HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-04-04, Page 511 •tt ••• ," •• I,. t. • •,•c• r . • • 71.1URSDAY;* APIPI, 4th, 1957 • eric Friday Night Special! 10.1 CU. FT. FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR Reg. $319.00 for $219.00 LOW DO*N PAYMENT. EASY TERMS This Special Is Good Only On Friday, April 5from 6 to 9 p.m. goteAPPLIANCES *cat-FRIGIDAIRE ,2da4t FOR, SALES' 41.4 SERVICE GODERICH cm,tig-SQUARE •.¶3Iws 586 News of . K • •• • - • 1‘..: • * -:#4# THE :GOI)ERICH SIG AL.r.STA11.„--, • P irgshridge DUNGANON N • • •••• 11.4. • • , DUNGANNON, April 2. -Mr. -and KINGSBRIDGE, April 1. -=-Mrs. Mr. Desmond O'Donnell,- who ha Mrs. It. J. Durnin left Sunday for --Gordon Valad returned to her returned to his job there prior to viOt ,with their son, Chester the commencement of -the sailing Durnin,fganuly, at Irwin, home here last week from' Wing- s Of' igt hair* hospital. We wish her a season. . Mrs. M. Lierman, Peter and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Stewart and speedy recuperatffin. Mr. Frank McKenzie • also return- ed to his home here during the past week from Goderich hospital, where he had been confined for many Weeks, seriously ill. Miss Betty Lou Vassella, who re- cently enrolled in Wingham hos- pital for a 10 -months course as a nursing cssistant, spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vassella. Mrs. Jack Kinney, Mrs:TA. Sin - nett and Mr. Albert O'Loughlin, of Detroit, were, week:end visitors here. Mr. Michael O'Neill motored to Sarnia on Sunday, accompanied by 2 pieces only Quick Tripper, $25.00 Two-Suiter, $33.00 • 6 amazing better -than - leather finishes (wipes clean with a damp cloth, defies wear and tearl) • Fuck moeu clothes - wrinkle -free ---in less space. SOLD EXCLUSIVELY AT _plane *fait Jhe (week-9nd with relatives en Langton. -Aft. ;Lambertus visited with his brother in Walkerton during the past week. Mr. Peter, Van. Osch, of • London, spent the past Week at home here. Mrs. Leo Courtney visited with relatives in London during the past week. • Mr. and Mrs. James Sinnett re- turned to their home in Detroit last 'week. Mrs. Sheridan returnedlto her school ddties today after a week's. sick leave, while Mrs. Walter Clare was supply tekcher. All the members of St. Joseph's parish, who were present for the "Buffet" ham supper served by the C.W.L. felt very well rewarded for their efforts, as there.' tvas a wonderful attendance of both old -z---arrd young membersand most - „t; enjoyable evening was spe ;:,^ Rey. 11. Van Vynckt, in his b e ad- dress, talked especially to the young children of the parish, stressing how fortun# they are to live in their free Canadian homes, fa!. from the horror and fears of war 'and persecution. As master of ceremonies for the program which followed, Father Van en- deavored to have the different na- tionalities take active parts so that all joined in being one big happy family. Mrs. Walter Clare, presi- dent of the C.W.L., presented Rev. Father Van Vynckt with a gift and congratulation, card in honor of his birthday. Those tak- ing part in the program were: ac- cordian Alas, Heins Hendrick and Peter Lierman; songs by the school children; violin solos, Mrs. John F. E.11-1113BERT & SON'S MOR -POWER Heavy Duty GUARANTEED 18 MONTHS AND tory.95 Generous 18 -month guarantee of satisfac- YOUR performance. Fits many popular cars OLD -(Ford V8, see below). BATTERY FITS FORD PRODUCTS -1951-54; 45 plates; 105 amp. capacity. Regular List Price $1,5.05. With your old battery SUPER -SERVICE 8.85 GUARANTEED 2 YEARS AND 45 plates, 120 amp. capacity. Full 2- cic YOUR year guarantee. Fits many, popular . 7 OLD cars -(Ford V8, see below). BATTERY FITS FORD PRODUCTS --1951-54; 51 plates; 120 amp. capacity. Regular List Price $21.25. • With your old battery FITS FORD PRODUCTS -1950 and earlier -51 plf<tes, 112 amp. capacity.- Regular List Price $26.15. With your old battery 11.45 12.45 MOR -POWER Hi-Natet GUARANTEED 4 YEARS AND 51 plates, 120 amp. capacity. 