HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-04-11, Page 8• 7•• 4 A
THURSDAY, APRIL 14th( -1957.
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' liti iBbl,•,.Aprii- Dhe C.U.C. once a scene of great activity with
Ida Whiter ,group of iCnox presby.' a ball diamond, tennis courts,
terian Church met last Saturday horseshoe oourt, swings and sand
with the president. • Marie Leather- txi•xes,
SS. No. 2, West Wawanosh
land, 'presiding.' The flags were School held a box social last Fri -
held, by diary azid Margaret San- , day evening -with a large attend-
derson, 'The worship story was: ante. -Progressive euchre and
read'• by iBat+bar Sanderson. Mar- ' crokinole was enjoyed.. Prize win-
'garet dines led in prayer. The ' ners at euchre were Joseph Furan
minutes were read by Marilyn ' and John burnin. Crokin.ole prize
IDaer. The treasurer's report was winners were Sandra Finnigan and
given byMargaret Haines. A short Clifford Hallam, The quilt, on
p1ay'period was followed with con- which tickets had been sold, was
Lesta, • games and treats of candy , won by Master Gordon Craig. This
#or all present. ' quilt top had been donated by Mrs.
Dr. Leonaj•'d N. Whitely.—lhe .Ernest Durnin and the ladies of
funeral of the late Dr. Leonard N. ; the section had finished it. Mr.
W. Whitely,ftook place at Gorrie Ted Mills was auctioneer tor the
box social. The host and hostesses
were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Durgin
and Mr. and . Mrs. Kitchener Fin-
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Toll, Mr.
Robert Charters and Mr. Robert
Marshall returned last week from
a trip to Alkhart, Indiana. Mr.
Toll delivered six purebred Clydes-
dales to Mr. Robert Wilson of that
Mrs. John Arthur is visiting with
her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Wahl,
Mr. Gordon Wahl and fancily, of
Mr and -Mrs. Ed Davies visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wel-
lington Got:a, of Blyth. We are
glad to rep:,rt that Mr- (io'ld is
improved in health after a serious
day with Mrs. Maud Fremlin.-sickness.
Mr. Kenneth Patterson, of White- : mi.,. Duncan McKay visited with
church, was a guest of Mr. and her brother. John Weir- Mrs. Weir,i
Mrs. Ezekial Phillips last Tuesday. Joan and Bc! by. of Lond, n, on
Mrs. Arnold Craig is a patient Sunday -
in Clinton hospital whSre she ' Mrs. Edgar Lawson visited on
underwent surgery., \Ionday with her sister-in-law. Mrs.
The St. ;Mark'. Anglican Guild John Sclater, of Seaforth.
were guests of the St. John's An-; Mr. George Timm and Miss Erna
glican Guild, Brussels, last Thurs., Bethkie, of Gorrie, were Sunday
tby evening. Rev. Bron de Vriesvisitors with Mr. and Mrs. Malt -
was the guest speaker at the, land Allen. They aLso called on
Easter meeting. Those attending Airs. Stanley Vanstone who - is a
were Mr. and Mrs, Gordon R. Tay: patient in Goderich hospital.
lor, Mrs. Clifford Brown, Mrs. Sam Mrs. William Anderson is visit-
Daer, Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt, Mr., ing with her daughter. 'Mrs. Gordon
Fordyce Clark and the Misses Lor- i AIcClinchet.
•ratite and Norma Hensch and :\Lary' Mr- Thomas Anderson, of Tor
and Margaret Clark who supplied; onto, called on Auburn reiativcs
rilusical numbers.I over the week-er)d.
Mrs. Harry Arthur entertained: Mr. and Mrs. William J. Craig
,in honor of, her son's fifth birth- "re guests of their daughter.
day last Friday evt.ning. The little Mrs.:Ilarry WorseIl, Mr. Wcusell '
aid a
on'Satrrda). with interment in
Tope Chape Ycemetery, on the 13th
• of Hallett Township. ' Among . the
relatives attending the funeral were
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Philips,
Mr. and Mrs. %Villiain Wells, Clin-
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Willows Moun-
tain, and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Jos -
ling of Hulett Township. Dr.
Whitely was a frequent visitor in
the village years ago at the home
of the late Mr. and 3Irs. Charles
_ Howson.
Mr. Earl Youngblut and Miss
Minnie Wagner visited the form-
er's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Youngblut, and family, at 'Tavi-
stock on Sunday.
