HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-02-21, Page 10..PAIGE TEN Wodn.uley men Is .1 dlb+e for Classified Ars. Five lines sr loss. 50c; 10c for each additional line. 25c extra for office box number. THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR- . )A. For Sale (General) I BOX TRAILER WLTfl HITCH, _ 1 $20; bedroom chair, $2; child's FOR THE BES1 BUY IN U*ED ' rocking chair, $1. Apply 143 Mac- appfiances, see SHORE AP- Donald street. -8 / PLIANCES, on the Square. Your Frigidaire Dealer. Branch agent for CNR money orders. -12tf BABY BUDGIES $7.ii5; BIRD cages, seed and pet supplies; gold fish and supplies. GODERICH FLOWERS, 99 I3ruce street, phone .,.105. . -18tf Hygienic t uppues (rubaer goods) m..iled postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six sam- ples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mali Ord‘r Dept. T-53. NOV-RUBBER CO., • I,oc 91, Hamilton. Ont. 14 LOWEIts FOR ALL OCCAS- IONS. Seasonal pot plants from our own greenhouse. Flowers telegraphed anywhere. GODERICH FLOWERS, 99 Bruce street, phone 105. , -18tf SPECIAL PRICES ON OUR USED electric washers, ranges and refrigerators. ilargain buys. Mac - DONALD ELECTRIC, Britannia road. Your General Electric Ap- pliance dealer. Phone 235. -19tf, SEVERAL SECOND HAND TV sets, 17 and 21 inch, all with rebuilt guarantee. IIURON TOW- ER LNSTALLATION, P.U. Box 602, Goderich. Phone 1344M. -43tf SCHUMMER CHICKS SINCE 1939. Formerly .Monkton "Extra Pro- fit" Chicks. We specialize in egg productiotr breeds only: Suss X Red; Red X Suss; Red X Rock; Rhode Island Reds;, Leghorns; Leg- IIern Crosses. Free delivery. SCHUMI4ER'S HATCHERIES, Lin- wood. Agent. STANLEY McGRAT- TEN, Phone 3008 Carlow. -2tf EXTRA CHOICE EA'r1NG apples, Golden Delicious and Spys; also Greenings, good for cooking. FRED BELL ' & SONS, Bellview Fruit Farm, R.R. 2,. Gode- rich, phone 1260 W 4. -7-8 'ENTER THE PURINA SUPER Chick Startena Sweepstakes to- day. Nothing to buy,, just write your name and address, and you may win a fully equipped alum- inum cage layer house complete with 1000 laying pullets. GEO. WRAITH, Purina Feeds, Phone 1285, Montreal street, Goderich. • -6tf T USED MASSEY-I IARRIS 81 •V - tractor; used -Massey -Harris -22- tractor; two and four-wheel used spreaders; 'Geld- Strunk Ge}iI Strunk chain saws, corn shelter. GEORGE 'WRAITH, Waterloo M -M Farm Machinery. Phone 1285. Montreal street, Goderich. -6tf TWO, ONLY, THREE-WAY BEAT - . EAT. TY pumps, in ,excellent condi- tion, Suitable for a jack or wind- mill, $35.00 each; also one Beatty jet pump suitable for wells to 70 feet. K. K. DAWSON. franchise Beatty dealer, Dungannon, phone 36 r 3. -7tf • 1)OTATOES, NO. • 1 KATADLN. These are good table potatoes, nice cookers. Get yours now, and avoid disappointment, only limited supply Ieft. FRED BF11. & SONS, Bellview Fruit Farm, R.R. 2, Gode- rich, phone 1260 W 4. -7tf NTLNE AND A HALF CU. FT. Admiral frig., automatic de- froster; apartment size McClary electric stove with automatic tim- ing, -heavy duty; Westinghouse washer with pump; studio couch (space saver). Phone 1329J. 8x ASIX PAINTED PEG BOARD PAN- ELS, 4 ft. x 7 it.; also heavy track, 14 feet long, and rollers. 4MacLARENS STUI}IO, phone 401. -8 ().E SOPRANO SAXAPHONE " (Buscher), in excellent condi- tion. Reasonably priced. Phone 1060J or 1206. 8x A SPECIAL BUY LN COTTON print dresses, together with clearance from stock, 82.77 each; French crepe and Normandy crepe dresses, $3.88. Two weeks only. THE TEXTILE SHOP, West street. 8x REFRIGERATOR. 11 2 YEARS old, 9 feet by 6 feet. Apply MRS. KOEIIN, -134. Wellington street in the forenoon. 8x USED 600 X 16 AND 650 X 16 tires; one used 12 x 24 tractor tire; new and used batteries. BRIDGE END SERVICE, Saltford. �'LASS COUNTER TOP CASA, various sizes Reasonably priced. Phone 1206. ANDER- SON'S BOOK CENTRE. 8x BOULEVARD QUALITY DRESS prints, 50c yard; crease resist- ant prints, 59c; others at 47c, 49c, and mill ends, 1 to 5 yards, at 39c. THE TEXTILE SHOP, West street. 