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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-02-14, Page 2
►: _ TWQ THE GQDERICH SIGNAL STAR 0 tL? (Aube nIi gnat- 'tar : vs R 0 HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST WEEKLY L fl fl • of" tP * Established 1840• In its 110th year of publication. Published by Sigual-Star Publishing Limited omoscm i tion Rates—Canada mad Gnat : ritain, $3.00 a year: to United • ', 0 States, $4:00. Strictly in advance. Advertising Rates oe request Telephone 71. Authorized as second-class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Out-of•T'own Representative: C.W-N.A. 237 Foy Bldg., 34 Front St., W. Toronto. Over ; ,Q(0©--Lcrcgeet circulation of any aowapapo' published in Harron County---Ovor 3.000 *ember of Canadian cheerily Newspapers Association. Member of Ontario Weekly • Newspapers Association, Mombor of Audit Busoau of Circus GEO L. ELL05, Edits.. and Publisher. THURSDAY, FEB. 14th, 1957 LOSS TO COUNTY FARM LIFE With the passing t'at's, ,•liitllgt's inevitably take plate in the personnel of organizations serving the public. Stich a change takes, place tat the end, of this inoiitli ill the lluron Agricul- tural Othee at Clinton. It will be a distinct Ions to the farmers and ti.riu life of llttrou t ounty. Agricultural representative of Iluroe County since Au:rust 1, 1051, G. W. 'Jerry' Montg•oliler}• is to resign that post to Feb- ruary 2Si to become Ontario Agricultural Agent for the 11is intense tdevtt1 ui to the welfare cif farmers in general and his pride in Ilurctlt County agricultural achievements elnt'nts ill particular was completely obvious as his bubbling en- thusiasm for fa l'111 w t,rk spread to all parts of the Count: . 11,, 11ritlt' wa; partit�ularl� notict'ahlt• it. -1 11 w ,+rl: the farmers- of the future- -hi ei,.t•ii he has it keen interest. A TAX AT ON With a ,,e,et -0n slat t'tI for t his year it is roast'liibl)lt' 1'' presume that tllt'r'' �1Ill' be vote -catching lts'„11nee►neilts 1'e I'etlllrtittll, to taxation when t lir• budget is preeen ed to she taxpayers. .Tint when and hew- the recluet iuus are -to be made remains to be seen. Reducing the present level of income tax(', most certainly intkee sense, says The Financial Post. It is urgent, continues the Post, w-it11 which we are its hearty agreement. But tlo Ottawa' dilemma is very real. To cut taxes at a time of inflation perils such as now exist i, precisely the saute as throwing gasoline on a dangerous fire That why e'deferred tax reductions,,, as suggested by the Chamber of Commerce sounds like good sense. The C. of C. scheme for 'giving us tax. cuts now but postponing nail a safer-- day tht' time wrlen • we get the speAp.i.cc utds .4 xt `), hen the inflationary pressure eases the extra shot of spending power provided by the payment of tax credits... w,otild be a useful stabilizer for We are confident that "Jerry” will al- ways have a warns spot in his heart for Huron County and that the County will benefit from this feeling as he moves about the Province in his wicker field of activities in the future. Best of luck to you, "Jerry." Ile was not the completely theoretical farmer as so many college educated farmers are regarded by practical farmers -3orn and brought up un a dairy farm in Carleton ('aunty, near Ottawa, he had a basic know- ledge of tht' down-to-earth problems of the farmer and kept therm always in iniad as he endeavoured to translate for them the benefits of the latest trends in modern day farthing. Farmers from Huron County will always Down Memory's Lane 45 Years Ago George Fong purchased the Ham- ilton street steam laundry ibusines.s which had been operated by D. H. Ross for many years. There was a rumor that the Mac- kenzie and Main interests would build a radial line frm Toronto to Goderich, passing through George- town, Acton, Geelph, Berlin and Stretford. According to a Beard of Trade report, Goderich Organ Co. Ltd. employed an average of '105 per- sons in '1911. Figures for some other industries were: Jackson tex- tile factory, 10 men and 50 girls; Goderich Knitting 'Co., 40 em- ployees; Doty Engine Works Co. Ltd., 60, and Goderich Elevator & Transit -Co., 35. C. MenElliott, of Goderich, was appointed to the board of license commissioners for Centre Huron. John G. Kuntt had secured the agency for the McLaughlin car and was preparing to open a garage in a ,factory building onKingston street. 