HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1890-10-2, Page 1THE TIMES .
aJ.AN'Y 1891
20 Cents
1 H. DI OKSON, Barrister, Soli,
to eit(11 of Supremo court, Notary
Publie,� aliveyancer, Coutmisaioner, dui,.
Money *osn.
oMee en" Fersan'sIllook.Exeter.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc,,
1!t#IE11'Eli, • ONT,
ometr riser, wall s lllovk, llazl a old, office.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Conveyancers &e, (34o.
t'M`oney to Lean at Lowest Rates of
B. V. itteree. J. EL:r,IOT.
J •
1c:•=1•T *Z$ ,
OFF•LCIE : Over O'Neil's Bank.
Nitrons Oxide Gita for Painless Extraction.
:T.° K1NSMAIN,.DE iT11T.Li.D.
tatttnaveli}8 I110r, lextr eT eiil"ooth without t
train, by fiiviu Vegetable
Velem. Hold 1'ill:age and all
.• y.. otuerdentai work the best
Ja b Goes � LTRrfi
1' silo Q .n 7, u
on last :rhursdaty1n emelt
Mmat li ,
�7 ' LJ1f1AL
ry�r . i3IlM MXaNIdl G M. D.,11.. O
• P. h , (:senate Victoria University:
Wilco and reaidencc, I]ouh pion labora-
tory. Exciter.
R. IIYNl,allfAN coroner for the
Comity of Huron. (dice, opposite
Carling .urea. store, Exeter.
R. J.A.ROLLINS,tll'.C.E,S,
o. Office Main St, iixeter, Ont.
Residence, house Veooutly occupied' by 1'.
McPhillips, Eaq,
LB. CUT E'EN, M. D., C. AL,
. Graduate Trinity University, Tor-
ontoPal.Tr] -.Mod. sohool. Toronto ; Grad.
Ain fnst..L niologyt Member N. 7a;, Acad.
Anthropologyetember Col, P. S Ont.-
� „
officio, Dashwood, 0 nt.
Diseases of tlho
Bye glasse.' and Speetaeles furnished for
both Dear hn(>l,Distant Vision,
Always at Immo, except on Fridays.
No. 1S5 Queen's Avenue,
Lon(1on, Ontario.
T BUSSENB1ialitY, General Li,
■ '-4 • oeused Auctioneer. Sales conducted
fit allparts. Satisfactiouguaranteed. Charges
moderato. Reusall P 0, Ont.
11ENItY EILBLR Licensed Auc-
tioneer for Hay, Stephen, ape Mo-
Gliivray Townships. Sales oonducted at
moderaterates. Oinoe, atPost-office, Cred-
iton Ont.
TO/1N GILL, Auctioneer for the
EY 'Townships of Stephen, Say and Usborne
LLD athe Village of Exeter. Sales promptly
attended, sad satisfaction guaranteed.
Salsa erreDgodatthis office .
�J • AuctioneorandLandvaluator.,orders
sent by mail to ray adiress, Bayfield P.O.,
will receive prompt attention. Terms metier-
ate. D. H. PORTER, Auctioneer.
Tennent& Tennent
1 --
ra1uate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- t
Lege. 1
OiraxoE : One aoor South of Town Hail.
percent, 525,000 Private .Funds . Best
:Jeanine Companies represented.:
Barrister, Exeter, 1
I N Ii, a
/AN ADA. 'Read Office, London, Ont.
After 31 years of successful business,: still
:ontinues to offer the owners of farm- property
and private residences, eitheron buildings:,or
ion tents ,the most favoreable protectio .::.:;sesta
if loss or dam age by fireor lightning, at rates 1
tpon such liberal terms. that;no other respect-
lbiecompany can aifordtowrite. 42,375 poli: w
+les in force lstJan,1890. Assets .$378,428.00:
ncash in bank. Government depost, Deben- '1
tares .and Prominm Notes. Jelin GRANT, e
'resident ; D. C.MCDONALD,Nan ager. DAVID
'AWES, Agee t tor Exeter andvioinity.
