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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-01-31, Page 7
1U/MAY, JAW= Mete W ASHFIELD AS iF 'D, Jan. 2a—The presi- dent, (Mrs. Hugh Maul enzie, pre- sisded over the • January W.M.S. meeting which was held at the home of Mrs. D. A. MacLean, one week later than usual awing to weather conditions, Mrs. Russ. Bissett gave the Scrip- ture reading 'from the est chapter of P` alms and meditation on, "This is the day," followed by prayer. a er. Mrs. William Ross favored with a solo. Tho new Gw stt><d �. ten - Y book, �� east lt,:sia, was capably introduced by Mrs. William MacDonald. She related the current study on churches of Southea:it 'Asia. A prayer was given by Mrs. Emile MaeLennan.. The roll call, with 20 members and one and, was an- evvered by a New Year's prayer. A reading was given by Mrs. Earl Howse on ap eenension and fears. Mrs. Dave McMurchy. gave theof- • fertory prayer. i8 ar &tr 02 the P cS t ia l annuidl meeting, hell/ ► Winghmn Presbyterian Church, were given by Mrs. D. A. McLean, Mrs. D. R. MacKenzie and Mrs.` William, Boss. A letter from Miss Dorothy Doug- las, of Formosa, was read. The hostess, assisted by the presiding committee, served lunch. Faith is essential in credit, love, and hash. UP-TO-DATE FAMILY_ ( -it u a G-QcaC9-a-5,66-nedR@cp@. The Dilthrop's Passport {1< to Better Living BANK OF MONTREAL 6444d14 9vcdt 6144 e'er LOCAL BRANCH: Bruce Armstrong, Manager 'Fllc I)ilthlul)s arca anodern-(lav fantil\ bay(' 1((1i,cosc1((1 ;t re- cipe for better li\ nig. It', not a tic‘v rev il).. by ani ole:cis — it has been tried and tested for )cats. Here are the ingredients: c a 11 of \I o ;t 1)cfcnite (;u;tl to .ti,c\e for ® a 1)a11 of 1)c•tc•rrctin;ction "1 brie's nothing more — just add deposit, regul:u l\. _ 11o.ru and Dad <an /faith to ttl results...that suit ,ht•', . flails ,? E k;3it .:: tlsc •t -ns -l-lf Ihritt _ and self-reliance in Ji1nlnc :111(1 Cat 01 gained by operating their 01, li a- T-ciiuttts—aL the 14 of NI. 'I litres fun, 'they say, in sax ing together and iit sharing the thrill, of realizing their sayings goals. Why don't Sou open account, for members of your faurily today? Votr'11 fitu1 a warr welcome alsaits you at the B of "MY HtMll" ro a N1ii /ON CANADIANS WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1 8 1 7 D247 .000.04110004111.06000.94304D0060(4,00000011100000° 004111®0600®®6439®®060(4,000®ee1®0000° • 1 1 4 1 ' , acii► ®®00.0.000610110006W®0 1l1 ®®®®®<' ®®oeoeboo c0000(DDoC,o®f ecooeelem0000e0006 00accooq u,,,,*cerne000000og00000000000G000000G0000000©00000Goo GODERICH SXGNAL S T A Nr NEWS OF AUBURN, ATJDUR.N, Jen. 20. Aaub tar'* An- Wigb;tman resided a . the e pian . � � h piano. ictus. --The Auburn Ann ;ttc'a of the 4-11Homemating Club met ltl t Wednesday evening at the hom1 elf the assistant leader, iiIrs. lid. Davies. The meeting. was opened by the president, Leerait e Hensch, who led in repeating the 4-1I pledge. The minutes of the prell- tous meeting were read by Edna Daer. The roll call was answered by nine members, each giving a good suggestion for the retard books. The Horne Assignment was work on their garments and prac- i. tise making bias binding. Luno i Was served by Lorraine Hensel and Edna Daer. Knox United Church W.A.-.