8x 8x \T EW COFFEE TABLES, 36 TO 40 inches long, solid walnut legs, arborite tops; 10 large cedar end posts, 9 feet long; hot bed sashes and framers. Apply FRED GIL- BERT, Huron and Mill road, Gode- rich. Phone 1483 J 1. 8x LAST CHANCE TO SAVE $70.00. Two-piece chesterfield with foam rubber cushions, set of three tables, one pair of table lamps, only $269.50. BLACKSTONE FUR- NITURE, phone 240. -8 TWO ARM CHAIRS; BAMBOO draw drapes and track; lin• oleum. Phone 1237W. -8 SAVE $90.00 ON A McCLARY fully automatic deluxe 30'' range with warming drawer. Reg. 5359.50, special $279.50. BLACK - STONE FURNITURE, phone 240. -8 yOUNG 'HOME MAKERS . . . . when buying furniture, Smit- ty's of Hanover can stretch your dollars much farther than any other store in the Province. Your choice of most name brand fur- nishings at wonderful savings and honest :values. For exan.Ole—a mediunk priced, quality, 3 -piece bedroom suite, at a manufacturer's normal retail price pf $335.00 (usual city dealer's price $385.00). OUR price only $230.00, ving you! over $100.00, This is an he est fact—not a bait ad. SM SHOPPING CENTRE, LTD., Han- over -"Serving All Ontario." 8 and 10 WHATEVER YOUR MARKETS most demand ., eggs — meat birds—it pays to t the hest foundation chicks. Big -4 Chicks are considered "to -N" by a big -pl;..„ telitarso : poultry - keepers. We. can quote prices, give full -particulars,- take your order. Lose ne time, early chicks 'Ca tc-'1i b41sl=pay•-m5r—Ver--"" Started' pullets. immediate shipment, spec- ial prices. Agent RYAN & SON. Goderich. Phone 345. -8 *StPE'CIAI. THIS WEEK — GREY nylon space saver bed. reg. $79.50, ' special, 859 50. BLACK - STONE FURNITURE. phone 240. -8 1B. Real Estate HAROLD W. SHORE REAL ESTATE BROKER New Frame, Storey and One-half In a central location, near schools and business section, this immaculate six -room home con- tains modern kitchen, in which are built-in cupboards„ ounters and breakfast nook, large, bright living a-oom, dining room, three bed- rooms and four -piece bathroom, all of which are very economically heated by forced -air oil furnace. In the full basement are a recrea- tion room finished in sylvaply and laundry facilities.. Situated on a deep lot with garage. Down pay- ment as low as $3,500, with balance on monthly payments. Duplex—Central Location Two completely self-contained apartments in this - well -located duplex. Each apartment has two bedrooms, modern kitchen, living room, dining room and ,battroom. Priced to give an excellent return on investment. Family -Size Home—Red Brick North side location. Completely modernized kitchen, dining room. living room, four bedrooms and bathroom. Exceptional terms to the right person. w • Farms - S•everal good farms listed from 85 acres to 300 acres. inquire Town grocery and meat store, 1 profitable turn over, can be bought with or without building. New frame three-bedroom bunga- low, choice location, picture win- dow, full price $7500. Mortgageb can be arranged. Remodelled five -room house with garage, oil furnace, west end, $4700. , Garage, showroom and office, car agency, very good two apartment house, hot water heating with oil furnace, including some machinery, full price $10,000. Large brick home, choice loca- tion, very reasonably priced. Wartime house, reasonable down payment, balance $27.00 a month. On the outskirts of town a very good home, 10 acres of land, small barn and henhouse. On- the highway, a very good 100 acre farm, buildings in good state of repair. This farm has a valu- able milk contract, can be bought with stock and implements and also with 200 acres of land if so desired. We have a nice list of farms for sale, aLso farms for rent. One close to Goderich on highway, good home and large barn Stores. Income properties. Cottages. Buying or selling contact JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley Srreet, Goderich Phone 1108. MALCOLM MATHERS ' INSURANCE ANS REAL ESTATE OFFICE Small cement block building on South street, $2,500.00, suitable for a sin 1 business; might be convert- ed t . dwelling.. ne of:It modern ranch - style bungalow i -excellent, newly developed area in west end of town, one block• from the lake. The dwelling is of first-class style throughout, with attached two -car garage. There are two large bed- rooms, large living'room and din- ing area, nicely appointed kitchen with mahogany panelling, modern tiled bathroom, laundry -utility roam, small office,; heat by a Gen eral Motors Delco -Heat oil furnace. 