Established in 1868,
Thin oomxany has been over Eighteen
years in successful operation in Western
Oa•io an
Onario, , d continues to insure against
loss or fiemageby P'ire Buildings Merchan-
dise, Manufactories, and all other descrip.
tions of iedurable property. Ihtending'
insurers have the option of insuring on
the Premium note or OashSystem
During the past ears this Co -
y ,n
panyhaft issued 57,000 Polioios, covering
propertyto the amount ot$40,872,039; and
,paid in lessee alone 1709,759,00,
Assets, 88176 X00.00 eoneistin
,. , g of Cash
inB,>,nk, Government and the;un
assessed Premium Notes on hand end in
force. J W WALDin eel. D. President it .:
115. TeemoR Secretary. J. et . Huenes, In-
peetor. CHAS. S1�ELL, Siientfor Exeter
and 'vicinity.
Aiwys a Calm
After a storm is an old maxitl m
but it is not the case with us
this week. We will be rushed as
usual and the reason is we are
selling goods cheaper than any
other in
house the trade. Those
75c all.wool shirts that we sold at
6oc are now down to Sae; and a
lot of $r.z5 shawls reduced to
Extra black Overcoats, our own
make, :886 ; good ready-made Suits
$4. Yarns, a job lot to be cleared
out at 35c per lb. Our time is
now drawing to a close, and prises
will not be considered as much as
the clearing out of the stock.
Large lamp chimneys, 750 per
doz. ; medium lamp chimneys, hoc
per doz; lantern chimneys 8c., t]r
750 per doz. Lots of fresh salmon
this week, r ie per can.
M o Bank
The t)�S i�S �n�c
f Oi]A1tTi:l:l:]n 1a Y PA RLTAXEN T,lt ,al
Paid up Capita] ... Selie0;f4
Rest Fund 1,�A9,t1
Head Office, Montreal.
F. WOLFEESTIt wl TII0M S,Fameattfi
2Abranebofficesint Dorrominion. Ageneie
in the Dominlon,lf.S.4.avd Europe.
Exeter Braxton,
Open every lawful day', iron lea.m.to3 p.m
SATURDAYS,lo nem. Le 1 p.m,
4PorCent.porannum alfowedformonoy en
i1'rr5, �aai 0:- UH
C.�.E5-EARSON t C°-
arsaparff l SSI,
:toes Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rheum:ttie
Gout, General Debility, Catarrh, mut tot
ilsorders caused by a thin and impoverished,
1r corrupted, condition of the blood; expel)iug
lie blood -poisons from the *item,. 01111011111
and renewing the blood, and restoring its
zing power.
During a long period of unpartaileled us,•f '
10ss, AFER'S SARSAi'ARILLA has proven its
ter£eot adaptation to the cure of all diseitscs
ariginating in poor blood anti a weakened w it:tllt1
:t is a highly concentrated extract of (3arsa
barilla and other blood. -purifying roots,
:ombinecl With iodide of Potassium :gid,
Cron, and is the safest, most reliable, :illi these
conk 1t1 '•+ t.
a O Cal blood -purifier ood puriIIer and bl : �d�"cC�,: ,
uan be used.
inflammatory Itheumatisr.a i;n
"tAY�'sn's SAIOSAPARILLA bas curie ^ or the
nflammatory Lthemnatisul, with wh,ut, d have
offered for many years. W. 11, Nuohut."
Durham, la.; Mara), 2, 2£82.
"flight years ago 1 ]lad 10) attack of Rha ulna -
ism -
Lsoseverotl1nt1Couldnot m move tile
0 our tl t bell,
or dress, without help. 1 tried several remedies.
vithoutmuch if any relief, until 1 took Avisn's
S&RSAPARr,LA, by, the use of two bottles of
which 1 Iva§ completely cared. 7 have not been
troublecl.with, the Rheumatism ,ince. ,levo sold
arge quantities of your, S,AnsAl iulx:r,A, mid it
till retains its wonderfulpopularity.11'hemuaan-
notable tures it has etl`ecLeti in this vicinity (!,,:h. Vince me that' it is the hest blood 401(lici1 4 ever
h±Iered to the public.