25 Years Ago Douglas Nairn suffered a broken nose in a hockey game between Goderich- and Exeter. Goderich won the game 4-2. rte w-elcotut' to the office °of his new• post Jack Annat ,was re-engaged a, lo'';ltell in the Union Station, Rooms C. 31, pro at the Maitland Golf Club. ttrulltt). The Goderich 'Star 'reported: T"While out hunting, Mr. John Snell of town had the opportunity of witnessing a rabbit sitting up in a field talking to a dog; the rabbit was answering by shaking its head. Believe it or not." the et unuill) • In a move supported by credit - '11c11 realistie and useful comment on ors, Huron Investments Ltd. pre - lit a.iition is refreshing. \o intlivitleal likes the pared to open an office in Goderich present luau of taxation. But the fact is that again.casualty "Thein(the stcantpanocky had been el - a slump. Fe the voters its a y -Cult' keel) on demanding, that ing that complete liquidation of the company would only bring creditors five or • 10. cents -on thee dollar, the backers decided to re- sume operation.. The market was showing signs of improvement, and \Ve do believe there is a tremendous they hoped to win back some of amount of unnecessary spending in the name I the losses. ot%. tlefellrc. It is high time that the govern- ment made a conscientious review' of so-called defense expenditures. Few people realize that defense i, taking about one third of every tax M • NSTROS TY +�0Veruluent tlu mort- and spend more. And the Irbil " sales pitch" of all opposition parties that they promise to apt'ud more 1)11 some- thing Ullle- t 1U 1 int,* bear to some voting hearts. It was reported that 'Maitland Beadle, of 'Goderich, had purchased the "Auburn House" from Russel King. 15 Years Ago Alvin Crooke received word that dollar colle(•ted, 'Those who served and wllo his son, Kenneth, had arrived at are serving its those sections of the department I an eastern Canadian port in a life - of national defense where they conte in contact boat after his ship, a Canadian n ith the era( nature of the expenditures, �enditul e,, merchantman, had been torpedoed on the Atlantic.. however, realize full well that there is i wastage Goderreh Board of Trade receive that . they. _ would: nevertolerakeseise ati-,!„- houses- ' ed�=w rd. tli t fhe- passenger Stearn er Georgiatould make four calls y_ hold or business which thetttightnl 211414:��, _-k n i ., the, operate. There can be no a reciable redue- ` 1 PF T forthcoming season. tion in taxation until the defense expenditure About 2,500 town—and district residents were given a close-up view of the batttle equipment pf 1 Canada's fighting soldiers when the army demonstration train sttopped monstrosity is given a careful review. News of Dungannon DUNGANNON, Feb. 11.—Georgo Livingston, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Rev. G. A. Watt .,performed the cere mony. The bride, given in mar- riage by her father, wore a floor - length gown of cloud white nylon tulle with (bodice and overskirt of Chantilly, lace. The tulle jacket, edged with lace, had lily -point sleeves. Her finger-tip veil of tulle 1'reagan, President. — The annual meeting of directors, officers and policy holders, of the West Wawa - /Kish Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany was held. Friday afternoon at the Parish Hall. The officers are John F. MacLennan, R.R. . 3, Goderich; George Ireagan, . 'rade rich, and secretary -treasurer, Vurre illusion edged with lace was held kn Phillips. , The directors are: et by a coronet -studded with sequins. D. Anderson, R.R. 6, Goderich; She carried a white Bible, which Marvin McDowell, R.R. 1, Belgrave, was a gift from the Nile United Frosts McPhee, R.R. 3, Auburn; c.;<, Church, topped with red roses and M. Stuart, R.R. 2, Lucknow; Frani: white streamers. Miss Charlotte Thompson, R.K. 1, Holyrooto Liningtnn, of Goderich, as maid of gAYFIELO, Feb. 11.