HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-02-07, Page 8CS FAO! TELEVISION REPAIRS r TO ALL MAKES. Complete work bench of all TV Testing Equipment. TV AERIAL INSTALLATION AND SERVICE-- ANY ERVICE-- ANY MAK. MacDonald Electric Goderleh 384 Phone 235 BUSINiESS DIRECT RV CIMME PRACTIC • THE G P DEEil.CU SIGNAST • =WO" 1 RV W 7ths i/n fl IIRT . SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chiropratic Oce Hours: Pilon., Thurs.-9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues:, Fri. -9 a.m. to 8 p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. I Wed. & Sat. -9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy ce-Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341. i!. A. Mo HARPER Chartered Accountant Office 343J 33 Hami It House 343W St. Goderich A. 1, 'Bert' Alexander GENERAL. INSURANCE FIRE a AUTOMOBILE CASUALTY Get Insured - Stay Insured Rest Assured: Bank of Comm. Bldg. Telephone 268. Stile Ambulan Roomy -- Comfortable Anywhere - Anytime PHONE 199 77 Montreal St., Goderich a {f • G. B. CLANCY Optometrist=-=�Optieiare "essor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointment phone 33, Goderich. HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER - HURON AND PERTH Phone 474 SEAFORTH P.O. Box 461 FRANK REID LIFE UNDERWRITE Life, annuities, business , insurance. Mutual Life of Canada Phone 346 Church St. 6. C. F. CHAPMAN General Insura rr. ce ire Automobile, CasuaKv Real Estate 30 Colborne St., Goderich Phone 18w News of Dungannon DUNG'A 3NON, Feb. 4.-111r. and Mrs. Eldon Johnston and Mr: and 'Z's. Gordon McGratten, of Gode- rich, visited with M. •and Mrs. John l'tc an on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Henry and family visited with the former's mother, 1kar•s. Irvine Henry, on Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. Wall Cook, of Chesley, visited among friends this past week. Institute Meets. -Institute mem- bers met in the home of Mrs. Herb Stothers, Thursday evening. The president, (Mrs. Everett Errington, was in charge. Twenty members ansnrvered the roll call, "A Canadian product on my menu today," The secretary, Mrs. Otto Popp, read the Minutes and a letter from Mrs. James Haggerty, provincial presi- dent, urging the society to make this year an Outstanding one in recognition of the 60th anniversary of the Institute. It was decided to hold euchre games in the near future in aid of Hungarian relief. _Members decided to sponsor a Garden Club this year with Mrs. Graham McNee as leader and Mrs. Chester Finnigan, assistant. The annual family night At -Home will be held Friday evening, February 8, at 8 o'clock. The feature of the program will be the showing of films by Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Thompson, of Luckn w, of their trip to Europe. Mrs. R. McDonald ®®N®*D®®®®®®D0NDiDiiDD Like always attracts like. That's why the girl. who's fas- tidious about regular dry clean- . ing always attracts the well - pressed man ... and vice ver- -s& • 0IUE TO YOU: Restore o --- 4freAhen - up. tired clothes with, our ,,; ; s, efficient dry cleaning. den onsttatcd the ranking oaf trays. Mrs. Errington asked that all standing committees present items of interest to help with the pro- grams for the coming year. Lunch was sery F.+.• by the hostesses, Mrs. Wilbur own, Mrs. Will Stewart, Mrs. !',. Kilpatrick and Mrs. G. Watt. The Anglican Guild sponsored a euchre game on Thursday night with eight tables in play. High prizes went to Mrs. Harvey Mole and Mrs. Will Cook. Low larizes were won by Mr. Herb Stothers and Mr. Carmen Anderson. The parents of students at Teach- ers college, Stratford, attended their At -Home Friday night. Those attending from Dungannon were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Popp, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webster, Mrs. Everett Errington and Mr. and Mrs. Art Stewart. Miss Grace Crawford, of Gode- rich, is visiting with her 'sister, Mrs. Robert Durnin, this week. Erskine Presbyterian Annual Meeting. Encouraging reports from chairmen, secretaries and treasurers of every group and or- ganization of Erskine Presbyterian Church were presented at the an- nual congregational meeting. Rev. W. McClean presided and Mrs. W Reid was secretary. Elected for the new year were: Treasurer, Robert McAllister; auditors, Mr. Albert Taylor, Mr. Arnold Stoth- ers; organist, Miss Norma Murray; Sunday School superintendent, Jim Reed; Sunday School secretary, Richard Stewart. The board of managers remains the same. Rev Mr. aiIoClean- spoke words of en- couragement to vis people on their attendance and on the services they