-The January meeting of the' Woman's Association of Knox United Church was held last Tuesday evening. The Happy Hustlers were in change of the program with Mrs. Jack Armstrong presiding for the de- votional period. Mrs. Norman FIRST AID RENDERER TO ALL SICK TV'S. We carry the largest stock of tubes -for•ail makes, and a complete ,tock of parts for Sparton TV. For instant service pnone or call . R. MUNDAY 127 Widder St. TV, Radio, Sound Phone 598 -23tf Mrs.Armstrong opened the mem Ing with th( ,,reading of a New Year's poem. ti rs. Alvin Plunkett read thecripttire. lesson end Dirs. Robert Arthur led- in prayer. Rev. R. Hiltz conducted the installation service for the 'new .officers for 1957. A piano duet was played by Mrs. James B. Jeekson .and her daughter, Miss Margaret A. Jackson. Mrs. Arthur Grange gave a reading. The offering was re- ceived by Mrs. Harry Armstrong and Mrs. John Wilson. The guest speaker for the evening was Mrs. Gordon Met1laehey, who give a very interesting account of her recent trip to Western Canada. Words of appreciation oh. behalf Of the ladiesPresent /were voiced by Mrs. A. Grange.. Mrs. Maurice Bean, president, tools charge of the business period. A moment of silence, followed by prayer, was observed to honor the memory of the late Mrs. Albert Campbell who had been a loyal member since the organization of the W.A. A letter concerning the crass for leaders which is to be held at Five Oaks, February 8, 9, 10, was read and anyone wishing to take advantage of this training school should get in touch with •Mos. Maurice Bean. The ladies decided to cater to a Loyalty Dinner in Blyth Memorial HaIJ on'itesdax, January 29, for the members of the Blyth united Church. Lt was decided to have a display of aluminum trays at the next meeting. Benedic*tion was pronounced by Mrs. M. Bean. The ladies of the Ilappy Hustlers group 1/4 [Rues re energy at the start Swift's CHICK STARTER Cut the time and expense of raising chicks with Swift's New Chick Starter: Less feed, less time is needed, now. Give your chicks a better start in life with Swift's new formulation of animal and vegetable proteins, new -growth factors, and Calogen. Come in today. We have the starting feed that opens up new opportunitie '<iitry profits 'A , « , CALOGEN is Swift's special blend of anlit,al fors and associated trace nutrients. RAN & - SON • PHONE 345 GODERICII 5, 6 setvol tuueli and a 11. sal time Waa YAN yY M RQbert Stanley ,labnstoraa—This cO.?rl .mnnityr,rwaas sudelcneh lust ► on-, day evening to learn, of,the Oath of Rtpbast Stanley Johnston who passed away at his home in Au- burn. He was born MAreh 19 1092, the soon' of the late Robert Johnston and Margaret Howatt, formerly of East Wawanosh. In 1915 he was married to ' Mary Raitlaby and - resided eat the home- stead in East Wawvanosh. He farmed most of his life until a few years 'ago when they moved into Auburn and he was employed by Huron County en road construe - tion until failing health forced him to retire. He was a member of the Auburn Baptist Church. Survivir;, besides his wife, is one son Lloyd, ,orf London; tyo daugh- . ters, (Marjorie, Mrs. Ray Perdue, London, and Elaine, Mrs. Donald Chmprbell, of Goderich; six grand- cltieldren; one brother, Leslie, of Blyth; two sisters, Agnes, Mrs. Thomas Taylor, and Ada, Mrs. Clarence Clark, both of Goderich. Funeral service was held at the Arthur funeral home on Wednes- day, January 23, at 3.30 p.m., with Rev. A. E. Silver, of Ailsa Craig, officiating. Mrs. J. Ostrom, of Clinton„ sang a solo, "Beyond the Sunset," accompanied on the harp by Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. Inter- rnent took place in Ball's ceme- tery. Pallbearers were: Messrs. Alvin Leatherland, ;Maitland Allen, George ---Howatt, Clarence Johnston, Bert Taylor and Charles Scott. The beautiful floral tributes were a silent reminder of a loved friend and neighbor. Congratulations, Kenneth.