—Mr. and George Feagan, RR. 1, Goderich; bonus, wore a waltz length gown Donald MacKay, Ripley; Lorne of light blue nylon tulle with tace Mrs. Wm. Murray, Van Dyke, Mich- Jehnston, Lucknow, and John .' lac bodice, overskirt and jacket. Her igan, spent the week -end with Mrs., headdress w,ts of matching flower W. J, McLeod. called on his sister, Mrs. IL. Stothers, recently. The standing committee of the Wor%,en's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian—Chtiresmet—at - the home of the president, 'Miss E. McMillan, on Thursday afternoon to plan the work for the coming year. Mrs. W. J. Reid moved a vote of thanks to Miss McMillan for her kind hospitality. Mr. and 'Mrs. Edgar Reid, of London, were guests with their uncle and aunt, MT. and Mrs. Mason McAllister, at the week -end. 0 0 0 BAYFI ELD Lennan, R.R. 3. Goderich. The president, John MacLennan, con ducted the .meeting6n'and reports were given csf the 78th year of the company. Direct dosses have been considerably aouve normal end re- insurance losses have more than doubled. Attention was drawn :6 ways of reducing these. The re- tiring directors, Donald McKay, Lorne ,Johnston and John Mel,en nan, were all re-elected by acclani ation. As the result of Geore' Stuart's resignation. Brown Smyth was elected from the four conte• -t- ants suggested. The directors met later at the office and the officers for this yeas' are: President, Geo r g e Feagan; vice president, Frank Thompson: .secretary-treas u'rer, Durnin Phillips' The Dungannon Trail Rangers enjoyed an evening of skating last I Thursday. Mr. and Mi s. Bert 'Marsh, of Petersburg, were Sunday visitors with the former's sister, Mrs. Min- nle Jones, and son, Melvin. Travelogue Enioyod9 -- "Family Night" of the Dungannon Women's Institute was held Friday night at the Parish Hall. Mrs. Lorne Hasty. was chairlady for an inter- esting -program. Mrs. Wilbur Brown presided at the Piano. A community sing -song was led by • . Mrs. A. Reed and Mrs. II. Stothers. Sandra Brooks, in Irish costume, danced an Irish Jig and later, in Scottish attire, presented the High- land Fling. The highlight of the mtretting was the presentation of a travelogue by Mr. and Mrs. Camp- bell Thompson, of Lueknow, of their European trip last September They were introduced by Mrs Thrl'jiin Phillips. Mrs Thoempsor ve a vivid word picture of their trip and of the countries visited and later beautiful colored slices avere (shown. Eleanore Reed gave violin selections accompanied' at the piano. by Jim. mother, Mrs Allan Reed. A Band -made alum, intim tray, made .by one 4i thr Y.tiatitttite° members, was presented to Mrs. Thompson as a slight token 'faunal TVIIS is rved. which for°ou'i h' WI enjoyable evening -to a ellOsk. Littlintisferti4Godfroyievilips and daffodils deco><ate4 Nile U?iiterl Church tiltI tlta tai 1p.m. when C ailf E Oodfr y, ; ccontl (laugh, tee of ,Ir. and rAtr;°s, Ralph Godfrey, Rev. Wallace McCIe sa and Sirs. i7,Xt. 3, Aulits>tit, was united in mar,' lr"l'c(ieait tl+aael' pactezi•al calla on iia;'e tc- David ��u%•tw Liv£a Ston, their ret -le tart �te��eeit, +u111! 7 :olio ,of t<�t . Dnc1 .110. ,Jxlllasuh Ii io clas Hackett, oar Zion, and she carried a nosegay of pink Miss Jessie 'Metcalf, Detroit, mums. The beet man was Ian Mc- Cowan, of Seaforth, cousin of the spent the week -end at her home. groom. and Harvey Sproul, R.R. 3. Mr. and Mrs. ix. W. Hayman and Auburn, and Gordon Dale, R.K. 4 Ruth, London, spent the week -end Clinton, ushered. Douglas Squires, at their cottage. Presided at the organ At the re' Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McConkey ception at the bride's home for the Toronto, spent the week -end at immediate families, the bride's their home. mother received the guests wear- Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bisback, ing a navy crepe dress trimmed with silver, navy accessories and a corsage of pink mums. The groom's mother assisted in a brown crepe dress trimmed with white, pTnk !Mrs. Fred Weston. accessories and a corsage of pink The W.M.S. of the United Church mums. For her wedding trip to met on Thursday afternoon at the Detroit, the ibride chose a light home of Misses Maude and Jose - grey English wool tweed suit with •phine Stirling. .Mrs. Harvey Rohe dark brown accessories, topcoat of ner, the president, opened the dark brown and a corsage of rose -,d, meeting and introduced the study buds. On their return they will book. Plans were discussed for reside in Seaforth. Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Medd, of Seaforth, grandparents of the groom, and his sister, Mrs. Beverly 'Alexander and 'husband, of Hensall. A. pre -nuptial miscel- taneous shower was held for the Trinity Club was held on Tuesday bride 'by the fvunlbeam Club and evening at the home of Mrs. Helen ladies of the Nile church the pre- ' Cobb. Seventeen 'members an- vious week. swered the roll call. The presi- Rev. Donald Orth, B S A , B.D.. dent, Mrs. J. E. Honey, opened the agricultural missionary from Japan. meeting and the treasurer's and will be at Dungannon United secretary's reports were read. Church on Friday night at 8 p.m. A. F. Scotchmer, jr,,••showed two with an address and pictures on beautiful Gans on England and Japan. Bermuda. On behalf of the club, The Dungannon Y I'.:. will hold Mrs. L: -Path thanked him. A white an evening ;service on February 24 elephant sale was held with each inoiiservance of Youth Week with member exchanging a 25 cent gift. a 'Member as speaker. Lunch was served by the hostess. The 'March meeting' is to be held DUNGANNON. Feb. 11 --Mrs. J at the hoisIe of Mrs. A. F. Scotch- Olvel was guest of Mrs George mer. Richardson. of Port Albert, for a Funeral services were held on few days last week. Saturday afternoon at two o'ctock Tfie house of Mr. and Mrs. Hugb from Trinity Anglican Church for Stewart, which has been vacant for Mrs. M. F. Woods who passed away some time, is now being occtt(ped Thursday at Clinton Public Hospit- lw Miss .Tessie Wallace. al. Service was conducted by the Mrs. A. Silli'b, of Ashfield, is rector, Rev. W. S. Outerbridge, and eisitine with Miss E. (McMillan and 'prayer by Rev. F. H. Paul, Lis - Mrs. Olver for a few days toweI., Pallbearers were J. E. ,Sunday visitors with Mr. and Hon*, Lindsay Smith, Leslie El - Mrs. Arthur llltintt were Mr. and liott Told Brandon, Chas. Bell "Kira. tIcear Cuthill and Picts. of ttt$ CO>Ll Diehl. Interment was in Walton. .. „ tId cemetery. Miss Lillian Poi and Mira i,` L ) ti 0- Webster, of Teacher's C; lief;`+ Igen soot is spilled, on carpets l tratfor(l, did practice-to%clh1lg pt or rugs, sprinkle dry salt over the t(igtai9' school this past Week. spot,, it earl then bo swept away witliotnt smearing. For results—trey a elaisifled ad in the Signal -Star.. Clinton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon. Miss Janice Pruss, London, is spending a few days with her aunt, making a quilt. The nTheting closed with prayer followed by lunch. Jintmie Higgins, Toronto, spent the week -end at his home. Trinity Club. --A meeting of the in Goderich for three hours. A fire of uncertain origin caused considerable damage at the former Doty engine (Warts building ,Itt Brook and. Vittoria streets. The plant, awned by, the town, was oc- cupied by Goderich Iron and Brass Go., of which Frank Phelan was the head. Neighbors signed a petition pro- testing noises made Iby a local factory which employed a night shift to push war contracts to com- KINGSBRIDGE KINGSBR:IDGE, Feb. 1'1. — Mrs. Blaise Martin returned to her home here after a two -weeks' visit with relatives in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Iterrewech and the Misses Lizette and Simone Spriet, of Langton, were Sunday visitors with the Lierman family at the rectory. Mrs. Van Diepen returned to her home from B;incardine Hos- pital during the past week. Mr. and MTs. Jack McConville, of Toronto, were week -end visitors at the Clifton Austin home. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hansford and family, of Galt, and Mr. and Mr., and Mrs. Clare Sims, of Sarnia, were Sunday visitors at the Ray Dalton home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fitzgerald and family, of Stratford, were guests at the nome of Mrs. P. Murphy. Jos. Martin, of Hamilton, Arnold Marsman,_ Peter Van (sch arid Douglas Frayne, ,of London, 'Miss Mary Sheridan, of Toronto, Miss Maureen Vassella, of Goderich, spent the week -end at their home, here. - Mms. Cyril Austin attended a hairdressers' convention in De- trdit during the past week. Michael O'Neill and Cyril Austin motored to London to meet Mrs. Austin upon her return home. The C.W.L. are sponsoring a Mardi Gras Dance soon. Congratulations to (Mrs. D. Reyn- olds, who celebrated her 90th birthday during the past week. - 4 O- --o -n DOMINION LIFE I1ATOTAL OF ($79,000,000 IN FORCE WATERLOO, ONT., Feb. •8. — " Canadians, regardless of their sit- uation, should have a keen arid continuing interest., in •maintainiig the purchasing power of the dol- lar," said Alfred S. Upton, pre.gi- dent of The (Dominion Life As. tr- ance Company in the 68th annual report at the annual meeting Of the company here today. "The fight against inflation should be the concern of every citizen, but we in the life insur- ance business are more vitally con- cerned, having in (mind the intcir- ests of our thousands of polit- holders to see ,that the value Of their money ii preserved," he stated. The business in force increts d 009,000,000 over 1955, bringing the grand total in force to juot °Vet $709,000,000, it was pointed oat. Mr. E. Ross is the Goderiph area representative of the 1)(tmtn- PHONE ion 'Life Assurance Company. pletion. Mayor Brown remarked Oat he wished the town had more such noises. 10 Years Ago Following the resignation of C. Woods as leader, Town Council held a special meeting to discuss the, future of the Goderich Boys' Band. It was decided to investigate the possibility of putting it under the same management as the Blue Water Band. -Citizens attending the annual meeting of Alexandra Hospital As- sociation were impressed with the urgent need of increased hospital acoorn.modation. Town Council reooimmended that the ;mayor obtain the view's off_ the retail merchants' committee on the installation of parking meters. A 5-4 victory over Durham Jun- iors enabled Goderich Louzon Fly- ers to complete their Junior "C" group schedule unbeaten and un- tied. Don Ainslie drove home the winning marker with less than three minutes left in the final game of the group schedule. Action was delayed while mem- bers were sounded out on a pro- posal that the .Goderich branch of the Red Cross Society surrender its charter. 11 LEEBURN L t , ,URN, Feb. 11. --® iMr. and Mrs. Arthur tRashieigh and family, missionaries o,n furlough from Ethiopia, accompanied 'bx the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. Harvey Potter (nee Alice Bogie), of ,Langbanit, Sask., visited last week -end with iMr. and Mrs. Andrew Bogie, who entertained the immediate relatives on Friday night at their home. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bogie, Mr. and Mars. Robert Bogie, Mr. and IM.ts. Earl Bogie and family, Miss Alice Mc- Kenzie, R.N., ,of Dresden, (Mr. D. A. Mckenzie, of Toronto, Ms". and Mrs. John Quaid and family and Mr. Graham Bogie, of Sarnia. Mrs. Potter accompanied the Rashleighs to Toronto on Sunday to remain until they sail for their mission field. After that she will return for a longer visit with her relatives. Mrs- RodBogie is spending some time in Toronto with her sister, Mrs. C. C. Walton,' and Mr. Walton and (family: Mrs. Walton is not enjoying the best of health. Mr. Eugene Davis, brother of Mrs. Len Pope, passed away last Friday inGoderich hospital. He had come from Leiban, New Hamp- shire, to live with his sister, but due to a severe illness had to be removed to hospital. Burial took place in Compton, P.Q. on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bach- anan and Mrs. Pope attended the funeral. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mrs. Pope Warble Fly Campaign Goderich Townsliip Tenders are called for the supplying of 600 lbs. of Warble Fly Powder, to .be delivered to the Township by March 23. 