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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-04-04, Page 10
PAGE`E4 AUBURN • 1\l/D 13, Mar. 25.---A funeral 6W0= e for the late Leslie James Jobiuton was held from his late 4stletme.e n Blyth recently and a eondjncted Py the Rev. A. W. Watson, minister of Blyth United Church. missMinnie Collinson left from Crumlin Airport recently for • the Castlegar Airport in British Columbia. She is going to visit at the home of her brother, Arthur Ouliinson and airs. ('ollinsan, of Grand Forke, B.C. Miss Collinson was accompanied to London by her nephew, Wilfred Collinson, Mrs. Slorach, of Blyth, and George Hal- lam with whom she has lived for the past few months. Despite her ' 01 years, she was very excited about her trip. For the past 12 years she has made her home in the Auburn district. p d) -o Flowerpot Island National Park in Georgian Bay covers an area of • only 300 acres. The name derives from a group of 'tiny islands, some of them 50 feet high, that the waves 'have eroded into the shape of flowerpots. I US,4 1ESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTIC HER ERT B. SUCH, `i.C. Doctor of Chiropratic tt ce Hours: The Rondoliers, hailed as one quartets. will present the final son here on Friday, April 12. membership campaign resulted hers. of North America's finest male community concert of the sea - The annual community concert in obtaining about 400 mem- - em- Mon., Thurs.--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues., Fri. -9 a.m. to 8 p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. & Sat. -9 to 11.30 a. . Vitamin Therapy Oce—Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341. A. M HARPER Chartered Accotuntaalt 1t -Gordon Linvls y Smit 11-5• No Rush that the garden is safe and dry It is probably some age-old in- enough to dig or plow, or at least stinet which gives us the urge to ' one corner of it. In that case we get out and dig just as soon a; can sow some extra early things like cosmos, marigolds, zinnias, ' the spring day arrives. There alyssum or other hardy annuals no harm in going ahead` if we live among the flowers and a few rows in some very warm corner of , of lettuce, radish, beets, carrots Canada, but as a rule one should and spinach in the vegetable patch. the impure until the No matter haw soon we can start restrain weather really turns Warm and the ' to plant, however, it is a mistake soil is fairly dry. Ito do so all on the same day. When Nothing is gained by rushing one does that all the bloom and either cultivation or seeding and all the vegetables come at the , much can :be lost. If the ground; ,*atne time, We heave a wealth of is the least bit muddy then all bloom or a feast o. vegetables, we do is mess up ourselves and then a famine. implements and leave the ground The experienced gardener never in bad shape for "any real working plants everything at once. He later on. And if we are so foolish spreads things out and thus his as to plant tender things far ahead garden harvest of flowers and fresh of time, then the frost will surely I vegetables is spread, out. Carefully - bet them. I planned and planted there is no All this does not mean, however, reason why We should not have that we should not risk a fevkc something coming on from the Office House 343J 343W 33 Hamilton St. Goderich AL :;ERT SHORE -- Public Accountant — P.O. ox 797, Goderich, Ont. 38 Hamilton Street. Residence— , 39 Victoria St., South. Phone, 444. 