had contributed, both spirit- ually and financially, to the church. Mrs. W. Reid expressed appreci- ation to Rev. Mr. MeClean and Mrs. Wilson after which Rev. Mr. McClean pronounced the benedic- tion. o• o - 0 Happier people: Continuing the falling trend of- the previous two years, the number of divorces in nada in 1955 was down to 5,7!,,x: rom 5,922. in 1954. ✓� You cfltqo '' ALL»DUT€ IFyou feel OOMI NDDNNNDDNNDDNt These days most people work under pressure, worry more, sleep less. This strain on body and brain makes physical fitness easier to lose -harder to regain. Today's tense living, lowered resistance, overwork, worry -any of these may affect normal kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes *remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, that "ti ed -out" heavy - headed feeling often follow. That's the -Dodd's-Kidney frills.-Dodd's- stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better -sleep better -work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at any drug counter. °sa OUT ON A LIMB WITH BILL SMILEY It's nice to see old friends. And it's nicer still when they say: sWhy, you haven't changed a bit!" You cast your eyes down coyly, and start to make inane remarks about onlybeing as old as you feel, when they follow 'up with: "I'd know you anywhere, even though you've lost a lot cf hair. Row long have you had those dentures?" * x a We made our seani-annual safari to the Big Smoke last week -end, and did a whirlwind tour of our friends. We've found that the best way to stay friendly with old friends is to visit them every five years, admire their children, dogs, and furniture, and diAce a fast getaway. They think you're the most charming old friends they have. ' :g * It's something the same tech- nique to be used with relatives. 1 love my brothers, sisters and cous- ins, and am sdelighted to see them once a year or so. But if they arrived by the carload for Sunday dinner once a month, even, 1'd move to the west coast. * We have a peculiar assortment of old friends. Same of them are so cultured you wouldn't dare say a bad word like "money" in front of them. Others are so.liawdy and illiterate they think "culture" is some kind of fertilizer you use on your garden. Which it is, some- times, Fertilizer, that is. :� .* * -•--•-Two- sold friends who spent the evening yarning with us in the hotel room were fair samples of the innate oddness that afflicts most of our old friends. Who borrows from HFC? J Nearly three quarters of a million Canadians like you borrowed from HFC last year. HFC is Canada's largest and most recommended consumer finance company backed • by 79 years' experience in helping families solve their money prob- lems. So if you need up to $1000,' visit HFC where you rpay always borrow with confidence. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE R. K. FITCH, Manager. 33 West Street, second floor, phone 1 301 GODERICH, ONT. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER s Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 1621J Clinton. @,, Charge moderate and satis- faction guaranteed. ri.' a Te A1'Al■itrong PTIMETRIST Phone 1100 for appaislment SQUARE GODERiCH CEMETERY MEMORIALS .T: Pryde &Son EXETER SATURDAY EXCURSIONS to TORONTO by CNR LOW FARES EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL. APRiL 13) Tickets (good ging and returning same Saturday only. EXCURSION FARES FROM: $4.75 Guelph $1.90 Paisley • .85 Hanover 4.30 Palmerston 4.38 Harriston 3.75 Southampton 4.75 Ingersoll 3.70 Sarnia 4.75 Kincardine 5.85 Stratford 2.45 Kitchener 2.45 Strathroy 2.45 Listowel 3.60 Walkerton 4.00 Watford 4.75 Wingham Wyoming Corresponding Pares ll'rom IntermediaVe Points Allenferd Brampton Brussels Chesley Clinton Elora Fergus Georgetown 1.20 Mitchell Goderich 5.05 Owen Sound $5.20 3.40 5.90 6.55 3.45 5.20 4.60 5.75 4.75 6.20 Ldeei Representative -- ALE szvant GdDEI'ti W(Rin Av*. Phdtte 1Sd • * r:; * One of them graduated with dis- tinction, ten years ago, in econom- ics. It should follow that he is now a business tycoon or a civil servant of top level. Do you know what he Ls? He's flat broke and is happily embarked on a course of training that will ensure he re- mains broke for same years. The other chap has been racket- ing -about the world for years, a: Spitfire pilot during the war, a - d abbl er in -a- civzen jobs since; -a- confessed econfessed smuggler. He•°Lprobably should be in jail. Do you know what he is? He's a big business- man, applying all lois mental re- sources, at thepresent time, to figuring out ways and means of diddling the government on his in- come tax return. =k