HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-02-21, Page 2.41 1 . P , may• 1, it • PAGE. TWO • V t!1iE' (!niru1 ftria1-fPtttr HURON COUNTYS FOREMOST WEEKLY Established 1848. In its 110th year of publication. Published by SigualStar Publistung Limited .,.s& scrtption Rates—Canada and Great Britain, $3.00 a year: to United States, $4.00. Strictly in advance. Advertising Rates e- request Telephone 71. Authorizedas second-class marl, Post Office Department, Ottawa' Out -of -Town Representative: C.W.N.A 237 Foy Bldg., 34 Front St., W, Toronto. Over 3,000—Largest circulation of any newspaper published in Huron Counts ---Over 3,000 Wetmber of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Member of Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association, Member of Audit Bue.au of Circul GEO L. ELLIS, Ecnh.. and Publisher. THE ' GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR r ta. THURSDAY, FEB. 21st, 1957 IT'S TIME FOR ACTION having,under the assumption that it's the squeaking wheel that ,gets the greasy. a dele- gation "from (;ulrrieli and the toWitgirips of (Golboruee Ashfield and West Watwanuelt plan to visit Queen's Park to press for lou(g -ovdrdue grease for this area front the Ontario Depart- ment of )Highways. A delegation appeared before Goderich Town Council last Friday on the matter of seeking action re the huilding of a new bridge at Saltford—last antique of its kind on High- way 21—and the re -building .of the highway approaches to :t t hat IWO ntrt 1iin't. IeSS than death-traps in modern day 1i t1hc. The dis- trict inen behind this ti,le„ation are to he com- mended for the;r iJitiittive. 'Their cause is- a just ono and action on it by the 1 tlhtar•i) 1)t•- partnit•nt of Highways has hr•t'ii put off lou long now. Built in )tib.'. the T -year-old bridge is a faro• today from the standpoint of modern tigate. lit December of 19:1:1, three youths lost their lives when the car in which the, were riding failed to take the sharp turn at Salt turd approaching the bridge and %vent straight on to crash into the side of a -small bridge on the county road. ()n the basis of the ten a(•eideiits in one year. there tVOU1d he about IUI) act•ideuts over . a ten year period of a major Ilat tire. out count- ing the scores of minor crashes. Signs on the Saltford Bridge call fur a tell toll gross load limit and a spce( of ten miles per hour. Both of these regulation, are broken hundreds of tiure; evert- week. Time and time again. truck, grossing .'O tons vy:t11 their.loatls go over this bridge. You could coUllt on the! tinlel•s of one hart) the number of cars in a week that tvul►h1 tr,at't 1 only len u,ilt'> all 1101.1r ower 11. Pryde Is . Pressing Tom Pryde, a IPI;' for Huron, Is till shooting salvos at the Ontario .egislature in an all-out attempt o have the proposed $10,000;000 School for Retarded Children built n Huron County. His latest proposal is to, send a bushel of white beans. frpm Huron :ounty • to every member of the ')ntario Legislature as a reminder hat Huron needs the building the government proposes to build. . "We have . nothing in Huron to keep our people employed and .why help out a sectio.e of the pro- vince (meaning Wallaceburg) that doesn't need it when the riding I represent justifiably needs 'some- thing to stepup fts economy," said Mr. Pryde. Keep shootin', Tom. You'll pierce their hides yet! And Gode- THURStDAY. Ma 21st. 1957 rich cpuld place a bag of salt on the decks of each of the members in the Ontario Legislature. Mr. and airs. Robert Ginn and children, Bobby, Tommy, Kenny and Wendy, of Kitchener; William Vickers, Donald Vickers and son Carl, of Sarnia, spent. a few days with their mother, Mrs. (Capt.) �. Vickers. 