River St., l3ttoicland, Mass., 3101 1), 1,/,`
"Last Mardi 1O'ais 80 weal: from g•enr>rtal
Welty that f: could, not walk witho114 11(.11.1. 01-
lowing the advice of afriend, .1011ninah :ea tu 1111:g
AYI11 s SAIiseeeen Ln, and. before I Lad used
three bottles 1feet aswen as1ever didlinny1,.te,
I Have been at work now for two num( ha, 111 1
think your SAnsAo' 4141LLA the grater 1.11
medicine in the world, JAMES
520 West 42d St., New York, July 11', 10 2.
AsEr s
cni„- ,no
SARyArAi£rr,L:t Ger:+5;17:. -
all Scrofulous G ormj l t <it.,, Erre ite;icts.
2Yt1 a r.
h , Ringworm, 1r3he,tttaes .,:a•ru .les.
I' inners, and Erupttous of tlzc> f.;!..1.m. -1:. c,: ,.
the 131001 of all impurities,' ' aids di eslsl.
I? ,,•
1,te5 the action of the 10wvels and ta„I., a•: i f'
vitality and strengthens tiro
PRDrAitrD 1�X
Sold .eY �'E all Druggists; price F5.
fi aaietoPublissr Promsi
feilorn 'Various Sonrees Tilixotegl1t
out the District.
At the opening of the Salem Methodist
Church, Blazsltard, the sum of $80 RAS
Mrs John Gillis, of West 1wtiissopai, who
has seen her 94411 birthday, hi astill hale
and heady.
The County Treaautexa sats of land for
tome laked place at Goderich, on the 2nd
of December.
eroded' alt is without a brass band. An
oMarti .sties ie aborut to be formed there
iu a few days,
Mr D. 0 teWeston, of T)laasharel, lost a
$200 horse last week. It partook, too- glut-
ton ously
lut•.tonotisly of green clover,
Fel I sheat in many Farts has already
rehab eel the exceptional height of 13 itlellts,
Mee t is doing well this fall.
1). H. 1'orter. the popular auctioneer of
Huron county. has bad a furnace put into
his house, in Stanley township.
Mr Ii ocky Cameron, Blowhard, has
gone to hie future home in the D7or1b..West
Lasky will be ti]iseed around Blowhard.
A, Iran named Fred ,shutter,, et Gcder-
fola was least week fined 026 for gruelty to
auimale, as also .for carrying a muted,
Lost week is little ,soy, sen of Mr ,Arebtt,
itTeNsh, of the 12d1 eon, McKillop, mobile
playtn,T at eased, got hie collar bone
+• c
w ,
'�. V, ` 'pts
'lea tet . snit atilt) factor} have
sold their August dime for 10 cerate
Donde cheese factory sold e31, A.uttuet
etteese at 92e,
While returning Prem Older -kb fair last
week, Mr Francis Coiemen,of T'uelterstnitla,
WAR thrown from his buggy breaking Nita
collar hone,
Mr L. C. Jackson, son of Mr Henry
Jackson, of Egmoudvflle, has Bona to
Oberlin, Kangas, where he will condncht
largo bank.
TheSt itfarya must bei a go-ahead place.
local curling club is organizing, and
the Journal says suowbalia are in boom i
a town garden,
A, valuable colt of J 1,Yetr's Mef i,liv.
ray, eut itself badly this week by running
agninst a wire fence, It regnireti 17 !Ochre
to el1se the wound,
Tido judge, in a division court at Ridge=
town, decided in a Daae where suit was
brought for a grocery and liquor bili that
the liquor part neednot bo pard for.
Mr Wurtb, of the flax mill, at Crediton,
had 700 noes in flax this year. It makes
a lot of work but he is a busy man end
keeps all around him busy.
Tho Rev R, McColl, rector of Uhrist
Churoh, Petrolia, and who is well known in
Mitchell, has been asked to accept the? Ilem
terabit) of Trinity Church, Michigan City.
Mr P. S. Armstrong, of Blanchard, while
driving between St Marys and Kirl;ton
some says ago, met with severe injuries by
his horse becoming fractious and kicking
hint on the log.
J. I. McKenna, of Dublin, has bought
the Kidd estate farm, on which is situated
the handsome residence fcrmerly occupied
by the late Jas Kidd and family, The
lprice paid was 55,500.
1 Mr. Richard Meredith, Q. c., of London.
has been appointed rice -chancellor of the
Chancery Division of the. High Court of
Justicefor Ontario, succeeding the late Hon
Wm Proudfoot..
On Sunday last while John Weir, was
handling a loaded revolver, the weapon
was accidentally discharged, and the baU
entered bis hand between the thumb and
finger severely injuring that member.
