HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-04-11, Page 4-i0.4 YOUR OBITUARY R.i4F4)1,17.ARD N. WHITLEY The t'oral service was held at Gordo 00 Saturday of I)r Leonard k . Whitley, 713,'who was a physician of Oorrie for 54 year.. He was ra st➢n of the. late William Whitley Alice Htvwson, of Hullett, near Londesboro, where he was born. Dr Whitley tanarried a former Goderich girl, Minnie McVittie, daughter of e late Mr. and Mrs. William Mc- Vittie, who died some years ago. Married a second time, he is sur- vived by his wife, one brother, Percy, of Toronto, and three , sisters: Mrs. Riley, of 'Toronto; 1 Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, Assiniboia, sada.; Mrs. William Fergu.on, Ionton. t 4li New colours in famous British Flannel Worsted A "must" in ever, man's wardrobe because it does flatter every man — looks "right" on all occasions. Come in and see them—give your wardrobe a lift. TAILORED -TO -YOUR -MEASURE "Tip Top" Clothes $64.50 2 pc. Exclusive with THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR irst Hungarian Refugees "Q1M Film Opens For Business Here For District Have Arrived The first group of Hungarian refugees to come to Goderich ar- rivt'd here last Friday and are in the. process of rehabilitating them- selves under the guidance of the Canadian (Department of Immigra- tion. I They are Mr- and Mrs. Gyor Baranyai, aged 23 and 20 respec- tively, an eight -months -old on, Mr. Baranyai's sister, . Magdoina, 16, and Mrs. Baranyai's mother, Mrs. ,Anna Cixnbalmos, aged 47. There is also a single man, making the group six in all. Mr. J. R. Mitchinson, of the Goderich office of the IDepartment of Imaniugration, under whose direc- tion the •Hungarians are being re- habilitated in Goderich, says that more Hungarian refugees are sche- duled to come here in the future. Mrs. C inabalmos has already secured employment as :a domestic and efforts are being made to secure employment for the others in the group. Why did they come to Canada? To escape the tyranny of their Ru<�landAnl.nated native land and to live in the freedom -loving comp - try of their choice. Canada, N1r.. ' Baranyai told the tit: nal.titar. He tool: hart in the ).cvolution main.<t the 1 i <:aIli la,t fall in h.- native Budapest Tli Ru<si:ui., 40000a0000aa0a0.00000000 The Major Store tN GODERICH TIP TOP TAILORS had a list of names of those who took part in the revolution against them and planned to punish them. So, Mr. Baranyai planned to flee from his country before he was sent to Siberia or killed by the Russians, he said. He stated that friends who fought,with him against the Russians isappeared and no one ltuew what ever became of them. Fled ='y Night Along with his wife and other relatives, Mr. Baranyai fled across the border by night into Austria, thence to England. Russian tanks, equipped with searchlights, comb- ed the border looking for people FAST REL�E� FOR _ACHING MUSCLES us ime 1 o Use R A °MAY Ti T1TABLE CUJGES Ryan & Son PHONE 345 GODERICH -14-16 'titre • AITENT1i POULTRY FARMERS We are in the market for fowl. Highest cash prices paid. Will pick' up .free of charge. Phone or write for prices. CANADA PACKERS LIMITED CLINTON, P : ONE l: u2-9565. 0 1.5-16 ,. . Effective Sunday April 281141951 ,t^ Full information from agents J-7-15 trying to escape, the country. 1[aa order to get by them, one group of nine men ran in one direction as Russian guns fired at them. This was to attract attentionaway from another group of seven women who were also trying to get across the border. By this ruse, both groups managed to escape. In the group of men was Mr.Baranyai while in the group of women was his wife carrying their four - months -old son. Mr. Julias Kovacs, also from Hungary, but who has been in Canada five years and in Goderich for the past three months, acted as interpreter for Mr. Baranyai, who speaks no,,English. • In response to an appeal fer help for the Hungarian refugees here, the Maple Leaf Chapter of the I.O.D.E. has collected a large supply of bedding material .and kitchen utensils to give to the Hungarian refugee family. After fleeing from Hungary to Vienna, the Hungarians went to England last November and were taken by airlift to Toronto this month from where they have been placed in various centres in On- tario. Mr. Mitchinson, of the Immigra- tion Office in Goderich, says he expects three men from Portugal to arrive here this week to be placed on farms in the Goderich district. 