HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-04-04, Page 3`d4lTditiSixiX, 49h, 1037 Huron Women church Group Opposeg Alcoholic Drinks In Grocery Stores ff THE GODERICII SIGNAL The Huron Presbyterial W.M,$., ofo the United Chureh of Canada has gone on record as being op- posed to any possible move to have Alcoholic beverages sold in_' recery stores. The resolution was passed at the 32nd annual meeting held at Clinton on Wednesday of last week. More than 300 women attended. Members of the W.M.S. were urged to ractiee voluntary abstin- ence and refrain from serving alcoholic beverages in their homes. This ,resolitt on also recommended that "a request for serving alco- holic beverages on buses and pla inn be refused." It protested ser•ning of liquor on trains and urged no relaxation of the present policy of prohibiting liquor adver- Imminiminimommiolmer TELEVISION . REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES. Cumpiete work bench of all TV Testing Equipment. TV AERIAL INSTALLATION AND SERVICE-- , ANY MAKE. MacDonald Electric Goderich 38tf Phone 235 tiling in the press and on radio and television. Conditions in Koreas "and the need for more missionaries were described by the guest speaker, Miss Jlmsna M. Palethorpe, Luiadvn, retired missionary from that country. (Mrs. Wdiliam McVittie, of Blyth, was installed es president during the business session and the 1957 allocation was • set at $21,900. Members were advised that $23,084 was sent to the branch treasurer last year $1,184 In excess of the allocation Other ofeers\elected are: Hon- orary president, Mrs. W. J. Greer, Winghaan; past president, ,firs. E. Des Jardins, Grand Bend; vice-pre- sident, :Mrs. ice-pre-si,4ent,:Mrs. Harold Doig, Fordwich; sectional presidents; Centre, Mrs. Earl Mills, Walton; west, Mrs. Tait Clark, Goderich; south, Mrs. W. Love, Grand Bend; north, Mrs. M. 'Danis, •B'luevale; recording secre- tary, Mrs. George Michie, Brussels; corresponding secretary, Mrs. W. B. Cruikshank, Wingham er, es- urer, Mrs. J. A. Sutter, Clinton. Among the departmental secre- taries elected from this district were: Mrs. S. A. Moate, Gaderich, Christian stewardship; Miss M. Jackson, Auburn, omission bands; Mrs. K. Webster, Blyth, literature. o O O NEW MAIL HOURS? When the time is changed' over to Daylight Saving Time towards the latter part of April, new arrival and departure times for mail at the Goderich Post Office *ill be made. An announcement as to these times will be made shortly by Postmaster Homan.. TAR B. R. ROBINSON FLOOR CONTRACTOR AND SUPPLIES EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR OF FABULOUS NEW PLASTIC DECORATING MATERIAL SELF-ADHESIVE STIX IN 24 COLORS AND PATTERNS. No Paste—No Tacks—No Water—No Mess:' 38 EAST ST. PHONE 914 - -14 For many yOars active as a politician, Hugh Hill was accustomed to being sort of driven around in that role. Bet now he has reversed proEeedings. He has a race horse which he has named "Politician" and he drives it around. Here he is shown feeding the horse at the Goderich Racing Barns to get him in a good mood for the coming racing season. By June --Federal election time—"Politician" will be in good. shape. S. S.S: Photo by R.H. The tempo of activity is on the increase at the Goderich Race Track these, days as owners of horses ,prepare for the coming season. At right is seen Len Overholt holding the horse "Flying Saucer P," owned by F. Samis and L. Overholt, while Harold Allan gives the racer a rub down. This horse khas the fastest record of any quartered here, having gone 2.04 3/5 at Blue Bonnets Race Track at Montreal. S.S. Photo by R.H. THIEVES BREAK IN , One antique settee was stolen by thieves who -broke into a house at the corner of Cobourg and Light- house street on. the week -end. Entry Was gained to the unoccu- pied house by smashing a window. Electrical fixtures in the house, owned by William Mallough, of London, were damaged to same extent. 0 At the end of World War Ii the average weekly wage in Canadian manufacturing plants was $30 per week, is now $tis per week. MEMBER yrs, ,* SS0G WEST ST. • AN INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT YOUR AGENIT OF PERSONAL SERVICE PHONE 230 •••••••••••••••i•••i•••o eee••••••••••••••••••• • AIR-CONDITIONED • -PARK PHONE• 1150 •• • GODERICH • • • ki • • • • • AT THE Now Playing—"Good Bye My Lady"—A boy and his dog. Brandon de Wilde, Walter Brennan. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday— "QUENTIN DURWARD" Cinemascope — Technicolor Sir Walter Scott's great classic in medieval chivalry. A color- ful actionr.filled drama. Robert Taylor, Kay Kendall Thursday, Friday, and Saturday— "The Man In The Gray Flannel Snit" = • • • •• • • • • • Cinemascope—ADULT—Technicolor A hard -driving arrtbitiohs wife finds that even husbands rebel— Award winning drama. Gregory Peck, Jennifer Jones • • • • Coming—"The Catered Affair"--Comedy-drama. •I S fe ••••••••••••••••esesesseeeeseemiese •••••••••• e Ernest Borgnine—Debby Reynolds. Exclusive ImiJorts The "Lustre Look" For Spring ! Imported from Italy by Tip Top A host of crisp patterns, weaves and shades — all -wool with just a touch of silk to give you that new lustrous Con- tinental Look. They're different from any- thing you've ever worn. Drop around today and let us take your measurements. TAILORED -TO -YOUR -MEASURE Fleet Street Clothes $74.50 2 pc. E,tclusive with Vivid Picture Of Mid -East Crisis a Given By -CBC News Commentator. An uncensored word picture of connected in any way as viewpoints the Middle -East crisis was present- l of the CBC. Following his address, ed to more than 100 members of 1 many present took advantage of Goderich's three service clubs at the opportunity to ask particular the Bedford Hotel Saturday even -1 questions on the subject to make Anderson, Ford Little, Ralph Clark and H. Aitken. Reepresentatives of Jaycee clubs were present from Owen Sound, Port Elgin„- South- ampton and Goderich. ing by Larry Henderson, CBC news! a lively open forum. commentator. In attendance were - "A break -down in- confidence" representatives of the Jaycees, Kinsmen and Lions. Mr. Henderson Ubinted out he was giving his address not as any official spokesman 'for the CBC but purely -from the standpoint of his own observations. He has been doing on -the -spot reporting for the and that '.\)'asser was their natural CBC in Egypt and the tension area leader. in general and came in contact Mr. Henderson expressed the he with the leading figures involved lief- that collective action by the in Abe. crisis._Many_ interesting United Nations, even though some. ''anti '°entightening remarks were of the individual nations in i made 'which are withheld from might suffer to some extent as a print so that they might not be ', result, would eventually result in - developments that would be for the betterment of the world as a whole. As president of the Goderich Jaycees, the host club at this par- ticular meeting, . Max Cult was chairman. Introducing those at the head table was Ed. Stiles and these includad.,.:.aa.-addition to -the aforementioned, fife-- folTirwing: "Bucky" Graham, ,Jaycees member- ship chairman; Earl Rawson, Kins- men president; W. Anderson, pre- sidd-ent district four of the Jaycees; Jack Mitchison. Jaycee- secretary; A. Boutilier, president 'of Lions Club. Mr. Henderson way introduced by W. Anderson and thanked by Larry Owles. A framed copy of the Jaycees -t4'tE''Cl- ds presented to the Gode- rich Lions Club by one cif its form- er presidents, "Cec" Ilofiman, now of Toronto. Several much appreciated solos were sung by Bonnie Cowman. Winner of the Chinese auction, conducted by Gus Chisholm, was Peter MacEwan. The prize turned out to be one quart of milk. Rev. R. G. MacMillan .said grace. pre- ceding the banquet. It was the first visit to Goderich for Larry Henderson, who is seen and heard nightly •on the CB(' -TV newscast. When he headed back to Toronto Sunday morning he re- marked an how impressed lie was with Goderich and how much he had enjoyed his visit here. ' Six members of the Jaycees at- tended a district four conference ! at Southampton on Sunday. 'They were .T. Mitchison, ,M. ('utt. W. on the part of the powers concern- ed was cited as a major contribu- tion to the crisis by the guest speaker. He stated that the Egyp- tians were obviously inclined to think that the Western powers were the natural enemies of Egypt The Major Store ° IN GODERICH v TIP TOP TAILORS .11111111119 GOOD GOING. TUES. & WED. APR. 9th - 10th REirURN LIMIT — 7 1 AYS Between GODERICH — and STRATFORD - KITCHENER - TORONTO - Return Fare Y - $1.80 - 2.75 - 5.05 U SAVE $1.10 Beds to be made, house to be 1.75 'ti:leaned, your clothing and the 3.15 family's in need of pressing and cleaning! No need to worry about the cloth- ing part anyway, if