HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-04-04, Page 8• AGE.EXGHT -4,7i.4..;•44e,-74,„ --4,41' • • , ••',1 %, ' vv • .4, , e;••(•••'• 4,1 . I, • 4"."1"1.7""7,..7' ;11:".1%;'4171....71.".str - • S OF AUBUR 'Discuss -Farm Problems • and a singsong. The devotional AUBURN, April 1.-The.County was opened with Donna Walden in .Meeting of the Ontario Farmer's charge. John 'Buchanan read the Union was held in the.Agricultural Scripture. Rena McClinchey led in .1Boarciroorns, Clinton, on March 19. prayer and Donna Walden followed ...Mir. Gordon 4011 was in the chair with the topic. The offering was for the well attended meeting. Mr. received by Ronald Gross and,Ger- , -,:, 'Jack Armstrong gave the report of ald McDowell. , -, the advertising committee. Mr. The business meeting i was con - Carl Dalton, president of the newly ducted by the presidern, Elizabeth formed Local at Seaforth, was add- Grange. A Young People's ban - ed to'y this committee. It was de- quet and rally is to betteld on - clded to ho1$1 the County meeting April 10, at Belgrave. - Barbaro quarterly on the third,'Puesday of Smith, secretary. the month. The Holmesville Local ' Walkerburn Club ,Will be in charge of the next meet- The Walkerburn Club met last i ing. Mrs. Elva Armstrong, lady week at the home of Mrs. Joseph 1,, director for the county, spoke brief- Vercwey with 19 members and one ily and Mr. Gordon Hill gave an visitor pre.sent. Mrs. James Mc; _account of some of the new Locals Dougal], president, was in charge. that had. been set up. A bake sale and auction was The highlight of the evening was held with Mrs. Elliott Lapp as 4.n address by Mr. Walter Miller, auctioneer, assisted by Mrs,:, Guy ' A -very lively discussion period Cunningham. Mrs. Tany Tonikow- followed. Lunch . was served by icz and Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell the Auburn Locals. A good repre- were in charge of contest.s. Mrs. - 1 sentation from this district was James McDougall won the draw -. I present. - Mrs. Annie Nesbitt, on the prize donated by Mrs. -Bert - '.4 secretary. Hunking. Lunch was served by the I W.A. Meeting hostess, assisted by Mrs. Percy The Woman's Association inet ‘'ineent, Mrs. Leonard Archam- ; last Tuesday evening with the bault and Mrs. Stuart Ament. Next Rainbow Group in charge. The meeting will be held at the home devotional period was led by Mrs. of Mrs. James Jackson. - Mrs. • THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR guests on Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. J. L. Hembly. Mr.- and airs. Chester Taylor, of St. Helens, called on her sister, Mrs. Maud Fremlin on Monday. children. Besides his two sisters Mr. Lyman and Miss Bonnie here, fie has lour brothers, Wil- Jardin, of Wingham,. spent the liam, Gedrge and Jack, of Star week -end with their grandparents, City, Saskatchewan, and Joseph, of Mr. and Mrs. William Straughan. Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. The Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. John - funeral was held in Ochre River .ston, Mr. Robert J. Phillips, and on Aptil 2. Mr. Smylie was well Miss Laura Phillips were London known in this village, having -spent fr visitors on Monday. . many winters with his sisters. Mrs. Lorne Crozier, of London, Horticulture Society is spending a few days with her The Auburn Horticulture Society father, William Campbell, and her held their April meet in the , brother, Albert Campbell.