipulated Iby the municipal by-law. Insurance policies for Work- men's Compensation, Municipal Liability, Warble Fly Spray Lia- bility, and Workmen's Compensa- tion adjustment endorsement were renewed through Gordon Jewell. A grant of $25.00 was made to the Canadian Cancer Society through the Goderich branch. Members of Council appointed April 4 as the day for making a tour of the Township roads to see where repairs and . gravel were needed. Council adjourned for a short period to hear a report read for interested parties on the Cunning- ham -Baxter drain. The report was adopted and the Clerk was in- structed to set .up the necessary by-law in connection with the drain. Council adjourned to meet May 7, at 8 p,m. 0 0 0 DIES IN OSHAWA James If. Ormiston, 68, who once served on the staff of the Goderich Signal, died last week in Oshawa General Hospital. He had been a newspaperman for 52 years, and was secretary of Whitby Chamber of Commerce at the time of his death. DAtAY 141*3 IT'S NO EX&GGERATION THAT MfLK FROM r • ANDREW DAIRY WILL STRENGTHEN YOUR TEETH . DAIRY • HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Phone 474 SEAFORTH P.O. Box 461 FRANK REID LIFE UNDERWRITER Life, annuities, business insurance. Mutual Life of Canada Phone 346 Church St. C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire Automobile, Casualty Real Estate 30 Colborne St., Goderich Phone 18w EDWARD W. ELLIOTT • LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 1621) Clinton. Charge moderate and satis- faction guaranteed. F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODERICH it EMETERY. IALS- e� Son XEI°ROW dor rifitive— x', '.44:‘ rw *liens:131' `"t 1t 1 Bill) 1 �;.,I o. 1 `i OUT ON A LIMB WITH BILI. SMILEY Its rather frightening to see the number of comparatively young men, between 36 and 50, say, who are being stricken with heart at- tacks these days. • * * * Medical men put it down to the stress of high-powered living, the speed at which our society moves. But 1 have my own ideas. Do you notice that none of these fellows who crumple up with a coronary are single? I think a little in- telligent research would reveal the ugly truth that marriage has a lot to do with heart trouble. Also in- sanity, but .we won't go- into' that at the moment. y: * s * I'm not trying to be facetious. It's just 'that I believe that, under the present system of family life, a heart attack is so logical it's a wonder our hospitals aren't packed with heart cases in the young- ►uiddleage-married bracket. 5 The average man can stand the gaff at his job without turning a hair. It's only when he leaves the happy din of the factory, the organ- ized chaos of the office, or the cutthroat competition of his busi- ness, and sets foot in the quiet haven of his home that his nerves go to pieces, his eyeballs start to twitch and his heart and ulcers launch into a poignant duet. * *. * * Fifty, even thirty-five years ago, the bread -winner was happy to regain his domicile. His home was his castle. He entered the front dotwith firm tread, happy mien, sense of well-being and feeling of escape from care. He -bussed h'ts wife, all rosycheeked from baking, poured himself a god snort of blackberry cordial for his appetite, 'and moved sedately to his favorite chair and the evening paper. * * * * He sat there in a state of incred- RCA VKTOR -Transistor Car Radio ra NO VIBRATOR t LOW BATTERY DRAIN 1 12 VOLT OPERATION FITS ALL LATE CARS t DASH MOUNTED . t 6x9 LOUDSPEAKER . Priced From $54 Les. Chapman TV 104 Elgin E. Phone 154 14tf Money you nc,c1 ...in one day r You 1 11 ' borrow u1' to $1000 kroin 1tl'(' in one day and choose your own repayment plan ... with up to :to months to repay. For under - s) and int; counsel and prompt money service, visit 1-1 F(' today. Borrow with confidence from Canada's largest and most recommended consumer finance company. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE C,6Zb e-ZlLVblt ("44 C,taaa'!G R. K Fitch, Manager 35A West Street, second floor, phone 1 501 GODERICH, ONT. SATURDAY EXCURSIONS to TORONTO byCNR LOW FARES EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL. APRIL 13) Tickets good going and returninia same Saturday only.* , EXCURSION -FARES FROM: Allenford $4.75 Guelph $1.90 Paisley - 55.20 Brampton .05 .Hanover 4.30 Palmerston 3.40. Brussels 4 Hatrlston '11,75 Southampton S.90 Chester , 4.75 Ingersoll .3.70 Sarnia 6.55. Clinton 4,75 Kincardtns S.0S Stratford . • Elora - •1,4S-Iftchsiier. 2.45 Strathroy S.20' - Fergus ,2.45 Lis 3.60: Walkerton 4.60 -Georgetown , 1.20, Mi ,, 4,00 Watford 5.7 . Goderkh 5.0I OisiN Wibufd - -'2.73 Wingham 4.75 ;..