—C'on- gratu1itions to Kenneth Hunking of the 13th of Hullett who was one of the winners at the spelling bee z ne finals held recently in Gode- ( rich. Kenneth attends S.S. No. 9, 1 Mullett, and his teacher is Mrs. I)crothy Bennett, of Port Albert.` V',';' wish him success when he goes to Stratford to compete with other 1 zone finalists. 1 P°to. Allen Craig, of ('amp Bor,- 1 den, is a patient in Sunnybrook a Hospital, Toronto. t Mi;- Irene Ament, of Goderich, g visited I' ��.� a d:43 her AE1mt, Prir. kSaukl')yd Lawlor I a patient; ata Win zaa her plitttl, life tar;,.ds wife were vi ithrg their di<.4a hten', Mrs. Bleinty"rc, adrutyro tmi'ti family, of Wira&ia:, widen tae MS triel;hen ifld.. Mr. Jim Gloat her MS able - t ► visit his parent,, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gloushcr over the met., ., end.- He has been a paltient 'in. Victoria Hospital, London, forsev- eral months, and, returned there on Monday for further treatment. 1Mies Shirley Drown was the holder of the lucky ticket drawn last Saturday evening at Gordon R. Taylor's store; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor motored to Dresden last Suaaday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Ron. ald Rathwell, Mr. Rothwell and Michael John. Mrs. Catherine Dobie turned last Friday after visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Jim Johnston and Mr. Johnston, of Bluevale. Mr§. Gordon Chamlley and era by daughter arrived home last Fri- day. Mrs. Robert Chamney was a visitor last week at the home of her son. Mr. Andrew Kirkconnell is a patient in Clinton hospital. Mr. Harold Kirkconnell, of Goderich, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Kirk - Connell. Mrs. Emma Gow.—Mr. William Gow attended the funeral of his mother, -Mrs. Emma Gow, at Rartho, last week. The late Mrs. Gow was 86 years of age and was born in England. She came to Canada with her parents when 10 years of age. Her husband, William, passed away several years ago. r She was a member of RaRath()Pres- byterian Church and of the W:M.S. sf that church. Surviving besides ver son William, are five other mon <, Allan, Woodstock: James, Loncinn; Fred, Ratho: Albert, Barrie; Robert, Waterloo', three iaugh.ters, Mrs. Rachel Shireman, bight; Mrs. Irwin (Minnie) Zinn, nnerkip; Mrs_ Kathleen Pettigrew t whose home she died. 'Thirty- I►ree grandchildren and 52 great- , rand ehildren also survive. The b SATU f D EXC U S O to by.0 LOW FARES EVERY SAtl1JRDAY (TO AND INC,. APRIL 13) Tickets Good going and returning same Saturday only... EXCURSION FARES FROM: Allenford $4.75 Guelph $1.90 Paisley $5.20 Brampton .85 Hanover 4.30 Palmerston 3.40 Brussels 4.34 Harriston 3.75 Southampton 5.90 6.55 Chesley 4.75 Ingersoll 3.70 Sarnia Clinton 4.75 Kincardine 5.85 Stratford Elora 2.45 Kitchener 2.45 Strathroy Fergus 2.45 Listowel 3.60 Walkerton ••.siditk ., w,,,t.t 1.20 Mitchell 4.00 Watford N der`ict , ,,,;, 4 ,, ,„,.5.05 Owen Sound .75 .Wingham Wyoming Corresponding Fares from Intermediate Points 3.45 5.20 4,60 5.75 4.75 6.20 FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS T LAST a HKH QUALITY CLOTHES NYE Drop Into Your Frigidaire Dealer's Today for a FREE Demonstration. You'll See: Lets you select any drying