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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-04-11, Page 2
GE `ai:wo '.y talirt.ct 'tgnaV1ttr HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST WKLY Established 1040. In its 110th year of publication. Published by Sibual-Star Publishing Limited Subscription Rates - -Canada and Great I ritam, $3.011 a year: to United States, $4.00. Strictly in advance. Advertising Rates o^ request 'Telephone 71 Authorized as second-class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Out -of -Town Representative: t' W.N.A 237 Foy Bldg., 34 Front St., W. Toronto. Over 3,000 --Largest circulation of any pewspapor published in Huron Count.--e•vor Moraliser of Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. ' Member of Ontario Weekly Association, Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation G1O. L. CLLIS, Editor and Publ'taher. 3,000 Newspapers THURSDAY, ,X.PRIEL llt'h, 1957 SERVING NEEDS OF COMMUNITY Ten years ago ------iii May, 1917 ----the Kinsmen Club of Goderich received its charter. - lu view of this anniversary and, because of the observ- ance of National' Kinsmen Week last weeli, it it only fitting that tribute should be paid to the local club, at this time for its years of service to this community. This can best be done by making a ,brief survey of the accoluplislunent, of the club in the past decade. it is no secret that untold happiness has been brought to countless elderly residents of the town and district by the Octogenarian ('Iub, sponsored by the I1tii.rneit. The children's playground at the corner of South and Raglan Streets is another Kinsmen project. '1'o provide additional facilities for the enjoyment of the children a wading pool is to be installed tleere this year. For sojue years, the Kinsmen sponsored hockey on the intermediate level. Hight now they are spon- soring the Air Cadets. Their biest effort at the moment is the Goderich 'Trade Fair which will be on its third annual this year. These are but some of the Kinsmen activities. President of the Kinsmen e'lub here when it was chartered was R. 11. Cornish. 'Their sister organization, the Kinette Club, first president of which Was Mrs. D. J. (Grace) Patterson, has kept in step with its parent' organization in a slrrogrant of public-spirited service to (loderich. Congratulations to the Kirisnten idol Kincttes are in order at this time. violent Winds Cause One Death Much. 1 image In God -'rich Area - Violent wind,—accompanied by turn; in Goderich, though ruralh hydro crew, *ere understood to have had a busy day. Telephone circuits to Carlow were out for a few hours. For a time, it was snow, sleet and rain --.wept the aroderich -area Thursday. causing one death and considerable pro- perty damage. Alex Watson, 65. of R -R. 1. Poit impossible to place long distance Albert, died in hospital atter ht' calls to many points due to lures suffered a fractured skull whin beim down at \Vingharn and struck by a falling tree I:nih He L.uc•an Ova, a former reeve of othorne 'There yi;,- $1.00.0 damage' when Township a carr sL,.: ltd off snow-covered In Goderirh. firemen were called highway 0, six mile; hast of Gode- m Jnt twice during the ti.rc. Several t ick. at 11 a.m. The driver, Nor - treks and televi-tt.n, acr:als were man Smith, of Hamilton, was un-" blown down, but there- were no ,injured. power intern tip.tions, Telcpliorie A car -driven by- Roy Buchanan, users found difficulty n p;ac:ng of RR. 3, Blyth, was demaged to tong distance calls to many out- ties extent of $500 when it struck side points. a telephone pole ,after skidding Provincial Police of Goderich riff comity teed 25, east of Carlow. -detachment had a busy day, invest- 'I'he pole was snapped in two igating several accident.s-_which res places, but the driver was unhurt. suited from slippery- highways. I)ama§ees totalled $65 in a two - car crash at an intersection west of Clinton, said police. Fatally Injured A victim of last Thursday's tail- end-of.tornado storm was Alex. Watson, 65, R.R. 1, Port Albert. ' Mr. Watson was returning to his house during the noon hour after doing chores in the - barn wht n he