1 Dwelling is on:..a _very- lovely.. lot. Shoyvn by appointment, only. Lakefront properties :n Gode; rich. MALCOLM MATHERS 46 West St. Phone 115W Insurance Agent Real Estate Broker 1VED'CJ'CED FOR QUICK SALE. STONE HOUSE ON LAKE BANK, ST. GEORGE'S CRESCENT, FORMER LUXURY HOME, TEN ROOMS, TWO BATHS, EXTRAS, GARAGE; OWNERS MUST 'MOVE. LITTLE CASH WILL HANDLE; SPECIAL REDUCTION FOR .ALL CASH. NO I{.EASONABLE OFFER IGNORED. TIME PAYMENTS CONSiI}ERE(). REPLY TO .1. K. HUNTER, BARRISTER, 30 NORTH STREET, PHONE 768; OR WRITE W. A. SUTHERLAND, ROOM 1901, 80 KING WEST, TORONTO, 1. - -7-9 FARM FOR SALE. Brick house, hydro and water pres- sure system throughout, all mod- ern conveniences. Barn 40' x 62'. with large straw shed and steel extensions. This farm is tiled with clay and loamy soil. All inquiries should be addressed to Mr. Walter H. Mason, R.R. No. 3, Blyth, Ontario. This advertisement published free by THE ALLIED FARM SERVICES OF 'CANADA. -8 100 ACRE FARM Modern brick house, bank dairy barn, and driving shed. All land in good state of cultivation with many modern conveniences in all build ings. All inquiries should be addressed today. . to Mr. Russell E. Hayter, R.R. No. 1, Varna, Ontario. LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES IN• VITED Phone 766 Hamilton Street Goderich ('001) 18 ACRE ('LAY i:OAM farm, adjoining Clinton,. on Highway 4. Nine -room modern house, barn. 40' square, double garage, drive s d, and colony house. Vario s ruit trees. CHARLES S7EWART, R. 4, Clin- ton. Phone Iit1 2-7504. 7x This advertisement published free .hy TIFF ALVEI) FARM SERVICES OF CANADA, LONDON, ONTARIO. -8 SMAL.1, GROCERY STORE ON Fast street, equipment. nroper- ty and six -room house with con- veniences; ideal for nensioner or sideline. Annly JOAN MOSS, (barber), 163 East street. 8x "SPEEDY" SPEEDY SAYS: • ilia .■rnsa..M ..r»e,.a by "Get ready for Spring driving with these buys." Classified. Ads On Cash Basis 5 lines or Tess 50c - Each additional line,"'10c Unless ads are paid for by SATURDAY NOON of week of publication there is an extra charge of 25c per adver- tisement for bookkeeping expenses. SIX -ROOM FRAME II 0 U S E, four -piece bath, three bed- rooms and modern kitchen, oil furnace, large landscaped lot. garage. Only one year old. Apply D. COWAN, 148 Warren street. -51 tf 2. Real Estate Wanted WANTED.—LISTINGS OF PRO- PERTIES for sale. 0. F. CHAPMAN, Realtor. Phone 18W. 39tf SELLING YOUR PROPERTY ? List where you get. the best results. List today with HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate Broker 38 Hamilton St., Goderich Phone 766 LISTINGS AND ENQUIRIES IN- VITED, for residential or sum- mer homes; business properties. PETER S. MacEWAN 43A West St. Goderich Phones 230 — 459 WANTED.—LISTINGS OF PRO- PERTIE.S for sale. No charge to you until property is sold. MALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode• rich. Phone 115W. -12tf 3. Agents Wanted li ARN CASH RIGHT IN YOUR J own home by 'displaying and demonstrating the new pushbutton Necchi Sewing Machine. For all particulars write or call C. WAL- LACE CO. LTD., 199 Dundas street, London, Ontario. Telephone 4-5711. _ -8 TWO THREE-ROOM UNFURN- ISHED, heated apartments on the Square, second floor, hot water heating -by oil, three-piece bath in each apartment. Phone 90 or 328. ' -2tf r1II51tEEaROOM APARTMENT vacant; heated, hot water. Ap- ply 179 Lighthouse street, Gode- rich. -4tf MALL HOUSE, .MODERN KIT- CHEN and bath, oil furnace, attractively furnished. Phone 429W. -6tf FOUR -ROOM HOUSE ON MARY street, heavy duty wiring. Im- mediate possession. Phone L. NICE, Clinton, HU. 2-9215. 