HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-02-21, Page 5THURSDAY, Ma 21st, 1957 TO AVOW ANY INTF ' RUPT ON IN REC'EIVING YOUR OGPY OF 'THE SIGNAL -STAR, MAKE SURE Your Subscription To The SSt Is Renewed On Ow before Date It Expires. Do it NOW while you reme ber. tf SUNDAY SERVICES IN GODERICH CHURCHES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH 'Feb. 24th-Sexagesima 8.30 a.m. -HOLY COMMUNION. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS. 11 a.m. MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. (Junior Congregation and Nursery) O 7 p.m. EVENSONG AND SERMON. Rev. J. Rowe, Ph.D., in charge of all services. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector MR. J. F. STIEPHEN;S, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church SUNDAY, FEB. 24 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. "Finding the Word." Junior Congregation and Nursery. 7 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP. "As Between Friends." REV. A. E. EUSTACE, B.A., Minister MRS. J. A. SNIDER, Music Director. rChurch rr G. ,MacMiaLLLAN,-Minister- _. _... _ . MR. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M., Director of Praise 9.45 a.m. Intermediate and Senior Sunday School. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Sermon -"The Communion of Saints." (Nursery and Junior Congregation.) 7 P.m- Annual Mariners' Service Sermon -"The Ship, The Man And The World." A Friendly Welcome Awaits You COME TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY. GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE Junior Congregation. 7 p.m. AN HOUR WITH THE BIBLE. Tuesday, 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Hour. Rev. S. H. Findlay, B.A., B.D. Mrs. E. Donaldson, A.L.C.M. Minister Organist Victoria Street United Church "FELLOWSHIP MEETS YOU" 10 a.m. THE GRADED BIBLIO SCHOOL. 11 a.m. FAMILY SERVICE AND PRIMARY CONGREGATION. "Evangelism Through Friendship." q.30 p.m. Benmiller congregation worships after Sunday School. 3 p.m. Utiion congregation worships after Bible School. Minister - Rev. Stanley A. Moote, B.A., B.O. Music Director - Mr. Frank Bissett. BETHEL PE'' ECOSTAL TABERNACLE ELGIN AVE. AT WATERLOO STREET SUNDAY -10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Tuesday and Friday Services 0 p.m. SPECIAL YOUTH WEEK -END MARCH 2-3 GREAT CHILDREN'S RALLY 2.30 p.m. Sal•urday, March 2. 7.45 p.m. Young People's Rally. PASTOR R. J. GREEN The Goderich Free Nethodist Church Corner Victoria and Park Streets (The Wesleyan Emphasis) . Evangelistic Services each night, $f Y# including Saturday, at 8 o'clock. Sunday concluding day of Special Series. 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 A.M. MORNING SERVICE. 7 P.M. EVENING SERVICE. General Conference °Evangelist C onald M. Stevens and Verlyn Snell, students at Western Uni- versity, singers and musicians, will assist In the erviceS of the wook•end. A Cording Weiesme To All. t GODERICH SiGN a1AR O1,f11Cll Reverses Stan Due School Grant News After 'months of trying, Goderich - Public School Board appears to' have convinced ToWn Council it should transfer ownership of the d old collegiate building to thee board. Council reversed its previous stand friday night in the light of , some brand new evidence .con cernixlg school grants. Mrs. V. H. Edward, chairman ufp. the board, told Council, "We are! only eligible for grants if we own l title to the building. The depart- ment will not give grants on rent- ed premises." Council -authorized the mayor and the clerk to sign the necessary agreement transferring the deed to the 'board. Mrs. Edward said she felt ,some- what apologetic in apprtaching Council again. She said that this was because the board itself was not aware until just recently that it might lose certain grants if it did not have title to the building. Learn of Grants The facts about the grants situ- ation were brought to the board's attention at a recent meeting by Inspector G. G. Gardiner, Mrs. Edward explained. Had the board owned -the build- ing from the date of taking it over, it would have been eligible for $2,200 in grants towards its expenses of $7,000 in rehabilitating the school, said Mrs. Edward. The fire marshal's office has re- commended installation