1Fits most _popular cars -(Ford V8, 1145 • YOUR OLD see below). BATTERY FITS FORD PRODUCTS -1951-54;--51 plates; 120 14.95 amp. capacity. Regular List Price $25.90. With your old battery FITS FORD PRODUCTS -1950 and earlier -57 plates; 154 amp. capacity. Regular List Price $32.0017 45 With your old battery • NOTE -•Add 50c to above prices for installation or delivery. MOR -POWER Hi -Capacity GUARANTEED 4 YEARS AND 51 plates. Patented ARMOR -PLATE Aic YOUR .construction. Fits. most popular cars •Ig4J OLD -(Ford - V8, see bplovi).- _ BATTERY FITS FORD PRODUCTS -1951-54-51 plates;' 135 14.95 amp. capacity. Regular List Price $25.90. With your old battery FITS FORD PRODUCTS -1950 and earlier -57 plates; 170 amp. capacity. Regular List Price $32.00. 17.95 With your old battery , .. TRACTOR BATTERIES -15 PLATE . 11:45 And Your Old Batfery c A D itp TI RE CORPIN 4 skk .K Phew, 69. 6 IS 0 CIAT E STORE NORTH ST. -Godericf?, Ont. L. 0. Whel'stone 4 • • family have, since the sale .of their farm and their auction sale' last •week, moved for the time being to Mrs. Stewart's brothers, Stewart pd Gordon Reid. , / The Sunbeam Club sponsored a euchre 14t Friday night at the school house on the 2nd concession of West Wawanosh. Ten, tables were engaged in play. The win- ners were: high lady, Mrs, Arthur Elliott; high man, Billy Caesar. Consolations went to Airs. Ron Pentland and Jimmy Sproule. Mrs. Esther Rivett spent the week -end with her daughter, Mrs. John Wilson, and Mr. Wilson, Toronto. Miss Jessie Wallace will occupy the residence of the late Walter Dickason. 0 o Mrs. Robert Moore is a patient HAMILTON-HOY at Wingham hospital, having a The wedding,took place in the medical check-up. chapel of Knox Presbyterian Mr. John Itivett, appointed by Church, Goderich, on Saturday DDI 4 r • CARTER -CARTER afternoon of "Robirt 'Bruce lain; AUBURN.-1Cnox United Church, iltont son'of MI.;and Mrs,„Thomas Auburn,.was the scene of a pretty Hanulton, to Bvelyn -Joan Hoy, wedding on Saturday, March 16, daughter at -'!r. and Mrs. Leslie, at 12 o'clock noon, when Nancy II?y, 'Goderich. , Rev. It. G. .Mac- Winnifred Carter, daughter of Mr. Millin efilciatefi at the FereznApy.. and Mrs. George Carter,• R.R. 5, '" The *bridesmaid wai, Joyce Wingham, became the bride of Glazier, of Goderich, and - the Robert William Carter, son of Wil- groomsman, Raymond Mitchell, of liam Carter and the late Mrs. Goderich. .... Carter, of East Wawanosh. Rev. The bride wore an ankledength Robert S. Hiltz officiated at the dress 91 white ;let with lace jacket ceremony. and lace overlays; She carried a For her wedding, the bride chose crescent-shaped bouquet of red a ballerina -length gown of nylon roses, and hact a ' star tiara with net and chantilly lace over taffeta elbovt-length veli of embroidered with a corsage of red roses. She net. For travelling, the bride wore was attended by her sister-in-law, a cfresr of ra.hma-nyle orlon fleece. Mrs. Kenneth Carter, of London, and a blue coat with ' push-up Gordon Carter, of.,131yth, brother sleeves and pink accessories. of the groom, was 'best man. The bridesm;id's dress was a A reception was ' held at, the ballerina,length one of rose net Club Grill, Goderich, after which with net jacket. She had a rose the couple left on a honeymoon. floral headdress 'with white gloves On their return, they will reside and shoes and carried a nosegay in Blyth. of white mums. The bride's mother wore a blue taffeta dress with pink accessories oft which there was a pink rose corsage. A rayon linen pink dress he was in the army and she was with lace bodice was worn by the i training as a nurse. West Wawanosh Township, coin- menced Warble Fly spraying at lams Monday moil -Ping. 1 Mr, John Thompson is back :••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 44' MOM'S cessories and she coyitoTp;,11,ecorsafe of red 04e3;',"' receptiiiii: was •••414011424;tlie','; Meadow Brook'restaurant4,AIXICUI41l. those attending the_iweddlati-Werei'‘ Mr, land ",Mrs.,t-Gene-4;11iimiltria ,,‘» Toronto, • and.' lie.... and Mra. Hamilton, of Lon4eb,:•11,;...,,:•r' ittkr The, couple left on • 'a „-Wedding.7f trip to poinWin-the United .States and .on tbefr return will,reside'le' Goderfch. o - •• -0: AT DUNGANNON SCH001:). A seven-year-old it frOnl, bul, Turkel', recently eprQlled ;at Dungannon Public School,„ismaki„; ing fine progress in learning ,the!'