k i Th Mwo birds hadn't rapt be - T -fore nod c overed- -they-A; only a block apart in the city. When they left in the small hours, it was taken for granted that the one with the money would drive the one who was broke house. So, with the oddity that character- izes our old friends, they got on different elevators, . and lost each other. :4'4'* The one with the car, who could have bought a taxi outright, went off in his car, and the other one, who didn't even have the price of a street -car ticket, walked it, a mere matter of fifty or sixty blocks. How would you like to have goof - balls like that on your list of odd friends? Sunday we picked up the trail of more friends. Reports on their present circumstances were enough to curl your wig. When we knew him ten years ago, one particularly degenerate , type was payihtg his way through college by 'playing the horses, and had a weakness for gin and tap water, an odious mix- ture. He is now a 'devoted husband and father, and an outstanding member of the clergy. *: :x 4' • Another specimen from those days was apoet, and he ,had all the traditional earmarks. He was hungry, dirty and dilapidated. His hair hung into his soup when he was eating. Today he.sis a sedate university professor, wears a hom- burg, and would grace any dinner gathering, ,wteie he used to _dis- grace a gathering of any sort. ' x: * 4' Still another type used to beat a mean guitar and sleep in a slovenly room full of empty beer bottles, dirty socks, gnawed pieces of cheese and books. He hasn't changed at - all. The only differ- o enee you can see is more books, socks and 'beer battles. * * 4' Pm certainly glad the Old Lady and I aren't peculiar, like our old friends. There's nothing queer about us. Oh, I'll admit I feel a bit sheepish when Y can't remem- ber where I parked the car, and have to walk home without It, but that only 'happens about once a month. And it might appear a little odd to the •neighlbots when they see her chasing me right around the house, through the snow, in her slippers and dressing gown, (trying to hit erne on the head with a daratmop. But there's de- finitely nothing peculiar about us. MISSIONARY RALLY Reit. Donald B. Orth, who re- oently returned from Japan, will speak Friday night at a rmist;ionary rally in Victoria Street United Church. He is a graduate of Ons tar% Agricultural ColleDe and Em- manuel College, and he is otrrenrt- ly completing the M.Se •`degree course rat Cornell University. 0-- ty_ _ - ... _ n Canada's Old Age Security Fund. which Days $40 a month to every- one 70 years .off age regardless of need, had a deficit of $0,200,0(`0 at Ally lst, 1030. • Council Leases Concession At beach Grain Dever Seeks To. Rent Shed The bathing house concession, formerly operated by the late °t{eat MacDonald, will be leased to James Reid and Donald .:pert MaaoAdam, it was announced at last Friday's Town Council meeting. In the past, the concession has been leased for $50. annually. There was never any written'agr'ee- meat, but one- is being drawn up. for the town now. At the previiofn.s Council meeting, three applications had been re- ceived from parsons interested in taking over the concession. The applicants were Peggy MarclDonald, widow of the late Bert MacDonald; Donald Bert lMacAdam, his grand- son; and Ivan 'Lounon. Later, Mrs. MacDonald and Mr. MacAdom withdrew their applica- tions and a new application was submitted by a partnership com- posed of Mr. MareAdam and James Reid. On recommendation of the water, light and harbor committee, Council accepted the application from this partnership. Council decided to do some in- vestigating before making a de- cision on a request from a grain dealer, who wishes to rent space for an office in the old freight shed down at the dock. In the request, Parrish & Heim - backer, Ltd., orf Toronto, wrote: "For some time we.have been look- ing for some space in which to open a small office at Goderich to service our customers who truck grain from the grafi. elevators. "We noticed the old freight shed which you have down, on the dock, and we were inquirting whether youwould be interested in giving us a lease of some kind about 20' x 20' of this shed at ' e north- east corner of the building." The letter continued, "We realize that this building is just a shell and (Rlt'at we 'would have to pay considerable money to have this portion made liveable so that it could be used .for an office." ,Adding that it is anxious to became established in Goderich, the firm asked )Council what rental would be charged. should Council be willieg to lease the space. Q O O A highway tax based on weight