HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-03-14, Page 12PAGE TWELVE WildIrVISOIRy MOO is deadline for Classified Ada. Fivia 'lines or 50cr, 10c'for each additional line. ' 2Sc extra for office box number. 1.A. For Sale (General) pov, Tan ,ES1 BUY IN USED ‘"" applinnees, see SHORE AP- PLIANCES, on the Square. Your Frigidaire Dealer. Branch agent for CNR money orders. -3,2tf gienid EuppAea (rubber goods) ed postpaid in plain, sealed eldeelope with price list. Six sara- ples 25e; 24 sa ples $1.00. Man Orddr Dept. T-53. NOV- UBBER SPECIAL PRICES ON OUR USED electric washers, ranges and. refrigerators. Bargain buys. Mac - road. Your General Ilectric Ap- pliance dealer. Phone 235. THE GO fERICICSIGNAL-ST. AR ' grey, six and seven years old, well .broken. Apply FRED HOR- j :SED LUMBER FROM HOUSE - 26' x 36', inside sheathing and sills; 1000 feet pine flooring, rafters and studding. I-RA.1\K McMICH- AEL, R.R. 4, Goderich. Phone Carlow 1108. 11-12x SEVERAL SECOND HAND TV P`" sets, 17 and 21 inch, all with rebuilt guarantee. HURON TOW- ER INSTALLATION, P.O. Box 602, Goderich. Phone 1344M. --43tf SCHUMMER CHICKS SINCE 1939. " Formerly Moukton "Extra Pro- fit" Chicks. We specialize in egg production breeds only: Suss X Red; Red X Sass; Red X Rock; Rhode Island Reds; Leghorns; Leg- horn Crosses. Free delivery. SCHUM.MER'S HATCHERIES, Lin- wood. Agent, STANLEY MeGRAT- TEN, Phone 3008 Carlow. -2tf FITTER THE PURINA SUPER 41-** Chick Startena Sweepstakes to- day. Nothing to buy, just write your name and addeess, and you may win a fully equipped alum- inum cage layer house complete with 1000 laying pullets. GEO. WRAITH, Purina Feeds, Phone 1285, Montreal street, Go-derich. -6tf "" tractor; used Massey -Harris 22 tractor; two and four-wheel used spreadere; Gehl hammer mill; Strunk chain saws, corn sheller. GEORGE WRAITH, Waterloo M -M Farm Machinery. Phone 1285, Montreal street, Gederich. -6t1 -POTATOES, NO. 1 KATADIN. These are good table potatdes, nice cookers. Get yours now, and avoid disappointment, only limitee supply left. FRED BFIL & SONS, Bellview Fruit Farm, R.R. 2, Gode- rich, phone 1260 W 4. -71f ipPIONEER CHICK STARTER Crumbles. Used by many good poultrym.en. Available- at x 36, white with eolored border and plain white, 94c pair; kiddies T shirts, 39c; kiddies corduroy jeans, $1.00; dish cloths, 2 for 25c; ladies fancy rayon and nylon and acetate panties, 49c, 2 for 93c. See these at TEXTILE SHOP, "Sell Out." -11 cages and supplies; gold fish, fish bowls and supplies. GODE- phone 105e -9tf .1957 21 -INCH TELEVISION FOR only $199.50, trade-in ac - AND TV, Htuon road, S. (INE MERCURY DISSTON 9 H.P. saw, model DA -211, two-man saw with 36 -inch spar. two years old. Apply PERCY RILEY, lot 32, concession 14, Goderich Town- ship, R.R. 3, Clinton. -10-11 gas range, only $19.50. It's a steal. 1 USED 3 -BURNER HEAVY DUTY electric range—new elements. Only $29.95. 1 USED RANGETTE—NEW ELE- MENTS. Only $19.95. 1 USED 21" GE. TV SET. ONLY $134.50. 1 USED MANTLE RADIO, 5 -TUBE Looks like new. Only $14.50. • GET A NEW WESTINGHOUSE IA/rasher. Maly $114.95 and your old washer. NEW 21" FRINGE AREA 20 -TUBE Westinghouse TV sets with aluminized tube. Only ,$199.95. TRADE. IN YOUR OLD STOVE 'on a new Westinghouse. Only $199.95. Completely automatic. WILF RADIO SERVICE. Hamilton St. JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTOR, " 51/2 hp., complete with fuel tank. Call at 283 Huron road be- tween Vend 8 p.m, llx SPECIAL THIS WEEK AT INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE OFFICE Small cement block building on South street, $2,500.00, suitable for a small business; might be convert- ed toedwelling. One of the most modern ranch - style bungalows, in an excellent, newly developed area in west end of town, one block from the lake. The dwelling is of first-class style throughout*, with attached two -car garage, There are two large bed- rooms, large living room and din- ing area, nicely appointed kitchen with mahogany panelling, modern tiled bathroom, laundry -utility room, small office; heat by a Gen- eral Motors Delco -Heat oil furnace. Dwelling is on a very lovely lot. Shown by appointment only. • 2, only, Kraehler Rockers, 1 nylon, 1 wool Freize cover. Reg. $69.95/ 1 Full Skirt CORANADO Washer, 5 year warranty, reg. $119.50, only $95.00, with trade. Shop and Save at Phone 240 - Goderich -11 'WEARING APPAREL, LADY'S " print tdress, taffeta dress and enavy blue suite, size 14, in good condition. Phone 15. -11 *RODNEY OATS AND BRANT barley, grown from registered seed; also cob corn. WILFRED PE.NTLAND, phone 64 r 14, Dun- gannon. 4041 e_ARY SEED GAMS, CLEANED nex electric motor and New Idea spreaders and mower. GEORGE WRAITH, Montreal street. Phone 1285. -10 -RODNE'Y SEED OAI1S, GOVERN- MENT tested No. 1, germina- tion 96%, grown from No. 1 regis- tered seed. LAWRENC:E PLAETZ- ER, Auburn. Phone 19r 16, Blyth. SELLING OUT AT WEE TEXTILE SHOP, West street. Come in .for bargains. -11 RAILED -HAY-, TIMOTHY AND *1— Alfalfa. ARNOLD STOTHERS, R.R. 6, Goderich, phone Dungan - ASK BIG -4 HATDCHERY AGENT here 'for pricelfst. Available now are started pullets, all ages, at special prices. March is a key month for chick buyers. Wide choice breeds, crosses, and -"spec- ials" like Ames In -Cross (Extra eggs, low overhead), Pulch White Rocks (broilers right weight, low feed overhead, too). Agent is RYAN & SON, Gederich. Phone ITSM VACUUM CLEANERS FOR E. RUTTAN. 172 Picton street W., Goderich. Phone 1154. 11-12x .REFRIGERATOR, IN FIRST- CLASS t ondition. Apply 10, The Square. • llx Re41 Estate __ —A— New frame three:bedroom bunga- low, Choice location, picture win- dow, full price $7500. Mortkage can be arranged. Remodelled five -room house with garage, oil furnace, west end, $4700. Large brick home, choice loca- tion, very reasonably priced. Lakefront properties :n Gode- MALCOLM MATHERS 46 West St. Phone 115W HAROL W. SHORE 0 REAL ESTATE RtoKER New Frame, Storey and One-half In a central location, near schools and business section, this immaculate six -room home con- tains modern kitchen in which are built-in cupboards, eounters and breakfast nook, large, bright living room, dining room, three bed- rooms and four -piece bathroom, all of which are very economically heated by forced -air oil furnace. In the -full basement are a recrea- tion room finished in sylvaply and launddy facilities. Situated on a deep :lot with garage. Down pay; meat as low as $3,500, with balance on monthly payments. Seven -Room Frame—Close to Square Only one-half . block 'from the Square, this frame home cofitains four bedrooms, living room, dining reeln .and kitchen with built-in cupboards. OnlY $4,750. Low Down Payment. Six -Room Bungalow—Near Lake In first-class condition, this new frame home has three comfortable bedrooms, each with , clothes closets, large living room and completely modern kitchen. air furnace- and laimdry tubs. Situ- ated on a large lot, with garage in a good west-enerlacarion. 