4 This picture ]had 10 he snapped at a neument when their hands were i►till=in a movie you'd see the whole story. Down Memory's Lane .All rill Iirss Illnii tr•1' of 1ot11•ist> Ila\'e• 1•tr114 111,1;11'•11 1.1 1ht' siiakt+-1 it pas,ut_t. ill Saltt,,l•rl. 1ouo• re•st1-11t. 1,ter111 of (1trderieh, p,►rtieu'.ariy 45 Years Ago r gr+)und for ▪ a new hangar, which transportation r',1 1 1 :Ili lits. Numerousur \when th rt,ad ,li}tpery. «le•lii,.•ratelw tett ti, Noting that tax collections had, was to be :an exact duplicate of waves have been made and half a dozen proposed' some t,l her lulnl]eip lli1 V rather than to i robe- Increased from S30.106 in 1902 to i :he existing hangar. routes outline41 bat that', as far as the thl- Fie); to shop to avoid the 1r•••,ieherou,.r•,riatl. 'S46.141 in 1911, William Campbell, Cecil Attridge was named first tario 1)11111rtIllt-111 of 111_Phwaw, has g«It..Br'- Till. first sharp till 11 tier i114111e ct4111411t., from applied to•Town Council for an l president of 2 ..yen's ^tub c'gan 1 ' increase in his ;alar}' as assessor !'Led by 7.7 men who gathered 114 -'allsc of the e tlls:tlt'I'ilhie amount (,t Intllit'1" 111 iht' lJul'ill 1, ,ill;! ite,tr\1 the Lint -dater farm ItNarth Street United Church. • • � and collector. I volved in bridging the :Maitland at this pvint is eailec '•Tire-St•reeelii11ts ( OI'Iht'i•. 1)l1I'in,, Goderich Township Rifle Associ-I Iles. H. C. Dunlop was elected and eliminating the ),,resent hazardous. \wi►illi111! the. 1 m •r ;cairn frim! dusk to midnight the 1 ation re-elected the following of- regent of Ahmeek Chapter, IODE, road, delayed action has leen uilderstalldable, tll•rs tl t'lir t'at's tet 1/Wrist,' llllifetllla!111e41 With : freers for 1912: •H. Montgomery. j for. 1942. eP everlastinly scr«•t•t• 10 Years Ago but the \1tIlay is getting somewhat frtlaratIU the errs are heard }1i11J! as' O. Ginn, lieutenant; I I Police were investigating the Salkeld, treasurer, and T. R. I'olicce a�•cident records show that from they s\ illg around the lu]tsxpeetetll\ slltldt9n.'Rundle. secretary. It was decided theft of about S255 from the vault the overhead railroad hri(ge in (�udel;eh, down sharp t ve,. Fatal at•t•ident, have o� eurred to build a,new range in a more the winding hill. aeries; the Salt ford bridge at Illi; turn. too. central location. and up to where the road straighten -4 away 'Thr' vv'Cole 41.01*e►ue1Jtio1ii,1 ,t 1,:te}1 tet 11-441(1. A stone halted railway traffic t on both lines into Goderich. The again at the Litiklater farm, ten ear aecblellts i, unfit for modern (lay traffic aro the residents GTR snowplow was stuck in the have occurred during 1956. More than this number have happened. hut the ten are aeei- dents in which pubic.' }lave been called to inves- of t his area have every right to demand that drifts near Holmesville and the the Ontario De pa rtnicnt of 11Ig1iway, dela, -CPR snowplow was reported to be at Auburn. In a much heralded hockey game at the West street rink, the Star THE team defeated the Signal team 5-1. Howell Hardware Co. Ltd., of Goderich, advertised new washing Chief .Justice McRuer of the Ontario ,Su- public opinion. Sometimes much too little machines and wringers ranging in .._/presto Court-recently-made.sonic--LinIe1L.._4bser-._ -vain-e is ►laced -on. htirtturt life On {lie hi,,ltySy'-..vs -I Price _fro- ,25_. to...$10A,-A, -..-- tire °o ition•-fi?- e-- _y}��,� {MFQ ,- - ..- -.....s..d__«._.. .._-...--. —4,—(4,,.. -..,r_ -. u -.._, v.r lie Yt�+l�U►d**..-r*.'