Last week, while Master John MaEwau,
son of Mr Malcolm MoEwan, of Stanley,
was crawling along the roof of the barn, he
slipped and fell to the floor, breaking his"
right arm a little abovethe wrist.
111r 0. W. Coulter, barrister, of Cayuga,
Haldimand do-, will take charge of the
Crown business at the fall assizes in God -
oriole Three orfour criminal cases will,
come np for trial, but none of them are of
a seriout character.
A sow belonging to Mr Swan, Goderioh
township, last fall littered 14 pigs and
raised 12 ; this spring she had 13 and
raised 11 ; and on the 23rd inst,she litter-
ed 16 more and is raising 15 of them.
This is all inside of 11 months,
Mr .Mawhinney, of Stephen township,
had a real, oldfashioned logging bee one
day last week. He had 32 men at work
for him, he was just driving things.: The
old gentlemen was heard to remark that
he had six sons and six daughters all to.
gether at the tea -table.
The other day, Mr. W. Dunseith's (of
St Marys), ,lar a Newfoundland dland do
g followed
him into the country for a considerable
distanoe, and when returning was chasing
some of Mr Johnson . Stewarts sheep when
Mr D
he shot him: sus would tld no
t have
taken 850 for the dog.
One day last week while Mr Geo Math-
ieson, miller, Thorndale, was, pulling grass
and feeding it to a horse thrugh an'open-
ing in the stable wall, when the horse took
a flying leap and landed outside. This is
remarkable when it is known that the horse
stands 16 hands, and ,t .e opening was five
feet from the floor, and only 2 feet by 2 feet
9 inches in size.
As Messrs Holden and. Holey, of St
Marys, were threshing on the farm of Mr.
Whaley, on the 12 con of East Nissouri, on
Monday week, the straw by some means
caught fire and resulted, in the total des-
truction of the building and its contents,
includingthese arator belonging p g ng to Messrs
Holden- and Haley.
r G. Stewart,
M W . G o
S. of the Lon_
don road, pluton, writes from Harlem,
Dak., ou the 22nd of Sept, as follows :-
Crops here this season are almost a total
fail are, J sewed 150 bushels of wheat last
spring and threshed 282 bushels of chicken
feed In the northren' part of North
Dakota crops ` are good, some farmers
threshed as high as 26 bus, per acro: 'It
will be hard times with the fanners in this
Fall Vales.
1Towiek.... lorrie, Oak 4.
Belgratre, ()et, 7 end 8.
Clinton,. Oct. 1, 2 ansi 3.
Stratford, Oet.2 endo.
Brussels, Oct. 2 and 3.
13ayflele, Oct: 8 and 9.
Granton, Dot, 1 and 2,
Stati'a, Oct. 7 and 8;
Eirkton, Oct 911i and Mb.
AToGi !-r
l t ran
Oet. 3rd,
3'arkhill, Ott. 7111 and, Fait.
Mita Craig, Oct. 9th and 10111.
Airs Belly, of McGillivray, died on lister„
dale, week, General infirmity the Canso.
A ten year old sou of Ur John Dfcaugan,
Delaware, broke hire leg at the ankle the
other day,.
Wiuter sorties We selling for 53.25 per
lib,. in Tuclserentith. where the fruit is aatd
to he plentiful.
Mr Wm. Chapman. of the 2nd concession,
3,, Tue1orsatith, hate corn *Mall
reeaelnree over 13 feet in height.
Mr Mtn Baynham. of McGillivray, has
leased hie 50 acre farm en the 20114 Coat., to
his son•iu-la.w, 4r I9aae Dastard,
We deeply regret to learn of the death of
Antra John Modeleed, of Tucker -smith, tear
Egtnondrille, wbioh oecnrredd on Thursday
On Wednesday morning, Sept, 21tb,
Exurna easels wee married to Ass Alfred
:lathers, sou of ?.Zr Stephen lifetit'rrs, of
alcGi liar
1 A
('ant Greet, of flaii.erieit, cute -termed Waltk) ,
unknown injury the other day, wlii.lt hats
paralyzed hie lower limbs. He will not
The grain Wens c:atnplsin bitterly of the
seaway of e:lr8 at this station. The (iraad
Trunk bad Letter hustle aroand or another
mall will be got in through here before long.