85 Acre Farm ---Highway 21 With spring "just a the corner" see this good 85 acre farm today. Sixdoom house, large L-shaped barn. Only $7,500. Very law dawn payment required. Good terms on balance. WANT ADS MUMMY, MARCH 114th, 1957 Classified Ads ipn CASH BASIS. Cluitrga; of 25c ,extra ads not paid by SATURDAY NeVIN of week of publleireien Classified Ads On Cash 5 lines or less 50c jach additional line, 10c Basis Unless ads are paid for by SATURDAY NO N of week eff publication there is an extra charge of 25c per adver- tisement for bookkeeping expenses. INTER THE SEleILING FIELDI1 ' Join a PROGRESSIVE COM- PANY. Full or part-time agents make . E EARNINGS selling househigGneeessities, toiletries and farm specialties. Openings available in your surroundings. Wherever you may Iive ask for details and free catalogue, 1600 Delorimier Dept. 50, Station C, Montreal. -11 LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES IN- . VITED Phone 766 Hamilton Street Goderich 1)EALER REPRESENTATIVE for large farm and inelustrial equipment manufacturer and dis- tributor, Goderich or vicinity. In- vestigate our new low initial in- vestment and low financial risk plan that will allow a person to get into business years ahead of normal. Main requirements are youth, health, sincere desire to make money by meeting,- selling, and trading with the public. Reply by letter, BOX 85, SIGNAL - STAR. ,41-12 160 ACRE FARM, FOR SALE rich Township, 47 acres ploughed, 37 acres of hay, 15 acres bush, rest in pasture. Plenty of water. Good house and barn, hydro and water on pressure. GORDON GILBERT, R.R. No. 2, Bayfield. Phone HU 2-9934, Clinton. llx T ,EADING AMERICAN COMPANY requires women to introduce their nationally advertised cos- metics. Without previous experi- ence, you will earn at least $3.26 per hour with our unique demon- strator plan. No stack to buy, no delivering, no collecting of money, and you choose your own working hours. For complete information write Dept. 106, PEGGY NEWTON (CANADA) LIMITED, Dundas, Ont. -11 80 ACRES OF LAND ON BLUE Water Highway 21, three nines uth of Goderich, priced reason- able. BENSON SOWERI3Y, R.R. 2, Wartime house, reasonable down payment, balance $27.00 a month. On the outskirts of town a very good home, 10 acres of land, small barn and henhouse. TOURLST BUSINESS, modern home with a number of furnished cabins. Priced far below its value. INSUL - BRICK Four - bedroom home in good condition, only $5,000. ON LAKE BANN—Very well- built three-bedroom stucco home. New furnace. Only $6,400. Close to -Goderich, 80 acres clay loam, good house, barn, driving shed, garage, lots of fruit, full price $10,000. Mortgage can be We have a nice het of farms for sale, also farm.s for rente- One close to Goderich on highway, good home and large barn Lots. Stores. Income propertiee. Cottages. Buying or selling contact JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley Srieet, Goderich Phone 1108. Goderich. -11 WANTED AGGRESSIVE MEN fo supplement our sales staff for your pistrict. The men we are looking for must be willing to learn and work hard as there are excellent opportunities -for ad- vancement. Direct selling experi- ence an advanta-ge, car a necessity. Same commission paid on each year'srenewals. Sales training pro- vided. Replies confidential. Give full particulars in first letter in- cluding age, experience andephone number to BOX 817, London, Ontario. ONTARIO AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION. -11 TEACHERS WANTED IaRINCIPAL WANTED bookkeeper and • typist, excel- lent working cqnclitions, good start- ing salary. Phone or write Person- nel