11-20x Phone 975. Ao 1, `Retellexaiit;tr •-. _ GENE -RAL- INSURANCE FIRE - ,AUTOMOBILE — CASUALTY Get Insured — Stay Insured est Assured. Bank of Comm. Bldg. Telephonm 268. COW THU GOD -BRIM SIONA STA►. Mid -Western Ont Development Group Says Progress Is AR ade THURSDAY, Y, 4111, d 7 Rural and urban municipalities :will be director. Willard Seeder, Mitchell, was reappointed secre- must maintain a close telationnh-p through joint community planning, said John -Pearson, liason o,t cer for the Community Planning branch of -the Ontario Department of Planning and Development, at Clinton on Wednesday of last week. The occasion was the annual meet- taary treasuser. Richard C. Drew, of Stratford, general manager of the Associa- tion, expressed the hope that with- in a year, "with diligence and in- telligence on our part we should ing of zones One and Two of Mid- hope to have some specific results Western Ontario Development As- to report." . Daily contacts with sociation. He stated that planning American, British and Canadian in this area has already had a wonderful start. Mr. Pearson emphasized the im- portance of relating the different uses of land --agricultural, residen- tial, commercial, industrial, parks and roadways to each other. The association particularly en- couragesindustry to determine where to go, because industry "de - mans" that the planning organiz- ation in the community not only supply direction for locating, but provide ideal living conditions which will produce good em- ployees. Zone One, Huron County, elected the mayor of Seaforth, Dr. E. A. McmMaster, as chairman, succeeding Dick Jermyn, .of Exeter. 'Peter MacEwan, of Goderich, was elected vice-chairman, while the reeve of Win'gham, Roy Adair, will be direc- tor. Miss Wilma Dinnin, of Clin- ton, was re -appointed secretary - treasurer. New chairman for Zone Two, Perth County, is H. G. Nickle, Listowel town councillor, who suc- ceeds 'W. J. Kelterborn, of Milver- ton. Vice-chairman is J. J. - Mc- Laughlin, St. Marys, while a Strat- ford alderman, -John Thompson, rows straight and regular spacing within the rows is not just an indication of neatness or fussiness. The , wise gardener does this so that he will know' where to expect the things he has planted and thus cant safely cultivate even before they Come up. Corn and potatoes and many other things, and especially the first sowings, may take a week or more to show up. If we wait until they are plainly seen we may have a weed battle on our hands. If we mark the rows and know that each hill within the raw is say 18 inches or two feet apart, then we thins reasonably early provided ' first crocusses, rhubarb and as- - can go ahead and cultivate right the coil is fit to work. To deter- i paragus in the spring right through from planting time and weed kil- mine that we can, if we want to until after the first snow fall in be scientific, select a handful of ' the autumn. soil, squeeze lightly and then take ; The secret is phinning, based on off the pressure. ling will be no trouble at all. As a matter of fact one is quite safe to cultivate both corn and potatoes If the soil number of days to maturity or lightlyrig-it over rows for the icrumbles, it is ready to work. If,, blooming as listed in. the seed first time or two. when we squeeze it into a ball it catalogue, the use of early, medium � o o stays that way. or if it leaves our an late � � _ � � � ' finger; all muddy. then we should making several �:alaLa.gs �,cauleCrbifuary t about gardning for tht of weks or moreaar-tii`fe' afternoon a • least inside and read a book or seed catalogue Sriwin� the whole thing at onte:� } -- MRS. .41 A3t.Y A. IR STON Stiles Ambulance Roomy — Comfortable Anywhere — Anytime PHONE 399 77 Montreal St., Goderich C. B. CLANCY OPTOMET,R1STv. For appointment phone 33„ The Square, Goderich. q o d 1 t varieties if available, and firms- are made through corres- pondence, he said. Addressing the gathering were the wardens of Huron and Perth Counties, Harry Gowgly, Wroxeter, and Fred Ratz, Fullarton , Town- ship. Greetings from the town of Clinton were extended by Mayor W. J. Miller. Plan Jr., .farmers Church Service The Huron taounty Junior Faritaz ens and Junior Institute executive met Wednesday evening of last week, the new president, Boyd Taylor, in charge. There were 30 in attendance. It was decided to hold the annual junior farmer church/ service for Huron County on June 23rd in James Street Church, Exeter, with the Rev. Harold Snell as guest speaker. A committee was put in charge to plan the service consist- ing of Boyd