noticed a tree in his lane - way had blown down, knocking hydro .. and telephone wires down also. , As he neared the scene to investigate, a limb from a nearby poplar .tree blew down an -d struck him on the head. He was rushed to Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, where he died at 3.30 a.'m,, Friday. He never regained consciousness following Originally scheduled to pull out of Goderich harbor Thursday, the Freighter Snskadoc did not leave •until. Friday morning. She was the 'first ship of the wt'inter fleet to head out. Thanks to. thetfact that the high winds were from the east, there was little apparent damage in the harbor area., following the storm. . The storm which raked this dis- trict was 'believed to bd a carry- over from the tornadoes and bliz- zards that devastated the southern and mid -western United States fhe day before. Gusts in this district reached up to 62 mph, according to records kept at Centralia air- port. The operator of one local tele- vision service said that at least 50 persons had called to report 1 damaged aeriaLs. The trouble calLs ca -me from other parts of Huron County as well as this immediate district. Fire At Fireman's Home Fireman ,Jack Meriam had the 'unique experience of being called to attend a fire at his own home on 'the hayfield road. Damage was only negligible in this fire and in another blaze at the home of henry Bradley on Gloucester terrace The trouble originated in chimneys and pines. A giant tree. :.lown down in Court House Park, w-h;le another tree caused about 5100 :larneee When it fell on the roof of a home on Albert street. Roy Meri•im. street inspector,– said that other calls re uprooted trees and broken lin-bs came from West street, Mill road and Cobourg street. ' There were no power irirterrup- BAYFIEL the blow. - Born in Colborne Township, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. .Jamey Watson. He had been on his present farm most of hie life. A former reeve of Colborne Town- ship, he took an ir}ter•est in muni- cipaP affairs. Su : ivin-g besides his wife, the f trmer Evelyn Sherwood. are two slaughters, VI's. Donald MacKenzie, Poet -Albert, and Mrs. Harry Girvin, Nile, also two brothers, William, Colborne Township assessor, a'Rd plan, R.R. 6, Goderich. The Largely ;et ended fnnet a1 ser- ‘ ice held ren Monday- after- noon 'Tom the Lodge funeral home with Etc' G. Wyatt. Dungannon and Port Albert Unite(' Churches, con- ducting, the service. Interment was in Colborne cemetery. The +'.' hearer, were: cliff McNeil, Doug McNeil, Leslie Johnston, Wil- liam McCann, Leonard Christilaw, Gerald Dustow. D Mrs John McClure. Congratulation -s to Mrs. George King who on Sunday celebrated her • 95th ,birthday. She is with her BAYFIELD, April 8.—Mr. end daughter, Mrs. M. Hart, at Toronto Mrs. Fred Arkell spent the week- end nt Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stewart and family left on Saturday to spend a month at Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Parker left en Thursday for. their home at Varna after spending the winter in •Bayfield. Mrs. Helen Cobb is spending a week at Oakville. •Miss' Cathy MacLeod, Byron, is spending two weeks with her grandparats, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. MaeLeod. Mr. -and Mrs. J. E. Hovey left on Thursday to spend two weeks at Tampa, Florida. Mrs. A. W. Hayman, London, spent the 'week -end in the village. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Davidson re- turned to their home in the village after spending the winter at Gode- rich. rdr, E. A. Featherston, London, spent the week -end at his home. Mr. and Mrs. E. , W. Oddleifson. London, spent last week at their home. F/S;^t. and Mrs. J. Wall and family, Nova Scotia, are occupying Dale Leonard'shome. F/Sgt. Wall is with the RCAF, Clinton. (lent Prandon, Stree•tsville, °petnt the weelk•enrl with his vrife and two children. Doable Brandon, -London, spent hn t°Jee£;,-earl with his father, 11 arol(;I Brandon. ',(';ont atttlatiions to. Mrs. Donald IIr a tteaiiie rti';ho celebrated lttr fag of llart 01,,i.5bixtlhtla�' on `)i'Itra><•,�. tat. plisses Maude and lost. *bine Stirlinc entertained„ n 'Shiny dinner Tri honor 'of 7 ieir + N[r. and Mrs. 11. tri=i±l te,%t112tit the week-entt with for the winter months. Trinity Club.