of smoke barriers in the old building. The board could get a provincial grant of $1,200 towards this project, pro- vided the board owns the building, she understood. Besides Mrs. F,dward, the school board was represented at the Coun- cil meeting b 'Trustees Robert Rae and-Ralpl3lackstone. - They showed Council a letter, confirming the availability of grants for rehabilitating Q ,building for public' school .purposes. The letter was signed by G. L. Duffin, assist:le4 superintendent of ele- mehtary education in Ontario. Fay Tronsffar If the board eau obtain substan tial grants through possession of the deed, Deputy -Reeve James Donnelly laid he would favor the transfer. Ile commented: "I have been aggressively opposed to transfer of the building to the school board because the building belonged to the town, was paid for by rate- payers, and, up until tonight, the 'boards had failed to prove its case. "The town is now in possession of the true facts, and Council is in a position to make a proper de- cision." Unlike the deputy -reeve, who urged that Council approve the transfer in view of the new in- formation concerning grants, ,Mayor J. H. Graham was somewhat reluctant. "SFrom my point of view," the mayor 'told the trustees, "I can't se how the Council could' legally give you that building if it wanted to." He said his reasoning was that separate school ratepayers had shared in building the old col- legiate institute. For that' reason, he suggested, they ought to be consulted before the public school 'board was given possession. No Interest Deputy -Reeve Donnelly replied, "I happen to know from discussion with Mr. Coulthurst (separate school board secretary) that the separate school board has no cs,n- cern in regard to ownership of the building at all. "Even if they have a legal into - est," the deputy -reeve added, '`that would not be an impediment to Council conveying the building to the public school board if it is de- cided that it is in the best interests of the town." The .school board promised to return the building to the Town when no longer required for school purposes. Hospital Deficit (Continued from page 1) alterations in the old part of the hospital. He' explained that the Ontario Department of Health now insists that stairways'' be closed off and othermo ifi d cata,ivns made to the aid' pal"1":.Lot to :mt ical` ti 'ma it safer from the menace of fire. "In hiS address; Mr. Kinkead said, "Since preparations were made for the construction of the new wing, the board has received many direct bequests and many more in- quiries." It is understood, he said, that several organizations are working to raise funds to furnish a room or to purchase equipment for the new wing. "We are making every effort to interest former residents and friends of Goderich," Mr. Kinkead added. "The sboar-ci intends to pur- chase the equipment and furnish- ings for the rooms at the best possible price, and to set up a room in the near futrire in order that interested persons ?nay know of the plans. .Estimates indicate that `cost - of furnishing a • room ,,will be about $1,000, he said. It is intended to recognize the donor in each in- stance by placing a plaque on the ward. Re -Elect Officers J. H. Kinkead 'was re-elected chairman of the Board' of Gover- nors of the hospital. Earlier in the meeting, four retiring mem- bers were re-elected to now three- year terms on the board. . They were R: C. Hays, S. II.: Prevett, George Parsons and Keith Hopkin- son. Besides Chairman Kinkead, other officers who were re-elected were George Parsons, vice-chairman: C. F. Chapman, secretary, and W. B. M. Armstrong, treasurer. Two new members were wel- comed to the board. They were Ken Scott, who represents West Wawanosh Township, and Mrs. John Stringer, who replaces Mrs. G. G. MacEwan as nurses' repre- sentative. The 'board appointed Mr. Scott to the finance committee and, Mrs. Stringer to the house committee In the only other committee change, Councillor C. M. Robert- son, town representative on the board, was added to the property cotnmittee. A. M. Harper was re-engaged as auditor and banking will again be done through the Bank o(, Mont- real. Highlight of the past year was the start of construction on the new '42 -bed