time with one dialing• Slide -out line control drawer Basket -high dryer door with push-button opener Clothes can be added or removed at any time Optional power supply hook-up on either 110 or 220 volts c' Automatic Safety Door Switch If you've a Wringer Washer, use this Dryer to dry clothes f -a -s -t 1 SET IT ! FORGET IT! CLOTHES STAY NEW LOOHINNG .. . No more sun -fading or streak- ing. Safe heat alone dries clothes, keeps delicate lingerie new -looking/ 1) enatfonaI NE rigi�air O PER RYE,I1 ONLY Built and backed by General Motors PHONE -586 ICE Clothes Come Out Soft, Wrinkle -Free Result? You can put away many things, lilco towels, sheets — even slips with- out ironing at all/ '198. 54 Easy Monthly Payments If You Wish But these great New Economy Dryers are going to -go F -A -I -T. GET YOURS TODAY AT — Choose your Super Dryer separately, or as a pair with the new super Washer Only 3 gallons of hot water for a complete wash. Rub -free washing keeps clotjor new looking longer. APPLIANC THESQU 400•04,000001101111101011411040110000•11141.004.• •S•e•s•ole!••soses•e*eeesesoeeeseeseoesetwee woEeeeeeeoeeeseseseeeesseeeteeesboed sebms©ausod usee*********eetsigeo ►eeese eleemoodl isb0bb66pbu funerai „service was conducted lwi U31b.o '►° ;�layt'tcrian t'hurc t >l Tan rstl;ay by Rev', J. f': Seh ail er ut '1E2.13 interment '►i�':( nude �r ;t .14atlta *Fig t wii:.it ill, p11(i Ma`,-, jaw* lltetn b%5' vier +tile wi o tiicar t_.tl tett t , n1t',s r flriyivn and gills. 'Brow1l, Ott ,&t. i'lko i. and their son, Tad, `a Palirier'tona lr. Clna �lc IleAbe, of, London,. spent the week,ent sus 1i*,-ao here. Mr. !Gcorgo in* and 31.4s Erna J3e'thh>e, ' of aara?a visited/ Mvla on' itlSand Aundayltwith Mr• and bra• . Lirs. Stanley Abel and Wendy, of St. Thomas, visited • over the week.Iend,with her £althea, 31r.. Albert Ca Abell, - IMr. end Airs. 140.rd kT'<`zithby, o. 'London Visited wiith fr ersd a the village last Taesday. frienMr.ds Golirk I,odin1neloU5, Rutledge is visiting' - Mrs. John Maize attended' mis- cellaneous shower in her lionor- llast Thursday evening at the hVxn© of Mrs. Martin at Port Altbeist, Mrs. William J. ,Craig, Mr$. George Wilkin, Ens. Gordon B. Taylor and Mrs. Ed. Davies at* tended a meeting of the Easterly Star in Mitchell last Friday even- ing. Progressive Euchre Party. A social evening was held last Friday evening in S.S. No. 9, Hullett, when the members of the section enjoyed progressive euchre. Prize winners were: high lady, 1Vrrs. Elliott Lapp; - low lady, Mrs. Roy Daer; high Imran, Kenneth llaggit.t; low man, (play- ing as a man), Miss Kathleen An- drews. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDougall attended the funeral of his uncle last week at Mount Forest. Mr. Kenneth Whither, of Elliott. Lake, visited friends in the vilIarge over the week -end. ,Miss Carol Beadle, of, London, spent the week -end with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beadle. S.S. No. 9, Mullett Farm Forum. Group.—Elegy: en members of the Farre Forum group of S.S. No. 9, Fiullett, met at the hotne of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sprung and en- joyed a social evening. Winners 1 the progressive @Wire jre were: high man, William Wagner; low man, Elliott Lapp,high lady, Miss Shirley Daer; low lady, Miss Minnie Wagner. S.S. No. 16, East Wawanosh So- cial.