—The April meet- ing of the Trinity Club was held on Tuesday evening r:f last week at the home of Mrs. R. S. Roddock. Mrs. J. E. Hovey presided. Mr. and /Mrs. Hugh MacLaren, Port Elgin, are visiting Misses Maude and Josephine Stirling. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bennett, London, were at their cottage over the weekend. Funeral services Were held on Monday afternoon' from Trinity Anglican Church for the late Mrs. F. C. Gemeinhardt. Mrs. Gemein- hardt was in, her 77th year and pasksed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. Knight, Toronto. She is survived by three sons And two daughters: Orville, Saginaw, Mich.; Douglas .and Kea,' Hay- field; Mrs. G. Knight (Ethel), Tor- onto, and Mrs. Jack Sturgeon, jr. (lyelyn), Bayfield. Her husband, a son and daughter, predeceased her a number of years ago. Mr Herb 'MacGregor who has been' in i11 health was taken to Clinton Public Hospital ori Sat u rdtay. - w Mr. W ' E. Mannesa, London, spent Monday in that village. 0 0 PERSON All, MENPWW Miry Ruth I)o;'k ,tader, who bi a mertnher of .-the staff at the Selieol for the Blind. Reantford, took part in the tnusin ,festival held there last week. She was awarded tavo +. firsts and a serond in the contralto, 'olo class and obtained the iiigliest 6 mark in solo work itt the entire ” festival. She was awarded also the 1 Donaldson Scholarship. Miss Deekk " Under is 5 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Doelt:starLer and taw ! many partiei:ale;J in he Huron county Music Festival. 0 0 0 • t' 0 9 • 9 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • O • • 99 • • • • • • x i •l• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 s • • • • • • 0 • • •• • • • • -• • • • • • THE GOPEEICH SIGNAL -STAR Down a Memory's Lane 45 Veers Ago -, Deciding the aummeritotel had been "a hill of expense" to the town lora; enough, Council voted to sell the building to C. C. Lee for $4,250 cash. S. G. MacKay was appointed to the fire brigade, but Council took no action on a request for salary increases for members of the brigade. Donald Patterson, county engin- eer, reported that a portion of the abutment under the west end of the Auburn bridge had been wash- ed away during the. spring break- up. About 200feet of the ap- proach to the 'Colborne Township end of Ball'sbridge was. washed away. In an advertisement, E. V. Camp- ion & Co. invited people to invest money ill property in Weyburn. The company said it believed that Weyburn would be the next city in Saskatchewan. E. V. Campion, head of the firm, was a Goderich native. The Board of Health recommend- ed that Town Council advertise for a man to- colleot garbage. ' 25 Years Ago Police said that a stock salesman was, in Huron County Jail awaiting trial on a charge of false pre- tences. It was alleged that the accused man and his associates had sold some $200,000 Worth of stock in a company which had for its object the merging of all the creameries in Huron County. Citizens of Goderich gave a hearty welcome to Rt. Rev. C. A. S�eac;,er, Lord Bishop of Huron, who "caste home" on Tuesday, April 12. it was his first visit to Gode- rich since his installation in high office of the Church of England. The Dayton, under Capt. Ken- nedy, pulled out of Goderich har- bor for Chicago. She was the first unit of the winter' fleet to leave. At Colliniwood, the harbor- master's hat was presented to Cap- tain Hugh Davidson, a Goderich boy, who brought in the first boat of the season. He commanded the Sinicol.ite of the Imperial. Oil fleet. Thomas Gundry & Sun, reported that general purpose horses were bringing $100 and less, and used' farm machinery was going ,dor a song. 15 Years Ago The smelts, were running. One fisherman 'claimed he had landed 150 pounds in less than an hour in the Bayfield Rider. Several Goderich men, had "vic- tory suits" on order. Due to war- time shortages, the suits were be- ing 'made without cuffs and non- essential pockets. There were no vests with the suits. Damage amounted to about $150 when fire destroyed the frame gar- age of J. J. McEwen on Montreal street. Goderich citizens were asked to contribute $6,000 to support the Canadian Red Crass Society. Goderich Township Council again discussed the possibility. 