0 .0 - o OPENS NEW DRUG •STORE W. C. Newcombe's modern self - serve drug store was opened at Clinton last week -end. The Clin- ton News -Record ran a biography in last week's issue of Mr. New- combe a Goderich boy, who served A new firm, 'Mack Sales And Service, has opened for busiafess at 115 St. David's strut, in the premises formerly occupied 'by Campbell's Garage. SJlilte Tliack, the proprietor, states that he will specialize in machine shop work and small engines. He has been appointed a 'master dealer for Toro power mowers and Choremaster garden equipment, and will also act es sales awl service MIrze,90ntativo 'tor Briggs and Stratton, engine 111131111f4etttrOrS. Gee pumps are to be installed, oin the property. A tool 'and die maker by trade. Mike and his wife, Je -sine, resided in Toronto previoaosly. He is a sports car enthusiast and is inter- ested in organizing some type of car elub here for young men who want to apply their mechanical ai'bilities. In 1800, about 400 years after the first European explorer had sought the passage, the Norwegian explor- er Roald Amundsen was first to sail through the Northwest Passage from Atlantic to Pacific. 0•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••V••••••••••••00 • • • • • • • Portable Air Compressor • TO RENT L NEW 125 CFM MACHINE WITH ALL TOOLS. • • HOURLY OR CONTRACT WORK. - • •• F'A'R DEMOLITION QF CONCRETE,, ASPHALT, ROCK, CALL •. • • Ho To YOUNG, •••••••0• • • • • • PHONE •HU 2.9496. • • 14-15x • ••••••••••••••.•••••••••v••••6•••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • 600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0 0 a 0 s THIS DO IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME Immediately following the celebration of the Passover O (1513 BC), Jesus instituted a new covenant with His faithful "Little Flock" and commanded them to partake of the un- , leavened bread (representing His body) and of the wine or • product of the vine (representing His -blood), at the same time saying, "Ke4p doing this in remembrance of Me." Since the Passover had been observed once a year, it is obvious that the Lord's evening meal should be celebrated once a year and on Nison 14, which date, corrected to our pre- sent calendar, falls on April 14, this year. The Goderich congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses invite the people of Goderich and district to celebrate the "Lord's Evening Meal" with them in MacKAY HALL, NORTH STREET, his apprenticeship with the late •• H. C. Dunlop. He is assisted by • Archie Townsend, another former e Goderich resident. 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Curry and • Mr. and Mrs. George Jenner have returned from a Florida vacation. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Henderson 2 and Barbara have returned from a • winter vacation at Daytona Beach, • F1oHrlta:. _.r.. WHEN NATURE NEEDS ASSISTANCE- TRY DR. MORSE'S INDIAN ROOT PILLS Compounded rram effective ingre- dients, Dr_ Morse's Indian Root Pills help brim quick relief to sufferers from constipation or biliousness. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills help promote regu- larity. Try them --at all druggists. C3-56 LEGION HALL GODERICH Saturday, April 13 JACKPOT OF $70.00 FOR FULL HOUSE IN 54 CALLS. 