- Orange Hall, Monday evening with ' (Mrs. -F. C. Nesbitt, of Erindale, Mrs. Bert Craig, first vice-presid- visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ent, in charge_ and Mrs. Robert J. Nesbitt over the week -end. Mr. Phillips, presiding at the piano. and Mrs. John Nesbitt and baby The secretary, Miss Elma Mutch, son, of Blyth, also called at the read the minutes which were ap- Nesbitt home on Sunday. proved and Mrs. Ed. Davies gave Mr. and Mrs. William J. Craig the treasurer's report. Plans were attended the funeral of her cousin, made 'for a new storage place for the late Mrs. Annie Taylor, of Santa and his reindeer and sled. Clinton, last Saturday. The, late Mr. William Gibson played a piano ;Mrs. Annie Taylor passed away last instrumental. Thursday evening at Clinton in Mrs. William 1'. Robison intro- her 75th year. She was born in duced the guest speaker, Dr. Mc- Auburn, a daughter of the late Master, of Seaforth,' who gave a Mr. and -Mrs. William Fluker. Her detailed account of a recent trip husband, Georgp Robert Taylor, to Ilawaii. Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt died nine years. ago. She was a thanked Dr. McMaster for his ad- member of St. paul's Anglican dres.s. A solo was sung oy' Mrs. Church and a charter member of Wes. Bradnock. Plans were made the Clinton Women's- Institute and for the iMay meeting when slides the Mary Hastings Club. Surviv• - from Winnipeg w;11 be shown. ing are two sons, Stewart and Wilfred Plunkett with Mrs. Nor- Andrew Kirkconnell, secretary . Visitors recently with Mr. and Barrett, both of Clinton, four man Wightman presiding at the C.G.I.T. Mrs Gordon 1); be and family daughters, Mrs. Charles (Leona} piano. Scripture was read by Mrs. The Golden Links C.G.1.T. met were Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Hallo- Lockhart, Chatham; Mrs. Mervyn William L. Craig and Mrs. Guy Monday evening in Knox United way and family; Mr. and Mrs. (Kathleen) Hanly, Mrs. Thomas Cunningham led in prayer. An Church with Margaret Wright in Stanley Campoe:I and Douglas and (Janette) Deeves, and Mrs. Harold Easter reading' was given by Mrs. charge and Gladys McClinchey ac- Davi.i Arthur, and Mr. and (Doris) MePherson,• all of Clinton. Robert S. Hiltz. This was followed ' companying on the piano. Bev. Mrs. Ileth, roaton, Joanne and The funeraPwas conducted by Rev. by a mouthorgan selection by Mrs. It. S. Hiltz continued lis address !Connie, all of Wingliam. C. Inder at St. Pail's Anglican -",, Everett Taylor, accompanied by 1 on "Ilow the Bible came to be." Popular Auburnettes Church with interment at Clinton If; 'Mrs. Kenneth McDougall. r Mrs. Margaret Wright gave a paper on The Auburnettes. comp; -ed of cemetery. • Wilfred Plunkett introduced the "The Road of Life." The minutes I Misses Rena McClinchey, •Barbara Mr. 'rim Roberts and MI. Floyd guest speaker, Rev. George Watt. were read by the secretary, Shirley ; Smith; Donna Walden and Gltioys Cott, of S1iraa117eisitcd with their and also thanked him at the close of Turner, Margo Grange read alMcClinchey, sang at the Lions Club friend/Mr. Lawrence Nesbitt, on his address. Miss Elma Mutch sang chapter of the study book.. Next banquet last Thursday night. Fr.•.