Manager, DOMINION ROAD MACHINERY COMPANY. -10-11 PRIVATE CLUB LODGE Man and wife capable of taking charge of camp ell year round. Man must be good at maintenance, with managerial ability. Wife to be A-1 cook and housekeeper. Ex- pected average attendance 80 pere sons. Location one mile from Port Elgin. Send applications to JOE B. KENNY, 1852 Tourangeau road, W indsor, Ontario. -10-11 SITUDENT TELEGRAPH OPERATORS Are Required by CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Excelltht opportunities for young men age 171A or older, preferably with two years hith school. Receive pay while training as a. telegraph operator -agent and be trained at a station near your home. Inquire from your nearest C.N.R. -11 80 AmEs rrialMD CONCES- SION of Guderich Township, 3 miles south of Goderich. BENSON -11 ELDERLY WOMAN TO LOOK after two children while mother works. 239 Camerordstreet, phone 1361d. -11 6. Wanted (General) Mani:ENT, ' private bath, store -room, available April lst. Phone 482J, -11-13 ,NIENT with bath, heated, at 98 Park street, hot water heating and hot water su,pplied. A.vailable April 1. Phone 50 for further in- formation. -11-13 bath, unfurnished, above, Fish and Chip Store, Hamilton street. Contact MISS ANNA MOSER. llx two bedrhoms upstairs, three rooms downstairs, private entrance. MRS. A. QUIGLEY, 46 Bruce street. 10x rent, threeepieee bath, heat, reasonable price. Contact OVER- HOLT'S GROCEIREES, Huron road. Phone 664. -10ti HEATED APARTMENT, SELF- •-•"' CONTAINED. two bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bath. Phone 200W, after 5 p.m. 1014J. land. Good water supply, can be used for pasture. CHAS. MIT- CHELL, R.R. 5, Goderich. 40-11 'TWO -ROOM APARTMEN T, heated, furnished or unfurnish- ed, bathroom, use of frig. and washing machine. Phone 1051W, 142 lareDonald street. 11-12x FURNISHED, HEATED, APART- "- MENT, immediate possession. For further information phone 570. -10 HEATED APARTMENT, MOD- •""- ERN kitchen and bathroom, hardwood floors throughout; above A. M. Harper's office, 33 Hamilton street. For further particulars apply to R. C. HAYS, 33 Montreal street. -10tf 9. Coming Events -(ILD HORSES WANTI:113---AT. If dead, phone at oneed;GILBedItT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- lect 1483 J 4 or 1483 J 1. -ltf CHLLD'S TRICYCLE WANTED ` for 5 year old, must be in good condition. MRS. WOLTER- GOOD USED OUTBOARD P.O. BOX 229, Gaderich, or phone Dunpville Public School Board requirea isr-Steddeinbeie 7. To. Rent PRINCIPAL For a new,, modern 8 -room schaol, Kindergarten to Grade 8. Salary schedule -in effect. Principal's salary to be arranged with the Board. Please send full particulars—re— experience in all types of schools, qualifications, age, religion, marital statuse name of present and last Sec'y, Public School Board, Dunnville, Ont. -10-11 2. Real Estate Wanted WANTED.—LISTINGS OF PRO- CHAPMAN, Realtor. Phone 18W. SELLING YOUR PROPER:TY ? " List where you get the beet results. Farm properties co-operatively listed with other brokers in prin- cipal cities throughout Western Ontario. . List today, with , HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate Broker 38 Hamilton St., Goderich Phone" 766 WANTED:d-LISTINGS OF PRO PERTIES for sale. No charge to you until property is sold Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode- rich. Phone 115W. 4.21.1 3. Agents Wanted WANTED AT ONCE — RAW - LEIGH Dealer in Huron Coun- ty. Write RAWLEIGH'S DEPT. paw a. by "Look Out—For Spring And Toh9se Buys°° SAM1S MOTORS 54 