--- Mr•, ».r - LS 'YQers`11T• i t r 7+'!l< .YAM S� wafi0ns on tile seriousness of -Ontario's higfiw•a,�c`'1 Chief .Justice McRuer said ; The name of the Steel .Stores the leading sniper, cI'osely f�ti~ow- - traffic--traffic-iiterudini -t-Ise-(eche itivrr-•t .t•-_•- -- ---`-M-en who-ure-Mirert�`istrtittiet; law ltitling-i revs" cyiatngeel'O 'Yeopi�`'s Stores •liy A baric o owned byEBen 3'Iunnings, "drivers with a ruthless disregard for others citizens sometimes appear to be absolutely the chain s new owner, 5i. Schneid• of IRM 4, Goderich, was struck by, hauls be treated the sante as common thieves ruthless ttlleii they get Schneid- erman, of Montreal. C. Trotmari in a motor vehicle. lightning during a freak electrical continued as manager of the Code - and housebreakers." While the thief and housebreak are rich branch. The Chief Justice also levelled a stirringeithershingles were damaged by thL bolt. eolidemuec ft � is seldom that. u them Mrs. � Donaldson and Thomas t. indictment against 'the general public on the causes injury or death. • Pritchard were awarded prizes for ound that they were not facinguptd' the "But the unlawful operator of motor ve- 'the best costumes when a hard ground � times party" was ,held by lienese- - gravity of the higlnw•ay slaughter.- He opined hides on the highways is a continual source of tung Canoe Club. . that, sterner ri.t:,ii~snrsas were nete.sary to_ jolt danger _to Iifeansi body." _ William Bailie was elected pre- , sident' of the G�oderrch Rural ural Tele - the public from its apathy in the face of more Chief .Justice Melluer's indictment is vera' phone Co. at the annual meeting than 1,000 -fatal casualties_ on Canadian high- timely. As more and more new high-powered in the office of the manager, ways every year. motor ears pour onto the highways to increase Thomas Stothers, Dungannon. J. He pointed up the.. -horrible nature of On- the (traffic hazard, it becomes apparent that D. Richardson,,, of Fergus, was of tario's tra 1 -1 -WIls'1-Iliti'illustration. only au aroused public opinion and stiffer hired as lineman -at-�-t,,:40 en �C S1,200 annually. Close to 40 men "If I should tell you that in the last five penalties to offenders against the )firs}ltway).laws applied for the job. no longer in rectifying the situation. TRAFFIC PROBLEM in the principal's office at Goderich Collegiate Institute. The money represented part of the proceeds of a school dance. Huron County Council's roads committee decided to purchase 17 garages at Port Albert airport to house county road equipment. The home of Leonard Westbrook was badly damaged by fire. Fire- man Ted Bissett was overcome by smoke and required hospital at- tention. During the group schedule, Goderich Louzon Flyers outscored years every man. woman and child in Belleville, Brantford, Chatham and Oshawa had been inflicted with virulen disease . . . and 5,187 died; and in another five year.; the saint' disease - would strike the entire population of Guelph, Kingston, Kitchener and St. Thomas—there would be a pul4lie outcry." Yet, in the carnatge, of highway crashes. that is exactly what has happened. From 1951 to 19:55, injuries totalled 121. t97--- and 5,17 died. - "Yut the !midis mind has nt,t 10-11 Stirrer) to su1►port sanctions of the law • with a strum_ will bring about a diulinuation of the slaughter. The Ontario Department of .Ilighwways under leadership of Hon. .)amt's N. Allah has given the lead in striving. to warn driver against taking unnecessary chances, while the Attorney - General's Department ha; also shown eOlil- nrt'ndable initiative in cracking down on irres- ponsible driver's. It will retluir)' an even more intensive caiml►aie^n of public education and rnut'h stiffs'!' penalties to bring the vantage to a halt. The , tinie i; ripe for a review of the whole desperate situation hV- I•esponsil)1•• it lit ht)rit ie5. ANNIVERSARY .OF SCOUTING (,'oderieh has more than 0 passing interest in February 22—the centennary of the birth of Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scout move-11N'rll, and the 50th anniversary of Scouting in Canada. In 1914 there was fotnided at Goderich the first group of Cub Seouts in Canada. The group of junior si'ootits Wits organized by the late .1)r. W. 1'. (1a11utw. The honorary cub - master was Hey. Dr. Rosi), then minister of Knox Presbyterian Church here, who sent a letter and' picture of the grotilp to Lord Baden- Powell. ?lr•. 