--Seeforth Expositor.
Mr Henry L*dagw.a8:b, of 4cl 0lop, bad
the Intsfartnne to We a wry One two•Fear
old colt Net week. lit jumping over a fence
it cut it body so badly, that the entrails
John Howard's goose was stolen it
Dhl.inlph the otherdlay, and. Aylmer Turner
and AIfrett °liver wore arrested on a charge
of taking the bird. Oliver eoufeseed, and
Turner wee eourieted, SinireaEllwocd and
C. A. Hedging sitting on the ease. The
accused were sent to jail fora month each.
Jr Jones Clark, after gat absence of sod'
enol yeara in Australia, has returned to
Anheriea and is receiviug the greeting of
his many friends. He left the Orient last
April and spent several months in England
and the continent ,.0 Mute for Caned*.
Mr Clark's home is in Greaten.
The barn of Andrew Reid, ten 7, lob 13,
Mullett, was ou Wednesday burned to the
ground, with all the contents. About 800
bushels of wheat, besides oats, barley, .peas
and hay, were destroyed, 89 was also a fat
pig, The fire was started by children
playing with, matches et the atraw•ataok,
The ineurauco is small.
Mr Gibbs bad a valuable horse recently '
pasturing on. Miller's flast. On Thursday
morning feet it was agnate from the field.
It was believed some ono had stolen it, and
notices wore a"cordingiy sent to constables
in the neighboring towns, Last Monday
the animal was found in the field from
which it had been taken by some party or
parties unknown, who evidently returned it
to avoid arrest, --Parkhill Review..
Tito list of convictions made by the
magistrates in the county of Harou, for the
quarter ending tat iust, number 48. of
these 11 were by Goderich magistrates, 8
by Senfurth, 6 by Clinton, 4 by Brussels, 7
by Exeter and the others by magistrates
elsewhere. Of the offences, 7 were for vio-
lation of the license law, 4 of the inform-
ations being laid by the South Riding In-
spector, 2 by the West Riding Inspector
and 1 by the East Riding. The total
amount of the fines imposed was $379, of
which 'thele were 5 350 fines and 2 e20
Blazes -One of Mr Duncan McKellar's
valuable mares died last week. Death was
caused by bursting of the stomach. 51r
McKellar at one time refused 5300 for the;
mare. -Mr Jas Campbell. of the 12th eon -
session, has rented his farm of 1.00 acres
to Mr Templeton for a terns of five years
for 5275 a year.
FAnexs RENTED -The farm of Mr George
Plewes, on the 5th concession, has been
rented to Mr Thos Parsons for five years at
an annual rental of 5250 payable in ad-
vance. -Mr Copp, of Seaforth, has also
rented his farm on the Parr line to Mr Wee.
Sinclair,of uaefieldfor i
Br s a
ears at an
annual rental of 3300.
Banos -Mr Thos Matthews met with a
severe accident, breaking three of his ribs.
He was helping at the threshing at Mr,
Thos Kele'a.2nd eon, when heslipped and
fell to the ground resulting. as stated above.
-Mr Jerry Stapleton has purchased the
McLoughlin farm on the Huron road con
raining 100 sores for the sum of 58,700.
The buildings are in fairly good 'condition.
We trust our friend will live long to enjoy
his prosperity.
Bnin><rs-A horse belonging to Mr A,
Wright, of Fullerton, ran away on Mon-
day, in Mitchell, tied made things pretty.
lively on Main street. The buggy was
badly wreaked. The bit was broken in the
animals mouth'. -One night last week as
one of our eitizena was driving home from
Mitchell his horse was stopped at a short
distance from the village by a number of
half drunken roughs, who seized it by the
head and backed it, into the ditnh, nearly.
throwing the occupants of the buggy out.