0f build- ing a now hall to replace the build- ing destroyed by fire. The clerk was instructed to find out whether I he Wartime Prices and Trade Board would release sufficient ma - feria) or not. 10 Year; Age Godevieh Louzon Flyers brought this town its first Ontario Hockey. Association championship. The Flyers defeated Stouffville 7-4 in Oshawa in the second game of, the best -of -three series for he pro- vincial Junior b`C " championship. Thus the Flyers finished the season wibhout suffering a single defeat Huron Federation of Agriculture wept on record as being opposed to daylight saving time. "Water supply never falls below grade A," said Dr. W. F. Gallow, MOH, in a report to the Board of Health. While the water was muddy at times, he s -aid that this in itself was not a cause of disease. Unable to break through the ice at the entrance to Coded -eh harbor, the oil tanker Cobourg returned to Sarnia. The sap was flowing and maple syrup was bringing five to six dollars per gallon. 0 0 0 - lever to editor Editor, Signal -Star. Goderich, Ont., Apnil 4th, 1957. Sirs–el have been asked by the campaign committee of < the Gode- rich Community Concert Associa- tion to convey to you their ap- preciation of the excellent cover- age you afforded us in your paper • at the time of our recent campaign. Please accept the enclosed com- plimentary ticket to next season's concerts as a small token of our indebtedness to you. Yours very truly, 'EVELYN COOPER, Secretary, Goderich Community Concert Association. EDITOR'S NOTE: Thank you. Sucn a 'gesture is appreciated. O 0 0 Canadian trappers take more than two million squirrel pelts a year. THURSDAY, i11taa, 1957 ------ SUNSET Drive-in Theatre OPENS FOR SEASON SATURDAY, APRIL 13 111 MILES EAST OF GODERICH ON N . 8 HIGHWAY FREE GIFT FOR EVERY LA Y ON OPENING NIGHT SAT., 9111 4 N. "THE RAID` APRIL 13, 15 Richard Boon, Van Heflin CARTOONS COME FREE GIFT FOR EVERY LADY SATURDAY Y 'UES., WED., THURS. APRIL 16, 17, 18 "THE COUNTRY GIRL" Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly CARTOON COMEDY — COMING — "STRATEGIC AIR COMMAND James Stewart, June Allyson 9O BOX OFFICE OPENS 7 P.M. 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY PLAYGROUND REFRESHMENTS — CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE — ••ee93•••o••••••••o•o•eeecn••••••••••e•oceseaa•seatovai••••Does•acoase•••00•••••0•49®o•eo®•••••••••••oesea•seao•o©O•••••a•••••••••••••••••••® tfo D • • 9 • B wring the Pageant of Progress - April 10 to-ZO Ccish in on Sensational Special Values at_Lumbys1i* SPECIAL SALE - I - SPECIAL SALE Check the Features of This Kelvinator Washer j j Giant 11 Ib. tub. Beautiful super -safe Lovell wringer. Air cell construction. Aqua -surge gyrator for cleaner wash. Finger -Hp control. Guaranteed for 2 years. Reg. $229.95 Special $169•00 • • Visit Lumbys any ' time up to April 20 and fill in a coupon which will entitleY ou • • to participate -in a draw for a FREE KEL- VINATOR NAS~CSR AUTOMATIC WASHER, DRYER, R, 0: "� OR IRONER. At- the same you will be • • ft given a FREE- package of TIDE. • • 000*$_'000000000000.009.....90000001110001100110901119090000040ea.90 HOW TO WIN! • • 1 EVERY PURCHASER OF A KELVINATOR WASHER = DURING THIS SALE WILL I RECEIVE A GIANT BOX = OF TIDE (ea..i„13 l.s .9<, • IFOR FREE •••••NN••••••••••••••NN••••••••••••••••••NNN••••••••• • • • • • 9 00 • • • • O • • • • O • O 0 0o •• • • • • • • • • • s • • 0 • • Check the Features of This Kelvinator Dryer Visit Our New, � Reg $239.95 89.001 j SUPER FAST. - j 'TRIPLE SAFE. j DRIES AS FAST AS YOU WASH. j CONVENIENT SINGLE HEAT CONTROL. j SAFE FOR ALL FABRICS., • • • • • tcc�— • • • • • • • • 9• • • • • t� • 0 • • • 0 • • 0 0 ••• ••• • • 0 • • • • • • •• • •• • • 1• • t , • our Entire Stock On Sale During April 10-20 . •••• PHONE 119 s REFRIGERATION 39 ST. DAVID'S ST. L UMBYS AIR CONDITIONING GODERICH APPLIANCE 6•••N• ••0••••••(11►••••••••rniroo••••••••••••N•••s••••s••••••••••••••••••ee0e