wing, reported Mr. Kinkead in his address to the meeting. Finish In Fall Mr. Parsons, chairman of the ivuilding committee, stated that it is hoped the wing will be enclosed in approximately two months and ready for occupancy in the latter part of October this year. Mrs. G. Lr, Ellis, president of Alexandra Marine and General 'Hospital .Association, opened the meeting. It is hoped to keep the associ- ation alive and encourage many new members to join, she said, "especially at this time when the hospital Ls being expanded." Memlbers of the flssociation are entitled to vote in the election of _governors, she pointed out. Minutes of the previous annual meeting were Lead by Mrs. F. J Curry, secretary -treasurer of the association. She reported that the association has collected member- ship fees of $115 during the past two years. The association, she said, Ls con- sidering a suggestion t -hat these funds be turned over to the Dr. Graham memorial •ia �m n l ftzn>d to endow a room in the hospital. "I am firmly of the opinion this a .soeitttion should be carried on," commented Mr. Kinkead. He suf;- gested that it might be a good idea lo encourage district resid- ents to join th-e association since the hospital serves a wide area outside Goderich. Reviewing the work of the board, Mr. Kinkead said he thought more meetings were held during 1956 t11-i.11.,,a.ny previous year. - .ac'rtities°Overtaxed "We do appreciate the, _.assist - a ce---(SY _-t 1 municipalities," he stated. "While paying for a hos- pital may not seem very popular at times, anyone who goes through the wards tonight and sees 65 patients can readily understand why enlarged facilities are neces- sary. eces- sa he board chairman paid special tribute to the work of Miss L-. M. Youngblutt, who has acted as hos- pital superintendent since ill health forced Miss Hilda Smith to relinquish her duties. The new superintendent, Mrs. Dorothy E. Easter, of Palmerston, will take ,charge on or about March 4. Mr. Kinkead also commended W. F. Saunders, business manager and other members of the hospital staff. He thanked the members of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary for their work. Mr. Armstrong, treasurer of the board, reviewed highlights of the annual' financial statement. Ac- counts have been 'fairly well col- lected, he said. Though the hospital ended 1956 with a deficit of about $300. this was an improvement of roughly $5,000 over the previous year. noted Mr. Prevtrtt, chairman of the finance committee. ' While room rates were r ailed by 50 cents on July Ito help offset rising costs, the local orates are .;till lower than rates in other communities, he said. Mrs. Harold Rivers informed the board that the Women's Hospital Auxiliary is making steady pro- gress toward its objective of rais ing $1,000 to furnish one of the rooms in the new wing. Arthur Circle Fees A Member "Alabama Bound" The Arthur Circle of Knox Church met Monday evening in the church parlor with about 80 mem- bers ancL friends present. The meeting was in charge Qf Mrs. Mary Walter and her group. The Scripture Lesson was .read by Mrs. Florence MacDonald, followed with prayer by Mrs. Venus. Mrs. Lane, the representative from the Presbyterial, gave an in- teresting talk en Stewardship. The business part of the meet- ing Included plans for a St. Pat- rick's tea. The guest speaker, Mrs. Peter Walter, a former deaconess of the Presbyterian Church, used as her theme a verse from the sixth chap- ter of Micah, "To do justly and love mercy and to walk humbly with our God." She told of some of her experiences as a deaconess in the West. 'Mrs. Wood reported 24 calls by the welcome and welfare com- mittee. A song by the septette was sung in honor of Mrs. Venus, who has been a very active ..mem- ber and is leaving Goderich to ttke up residence in Alabama. A poem dedicated to Mrs. Venus and composed by Mrs- A. Revell was read by Mrs. James Bissett. The meeting was closed with prayer and lunch was served n - - n - -0 HARBOURAIRES QN A AIN, The Iitatibouraires, "iii .fine sing ing, trim, will partitipate in an- other television broadcast, the sec- ond last of the series. this coming Sunday at 5 p.m. Also appearing on the progr afi�nut will be soloist Mrs.. Richard GorMan eand