1st GAME STARTS AT 8.30 P.M. The First Officer is saving for his marriage. The Captain is saving to equip a home workshop. rl • Both have a bank �ccount.and a purpose for saving TH CHARTERED ERED BANK ;hr They work as a team, yet each has his own reason' for saving, his own dollar objective, his own pace in achieving it. A bank account takes care of every type of saving need. You can start with any a=unt you wish, add to it at any time youtehbose, keep on as long as you like. Last year almost 500,000 new deposit accounts were opened with the chartered banks, making a total of nearly 10,500,000. The owners of these accounts know that a bank account offers the simplest safest, most convenient means of safeguarding and accumulating funds. Save at a bang - - do! SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY • • • • 0 • • • SUNDAY, APRIL 14, at 8.15 p.m. Come and hear a representative of the WatchTowerBible Society explain why the "Evening Meal" is observed once a e year; why it is only the "Little Flock" that partake of the ern. • blems; the responsibilities of those partaking; how the "other • sheep" show respect for those partaking by attending the o memorial of our Lord's death. •• EVERYONE, WELCOME. • • 0 • O • a A • • •• 0 • ' • • • • •• O • • r • m • . • • A • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • NO COLLECTION. -15 • ••••••••••o••••••••0.00000••••o••••••••••••••••s TRIMS da , ` , Art m4 lit' , 1957 THANK YOU, GODERICH! aving vat cated the premises at the corner, of West and Waterloo Streets, where we operated the Cities Service Station for about 10 years, we wish to thank all those who patronised us while there. NOW, we have taken over the Supertest Gari ;ge (formerly operated by Bannister Motors) Victoria Street a i 1gin venue, and solicit a continuance, of your patronage in our new stand. • Geo. Hutchins & Son -15 Have You Renewed Your Subscription to the Signal -Star? LET US HAVEN YOUR SPRING WARDROBE EARLY FOR CLE'AN I NG and PRESSING Remember These Services, Too COATS — TROUSERS — SKIRTS — DRESSES Lengthened — shortened — re -cuffed —new pockets new zippers — re -Tined. OUR FINER GARMENT REPAIR SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES. HOUR SERVICE '3 AT SPECIAL REQUEST 3 Crof,t Dry Cleaners WEST STREET PHON g .85 444546 Bigges' Power Package of om all ...and all strictlykseseme horsepower! , r+ },-r ,o•X r r r 1 y4h: . 'r:+yyrxW•MMIt.Y h`YM✓Mv44.N5... • .. . .. , r. . ri..•vO. iyXy IMA,q./yyNM,,,,,,✓AMh`Yv•:✓.wt, ytI 'C AW �✓.yv.,yy.:rr .•J✓V:1$::,::::•:::'•-•44.r� .•.. .. -4✓Xyti:.".% rrr�'S.f� �'*y'+✓'°> •F -•••Y, /� ••i4`4.i.r✓•7?iYi✓+CWV .v.vw r'r ... iG}✓'a ✓ ✓ ✓ W r n ✓i•.,,r�✓i ✓ V QQQ r•'.443 �Y h5•dvr, r'.i,r rrrlf•> �✓✓ }� r• f � �M •tray A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE OnIPontiac offers/ifeiVitstPower in all 32 models! Throughout Pontiac's tremendous power ramp, you'll appreciate what Salty -Mat 7l power means to you. Here is perfect balance between Pontiae•s solidly constructed apody by Fisher and that purringpower plant of your choice under the ood. As a result, you're safe, sure and relaxed in any driving situation, whether you're threading easily through city traffic or soaring effortlessly on the highway. Yes, Pontiac wants you to have all the power you want. That's why Pontiac offers you the greatest number of engines —either 6 or V8's—in in the industry ... the biggest power package of 'em all from 148 to 210 h.p.! What's more—and more of every- ,' thing is what Pontiac specializes in— you have the unequalled choice of four transmissions :.. Standard Syschro- Mesh on all series, Close -Ratio Synchro- Mesh with Power -Chief VW's, Power - glide in Pathfinder, Pathfinder Deluxe and Laurentian series, and Strato-Flight Hydra•Matic'on Chieftain, Super Chief and Star Chief models. So no matter how you like your power ..:tame or terrific, Pontiac has just the right power plant for you. And it's all horsesense horsepower, combining maximum efficiency with pleasing economy See your Pontiac dealer soon. Drive a Pontiac. Price a Pontiac. You'll agree dollar for dollar you can't beat a Pontiac. Good-Buyfrosu the word Undisputed. Champ! Pontiac wins * ham jacwinsa GroodChampion:hi Id Race against all egad- ile car ea e of sirepower or price*wee ung new trock recordiggest stock cirevent ofOn year follownryof itclass iFlyingti11e and Accelerati�Rons.Now 11sofIcldlPontiac is lion* cioon CardsSomber i oah lpNoaRascfondorPock Coro% ir!Pontiac SAMIS MQTORS KINGSTON AND VICTORIA STS. Phone 344, G-oIIOri a