• English language..The parent and daughter are in Canada.en: six months' visa. They arc Visiting' with Mr. and Mrs. T. C..Andera0;‘, of Dungannon,' the latter--a-sister4 of the visiting wornak.froin 'The Turkish girl's mother speaks. .- • five languages, Armenian, Turkish:;" • English, French and German .Her husband is a hardware.•merchant in Turkey and also speaks. -several languages, They met dnringthe war in an English hospital, while' 41 44,4141Z.ti home again atter having been ill and a patient in Wingham hospital. 2 The community was shocked to ; hear of the passing of Mrs. Betsey • Messer, Goderich, formerly of St. .41.ugustine, and where her brother, • David .McAllister, and sister, Miss • Josephitte. McAllister, still reside. ; Our sympathy is with them and • daughter, Margaret. I • 'Mr. Ken Brown, Ottawa, who • • became ill en route home to visit •_ his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur ; Brown, reported for a medical • check-up at Clinton TWA?: He � was hospitalized with "mumps." ; ; :VII.. Ross Rivett, Toronto,. was • oine • Kelly and- Wm. Lanibfor the bon; dancing, ions. to Mr. and Mrs. week -end. 1 I 44 Kathleen Dalton; piano solo, Sher -1 Congratulat on Courtney and Danny Dalton; 1Donald Glenn (nee Lucille Mohr -1 • solos, Mrs. Robert 'Howard, Gene ing), "cderich. They will make in the village, wherel • Frayne; duets, Loretta and Patricia their home 110' Martin, Diane and Peter Lierman; Don is engaged in the trucking songs by grade eight and members 'business. le Mr. J. C. Durnin spent the wee.k- of the choir, followed by commun- end with his uncle and aunt, Mr. 1,1 ity singing. Dr. Weir, of Auburn, and Mrs. Alfred Helford, Toronto. !; who happened to be among the Mr. and Mrs. Will Jackson, Rip-, • guests, drew the door prize ticket, ley, were visitors at the week -end, which was won 'by Peter Frayne. , with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs.7. o--------o--------o Charles Fowler, and Toni. OLD TIES UNCOVERED Mrs, Robert Mole and little son. William Allen, arrived home from• Aficiertt. railroad: WOrk on- the 1111 110S1-11411- last Friday. St Lawrence -Seaway Jr and -Mrs. ENton Culbert, road. Just across the_St. Law- , and Mrs. Douglas Brown, Goderich, , Robert Bere of the. village and Mr. I _ ed remains of a century -old rail- ounday visited Mrs. Robert laid bare old timbers that were rence from Montreal bulldozers S n Bere at Wingliam 11044111, who st went for treatment t‘vb days lie- • GODERICH part ofthe p . 14 • Lawrence Railway, Canada's first. ,•, "Ilu.' to:speed uMr, Bere, .who had been fare., p recovero y f the previously ill with pneurnonia is • leeling his usual self again. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ()I - • Mrs. Abner s visited Mon,, 4111t,day with her daughter. .Mrs. Len • ' Christ ilaw. • • • • - church. Eleven girls answered the , • • roll call. Carol Pentland was in •••••••••••aoseliMiteC•0•0000•0•000•0•••••••••••000•00•08•111•00••••••••••••••• • • charge of the, meeting: Eleanor • Alton played the piano for the • ' hymns. Lynda Blake was secre- ! • ' • tary. Lynda Blake read the Scrip • j lure lesson. - ' Joanne Crozier offer- • ed prayer. .Mrs. Glifford Crozier • • showed a film of Iklen Keller visit- • it'll; the blind in Bible Land and • also gave a report el a missionary's.• • talk at the convention last week. ; . 2 Mrs. Herb Finnigan distributed • • svtatruitojeuds.leallets of a health project • • ' • • Mrs. Annie lirrwn, Ripley,- visit- • i•a • dav night in the basement of the mmffif • C.G.I.T.-The C.G.I.T. met Mon • I FRIDAY NIGHT ' . SPECIAL i• .....,...,.,„."