Taylor, Shirley Mc- Michael, (Maurice Love, Catherine Campbell bud Earl Mospadden, The H. R. Baker (Meeting Im- provement Trophy will the given to the winning club at the Junior ••••••••••••••e••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• :• YOUNG CANADA * WEEK � I. All oaerlcn , �itizens— • • • • • • �_ • • ANY PERSONS WISHING TO PROVIDE • • "ACCOMMODATION IN •• THEIR HOMES FOR BOYS • FROM OUT-OF-TOWN WHO WILL BE COMPETING IN • GODERICH LIONS CLUB • • • • • • • KINDLY`PHONE IN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: ': 3 your name, street and number, phone number, how many boys to you can shelter, and on what night. • • Please phone this information to any one of the following— • Business Home • • phone phone =' • 75W . 75M 1380 1024 S 86 367 • 960 1441W • GODERICH LIONS CLUB * * * • 14-15 ••• • • DAVE ALLEN - • ANDY BOUTILIER • FRANK HIBBERT • LEO WALZAK • *** • • •o•m••••*•®••••.••••••••••e•®s••••••••••••4•••,• f t 1 t and go in ide seed in each packet' instead of Finer At Home. . During the year two sets of judges visited ' to of the meetings f each club and judged them. The i atrainder of the meetings were judged by the notices and reports 'which were sent into the agr�ioltural °'ace each month. These judges 'were Mr. and 'Mrs. George Roibeytson, .R. 5, Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym, R.R. 1, Centralia. From May 1st to May 9th, Ron- ald Farquarson, a Scottish young farmer will visit Huron County, staying with a Junior Farmer from the Clinton and Seaforth Clubs. A Field Day committee was elected as follows: Harry Bridges, North Huron; Boyd Taylor, North Huron; Joyce Little Coiwanash; Shirley Mc'M'ichael, Wroxeter; Bill Dougall, South Huron; Bert Pep- per, Clinton and Catherine Camp- bell, Seafofth. This committee will meet with the 'Forth Junior • Spread Them Out Uniformity Will Help The 'funeral was held Saturday But some day soon, we will find Using a string to keep vegetable. • home ti- t MarytUyLodgee ifuneral nwho IAROLD JACt;SON LICENSE• AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Phone 474 SEAFORTH P.O. ox 461 FRANK REID LIFE UNDERW ITER Life, annuities, business insurance. Mutual Life of Canada Phone 346 ' Church St. C. F. CHAPIILAN General Insurance Fire Automobile, Casualty Real Estate 30 Colborne St., Goderich Phone 18w BINGO LEGION HALL GODERICH Saturday, April. 6 JACKPOT OF $65.00 FOR FULL HOUSE IN 53 CALLS. 1st GAME STARTS AT 8.30 P.M. died on Wednesday of last week at the age of 87 at the home of her (daughter, Mrs. J. N. See, Malton. `She had been ill for several years. The funeral was conducted by Rev. K. E. Taylor. Pallbearers I were: I)r R. J. Ketch -all, H. 51. Ford, Fred Rouse, Leo Ouellette, Stuart Robinson, D. J. Allan. Born in Col -borne Township, she lived there until moving to Gode- rich where she resided for 35 years. Her husband predeceased her in 1929. Surviving are one daughter, 1 Mrs. J. N. See, and two sisters, 'Mrs. John Medd, Goderich, and Mrs. Wesley Needham, Ilderton. o '.VERS. MARY SHIELDS The death occurred in Ashfield Township on Wednesday of last week of Mrs. iMary Shields at the age of 58. She had lived in Ash- field all her life. The funeral ser- vice on Saturday afternoon at the Lodge funeral home was conduct- ed by Rev. George Watt, minister of Port Albert United Church. Interment was in Dungannon ceme- tery. Mrs. Shields was a daughter of C`,'eorge and- the late Mrs. Fielder. She is survived by her husband, - Percy. her father, George Fielder, one dliughter, Charlotte (1Mrs. Nor- man Wilson, Port Albert), one bro- ther, John Fielder, of, Ashfield; three sisters, Mrs. Edith Culbert, Goderich; Mrs. J. Burrows, Gode- rich; Mrs. Belford Simpson, Ash- field, and two grandchildren. I EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly ad- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling ?hone 16213E Clinton. saCharge tis - faction' and siatf3- tt F.,- T. Arinstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointment SOttAl E G41 rR10H MOST AMAZING LAWN FOOD