6-9x AN ATTRACTIVE IIEATED, furnished, self-contained apart- ment, newly decorated. Utilities paid. Adults,only. Immediate pos- session. Apply 92 Cambria road. Phone 387M. -7tf Vi1RNISHED FOUR4tOOM BASE- bMENT. apartment, utilities and heat supplied. Available immedi- ately. MRS. KEN ALLIIN, Maple Leaf Cabins. -7tf TWO-BEDROOM APAIt'DMENT, heated, rubber tile floors, ven- etian shades, unfurnished." Phone 556. -8 FOUR -ROOM APARTMENT, ground floor, newly decorated, hot water, uptown. JOHN MOSS, Barber, 163 East street. 8x 1OCAL RAWLEIGH BUSINESS ---=-A-VA{1AA-BLE:-Start''-inmiediate-=' ly. Selling -experience helpful but not required. Car necessary. Write at once for particulars. RAW - LEIGH'S DEP'('. B-216-251, Mon- treal, P.Q. - -8 4: Help Wanted . • I,' X PERIENCED WOODWORKING machinist to understudy our tuillrawn foreman. Pleasant work- ing conditions, good wages, absol- utely steady employment, group insurance, etc. JAMES COLE FURNITURE COMPANY, Ingersoll. -7-8 (IAN WANTED, MARRIED OR single, for modern dairy farm, three miles ft'om Sarnia. Good wages. R. II. SOMES, Sarnia, Di. 4-3026. • 8x FXPERIENCED SALESLADY J wanted to take charge of small store. Write giving full inform- ation of yourself and wages re- quired to BOX 81, SIGNALSTAR -8-9 SEALED, IMAJtKED APPLICA- TIONS for the position of Warble Fly Inspector for West Wawanosh Township Will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to and including March 9th, 1957. Applicants please state hourly rate expected. Inspector is to provide his own transportation and will be required to collect the spraying fees from cattle owners. Spraying operations will commence on or about April 1st, next. -8-9 SALESLADY AND BOOKKEEP- ER. Steady job for person -qualified, good 'pay, commission, hospitalization benefits. Apply SINGER SEWING CENTRE, The Square, Goderich. -8 ti. SAMiS MOTORS 54 PONTIAC 2 -door S4 METEOR, very low mileage 53 BUICK SEDAN 53 CHEV 2 -DOOR DELUXE 52 CHRYSLER Se*DAN 51 PONTIAC TUDOR 47 PONTIAC '47 CHEV TUDOR COACH And in Trucks.. 49 FORD HALF -TON TRUCK. 55 GMC TRUCK dttoste, 34 ONTARIO , Wanted (General) OLD HORSES WANTED AT 31,;:c lb., and dead cattle at value. If (lead. phone at once. GILBERT 13I1OS. MINK RANCH, phone col- lect 1483 J 4 or 1483 ,1 1. -ltf 1 )OARDERS (MEN PREFERRED), single or double rooms. Apply 103 Trafalgar street, phone 1061. -8 7. To Rent T-1 OUSE NEAR SCHOOLS AND stores, oil furnace, garage, tile floors, built-in cupboards in kit- chen. Phone 315R meal time and evenings or enquire at '105 Park street. 8x ()NE BEDROOM COTTAGE; ALL new throughout, west end loc- ation. -Oil furnace,.. Available im- mediately.' Phone 221. 8x TWO BEDROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, heated, private en- trance, garage. Phone 791. FOUR -ROOM A P A It TM E N T, 3 -piece bath, unfurnished, near the Square. Phone 817.1 or write iiox 687. 7-8x Two sinall apartments for rent, King.ston street. Each has living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bath: MALCOLM MATIIERS. Real F.state Broker, 46 West street. Phone 115W. ,,_ _— — BAKE YOUR HOUSEWORK easier by renting a floor pol- isher and vacuum -leaner from SHORE APPLiAN'J..:, on the Square -35!f IFOURAROOM A P A R T M E N T, newly decorated. Available February 1. Apply O'BRIEN'S MEAT MARKET -3ti STORE ON NORTH SIDE OF Square. 20 foJt frontage. Ap- ply J. A. CAMPBELL at Campbell's Drug Store, phone 90. -3tf FOUR -ROOM APARTMENT, UN- FURNISHED, self-contained, heated, hot water supplied. 