the Auburn - cites. If the signs shown above were placed at the entrances to Goderich but did not command attention of motorists, probably the pretty girl policewoman would. However, uni- formity of traffic signs is -being recognized as one of the major steps towards reducing highway traffic •accidents. And Vicki Dev- erill, seen above, displays samples of signs that have been author ized by Ontario as part of the stand ardization program. They were Exhibited at the re- cent convention of the Ontario Good Roads Association in 'Toronto to familiarize county and township officials with the type of signs that have been approved. Made of retro - reflective material, the signs show up in headlights with exactly the same shape, color and appearance as they., have in daylight. With standardized signs, traffic author•i- ,tics say most of the annoyance and many of the mishaps of motoring on unfamiliar roads or highways would be eliminated. Identifica- tion by color is an important part of the program. Red would be recognized as Stop: Yellow as cautionary; Green, informative or directional. and White, instructive and enforced by law. such as speed limits. u -- 0 n Delegation Afr that quite often from people." i Beig a native of Colborne, Coun- cillor Robertson said he would give whole -hearted support to the cam- paign. Reeve E. C. Fisher told Council that he and J. E. Huckins, former . mayor of Goderich, had been i shown the plan)•s+for the new bridge Ion one occasion. - Councillor Allaire: "The main thing is there have been four plans since then!" Mr. Frayne suggested that a delegation to Toronto should in- clude the reeves of Colborne, Ash- field and West Wawanosh and "'four or five" members of Town Council. Council voted in favor of a delegation, but 'hid not decide how many should be on it. It is un- likely that the delegation will go to Toronto until after the question of the location of the proposed hospital for retarced children has been settled. Thonas Pryde, MPP for Huron, and county offrdials are currently devoting much/ of their time to a campaign to have the hospital located in Huron County. Letters From MP's In a letter to Gilbert Frayne, of Kingsbridge, under date of Febru- ary 5, John W. Hanna. -MPP, refers to the Salt ford Bridge, and says, "As you know, I have been inter - cued in having work done there for some time and feel it is time that the government was taking 21. Business Notice j URNITURE REPAIR ° - RE- MODELLING RE FINISHING --RE-UPHOLSTERING ------ FANCY CABINET WORK. M. BLOK, PHONE 1200 OR/ 802- -ltf I)REVENT CHIMNEY FIRES. Use fire chief chemical chim- ney cleaner to eliminate soot and scale from your stove and pipes. No fuss, no odor. For sale at CORNISH ELECTRIC, West street, Goderich. o Ztf lD BULLEN'S REPAIR SHOP for custom .cabinet making, furniture repair and kitchen cup- boards. Sharpening of all types of saws and other cutting applian- ces. 184 Gibbons. street, phone 1234. 45x 1�0tt ARTIFICIAL INSEMINA- TION information or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the WATERLOO CATTLE BREED- ING ASSOCIATION at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. We have all breeds avail• able -top quality at low cost. -17tf FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE ('OVERAGE Whether it is FIRE AUTO LIABILITY TELEVISION PROPERTY FLOATER HOSPITALIZATION or ACCIDENT and SICKNESS at Lowen Rates Call HAROLD W. SHORE 38 Hamilton St. Phone 766 (anytime) - -lltl J ARPENTRY BUILDING, RE- MODELLING and plumbing Epps' pumps and water softeners; bathrooms installed; eavestrough- ing; steel roofing. FRANK Mc - MICHAEL, Goderich, phone Car- low 1108. -19t1 • HONOR MARCH BRIDE Showers were held recently for Miss Louise Chapman, whose mar- riage takes place March 2. On Friday, 20 guests were present for j a shower held at the residence of i Mrs. Ann Berry. Miss Chapman received many -gifts,-anal-1n-nNl-=was-4 served by the hostesses, Mrs. Berry and---Mrs.-Mary •; Glazier:--• Another shower for the bride-to-be was held at the home of Mrs. J. W. Wood on Tuesday evening. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs, - Wood and Mrs. Robert Paige. some action in this matter. I have had your letter sent to the Honor- able James Allan (Provincial -Min-- ister of Highways) and hope that there will be some results from it and ,Mr. Cardiff's letter. I believe also that the Town of Goderich should send a delegation down and I know the Government is having some trouble deciding which way the new highway will run. I hope to see you soon and anything else I can do in this matter. will be a pleasure, as I know Mr. Thomas Pryde is also interested." Mr. L. E. Cardiff, MP, also shows his interest in -having something done about the Saltford bridge in i the following letter to 1Vrr. Frayne i under date of January 29: "Your I letter with enclosure received. 1' agree with you wholeheartedly, and 'will du all I can to stir up enthusiasm. You were right, Mr. Hanna and Mr. Pryde are the men' who should look after this project. It really has• nothing to do with Federal politic,. at all. Neverthe- less, ,because r,f your request and you being one of my constituents,' 4 certainly have no alternative but to act as requested Not that it gives me any pain in doing so. In fact, 1 he reverse is true " - - OBITUARY MRS. FRANK JEFFREY Mrs. h'rank .Jeffrey, 82, died last Thursday evening, two days after she and her hu?barrd had cele- brated their 63rd wedding anni- versary at their home, 62 Elgin avenue, Goderich. Mrs. Jeffrey, whose friendly dis- position brought her many friends, had been in good health up until recently. Born atDrysdale, she was the former Annie Badour. For the past 50 years, she and her hus. band had resided in Goderich. She was a menilber of St. Peter's Church and belonged to the Altar Society, the League of the Sacred Heart and the CWL. Surviving besides her husband are three daughters, Gladys, Mrs. William A. McGuire, of Goderich Township; Valerie, Mrs. J. D. Clif- ford, of Detroit, and Laura, Mrs. Walter Johnston, of Windsor; two breathers, Edward Badour, of Drys dale, and William Badour, of De- troit, and one sister, Delephine, Mrs. John Gravelle, of Goderich. She also leaves five grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Requiem high mass was sung ,by Rev. J. P. Gleeson in St. Peter's Church at 9 a.m. on Monday. Many friends attended to pay their last respects to Mrs. ,Jeffrey, and there were many floral tributes. Inter- ment was in Colborne Roman ('ath olic cemetery, with funeral ar- rangements in charge of Lodge funeral home. Pallbearers were Robert Jeffrey, F,dward Jeffrey, Richard Jeffrey, Timothy O'Dwyer, Paul Badour and Leo Corriveau. HARVEY G. PENTLANI) llarvey G. Pentland, a Nie na- tive who went on to a distinguished and colorful career with Canadian National Railways, died ink Metre- politan Hospital at Windsor on Saturday. Ile was 64. 'Following a service eondueted by Rev. J. Waltzer, of Sandwich United Church, the remains were brought to Goderich. Rev. G. Watt conducted the funeral service. in the Lodge funeral home on Monday at 3 p.m., and interment was in Dungannon cemetery. The eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pentland, he was born on the family homestead at Nile. He was 1 educated at Teeswater High School and Stratford Business College be- fore joining the CNR at Stratford. During the First World War, he enlisted with the ('ohourg 'leaky Battery and went to France in 1916. He was a member of the army of occupation in Europe for a time. Upon his return to Canada, he was employed with the CNR a5 chief clerk at Union Station , in Toronto, then spent 10 years in Cleveland as passenger agent. Transferred hack to Canada, he was appointed a, travelling pas- senger agent and had an interest - Vand colorful career, with his duties taking him from coast to coast. He escorted the armed forces during the Second World War and his duties also took him to the conventions of many differ- ent organizations. When King George VI and the Queen visited Canada in 1939, Mr: Pentland had the honor pf accom- panying the - Royal train. Later, he was appointed city and depot agent in Windsor. Surviving are his w:dow, Blanche, of Windsor; one son, John Harvey, and a grandsons .tohn War- ren, in Woodstock. He also. leaves tws6 (brothers, Leslie, of Goderich, and Lorne, of Sarnia, and one sister, Mrs. Gladys Dustoi. , of Goderich. Pallbearers for the funeral were D. Kela y, ONIR agent, Woodstock; P. McLean, agent, Guelph; A. Mac- Pherson, travelling