HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1957-01-31, Page 6'i; r;. • ,SIX • •� .t `4,- _. . A* • ' 1 ' THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR • • NUARY 3Llilt� "lA6r rELEraION RPAIR$ TO ALL MAKES. • Csenplete work bench of all TV Testing Equipment. TV AERIAL INSTALLATION AND SERVICE— ANY MAKE. MacDonald Electric Goderich Phone 235 38tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY CHIROPRACTIC OUT ON A LIMB • WITH BILL SMILEY What in the world do people in tropical climates Lind to talk about all the time? Sometimes 1 feel an overwhelming ware of sympathy when I contemplate the paucity of their subjects of conversation. tx*w Nothing to talk about but love, religion, politics and the heat. lfuw bored t L y must become! No wonder they're, so emotionally trig- ger-happy and prone to resolutions and such. * +' * * HERBERT B. SUCH, D.C. \\'e Canadians, besides being the lilt healthic:t, happiest, richest and Doctor of Chiropratic , best, -looking people in the world, Office Hours: re surely also the most eloquent Mon., Thurs.-9' a.m. to 5 p.m. cunvcr'ationalis :n existence. Tues., Fri, -9 a.m. to 8 p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 Om We are never so destitute of Wed. 3. Sat. -9 to 11.30 a.m. cnnv,'r,ational gambit; that we Vitamin Therapy ha.e to resort to tho•e hackneyed Office --Corner ...of South -St and old themes such as art, the soul, Britannia Road. Phone 341. 10.e. or man's inhumanity to man \ewer - e T A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant Office House 343J 343W 33 Hamilton St. Goderich A. J. `Bert' Alexander GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE — AUTOMOBILE — CASUALTY Get Insured — Stay Insured Rest Assured. Bank of Comm. Bldg. Telephone 268. F * * For six month.; of the year, .we discourse brilliantly on lish.ng. baseball. babies, gardening, house- cleaning and The ('ar. The last mentioned, of course, appear; as a often in our dialogue a. deity duet; in that of less favored race_. 11 * But it is in the other six months, the winter months. that we really come-into-our.ow•n, conversational- ly. During the long grey months of winter, listen in on almost any conversation in our land. and you will marvel at the intricacies of intellect, the subtleties of expres- sion, the rapier -like parry and thrust of ourcommunication. * * * * A foreigner would be bafiied and charmed by the sparkling quality of our colloquy. A Canadian mid- winter ccnvcrsazione would snake Socrates sulk, Plato pout. from 1 sheer envy, -•Stiles -Ambulance Roomy — Comfortable Anywhere Anytime PHONE 399 77 Montreal St., Goderich G. B. CLANCY Optometrist"=Tlttetan' '' (successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointment phone 33, Goderich....,__._.�.� 4y •r- HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Phone 474 SEAFORTH P.O. Box 461 FRANK REID LIFE UNDERWRITER Life, annuities, business insurance. Mutual Life of Canada Phone 346 Church St. At the bridge table. cards are forgotten when the conversation 1 begins to bubble like vintage chain- pagne- In the pub. beer is left ' untouched nn the table. At the: ' ladie;' ail meeting, the quilt iies unquilted. - \Vhat. you may ask. i; the secret ' S-ri-_7ci4'fr-.r.,-- t'clf.— itttIkt.!#- (':ti4-ti-t 4-it:14••-.