The oause of snail rowdyism should be put
down with a firm band as life and property
are becoming unsafe. Several houses were
stoned the same night. -bliss M. A. Mc-
Intyre, Heine of Mx' W. Porteous was mar -
vicinity for the winter. + tied on .Thursday to Mr T. [teal, -yon h,rent
1 ,
< ty`# , °.r, soli of lir Win H al., n c Ozt,'u.'1-(>+i r ruga.
i,, i
'tit. ea. .a.• ;ut r.rerr$1`e vf.SOrt: 3ratulaiiuus.'
gentleman of about 62 years of age an
Bn,varar 41r' David Fotberinglaana, a
ane of the earlypioaeere 4f P.lanahard, suet
with a triseio death on hie farm en con 8,
of the tewaship of illaanshard, the other
afternoon. The deceased Was engaged
with his► teem
drawei!rnb manure
and white
ofaeaand oonfththeefrsoonrtof bthoae mloedd,ettaohehberdidine
vette waye reaultieg in the team runniug
ra 'aye. Ulo wag thrown forward en the
whitlletreea and when picked up�a few
minutes after life waa extinct. He leaves
a wife and grawn•up foully to made fiN
Kiri text.
The annual herveat festival of thanker•
giving wag oheerreel he the congregation
of St Faure Church, Kitkton, sal Sunday,
Sept 281h, at 7, pp nh, with appropriate
aerracesa The church was tris,,, k.
coreted for the oocatlion, with flower, fruit
grain reel veieetable.. A special feature
of the c,tnrch ekeoration catty a Iarge an,
claur suspended over the clheucel,erebedded
eat mete ans feiwere, making under the
lempliebt a brilliant display. .slut cappro
fate semen wee delivered lay the ineuatt-
aent, lie', 1f It Rt. moo. frown Fa ('Xti I. U.
'Whaat, shalt 1 reader unto the Lard for tial
ii-netats u:;tonnet'
4tr Rt r r, a,ur veteelil Otey wear'. gin. to
visitin • (delete in the grates 31r Ural•
�aA e.d?
4r +.�t
of his tae r �..
+. ti, a here.
liac l„ri etionordl 454itty. of liattsti:lr•i.
are ex'p ,rtit'.3 1 it -+ central, at ;Lir enntt,a:
fall fele cat the, •t.h ant till* lust.
Ms'sars M i'niter.. ion dei el, grocers have
erect^tl a handsome new eign.®N1r Wm
triueman is "mending a few Arles with his
brother, Mr .,,antes Ntonetam,of i:;;1e x.Co-
--Mrs and Miss (knit, who have ,teen
visiting that' d ani, hter an>f eider, Airs.
Rev. 3, 14, Henderson: retotrncti home en
Menday _ last. -'MC Waugh. hanker. of
Kan'u9, as spending a kw slays with his
brothcr,W .t Wangit,flurdwaro merchant,
nunaher et meonbers of the Prc.by.
urian Church, turned out on afantfay anti
drew carte' in the shell, thus maternally
adding to the comfort of their horses. -
Rev J 8 Cook returned home on I''ri,l.Le.
last looking h,wce and hearty anti as if
Mouut R 'yal air agreed with him. Mrs
Cook will rem cis for a month -A large
continecut of lTeneallites visited the Ex-
eter eter Fair on Toothy.
kliiuiv ire,
Tho ploplo of this appointment had the
privilege of listeuiug to two exee.ptianally
good sorntons, on Sunday eveuiub Sept 20,
by Rey J Keuuer, of Kirkton, the other
on Sunday evening last by Rev J Russell,
pastor. --A matter lung contemplated has
nt last been brought to au issue, and that
is the heating of the church by a ,hot air
furnace mr Will holland, of Exeter, has
received the eontract and is busily engaged
nt the work. Wm :einem is doing the
carpenter work. The church was un-
comfortably cold last Sunday, but plenty
of hot air may be expected next Sunday.
-many acres of clover is being cut anal a
good yield is expected. -aur. Thos Smile
is employed digging and cleaning out wells.
fie is the Loy to flu,, *cater every time. If
von have a scarcity of water give him a
, 0+-4
It ie with regret many will hear of the
death of one of our oldest and most res-
pet.ted residents, err James Keefe, in the
85th year of his age He died at his
residence` on the 28th nit. He was an
Irishman by birth but a resident of Bid-
dulph township for the last 50 years, and
by his energy and industry he accumulated
property. His funeral took place
from his late residence to the Biddulph
Catholic Cemetery on Wednesday,Oet lst.