—,S.S. No. 16, East Wawano'h, enjoyed a .;oc'ial in their school last Friday evening. Prize winners were: high lady, John-McClinchey (playing as lady); low lady, Patsy Carrick; high man, Carl Govier; low man, Willie Govier. Dancing was enjoyed. Hosts and hostesses for the party were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc.Clinchey. Mr., anr1 Mrs, Iiarvev Carrick anti -Mr. •an/d--Ml`s. - Bill' doss. S.S: Nor 2, est "VVaw'aiaos]fi $o -w. cial.—A social everting was spent last Friday evening at S.S. No. 2, • West Wawanosh. ,l ine wrr a-- were:.jgh la d.y r.Mise_June low lady, Harvey.. McPhee (playing as a lady); high man, Howard Thompson; low man, Mel. Steep. Hostesses were Mrs. John Dttrnin - and MIs. Kitchener Finnigan. The Farm Forum of Prosperity Corners met on Monday night - 1 the , home of +Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mills with 14 present. They en- joyed a social evening and dis- cussed their subject of Parity Prices. Knox United Church Repprta.,Ex- cellent Year.—Undex -the..,.4 ship of :;; A': inguen and Re'v. congregation of Knox 'United Church enjoyed a successful year both financially and spiritually as evidenced in the reports given at the annual congregational moet- ine hell Wednos,tav last. Rev. R. S. Hiltz. took charge and con— /111/ ter/ a evot;ctnal period and a short memorial service for those ss ho hid passed en during the Th.7 p:, 0: inerriber- shi;) is 2(31. while 415 are under '1'h rr o re 13 bap - 1 a1nrt t hrei' 'na, rr itis, '1'he retro -'•t was presented by j 11� , Flma Muteh, with total re- ee;p',s of 53,798.08. :Mr. Everett Taylor's report for- Missionary and '41:iirenar:c•e showed that $1,007.30 had been sent to the treasurer, of which sum the Sabbath S_»hool don- ated $75.52 The Sabbath school closed :he year with an average attendance. IA' 102 and made don- ations to the Al. and M., Avel, Board of ('hris;ian Education and the Vacation 13:ble School. The Woman's Missionary Society ex- ceeded its allocation and. sent $360 to th,^ branch treasurer, 'a valuable hale of supplies for Overseas Re- lief and Christmas baskets to sick and shut ins. The two Mission Band groups sent $64 to the treas- urer and 59 pounds of clothing and school supplies for Korean relief. There are 36 members enrolled in the Baby Band. The three groups of the Junior con- gregation reported an enrollment of 56 and donated money to "Save the Children Fund" and Avel. The W.A. repotted a +balance on hand . of $660.68 after financing repairs to the church property and manse. The reports from the other various organizations showed -'encouraging progress during the year.ss F.lm�a Mutch 'was re-elected eh 'e1i treasurer, Miss Margaret. R. Jack- son, church secretary. and Mr. Everett Taylor, local and charge M. and M. treasurer. Two new organizations came into being in 1956 and 'both have flourished. Rev. Mr. Hiltz organized a Tyro group in October with a group of 12 boys, which has new grown in 1 number to 20. They have all won their bactlges and 13, their T. A t'!.G.I.T. was ong'nnized in Septem- ber cwith Mrs, William T. 'Itubison t.a:s leader. The election of other officers resulted as rtrollawe: Board of Stewards, Leonard Archambatttit, Keith Arthur, Fred and l cibert Ai aistrong; Igen Wagnerlett[ , e- TTrtu(all to replace Harry= Sturdy, Willi^nr Gress to replace Nelson Moulden, as truetee; Henry Brim" - ley :anti -Roy Fitinii 1tt, re-e1ot`,tad as, auditors. A veqto m ation wes ete..// t17' 1a. .,J, ani; Mrs. R. S. Hiltz far Y l4ce' �Sa, rtharill and to ski k ;alce 1?u?rfit� Rev. R. S. i ill2 .,pr4rf(Rxgs -(i.., ll )' benediction. ��..,