390 lbs. of- the total to -be in- 15.111; -bags- annd- 219 to be in 1 lb. cartons. Tenders are also called for the spraying of cattle in the Township under the Warble Fly Campaign. Tenders to state a price 'por head for the spraying. Applications are also called for the position of Warble Fly Inspector. All applications to state the hourly wage expected and a price per mile- for the use of car or truck. All tenders and applications to be in the clerk's hands by March 1st. Lowest or any tender or appli- cation not necessarily accepted. R. 'E. Thompson, R.R.2, Clinton -7-8 3 yc.. and framily. Mr. R.a^y Linitlater is a -patient in Victoria Hospital, London, 'here, he underwent an operation. Mr. Linklater is 'reported doing nicely. W.M.S. Meets. — Mrs. Terence Hunter vvas ;hostess when the Lee - burn WNW. met for their January meeting. Mrs. Tait Clark was leader of the worship service. Mrs. drew Bogie read the Scripture esson and Mrs. Elmer Hunter led in pray&. MTs. Clark read an item from (Missionary Reporting on Miss Ida McKenzie, of Toronto, the mis- sionary for, special prayer. Several `IO AY. >^;sa, 1,4th, 1057 thank -you notes and Christmas cards were read. (Naris member is to make a quilt block for the next meeting. Miss Belle Shaw read a chapter ,from the study Iboak, r; ports of last year's work were read. The hostess was assisted at lunc=h time by MTs. D. Plunkett and stirs, Elmer Hunter. Mrs. Andrew Bogie will be hostess for the February meeting when the World Day of Prayer service will be used. -o Lonely Hearts ad: "Man old enough to know better would like to meet girl not quite that old." INGO LEGION HALL GODERICH SATURDAY, FEB. 16 JACKPOT OF $55.00 FOR FULL HOUSE IN 53 CALLS. 1st GAME STARTS AT 8.30 P.M. tt/•••••••••••••••O®••e©efi s lO©••••••®co y00000008000 40. •• Goderich Community Credit Union • • • • • • 4 • • • • • • •• • O 'm 0 'ANNUAL MEETING • MacKay Hall • • : Friday,February• ICOMMENCE 8 P.M. ALL MEMBERS ARE REQUESTED TO ATTEND. • LEARN HOW YOUR CREDIT UNION HAS PROGRESSED DURING THE PAST YEAR( • FREE MEMBERSHIP • ! DURrNG THE MOXTIIS OF FEBRUARY AND .. MARCH. • �.... i.r�`.xr. ,n...,^�..-..,� �"_ °...`Y-_ �. .' .iN.. •�-'`7ast.g...`idr:s..� ,.lt.. D•. ..�'+tY -+w -<r. "51 DODGE outgoes em all with the liveliest hoodful of II -0 MN( in the low -price field! ,+- _}�`. � t& •{r+T w' .�, it fYr.. a� r ,.,� r{rr}r... r• •• : r ee NS - e Ors . ...., ... ..vw..rir'r,::•!.: rr� r�r r 'i'7 �y :r. 4r:t t Nir:"•' •.;Q,j,t..7�v 1ti M1 r • • '' veeS✓rr /4i *Seeleta . \ ]�'•AbvJiSrv°i$S,'?.vr.+: 'J:r{C•+�pc . Yri• r l fa •• �r*r rrf:'r r'Jt�'6•' Ease down your toe and watch that the biggest, most powerful standard V-8 in the low -price field new Dodge V-8 show its stuff leaving ordinary cars far behind! It's with 215 horsepower to speak for itself I 0 stop without annoying "nose-dive" and .. corner as sway -free as a sports car: There's a lower centre of gravity, too, that make` ' your Dodge cling po the road like part of the pavement. And --what a dream to park in your driveway! Get a close-up look at this .better -built beauty today. We've got •a hunch you'll join all the others in the big awing to Dodge for '57! This is She push button that buttons it all up— new SCAT . and SIZZLE and .SPIRIT — In one bellutitul dazzler named Dodge! For this fully proved push-button control triggers into action the fastest, smoothest, thriftiest automatic transmission on the road today—new'rl'orque-Flite drive! -Yet, that's only a taste of the excitement in store for you. There's Torsion -Aire Ride that flattens down the bumps, lets you ,You're always a step ahead in cars of The Forward Look Dodge outshines 'em ali'with new high-torque V- l's and Slit o 0 o new Torque. Filte drive with push-button controls ... new Flight -Sweep °57 styling e g o inew TortsIon.Alre Ride o P new Total -Contact brakes. CHRYSLER CORPORATION Of CANADA, tionE0 You GET MORE /N A THE BID BEAUTIFUL BIiY IN THE Low -PRICE FIELD ! REG. McGEE & SON S 765 es