• Wyemtng .'6.20 • Cerresponah1%;;Pares'ffrem Intetmedia:e'Peiits ' / THE GODERICH 'SIGNAL -STAR ibis relaxation, twitshiIII his nese from time to flaw as the volq,pl� ous odour of roost beef assailedW and the juices of a . vast hun.er spurted into the corners of his mouth. His children crept into the room, gravely said l'good evening, Pips," were given • pat on the head and scuttled smartly back to the nursery, or wherever they kept the little fiends in those wonderful days. * * *- * • •1 find it almost too painful to continuo, as I compare that con- tented citizen with the incipient coronary of today. The 1957 bread- winner is not only, expected to win it, but to carry it home from the store, along with a can of soup, a package of frozen fish, a bottle of milk and anything else his wife forgot to order. * * • * Today's pallid wretch pauses at the front door to gird up his loins and take a deep breath before stepping in. He has the look of heroic calm of the underground leader facing the firing, squad. * * *' lite, creeps into the kitchen and deposits his groceries. His nerves begin to ease as he notes there's no one around: Ile goes to the refrigerator, with a slight lifting of the spirit. But when he sees the note leaning against the milk bottle, his head starts to throb again. It reads: "No, there isn't any cold beer. Give the kids .some- thing, I'll be late. There's some cold meat and heat some beans. Can of peaches in the cupboard. 1)id you pay the hydro bill, it's the 'loth?" * * Moved by some vestige of man- hood, he tears The note viciously into pieces; and deposits them care- fully in the garbage can. He opens the beans.' The door opens and in comes small daughter. She's mud from boots to bottom. She's wailing like a fire truck: "The kids threw me in a big puddle. Where's Mummy? My feet are wet. What's for supper?" * * * * Ile wipes tears from the face, mud from the floor and exaspera tion from his countenance. They are sitting over their tough cold beef, beans that stuck to the pot and piece of .stringy celery, before the questions start: "Daddy, how many presents do fhe pqor people in the world get at Christmas? How many children will I have when I get big and have boobies. What would you do if the Russians came? These are - funny beans, aren't they?" All this while he . peers nervously at the latest Middle East crisis. propped against the maple syrup jug. - • * * * The door opens -again:-='Hi,-_Dad. '-'Should see the raft we made. Bob' tried it and it sank in the pond. He'll prob'ly get a lickin'. 'Idawony supper. Gotta goda -Cubst Where's my Cub scarf? Mom was spose to wash it. Will you drive -me up to Cubs? Fya don't I'll be late 'n won't get my badge. Naw, Ida- wony supper. Gimme a quarter an' - I'll get a hamburg after." * * * * Dad ties the small one to the dining -room table, rushes the larger one to Cubs, and comes home to be greeted by: "Well, you certainly - left things it 0 mess. Where in the world have-ou been? ('an't I depend on you to give the children a. bite to eat, when every, thing's left read; for you? My goodnes-, you sit around that office all day. '1'he least you could do is be a bit helpful when you know it's my day for the happy Home makers Club." - The last phrase does it. Deep within him stirs the blood of a primeval -ancestor who sat by the fire and stuffed himself with roast mammoth trunk, while his women scurried around in the back of the cave, fixing his wild honey dessert, with trembling and alacrity. He seizes the nearest thing, which hap- , pens to be the mixmaster, and ad- vances to brain her. Excruciating I pain clutches his chest, the room swims before his eyes. * * * * And there, lying on the floor. just barely aware of a voice above him saying: "You wouldn't dare hit me, you brute, get up, you're not fooling me, I suppose you haven't paid the premium on your •insurance," is the latest in an alarming and fast-growing list of heart cases, directly attribtaable to marriage. ' 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook and family, of Port Colborne,. were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cook; • Newgate street. TELEVISION REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES. Complete work bench of all 1`V Testing Equipment. TV AERIAL INSTALLATION AND SERVICE— ANY MADE. MacDonald E ectric t3oderlch Phone 23S 38tf KIDN EYACIDS -RobyRest..our Many people never seem h pt a goad . Night's rest. They turn and toga--hlame it en''nerees'--when it may he their kidneys. '''Healthy kidneys filler poisoni and excess 'Mid: the bleed. If they tail and impurities Nay in the system-•diatwrf►ed hist ohm fellers. 