-mr T Thompson, Mooresville, is home
again, after his trip to the old sed. He
took in the Toronto Fair on his way home,
and thinks it beats Donnebrook-Fair all
hollow. Mr Sam'l Mountain, of Toronto,
has been visiting his many friends in
Lucan and vicinity for the past week. We
are pleased to hear of your townsman, Mr
Same Popplestone starting store in Cen-
traiia: Mr Crouch, bridge contractor,
deserves special mention for the splendid
bridge , he has just finished over the
Report of S 8 No 6, for the month of
The following aro thenames
of upils whho btained 40 taper cent and
over on written work during the month: -
First Glass, No 2. Ella Catnm 89, Etta
Fletcher 89, ;nasal Joints 85, Ethel Brown
84, Ethel Godbolt 67, Bertha Godbolt 67,
Bertha Upshall 58, Edna Godbolt 56,
David Parish 52 ; No 3 -George Wilcox
60, Cora Rowoliffe 82, Elizabeth'Berryhill
81, Mary Coward 80, Elizabeth Cooper 77,
Maude Woods 75, Emma Delbridge 75,
Nelson Fletcher 71, Wilbert Hunter 71,
Jennie Berryhill 71, Willie. Russell 69,
Leslie Robinson 64, John Cotvard 62,
Part I1 Class, Bryan Rawcliffe 79,
Flossy Andrew 74, George Godbolt 73,
Cora Johns 66, Alice Woods 60.
Second Class, Norman Fletcher ' 80,
Sarah Clement 79, Oran Promisee, Philip
Rowcliffo 65, Helena Johns 59, Eliza Cle-
ment'E8. Mabel miners E7, Franklin Da1.
bridge 63, Gladys Spicer 51, Alice Taylor
45, Elizabeth Johns, 41, Beatrice Del
bridge 40.
Junior 111 Class. Fred'miners 80, Armes
Hunter 79, Ethel"Andrew 72,
Krause 67, Samuel, Johns 66, Edward
Powell 60, Herman Kyle 57, Alioe stiller
56, Orie Powell 54, Ida Upsltall 52, Alice
Harris 45, Edith White 40.
111 Class: Annie Earl 72, Lilly
Halls 70, Maud Britnacontbe 63, iriunie
Clement 60, Athos Francis 53
Fourth Class ,,aura Andrew • 78,
Richard. Johns 72, 1';Wlitlt Turnbull 70,
101,0,7 , „o ° (1, 1 Ether Roweliffe 65,
011.1 'i) _, lar:age 03, . 11011011 Spicer 61,
Bargain Depot
IAruse Goods, (lents' Furnishings, Heady
made Clothing, Belts d Shoes, flat.
Capra, hest Tweed Snitinga ; in fact any
thine; you nee-,. Don't forget to call at
orrice], Layers' resect, Rftcre ,jou. get
value every time without BAITING.
a ember there is /awwaya a sharp hook
IS the laying bait anti it le more to
catch the unwsaty a'nuer or Intel, [5'0
ad that meritorious tuella sella, at a.
living, prt:£at le our best train aaiivertis
t ,^lttof this is the sc.tret 'cf our
8ereasing trade.
We pay the very top figure, t et; io or
ash, for Aral pry lino. -
We" -et 3 cerle a,le ofe'ive;i i,.3rl *cot;s➢.
Market*tore Exeter,
olio watt Johns n
¢ dale a v r t
f 4 f
A Ont ra. 1.'41
Fifer C'1 .�s. Met rel., 31 �'
(ldaa ,,ntlrew,S➢, Jeadtiile* Tur,al.ldil
ClUit Johns 74,. t1. &4 s li'i a,.s rb 45
D'oIs-i -;el s (Tera mil Oracle t'iirag,3.
oe Lunt,^.sn, ars the guests of Mrs. ,:'t;,
Hoispsr.-N1s 's 11 11o,1traat',at rlaari fel' o 1
of Lotion, rarer paying NITS, Dietz a short
vi tt M'.:its Wm IL Mosho.4. and '.litos4
Finl.lseirt>g left on Rid to la9t on the ex-
tursion to Chi a„ n, Mr I*inkloeiner will
stay las be his a twit -r4 neral there AU l Mr
Morse k w.'ull upend a few ti t;.i tieing up
the city. -$lint Lira Event, n, lTensall, Ia
bpentiini is few 'days with frim la here and
is the guest of Mr Win iteltelis suit
Lit 'of S .l.rin ,v'itl' nh.,3 crabs .va.it'nt leer aa:
sister:t1ra i' t.tciater, Iris returne 1 tea her
leaving many friends whore she
leerent ak.lt0 Litatc�i with dining her stay.