you just call us. We'll attend to this problem, dependably and economically. Bargain ''area also apply between TORONTO and - Return Faro YOU SAVE\ MONTREAL $12.90 $8.15 OTTAWA - - . - - 10.00 6.30 Bargain Fares also apply from paints listed -to intermediate atationa, and' from 'intermediate statins to points shown., * Children under' 5 travel free -5 and under 12, half -fare. Regular 150 lb. baggage ellosvenFo • Next Month Bargain Coach Fares Good MAY 14-15. T-7.1 'CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY 4 •••••••••••••••••i•••eeop It's Time o Use Ryan & Son PHONE 345 - GODERICH -14-16 C••••••••®e••••••••••••• THE SUNDAY SUPPLEMENT • r riar bde•••S•• oseses•••••MI•••° Canada Unique Men's Club Told "If there's no civil war in Canada within the next 10 years. Canada will- be the only federation in the world that has lasted 100 years without a civil war." So stated Dr. H. M. Thomas, 'Ph.D., associate professor of history at the !t1ni- versity of Western Ontario who was the guest speaker at a bgnquet of North Street United Church Men's Club Wednesday evening of last week. He pointed out that Canada has no bitter memories in its. history, no traditional enemy and has never had a revolution. Chairman of the meeting was Ed. Stiles. A piano solo was play- ed by William Tucker. 'Rev. A. E. Eustace addressea the gathering, which numbered about. 70. Dr. J. C. Ross moved a vote of thanks for the address of the guest speaker. Two men whose "80th birthday" fell that evening, Horace Fisher and William Andrew, were feted. Mrs. I. H. Kinkead, president cif the Woman's Auxiliary, accepted the thanks of the meeting fbr the turkey dinner served. Officers of the Men's nub elect- ed were: earl Rawson, president; A. Boutilier, vice-president; II. 0. Spring, treasurer; K, Pennington. A. Waters, Inn. Bushell, executive comm ittee. FAMOUS GOODYEAR •••elee eesee••••••e•• SUPER -CUSHION si:295 (670x15) WITH CLASS "A" TRADE-IN --AT— URREY° Phone 21 To Fix Highway Two 'highway 'projects in Tlti ii 'County are ci, ceted to ct under 'way this year, says Tow, P yde, I LP.P., who. Iia tto ra ded erstireates fresi. the rep a t of the Ontario MuaiSter They are: wading, culverts, rgranullal< baso . and dot (pa vin e IU hway 04 'between 4103E311 and St. Jeseilh; [rail - lug, culverts and granular base on. Highway 31 b ween St. hlosepli and ' eyfteld. Star.. OnGoderich 14 its ^1rst citizen, `Ti Ooderitiz faces the I>;esti 4e aee,' *ay* 1Ttl Conel0sitoll. kiRS()NAI1 MENTION '<.r. and Mrs., Richard ('atilt it nd son, John, sailed on W w day front Nowt. York far ;mug, Nw tliern lrelanO, Miss Edna Hogan has ,returned home after spending severe snnntts with her nephew, Mr. Thos;, Hogan and Mrs, Ifogan. at ,Ajax, In "Hydro News "It is easy to see why Groderieh is looking forward confidently to another era when the lights of its harbor will beckon to ,transatlantic ,freighters after the St. 'Lawrence Seaway iscompleted," says an article on . Goderich by Horace Brown in the March issue of `+On- t.ario Hydro News." Profusely illustrated with pic- tures of the town, the article has an historical review of Goderich, accounts of its various industries, organizations, municipal buildings and weekly newspaper. "Imbued as ft is with the spirit 1957 FLEETWOOD -EMERSON TELEVISIONS. PRICED FROM $159 SMALL DOWN PAYMENT BALANCE AS LOW AS $10 PER MONTH GODERICH BRANCH OF Canadian Cancer Society is sponsoring a two day HOUSE TO ,HOUSE P.' ' CANVASS for funds in Ashfield Township coma,ing April 8th 'fir Ashfield Sr -79.1 with the objective Township Your co-operation "411 be ap 1r a ; +,,„.„,04-d'''''-14 Branch Agent for CNR Money Order OTHER SIZES AT NEW LOW PRICES. 11-17x 7/OWFRIGIDA1RE FOR. SALES d SERVICE . SODERICH W IJIE SQUARE •' 586 s L5i1U151�L�iLyl�lLyl�lyl�l�il l�i�,�1�i�L`� L aRE 1 GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES THE PREMIER TRUST COMPANY 19 Richmond Street West, Toronto' E:roire 3-7043 44 James Street, St. Catharines Mvtval 5-8489 428 Richmond Street, London, Ontario 4-2716 AVA I LA HAROLD PHONE 766 01.31515151ThliannElerle14 LE FROM ASHORE 38 HAMILTON ST. God rich Canadian Legion BoyUs Club DEMONSTRATING The Manly ArtOf Self -Defence 50 PER CENT. ADMISSION 60c. 10 DEMONSTRATIONS — AGES 6 TO 16 MacKay Hall TIME: g To SO P.M.• 1x OF PROCEEJIPS TO L ON C MI'FLED ONI..DRIN'O VUND ASD66 PER CENT. TO 'PROMOTE BOYS' CLU CJIMDREN 15c AT THE D O Via.