11 you don't rest well pt and' two Dsdd•a Kidney Pills. Mull) help the kidneys se that you tan rest boner—and feel better. i 36 a''IC',f INIORMATION f*NKF AGEIIY'A' e t -f t Jury, P!obing Deaths Qf 2 Women Urges Stricter Tests For Motorists • Stricter physical examinations for drivers were urged by a coron- er'sjury which- suet at Seaforth Saturday to inquire into the deaths of Mrs. Morley Linington, 36, of Saltford, and Mrs. Ralph Godfrey, 53, of R.R. 3, Auburn. • Mrs. Godfrey died in a two -car collision on Highway 8, four miles east of Clinton, at about 9.30 p.m. on March 8. Mrs. Linington, a passenger in the same car, died shortly after admittance to Clinton Public Hospital. 'Mrs. Godfrey's husband, Ralph, 57, -was taken to hospital with serious lacerations and bruises about .his head. The verdict of the jury at the inquest read as follows: "We find that both Mrs. ^Marg- r - aret Linington and Mrs. Ila Godfrey died as a result.of Injuries suffered in a collision between a car in which they were riding and driven by Ralph Godfrey easterly on No. 8 highway some four miles, west of Seaforth with a car driven west- erly by Mr. 'Ray Dill at approxim- ately 9.30 pin., March 8, 1957. The accident was causal by the neglig- ence of Ralph Godfrey in failing to turn out, or stay on his own side of highway, in making a turn without a signal, which, even with a signal could not have been made in safety, being too close to the Dill car. 'We do not know the reason for.,the tursi. We also feel' that Mr., Srodfrey's vision, having only one eye, may be faulty, and had some bearing on his actions." The jury went on to recommend Concrete.' Work FLOORS, SIDEWALKS, FLAGSTONES, VERANDAH and STEPS. Also full BASEMENT poured in one pour. Will gladly give estimates. No job too big or too small. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. Blyth Concrete Phone Blyth 47, best after 7 p.m. ' 15-17x 1L Dodd* Kids Pins s that Mr. Godfrey's driving priv- ileged be suspended until he has proper tests. "It appears from the evince .that he had not disclosed his disstb!)dty. ,We further recom- mend that consideration be given to changed procedure in issuing driver's licenses to require stricter physical examination, particularly to eyesight." At the time of the fatal accident, Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey- and Mrs. Linington had been travelling to- ward Seaforth to attend a recep- tion in •honor of the Godfrey's daughter, • Ruth, who had been married earlier to David Living. - aton. • - Dr. E. A. McMaster presided at the inquest, and witnesses were exa'hined oy Crown Attorney IL Glenn Hays, of Goderich. Among the witnesses called at the inquest were Morley Linington, of Saltford; Ralph Godfrey, of R.R. 3, Auburn, and ProvincialConstable D. Trumbley, of Goderich. In 1930 tax payments per family in Canada averaged out to less than $300 a year; current figure is about $2,000. Branch Agent for (NR Money Orders l'kte APPLIANCES *wt. FR 1G1 DA IRE .$eo.4.rr FOR. SALES d SERVICE GODERICH uKtlwSQUARE •• d'ke«c 586 • • 161 . . Eong, low- and beautiful Dodge . • SETSIHE STYLE fN ANY NEIGHBUURNOOD ..:pufgyou a step ahead of the crowd -` Re* k . i• -: /!t.+APb•. •X .dUI�CPT•'O ' 4:•Y �."�' �9soi>Szo cwaa.z�SAoo:; Ar.„ Bring Bring home this dreamboat of a Dodge, and just listen to the neighbourhood hum! Hear those long, low whistles? • They're for the long (over 17% f(t) and low (only 4%' feet) lines of that dazzling Flight -Sweep styling! Its soaring tall fins tell you right off—this big Dodge has a modern slant on motoring that makes 'it the newest iv its field! In fact, everything iabout Dodge sparkles with tomorrow's touch. And "everything" covers such firsts in the low -price field asrpush-button Torque-Flite automatic drive. This most modern way to go is partnered with the most powerful standard V-8 of all low-priced cars, too! But befit of all, wait 'til you put this road- • smoother to a ride test. Here's where you feel the biggest excitement! New Dodge Torsion -Aire Ride irons the bumps flat as a floor ... lets you whiz around corners without lean or sway .. . stops brake "nose-dive" cold in its tracks. So come on in. See how easy it is to make the swing to DODGE! You're always a step ahead in cars of The Forward Look • Dodge raarlcs,you as a "MODERN"... with Its advanced -design V -B's or dependable Six...tFlight- Sweep styling... revolutionary Tor;Ion-Aire.Ride ...Torque-Fllte drive with push-button controls. CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA. LIMITED YOU GET /MORE IN .4 THE BiG, BEAUTIFUL.BUY IN THE LOW -PRICE FIELD! REG. MCGEE 6� SONS: PHONE 765 e,.��,�� C ST. I HER'FS'Y • UR CHANCE!' ince Reg. McGee- &:'Sons Are , Celebrating Their �° l8th Anniversary An UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE , AL ON A NEW' -DODGE is pours right now. But act fas, for the .Anniversary Offer expires on Saturday,,April 27. i a • 4, (�y^r