Mrs. 'Tyndall and daughter. Kath-
erine, of Clinton. visited last Tues
guesjs were Wayne Arthur.
Brown, Gail Miller, Cr
Nancy Brown. Brigette
y last Sunday.
rolMrs. Bert Craig visited her mo-
litchling, ; ther. Mrs. George McNall. in Sea -
Sharon and Bonnie McKinnon. . forth on Monday.
'the executive of the North, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor
Huron branch of Christian Educa- ; spent Sunday with their daughter,
tion met at the home of the pre- j Mrs. Ronald Rathwell, Mr. Rath-
sident. Frank Raithby. last Tues-; well and Michael.
day evening with a large attend-, Mr. and Mrs. William Strauti.han
ance. Plans were made for the visited his sister, Mrs. William
convention to be held o:n May 22: Mayhew and Mr. Mayhew, of
in Dungannon United Church. i Thamc._Lrllc, on Sunday.
Miss Nora Grey ke, of the Ex-, o-- o 0 .
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GRADE ,'A" READY to COOK — 4 to 5 -lb average
Greenspan 's All Bef
tension Service of the Department ,
of Agriculture, conducted a millin-
ery course for the meinbers of the
' W men's Institute. Those partici-,; ... • .. _. - _.
(Sating; in this course were Mrs.' :�IhE. April 'B. --The community
--George Millian:---- -Mr•s. - Donald : w'as -hocked to hear of -the Sudeten-~
Haines, Mrs. William Hensch. Mrs. death of Alex. Watson. We extend
Gordon Dcbie, Mrs. William; hear:tfelt :sympathy to hfs family.
Straughan, Mrs. Gordon Taylor. Mr. Watson had done much custom
Mrs. Robert Phillips. Mrs. Leonard • work in the neighborhood down
• Archambault, Mrs. James McDou- through the years and is going to
gall, Mrs. Arthur Clark, Mrs. Bert ; be ;neatly rni-sscd.
Craig, Mrs. William Goddar,'ca, Mrs. Although a very rough, cold
- Ed. Davies. Mr;. Fred Ross and wind was blowing trongly last
Mrs. Wes. Bradnock. ' Tuesday, the sale of cattle and
• Mrs. .Marguerite Chopin enter- tnachinei y at •Mr. Win. Doig's farm
tained in honor of the 86th girth-! attracted a large crowd. Mr. 1)oi'
Jay of her father Jacob Stoltz, i is expected home front Seaforth
last Friday evening. Many friends hospital. on Tuesday.
called during the evening to extend Las: week li ts.'s inadvertently
to t►,:. "'''fl*;; `tlrte.I th. '. Mr. <-tm Maybon
rn'iti�t-!TiLi,e%w,._- _ Rr'1t1 !....rrelit- � i•
lie was beat near Dundee ' and ; ha:i aircha-ed Mr. Ray Rt,binson's
moved 58 years ago to East Wawa-; house, This is not s0. arta we must
' nosh where he farmed until nine apologize to Mr. and Mrs. Robin -
years ago when they; moved into son.
the village. Ile is a member of , Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McGrattcn
Knox Presbyterian Church where and Alr:c visited with Mrs. .1. Mc -
he had been secretary- for 49 years Gratton in Gccderich on Sunday.
and an elder for 32 years. , :1n early morning fire alarm last
Mr. and Mrs.- Pat Mason and• 1 Thursday ca-lled neighbors to the
, . family- took up residence in the ' home of Mr. Wilbert Stewart,
1, house owned, by Mr. George Wil- where fire hadstarted in the stove
son,; pipes. _At the time an extremely
The Elliott brothers, of Blyth,, high wind was blowing, but the
are busy dismantling the old For- , haze w,. -i extinguished without too
esters' Hall which they purchased ! much damage. started
_. last summer. ; To date, no one has
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis, St. f seeding operations, as far as we
Thomas, .visited recently with her ' know; but cattle spraying is under
mother, Mrs. John Arthur. way, which -we can take as a pre -
At a recent meeting the village rude to spring.
trustees -decided to let the Au -burn . o . o - o
playground go back to the Sturdy The Mathew, the small sailing
- Erstate. This playground, which ship in which John Cabot made his
was purchased by the Women's In- voyage of discovery to Canada,
salute around 1930 for $200, was carried a crew of only eighteen.
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