IIONTIAC 2 -door 53 BUICK SUPER 53 BUICK SEDAN 53 oiev 2 -DOOR DELUXE 52 CHRYSLER SeDAN 51 PONTIAC TUDOR " 47 PONTIAC 47 CHEV TUDOR teACH .And in Trucks: 55 GMC *RUCK tts) GOIARACH ONTA 10 TEAoHER, WANTED Principal for five -room public school located iri the village of Jarvis. Services' starting Septem- ber, 1957. Applicants kindly state salary and qualifications. JARVIS PUBLIC SCHOOL, Ivan W. Holmes, Secretary, e Jarvis, Ont. -10-11 Township (Porter's Hill school), duties to commepce September, 1957. Apply stating salary expect- ed, qualffications and experience to 'ARGYLE LOCKHART, Secrer tary-Treashrer; R.R. 1, Goderich. ATAKE YOUR HOUSEWORK easier by renting a floor pol- ishei and vacuum eleaner from SHORE APPLIANCE3, on the Square. -35tf '"`' newly decorated. Available February 1. Apply O'BRIEN'S MEAT MARKET -31,f STORE ON NORTH SIDE OF " Square, 20efoet frontage. Ap- ply J. A. CAMPBELL at Campbell's TWO THREE-ROOM UNFURN- the Square, second floor, hot water heating by oil, three-piece bath in each apartment. Phone .90 or 328. CULBERT'S BAKERY ; "TR. HOME OF TASTY PASTRY" SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Devil's Food 13anana Layer Cake Marshmallow Pilling and Chocolate Creme Ichig . 40o HOT GROSS BUNS don. 40c ..BOiTON CREA1VI AND CHERRY BOSTON PIES ea. 600. • We are now at our Goderich Studio all the tiene. In addition to portraits, we also handle religious goods, artist supplies, framed prints, and picture framing. Mac- Laren's Studio, telephone 401, NEW BLANKETS from your old (woollens. Special anniversary sale for month of March . Phone MRS. DOCKSTADER, 647W for details. -10 GoderielrPavilien, dancing every. Saturday night, Paul Cross and Euchre and "500" card party at the Orange Hall, Hamilton street, Thursday evening, March 14, at 8 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. -9 The annual "At -Home" of Blue Water Charpter No. 284, Order ,of the Eastern Star, will be held in the Goderich District Collegiate, on Friday, March 22. Dancing 9-1 to the music of Paul Cross and his orchestra. Prizes and lunch. Ad- mission $2.00 per couple. Dress Bazaar, bake sale and tea, under auspices of Women's Institute, will be on the efternoon of March 21, in MacKay Hall. -9-10 THREE-ROOM APARTMENT 1 ''' vacant; heated, hot water. Ap- ply 179 'Lighthouse street, Gode- SMALL HOUSE, M.ODERN KIT- " CHEN and bath, oil furnace, attractively furnished. Phone 429W. -6tf pROTESTANT TEACHER WANT - and Gexlerich Townships, (Summer- hill), duties to commence Seetem ber, 1957. School has oil heating system. Applicants should state qu'alifications and salary expected. MRS. ROSS LOV'ETT, Secretary - Treasurer, A.R. 1, Lonelesboro,, On- tario. 41-12 4. Help Wanted WAITRESS WANTED. APPLY BEDFORD HOTEL. -1P YOUNG WOMAN FOR CASHIER r" duties and store work. Applet manager, DOMINION STORES LIMITED, Gederich. -10 Ii1DMALE HELP, EXPERIENCED, • .typist, excellent working con-, ditions, good starting salary. Phone or write Personnel Manager, DOMINION ROAD MACHINERY " PEER firemen for thie Town ot Gaderich will be received by the undersigned up to Tuesday, April 2, 1957. *Applicant to state age addrese and place of employment:, J. JAIOGGARTH, Fire Chief, oa' RALPH KINGSWELL, Secretary, -10-13 APPLICATION'S WILL "BE RE- C,EIVED by the undersigned up until Monday, April 1, at 8 pen. for the fresitian. of caretaker for the Tranship Hall. Living quart- ers peovided in east wing. For full paeliculars as to duties ed- pected, apply to MRS. WI,LLIAM SAILOWS, Colborne Township -10-11 furnished, self-contained apart- ment, newly decorated. Utilities paid. Adults only. Immediate 'poi: session. Apply 92 Cambria road. Phone 387M. -7tf VURNLSTIED FOUR -ROOM BASE- -11" MEM' a.partment, utilities and heat supplied. Available immedi- ately. MRS. KEN ALLIN, Maple Leaf Cabins. -7tf 11. Auction Sqles LAND Sale Barn, Bervie, on FRIDAY, M,ARCH 15, at 1.30 60 or more fresh and springing Holstein cows and heifers; few Ayrshire, Jersey cows and Holstein heifer calves. Itemized on radio. 