HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-02-14, Page 6PAGE, SIX T+ 1 E GO ,1t ERICH SIGNAL STAR Maple Leaf IODE Records A Year Of Achievements `Lbe annual meeting of the Maple to net a profit of $348.79. A,draw Leaf . Chapter of the IODE, was for $25.00 was held in conjunction h d ,at the home of Mrs. D. D. with an elimination bridge and 500 a,40n0y, North street, on Tuesday tournament running during the o£ last week 'with the regent, Mrs. fall, which together netted $266.20, I. Hughes, presiding. bringing the hospital nest egg to 'DuTing the regular meeting, let- $014.99. Viers of thanks were read for Christ- ; Education --For toe second suc- mas baskets, a coffee party planned cessive year there were two burs - on A,pril 10th for . New Canadians, ! aries given, one of $100 to a nurse aid the Chapter decided to join ! commencing her training, one of LocalChapter of National Film ! $150 to a student entering uni- Board. Mention was also made of ` versity. the death .of Mr. Matthew Halton, Prizes of books were given for the first winner of an IODIE sciaol-; proficiency in social studies in the arship which enabled him to .study J Catholic School, and for general proficiency in the Public School. The Student's Council of the Goderich District Collegiate paid the expenses of a delegate to the U.N. seminar at London, Ont., which had been paid ,by the Maple Leaf Chapter for two years pre- viously. Interest continues in our adopt- ed school, S.S. No. 5, Lindsay, in Bruce County. A second instal- ment, ten dollars worth, to its lib- rary was provided and flag folders sent. A b;fket ball was sent at Christmas. Primers of Democracy were pro- vided for and tried out on Grade VIII but were felt by the teacher to be too advanced for these stud- ents. However, 180 copies were provided for use in Grades IX and X. There were also 150 flag fold- tunity Shop treasurer, Mrs. 11. ers purchased for Grades VIII and Heath; Opportunity Shop secretary, VII. Mrs. G. Mathieson; secretary, Mrs. , A framed picture of the Queen J. Wallacn; ways and means, Mrs. was,_ presented to the Collegiate Ii. Brepnfin, and pictures of the Queen and the New Officers Duke of Edinburgh to the Junior ,Mrs. M. Harper, convener of the nominating committee, ,brought in the following slate of officers for 1957-58: Regent, Mrs. R. W. Hughes; 1st vice-regent, Mrs. G. Ellis; '2nd vice- regent, Mrs. C. Edward; secretary, ;Mrs. J. Wallace; assistant secretary,-, Miss E. Cooper; treasurer, Mrs. G. Kerr; assistant treasurer, Mrs. F. Sandy; educational secretary, Mrs. M. Harper; Echoes secretary, Mrs. Brian Ainslie; service at home and abroad, Mrs. A. A. Nicol; standard bearer, Mrs. A. Waters; film con- vener, Mrs, W. Oakes; immigration and Catiadianlzation, Mrs. H. Bet - 'ger; com:monwealtn and empire, Mrs. D. Mooney; empire and world Eight baskets to the value of affairs, Mrs. J. Hindmarsh; press ,-2,00 Wee prepared and deliver - and publicity, Mrs. R. Brecken- ed to needy families and gifts of an England. At the annual portion of the meeting, reports were read by the following: treasurer, Mrs. F. Curry; assistant treasurer, Mrs. G. Kerr; educational, Mrs. H. G. Hays; Echoes, Mrs. Brian Ainslie; ser- vices at home and abroad, Mrs. A. A. Nicol; assistant secretary, Miss E. Cooper; standard bearer, Mrs. F. Sandy; memibership, Mrs. Con Baechler; publicity, Mrs. G. Gardiner; commonwealth relations, Airs. C. Ediward; film convener, Mrs. Bert Baechler; immigration and Canadianization, Mrs. H. Bet- tger; empire and world affairs, Mrs. J. Hindmnarsh; hospitality, Mrs. G. Parsons; social convener, Mrs. W. M'acLaren; flower convener, Mrs. F. Sturdy; Opportunity Shop conven- er, Mrs. R. Breckenridge; Oppor- High School. There were 75 books and 125 magazines delivered to Toronto for Frontier College. Nine members of the chapter went to London to enjoy Malcolm Troup's concert. The Empire Correspondence pro- ject ran into difficulty in the spring when many of the letters sent last year 'were not answered. How- ever, a list of 82 names was sent in again in November. Services at Happe and .Abroad— Five blankets were purchased and six infants' nightgowns made which were included in a large bale sent to Korea. 