46 Nelson street, THOS. -DOUGH- ERTY. 8x APARTMENT, CLOSE TO Square, private bath. Phone 1018M, between 5 to 7 p.m. 8x \PARTMENT, KITCHEN, -LTV- " ING room, dining room down- stairs, two bedrooms upstairs, a- piece bath, private entrance. Phone 1556 between 6 and 7 p.m. 8x BRIGHT COMFORTABLE apartment on Square, self-con- tained. Apply G. WIHAALEY, phone 1358.1. -8tf NEWLY DECORATED APART- MENT over Tots and Teens. Phone 423R. • -8tf JJEATE1) APARTMENT, TWO rooms, comfortably furnished, good location, immediate posses-, sion. Agent. MISS MARY B. HOWELL, 10 St. Vincent street, phone 213. -47tf 9. Coming Events Mary Hastings Sunset Circle birthday party at MacKay Hall, on February 22, at. 8 p.m. Euchre, "500" and bingo, lunch. Admis- sion 35c. Everybody welcome. -7-8 The local association of the Girl Guides and Brownies are holding a tea, bake sale and candy sale at Knox Presbyterian Church audi- torium on 'March 9, from 3 to 5.30 p.m. -7-10 Founder's Night of Goderich Home and School ,Association to be held in Victoria Public School auditorium on Tuesday, February 26, will feature a special candle - lighting ceremony. Miss E. Hume and Mrs. 11. Venus wilt discuss the benefits of a Home and Schoo Association. Proceeds of silo collection to go to Cortice M i - oriel Library. -8 10. Briefs Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. products. Phone 98. .-39t1 Wilson's Delivery Service, agent for Bruce Dry Cleaners. Free pick- up and delivery. Phone 1177W, mornings. -40tf EXTRA PANTS FREE with every suit selling from $39.75 ' to $59.75 during Sale of Bond Tailor- ed -to -Measure Clothes at McLEAN BROWS., Goderich.' Sale continues through month of February. -6-8 Samples of our picture mould- ings on display at Chas. Larder's Paint Shop. Orders may be \left there for framing. MacLaren's Studio. -8tf Am going to Preston soon. Any- one with old woollens for blankets call firs. Dockstader, phone 647W. .8x We •are now at our Goderich Studio all the time. In addition to portraits, We also handle religious goods, artist supplies, framed prints, and picture framing. Mac- Laren's Studio, telephone 401, Goderich. -8tf 11. Auction Sales A1JC11tfN`" 'ALE AT McLEL- LAND Sale Barn, Bervie, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22 t 1.30 p.m. -Gooa'lo - of -cows- this -week,, in- cluding 4-4-4,e•-•g•i-stered - and grade ...Holstein rows_ and__sixw firit...calf heifers from Hemlock Park Farms, balance of this herd to be sold in coming' sales. One registered Angus bull, 16 months old. Some Durham cows. A few yearling heifers and calves. -8 Bridge and "500" party, Friday, February 22, at 8 pim., in St. George's Parish Hall, sponsored by St. George's Choir. -5-8 The Goderich Jaycettes are' hold- ing their annual St. Patrick's dance at the Arena, (March 16. $2.00 per couple. Lunch served. Proceeds for new wing at hospital. - -5-8 Goderich Pavilion, dancing every Saturday night,' Paul Cross and his orchestra. - -6tf Euchre and "500" card party at the Orange Hall, Ilamiltop street, Thursday evening, February 21, at 8 p.m. 'Ladies please bring lunch. -8 ''Rummage Sale at Parish Hall, St. George's Church, Saturday, March 2. - -8 The annual meeting of the share- holders of the Maitland Golf Club will be held at the Town Hall on Friday, Atareh 8, at 8 p.m. -8 The 10th annual one -act drama festival sponsored by me Goderich Little - Theatre will be held in MacKay Hall on April- 3, 4, 5. • -8 Card party at Saltford School, en Friday, February 22, ft 8.30 n.m. ' Everybody welcome. Good lunch and prizes. 8x International Woman's World Day of, Prayer will be held in North Street United Church, Fri- day, March 8, at 3 and 7.30 p.m. Afternoon• guest speaker, Mrs.- A. L Fleming; evening guest speaker, Mrs. Geo. Johnston. ' 8-9x St. George's annual high tea in Parish Hall, Tuesday, March 5, bazaar and candy table. Super served from 5.30 pito. Admission $1.00. -8-9 Bake Sale, auspices of Woman's Hospital Auxiliary, on Saturday, Fehruary 23, at 2 p.m. in store "ormerly occupied by Mc('reath's Grocery. -8 12. Tenders Wanted' THE UNDE'R{SIGNR WILL RE- CEIVE sealed, marked tenders up to and including March,9, 1957, for supplying West Wawanosh Township with approximately 500 pounds of Warbicide, said Warbi- cide to be delivered under the supervision of the W.F. Inspector. J. F. FORAN, Township Clerk, 8-9- R.R. 2, Auburn. TENDERS FOR THE WARBLE Fly spraying of cattle in West Wawanosh Township, will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to and including March 9th, 1957; tenders to state price per head for each spray, Tenderers are to supply all necessary equipment and help. Township will supply the Warbicide. A Township by- law exempts calves under six months of age and cattle three years old or over. Spraying oper- ations will commence on or about April lst, next. J. F. -FORAN, 8-9- R.R. 2, Auburn. 