41 Rummage Sale at MacKay Hall, Saturday, March 30, at 1.30 p.m., under the auspices „of the Kinette Club of Goderich. -10-13 It's a Must ! !—Come out and C celebrate St. Patrick's Day on W Saturday, March 16, at MacKay L Hall — delicious buffet supper served from 5 to 7.30 p.m. by St. Peter's. -10-11 FOUR -ROOM AP ARTM EN T, ground floor, newly decorated, hot water, one block from Square. JOHN MOSS, Barber, 163 East street. -9 Two small apartments for rent, Kingston street. Each has living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bath. MALCOLM MATIfERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West street. Phone 115W. RRIGHT COMFORTABLE " apartment on Square, self-con- tained. tApply G. WHALEY, phone NEWLY DECORATED -APART- MENT over Tots and Teens. Phone 423R. -8tf EXTENSIVE CLEARING AUC- TION SALE of Fartm Stock, ',implements, feed and grain, of the 'estate of the late Hugh J. Doig at I his former eesidenee at Lot 5, Con- , cession 9, Colborne Township, 11/4 miles north of Carlow and one mile west, on TUESDAY, APRIL 2 at 12 o'clock sharp. EDWARD W' WallAuct?oTTnee' r. WILLIAM DOIG, Administrator of the Estate. -11 AUCTION SALE OF FARM at the home of Lawrence Snyder, one-half mile east of Saltford Vil- lage, on MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1957 at 1 o'clock Model 33 Oliver 12 foot conibine with pick-up and bean attachments; Ferguson tractor, 2 years old, good as new; Oliver 88 standard tractor, with live P.T. (Tractors cap be sold half cash—balance six months); full line of power machinery; nerw 'building 22 x 14,'-ehanty roof, can easily be moved; 2,000 bushels Ajax oats, good for seed; also full line of farm 'equipment. No reserve as farm has been sold. 'LAWRENCE SNYDER, 11-12x AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS will be sold at lot 14, concession 2, Stanley Township, 1.1,e miles west of Bincefield, on MONDAY, MARCH 18 at 1 p.m., consisting of: CATTLE -25. Hhlstein cows and heifers, new milkers and close springers, mostly ail vaccinated; 1 registered Hereford bull, 2 years old; several young calves. MA y. — Massey -Harris Na. fi0 tractor, in good condition; International B.N. tractor; Otaco manure spreader on rubber; Inter- national 16 -plate tractor disc; 3 - section of Cockshutt drags; manure loader for small tractor. FEED -500 bales of hay, also a quantity of baled cut straw. Proprietors. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. The "Irish Group" of the Ben - miller. WA. are holding a tea, bake sale and variety concert in the Benmiller Church on Wednes- day, March 20, from 2 to 4.30. Everyone welcome. 4,041 Concert by Harbouraires in GDCI auditorium, Monday, Maef-h. musical treat by local talent. -11 HEATIOD APARTMENT, TWO roorns, comfortably furnished, good location, immediate posses- sion. Agent, MISS MARY B. HOWELL, 10 St. Vincent street, Phone 213. -47tf 100 .A.,ORES, FOR GRASS OR <Top on shares (best offer). Lot 4, concession 11; Colborne Township. MRS. CLIFF 'MIND - LEY or DONAID RIONDLEY, R.R. 10114FORTABLE ROOM, TWIN light housekeeping° if dopired. Phone MM. -11 WCTU meets at the home- of T. Mitchell, 84 Park street, 3 p.m., March 19. Roll call; Your most 'beloved Commandment. 