of a vehicle and the miles it travels has been suggested as a system of increasing revenue to maintain highways. FIRST AID RENDERER TO ALL SICK TV'S. We carry the largest stock of tubes for all makes, and a complete stock of parts for Sparton TV. For instant service pnone or call B. R. MUNDAY 127 Widder St. TV, Radio, Sound Phone 598 -23tf .11111111Mr So, before you mail a letter, or parcel, -S snake sure the address includes these 5 pointss O Full name of the person you want to get your mail. © Correct street address, rural route number, or Post Office Box Number. © Post Office (city, town or village). O Province. state (or equivalent) and country. © Put your name and return address in the upper left corner. s7- P0-2. T -ADDRESS CLEARLY, COMPLETELY AND CORRECTLY "raj' .ePEEP iet,e4P 414.11 •�-,� q..0- A• M -- ..40...E i,._ .,p.. €•;•_.C_. Navy Gift To GDCI follows Success Of dormer Student Ordinary San Philip R. Las - saline, son !{ . . and Mrs. Nor .I +: n Lassaline, o 'RJR, 51, Ood. erieh, has been selected best 'all-around man in his class at the new entry train- ing establishment, MEM Corn- AUis, Nova Scotia. To nark the success of this *Muer student "of Goderich It r trlet collegiate Zest ter the -Naval Uoad , o Callad& wt *Kitt (t tat volume of awe Far DilstaM Ships". to the WDOI library. rAlte volume ;as the official recas-d 411f Canadian naval operations in the Seco td !World Was'. - Wordi of the gilt has jest been Medved from the Naval at Ottawa by A. R. Scott, of Tice letter states LieutenaiL� t W. R. WhItman bas been inst iitk - to snake arrange- ments to present the gift to the school. (Date of the pr< utatia than not (been set yet. A. C. Cooper tells of . revolution brought by frozen foods "Frozen foods are revolutionizing daily living," says A. C. Cooper, Manager of .the Frozen Foods Warehouse of Dominion Stores Limited. "They not only save the housewife's time and cut dapvn waste in preparing meals; they also make available all year many tempting fruits and choice meats - and a far wider variety of vegetables and seafood." As a family man, Mi. Cooper ha's also benefited by the progress made in another field ... life insurance. Today, providing continuing income for your family is only one of the functions of life insurance. The increased flexibility of life insurance plans enables you to provide funds for emergencies, . your children's education, safeguarding your home, p,yotecting your business ... and a retirement income for yourself. Your life underwriter is better trained than ever to help you shape these flexible insurance plans to meet your family's needs. in these and other ways, the life insurance .comprnrries keep in the vanguard of progress., A total of over five billion dollars has been invested by the Life Immo- once nsuaonce Companies in Canada, on behalf of their policyholders, in homes, roods, utilities, industrial plants and other productive enterprises. THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA TJE 'n° L L ,+^,�.}Y.drytS r+il$y'j't rrr r •. �j<'�'L�rrt''(�j•'r_ L' f rr i.. r ..r........v •' ?r✓: • 1 r r r r •:' , r +r.+..: A 95#x/ •r ;,.r.,�. • A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE TAKE THE SEAT OF HONOR • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • •°-• • • " •`i frr f t f1 ` ,r•h • r7�!S:5'SM S FSS f1 to Something altogether new has been added to Oldemoblle's proud line of beauties FIESTA! Here's the grace and glamour Of hard -top styling added to etation wagon living. There are three fabulous Fiestas by Oldsmobile! • • e e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• • • • • • Open the door of an Oldsmobile. Settle your- self behind the wheel. Suddenly you know what it feels like to sit proudly in a seat of honor.* You've discovered what every Oldimobele owner takes for granted ... the prestige of driving the most admired, the most envied car on the road. Then TAKE THE ROCKET TEST. Set all the beauty and 'luxury of Oldsmobile in nno- tion. A flick of the finger puts icetaway ° Ultra -responsive 277-h.p. Roches T400 Eitgirur standard on all models. • • • w • • • „ • 0 • • • • • • • • • Hydra -Matic eagerly at your service. The lightest of toe -touches rouses the hushed might of the most powerful Rocket engine* in Olds history. Head for any open road and discover bow exhilarating this latest, liveliest Rocket really is! Be our guest, right soon! Come in and get the full story on the big -tune performance, the big. car value of Oldsmobile -the car that costs less than you think. It's your year for Oldsmobile. L E 0-5570 .A.1)T9 ELECTRIC- KINS,ST�N SiRE6T .. PHONE 165 5,