4/1r�2!'-g "^'*...^^Q' ul r r' Anil ers. -.._Conve rs_.appninted.._ w.exe;. C.,p.:. portunity Shop, 'Mrs. R. Sanderson and Mrs. H. 0. Jerry; treasurer, Mrs. F. Curry; secretary, Mrs. E. Jessop; ways and means, iMes. H Brennan; social, Mrs. K. Hopkin- son; telephone, Mrs. H. Ford; flowers, Mrs. F. Sturdy. Achievements Two delegates attended the con- vention in Hamilton in April. ;The Standard ,has been present at every meeting this year (where the ceilings -allowed) and has ap- peared at five public .functions. The Chapter has undertaken to be responsible for the distribution of wheel chairs and hospital beds on loan to the town from the R d Cross. The Chapter has a representa- ti e on the local Association of Girl Guides and paid the expenses of sending one Guide to camp this surhmer. The Opportunity Shop contin,es to 'be the chief .source of revenue for this chapter. About $800.00 was realized from it this year. A most enjoyable Christmas din- ner was held in conjunction with the December meetifig at which 40 memibers enjoyed turkey, carol singing, a short .program, and the film "Stratford Adventure." Appreciation was expressed to .the local press for splendid co- operation and publicity during the year. Committee Reports Comprehensive reports were given by the conveners df the various com•mittra s as follows: Membership—Three new mem- bers and a total 'of 69 members. Donations—National and Provinc- ial funds—Canadian Scene, Lucy Morrison, Peace Garden, Provin- cial Film, National F ilm, Provincial Workroom, Special • Represent- atives, Commonwealth and Empire, British and European Relief, Sea- men's .Amenities, Shipping, Wa Memorial Children's Hospital Western Ontario, National Fpm,.' 'g ency, St. John A,mbulanc . ocal donations were: Little Theatre, Music Festival, }Ihspital Auxiliary. The, building of a new hospital has been begun in Goderich in which the chapter is taking an • active interest. Three projects have been undertaken during the year with a view to building up a fund to be used as seen fit toward its ,furfi1 hings. The first was a fashion show held in March which vms well staged and well attended e%u ie,rgeeee ,�..to -..pati ges„e hospttal•at -Cilristma,. `"t- real -erns! ing anda food- parcel were given to afamily in need during tape year. - Immigration and Canadianization • For the past eight years,' the chapter has given a party for the New Canadians of this district,1,at Christmas. However, it was felt that the need for this; endeavor is • now past so this year a party was - held for the New Canadians who received their citizenship papers on November 16. A large repre- sentation of chapter members at tended the ceremony at the Coun- ty Court House after which a pro- gram and lunch were provided.( IODE greeting cards, flag folders and the pamphlet "What it is and what it does ' were presented to each. It is planed to hold in future a similar party after eAh naturalization ceremony. Empire and World Affairs—Took an active interest in her depart- ment and presented interesting and, informative papers on six lU DAY, a O. 14th, 1957 ® OP 6114 iii " 4""I.1 °M. O it W° SII 01.101, I i . Y� a. 41110 WM i OW WW Ws 441 W liM PM Q®soap as W upga Ali ai em sa ion t� i Iwo on, pe 1 dW1 i� Gas ase am ®G_ a_ G� a� ONO W io am. Q t.� W D W YM PIPPO PIM MP PIP RMI POMP PM Gill W I Q TRIP WILL PROVE THIS 'A .. e I 1 t { �� r , c { e I .