11. Preston Strang, now of Tor- onto, was assistant eubmaster of the group. First known Scout group in Goderich was started about 1905•by Dr. Hayden, a dentist, and Chester MaeDnnald.' In later years, the first troop til Boy Scouts in " Goderich %vas We organized in 1924 when Floyd Lodge twits the Scout Mast Pr. 'Ther Second Troop twos started ill 19:;4 and 14es Riley is its Seohlt►na ter. Four years• ago, the Third Troop was started and (Men Lodge is the S •outmaste'r. • TI)tlay, there are more than 5() Boy Scouts ict Gode1•it•h and some `•)0 Cubs. In addition, there are Girl (.Irides and Brownies. _ , The leaders who have devoted their time and efforts to this movement in Guderieh have brought untold benefits•to generations of girls and boys here. "We know of no better youth movement in Canada than the Scouts, Cubs, (}irl (mise; and Brownies. hong may they continue to operate. Marking the anniversary occasion, a ehureh parade is panned in Goderich for Sunday, February 24th, at which thele well-deserved honor will -he paid to the movement. ONE DEPENDENT CHILD—$150 In thes.' days of increasing eoi;ts of living _ have heard very little talk of increased income tat exemptions. It iiee1115 to us that the actual eost of raising a family is far out of line with the meagre exemption allowed for each dependent child. If this country is to fulfill its destiny in the next several decades not. only must we 8(1411 t many more immigrants but the existing popu- lation must do its share of family building. ft also .Seems that inereased exemptions for dependents %would do a .great deal more to equalize the well-known (.0st-of-living differences hettveen family groups and the single pers:nn—childless eoitple '`hrotherh4)0(.,, - In one European wintry at least, the more realist ie npproaeh is made to exemptions where the al1otwanee for each dependent ('hild is *'300. All D1116iltlt approximating this wwould.not seem to he out 'of the way in this country where we now have a minute $15() allowed as an exeMp- tion on each .child under 16, Perhaps we should cit nut the cost of mtlwie'Iessons and let the child get his cillttire• from ('.B.('. television. FARM WIVES, DON'T READ THIS (Orillin News -Letter) - The q(iest.ion of bow much a good farirn wife is worth to her husband and family has been answered by an U.S. farm bureau which has averaged out her lifetime earnings .as ad- ding $80,000 to the family income.There is no.donbt the good farm wife is worth every xie,nnybf that and a lot more, but the question of whether she adds it to 111e husband's in- N►me may be sharply disputed in this era %when farmers eomplain of riot getting parity prices. )tut as one emmmentator said. far more valuable than her dollar worth is the warmth Mom puts into the whole operation of farming. )ler smile, her ehrerw, her splendid menlr, r -these are her hest. contributions. Without theta there would be little joy in farming. The barn on the property known as the Jones farm, west of Nile, was destroyed by fire of unknown origin. George Ashton, who re- sided some miles away, was the owner. Two year previously. the house on the same farm had been destroyed by a mysterious fire. In its editorial columns, the Goderich Star urged establishment of a museum in Goderich. 15 Years Ago C. K. Saunders was elected chair- man- of Goderich Collegiate Insti- tute Board at the inaugural meet- ing of 1942. ,, On the occasion of their diamond wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Ahram Culbert. of Dungannon. re- ceived congratulations from His Majesty King George. At Sky Harbor, contractors broke NILE NILE, Feb. 18.