• t'irtnlay. a solo accompanied by Mrs. Fred meetinc, will be held on April 15 eently they sang five, _Prkimb-&s at Mr. and Mrs. Albert Govier, Al- berta, Jimmy and Sharon, of Gode- rich, moved last week to the farm of John Hallam:, on the Maitland Block. Miss Bonnie Govier is visiting with her uncle and aunt at Blind River. The Auburn Horticulture Society were guests last Thursday evening of the Clinton Society when Mr. Plaetzer. The offering was Mrs. receiv- ed by Everett Lapp and Nliss 3[49141. Thompson. The president, Mrs. llzratrice Bean, presided for the business pu•izi. The financial • report was given li-rhe treasure! Mrs. Oliver Anderson, ave the the roll can. with June Mills takinr, the study the Haibouraice.z+," Lbn('ert in the book. The Mother and Daughtei;trith-Vislrict Collegiate Inti - banquet is to be oheliipn ,.trine 18. tute auditorium. They took part If anyone wigiireki•Terp with the in the morning service at Knox laye>odrri-Toolea, please leave United Church here and they have kir donations'with Mrs. Hiltz or been asked to take part in the so ShirleyTurner. "Easter Musicale" ,which is. to be , Mrs. John Clark and her sister, presented at Wesley -Willis United Mrs. Jack Armstrong, convener Mrs. William Dodds, sr., have .re- Church, Clinton, on Good Friday, of the visiting committee, report- ceived word that their brother. April 19. John Clark was guest spea*xer. ' ed two calls were made during the j Thomas Herbert Smylie (Bert) had Those attending the • W.M.S. Those attending this meeting were past month. The secretary of cad' passed away on March 30, at his Presbyterial of the United Church Mr. and Mrs.. Gordon R. Taylor, jroup gave their financial state- home at Ochre River, Manitoba, last Wednesday were: Miss 'Marg, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips, R• S. 'Litz gave a, after a very short illness, He was aret R. Jackson, Mrs. W. T. Robi- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mr. and detailed' reportle the pans for in his 7th year and was the son on. Mrs. R. S. -Hiltz; Mrs, Bay Mrs. William Straughan, Mrs. Wil - the addition of Sabbath School ' of the late David Smylie and diary Ea, nm, Mrs. William Straughan, liam T. Robison, Mrs. James Hem - MOMS, furnace and washrooms to Young, formerly of West Wawa- Mrs. CharleAStraughan, Mrs. Oliver bly, Mrs. Charles Straughan, Mrs. ' the church.• A discussion period ' nosh. He resided there on the Anderson, olrs. Fred Toll. Arthur Grange, Mrs, Frank Raab- . followed. - 'Mrs. Alvin Plunkett, farm until about 62 years ago when'Fire At Benmiller by, Mrs. Fred Ross,' Mrs. Herbert secretary. he went West to farm. He was The Blyth Fire Brigade answer Govier. • Y.P.U. Meets. married to the former Jennie ed a call to the disastrous fire on Mr. John Youol;hlutand son, • The Attburn Young- Pebple's Brown, who predeceased him about Con;,-ession 2 of Colborne Town- Mr. Percy Youngblut, were London • 'Union opened their meeting last 40 years ago. Ile is survived by ship, about one mile cast of Ben- vi AIors last Friday. Wednesday- evening with recreation 'oar children and nine ,,granc.I e;.irla- last .Satui day morn • Hsr,jcey Tournament Finished • ing at - the 'farm 'of Mr. De Vries • The f3th a_ Mullett, last, year's whit his lionof partly log con- Blyth Rural- League, champions. POLICE --.-CHECK 1,056* AUTOS Members of -Gaderich detach- ment 'of Ontario. Provincial Police checked 11,056 cars in February. Total nwther of cars checked in OPP' district No. 6 reached 5,216 during the month. The district comprises six counties. According to the monthly re- port of the, Goderich detachment, 114. warnings were issued and 24 traffic charges were laid. There were eight accidents in which dam- ges exceeded $100 in each case. O o struction was completely' dc•troy- onceagainproved their supremacy ed. The lire, believed to have by taking a close. 