EVER MADE! New\ 5O -Ob. bog -COMPLETE LAWN FOOD WON'T BURN when ,used an reco mended amounts. ONE FEEDI4 lasts all season. PROVIDES Al. THE NUTRIENTS needed from soil to nourish fine grass. ECONOMICAL ... many lawns need as little as 1 lb. per 100 sq. ft. RYAN & SON ' NEWGATE ST. Fanners to plan the Perth- H[uron1 Field Day 'whichrwm ibe held an. Perth so I:I.otiiate in June. Of the ten provinces, Newfound- land has the most miles of .se coast, and Quebec ranks second, - Only Alberta and Saskatchewan do nots border on salt water. IRREGULARITY RELIEVED THIS EASY WAY - When biliousness or constipation rob you/ of your pep, try Dr. Morse's Indian Root !gills. They help give easy relief by promoting regularity. Try them _ get'- relief with Dr.' • Morse's Indian Root Pills. At all druggists. C7-66 • •••••.•)••••••••••••o••••••••••©•••e••••••• ••• • • • D Ccinae isn •' • to • • e Cross • • • • is grateful to the Citizens i : of Goderich for their • • • generous support during 0 I.• their recent campaign •CONDUCTED BY 5: .. o • i •Ladies'egToa, • • a- ' I•uxitory .1 - O • • They are grateful especially to the industries and organ- • • zations who so willingly cooperated. • S • • - ' MRS. RALPH KINGSWELL, • • Chairman. • • e •••••••*•••••••••••••••••®•S•••••••®•••••••••••• • 14 • P ONE 345 GODERICH 1 11-16 Borrow with confidence Whether the answer to your money problems is a cash loan or expert counsel, you may rely on HFC, Canada's most recom- mended consumer finance com- pany. You'll like 1-1FC" s prompt, friendly attention and complete • cer•vice -hacked by 79 years' ex- perience. So, if you need up to (31000 -in one da --you may bor- row with confidence from HFC. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 12. ft. Rich, Marogor 35A West Street, gec$►hd floor, phone ,1501 GODERiC1•I, ONT r CEMETERY MEMORIALS To Pryde & ion EXETER Local Representative— ALEX SMITH GODERICH 146 Elgin Ave. Phone 158 You cat qo 0 OE IF you Feel - LL-INes These days most people work itder pressure, worry more, sleep less. This Wain on body and brain makes physical fitness easier to lose—harder to regain. Today's tense living, lowered resistance, overwork, worry—any of these may affect normal kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, - excess acids# and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, that "tired -out" heavy - headed feeling often follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd'a stimulate the kidneys, to ,normal Action. Then yen fee better.—slee 'hitter -.work better. Ash - for Dodd's Kidney Pills at any drug counter. 53 ,0800.00, • r tin t •s::•• ,..." •ilifiEV f:r r II 1,tN;�I� r �amaaataaataaaaft {•riw'r fj}' $ �,,:},' �r•�3•{ti f�,+��r. 'V ' �i{ {"r.�,: rr yrr r%; r r.{•'r r�, { �f{i'a�rh w ar +Y w I _ � s: r....1 �i. A'rrSr:• .er{.. r. / {{ ,.r r rr vfp,� r, .ti °r Y ST. RIwPowEa Plymouth 57 'Sniiartest looking new beauty that ever dressed up a driveway .. or caused a flurry of excite- ment in your neighbourhood! Folks seem to agree that Plymouth's, really .e honey this year—for looks, performance, riding comfort, roominess, safety! And who are we to deny it? After all, Plymouth does have the . highest standard horsepower of the low -price field. It do s happen to be the lowest priced car with modern proved -in -use push- button driving ... revolutionary - Torsion -Aire Ride . . . and new Super -Safe Total -Contact brakes. Don't accept less for your money than this fresh, frisky new Thrill -Power Plymouth has to offer. Come see us soon ... and learn how easily you can own,one 1 Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited Yc•,u're always a step ahead in cars of The Forward Look DAVID'S ST. See us about getting your new Thrill -Power, Plymouth today ! It's the lowest priced car in Canada with: • o Flight -Sweep '57 styling a V-8' or 6 Thrill -Power GO e Total -Contact brakes o Torsion -Aire Ride o Advanced Chrysler quality engineering o ... and -push-button Torque-Flite automatic transmission J. ,Mills Motor S -ales - PEONE 765 a