14. In Memoriam McWHHVNEY.—In loving memory of my husband, who passed away February 22nd, 1956. His weary •hoursand days of pain, His troubled nights are passed; And in my aching heart, •I know He has found sweet rest at last. . --Sadly missed and remembered by his wife, Ida McWhinney. 8x 1 • THURSDAY, FF1B. 2l4te }fir . Classified Ads on CASH BASIS. • Carkg . of 25c extra W ' M ads not paid by SATURDAY NOON of week of publica'i1s t.. CULBERTS '. BAKERY "THE HOME OF TASTY PASTRY" SPECIAL FEATURE FOR SATURDAY Chocolate MaltecJ Milk Cake with malted creme icing 40c each HOT CROSS BUNS EVERY DAY FROM ,NOW UNTIL EASTER. Open Wednesday Afternoons and Saturday 'T11 9 p.m. ERRiINGTON.—I wish to thank those who remembered me with flowers, cards and visits, while I was a patient in Victoria Hos- pital, London. ' WHAMER ERRING'rON. -8 JEFFREY.—Mr. Frank Jeffrey and family take this opportunity to expo-ess their appreciation for the kindness shown them by their many neighbors and friends as well as Dr. A. H. Taylor, Rev. J. P. Gleeson, Mrs. Donald Mc- Kay, Reg.N., during their ber- eavement -in the death of a dear wife and loving mother; they are specially grateful to those who sent spiritual offerings, floral tributes and messages of sym- pathy. -8 PENTLAND.—We wish to extend a . sincere "Thank You" to all our friends and relatives for their cards, - flowers and other expressions of sympathy at the time of our recent bereavement. We are truly grateful. MRS. HARVEY G. PENTLAND AND SON JOHN, MRS. G. DUS- TOW, LESLIE AND .LORNE PENTLAND. - -8 • STEVENSON, ,— The relatives of the late Albert Stevenson- wish to thank those who loaned cars, sent flowers and cards of sym- pathy at the time of their bereavement. -8 18. Births BABCHUK.—At Alexandra Hospit- 'al, Goderich, on February 19, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bab- chuk, Goderich a son. NORDAIiL.—At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on February 19, 1957, to -Mr-. and Mrs. Arvid Nordahl, Goderich, a""'kon, Paul PIRIE.—At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on February 18, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex F. Pirie, Goderich, a daughter, Marilyn Ann. STEVENS.—In loving memory of an affectionate and devoted hus- band, Carman W. Stevens, and a very dear daddy, who passed away two years ago, on Febru- ary 22, 1959. Somewhere back of the sunset, Where loveliness never dies; He lives in a land of glory Mid blue and gold of the skies. There is no parting from those we love, No distance cart' divide, For today in memory's garden, We still walk side by side. Each dawning day a thought of him, At eventide, a prayer, For in the hearts that loved him, He always.:will be there. - —Ever remembered and sadly missed by his wife and two little girls, Carol Vianne• and Cherylin Rese Stevens. -8' 19. Notice to Creditors ALLL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of Matthew Sproul,- late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Retired, who -died on or about the 27th day of January, 1957, are required to file the same with full particulars with the 'undersigned by the 23rd day of February, 1957, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 1st day of February, 1957' 6-8, HAYS and PREST, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. &LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of Stanley Johnston, late of the Village of Auburn, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 21st day or' January, 1957, are required to file the same with- full particulars with_the undersigned by the 23rd day of February, 1957, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. . Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 28th day of January, 1957. HAYS and PRIEST, Goderich, Ontario, 6-8- Solicitors for the Estate ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of David Warner, Retired Farmer, late of the Township of Goderich, in the Coun- ty of Huron, who died on or about the 25th day of January, 1957, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 23rd day of February, 1957, .11.111111 as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 1st day of February, 1957. R.8. HAYS and RREST, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. ANLL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of Margaret Inkster, late of the Town of Godel'ich, in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or albolrt the 5th day of February, 1957, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the -9th day of March, 1957, as after that date the assets of the estate will be of tributed. Dated at at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 13th day of February, 1957. HAYS and . PREST, Goderich, Ontario, 8-10- Solicitors for the Estate. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS ,against the estate of Albert Armstrong Stevenson, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Retired, who died on or about the 1-2th day of February, 1957, are required to file the same with full particulars With the undersigned by the 9th day of (March, 1957, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this , 15th day • of February, 1957. HAYS and PREST, • Goderich, Ontario, 8-10- Solicitors for the Estate. LLL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of George MacVicar, late a the Town of Goderich, tri- the -County- of.. Huron,. Retired Merchartt, who -died on or about_ .the. -Ott. si.._ai_Fcbruary� 1957, are required to file -the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 9th day of - March, 1957, as after that date the assets of the estate will .be distributed. -Dated at Goderich, in -the County of Huron, this 15th day of February, 1957. HAYS and PREST, Goderich, Ontario, 8-10- Solicitors for the Estate. LIN L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS 1- 'agatrItt7:;1X's'''.*:<h 'garet Fisher Woods; late oPthe Village of Bayfield, in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 7th day of February, 1957, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 9th day of March, 1957, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, in the Gourrty of Huron, this 15th day of February, 1957. HAYS and PREST, Goderich, Ontario, 8-10- Solicitors for the -•Estate. 20. Public Notice THE WOMEN'S SERVICE COM- MITTEE of the Goderich Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society wish to announce their room in the Town Hall will be open to the ,public each Saturday from 3 to 5 ,p.m. Anyone who' wishes inform- ation about the functions of this society, please feel free to visit at that time. -8 • Other Classified -Ads on Page 5 a Miracle A Duro Softener makes all your water softer than RAIN( For glbrious suds, For that bubble bath, For that Halo look, For Soft shining hair, 15. Cards of Thanks DOAK.—My wife and 1 would like to express sincere thanks to the, people (If .Goderich for the many kindnesses shown while Mrs. Doak was a patient at Victoria Hospital, 1 ondon, including the sending of flowers, cardo, etc. Special thanks to the Goderich Curling Club and the ('an:.dian 1.: aiAn. MR . ANi) ,MRS. ARTHUR "BULKY" DOAK. -8 -Lot us show you how you can have oceans of soft water and save money too, SERVICEELECTRIC PLUMBING—HEATING—WIRING Phone 808W and 808J Victoria St. Duro Water Softeners are Made and guaranteed by Pumps & Softeners Ltd., ..onion. . (1' () 44. tf^.tdvt+!ora •u.; , °Prt .' I i"f 4 '�Mx,ul ;.•t .t ,.