4-2 decision from ' staited in the garage, is thought to the Auburn team last Monday have been from faulty iringevening. By doing so - . REGISTRATION „• ,.Sonie articles of 'furniture were championship again this year. Mr. . saved. This house was built by 116y Madill, of Blyth, was on hand ,: .w. they won the I -the late- Peter Fisher, a pioneer to present the team captain, Jim , of Colborne Tawnship. Mrs. De . Scott, the PhilpMadill Woolly, KINPERGARTEN CLASSES • , Vries,is at present visiting in Ilol- which is handed .down from,year land, and Mr. De Vries' sister is , to 'yearto the respective champ - keeping house for him. They are ; ions. The, game was played on 1 .. :-.---1957 ' '' .. 1958. ' .,. i making their home with other Hol ! artificial ice in the Clinton Lions i land friends, Mr. and Mrs. Schneid- Arena. ,.er,_ of .Benmiller. - . 1 0 •Rev. 'i'ti1/4*-77irrs'''..'•V":""S'•':"inZIliel. of o •-• ----- 0 ,,, • VVEEK OF-1PRIL 8 - Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig. Mr. Albert _Campbell . has sold ' i his farm on the 2nd concession of CARLk)W, .kpril 2. -Mr. Tom, CARLOW • lIcnsall, visited last Thursday with I • hart of the same concession. McPhee recently spent a week-ond Ea-! Wawanosh to Mr. John Lock - Mr. Roy Finnigan sold his farm ,.at home. Ile is attending a short last week to Orville Free, of Dun. course at ()AC, Guelph. Mr. andMrs. Jim Thompson, gannon, who takes pOssession soon. Oshawa, visited in the district dur- Mr. and Mrs. George Gray and ing the past week -end. Freddie, of Toronto, visited recent. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jewell have ly with her parents. Mr, and :Irspurchased the Ben Johnson pro- -Alfred Nesbitt. . , perty on the 8th concession. Mr. and- Mrs. Gordon Mundell Mr. Wm. Doig is sick, and at and family, of Bluevale, were OPEN HOUSE Milk and cream producers and their wives will have an opportun- ity to see ,how cheese and butter are made when "open house" is held at the Blyth Co -Op Cheese Factory and Creamery on the after- noon of Wednesday, April 10. The Blyth plant, constructed in 1952- to replace the buildinct de- stroyed by fire, is considered one of the most modern in Western Ontario. In the recent Ontario Creamery Association contest, Blyth was fifth in the province for high score butter. Signal -Star Classified ads get results. 1. IF YOU DON'T GET A FORM FROM SCHOOL PHONE 169 AGE - 5 YEARS BY DECEMBER 31. -14 Get Ready for Spring! WE NOW HAVE THE FOLLOWING ON HAND • Garden Supplies BULK SEEDS PACKAGE SEEDS LAWN SEEDS VIGOR.° MILORGANITE SPREADERS POTTING SOIL VIOLET SOIL FLOWER POTS SPRAYERS SHEEP MANURE SOLUBLE FERTILIZER AND MANY OTHER GARDEN SUPPLIES Pet Supplies DOG HARNESS, COLLARS, LEADS, ETC. DOG FOOD BIRD CAGES, FOODS, CONDITIONERS, ETC. • TURTLE FOOD FISH FOOD Farm Supplies •GRASS AND CLOVER SEEDS yzyrarfro AND SIIP/LIES • * - ,SAICY OHIOK$ sprpstAtiy7 arltrz. YasE:4".. 7NT . ' i‘.443iiit73-__...r,ptabs MADE FRESH DAILY Oitisyrimill4..- ' smart: oolreirRAlms 14.1.;y1I)t. ti.;1l'entICV11IS MEAL, ETC. 4 ,:, 4.; ,., ,) tR. y ' 4 , 4 * .:$3144 '.'1:4404, $4 ' I . ' '1. .4 *loolimThimourmaiismommumr RCA VICTOR Transistor Car Radio • NO VIBRATOR LOW BATTERY DRAIN * 12 VOLT -OPERATION II FITS ALL LATE CARS • DASH MOUNTED f 6x9 LOUDSPEAKER Priced From• $54 Les. Chapman TV 104 Elgin E. Phone 154 14tf present in Clinton hospital. Mr. Doig's neighbors have gone ahead with preparations for his sale on Tuesday, April 2n1.. FARM SURPLUS ENDING? Farmers are "fast reaching the point where they will no longer have to worry about surpluses but rather give greater thought to in- crea.sing production." So said lion. W. A. Goodfellow, provincial min- ister of agriculture, addressing the Western Ontario Angus Associa- tion a London on Saturday. o o BIG MONEY Cheques cashed against individ- ual accounts reached .a new high record total of $166,541,032,000 in Canada in 1955. Canada's composite index of in- dustrial production in 1955 aver- aged 265.9 or 8.7 per cent above 1954. Signal -Star Classified ads get results. • • , QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ „ 1. By value, rank the five itading minerals produced in Canada Th 1055. 