passenger agent, Hamilton; and three nephews, J. Harcourt, of London; D. Patterson, of Toronto, and Ger- ald Dustow, of Nile. MOVING -GLEN 1 L CARNAGE ED. JEFFREY. IrPOSS MOTOR REPAIR SERVieI' phone 1415. :General repair' to all makes of cars and tractors. Arc and acetylene welding. Farm trade a, specialty. -7tf • pUKI ,LED TV AERIAL BERME Aerials installed as low as $49 Aerials moved - rentals. Wort fully guaralteed for . one year HURON TOWER INSTALLATION South street. Goderich, phone 1344M. -34t4 Guaranteed radio service. WILF RElNHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466. -12 R E I D' S UPHOLSTERING, 59 Hamilton street. Thirty years experience. We have coverings of all kinds and colons to suit your furniture. Chesterfield, sofas, chairs, etc., correctly done. Phone 1102W. -36t f SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL; septic tanks, cess pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with sanitary equipmerit. Free estimates. LOUIS BLAKE, ' phone 42 r 6, Brussels, R.R. 2. 6-32x .UTO GLASS INSTALLED, Windshields and Doors. Also glass supplied for table, desk, dresser tops, refrigerator trays, etc. Mirrors cut to size. We co-operate with garages. BEEVERS AUTO & BICYCLE SUPPLY, West .street, Goderich. Phone 295. -6 WHY SUFFER TILE AGONY OF , Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, when RUMAC APS will help you to welcome relief. Ask your Druggist. -8 SIIARPENLNG SERVICE Sawa. Skates and Cutlery. C. H. HOMA.R, 246 Huron road, Opposite store. 8-9x 22. Lost and Found j OST ON GOLF COURSE HILL, one tow chain. .Reward. BA.NNIS'TER MOTORS, phone 717. 8x WOULD THE LA'Y WHO BY mistake wore msize 9 brown nylon ovenboots home from the Valentine tea at North Street Church, please call 11903? 8x 'AGx !' SKEPPARDTON c ,Mra. J. 1 i uikzi c n€i farm►,7 0oft I iteilenei', viiiitcct Sa2vu-gay even- ing mitt. the fe e,. of :tet', %Tts. rzoerb 4; -Mr. it1001 book ut fain- 1 fly, A real oR •aatd dance iwa5 held in the Dungnnhon At;rfeuittW)l ;111111• Friday night in aonYar of Mt'. ,.3,nct Mrs. Jim vrahtim, A largo crowd, zattendr(t the dance. An ati,iress was read by Miss Yvonne ti'ay'ri~on: and a we,114i11ed corse prosenteil to the happy 'couple by Lorne. Dougherty,. We are pleased to repot Lar-, bara Foster is abJC to be Haack to School, missing only two Weeli0, after being in Goderich bospit , a week undergoin surgery, Mr. and Mrs. Uree Freeman and Carolyn visited Sunday near Tees - water with Mrs. Freeman's par- ents, Mr. and lt(lrs. Waster Smyth, Mrs, Harvey Potter, of Lang- bank, Sask., is spending a few days visitisg at the hones of her brothers, Bob, Bert and Earl Bogie, We are sorry to report `Mr. Geo. Dougherty is on the sick list and has been staying in Goderich at the home of his sister, Mrs. Sower - by, and Mr. Sowerby. MIDDLESEX SEED FAIR (Including eleven Western Ontario 'Counties) Man ufacturers' F§llilcling, WESTERN FAIR GRUNDS I:ONDON, ONTARIO February 25 to 28, & March 't OPEN TUES it>AY - 7.30 p.m, -10.30 p.m. WEDNESDAY & THIS r;AY 10,30 a.m.-10.30 p.m. FRIDAY 10.30 a.m.-4.30 p.m. WITH AUCTION SALE AT 2.15 p.m. Each year a bigger event -Plan to attend. EX IBITS - DISPLAYS 1 DDRESS •S ENTERTAINNT. -8 ALWAYS FRESH AT IVAN'S FRUIT MARKET BANANAS 2 lbs. 25c Cello 'CARROTS 2 bunches 25c rYEW'` CAAAGE 2 lbs. 15c FLORIDA ORANGES 252's 29c dozen ORANGES 144's 39c dozen -COME IN AND GET OUR WHOLESALE PRICES -- ALSO FINE SELECTION OF FLOWERS Phone 1571 Free Delivery Kingston St. f 13111111. • 111111101•11111101.1.111111M0111.1 STOP AND SAVE at BRECKENRILGE'S MID -WINTER SALE STOP AND SEE THE GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ON ALL THE ARTICLES IN OUR -...SPACIOUS SHOW WINDOWS. Low, Low Sale Prices On Stoves • Washers • Refrigerators 4 -Burner Electric Ranges Colornaca Floor Furnaces P ICE'o FROM $15 9.04 Reg. $193 SALE $150 Free $24.95 Chest with every LEWYT VACUUM CLEANER GE Portable Food Mixer Rag. $23.95 Salo Price $17.95 See the Special GIFT WARE RlUVERC WARE TIN WARE ALUMINUM WARY Stair Treads Reg. 45c each Sato Prico ea, 33c Sale Prices ort- ENAME3LLIb WARE PRYING PANS KITC lluN SINKS (Ertaatttlled) T0414 (black and Decker) ALL SALES FINAL ON PCIALLY f~i U i li`rMS E. BREC(ENRIDGE HARDWA M