--. eonver o Toch and heady in the ' '!winter.' lei s listen in and find) out. Fit --t .v'l1 drop in on a br:dge I party. where i-- gathered some of t he town's beauty arrrtt-mf-h tYry-,'t- fair 'n unien and brave 'nen. * * * * hark to this young matron, her simple dignity arrd warmth of countenance unmarred by the be . , ginning of a double clan. "\\'e like the oil, cuz y' don't 'hafta fool , , with it. Just set 'er and she stays the way y' want 'er. A course. the ►ninit I .turn it up a bit, .Lim runs over and turns it down. Says 1'11 ' us... end here she giggle, 1,M0f t ui ' ;1t;,.z�ery picture ,J.Pc, I j. pliat'ft -wii-ife AvItt `l ns scared of he `' ' hu -band -;.ls she is of the family'' -• goldfish. • C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Pire Automobile, Casualty Real Estate 30 Colborne St., Goderich Phone 18w EDWARD , W.. ELLIOTT,; LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 1d21J Clinton. Charge moderate and satis- faction guaranteed. F. T. Armstrong . OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointment SOIMI `E GODERICH _CEMETERY - rMEMORIALS Pryde & Son EXETER E.cal : Repr ntative-- x'" �AIEX WITH ODERICH •,phenol .JS8 .. �Ai • htiY In the midst of the deafening silence that follow, her bid of two no trump. speak_, with courtly grace the gentleman on her left:1 - ":\h, you en have that oil- Stoo'1 expensive. Gimme the good ole hard coal. with a man that knows howta h-'`ftdle the furnace. I mean y' get that real hot heat." * * * "Yah. butcha gotta have a good fan, or she doesn't kick that heat around," says the demure little lady across from him. "\\'e like the- stoker, ourselves. George useta puff something terrible when he had ta shovel. blit now he duzzen even hafta go down, only every coupla days, so it gives 'm more time ta help 'tha dishes," winking gaily at the hapless George. * * * "Saycha like," says another young gallant, leaning over from the next table, "i'lI take wood. Sa little more work, but .The's quick an' ,she's hot. An' ya ,never hafta worry about strikes cuz the farm- ers never go on strike." * * * And so it goes. Of course, that', only a rough sample of what makes our conversation so fascinating. Mere words could not convey the vital intensity of the man who' is de: crihing the Sawdust burner he has installed. You'd have to he there yourself to absorb the ,uJ>tic nuances of expression as the wealthy lady refer; casually to her combination oil, coal and word stove, and the other ladies 11 -ten with pained and feigned interest. It would he impossible to r^pro- duce here the lurking violence in Tho yni►ng mother's description of the villainy of her flint h: ailed landlord, who refuse, to heat h^r apartment to the dc,sired 72 degrees. Don't talk to me about the bril- liant discourses in the 1fth centnry 1 along of France Tell me not of the sparkling exchanges among the �' dons of Oxford. Just give me any group of red-bin.derj, furnace minded Canadians in the dead of winter, and T'll show yeti some conversation th•tt will make your ear-dlrums palpitate. We like this one, about a man who absolutely recused ito pay the bus crinductor the new rate of 1:5" cents for his usual 10 rent ride. ' i The bus had i'' -1 r'ar1Nl t't! 1 centro of a brirtice. •,v-hpn the I in- , furintell condurtor grabbed 'the man's suitcas^ and hu -led i' int/ the water. •. -: • "Ail bah! You sc-ounrircl!" s.hou't- d'the rnnn. ':F:rst you t Ito sob., -: 'rig and now you. drown my little' •boylr, j • w, TRIMMED BEFORE WEIGHING DEEP CUT SPE!