2. In 1901 farms in Canada had an average area of 124 acres- What was the averagearea, in 1951? 3. Total govern•ment spending last year was $7,377,000,000. What part of . the total was federal ; 1 • spending, what- part provincial and municipal' combh3ed? 4. What is the origin of the nalne of the province of New Bruns- wick? 5. In the finst seven months of this year Canada's -trade' deficiti to • the United States was $150 mil- lion, $450 anillion. $850 million? ANSWERS: 5. $850 million. 3. • •1" I. • • • THURSDAY, APRIL .4th, 1057_ -FCderat .sPeuding. pcaviticial and municipal, $2.,63kr. million. 1. 011, copper, nickel, . gold, zinc. 4. named afted the lifeuse of Brunswick, England's rul- ing family when it first became a British possession. 2. 279 acres. 0 0 Sign -al -Star Classified ads get results. • Free! Marie Fraser's new Milk recipes. Write today 1 USED CARS Looking Pir worry -free transportation't. Then it will pay you to so our fine stock of Clean Used ,Cars. As always, our policy is highest ' quality at lowest possible prices. sisHs•••••••••••••••••••4 • See the New 1957 KARMANN GHIA • A DREAM ON WHEELS Now on 'display in our showrooms, 80 Victoria St. at the lightt. VOLKSWAGEN SALES & SERVICE • HURC)14 - BODY '-FENDER SHOP. TEXACO PRODUCTS 'e4 '74 ;44 144 DAR" FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street. Toronto :to •11•01.1.•••••••••••• • ri tit r • r! QUALITY -WISE By.. ytig ............. • - " . . •" ... • • .,• , 00. rove. 4. 7, • • y IT • • Mild Cure b.. W . • 1.. • 4.. DEEP (UT SPECIALS! Heinz SPECIAL) . KETC- UP 11-oz1,1124c Margarine Reg. Price 1-1b 35c -SAVE Sc 1 .7 ARGE E • 3 1-16 pkgs I .00 Clark's Vegetable or fleg. Price 2 tins 23c -SAVE -2c •TOMATO SOUP 210 -oz tins 21c Choice Duality Reg. Price 2 for 29c -SAVE 2c AO? PES • BAKERY SPECIALS! Jane Parker • Reg. Price 55c- -SAVE 6c RHUBARB PIE --.- BAR CAKE. each 3 9c 1,brE Jane Parker • 'Reg. Pricepk 6c JELLY DONUTS g 3.336 - Jane Parker Reg..Prict pkg 29c -SAVE 9c SUGAR COOKIES 2pkgs49c Jane Packer Spanish ' peg. Price 13c -SAVE 4c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Cuban Red Spanish, Beautiful Large Ripe, No. 1 Grade California; Tall Fresh Green, Extra Fancy - ASPARAGUS lb 2 5 c ORANGES Calif. Snow White, Washed; Trimmed, Cello Wrapped, rli. 1 Grade Ontario Grown McIntosh or Norther Spy, Fancy Grade CAULIFLOWER ea 29c APPLES Bradford Marsh, Tender S.a.sf-t. No. 1 Grade -, egliforni, Navel, Now at their Best: rancy Grade • 5-16 cello bag ••• CARROTS 3-16 cello 6/4-g I 9c . A&P COFFEES AGAIN REDUCED 1 flId 8 MePow, Costom.GrOuncl, • 8 .0/CLOP( COFFEE • 8 7c 8 JANE PARKER. HOT • CROSS BUNS pkgof 8 3 5 - 3 -Ib cello bag 3. 5 Be sure to visit our Flower Department. Now available, a very fine selection of fresh spring flowers..Make A&P your Rosebush headquarters. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL! ROYAL ABBEY 22K GOLD DECORATED DINNER- PLATE 0„,, 3 5, WITH S5 PURCHASE 14 • The CRIAT AllANTICA PACWIC TIA COMPANY LTD.- . • PRICES EFFECTIVE UNT'L lATURDAY. . APRIL. 01, 1957. ommturarroommo•44.4•4144••••••••••••b. otommmon. ••;144.., ^ t - - fr t -. ,*;,,k r • ‘'.1"<4' 4 •