—The sympathy of the community is extended to the family and friends of the late Harvey Pentland. Although Mr. Pentland had lived in Windsor for the latter part of his life, he was born and raised in the Nile dis- trict. Last Monday evening a crokinole party was held in'tlle church base- ment, with a good crgwd in attend- ance. The top scorefs were Eliza- beth and Doug Clark, (while the low prizes went to Donald Mc- Neil and Joyce Matthews. The evening closed with lunch served by the Nile YPU. 'Mrs. Carman Kerr and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon -McGratten last Wednesday. A C.G.I.T. meeting was held in the church basement with four girls present. Worship service was conducted ►by Dorothy Louise Wolff and Joyce Matthews. Roll call was answered by each one giving a Commandment. Next meeting will be answered by the Beauti- tude. The sleighriding party was discussed and planned for Friday, February 15. All the patches cut out for the quilt and ready for us to sew together. Some sandwiches were served by Betty Clements. Organist Honored. -Representa- tives of the Board of Stewards and the Session of Nile United Church called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bogie recently and on behalf of the congregation, pre- sented Mrs. Bogie with a combina- tion electric fan and heat c'rcul- atol'. An address was read inch expr .;sed the appreciation of the congregation to Mrs. Bogie for the service which she has given to the church during the years that the gave of her timle and talent as organist and choir leader. 0 'For results—try a cltissified ad in the Signal -Star. • • .',4 44 HAVE YOU RENEWED YOUR SIGNAL -STAR SUBSCRIPTION e JZic' /889 //EA0 0ff/lE , M'ATERL 00.0MTAR/0 EBB ROSS SAYS: Is $40'a month at 70 foo little and too late? Why not ask me how you can retire at 60 or 65 with a larger retirement income by combining our Dominion. Security personal savings plan with your old age pensnn. I'm as close to you as your telephone. E. M. ROSS Representative Goderich, Ont. Phone 37 An .Invitation to You .. . Visit Our Modern New Hatchery IN STRATFORD HIGHWAY N97 TO ST. MARYS 1,44.444.11/ Was ERIE 5T. L,I Arl'0N Ave. 1) CORCORAN ST• LOCATED ON LINTON AVE., ACROSS FROM THE WHYTE PACKING CO. Distributors of YffEARTAfTE hevrolet 1952 -1ST Place 1954 1sT Place 1959121sT Place *c'‘ outste- thern �NEIllillAUSER: NATCNERIES Co. OP PLAV7FoaD LORNE AVE. --t:w`sw,..„._ih.Rair11,70 44.L,n. VIM.0.w..: r HY-LINE HYBRID CHICKS 1 t"T outstyles... 1953 1ST Place outsells :1955 1sT Place a: t Chevrolet is famous for its winning ways. More people buy Chevrolet than any other car. There isn't a car on the road can touch Chevrolet's record! That's because no other carhas so consistently offered the styling, per- formance and dependability that make Chevrolet an unbeatable value year after year. Again in '57 Chevrolet outclasses them all! Here's a car that loves to go and looks it! From bumper to bumper it has the sweet good looks and the fine -car luxuries of Body -by -Fisher that put fashion and function beautifully together! Try it on the road! See how Chevrolet outsteps them all! Try A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE the -smoothest, liveliest V8 or 6 you ever put a toe to. Try the most copied ride and handling on the road! (Glide -Ride suspension, Outrigger rear springs!). Far from resting on their laurels, Chevrolet engineers have made this beautiful ride even better for 1957! Small wonder Chevrolet outsells' them all! More and more people arc taking to Chevy's winning ways because they're find- ing that Chevy's value can't be beat! Sec your Chevrolet dealer now ... sec why Chevrolet outstylcs, outsteps, outsells them all! / , , ("R"/ CHEVROLET M09T MODERN EFFiCIINT ENGINES IN T1IE. IroRI.n 'Based on official national registrations supplied by an Independent source. • "71• 4.- C• I6S7C .. ROUSE AUTO ELECTRIC. KINGSTON STREET PHONE 165