/ALS Av SHORTENING Rig Pr.�ks31 PORK ASIS Shankless ShouIder' Lean MeatyUtt lb 4 PORK CHQPS- Shoikler or Butt Grade 'A' TU'KEYS RIC n S KE FILLETS lb 3 9 OVEN READY 10 to 14 -Ib AVERAGE SUPER RIGHT SMOKED RINDLESS Ib4 9 1b51, 1 -Ib pkg 69, SAGESMALL LINIror'C UNTRY STYLE Ib 39, MILD CURE F__...4 _ Fruit and Vegetable ...._Nees, • Firm Ripe Fancy Grade Mexican Hand Selected California No. 1 Grade Firm Crisp Texas No. 1 Grade Curly Leaf,. Trimmed and Washed SPINACH telt • CELLO TUBES .� LARGE HEADS Ontario No. 1 Grade Hothouse Strawberry, Real Treat' cello bags 29, California Fancy Grade — Best for Eating, Size 176 59e Dozen ORANGES 5-1b cello bag 59, THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL! Royal Abbey 22K Gold Decorated CEREAL BOWL 0nl.29c With $5 Purchase 'T Sunnyfield Grade "A", Large Size EGGS Silverbrooke First Grade BUTTER Clover Valley. CHEEZ PLEEZ- Iover Valley }IIN-LO CHEESE iereford CORNED BEEF dozen carton OOc lb 00C 16-ozjar )9c 2 '/% -Ib links 37c 12 -oz tin 37 c Bars SOLO MARGARINE 1.IbPkg3l largarine iOOD `LUCK 1 -Ib pkg 35c Delicious Beverage FRY'S COCOA 1-lbtin 75c rebruitry Issue Now On Sale The •A&P Magazine WOMAN'S4DAY, each 7t' Prices 'Effective Until Saturday, February 2nd, 1957 LB 23 Ontario Grown Fancy Grade, Northern Spy — Finest for 'Cooking APPLES - 3 3 -Ib cello bag5 C A&P Large Size - ' . PR-UNES- Quaker Reg. Pr c 25c pkg--SAVE 6c CORNFLAKES 12 -oz pkgs4.5c Standard Quality Reg. Price 2 for 390—SAVE 4c 22o0ztns33 33 Choice Cream Style Rea Price 2 for 35c—SAVE 2c A&P CORN • 2200ztn531c BAKERY SPECIALS Reg, Price 53r.- SAVE 10c .each 49c Jane Parker Large R�g, 59c—SAVE 10c, c ane Parker E PIE CAKE each.49c Jane Parker Cinnamon Reg. 29c—SAVE 2c yea ast Rolis , pkg 27c Jane Parker Reg. Price 29c pkg—SAVE 9c ISin - © les2pkgs 25-40-60 Watt LIGHT Reg. Price 19c each—SAVE 3c - 100 Watt Reg. 11).S150 Watt Frosted or Price 21c each—SAVE 3c 9f Reg. Price 29c—SAVE 2c LIt ►`LBS each ( ;': ••%r, -'tae..._ FROZEN FOOD FEATI/RES! L;bby's - SAVE•7c PEAS 2 12 -oz pkgs 39c Nifty SAVE 2c WAFFLES 2—Kgs.1627c Ontario Grown, Fancy Grade, Delicious — Best for Eating APPLES 3 -Ib cello bag 35c 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 3ibbaa.79 NEW KING SIZE TIDE package x.5 5 THE CLEANEST CLEAN IS TIDE CLEAN ! SPECIAL PRICE PACKAGE OXYDOL ) Save 7c Giant pkg 7 0c CONTAINS COLOUR SAFE OXYGEN BLEACH NEW, SILVERPLATE LARGE SIZE GIANT SIZE BONUS pkg ( pkg83c A Piece of International's Revelation Silverplate in each Package - • GREEN — PINE SCENTED . •Giant Size 79c• Reg. 29o—SAVE 4c ib Van Kirk Reg. 15c pkg—GAVE 5c Ch�ped Nuts. 24'/°25c 25 Instant Reg. 2 for 25c—SAVE 9c JeII-O pkgs c . Clover Valley • , - SAVE 9. Cream Cheese 28.ozPks49c SPECIAL ! • MINUTE • OGILVIE OATS • t j 3 -Ib box 37, • Reg. 39c SAVE 2c Your chance to own for lass than • 14THE ORIGINALPRICE A complete set 'of the ONLY NEW WONDER BOOK 4ideptiadVioddKnotAmigt *er troleee+ • • NEW PINK - " i Reg,3-for 316 bat's ,%,for 31i -ama 10;1 PACES OVFW A Mil mit *pant OFR 1 N10 Iliu;rAAT10N. 00C 'r.:;axy f,MPlI tilt! IWt1Fi(� VPl FTFI v MFW •