..,.. . kaoholite, I.....„,„.:..nR. ,:,.0: 'is' 1 Morocco, CaifaalnAdciPlokaist i .. I. - AT COST . THE BUTalleitt OF GODERICH WILL BE OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. CLOSED SATURDAY EVE at, 6.30 P.M. • 14 • 1 • ed her sister, Mrs. Ethel McDonald. • Mrs. H. S. Stothers, who has • • not been enjoying the best of • health. 'became worse on Sunday ; ;1 and was taken to Goderich hos- • • pital on Sunday for X-ray and • ' treatment. • I• • At- St. Paul's Anglican Church • • next Sunday the rector, Rev. H. L. •Jennings, will conduct the Easter • Communion and receive new mem- 111" April *At 1111501111411111111111411111111111111111111n is here, ,and ARGAINS at .The MAJOR STORE! Special $5.95 ea. $1.00 ONE-HOUR SPECIAL! ON SALE FRIDAY 7-8 p.m. only. • BLOUSES -several styles, shades and sizes. • Priced BELOW cost IT'S RAINING MENS TROUSERS • • I bers into the church. * Self -belt, latest shades, all sizes. Reg. $9.95. • 1 The Y.P.U. of the United Church • • • met on Monday night for the bi- weekly ,meeting. - Wayne Brown • • • was in charge of the meeting, as • • 1 mission and outreach convener. J. • C. Durnin was in charge of the de- • • • votional Period. Keith Finnigan 2 2 led in prayer. The topic was • ; "'What do you really think when • you , hear the word `mi.ssion'." •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • 1 1 FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIALS 5 -pc. CHRQME SUITE Rog. $89.50 SPECIAL- $65.00 • ..- KROEHLER TV CHAIR $4995 in 100 per cent Nylon Cover Reg. $69.00 SPECIAL- . pc. CHESTERFIELD SUITE with Foam Rubber Cushions Roe.. $280.00 SPECIAL- $199.00. BLACKSTONE'S FURNITURE 1 34 WEST ST. 0- - -0 r• GODERICH • • 1 Marylin bAnderson ed in a usi ness • discussion. After the minutes • were read, a film, "Seeing Double," ; was sh-own. j • ,Mrs. J. Hamilton visited on Sun- day with her son, Watt Hamilton, • Lucknow, who underwent a minor • operation at Wingham hospital, last week. - • Among the .older folks who ac- • cepted the invitation to a social evening of the Octogenarian Club of Goderich last Wednesday even- ing, were Mrs. J. Hamilton, Mr. Robt. Durnin; Miss E. McMillan and Miss Minnie Currie. ' M. Minnie Jones spent the week -end with Mrs. Lorne Scrim- geour, Blyth, and Mrs. Jenny Lyon, Londeslboro. , Sizes 6-12, all lined. Mrs. B. F. Comfort and son, Ennis, St. Catharines, spent the week -end with the Blake brothers. Mr. and Mrs. llarvey Maize,Nr. and Mrs. Gordon Maize andJamily,! spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Springer and Iarnily, Tillson- , burg. Mr. Palmer Kilpatrick and son, 43rian, Toronto, visited Saturday with the former's moth6r, Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick. Mrs. Cecil Blake, Mr. and Mrs'. ' Richard Kilpatrick and Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick, on*Monday, visited 'Helen Anderson, of London. Mr. Gordon Sampson, •Goderich, underwent ad -appendectomy early last week at Goderieh hospital. ,..Mrs. Don Walden and daughter, Vietorig, Kincardine, spent a few . days 'thi week with relatives. Melbourne FLANNEL SUITS All sizes. Special $24.95 Men's SPORT JACKETS All -wool, all colors. ' Special $19.95 Men's SUEDE JACKETS Special $12.98 BOYS' WINDBREAKERS a.1 -Star Classified ads get I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• results 4 $298 MEN'S DRESS SHOES pr. $6.95 • SPECIAL -LADIES' SUITS Sizes 12 to 20. All sizes and colors. $24.95 ALL-WEATHER COATS newest fabrics. $19.95 FRIDAY SPECIAL! SHORTIE COATS, all colors FRIDAY, ONLY $12.98' IVY LEAGUE'BLOUSES Red, black or blue with white stripes. CAR COATS Red and beige. '1 Reg. $12.95.: Special $9.5)5 SPRING COATS All -wool, several styles and shades to choose from. $22.95 FRENCH CREPE DRES8ES S398, Sizes 163 to 244. • 4.47•A, _ ‘ • The MAJOR ;$ . . ▪ ON THE SQUARE . 1,* ,•• .,,.1,.,• • • - • - •••••••••••*....{...*•••••••40.•••••••.0.4•••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • 1 • • .• • Dcr...4,0 • ,; 555 . - •