1 s . n_ Hill hal b,ose 4n La short yid*,
fila her lh.ardents in Milverton, Oat'--Mel4Grs
Chas ltrowvu an I Chas Kibler were in Mer-
lin !teat week as deleted% s attending the S.
S. er+fvention berg,1 there. -:hire Cleo Itert-
tel presentee her hush in 1 with a asst ;lit
and luauu;'ingbaby gill on Thuiaday,seat.
Shako v,eotge -.-Tine brie nn,t tile :Wile
arc easing "Inwn for the season. As the
frosts and rains aro too prevalent and in.
terfero with their work,.. --Mr Conrad
Kuhn's new residence is almost emu-
pleteai `ami presents a Li tudso ne appear-
ance It is a relit to the town, the arch.
heel 801 to Ur Kohn h'imeolf.-During
the past week as pr ttrthenl watttlauhtiter and
jeweler has elm to the village awl has
taken: tip quarters in that part of stir
flick's building, 'lately ccIu ted by Dr
Amos, W e needed a *practical mail here
and would Idle to thee hien well patronizteal.
-A lady visiting in Crediton said, "I
like your village very nuteli but stn very
sorry to see such a ruffianly lot of boys on
your streets during the evenines and e:'.
pecially on Sun,Iro3 eve; s." This she is
perfectly justified fa saying. And it is to
shame that we can't have better order in
our otherwise peaceful village. Who is to
blame 1 -As intimated last week a fashion-
able wedding which uveas anxiously waited
for. took place in the German elinre h, on
Thursday last in which the contracting
parties were Mr John F Gunther, of Pei
ham township, Welland Co, Out, and;
etiss Bertha Either, daughter of Chas
Either of this place. At about one o'clock
p, in. the church pews were gradually
filling up. and soon the body of the church
was well filled with invited guests
and others. Presently the bridal
party arrived in a eat riage at the church
door and soon marched up to the altar,
the organist meanwhile discoursing sweat
strains of music. The bride was led by
aur Ben Either who acted as best man.
while the bridegroom led the bridesmaid.
The ceremonp was at once commenced by
Rev err Staebler and was of short dura-
tion, the nuptials being pledged by a ring
The bride was elegantly dressed in a
cream cashmere suit with train, pink
slippers, a beautiful net veil with a wreath
of orange blossoms. The bridesmaid, bliss
Leah Heitztnan, was dressed in a stat of
cream 'h tis veiling and woreorange
blossoms. The bridegroonh and Best mea
wore the
conventiot 1
ha black
h re
of orange blossoms. After the ceremony
they retired to the vestry and received the
congratulations of their numerous friends.
Honeymoon travelling will take in several
Canadian and American cities before their
return. -Again the grim hand of death
has appeared and snatched frotn our
midst one of our number:. We refer to
the death of Richard Haletey aged 17
years, and a few. months, *Mob asci event
occurred on Monday morning least. '`He
was a smart and votive bo until
Y about
January last, when he Was taken down
with h an 88110010 of la grippe slid pneumonia
which teeeed to'c i
onsumpthou, end-
ing in death. daring the past summer he
has been able to be out considerably and
he wasiven all the outing and e
g r;xe league
his health would '.,permit. : Everything
was doneto alleviate his sufferings and to
humor hint, He was an intelligent and
friendlyboy and was beloved %
Y 0 ed by all who
knew bila, and duringg his seeness had a
y 'friends
great roan icall on him mostly
every day. "He wa, a son of mr Jas Harvey.
hostler, at l-[awksheee's hotel,Exeter,
acid has lived with his uncle, err ui
together with This mother, 3
sisters and ono ' brother slime he was a
They have The heartfelt synl' yatll ,,of the
aonwmunbaby. ity1-lein their bolytmeavemeissednbYt: thTheem.
funeral tooklace on W \ r
p etlnesdiay to the •
cemetery here aril, was largely attended.
14faadson of ,h.s hC i I.J i
iurst, was lobbed
of $4'0 at Howell' one day last week.