•, yYa •1"'� aOowcMamafl—as-®®®OWWi--asamwe—ameaeaasan--ianusAIMPaaaamealsaaas-eaaoasW4WMe---mowmoo soala —oil-i®MPWiliO-- I II CHILI SAUCE MARGARINE Reg. Price 27c btl—SAVE 5c 2 11 -oz btls 94 , 4 Reg. Price 36c—SAVE 3c 1 -Ib Clover Leaf, White Meat Reg. Price 39c—SAVE 4c TUNA FISH 7 -oz tin 35c Clark's Reg. Price 33c—SAVE 4c • MATO JUICE 48 -oz tin c 33 LR4?IGNT QUA[/TY MEATS Of t SirkIn. B I1IELESS STEAK ow ROAST ASTS occasions: 0---___ ee Taylor s Corner TAYLOR'S CORER, Feb. 12.— Mrs: Hugh McCabe visited during the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elliott and family at Port Col borne. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sturdy enjoyed the week -end with MT. and Mrs. Phil Sturdy, at Thorold. - The community is invited to a social eve ling at the school house on Friday.' evening. A pot -luck lunch will be served. The February Ladies' Aid meet- ing was held at the home of Mrs. Sam McNall; the hostesses were Mrs. li,oy Wilson and Mrs. Hugh McCabe. The March meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Barrie Walter. BRIDGE SCORES Six tables of duplicate bridge were played on Monday night with the following winnrs: Mrs. D. I). Mooney and +Mrs. A. A. Nicol with 54 points; Mr. and Mrs. F. Curry. 431_ points; Mr. and Mr,s. H. Bren- nan and Mrs. J. D. McLeod and Mr. J. Cameron„ tied with 43 points. 0 The Irish were the first Euro- peans to recognize the potato as a 'staple food. 0 --- a' • Now you can borrow the money you need quickly and easily ! Take advantage of the "now lower rotes." Simply pick up the phone add arrange for a Trans Canada loan. And remember ... loans can now he repaid over a thirty month period. U1CK cAsH LOANS THE ALL.CANA6fAll t A14 COMPANY 677 et Vheatley Brand, Lake Erie C - RLUUTS ne Parker !ane Parker Marble 'ane Parker �$g 16 37c PLCf LS! Reg. Price 35c—SAVE 4c each 1 Reg. Price 55c—SAVE 6c each Reg. Price 27c—SAVE 2c Si ar or Cefl@mtiilf1 pkg of 12 Reg. Price 29c pkg—SAVE 90 1 per Smoked ) Grade "A", Ready to Cook, 4 to 5-16 Average OILING FOWL 1b6qc 1b 39c Campbell's v SPECIAL TOMATO SOUP 410-0•tiv49 c A&P Fancy Red Sockeye SAVE 5c SALMON Christie's Premium SODAS PLAIN or SALTED Arabian Steed DATES Margarine GOOD -LUCK Robertson's Golden Shred MARMALADE Delicious CREAM of WHEAT, Heret ord CORNED BEEF Cadbury- Instant CHOCOLATE Macahoni or Spaghetti CREAMETTES Paramount COH - E SALMON PeramouICnt PI N SAL MO N 7 -oz tins 89C SAVE 6c 1 -Ib pkg 29, SAVE 2c 2 1 -Ib pkgs r 1 -ib 32c 12 -oz jar 29 28 -oz pkg 31 12 -oz tin 3 FOURTH EDITION S LE ! -fYiSirOPEiiM-Oft Wff3�ii$-KNOWLEDGE _:....._ A&P's NEW WONDER only R BOOK BACK COPIES STILL AVAILABLE IT and VEGETABLE FEATUIPES` Bradford Marsh No. 1 Grade, Tender, Sweet Fresh, Green Nc. 1 Grade, New Spring Crop e ParkeriP OATittlEAL ?�..Y STALKS ,IE FOOD FEATURE BROCC 1.11 a s ncy' SSPINACH Fresh 2 1400 pkgs 3 c -. LETTUCE fi4 prod pkgs C LE iverbrook .;t. r juTTERFirst Grade Ib unnyfield, Large Size 111 ,G,Gs GRADE "A" 3 ctn do; Curly Leaf, 63c ORA, GES 48CA�..�PLES $RAFT FOOD PRODUCS VELVEETA CHEESE 216=is1,97 CHEEZ WHIZ, MUSTARD SANDVIiICH SPREAD HANDiSNACKS 16 -oz jar 59 6 -oz jar 1 2ic 16 -oz jar 53C 8 -oz roll PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH, 1957 PL 3 -Ab cello bag 2I1 3Q 2o25 6 Florida No. 1 Grade, Fresh, Crisp Texbs No. 1 Grade, Fresh Green Tender No. Postal Ige bunch 23c 1 Grade, — Trimmed, Washed, Ready to Cook 2 cello pkgs 29e Fresh No. 1 Grade 2 Ige heads 29e 5-I6 cello bag 59c California Fancy Navel, Seedless Cuban Red Spanish, No. 1 Grade, Sugar Sweet, Extra Large Size ES Me1NiOSH RED This Week's Special Royal Abbe 22K. Gold Decorated FRUIT DISH ONLY 1 c WITH $5 PURCHASE Ontario Grown Cold Storage Stock, Fancy Grade Gattuao Place Pack uEEN EXTRA SPECIAL! IVES' Reg. Price 79c—SAVE 6c' 16 -Az jar 73, Terrylene 'and Viscose 'BLANKETS Chrome 72" STEP STOOLS Goose Neck x 90" $5.99 s6.95 DESK LAMPS s2.79 2 Pens plus 3 Refills BALLPO1NT'SET SINK MATS019 59d