11 - gih oar 12 Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents, (will he received by the undersigned until 6 p.m., Mon- day, April 1, 1957. For crushing. and hauling ap- proximately 5,000 cubic yards of Y.1 " screen gravel from the town- ship pit to be delivered and spread to the satisfaction of the Road Superintendent, Melvon Good, 'by June 1, 1957. A marked cheque for $100.00 must accompany each tender. 0., Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. MRS. WM. SALLOWS, TownshiP Clerk, R.R. 5, Goderich, Ontario. -11-12 14. In Memoriant LARDER.—In loving memory of dear mother and grandmother, Ada M: Larder, who passed away one year ago, March 17, 1956. She bade no one her last farewell, She said good-bye to none, Thee -heavenly_ gates _were open.ed, A loving voice said, "Come." We often St- and think of you, The things you used to say; We wonder why you had to die Without a chance to say good- bye. Though out of eight, you're ever Still missed, still loved, still ours, You will live with us in memory Until the end of time. —Sadly missed and ever re- membered by Edna, Wilfred, Bill and Barbara; Vera, .Harold, Jean. Clem and children. 1 lx —other Ciagsified Ads on Page 5 The ,Red Cross is the reverse of the flag df Switzerland. It is trib- ute to the Swiss founder of the Red Cross, Henri Dunant. -11 The Goderich Jaycettes are hold- ing their annual St. Patrick's dance at the Arena, March '16. $2.00 pel couple. Lunch served. Proceeds for new wing at hospital. -11 North Street United Church- W.M.S. Evening Auxiliary will meet on March 19 in the church hall. The group in charge of Mrs. Pearl Straughan will conduct the meeting. -11 The Apron Group of W.A. of North Street • United Church is' sponsoring a free demonstxation of Needle atrtomatic sewing ma- chines, Monday, March 18, at 8 p.m., at the church. Everyone welcome. 41 The Goderich Women's Hospital Auxiliary will meet in the board room at the hospital on Monday, March 1-8, at 3 p.m. -11 Rummage sale sponsored by Beta Sigma Phi, on Saturday, 1VLarch 23, at 2 p.m., in store formerly oc- cupied °by McCreath's Grocery, Square. 41-12 10. Briefs Order Shall furnace oil and „ itove oil from Edward Fuels, tanit true!: deeler for all Shell Oil Co proeucts. Phone 98. -39tf Wilson's Delivery Service, agent for truce Dry Cleaners. Free pla- t* and delivery. Phone 1177W, 'Sample§ of out picture mould. ings on display at Chas. Larder's ,Paint,,,Shop.. Orders niam_be left there for frsming. MieLaren's In Heating, too - ONLY ONE CAN BE THE FINEST Heating for your home should be a carefully considered investment. And you would do well to give important consideration to TIMKEN Silent Automatic . .. the most honored name in heating.Whether gas or oil -fired heating is your preference, you will find TIMKEN rehognized the world over for quality, dependability and money -saving efficiency of operation. May we suggest TnincEN Nilent Automatic HEATING as the logical choice for your home? • We are proud toHbEeATanINaGuthorized TIMKEN Saint Automatic dealer . .. and proud, too, that each of our men is factory - trained by TIMKEN, so that you may always be assured of skilled, informed workmanship in the installation or service of your quality TreereEN Silent Automat,ic HEATING PLANT. len/ //riewirtilee" itrA AT SERVICE ELECTRIC PHONE 805W and 81)0J vtetonIA ST. o